Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

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Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

Here is a very rough first draft of Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild. The final write up will be about twice this lng (3 pages or so) and will probably evolve quite a bit. In the meantime I figured I would post what I have and look for input. All ideas and suggestions are welcome and encouraged.
NOTE: I have included spelljamer info in his background deliberately. In the few Planescape products that illustrate or speak of the Prime the cosmology used is uniformly the spelljammer one (Crystal Spheres containing solar systems that float in a gaseous plane called the Phlogiston. See for more information).

Anyway, here is the super rough and unedited first draft!

Beyond the fact that he came to manhood in a remote demiplane in the Ethereal, little is known of Thames' early years. Whenever the subject comes up he cheerfully deflects it with a self-depreciating air. Speculation on the dark of his background runs rampant. What is known, and documented, is his migration to the Prime as a young mage. Having wandered the inner planes and the depths of the Ethereal he still had the wanderlust of a new planewalker. For twelve years he traveled the crystal spheres of the Prime, hiring himself out as a helmsman for many spelljammers traveling The Maelstrom ( ), using Twilitespace as his home base.

It was during his time spelljamming that he became fascinated with the way the Powers' influence fluctuated from sphere to sphere. Although many laughed at his comparison of the crystal spheres of the Prime to the demiplanes of the Ethereal, there were a few who took careful note. Many a long night aboard ship was filled with debate on the subject as he accosted every cleric and mage in the crew to his theories. It is even bandied about that he once was laughed out of a meeting of the Seekers when propounding his views.
Discovering a doorway to the Infinite Stair in Songspace he set off for the Outer Planes, never once looking back. It is shown in the records of the Planewalkers guild that he was brought to their encampment while near death by one of the Lilendi who tend the stair, his wounds seemed to be of Fiendish origin. After being nursed back to health he joined the guild and set out on his own, taking the Stair towards the Outlands.

Even the Guvvners have only spotty information about the next several years as he wandered the Great Ring and beyond. It is sometime during this phase that he began to show his skills at crosstrading, as evinced by the fact that what little records there are of him during this time tend to be receipts or bills of lading. There is evidence of his visiting (/portals/node/ )The Crop Circles of Arvandor , /portals/node/" The Cutters Vineyard in Sigil (href="portals/node/ )The Seventh Ratatosk and (/portals/node/ )Commerce Park in Bytopia</a> among other exotic locales during this period. It is also during this time that his primary wife, Alusa (CG Female Assimar Planar Ftr 10), was first seen to be traveling with him. They are said to have met on the Infinite Stair and to have married shortly thereafter. It is worthy of note that records show an increase in the number of trips Thames took to Arborea, his new wife's home plane, after the marriage.

Over the next eleven years Thames became easier to track due to his assumption of greater and greater duties with the Guild. With Alusa at his side he took an active part in the Guild's efforts at planar cartography. While still considered a bit of a radical for his position concerning the spheres of the Prime being akin to demiplanes on the Ethereal, his work was uniformly detailed and of high quality. He also showed a knack for diplomacy, navigating the wide array of planar cultures with relative ease. His only notable failure in this period was an attempt to map parts of the Hinterlands. After disappearing for three years with Alusa and a band of ten experienced planewalkers he and his wife were found by the rogue modron Individual 23 near the base of the Spire. Neither of them remembered anything of the expedition beyond their departure. The rest of the group was never seen again. To this day Thames and his wife become reticent to speak when this incident is mentioned.

After their harrowing experience in the Hinterlands Thames and Alusa stayed to the more traveled pathways, traveling extensively on the Via Romana and the River Styx. They were also seen often in Sigil, bartering maps and information. It is notable that during these visits to the Cage they would often frequent the Civic Festhall, particularly when the tieffer bard Teloja (NG Female Tiefling Planar Brd 9)and her mandolin were there. Thee three would often be seen reveling 'til peak after the shows. Few were surprised when Teloja left with them on their next foray into the planes. Most were somewhat surprised to discover that she also married Thames, in an Efreet ceremony performed in the City of Brass! The striking trio of human mage with his Assimar and Tiefling wives rapidly became well known and while none espoused any faction, they were familiar faces at Sensate revels across the planes.

When Davrillith Kithradin, head of Planar Cartography for the Guild, met an unfortunate demise in Nimicri (during a rather peery arrangement involving at least three different 'Loths) Thames was tapped to take his place. His first duty in this position was leading an expedition mapping the borders of the quasi-elemental planes. Journeying first to the Ethereal for a quick trip to his home demiplane, he added a native guide named Silar (CG Female Fire Genasi Planar Rog 9) to his party. After several months of traveling between the Ethereal and the various quasi-elemental planes, they returned to the Planewalkers Guild encampment on the Everclimb to collate their research.

