GURPS Planescape is back

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rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
GURPS Planescape is back

I've had all of my website offline for a couple of months.

However, at least my Planescape pages are back. This includes my in-progress conversion of Planescape to GURPS. What's new is that I've started changing things for the fourth edition of GURPS. A handful of racial templates (Githzeri, Aasimar, Tiefling) have been converted, as have all of the faction templates. I've converted a few of the fiends as well.

GURPS Planescape is at:

My general Planescape page is at:

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: GURPS Planescape is back

Oh, wow. Your site's been around for quite a long time, and it's nice to have it back to point people to.

There were a lot of broken links the last time I looked at the site. I'm glad they're cleaned up.

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
GURPS Planescape is back

You'll still find some broken links in there; I'll be chasing them down and cleaning them up as I find them. Mostly, though, things should work.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GURPS Planescape is back

w00p!! GURPS! Smiling
Are you working your conversion under 3rd ed or the new 4th ed rules?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
GURPS Planescape is back

3rd or 4th? oooh hard call for which. They are different enough that you do have to do different stats for both. I'd personally say do 4th ed as new stuff is coming out rapidly for them.

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
GURPS Planescape is back

"Clueless" wrote:
w00p!! GURPS! Smiling Are you working your conversion under 3rd ed or the new 4th ed rules?

Used to be third, but I'm in the process of converting to 4th, as I'm mostly using GURPS/4e for everything myself.

I ran a GURPS/4e Planescape game a few days ago, as a sort-of one-shot. (One player had played GURPS Planescape with me, though it was last a year or so ago when we were doing GURPS/3e; the other two were probably in it just for this game only, and one player was running a character that had been an NPC.) I ran an only-slightly-modified version of "Love Letter" out of "Well of Worlds", and the characters did a good job of keeping themselves out of combat-- so some of the crunch didn't come into it. They did make good use of a few GURPS knowledge spells, though, and there were some very key social skills rolls in there as well. It was pretty jolly, although the guy playing the Doomguard fighter seemed to have confused the Doomguard with the Xaositects... (insert irritated rant about D&D alignments and simplistic interpretations).


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
GURPS Planescape is back

"rknop" wrote:
the guy playing the Doomguard fighter seemed to have confused the Doomguard with the Xaositects...

That's okay, since Pereid (Doomlord of Dust) made the same mistake.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
GURPS Planescape is back

Damnitt!! Where were you while I was making a githzerai for a GURPS fantasy campaign!!! :x Laughing out loud

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
GURPS Planescape is back

Ah, the GURPS Planescape! 'Tis good to see it has returned Cool.

I wanted to use some of this material a few months back when I started some basic conversions of my own. Guess I don't have to continue with those anymore... Laughing out loud.

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