Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

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Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

Hello! My name is Tom and I'm new on the forums.
I'm currently not in a vicinity of a scanner and my Planescape books, but anyway...

I'm concerned over some art from Planes of Chaos concerning githzerai(both artworks are from Tony Diterlizzi,go figure).
One is a picture of Pandemonium 4th layer thingy (skull artefact), and another is a picture of a gith-girl(Anarch) on Anarch's guild explanatory page. There are some sort of ridges on githzerai's foreheads (star-trek like).
I'll post pictures when I get home later...

I speculate that this is some sort of signature, ritual scarring or chaos mutation (as most of Tony's githzerai don't have ridges/crests on their foreheads).
Purpose for this topic is my character of course and he is a sort of gith culture philosopher and I want to bug my DM with some new info...

Btw. I don't care for the new Githzerai look from 3.5 rulebooks (or most art from the 3.5 concerning outer planes like Fiend Folio,Planar Handboook or Manual of the Planes the Planescape feeling has deteriorated).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

Or, given Tony's characiture style... it may have been wrinkles from glaring or frowning too. I'd have to go look - I don't think it's been really touched on in any of the material about them.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

Ok, I've scanned the pictures mentioned above, but the ridges can't be seen on the first one because of the black&white photocopied book.
The original books were lost because I lent them to wrong people, somewhere around year 98'- 00'(curses).

Anyway the ridges can't be seen very good on this one(someone with the book should look it up):
[img] [/img]

I was thought the before mentioned ridges should look like this:
[img] [/img]

Or more exactly like this (this is a githzerai sketch my friend has drawn long ago):
[img] [/img]

Anyway, as I was thinking after this post I came up with an idea of my own about these ridges.
As the Githzerai are a free thinking race, with a calm mind always tested by a chaotic forces of Limbo (a paradox in itself).
They don't want to control the driving force of freedom.
They need to expand their consciousness outward and syncronise with it, thus shaping it or in a way they want to shape themselves (like a perfect edge of a blade).

These ridges would open as some sort of a signiture of an opened consciousness, a sort of a Limbo chaos transformation.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

What makes you so sure those pictures depict githzerai?

The first picture you show is a member of the Anarch's Guild, which does suggest she's a githzerai, but the entry notes that some unofficial non-githzerai branches exist. With her forehead ridge and youthful features, she looks like an abiorach rilmani to me - perhaps she's even infiltrated the Anarch's Guild, disguised as a githzerai most of the time.

The skull artifact is the Wand of Orcus. Dead Gods, page 114, shows an identical-looking artifact and says it's Orcus' wand. The skull on it was "a mighty basher named Anarchocles" [Dead Gods, 62]. Although his name has "Anarch" in it, it doesn't say anywhere that he was a githzerai. And the Dead Gods version of his skull doesn't show ridges.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

****Dead Gods spoilers to follow****

Okay, no big spoilers. But the berk whose skull sits atop the Wand of Orcus is, according to Dead Gods, Anarchocles, an elf champion from the Prime. The picture looks decidedly un-elven, but I guess that's what eons of physical contact with an evil artifact can do.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

Now that you mention it I do remember seeying(bad english) this skull in Dead Gods, I just put the second picture cuz I wanted to explain how the ridges looked like.
Btw. me and my party just played the whole dead gods faction war with a little twist. I doubt my DM hadnt even read the adventure before he mastered the game...

I knew about the Rilmani, but that is just stretching to me...

Are there any female Githzerai pictures from the 2nd. edition?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

'Duster' wrote:
Are there any female Githzerai pictures from the 2nd. edition?

I don't think so, unless the Anarch you showed above is supposed to be one.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Githzerai head ridges??[pics added]

Your friend's sketch is pretty good!


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

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