Githyanki project

You know, there's no directer heir to Vlaakith, but the last non-undead queen may have had other children...
I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.
I think the Lich-Queen who went to such trouble to kill all githyanki over a certain character level would have killed anyone else of Vlaakith's bloodline long ago.
Speaking of which...
Since this was little more than a designer cop-out in 2E, a justification for level limits (which no other progressively-challenged demihumans seemed to have), why not get rid of it, at least partially?
Sure, the Lich-Queen killed the githyanki that she perceived as a threat, but let's drop the level part. The omnisentience bothers me.
She *knows* when a 'yanki has overstepped his boundaries? Well, she's an uberpowerful being (sort of), so fine, I can live with that... but the 'yanki themselves know? How? Do they go: "Whoa, I almost leveled up there, better be careful now." Or do they simply strive for mediocrity all their lives - while at the same time trying to conquer all their enemies and dominate everybody?! And I generally dislike mixing the crunchy bits with the fluff - both are neaded, sure, but not in the same sentence.
So, why not make Vlaakith simply dispose of her potential enemies, but leave those that don't bother her (ie don't have a voice among certain circles) well alone? The 'yanki high-ups that flee to the NEP and elsewhere could still be dissidents, but the average PC would not have to worry (in a pre-Lich-Queen-death game), and more importantly, that nasty MMORPG feeling (in-character mechanics) would no longer annoy me...
I agree with this. I think the limit is 18th level in 3e, or thereabouts? Say the most powerful known to be spared of Vlaakith's purges is that level, but she often kills less powerful ones if they seem too ambitious.
Probably not on both counts. They're surely given all sorts of reasons why their fellows are killed, and "they grew too powerful" is unlikely to be one of them. Various crimes may be invented.
One reason, though, might be "they grew just powerful enough" to be worthy of joining with their Queen. Githyanki, when asked to sacrifice themselves to feed their Queen, often do so voluntarily. Many would, in fact, strive for excellence all their lives in the dim hope that ultimately they could be among the rare elite to be so chosen.
I never thought of it this way. Interesting. So, those who try to avoid the consumation are not only political criminals, but somehow psychologically deviant?
Anyway, deviant or no, they should not be aware of some abstract power limit (class level) which is not to be crossed if they don't want to be invited to dinner.
The Incursion adventure featured a knight sitting in the palace of Susurrus awaiting his soul-devoured fate. He would actively oppose any PC who tried to get him out of there, though, since he felt honored to serve the queen even unto his death.
I don't want to throw a wrench in the works or anything, but I do have a question...
In the latest Dungeon, there's a Gith-related adventure that takes the stance that the Lich-Queen is not is fact dead. She's referenced several times.
Though it is certainly interesting to do so, why are we "bucking" the canon and actively advancing a meta-plot (that is, that the Queen is destroyed at the climax of Incursion)?
In most of my Gith-related work for Planescape, I took the position that Vlaakith would probably not be dead. I'm certainly willing to throw some ideas out there if she is, but I suppose if WoC says she's still alive (undead?), why should we say she isn't?
I wasn't part of that decision-making process, but I understand the rationale was just that: they accepted Incursion's death of Vlaakith because it was interesting to do so. I don't think anyone ever thought that Dungeon adventures were automatically canon.
Damn them going back on their own plots.
I still like the queen eating the Astral dust, because she doesn't sit right with me.
The githyanki are a race about personal strength, racial pride, genocidal perfection, etc. Why they put up with a cannibalistic tyrant is beyond me. It's the big hypocricy that none of the githyanki ever challenge, ever, but every Planescaper knows makes them look like a race of idiots. It's one thing to have a race of evil psychopaths. It's quite another to have that race ruled by an undead queen who blatantly uses them all as pawns for her own benefit and schemes, yet has for hundreds of years maintained a shoddy illusion that she has some legitimacy to her rulership (the original Vlaakith took over under some highly suspect circumstances, yet no one among the githyanki has ever questioned it?) and has kept the fanatical adoration of her species.
I like the githyanki being a deplorably fallen people, yet understandably so. The whole idea that all githyanki think the same way, forever and ever, because the immortal lich queen isn't going anywhere makes for a stagnant and boring race. Isn't it more exciting when the githyanki can have multiplicity and various ways of doing things?
