Grrrr! 4e D&D

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Grrrr! 4e D&D

Well there's seems to be some interesting changes...

All the promo art seems to suggest that Tieflings will be a PC races in the new PHB, which is about time, since Tieflings are one of the most apparent lasting legacies of PS... With some suggestion for more accessible Githyanki PCs.

Psionics as it is, seems to get some more core magic use. It's possible that magic may use power points and augmentations, and that arcane, divine and psionic are now just window-dressing for the powers.

They'll be using a bunch of the stuff for Tome of Battle, so fighters and other formerly non-spellcasting classes will gets spells/ martial arts maneuvers.

And levels go up to 30.

Whether or not these changes are beneficial to a PS campaign, that remains to be seen. But a lot of people on EN World want a sourcebook on Sigil, so WotC is probably considering it if they're listening to feedback.

weishan's picture
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What I want to know is how different the core mechanics and rules are. And yay 30 level base classes (so now there will, over 9th lv. spells-maybe. yay)

Arytiss's picture
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What I'm interested in is the fact that it looks as if they may bring back the old campaign settings, apparantly they will be releasing one campaign setting a year.

Could this mean a return of Planescape?

weishan's picture
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Maybe, but I think they'll mess with it like they did with thier other sourcebooks on the planes.

Eldan's picture
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What seems interesting to me is what they said about races. Every race should be playable from level one and all races gain more powers as they level up, i.e. dwarves gain "Dwarven stubornness +20" at level 15.
Also: Fighters get different powers based on the weapons they use. Their example said something about armor piercing with spears and more hits per turn with swords.

420's picture
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I'm concerned about how WotC is representing 3/3.5 Edition in their 4th Edition Trailer as boring and over complicated. Are they trying to drive people away from the 3.5 books that are currently being published?

Seems like sabotaging your own current product line is bad marketing to me.


weishan's picture
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For all it's flaws, I don't find 3.5 complicated (except for grappling)

Jack of tears's picture
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It's possible that magic may use power points and augmentations, and that arcane, divine and psionic are now just window-dressing for the powers.

I've always hated the idea of using a single mechanic with a different 'window dressing', as you put it, to represent differing types of magic/tech/psi/whathaveyou. While it may be simpler, it takes the uniqueness out of those divergent forms and makes them all the same. (ex: Want to cast fire bolt? Use the "bolt" power! Shoot a gun? "Bolt power" Laser? "bolt" Psionic Blast? "bolt" ... arghh)

Sure Wizard and Cleric magic weren't that different in 2e, but at least they had different level progression and very specific areas of expertise - Wizards blew things up, Clerics healed, very little cross over in spells ... and Psionics were very different ... too bad they weren't done so well.

That said .. the race levels and expanded fighter special abilities based on weapon sound very interesting ... probably not interesting enough to me to buy the game, however.

Jack of tears's picture
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Just watched the intro videos ... some of the tools look nice, particularly the character sheet which allows you to create a visual model of your character and the tool which allows you to create "hand outs" on your computer.

It seems the focus here is really about making playing over the internet viable ... which will be a great addition for alot of people who can't otherwise get together.

The dungeon mat system looked terrible, however. I have always hated miniatures and now they have it set up so you need to use them on the computer.

Also this DnD insider subscription thing puts me on guard, as it means more money required to access web material ... as if the hobby wasn't getting expensive enough.

And, as someone else said, I did not care for the fact they were being so dismissive of the previous versions in their trailer ... not a good idea to insult the system you're currently using, or the players whom have been following the hobby for so long.

Best line of the entire video: "I'd like to thank ... Vecna."

Arytiss's picture
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'Jack of tears' wrote:
The dungeon mat system looked terrible, however. I have always hated miniatures and now they have it set up so you need to use them on the computer.

I doubt you need to use them. My guess is that it's there if you want it, but they're not going to force you to use it if you don't want to.

Also this DnD insider subscription thing puts me on guard, as it means more money required to access web material ... as if the hobby wasn't getting expensive enough.
As far as I can tell, the D&D insider web material is effectively what you'd have if you bought Dragon and Dungeon.

And, as someone else said, I did not care for the fact they were being so dismissive of the previous versions in their trailer ... not a good idea to insult the system you're currently using, or the players whom have been following the hobby for so long.

