Gods of The Outlands

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paladin's picture
Joined: 2007-02-06
Gods of The Outlands

Hey, all. I'm new to the forums. Does anyone now where I can get a comprehensive list of the various deities that make theie domain in the Outlands. I researching for a my Outlands campaign. If I put this in the wrong place in the forums, my apologizes.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gods of The Outlands

You're in the right spot. The ones I know of off the top of my head are: Chronepsis and Illsensine. And I think Set's realm is in the Outlands too, along with the realms of the Celtic pantheon in the Tir.

There's a beholder god out near Glorium whose name I can't recall right now. There's also the Celestial Bureacracy, and the three gods of Dwarven Mountian. I'm not near my resources right now to check on exact names for you in regards to them. :-/ And it doesn't look like the Gods List covers realm location either, so that won't work. hm.

Once i get home again, I'll let you know what I find out if someone else hasn't already posted it up yet.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
Gods of The Outlands

Off the top of my head, the beholder god in the Outlands is Gzemind. Set dwells in the Baator (Stygia to be precise) not the Outlands. Boccob also lives in the Outlands.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gods of The Outlands

Wasn't Thoth's Library in the Outlands?

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Gods of The Outlands

A quick scan of the Player's guide to the Outlands reveals the following:

*Shekinester, the Three-Faced Queen of Naga's (though I'm not sure she's an actual goddess)
*Vergadain, Dwarven God of Wealth and Luck
*Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dwarven God of Invention and Discovery
*Dumathoin, Dwarven God of Mines and Exploration
*Gzemnid, Beholder God of Deception
*Ilsensine, Illithid God of Knowledge
*Chronepsis, Dragon God of Fate
*The Celestial Bureaucracy
*Semuanya, Lizardman God(dess?)
*Sheela Peryroyl, Halfling Goddess of Agriculture
*Thoth, Egyptian God of Knowledge (overlaps with the 3e placement of Boccob on the Outlands, including Great Library?)
*The Celtic pantheon, including Manannan mac Lir, Celtic God of the Sea (rules over Tir fo Thuinn)
*Tvashtri, God(dess) of Magic/Invention?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Gods of The Outlands

From the Manual of the Planes:

Obad-Hai, the deity of nature, makes his home here in a realm known as the Hidden Wood. Boccob, the deity of magic, dwells in the Outlands in his Library of Lore.

Also check out The Gods List.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gods of The Outlands

That's the first place I looked as well - but searches on outland gods didn't pop anything up. You might assume that any diety listed as TN is probably in the Outlands though.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Gods of The Outlands

Ilsensine (The Caverns of Thought)
Shekinester (The Court of Light)
Vergadain (The Dwarven Mountain)
Dugmaren Brightmantle (Dwarven Mountain)
Dumathoin (Dwarven Mountain)
Gzemnid (Gzemnid's Realm)
Annam (Hidden Realm)
Xan Yae (Tower of Iron Will)
Gilean ( The Hidden Vale)
Chronepsis (Mausoleum of Chronepsis)
Yen-Wang-Yeh (The Palace of Judgement)
Dalt (wanders)
The Norns (The Realm of the Norns/Well of Urd)
Semuanya (Semuanya's Bog)
Sheela Peryroyl (The Flowering Hill
Thoth (Thoth's Estate)
The Daghdha (Tir na Og/Mag Mell)
Lugh (Tir na Og/Wanders)
Diancecht (Tir na Og/Wanders)
Arianrod (Tir na Og)
Belisama (Tir na Og/The Great Smithy)
Oghma (Tir na Og/House of Knowledge)
Manannan mac Lir (Tir fo Thiunn)
The Morrigan (Tir na Og/The Bloody Field)
Silvanus (Tir na Og/Summeroak)
Nuada (Tir na Og/Mag Tuireadh, the Plain of Pillars)
Goibhniu (Tir na Og/The Great Smithy)
Dunatis (Tir na Og/The Pinnacle)
Brigit (Tir na Og)
Cairbre (Tir na Og/Wanders)
Oengus (Tir na Og)
Rosmerta (Tir na Og)
Taranis (Tir na Og)
Teutates (Tir na Og)
Epona (Tir na Og/Epona's Stable)
Tvashtri (Tvashtri's Laboratory)
Gond (Wonderhome)
Zilchus (The Marketplace Eternal)
Shinare (The Marketplace Eternal)
Sera (The Marketplace Eternal)
Waukeen (The Marketplace Eternal)
Ubtao (The Labyrinth of Life)
Ramman (The Storm Cloud)
Untamo (The Sleeping Lands)
Apshai (The Hive)
Erik (Nature's Rest)
Geshtai (Nature's Rest)
Ruornil (The Silver Lands)
Boccob (The Library of Lore)
Istus (The Web of Fate)
Obad-hai (The Hidden Wood)
Ulaa (The Steel Hills)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gods of The Outlands

... wow. Do you have information on all the gods like that?

paladin's picture
Joined: 2007-02-06
Many thanks

Thank you all for all your help. I greatly appreciate all the hard work. Laughing out loud

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Gods of The Outlands

When it exists, yes.

There are many other gods who don't have official planar realms who probably live in the Outlands somewhere (for example, Mouqol, Evening Glory and the Patient One) but the above list describes all the official placements that I'm aware of.

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