From this point on Silar became a constant companion to the trio, accompanying them on expedition after expedition. During this time Silar married into Thames' extended family during the Sensate celebrations of the month of Savorus in the Cage. The four then began a tour of the gatetowns as a honeymoon.

Thames and his wives are utterly devoted to each other, a seeming case of "true love." While their multiple marriage is slightly unusual, it is by no means unknown throughout the planes. The four of them are perfect complements to each other, Thames relying on the quick sword of Alusa as well as the diplomatic skills of Teloja and Silar when traveling. Rarely is one of them seen without at least one other accompanying them. His detractors have been known to compare the four to cranium rats, but not within their hearing.

As the years went by Thames distinguished himself not only by expanding the amount of cartographic knowledge at the Guild's disposal, but also by turning a profit on it by selling it to the Guvvners and other interested parties, oft times mercantile ones. These profits in turn went to finance more and more exotic expeditions, such as journeying to the point where (/portals/node/ the Infinite Staircase meets the blinding light of the Positive Energy Plane</a> and the Indian power Brahma, Lord of Creation, holds sway. It was there that Thames acquired the statues "spoken into being," that decorate his Sigilian Offices. This is also the period of his infamous climbing of Yggdrasil, the World Tree.

Balthasar Thames; Human Wiz13: CR 13; ECL 13; Size M; HD 13d4+13; hp 52; Init +5; Spd 30 ft; AC 19, touch 14, FF 18; BAB +6/+1; Grapple +8; Melee Unarmed +8/+3 (1d3 + 2); AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +12; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 15.<br>
Languages spoken: Common, Infernal, Celestial, Terran, Draconic, Ignan<br>
Skills and Feats: Craft (Alchemy) +12, Concentration +17, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +21, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Profession (Herbalist) +6, Profession (Merchant) +18, Spellcraft +23, Knowledge (The Blood War) +9, Profession (Phlo Navigator) +4, Profession (Wildspace Navigator) +4; Combat Casting, Endurance, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration.
Equipment: Bracers of armor +5, Necklace of adaptation, Ring of protection +3, 2 Masterwork dagger (1 Baatorian Green Steel, 1 Tanaar'ri Red Steel).
Jandor's Music Box (/snail/node/ ), moebius Ring (/snail/node/ ), Planewalker's Belt (/snail/node/ ),


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14

I have yet to integrate faction / faction war data in the writeup above. I have some plans with the Guild of Doorsnoops and the Guvvners, but please feel invited to contribute any ideas you may wish.

The Statblock was generated using DMGenie


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Additional

I guess I do, after thinking about it, like that you made him a Spelljammer pilot. I thought at first that it was too much of a distraction from his planewalking, but he has a limited amount of skill points he can put in the various planewalking skills and this gives him versatality, ways of exploring the worlds that many lesser planewalkers can't do on their own.

I also like that you mentioned Commerce Park and Brahmaloka (both of which were mine, even though Commerce Park was a pretty straight In Nomine rip-off).

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

Well Kaelyn (as played by Rip), I have always enjoyed your work but that played no part in my choice. I simply used areas that fit well with my idea of his wanderings and that had good solid descriptions. Blame your own talent for my picking them<G>!

I am also glad that my logic for adding spelljamming to his background makes sense to you. I think it is important for the Guild to have a master that understands that the Prime is not as simple or backwoods as most planars belive. How many planars have been seared to ash because they insulted a Prime who just happened to be a very high/Epic Level character?

I will be psting more later this week, expanding upon what is there and adding in new stuff such as some plot hooks, faction relations, etc.

See you out there!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

Looks good Loki, apart from my personal distaste for polygamy. Certainly gives a good feel for all the travelling and adventuring he's done. How about adding a DM's Dark section to tell us what really happened, or would you prefer to keep that a mystery?

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

There is more coming, including plot hooks and DMs darks. I just started a new job however, and it will be consuming all my time for about a week. I won't be able to add more until then.

Quick Note: While I myself do not hold with polygamy it is a valid cultural perspective. I am trying to reach out and pull more of the "different," aspects of other cultures into my planewalking NPCs's. It just does not scan that all planars would have the same values, even if they share a basic ethos (like alignment perhaps). Little details like multiple wives (or husbands- I have an amazon world I use where there are very few women. Much like in Dr. Stangelove the followed the logic of multiple partners to ensure enough genetic diversity to continue the race) really help cement the idea of the NPC being unusual in the minds of players.