I wouldn't say they were dismissive of them. It seemed like they were joking about what jokes are commonly made about for each edition The inherant flaws so to speak.

ripvanwormer's picture
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'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
Psionics as it is, seems to get some more core magic use. It's possible that magic may use power points and augmentations, and that arcane, divine and psionic are now just window-dressing for the powers.

Are you talking about Bruce Cordell's playtesting thing? I think it's just that there aren't any 4e rules for psionics, yet, so they're temporarily using a wizard-in-all-but-name until they get some proper psionics rules.

I wouldn't assume anything about those rules from this.

Arytiss's picture
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Possibly they're just finally getting round to mixing psionics and magic.

My guess though, is that they've moved away from vancian casting (or at least, made it an optional rule) and are using spell points for the main system.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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For lack of time with an internet connection here in Bulgaria, I'm not going to share my full opinion on the matter, but:

HOLY HELL! I leave for three weeks and you pop a new edition on me!? I was just blurdy getting the hang of 3/3.5! I think I now finally understand all of the people that cling to the older and more complex (in my uneducated opinion) 2e rules instead of converting to the more logical (again, in my view, since its what I'm used to) 3e. The sad part is, I'm not sure if I'll convert... I just might.

More importantly, though, and I'm surprised nobody has touched upon this yet (that I've found in my short foray into all the missed posts), what happens to Planewalker? Updating? Sticking to 3.5e for now? Crying in a corner along with me?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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I'm pretty sure most of the stuff will cross over pretty easily (monsters, planar effects, etc.). What I worry about is converting NPCs--that's going to be hard. But we have a year untill it's actually in print to grumble.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
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'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
Psionics as it is, seems to get some more core magic use. It's possible that magic may use power points and augmentations, and that arcane, divine and psionic are now just window-dressing for the powers.

Are you talking about Bruce Cordell's playtesting thing? I think it's just that there aren't any 4e rules for psionics, yet, so they're temporarily using a wizard-in-all-but-name until they get some proper psionics rules.

I wouldn't assume anything about those rules from this.

It's something that I misread, but I think they're learning not to make different "power source" systems too different.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Grrrr! 4e D&D


Looks like Vancian casting is staying.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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It sounds like some spells will still be fire-and-forget, but that wizards will now be able to have some spells they can cast throughout the day. Like, a fireball might be once per encounter rather than once per day, and magic missile would be at will. I don't think they're going to use a point system.

What that means for psionics is anyone's guess.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Grrrr! 4e D&D

It sounds a little bit like they're going to be using something like how the reserve feats work now to keep casters active during a long days worth of casting.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Charts (Arggh!)

I wish they would ditch the charts for how many spells of what kind you can cast each day... I've always hated those (imagine if fighters had to keep track of each sword or spear-thrust they made, and how powerful it was... you get the idea!) Instead, I'd let spellcasters cast spells until they got fatigued (sort of like how barbarian rage is handled). Or maybe they would have to roll a certain DC to cast a spell, with higher DCs for more powerful spells...

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
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'Anime Fan' wrote:
I wish they would ditch the charts for how many spells of what kind you can cast each day... I've always hated those (imagine if fighters had to keep track of each sword or spear-thrust they made, and how powerful it was... you get the idea!)
Except that fighters are getting something similar to spells, it's just that they're maneuvers like "Strike of Perfect Clarity" or "Overwhelming Mountain Strike" or "Shoryuken" or "Rain of blows" or "Massive Hammer Strike"...

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Grrrr! 4e D&D

I'm not switching, but I'm hoping that someone will come out with conversion rules for 4->3.5.

What I'm really worried about is if/how the WotC stance on officially sanctioned sites like Planewalker will change, as well as how the OGL will change, and if it will prevent 3rd party 3.5 stuff from being produced/sold.

El Capitan's picture
Joined: 2007-08-12
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always liked the Vancian system

that's what makes Mages so special, IMO

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Of course, if you really want to play with the Vancian spell casting system, you can try the Dying Earth rpg ( ) which does an excellent job with this ... and one can easily see the types of characters this game encourages ending up in PS.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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'El Capitan' wrote:
always liked the Vancian system

that's what makes Mages so special, IMO

But it makes magic not special, like just another weapon in the arsenal.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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Whether or not magic is "just another weapon" is more about how you play it than the mechanics, in my opinion.