With the sundering of the githyanki race, you can have monarchists still holding to the bloodline of Vlaakith with the heir, militarists leading a fascist campaign across the Void in the name of miltary supremacy, the Lich Queen's most loyal courtiers trying to bring about her return or at least perpetuate her agenda, religious zealots declaring the return of Gith, and all kinds of possibilities. I think Vlaakith's destruction can be a wakeup call to the githyanki, who suddenly snap out of the hold the queen held on them.
When the race is utterly subsumed by this evil society, it makes them little more than Astral drow. You can be a regular githyanki, who has no fun because he has to do what he's told when he's told, or you can play a renegade githyanki, who, for any arbitrary reason, rejects everything that makes the githyanki race what it is and becomes an angsty planar traveler.
Vlaakith's death fixes a lot of things and opens up a lot of possibilities without burying many old ones. Plus, it, uh, provides me personally with an excuse to remold the race as I please.
Aha! Vlaakith rears her head!
Well, let's remember that such "factionalization" would take a little time, and with the Queen's death, nobody can cast Gate and therefore all the astral ships are stuck where they are. Powerful individual Gith can Plane Shift around, but that's it.
So let's back up a tick and answer a few questions?
1. The astral is limitless and Gith forces spread wide across the multiverse. How can news of Vlaakith's death spread fast enough for the empire to truly collapse? It would seem to me that the military chain of command would be the only way to disseminate the information, but would they act so quickly?
2. It would seem logical that the military would be the first to take command of the situation. The Gith are essentially Ancient Rome, after all, just no senate. Or we can look back to the death of the Chinese emperor during the expansionist movement back in-- what? The 1200s? China became really insular after that, recalled their troops and fleets, etc.
3. With no ability to Gate, Githyanki reproduction is dealt a blow. The hatcheries on the prime would either become isolated, or require dozens of Gith to Plane Shift over there, each grab a child, and Plane Shift back the following day. Either one is inconvenient for the Gith empire.
Maybe all of this was dealt with before; I am new to Planewalker and trying to catch up as best I can. But before we start picking factions and names and agendas, maybe we should figure out what the logical, short-term repercussions of the lich-queen's death would be. The empire would be temporarily hurt, maybe even crippled. But certainly not permanently. But if we "think through" the problems, I think we would see a more natural evolution of their new society (if there is one) take shape.
Just to chime in - the biggest reason the PSCS went with letting her get knocked off really was the intriguing idea of "How would they *react*?" It was a very interesting plot direction that we wanted to take a gander at. The way I figure it - we can afford to pick and choose between modules in Dungeon, and beyond that - I also assume modules to happen fairly 'loosely' in a timeline - so the ones that still mention her I mentally put "back a few years ago". That and it really really sounded like a cool way to shake up a few things with a couple of fav. races.
I've got a quote from Guide to Astral Plane:
Bolded sentence is the most imporant here - it says that Vlaakith's death can bring disastrous consequences. On the other hand though, Lich-Queen's death can also realize that 'yanki, the People who fear of the enslavement, were controlled like slaves by their own queen.
Me, clueless berk, better like Vlaakith to be dead - as Rhys told already, "Vlaakith's death fixes a lot of things and opens up a lot of possibilities without burying many old ones."
The thing about that quote from the Guide to the Astral Plane is that the githyanki believe that without Vlaakith they'd be enslaved again. We all know that the lich-queen manipulated her subjects' thoughts, so you can't really assume that it would be the case. I think the empire would splinter, though, into several smaller factions. For my and others' ideas concerning those groups, see the other threads in this forum.
It was rather undignified, though, and significantly lame for the githyanki to declare, "We hate being confrolled and would never allow ourselves to be enslaved, except mentally by the semi-worshipped lich who rules our society absolutely and without question." Why is it that every player of Planescape recognizes the huge gap in reasoning and hipocricy, yet no githyanki do at all except for the ultra-rare renegade?
Kearrann, did you quote my githyanki intro in your sig? I'm a bit worried about you, cutter. Don't take that to heart; it was supposed to be from their perspective. Githyanki philosophy is not meant to be acceptably reasonable.

No, no. You don't have to change the sig. It's very flattering that my intro piece is quoted, and I certainly welcome fellow githyanki afficionados. I was just joking that I'd feel terrible knowing that I had brought about a crazed Vlaakith cultist-in-training.
