Graz'zt's Parentage

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Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Graz'zt's Parentage

I know that this topic has been discussed on the Wizards board, but the thread has since disappeared and I'm approaching this from a different angle. Although arguments as to the potential validity of any one paternity hypothesis are welcome, I would like to know what planewalkers think of the idea that an Abyssal lord might be something other than an idea coming from the stuff of the Chaotic Evil plane itself. Thank you!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Graz'zt's Parentage

Layers of the Abyss merge with lords strong enough to hold them. That's why non-demons can rule layers just like abysal lords can.

That said, the three (4 technically, but Demogorgon is anoying like that) biggest rulers of the Abyss, Grazz't, Orcus, and both Demogorgon's heads really should come from the plane they're ruling, otherwise it makes the Tanar'ri look really weak since on of the most powerful fiends in the Abyss isn't even a fiend.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Graz'zt's Parentage

It was implied that Nyarlathotep got Pale Night pregnant when she called out to forces from beyond, and the child was Grazz't. But yes, if Nyarlathotep was Grazz't's father, that would take away from the menace that the Tanar'ri and Obyriths are.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Graz'zt's Parentage

I'd rather that Graz'zt was a pure-blooded demon, but I certainly have no problem with the idea that demons (tanar'ri and obyriths) can sexually reproduce. It's a metaphor, if you will, of evil begetting evil. Tanar'ri are a lustful, sexually active bunch, and letting them reproduce that way is very appropriate.

Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Graz'zt's Parentage

Thanks for your responses, everyone. I was intrigued by the idea of Graz'zt's unorthodox parentage as described in the article, but I'm glad that I'm not the only one who winced at the nigh constant hinting that some of the most powerful Abyssal lords are in fact not purely Abyssal at all (Demogorgon is also thought by some, especially the kopru, to be the son of an Elder Evil).

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