Dhampire's picture
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Grrrr! 4e D&D

'Anime Fan' wrote:
I wish they would ditch the charts for how many spells of what kind you can cast each day... I've always hated those (imagine if fighters had to keep track of each sword or spear-thrust they made, and how powerful it was... you get the idea!) Instead, I'd let spellcasters cast spells until they got fatigued (sort of like how barbarian rage is handled). Or maybe they would have to roll a certain DC to cast a spell, with higher DCs for more powerful spells...

Check out the Slayers D20 book by Guardians of Order.
Probably the best spell casting system in an RPG.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
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I really really have a hate on for Vancian magic. I'm glad they're getting rid of it mostly.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Grrrr! 4e D&D

I actually do find the ideas of Wizard implements to be interesting. Mainly because I happen to like games such as Mage, and have no problem with foci.

With 4e Planescape we could come up with faction "traditions/disciplines" or specific planar disciplines using some of the spell keys as implements for them.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Grrrr! 4e D&D

The question being, as ironic as it sounds, do we want planescape to return?

I mean look at the influence we have over it. (heheh we have power over the planes) If it does return all we've set out to achieve will undoubtedly be changed. It'll be out of our hands to literally affect the planes. Gee I never thought I'd ever be worried about losing power, but dammit! this is planescape!

weishan's picture
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I agree with Zeniel.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
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I've always imagined that one of the primary reasons WotC more or less ended the Planescape setting is because they felt that they probably couldn't maintain it.

Could be totally wrong. Maybe it was because Planescape wasn't making enough money (although, damn, even Ravenloft came back for a while). But my first (and possibly completely wrong?) impression was that writing for it can be intimidating as hell.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
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Ok so I reckon we should so how make the effort to make sure that our hard work hasn't gone to waste, should WotC decide to reignite Planescape.

Anyone got any leads that could allow us to contact them? Should the need arise mind you.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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I think that even if Planescape did make a triumphant return via WotC, it would be much simplified, retconned, and headed in a different direction. This isn't out of any malignancy on their part, but it is a difficult setting to come to know, with a comprehensive history and obscure rules. I highly doubt that any new writers that are hired to continue the setting would research it half as well as we already know it. Nevertheless, I also highly doubt that our work here would have any serious effect on an official product. Granted, perhaps, some of the more famous/published authors here might be asked for a few consultations, or even offered a job, but it would still hardly change their gameplan. So, overall, I hope that WotC does not pick up our beloved Planescape, and leave it to our, in my opinion more experienced, hands.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Grrrr! 4e D&D

Well this thread is more about what to do with 4e, but if PS came back it seems like there's hints that WotC will be trying for limited releases. Possibly only one hardback book, a maybe a couple of supplements.

Now whether or not they do re-release PS, there still has to be though given into how to handle PS under the 4e rules (and how much damage might need to be undone).

Iavas's picture
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'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
(and how much damage might need to be undone).

Let me put it this way... if you thought that getting a succubus and an erynies apart in a Blood War skirmish was tough, you aint seen nothin' yet!

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
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Can you feel the irony?

Tarion'sCousin's picture
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'Iavas' wrote:
More importantly, though, and I'm surprised nobody has touched upon this yet (that I've found in my short foray into all the missed posts), what happens to Planewalker? Updating? Sticking to 3.5e for now? Crying in a corner along with me?
The vast majority of information in the Encyclopedia is crunch-free. It doesn't matter if it's 4E or 3E or 2E. I expect that will continue as is.

You're in Bulgaria? :shock:


Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some support for planar stuff in 4E, but I'm fine without any official 4E update of Planescape. My PS campaigns are always pre-Faction War anyway....

