Harry Megiddon's Cosmology Corner

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Joined: 2010-08-27
Harry Megiddon's Cosmology Corner

Okay, the names Harry Megiddon, don't mind the froggishness, Some Slaad can be lawfulish, coz of chaos sometimes forming patterns and whatnot. Anyway, I collect theories. Specifically, barmy theories about the multiverse! I stick them in my Mimir, and try to find some vague sense in them.

As written by the Ex-Guvner Luke the Five-Seeing, who got his name due to believing in different laws than everyone else.
"They say Sigil is the centre of the universe, but that is a load of lies. Just like there being 3 transitional planes. There is none, because in that case the Rule of Fives will be fufilled with five planes. But that's besides the point. If Sigil is the centre of everything, why can't you see everything from it? How can it exist on top the Spire? Why would the centre of the Outlands nullify magic, the stuff the universe is practically made of? It is because it is not the centre. The true centre is beyond the Hinterlands. See, the multiverse is like a spiral (Unity of Spirals, see?), with the Hinterlands being the point in the exact middle. Ironic that the Inner and Outer planes ought to have their names switched! Anyway, the Spire is the bottom of the Outer Planes. It is where it connects to nothingness, so it of course nullifies everything. The whole "focal point of all belief" theory is bunk. It is where everything forgotten lies. The extremely nihilistic atheists, with no belief, they become one with it. Anyway, the Plane o' Vacuum? Thats actually where the nothingness intersects with the Inner Planes. The actual negative air is the Elemental Plane of Toxin, a place o' disease and fumes. The Prime intersects with the nothingness in these weird wormhole thingies. The ether gaps are where the Ethereal intersects with nothing, and I don't know what happens to the Astral. Sigil is just the essence of the nothingess that everything is part of. That is why it has portals to everywhere, it is everywhere! You'll see Sigil in the wormholes, some part o' Vacuum, and if you get sucked in an ether gap. So, when you go through the Hinterlands, travel as far as you can, maybe you'll find an enormous pit. That's the true centre."
Sadly, Luke hasn't been seen since he entered the Hinterlands.

Har Megidon's picture
Joined: 2010-08-27
Re: Harry Megiddon's Cosmology Corner

Now, this one is made by the Githzerai who calls himself "Sir Infinity" because he thinks it is an impressive name.
"The Outlands. Everyone knows of that place. But you don't know of the layers? Shame. Anyway, there are three layers. One is Sigil, which embodies neutrality as moral and ethical greyness. One is the Spirelands, which embodies neutrality as balance, and is home to the Gatetowns, Hinterlands, Spire, you know. The third is the Void, which is neutrality as nothingness. The Void is a pretty bleak place, but it is alright. Babies who die before they learn morality, creatures too stupid for morality, and the extreme nihilists are the petitioners. The Spire is here, but it appears to be a bottomless pit, because this is upside down compared to the other planes. Anyway, this is just a monochrome desert. The petitioners live in white towers, and seem to be morally blank slates. They don't only lose their memories, they lose their personalities too. The thing is though, there are hundreds of ruins here. These contain weird treasures that fit the bleak emotionless of this place, like this sword that eats your emotion like you were in the Grey Waste. All in all, this place is dull, unless your idea of a good time is wandering deserts looking for ruins containing artifacts you don't want."

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