Golarion and Planescape

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Soul Harvester's picture
Joined: 2009-01-21
Golarion and Planescape


Hello all. I certainly hope I didn't miss a topic that already covered this...

I'm  interested in integrating Golarion into Planescape. As Planescape is the ''dominant'' setting(and also bigger), it's nearly exclusively a matter adapting of Golarion to Planescape. This entitles that Golarion uses the Great Wheel. Obviously, this means that the realms of all Golarion gods need to move into planes part of the Great Wheel.

So far, I've come up with the following...

Abadar - Mechanus
Asmodeus- Baator, Nessus
Calistria- Arborea, Arvandor
Cayden Cailean- Ysgard, Ysgard
Desna- Ethereal
Erastil- Beastlands, Kriagala
Gorum- Limbo?
Gozreh- Elemental Plane of Water
Iomedae- Celestia, Mertion
Irori- Arcadia, Abellio
Lamashtu- The Abyss(her own layer?)
Nethys- Outlands?
Norgorber- Shadow Plane or Carceri, Colothys?
Pharasma- Ethreal Plane
Rovagug- Pandemonium, Coctyus?
Sarenrae- Elysium, Amoria?
Shelyn- Arborea?
Torag- Celestial, Solania?
Urgathoa- Negative Energy Plane?
Zon-Kuthon- Shadow Plane

''Other Gods''

Achaekek  - Krangath
Alseta - Arborea, Buxenus    
Brigh- ?
Besmara - Limbo?
Ghlaunder -  The Gray Wastes, Oinos?
Groetus- Pandemonium, Pandesmos?
Gyronna (The Angry Hag): The Gray Waste, Niflheim?
Hanspur - Elemental Plane of Water?
Kurgess - Ysgard
Naderi - ?
Sivanah - Shadow Plane?
Zyphus - Abyss, Layer 13

As for my reasoning for each god...

Generally speaking, I looked at the flavour of the god in question, the locations of somewhat similiar gods and also the flavour of the planes and layers in question. I'll only explain the ones with question marks in detail(for now).

Gorum: I placed Gorum in Limbo because....well, mostly due that Tempus also has his realm there. I initially wanted to go with Ysgard before I noticed that though.

Lamashtu: Placing her in the Abyss seems fairly obvious to me. I'm inclined to say that she should have her own layer, as she's a god and even has ''Queen of Demons'' as one of her titles.

Nethys: Outlands for a lack of better place. Any alternatives don't spring to mind, due his dual nature.

Norgorber: Both places seem fairly appropriate thematically and also have gods that are somewhat similiar(Mask and Nerull). If I'd place him in Carceri, I'd go with Colothys for...again, no particular reason short of there being an other god of thievery (Vhaeraun).

Rovagug: Pandemonium seems thematically speaking the appropriate, Cocytus in particular due that he is imprisoned and his association with weather.

Sarenrae: Simply thematically appropriate. Pelor's Realm is also here.

Shelyn: Perhaps on Arvandor due relatively high concentration of goddesses of beauty?

Torag: Fits conceptually and also because it's where Moradin resides.

Urgathoa: Lack of  better. Isn't too shabby though, considering the tendency of the negative energy plane  to''devour'' nearly everything anything that is alive.

Brigh: Mechanus seems to fit, although her alignment is TN, not LN. Any other possibilties? Outlands for lack of a better?

Besmara: For lack of a better, mostly. Also not too inclined to throw her into the Elemental Plane of Water, just because she's a pirate.

Ghlaunder: Oinos appears to fit due the rampant diseases  on it. However, his Chaotic Evil alignment makes me somewhat unsure.

Groetus: Pandemonium might fit because of his insane nature, although looking at his actual portfolios; there might be something more fitting.

Gyronna: Nilfheim might fit or some layer in the Abyss with...forests. Because, you know, the whole dark forest theme related to witches? Anyway... It also kind of depends on her relation with Cegilune. If decent, she could also be placed in Pluton.

Hanspur: Lack of better.

Naderi:I have no clue. At all. Can't think of anything that seems even remotely appropiate(..well, there's always the Outlands...).

Sivanah: Lack of better.

The racial deities don't have much of priority for me, so I didn't list them.