Iavas's picture
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I was at the time, yes. Archaeological dig.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
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This is from Rick Baker's blog:

"Anyway, let me tell you what I've been up to since GenCon. In a word: monsters. The writing team (that's me, James Wyatt, Bruce Cordell, and Chris Sims) is working on fleshing out the Monster Manual entries and doing a bit of a "story" pass on the monsters. Last week I spent a couple of days working on devils. Here are a couple of devilish tidbits I'll leak for now:

- Devils are angels who rebelled. They rose up against the deity they served and murdered him. The crime of deicide is unimaginably perverse for angels, and hence devils were cursed and imprisoned in the Nine Hells.
- The Nine Hells are what became of the murdered deity's divine realm after his death. The Hells are the devils' prison, and it is difficult for them to get out without mortal aid.
- We've re-sorted demons and devils a bit, since we want these two categories of monsters to make a little more sense. Devils tend to be more humanoid in form, usually fight with weapons, and often wear armor. Most have horns, wings, and tails. One consequence of this: the erinyes and the succubus were holding down pretty similar territory, so we've decided that they're the same monster, called the succubus, and it's a devil.
- Ice devils don't look like other devils. We've decided that they are actually a demonic/yugoloth race... one that was entrapped by Mephistopheles long ago in an infernal contract. So ice devils hate other devils, retain their insect-like appearance, and have a special loyalty to Mephistopheles. It's one of the reasons why Asmodeus has never chosen to move against Mephistopheles. Asmodeus would of course win if he did, but that would let the ice devils out of their contract. "

This is a big "F**k you" to Planescape and 30 years of D&D. I'll continue on just fine with my 3.x ed books without contributing money to this stupidity.

Lord Zack's picture
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Grrrr! 4e D&D

I've pretty much decided I'm using the rules, but not the fluff. I'm probably going to have to spend a lot of time creating stat blocks and stuff, but I like the new rules for the most part. It's the fluff I hate. Though I might use some of they're stuff if it's really good. I'm curious to see what they're doing with the elemental planes for instance.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Grrrr! 4e D&D

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
This is a big "F**k you" to Planescape and 30 years of D&D. I'll continue on just fine with my 3.x ed books without contributing money to this stupidity.
Have you let Rich Baker know that that's what you think his message is, on the WotC boards or wherever? Because the more outcry there is about the Succubus, the more it'll convince them that the decision they made was wrong.

Rhys's picture
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Grrrr! 4e D&D

Not to fan the flames of a thread seething with anger at someone far, far away, but have you seen Chris Perkins' Dsesigner Blog? Here's something I bet you didn't know: the Elemental Planes are boring and no one does anything there. That's why 4th Edition has some kind of unnamed "alternative."

I say this not because it makes me hate 4th Edition: ultimately my opinion of the game depends a lot more on the rules than on the story. I'm just putting it out there because it seems a silly interpretation of something that affects Planescapers. Lemme finish by reminding you that the arrival of 4th Edition does not make you change how the Inner Planes work or look in your campaign, and if they're giving some attention to cool adventuring things to do in some kind of elemental plane, at the very least it could be useful to you as a DM looking for adventure hooks. Plus, you have to admit: there's some truth to his evaluation of the Elemental Planes. Don't DMs have to work extra hard to make, say, the Plane of Fire something that's more than an infinite amount of fire? Anyone who's trudged through a thread on "The Elemental Plane of Chocolate Fudge" can tell you that infinite spaces full of a single physical material can be less initially inspiring than your normal fantasy kingdom.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Grrrr! 4e D&D

'Rhys' wrote:
Not to fan the flames of a thread seething with anger at someone far, far away, but have you seen Chris Perkins' Dsesigner Blog? Here's something I bet you didn't know: the Elemental Planes are boring and no one does anything there. That's why 4th Edition has some kind of unnamed "alternative."
I'm pretty sure there'll still be elemental planes of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, even if they resemble a safer for visitors version that Dark Sun had of those planes.

The thing is that change is easier to ignore than the change that was done to Succubi and Erinyes...

That actually involves doing a lot more work, and it sends a message that the designers think that all "hot chicks" are alike, and that the principles of chaos and law aren't different, and that they'll just ignore what was recently written about Malcanthet and various Demon Lords who actually made some really good written adventures.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Grrrr! 4e D&D

Well, there seems to be news from the 4e planar front, and it isn't pretty.