And yes, it is not very likely that the entire race, bent as it is on mulitversal conquest, would be held up by something as trivial as spell level limits. With their resources, they could certainly procure scrolls of gate and have what higher-level wizards they do have try to cast it anyway. Or they could get spell-trigger items like staffs that can cast it for them. Or they could use portals like the rest of us berks.
How exactly do you have a natural lifespan on the Astral plane?
How do kids grow up?
How do you NOT expand in level if you have forever to practice?
Seems some Astral Mechanics are in order first.
But to the questions.
A group of Githyanki seek the dead Queen and/or start a cult over and above what was there before.
Three Generals, knowing Trouble is coming, are working to bring their three cities togather to form a Defensive Block. Others are less team oriented...
Any number of Big Blooded Bastards try to assume the throne. A group of V's inner circle tries to assume the kingmaker status, which not everyone is buying.
The Gith exiled, traveling, or living elsewhere have troubling foreign ideas. "Maybe we don't need to kill or enslave everyone in creation?" This Heresy is causing it's own schisms of "Pure" (i.e. Astral) Githyies and "Tainted" Githies
Please excuse me if this makes no sense at all. I don't have every D&D book in creation so I am speaking from very limited knowledge. Hope this at least sparks some ideas.
Here is a quick and dirty from a brief reading of MC I.
1. Gith freed her people from Mental Bondage
2. The GY are psionic
3. They feel that the position of queen is the only thing protecting them from slavery, specifically illithid mental slavery.
4. The Githyanki leaders are able to communicate in great shorthand with his subordinates.
5. The Githyanki NEVER EVER fight among themselves.
What if Gith discovered a way to impose a semi hive mentality on her people with herself as a hivemother/focus? This would mean that the place the Illithids normally sink their hooks would already be guarded/in use/ connected to a Big Bad Mama wizard.
Which is why the individualistic Githzerai bolted. They didn't want to sign up for such a system permanently.
This explains a bunch of the loose threads
1. How did her people know she was dead? They felt it.
2. Why do they live in as odd a place as the Astral? It enhances the mental effects which protect their minds, keeping the power drain controlable.
3. How was V so omniscient? She was inside their minds. What if it wasn't levels as attitude? She felt who was traitorous and took care of business.
4. Why were Githyanki "evil"? They took the tone of the Lich Queen who has been "visiting" their minds for so so long.
5. Why did V eat so many of her own people? To power the psionic batteries to keep the race safe. Thus the selfless attitude of some GY cutters who were about to get et.
6. Why such a simple philosophy? Because the hive doesn't have much room for creativity. The sheer weight of the Githyanki Mind tends to impose itself quite strongly and deals with things on a medulla level. Eat, drink, fight, kill illithid, worship mother.
Yep, there's holes for days here. I'm sure there is plenty of canon why things aren't this way. Again, I submit this in all humility. Perhaps it strikes a cord. Perhaps it's all ether. Or is that Astral?
*thread bump in case various folks working on this project aren't getting notices*
How do kids grow up?
Kids grow up on Material Plane colonies. Once they reach maturity, they join the rest of their race in the Astral.
Basically, you don't have a natural lifespan. You age in fits and starts whenever you visit a plane where time passes.
A Guide to the Astral Plane indicated that githyanki could simply choose not to gain in level. I'm not sure that that makes sense. In any case, most githyanki want to earn the privilege of becoming one with their Revered Queen.
Great. You don't age. Just checked the MoP. You don't need to eat or drink either. That means the WHOLE society can be a war party with very little logistical "tail".
Hmm. How does that work? They have their Astral Carracks and Ships so everyone can fly at the same speed. They can carry whatever they need.
Trading will be very important since they have no natural resources. Looting becomes very important as well, to make war pay for itself. Missle weapons will be out of favor because if you fire it, forget about it! You'll just about never see that arrow again unless it hits.
They also have no ability to "produce" wealth. Are there resouces to collect and trade within the Astral? Bits of Dead God as trinkets? The strange herbs that grow on them? Astral Ichor? Obviously there is a subculture on the Material which provides for the the younguns. Perhaps that is another subclass of Gith who splits off, the "Who cares about Astral" Party.
