Gratuitous Self-Pandering - Arcadia Snips

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The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Gratuitous Self-Pandering - Arcadia Snips

I don't know if anyone here remembers me; it's been a *long* time since I've posted here. I, uh, wrote some stuff for the site, won a contest where I got a really cool box set, and occasionally pumped out something vaguely resembling ideas.

Anyway, if what I am about to do is totally verboten, I absolutely understand and please feel free to employ the judicious use of the doomsday button on this thread. But, as I wrote stuff that got posted here, I thought this might be a good place to mention (to anyone who's interested) that I recently, finally finished the book I've been working on for about a year, and I'm now working on publishing it online - chapter by chapter, one week at a time - until the whole thing is up. In the meanwhile, I'm also selling softcover copies to anyone who's interested.

The book is illustrated - Arcadia Snips and the Steamwork Consortium; I mentioned it here briefly a few times in the past (I believe) and hunted for betawriters a long time ago. The story draws on some elements of Planescape (it takes place in a Victorian England analogue), but isn't fantasy per say - much more steampunk. Probably best described as 'speculative steampunk history with a dash of mathematical terrorism'.

Anyway, here's the link: Arcadia Snips and the Steamwork Consortium.

And here's the graphic I'm using for the promotion:

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Awesome!  Congrats!  Yes,

Awesome!  Congrats!  Yes, I remember you, Hippo.  Loved your work.

To do some self-pandering of my own, I've taken over The Lady's Sharper Eye, a worthy successor to SIGIS.  Check out the most recent issue and tell me what you think.  I'm trying to get another issue out this year, in time for Halloween.  I'm about 75% ready, but most of it is my own work.  I could use some more articles, Letters, and want-ads.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Congrats Hippo!! I remember

Congrats Hippo!! I remember you mentioning the book you were working on Smiling I'm glad you slugged through and got it done! I'll have to check it out Smiling

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