In due time, I also plan to more or less would like to set up a brief overview of the relations between the gods of Golarion and others.

I also can't help but feel that I'm missing something...is there anything else part of Golarion Campaign Setting that needs to be altered to fit with Planescape?

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

It should be noted that I also posted this topic on the Pathfinder forums. 


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
One of the amusing things is

One of the amusing things is that Lamashtu is a Babylonian demon, that happens to be the arch-nemesis of Pazuzu.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Without saying anything of

Without saying anything of too much substance before The Great Beyond is out in print, I'll say that first of all, I'm flattered, absolutely flattered that you'd take something I worked on and bring it into a Planescape framework. Smiling The material is intentionally written in a way that much of it can easily be incorporated into a Planescape game, and there are lots of thematic nods to it, given my respect for the setting, and its influence on me.

Secondly, for most of the gods you have in your list above, I specifically mention what plane they reside upon in Golarion's cosmology, and many of those have their domains specificly described. Golarion's outer planes line up with the cardinal alignments, but lack the mixed alignment planes of Planescape, and so there'll be some wiggle room for placing say, Saranrae's domain into either Planescape's Elysium, Bytopia, or the Beastlands. She's not the best example perhaps, given her very solid attachment to Golarion's NG celestials (hint: she started out as one), but there's plenty of room to play with them.

Soul Harvester's picture
Joined: 2009-01-21
Shemeska the Marauder

Shemeska the Marauder wrote:

Without saying anything of too much substance before The Great Beyond is out in print, I'll say that first of all, I'm flattered, absolutely flattered that you'd take something I worked on and bring it into a Planescape framework. Smiling

Glad to be of service! It will be interesting to see which gods go where when placed by the actual writers of the Golarion setting.  I'll just hope I'm not /too/ mistaken in the mean time. Also, insert all the appropriate sliming about Golarion here. So far, it's one of my three favourite campaign settings(the other two being Planescape and Ravenloft).

mos_anted's picture
Joined: 2009-11-16
Re: Without saying anything of

Sorry for the threadmancy, but... Seeing as it is already out, I was wondering if we can have an official answer as to their equivalent locations from the author? Or at the very least some suggestions?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Golarion and Planescape

What is this from?

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Golarion and Planescape


Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: Golarion and Planescape

Hyena of Ice wrote:
What is this from?

From here: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/pathfinderChronicles/35E/v5748btpy87uz&sourc...

And with regards to the question earlier, give me a few days for an answer. Working against a deadline for another project at the moment.

A.Bardo's picture
Joined: 2009-11-21
Re: Golarion and Planescape

Hi. New. First post.
That said, I just purchased the Pathfinder planes book. After slowly getting over the fact that it wasn't Planescape, I realized that it wasn't all that bad. It was actually kind of great. The only thing it needed was a neutral location from which to launch adventures, like Sigil.
My thought at this point is to insert Sigil into the midst of the maelstrom. There's plenty of room, and the chief features of the city of doors need not be modified to exist in that realm.
A city with a quasi divine ruler forbidding deific interference with a political structure anchored by philosophico-ideological beliefs still makes perfect sense.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: Golarion and Planescape

I'd put a Sigil'esque city in the Maelstrom as well. That's the role I envisioned for Galisemni the City of the Celestial and the Damned (which appears on the map of the Maelstrom but no other details). If/When I have the chance to expand upon the place, you'll see more of it.

In the meantime, plunking Sigil down into the Amber Void with the same thematic trappings would work quite well. Smiling

mos_anted's picture
Joined: 2009-11-16
Re: Golarion and Planescape

Here's what i've come up with:

Aroden- Arcadia?
Cayden Cailean-Arborea/Ysgard (unsure on this one)
Desna - Arborea/Astral
Iomedae-Mount Celestia
Lamashtu-Abyss (1)
Pharasma-Gray Waste or Outlands (unsure)
Rovagug-Material Plane?
Torag-Mount Celestia (2)
Urgathoa - Gray Waste
Zon-Kuthon - Shadow?

Thoughts? Comments?

(1) I was wondering if this Lamashtu could be the same described in Pazuzu's demonomicon article as his former consort?
(2) Possibly an aspect/other name for Moradin? Their portfolios are quite similar.

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