The Githyanki might very well run an "escort service" (get your mind out of the sewers, berks). They escort travelers or sell safe passage for commodities. And they would charge a high price! (Hey they are evil) Perhaps they also have a strong "lawyer" presence as well?
When did the Lich Queen die? How many years past or before the Lady's Eddict. This is important because I think it would be great if we could get this Githyanki conflict in time with the PSCS. We want to be able to play this campaign with our PSCS characters after all, right?
Here are some ideas from myself after reading posts in this thread:
Lich Queen' castle is destroyed all of a sudden but nobody knows why. But as is always the case, people speculate. They say some adventurers form the last invaded prime world -prime world? Huh? - actually killed the Queen. They say She did not die but ascended to her long awaited Godly Status, and is just adjusting to her new role. There are even some who whisper about a conspiracy against her former majesty, planned by some overambitious officials, or -looking cautiously towards the caverns - by the red dragons.
So they form groups, like minded people who want to cover this whole issue up - the enemy of the Githyanki is many and they are always watching for a weakness. Some of them are:
-Believers of Vlaakith: These are the devoted followers of Vlaakith's rule, and now they are perhapsfaithful beyond her death. They don't think she is dead though; they don't believe she can be killed. So she must have become a Goddes, the first deity of their race. She must be praised and prayed; for even the 'yanki know that among the planes, belief is power.
-Followers of Vlaakith: Some believe Vlaakith did not become a power yet, but she is not dead either. Her palace was destroyed and she was not heard from since, but it is sure she somehow survived. Some of them claim that they have strange visions of their lich queen calling to them, telling them to wait. She will return, surely. No doubt about it. While waiting for her, it is better not to get involved with any schemes.
-Military government: The queen is gone but the life goes on, but without her guidance, it will be harder then before. 'yanki must stick together, and never let outsiders see this as a sign of weakness. These bloods are the Generals and Commanders of The Githyanki army, and they formed a military government in tun'arath to stop any civil break down from happening. Githyanki tradition prohibiting killing one's own kind has become law. It is forbidden for all non githyanki to leave or enter the city, and those who learned of queens disappearence is ferociously hunt down. They are still trying to keep up with the offensive, so the illithids and 'zerai will be kept occupied.
-Githyanki Nobility: Ina pure meritocracy of uncounted millenia like that of githyanki the nobles are those in those who are high ranking in their positions. Warlock Masters, Astral Fortress commanders and even some prime Hatchery commanders are forming unsteady alliances to form a governmental body tofill the place of queen. A new form of government, like of which has never been heard in the Githyanki society before, is negotitated between them; a senate of powerful individuals who will be representatives of those under their command.
These are but a few of course, and there are other splinter groups, some of them may be called cells, Paranoiacs claim there are githyanki who actually say that which was once split may be one again, and the gith race must be united to bring the war against illithid to an end. As if Githyanki couldn't achieve that by themselves! Also, depressing as it is, there is a great increase in misguided 'yanki who give up their rightful place as the superior race, and see themselves as equals to all the lesser races.
ı couldn't come up with a faction focused on the red dragons basically because I don't have enough knowledge about Vlaakith's pact or Tiamat. So how'd you find it? Any opinions?
Just for the record, the thing about a githyanki in an astral fortress thinking she's the reincartation of Gith appeared in "Vortex of Madness", in a chapter called The Citadel of Gith Reborn. It can be a bit hard to track down these things, so I just thought I'd mention where to look.
I feel like the githyanki "reincarnation" from Vortex of Madness ought to get a mention in all of this. Seems like the only proper thing to do. Planescape does that sort of thing all the time, making references to previous editions' characters.
By the way, I've started a thread on the Dragon Alliance, to get the belated ball rolling on at least one of these warbands.
Inspired by Gith'etkri idea, here's my thougths:
So, what's the dark behind Gith - Tiamat pact?
