First of all, I apologize if this is the wrong forum for such a topic (I couldn't find a description for the various forums on this site) or if this has been asked before. I'm fairly new to the Planescape setting, having discovered it through the Torment computer game (as I'm sure many players have), and I was hoping someone could help me track down some of the fan material that is no longer available.
In searching for more Planescape information online, I've found out about various books such as the Bariaur Book of Belief, A More Complete Guide to the Outer Planes, etc, but I've been unable to find them anywhere. I'm assuming the books are no longer being hosted at their original sites, but I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of a new host or, barring that, e-mail me a copy if anyone still has one. Official sources seem to be a bit lacking on Bariaur culture and religion, and that was one gap I'm especially hoping to fill.
Anyway, thanks in advance, regardless if find the books or not, and I hope I wasn't too much of a nuisance, I'm always wary of posting a redundant and unnecessary post when I discover a forum for the first time. Cheers.
I have a copy of the Bariaur Book of Belief - it is currently being updated for 3.5, and artwork. I'm hoping to have it out shortly.
I'll keep an eye out for some of the other files you've mentioned to see if I can track those down as well.