Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

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Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25
Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

Does anyone know where could I find guardinal and eladrin histories?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

"Dreamknight" wrote:
Does anyone know where could I find guardinal and eladrin histories?

Eladrin history:

Guardinal history I haven't done. We could perhaps assume it's the inverse of yugoloth history (they created the other celestial races in order to counter the fiends the yugoloths had made, they keep the celestials in line, keeping them from killing each other over law and chaos). Or maybe not.

Well, there's this: /node/ That has some guardinal history in it. I've got some more things; maybe I'll look around.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

Yay, Dave King's page is back. He's got lots of great stuff on guardinals, etc.

First, read his History of the Multiverse, which concentrates on the Upper Planes.

Then see these sections:

And there's lots more on his site where that came from. It's incredibly brilliant, and you'll see I put a lot of it in my eladrin history above.

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25
Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

Perfect! Thank you! Laughing out loud

xidoraven's picture
Joined: 2009-10-17
Re: Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

Rip, these links are no longer working - did we cover these pages in our other Plugin <em></em> Not Found that I created?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

I alluded to Dave King's stuff, but didn't quote from it extensively. I've still got all that saved, though.

xidoraven's picture
Joined: 2009-10-17
Re: Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

Ok, and that is from the links that are no longer working from I would like to really set something into stone, since the upper planars are not well covered in this aspect, and it is time that something was forced into being canon (by those who actually play the damn games!). Eye-wink

I know I mentioned my work on languages, but I am not sure that we ever really got to work on the details of it very much in the other forum. Because linguistics and etymology is a major component of seeing where cultures changed, evolved, and come from, I figure this is a good thing to bring up when considering long, drawn ancient histories of beings that for many reasons have very mysterious beginnings. Did you see the link for the language content I made?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Guardinal & Eladrin Histories

I did; it looked interesting.

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