Hello and Thanks

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inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
Hello and Thanks



I don't know if this one is the correct forum to say "hello!", but well... (a bit like a clueless i think...)

I just started to direct a planescape campaign on Xmas, and untill now things are going well, and my players seem to be happy outside of their little prime world (they still ask how it is possible to see Sigil in the top of the Spire while walking the outlands... clueless...). Of course, this website and its manuals and info are helping me a lot, so I also want to say thank you everybody.

I've posted a drawing in the artist's alley, I don't know when is it going to be available, but if you like it I will post more.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
You actualyl should be in

You actualyl should be in the RPG Discussion board - so I'm gonna move you over there. Eye-wink

 And welcome aboard! Let us know how your game goes!

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