Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

Just saying hello to you all and a big thankyou to both the original creators and ongoing contributors of Planewalker. This is hands down the best gaming site I’ve ever seen, and clearly a labour of love for all involved (including me now). Please excuse my current and forthcoming wordiness; I do tend to blather on…

I thought I’d ask a rather provocative first question:

“Why Should We Play Post-Faction War?”
(please be aware that there might be spoilers below)

I’m asking because although there tends to be a lot of discussion about which era is best, there seems to be little to ‘advertise’ the post-War setting, which seems wrong given how much work the Factols here are putting into developing it. With WoTC looking less and less likely to ever go back to Planescape, it’s up to us to champion the setting, which includes FW whether we like it or not (I know we can really all just ignore it if we wanted to, but this post is about not ignoring it!)

Actually, I approve of the changes in the Faction War adventure, which definitely puts me in the minority, I’d guess. I’m going to set out my reasons below, but I’d really like to hear everyone else’s too.

1) Because it’s cannon: Lets face it, it happened (or will happen depending on when you play). All the other PS adventures feel like they’re part of an unfolding story/history, and this is just another part of it. We trust the authors of our favourite setting in this regard elsewhere, so why not here?

2) Because its in the spirit of the setting: The Planes go on, but they don’t remain the same. To me at least, PS has always had the feeling that the universe is finely balanced and major events can suddenly rock the setting to its core (Hellbound and Dead Gods leap to mind). It’s just like the PS setting to suddenly yank the comforting and familiar rug of the Factions out from under your feet.

3) Because it makes Planescape your own: There’s no sign whatsoever of WoTC ever taking up PS again, but it certainly ended on a bang rather than a whimper! There’s an “over to you…” feel about the end of FW, because from then on the setting is ours – or rather each groups’ – to do with as they will. You don’t like the result of Faction War, fine. Take up your sword and philosophy and make the universe change things back! (trust me, nothing will motivate your players more than potentially getting one over on Her Serenity!)

Does anyone else have a take on the appeal of post-FW?

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

I'm an old Planescape fan who only got back into the thing recently. I was pretty interested in the chance to step back into the shoes of the Harmonium and the Xaositect and the Anarchists and all the general madness from before.

When I found out that not only WotC stopped focusing on Sigil, but had also decided to annihilate the idea of Sigil's Factions right before leaving... It's like some guy working on a really cool building for 10 years, deciding to leave it unfinished, and right before he walks out he blows off one of the sides just because.

But I'm a writer (or I claim to be, anyway), which means working with what I am given and making something awesome out of it. I don't like the Post-Faction War at all; I don't see much of a point (maybe someone could explain it to me? Like I said, I'm new to the 'new' Planescape, so I never really got a good grasp on what was going on), but if that's what happened, that's what happened.

I really wouldn't get all bothered by it if post-Faction War had been replaced by something fascinating, but really... As far as I can see, it hasn't. It's just "BAM! Your interesting stuff is now gone. And, uh, now there are Sons of Mercy. Bye!"

Sorry if this place is full of anti-post-Faction War rants all ready. I'm just not sure what to think, or what the reason was, or anything like that. Feel free to convince me otherwise.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

I kind of go both ways on the FW.....

In my setting, FW happened, sort of, but people in Sigil don't want to rile each other up (again), so nobody talks about it. The ultimate result is that the Sigil Advisory Councel has Fatols again, but they don't run the show. There are more sects in Sigil, and they, along with the guilds, merchants' consortia, and other varied interests, have a greater role in the running of Sigil. The big picture, however, is that the Factions are BACK, but Sigil does not hold the primary factionhouse of any of them.

So you see, I sort of combined pre- and post- FW. That's how I deal with it, feel free to do whatever you like in your own game ('cause keeping it interesting and havin' fun is the most important thing anyway)

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

Personally, I thought that the Faction War was the "Jump the Shark" moment for Planescape. I have run a few campaigns and never run in post-faction Sigil. I love some of the old factions. Plus, most of the material available uses the old factions.

I think that the Third Edition "official" planar material doesn't mention an official timeline or Faction War. It presents the Planes and Sigil without much backstory.

Am I wrong?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

I like the post faction war setting. I can't say much for Faction War itself other than I think it could have been better had the creators been given the chance to take the idea through its full arc.

The Factions are NOT anihilated by the Faction war. They are spread through the planes. The anthill may have been kicked over, but the nest is still strong underneith.

The Venerable Archmage's picture
Joined: 2006-04-06
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

If Faction War was always intended as part of a trilogy, as I have been given to understand, I'm always a bit curious as to how it was intended to pan out. Wasn't it supposed to be kind of circular, with the series of events leading back to an equilibrium similar to pre-Faction War Sigil at the end of it? Has anyone tried to run such a campaign?

nasrat's picture
Joined: 2004-11-11
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

'The Venerable Archmage' wrote:
If Faction War was always intended as part of a trilogy, as I have been given to understand, I'm always a bit curious as to how it was intended to pan out.

Does the Planewalker project have any "unpublished" works from TSR/Wizards that they can convert in a similar vein to has Dregoth Ascending. If there was more, even just notes on post faction war plans that'd be interesting.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

We dont' have any unpublished notes unfortunately no. Sad

However we are planning on developing our own series of works as a set of modules to wrap up the trilogy. Eye-wink

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

'Clueless' wrote:
We dont' have any unpublished notes unfortunately no. Sad

However we are planning on developing our own series of works as a set of modules to wrap up the trilogy. Eye-wink

Have we attacked Monte Cook or any other old PS developer to see what they might have? I'm assuming, based on the fact that we don't have unpublished material, that anyone we could get in contact with, we did. But I thought it was worth asking to make sure, anyway.


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

As far as I know we did - and they didn't have anythign for us. But by the same token they may have still been under the effects of a NDA - so it may be worth it to do a follow up now.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Greetings & A Provocative (?) Question

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Have we attacked Monte Cook or any other old PS developer to see what they might have? I'm assuming, based on the fact that we don't have unpublished material, that anyone we could get in contact with, we did. But I thought it was worth asking to make sure, anyway.

Before WotC cut the Planescape product line, there were several products in the planning stages. One of them, a 'City of Doors' boxed set had some work already done on it, but according to what Monte had mentioned to me in an email when I asked him about it, all the material for that box was actually dumped into 'Faction War' in the first part of the book that just has detail on the city and not much to do with the module itself.

There was also a demiplanes guidebook in the works, but I don't have a clue how much, if anything, had already been in the works.

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