There will be further odd tweaks and twists as I transfer some of my Guild NPCs to the site.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

I like it.

Especially the crop circles of Arvandor bit. Do we know how they came to be?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

"Fell" wrote:
I like it. Especially the crop circles of Arvandor bit. Do we know how they came to be?

I'm not 100% certain, but I've narrowed it down to two possibilities; UFOs (Unidentified Fiendish Objects) or Xaositects.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

The Xaositects...?

But there's supposedly orderly patterns to these shapes... Aren't there?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

Chaos and order are relative qualities. Ice crystals are ordered, but they still might cause chaos if applied to a jock strap at the right moment.

While crop circles might not be Jackson Pollock-style splatterpieces, randomly appearing examples of them are still a chaotic intrusion on the order of the farm. Even an Arborean farm.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

I understand that within the deepest chaos there can be "types" of order. Anyone who has created an algorithmic loop using one of the older style programming languages can appreciate that fact.

What I was getting at, is looking at why this was so. What were the Xaositects trying (if anything meaningful can come from this) to do?

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

"Fell" wrote:
What I was getting at, is looking at why this was so. What were the Xaositects trying (if anything meaningful can come from this) to do?

Pretty pink bubblegum centaurs!

...what did you expect from Xaositects?

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

"Kaelyn" wrote:
Chaos and order are relative qualities. Ice crystals are ordered, but they still might cause chaos if applied to a jock strap at the right moment.

While crop circles might not be Jackson Pollock-style splatterpieces, randomly appearing examples of them are still a chaotic intrusion on the order of the farm. Even an Arborean farm.

*ahem* Sorry, Rip, gotta throw something in here...

Pollack chose a limited pallete for his work, and went through a rhythmic motion with each stroke of his brush. The chaos came from the "law" of gravity. His work is fairly removed from the apotheosis of chaos in art. (Although it is more than crop circles, to be sure...) PURE Chaos in aesthetics is virtually unheard of, as you must have some form of unity (a powerful Principle of Design) in your pieces to make a truly complete composition.

After all, as the Xaositects say, if you're chaotic ALL THE TIME, that's still behaving predictably. Even in Limbo, there are places of stability.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

"jordarad" wrote:
"Kaelyn" wrote:
Chaos and order are relative qualities. Ice crystals are ordered, but they still might cause chaos if applied to a jock strap at the right moment.

While crop circles might not be Jackson Pollock-style splatterpieces, randomly appearing examples of them are still a chaotic intrusion on the order of the farm. Even an Arborean farm.

*ahem* Sorry, Rip, gotta throw something in here...

Pollack chose a limited pallete for his work, and went through a rhythmic motion with each stroke of his brush. The chaos came from the "law" of gravity. His work is fairly removed from the apotheosis of chaos in art. (Although it is more than crop circles, to be sure...) PURE Chaos in aesthetics is virtually unheard of, as you must have some form of unity (a powerful Principle of Design) in your pieces to make a truly complete composition.

After all, as the Xaositects say, if you're chaotic ALL THE TIME, that's still behaving predictably. Even in Limbo, there are places of stability.

His emphasis on abstract expression is very much how I would interpret a "weaker" form of Xaositect art.

The action-painting technique is something I believe chaos artists would employ rather sporadically and randomly.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

"jordarad" wrote:
Pollack chose a limited pallete for his work, and went through a rhythmic motion with each stroke of his brush. The chaos came from the "law" of gravity.

Presumably the chaos came from the viscosity of the paint and the interactions therein (e.g. friction, nonhomogeneity, van der Waals forces and the like) rather than any fluctuations in gravity...

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

Actually the crop circles of Arvandor (the elven afterlife), not Arborea. I wrote that one....

Glad to see it generate so much conversation.

I am out of the loop for a few days as I am job hunting. I will try to post my rough data for the rest of Thames entry this weekend in between resumes...


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

Balthasar looks good. I'd love to see him over at Cutters. If you have time, please submit him using My Planewalker and we'll get him posted.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

I have the rough stuff together, it is the flavor text/story that is holding me up. My employment situation has been chaotic recently and has thrown my writing schedule off (i.e. the paying gigs are done first). I have a lot of it down on paper its just a matter of tightening it up and typing it.

I will try to finish Thames ths weekend in between resumes, especially because I have his wives, several planewalkers, and a Sigil based adventuring/crosstrading company to get posted next. All of these about 2/3 to 3/4 done.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Guildmaster Balthasar Thames of The Planewalkers Guild v. I

I'm the last person to rush anybody right now! [grin]

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