Githzerai Concept

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Karimi's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Githzerai Concept

I was introduced to Planescape via PS:Torment, and from there I bought the books and fell in love with the setting (even more). With NWN2 I realized the look of the githzerai has been changed to make them more ghoulish and less human than say Dak'kon from PS:T. I found a concept I made a few months ago of what I feel a githzerai looks like, any comments ?

(sorry for not putting the pic, I can't get [img] to work.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Githzerai Concept


Actually there is only 1 githzerai in NWN2 and she wears a veil over her face. The rest of the giths you run into are all githyanki.


Karimi's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Githzerai Concept

Well, I didn't mean to go into the whole githzerai githyanki debate. I guess I should have named it "Gith" concept.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Githzerai Concept

Githyanki and Githzerai are both emaciated and sickly looking, but while Githzerai have the grace and calmness to carry the look off, Githyanki features are contorted by rage causing them to look viscious and ghoulish. It's really a matter of emotion. For the record, Githyanki have always been pretty scary looking.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Githzerai Concept

Githzerai are tall and gaunt, but I don't see them as emaciated or sickly in appearance. They're the more human of the two races.

I very much like the pattern of spots that Karimi came up with at Deviantart.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Githzerai Concept

I've pictured Githzerai as tall really skinny humans, mostly pale skinned with dots or patches on their skin, and cat-like eyes. They have noses that do protrude from their faces.

I picture Githyanki having a yellowish skin tone, a more 'reptilian' appearance, with almost claw-like nails, and noses that don't protrude much from their faces.

Karimi's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Githzerai Concept

Well I've done a bit more reading and I stick to the Githzerai description, from what I understood (and from your posts) I would definately say what I was going for was a Githzerai. Though perhaps the features aren't as sharp and otherworldly as they are supposed to be I was going for more of an alien-middle-eastern/mongol (as Dak'kon sort of appears to be) than the more alien design you see in the books.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Githzerai Concept

I called Githzerai sickly-looking mostly because their rotten-egg skin color and underfed appearance causes them to look like life-time smokers with fewer wrinkles, and you're right, they've got nothing on the 'yankis.

Karimi, keep in mind that both species of Gith lay eggs and exibit super-human physical abillities, so they're a lot more than just yellow humans with spots. A fact that was tragically under-played in Torment, which, as far as I'm concerned, was great fun, but didn't do the setting justice -- everything was too mundane.

It's a pretty good drawing though. The nose might be a little much, but otherwise it's solid. You should submit it to the site's art section.

Karimi's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Githzerai Concept

Ah, I didn't know that stuff, thanks for the info.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Githzerai Concept

'Karimi' wrote:
Though perhaps the features aren't as sharp and otherworldly as they are supposed to be I was going for more of an alien-middle-eastern/mongol (as Dak'kon sort of appears to be) than the more alien design you see in the books.
Well, except for the kilt he wore.

Here is a pick of a couple Githyanki's from NWN2 that I took while beta testing Rogue Dao Studio's Purgatorio:
EDIT: The img BBC tags don't seem to work.

If people are itnerested I can post a pick of all the githyanki and githzerai models from NWN2.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Githzerai Concept

Image tags do tend to work a bit better if you have BBCode turned on. Note that Quote isn't working either in your post.... Let me know if that fixes it.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githzerai Concept

'Clueless' wrote:
Image tags do tend to work a bit better if you have BBCode turned on. Note that Quote isn't working either in your post.... Let me know if that fixes it.

It seems that this trips up most people when they join us... is there a way to make BBCode turned on for people by default?


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Githzerai Concept

In your profile when you sign up. I've set up the DB now that it assumes you want it on unless you tell it otherwise.
I'm gonna be making some other changes with our user creation system as I don't currently like the way it looks anyways. Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Githzerai Concept

'Duckluck' wrote:
Karimi, keep in mind that both species of Gith lay eggs

Githyanki lay eggs, but there's no indication in the Planescape books that githzerai do.

I'm inclined to say that they don't, both because they're closer to their human roots than githyanki are and because egg-laying is impractical on Limbo unless you store your egg in a living host, as slaadi and Limbo stalkers do. The dangers of miniflux pose too much risk of mutation otherwise - you'd end up with children who look nothing like your species, which clearly isn't the case in githzerai.

It's possible that some of the ancestors of githzerai laid eggs, but they stopped once they adapted to Limbo.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Githzerai Concept

'Clueless' wrote:
Image tags do tend to work a bit better if you have BBCode turned on. Note that Quote isn't working either in your post.... Let me know if that fixes it.
I had BBCode turned on when I tried the image tags, I must have forgotten to check the box again when I edited my post.

I tried it with the img tags again and got the same problem (see above).


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Githzerai Concept

Fixed. Smiling

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