Githyanki Organizations

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Githyanki Organizations

So - if we're going with the idea that the githyanki are going to split up and fracture... does anyone have any ideas what factions (in the political meaning not the philosophical meaning) would form? Any ideas for NPCs t become leaders?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Githyanki Organizations

Well, I have never read incursion, so how many Gith actually saw evidence of Vlakkiths death and whatnot?

If the number is relitivly low, considering the nature of Lichs, maybe there could be a sect that thinks that Vlaakith is stile alive ( well, undead anyway) out there, using this as a means of finding rivals for power or something of the like.

So, basically there is a small group of people still loyale to Vlaakith, maybe even worshiping her in the hopes that they will be rewarded if she decides to take back the throne.

Hmmm, a search for Gith and a search for Vlaakith...

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
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The only things around when the PC's actually destroy Vlaakith's phlacethery there's only a few undead servants of hers, however her death also causes the entire Obsidian Complex to crash down around their ears. So that should cause little doubt among the Githyanki.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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What if someone was trying to pretend to be her?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Heck, even if every githyanki saw her die, there would still be a cult devoted to bringing her *back*. Mortals just can't let things die and be done with it...

The Cult of the Blackened Heart Reborn!

The Cult of the Immortal Lich-Queen (as interpreted by her most loyal priest and servant, Kh'hakort the Re-Interpreter)

The Cult of Death-Never-Dies!

"She'll be back..."

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
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What if someone was trying to pretend to be her?

This strikes me as so obvious I can't believe it's not happening already. If we follow previous propositions that there are other Githyanki Liches in existence beyond the Lich Queen (hiding out in the Negative Energy Plane or some other suitably distant locale) one of them could very easily impersonate her.

Supposedly no other Githyanki actually knew what Vlaakith's phylactery was, they can very well know that her original body was destroyed, but they should anticipate that she comes back in a new one. There's very little to stop another Githyanki lich, particularly a female one, from stepping into her place. It's very difficult, even with potent magic (which a competent lich could block) to tell two liches apart, especially if one of the bodies has just been destroyed.

Heck, I bet the Githyanki would even likely rally behind a suitable impersonator. They've been ruled by one person for so long there's little desire to see the power structure change (especially if the level limit no longer exists, or as 3e and some of the stats given imply, never really did in the first place) so if an impersonator can pull the right moves and say the right lines, the Githyanki, even if the wise among them suspect, might fall into line. Especially given that no matter how may Githyanki were present for the Invasion, that is at best some small fraction of their race. The rest of the Githyanki, especialy the lower ranks, are probably still trying to decide whether Vlaakith's really dead or its all some elaborate ploy.

By the way, was it ever decided just what world was invaded in Incursion anyway?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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"Mechalich" wrote:
By the way, was it ever decided just what world was invaded in Incursion anyway?
I believe it was an invasion Your Campaign World™. So, maybe we ought to determine which one it was for the purposes of Planescape, with a hardly necessary disclaimer that anyone who actually played through that module can change it to fit his or her own version of events.

I think someone pretending to be this last Vlaakith could be a cool thing to include, but how would this lich react to the heir-to-be living githyanki Vlaakith? I think they'd have to fight it out, but the supporters of the "old" Vlaakith could be the most vile members of the race who supported the old regime. Basically, keep them about where they were before, except even more twisted, since they're willing to spill githyanki blood for a lich-queen. That leaves the rest of the groups to be devised from the ground up. Eventually, the impostor Wcould be discovered and ousted (and by "ousted" I mean summarily executed).

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Githyanki Organizations

"Mechalich" wrote:
What if someone was trying to pretend to be her?

This strikes me as so obvious I can't believe it's not happening already.

Heck, I bet the Githyanki would even likely rally behind a suitable impersonator.

Actually, who are we to say that it didn't happen already? Perhaps many times? How many times did a renegade 'yanki lich get a bunch of planewalkers ("adventurers") together to destroy Vlaakith so that he/she/it can replace her?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki Organizations

As an aside, how do we mention Vlaakith's destruction? I really hate the "A group of canny bloods from the Prime came and penned her good. No one knows their names, though" because it just screams "Our creativity is stifled by adherence to the module's outcome. We can't define anything more than that because, who knows? you might have already run it in your own campaign and know how it turns out."

We should just say who it was, when it happened, exactly what when on, and so on. I just think that "A group of nameless heroes (psst... that means it was an adventuring party) is responsible" is annoying. We'll include a hardly-necessary sidebar explaining that you can certainly change the circumstances of Vlaakith's death to match your own campaign.

So who offed the lich-queen? Something as simple as saying where they came from (do they need to be Primes?) and giving them a name would suffice.

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
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So who offed the lich-queen? Something as simple as saying where they came from (do they need to be Primes?) and giving them a name would suffice.