If the Vlaakith presence was what [mainly] made githyanki evil, and according to fact, that Gith relucantly(!) agreed with Vlaakith that People need allies [Guide to Astral Plane, p.46], and due to paranoic nature of githyanki, some among Gith'etkri could say: what if real pact with Tiamat was made not by Gith, but by Vlaakith? Tiamat could provide Vlaakith's bloodline leadership [by eliminating Gith] and enormous power [and of course alliance with Red Dragons].The price, was to lead the People towards evil - becoming more and more evil githyanki should become [even if uncounscious] element of Baatorian plans [in Planes, everything depends to belief - one more corrupted race assures more power to Lower Planes]. Gish talents and individuality are essential to Yanki, they claim, not single-minded devotion to the tyrant, which makes them weaker. Gish are natural Yanki leaders - People do not need Knighthood's tyranny any longer [that's what make the idea of cold war close to Gith'etkri]. Thus, question arrises - what happened to Gith, when she descended to Baator to meet Tiamat?[this question provides substantiation of Gith'etkri searches for Gith]
I'm not trying here to make Gith's race less 'wicked' - of course, they're cruel, terryfying foes, but they're not corrupted like fiends. It was Gith's power of individuality what made People follow her, I think [she was leader, not 'ruler' nor tyrant like Vlaakith]. Mention, that Vlaakith's bloodline authority could not be held without Knighthood exterminating every "traitor" [and Vlaakith's power to devour life essence of those too powerful to be killed by Knights].
I explored this a bit in the first few posts of this thread:
The first 5 or so posts are relevant to your points. In that thread, I said that if Vlaakith made a deal with Tiamat, we can see what Vlaakith got in return. It's unclear what Tiamat got out of the deal. Was it the eventual rise of the duthka'gith that she wanted?
So your approach regarding the Githites would probably place them directly at odds with the duthka'gith, as the duthka'gith would try to increase Tiamat's influence over the githyanki. The actions of the duthka'gith after the destruction of Vlaakith is discussed a bit here:
It's unclear what Tiamat got out of the deal. Was it the eventual rise of the duthka'gith that she wanted?Thats what I find most suitable. Emergance of duthka'gith, valuable and mighty force devoted to Dragon Goddess and possible social consequences among yanki [Tiamat could even hope that rise of gith-dragonkin will lead to fall of githyanki race - as you mentioned, duthka'gith allied yanki would be second class citizens. And she's Baatorian deity, such plans wouldn't be so unbelivable, think of her satisfacion if such thing would ever possibly happen] are worth of sacraficing her servant's pride [as People's allies]. And she's got Gith - that's real advantage. She could have make a deal with Illsensine, or simply enslave the greatest among People - symbol of their freedom and pride.
Hey, I am new to the site, and was pretty intrigued by what is going on here. I just don't want to waste anytime hitting dead Epona's and such, so could someone catch me up on what has been decided on, and what is still open for discussion?
I realize lots of people like the Gith (add appropriate suffix) and everyone wants to see that a change like this is done right and proper. I was just wondering if anything had been decided on and if not, what were the things we should really be working on and discussing? What are the priorities? Thanks.
Some of this I can answer quite quickly: Not much has been decided on. We haven't had our Rrakkma manager step up (or appoint someone to step up) to controlling the conversation and polling people to get us to a consensus and decision on any of the ideas that have been tossed out.
Right now there's a *lot* of ideas going about not all of which can be used together coherantly.
If an official release of an after-Vlaakith campaign/adventure ever happens, it will be because one person decided to make it happen. My advice is, if you want to see it, simply get started on it. Editing and criticism can come from others.
Alright, alright. I think I see what's going on here. Some of you may feel that, being the manager and all, and being the one who started the conversation going, and being the one who constantly tells people to think up ideas, maybe I ought to get something done on this...
What I've found is that, like rip said, writing doesn't happen by forum committee. Ideas can be generated, and comments can be had on drafts, but it really comes down to somebody sucking it up and writing up a sizeable chunk.
Admittedly, I haven't really done it, either, nor have I really organized anyone else to do it. What we have is a general concept (the Lich-Queen is dead, civil war ensues) and some power groups that will be making bids for territory in the Astral Plane, seizing god-corpses and such.
So, what we need more than a continuation of bouncing ideas back-and-forth is, at this point, some write-ups. As I've never been on-the-ball enough to actually divy up the work, anything is up for grabs. I'd always hoped that people would just jump on things that looked interesting, so I don't think I need to repeat that it's open to anyone who takes enough interest to get something written for it. Though I guess I just did say that.
