H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

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Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

The Prince of Tragedy

Name: ???
Race: ???
Age: ???
Position: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Good)
Faction: Xaocist
Class: Bard 9/Fighter 5
Province of Origin: ???

The Prince of Tragedy is a figure that the Harmonium is deeply disturbed by, due to his terrorist activities having resulted in many horrible deaths for ranking officials. The figure had furthermore blown up important Harmonium installations and distributed Anti-OCA government tracts that have managed to undermine the credibility of the government in many places. He is not a figure that is beloved by the populous like Po Ji, but instead largely reviled for his violent murders. Nevertheless, The Prince of Tragedy manages to speak to a small portion of the populous that mourns the loss of freedom on Ortho.

The Prince of Tragedy dresses like a Swashbuckler and some suspect he's a member or former member of the Spawn of Ruay. Instead of a regular face, however, he wears the hollowed out black bag that is placed upon many prisoners of the Harmonium. The Prince of Tragedy seems to possess a powerfully enchanted suit of Leather Armor that repulses most firearms and arrows while allowing him freedom of movement for his acrobatic attacks. Most reports agree he has a shocking degree of magical items to aid him in his attacks. No one has ever gotten a clear look at his face underneath his mask. The prevailing opinion is that he's a human male, however.

Despite the mystery of his origins, most speculate that the Prince of Tragedy is actually a dramatist named Guy Villanti from Heka-Voll. A playwright and thespian known for 'rapier epics' and risque stories that always pushed the bounds of decency but never crossed it. Guy Villanti's story turned tragic when he was misidentified as part of a ring of Alzrius worshipers. He was taken with his wife and eldest son for interrogation. A series of mishaps and bad fortune resulted in his wife being sold into slavery and his son dying in interrogation. Guy Villanti was sent for 're-education' when he attempted to stab the man who'd killed his wife.

The future Prince of Tragedy somehow managed to escape the Camp of Love with the prevailing opinion being he was buried alive after being seriously wounded but not killed. These events, rather drastically, altered his opinion of the Harmonium. Deformed but possessing a substantial skill at magic and drama, then decided to wage a one man war against the Harmonium. He has done very little to actually cripple the organizations ability to function but he is rapidly moving up the Wanted ranks due to a body count that now numbers more than a hundred officials. He has an especial fondness for Gunpowder and its believed he's developed the Alchemical skill to manufacture a large amount on his own.

The Prince of Tragedy is somewhat consumed with vengeance and his desire to find others wronged by the Harmonium and bend them towards similiar attitudes is something that drives him. He's already visited Sigil and become an associate of both the Revolutionary League and Xaocists. Both have recieved substantial amounts of information about Ortho from him that has seriously disturbed the Planar Harmonium. He's furthermore been armed with a great number of magical items that has only allowed him to expand his war. Nevertheless, he grows irritated with his lack of progress.

The Prince of Tragedy's modus apparandi is based on a sense of theatricality. While he's been known to blow up buildings and simply stab individuals in the back, more often he's prone to destroying the lives of his opponents in an ironic way. The Harmonium would be shocked to find that many cases of corruption and treason they've tried have actually been performed by the Prince's frame-up skill. He's even turned wives against husbands and fathers against children. The sadism of this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that he often focuses against the most repressive Harmonium elements but truly hates them all, even the 'good' ones.

The Prince of Tragedy is erudite, verbose, and pleasant despite the obviousness that he borders on insanity if not having actually crossed over it. He's not incapable of sympathy and human feeling but he has no desire to reform the Harmonium, The Prince of Tragedy only wishes to destroy it. Most believe it was he that threw the fatal hourglass that killed Factol Zanzibar. He has come to worship the power of Chaos and believes that only an equal period of it will restore the balance to what has happened on his homeworld.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

Looks good to me. Cool Full stats would be nice.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

'Armoury99' wrote:
Looks good to me. Cool Full stats would be nice.

Stats are really not my best thing.

I also think that the Ortho book doesn't really need much in the way of them.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

I think I might be able to do stats. I want to help with a project, but I'm not focused or articulate enough to write a lot.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

'weishan' wrote:
I think I might be able to do stats. I want to help with a project, but I'm not focused or articulate enough to write a lot.

That would really be appreciated.

The Prince of Tragedy or Akashi would really help.

Anyone else need stats?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
H for Harmonium: The Prince of Tragedy

I'll start a seperate thread so we don't kill this one with off-topic posts

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