I think they do indeed need to be primes (though they could have a planar guide with them) and I think they really should be fromt he world the Githyanki were invading. If the killers of Vlaakith are planars that immediately gives the Githyanki a target to rally around and attempt to take vengeance, with whoever leads that crusade almost certainly emerging as the new leader if victory occurs.

Prime heroes can go back to the prime and have their world suddenly suffer a planar access catastrophy, maybe Eberron style in that it moves out of conjuction for the next thousand years or something, so that the Githyanki can't continue their invasion (I firmly refuse to believe that any one prime world can possible stand up to the whole might of the entire Githyanki race on a crusade of vengeance as oppossed to Vlaakith's little expeditionary incursion force). It might be good if the PCs are assumed to be killed after killing Vlaakith, in which case we can ignore who they might have been, perhaps they are destroyed when the complex comes down on their heads or some such.

On another note,

If the prime world the Githyanki were invading was supposedly their original homeworld, doesn't that imply it was the original homeworld of the entire human race as well? Because the Gith races were originally human? or is it just the world where they finally changed enough to have a truly derivative biology? which was probably an important world in the old Illithid empire.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
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"Rhys" wrote:
So who offed the lich-queen? Something as simple as saying where they came from (do they need to be Primes?) and giving them a name would suffice.

Whoever it was, I'd prefer if they died in the process (or soon after the act). Or what Mechalich suggested, that they are out-of-touch. Either way, we need them out of the game for fairly obvious reasons.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Githyanki Organizations

"Mechalich" wrote:
(I firmly refuse to believe that any one prime world can possible stand up to the whole might of the entire Githyanki race on a crusade of vengeance

Maybe they don't. Maybe part of the assumption is that the splintered Githyanki also have a recently conquered Prime world to figure out what to do with.

If the prime world the Githyanki were invading was supposedly their original homeworld, doesn't that imply it was the original homeworld of the entire human race as well?.

My assumption was that it was simply the world that Gith (and probably Zerthimon and Vlaakith I) came from. The illithid empire had many worlds under its control; Pharagos was the one that first broke free, and where the most successful resistance got its start. There were surely creatures similar to gith forerunners on other worlds, but they either joined Gith or merged with (or became) humanity.

I once made a list of reasons why I thought the Suel people on Oerth are the descendents of illithid slaves (rampant albinism and near-albinism, they're the oldest known civilization on the world, they had to get their mystic knowledge from somewhere). There's actually a site in Western Oerik on that world filled with the ghosts of millions of gith forerunners who died during the illithid slave rebellion mentioned in one of Chris Pramas' Chainmail campaign articles in Dragon Magazine.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Githyanki Organizations

"Rhys" wrote:
We should just say who it was, when it happened, exactly what when on, and so on. I just think that "A group of nameless heroes (psst... that means it was an adventuring party) is responsible" is annoying. We'll include a hardly-necessary sidebar explaining that you can certainly change the circumstances of Vlaakith's death to match your own campaign.

So who offed the lich-queen? Something as simple as saying where they came from (do they need to be Primes?) and giving them a name would suffice.

Here's a possibility: they came from Athas.

This fits on a few levels. We don't have to go into detail about the world the githyanki were trying to invade; it already exists. Athas already has an attempted Githyanki invasion (the Black Spine adventure) that we could merge into the Incursion backstory. There's already a canon reason (the Grey) for why the githyanki couldn't immediately go on crusade against the world that spawned Vlaakith's killers. Heck, with the permission of, it might even be possible to grab the pregens out of Black Spine, update them to 3e, and adopt them as Planescape characters. (They didn't die, they escaped! And now can't get back home. And so have stuck around the planes, alternately dodging crazed 'yanki assassins and working on a new sect devoted to kicking the 'yanki while they're down.)

Mind you, we'd probably want to check in with the folks before setting this sort of thing in stone, and might want to offer to let them make a few tweaks to the Outer Planes in exchange. (They'd probably use it to give Dregoth, the undead dragon-king, a bit of an impact on the Outer Planes. Which'd be just fine by me...)

Thoughts on this?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Why were these hypothetical adventurers from Athas able to do what no one has done for millennia? What, aside from those damned epic levels, makes them so special that they not only killed Vlaakith but got away with it?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Dragon sorceror backing? Maybe they had a thrycrin with em and that was - unexpected? I dunno... (I really need to read that module)

maybe the halfling invited her to dinner? Eye-wink

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Githyanki Organizations

"Rhys" wrote:
Why were these hypothetical adventurers from Athas able to do what no one has done for millennia? What, aside from those damned epic levels, makes them so special that they not only killed Vlaakith but got away with it?
Well, someone killed Vlaakith. Presumably these guys just got lucky. I haven't read Incursion so I don't know the details, but I'm guessing it had some deus ex machina involved to allow "Your Campaign's Heroes" to get away with it.