Anyway, renewed interest like this is what gets me out of my busy real-life schedule and back to procrastination by writing up fantasy societies.
Incursion was cute and all (read it last night) but I would like to go ahead and just remake the stats and what have you for the half dragon caste of Gith. I will also write up an adventure for 11-14th lvl characters based around solving the problems with the Dragon Oath from Tiamat. With your leave, I will send it to Clueless and to Rhys. After you both give it a look, feel free to bounce ideas back and make it a little more fitting to the new campaign setting. Then I will re edit, revise, and post.
All in favor, say yea! All opposed, don't answer.
I say go for it.
I finished sifting through all the threads last night and was pretty overwhelmed at first. Luckily, Jack Daniels sat me down and explained some stuff to me. Shortly after that, my overwhelmed-ness, turned into insperation-ness.
There were some questions as to how the Githyanki aged/matured/lived while living on the Astral. I had some ideas to that myself once and had decided that, like most warrior and ethno centric societies, that they were all raised in boarding schools or prep schools that were run by Gish and over the hill warriors. This ment maturing in a setting that taught all things Githyanki all the time, making them love their race and not their parents, and this would allow the teachers to better determine if a child was suited for sword or spell.
These children would grow off astral, until their talents could be determined, then they would spend some time in an assistantship possition to an actual officer. This practice has been in place for a long time amongst cadets in the modern military as well as the British and French Navy. All joking aside, if you are a race of people that is loyal to the race (to the death mind you) and of a strong military mindset, this seems the tried and true method of achieving your goals.
What happens if the oath is broken? Well there is actually an awful lot of things that would happen. First, remember that some of these dragons have never known anything other than Githyanki servitude and companionship. Being raised, fed, trained, and paid by the Yanki might make it hard for them to leave. Sure, lots of them would hate their role as mounts and guardians, but a small few of them would not want to pass up the good life. They might push for even better treatment, but why leave when everything is given to you?
There might also be a group of them that is too old to leave the astral. Life could catch up quick, and letting yourself go into the wilds to compete with fellow dragons that haven't lived the trained mount life, might get them eaten or slain overnight. These few would probably demand far better treatment from the Yanki then they are getting, but they could also build a damn large horde, just breeding warriors and guardians. Even without the Oath making all the decisions for the Dragons, there is something to be said for familiarity and profit.
There is more for later, but I thought I would put what I could in, and then get to writing the above promised adventure. Thanks for your time, and if there is any imput, I would appreciate it.
Does a loud w00p count as a yea?
I'm looking forward to it - it should get us well underway again
Are you sure that that was whiskey and not Oðrörir?
Thred bump....
Not much has been done with Rrakkma in awhile, but I've always been a fan of the Gith, in all their incarnations. Expect some new stuff soon from me.
Speaking of... hey Boris! Is ole Jack still talking to you?
Anybody on the Astral?
Seriously... the Rrakkma project has been frozen for awhile, but I was Just thinking the other day "I like Gith" I was also thinking "Does anybody else like Gith and Illithids as much as me?" Then I was thinking "Y'know, I'd love to set up a post game on Planewalker Forums as Gith-based and looking at incursion and the aftemath from the Githyanki perspective."
Of course fot that last one to come true, I'd need to find some other interested parties on Planewalker......
I'm still around. And yes, I haven't done much to get material moving for way too long. I'm still very much interested in getting this Rrakkma project underway, though. The last thing being worked on was figuring out who exactly was in charge of the githyanki race, now that they had split into warring nations. I like to think of them as city-states operating out of god-isles.
If you have any ideas that are just bursting out of your head, try to lay down some paper so that after your head bursts you can type what came out and share it with the rest of us. In the meantime, what if I actually did some Managing and wrote some stuff?
I like that someone else is interested in this project. And if you're serious about that campaign let me know.
Ah! A fellow astral traveler after all! Excellent!
As for ideas, take a gander at a new thread here, "The True", and post a reply telling me what you think, different ideas, additions, etc.
As for a githyanki campaign, if I get a few interested parties, then by the Queen, I'll run it.
BTW In a former incarnation, I was known as Darkmantle.
Just checking in after a two-year absence from the forums. I'm glad to see the project still exists, even if it's moving forward slowly.