As far as I gather, WotC decided that previous editions of D&D did not differentiate well enough between demons and devils. They saw that both were spikey (or horny, in the case of Succubi), scaley, evil things that lived in dreary, dark places and craved mortal souls while fighting a bloody war or something. Obviously, that made them completely identical. Cue the heroic 4e team, that swings down and invents an innovative new breed of evil. Now, through their incredible efforts and story telling skills, devils are fallen angels that have become spikey, scaley, evil things. They follow this Asmodeus fellow who rules the race with a complex and, dare I say it, lawful body politic and strives to gain power to escape from his imprisonment in the pit while imposing his own brand of evil order on the multiverse. Oh, and the pit, also known as 'the Nine Hells', probably because there are nine of them or something, floats in the 'Astral Sea' among other deific abodes. Now that's clever! The demons though... they're much different. See, now they're elemental beings who came too near some seed thing thrown away by a guy called Tharizdun (he must have taken a long time to invent by the 4e team). The seed thing burned a hole in the Elemental Tempest plane (*coughLimbocough*) and made infinite layers of corrupted demons. The demons are ca-razy, and simply desire violence for violence sake. They have no order to speak of, but are nevertheless sometimes ruled by more powerful 'demon lords', many of which are still, and I quote, "the lords of the Abyss that veteran D&D players know and love to hate". So, a DM needing a long-term schemer will chose a Devil, and one needing a killing machine will chose a Demon. Likewise, a character will be more likely to bargain with a Devil while summoning a Demon only to wreak havoc upon his enemies.

Isn't it all so brand new and wonderful? They renamed a few planes, fumbled with the races' histories, and decided not to mention the Blood War nor give any alternative explanation why the scheming devils do not manipulate the raving demon hordes to act as cannon-fodder against the hated good guys. They retained all of the well-known names, from Asmodeus to the demon lords, and even managed to stuff Tharizdun in there somehow. The stories behind them, though, are different. They're simplified so that people can relate. Everybody understands fallen angels turning into devils... they heard that in church somewhere for sure! So, after poking the previous design of the lower planes with a sharp stick a bit, they left it to bleed in a grossly incoherent but fundamentally unchanged mess. Kudos, 4e team, kudos! I would have been happy if you managed to actually come up with something new, but you just reworded the old stuff, took away all the meaning behind it, and called it your own. If WotC didn't own the rights to the earlier stuff, I would call that plagiarism.

Kay's picture
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If WotC didn't own the rights to the earlier stuff, I would call that plagiarism.

I would call that a bad excuse for selling a new setting.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Grrrr! 4e D&D

'Iavas' wrote:
Well, there seems to be news from the 4e planar front, and it isn't pretty.


In 4th Edition, the Nine Hells are an astral dominion among other deific abodes in the Astral Sea.
4th Edition is being written by the clueless!


Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
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How does it go?

"Every few years the Clueless change their ideas on how the planes work. Every fewyears we prove why we call them clueless."

420's picture
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'Arytiss' wrote:
How does it go?

"Every few years the Clueless change their ideas on how the planes work. Every fewyears we prove why we call them clueless."

Ha ha ha, that's exactly the quote I was thinking of too!

Next thing we know they will stat out the Lady of Pain, Sigil will become a demiplane in the "deep astral" and Vecna will get all his parts back (wouldn't want to offend the kiddies by suggesting dismemberment in any way).

Gary Gygax must be spinning in his astral grave.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I think they're dropping the Great Wheel. They're just (somewhat bizarrely) retaining some of the old familiar names in the new cosmology.


Pants of the North!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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That's what I thought at first too, Bob, but then I concluded that they were just changing the names and, perhaps, the backgrounds. Is the Astral Sea really all that different from the Astral? Are Deific Domains that different from the Outer Planes? And the Elemental whatsticalled is basically Limbo.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
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I see it as an attempt to simultaneously sterilize D&D's complicated planar lore for presentation to less experienced players who would be intimidated by the wealth of strange and idiosyncratic knowledge while simultaneously pandering to those who are experienced with it all by giving little winks and nudges.

"The Astral Sea..." *wink, wink, nudge* "...and the Elemental Tempest..." *wink, wink, nudge*

Personally, that construction philosophy has always struck me as combining the worst of both worlds, but that's just from a myth-building point of view, not a marketing one.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.