Just wondering if the people running the project would like to see some Illithid content, specifically? I'd be happy to provide some.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
What sort of content are you working on? I'm sure an overview of the illithid or an adventure seed for a mind flayer attack on the Astral would be a welcome addition. If the githyanki have become fractious after Vlaakith's death, the mind flayers could see that as an opportunity for some payback.
I'd really like to help on this, to be honest, it strikes me as an awesome project. Plus, I have some free time coming up and used to be a writer (also an RPG writer: though nothing for anything you'd probably have read). So, please tell me what you need and I'd be happy to pitch in.
Re: Post-Vlaakith Githyanki society
I think it's best to be all inclusive for something like this. The best thing that an article can provide is a *LOT* being understated and trying to incorporate as many ideas as possible while keeping them coherent with one another.
Were it me in charge, then I'd probably handle it in this manner...
Extremely rough chain of events
+ Our clueless heroes destroy the Staff of Ephemolon and break the Red Dragon pact. Some decide to stick on of their own free will for treasure and so on.
+ Vlaakith is killed by said Clueless.
+ Everyone blinks a second when Vlaakith dies and they all lose their Planeshift ability.
+ The Sha'Sal Khol announce that Vlaakith is dead to the world. Zetch'r'r, their hidden leader, basically backs up their story. The Sha'Sal Khol probably stop roughly short of claiming that they're the berks who killed Vlaakith but a lot of people suspect they did it.
+ Full Civil War breaks out amongst the Githyanki for the first time since the Githyanki-Gitzerai split.
+ The "reunification faction" of the Sha'Sal Khol gets largely crushed and scattered. Instead, it becomes a resistance movement. The Githzerai take some advantage of the conflict but intend to let their ancient enemies fight to the end if possible.
+ The current Githyanki race is disunited with lots of different interstellar clans spread across reality. They're divided into the factions listed above.
+ The Githyanki are spreading across the planes in far greater numbers with a lot leaving the Astral to establish new colonies and change the face of the race.
+ Dissenting alignments and ideas amongst the Githyanki are now more tolerated. As in, they have bigger things to worry about than maintaining Vlaakith doctrinal supremacy.
+ Vlaakith's undead priesthood is striving to restore her to (un)life or seeks to create a "new Vlaakith" as a figurehead.
Most Githyanki are, secretly, relieved that the old hag is dead except for die hard traditionalists.
I have to disagree with the last part. Some probably are relieved... but remember, the githyanki have been brought up from the earliest age to believe that the Revered Queen is the source of all, or at least most, of what is good and right, the protector of Her people, the guarantor of their freedom from the Illithids, etc.
I mean, look at human societies throughout history. It may seem crazy to us in the 21st century, but to a typical githyanki, spending eternity as a sword-spirit in the Revered Queen's service would be seen as a great reward, and much desired.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
I have to disagree with the last part. Some probably are relieved... but remember, the githyanki have been brought up from the earliest age to believe that the Revered Queen is the source of all, or at least most, of what is good and right, the protector of Her people, the guarantor of their freedom from the Illithids, etc.
I mean, look at human societies throughout history. It may seem crazy to us in the 21st century, but to a typical githyanki, spending eternity as a sword-spirit in the Revered Queen's service would be seen as a great reward, and much desired.
Going from real-life dictators and long term cults of personality, it would seem to me that almost everyone in Githyanki society would worship the ground she walked on while she was alive (such as it were) but stop to re-examine the situation after the dictators death.
In the case of Queen Vlaakith, her death at the hands of a bunch of Clueless Primes is going to cause a lot of them to be faced with the realization that Githyanki society didn't end with the destruction of the Vlaakith dynasty. Furthermore, a lot of things that were thought to be essential about their society will be revealed as pointless.
At the very least, the fact that she's no longer slaying their best warriors out of hand mixed with her insane fits of pique (remember she also killed ANY soldier who failed at ANYTHING) will be a major relief.
I'm not going to say that Vlaakith was secretly despised or anything while alive by anything but a minority but the after-effects are going to take a serious tole on her popularity.
I do not recall a source that says this. The majority of individual githyanki (or their failures) were beneath her notice.
Failing at something important right in front of a githyanki knight? Different story.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Failing at something important right in front of a githyanki knight? Different story.
It was in the Guide to the Astral. Failure is a crime against the Queen.