Besides, I thought you were the one who wanted something different than "some nameless berks from a random Prime went down in a blaze of glory". I'm offering one. Laughing out loud

CatchyUsername's picture
Joined: 2005-02-18
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They did have a general's backing, it wasn't entirely luck. (Although he'd be giving my players a lot more help if I ran that adventure, as written he's a plot device with feet).

Why not just put it down as "a group of hardened adventures recruited, trained, and equipped by the So'shal Khou (spelling? my copy is at home). Though the killers themselves have taken their spoils and scattered to the planes, the group that sponsored them is becoming a focus of yadda yadda as their true involvment becomes known?"

I mean, that's what the githyanki are going to be really angry about, and what's going to knock the githzerai's probverbial socks off. That the situation was bad enough, to produce a general like...What was his name. It began with Z and had a lot of "r"s in it.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki Organizations

Okay, so here's what we've got so far, as I understand it:

1. Imperialists and monarchists who claim to have the next-in-line to Vlaakith, thus enabling them to continue the line of rule-by-queens. The Vlaakith-to-be is a githyanki noble who has discarded her old life to accept the mantle of Vlaakith.

2. A cabal of generals trying to hold down a swath of Astral cities under martial law. They have a large military presence, but not a lot of political credibility.

3. A sect of Gith-worshipers who are searching for the lost warrior-queen. Prophesies indicate that she is destined to return in the race's darkest hour, and followers have dispatched themselves to all corners of the multiverse in search of her. They are known as the Gith'etkri, or "Githites" by non-gith.

4. A group of githyanki scholars, not interested in warfare, study god-corpses and planar phenomena in remote Astral nebulae and isolated pockets of the Silver Void.

as I proposed in the first thread
and also

5. Negative Energy Plane-based liches, former consorts of Vlaakith's, who are continuing with various nefarious plots. They represent the worst depths of the githyanki.

6. Followers of Tiamat who have clung to the Dragon Alliance (the new term I have just decided) and are now loyal to that draconic power. Some are in it for the power, some are in it out of desperation, and some are truly dedicated to their draconic masters. The latter are rewarded with power, but are almost universally despised by other githyanki, who see subservience to dragons as a self-imposed enslavement. Lots of Draconomicon material comes in here.

7. A strange prophet who believes herself the reincarnation of Gith.

8. (4.) All kinds of small Astral enclaves of non-military githyanki operating under various purposes. I'm really interested in pulling in some stuff from (Monte Cook's) Requiem for a God here, and have them investigate corpi dei.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki Organizations

I think that the various githyanki aristocrats and leaders who back the new queen (not a lich-queen) Vlaakith should be fairly united. Some may be more authentically behind the queen than others, but the choice of heir was not arbitrary. According to the old practices (so ancient due to Vlaakith's lengthy rule) there is an heir in line. So much time has passed without any biological decendants of the previous Vlaakith that the heir is a fairly distant relation, but she has the credentials, as it were.

The Githites aren't actually going to locate the one-and-only Gith, but they can go through several false positives. Another important note is that they're fairly confident that Gith is due about now, but where she appears is certainly under investigation by their best scholars. More importantly, though, is the question of how she appears. It doesn't necessarily mean that she will be bodily returned to lead the githyanki, and even these followers don't expect that. A significant majority await what they consider a more likely outcome: some manner of sublime revelation by the warrior-queen.

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Githyanki Organizations

I'm thinking, for one, that the Khou, for having successfully orchestrated her assassination, will split Githyanki society-- loyalists will seek vengeance, while the majority of Githyanki will follow the Khou, including the attempted reunification of the Gith race.

The division of the Githyanki society is, of course, why the Githyanki have not been able to simply return to Pharagos, lay waste to the entire world, and take trophies from the adventurers who killed their queen. Not to mention, of course, that once she's gone, I can easily see a lot of the fanatic loyalty simply fading-- she's a hell of a Queen, but not much of a martyr, and her predations against her own people will likely be remembered.

I like the idea of a significant portion of the Githyanki adopting the worship of Tiamat, and honoring the dragon pact-- perhaps to the exclusion of reunificiation. I'm running a Dragonstar campaign currently, with the eventual end-game being the PCs overturning the Empire and slaying Mezzenbone. I'm planning on using the Lich Queen's Beloved as one of the turning points of the campaign-- with the Durth'ka'gith remaining loyal to the Emperor afterwards, and some small factions of Gith (Yanki and Zerth alike) joining in the Rebellion.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki Organizations

I'm thinking of a new leader coming to the forefront.

Amongst her chosen it is whispered that she is the child of Gith, sired by Ephemelon, but Fira refuses to comment. She refers to herself as the 'last living vestige of the Dragon Pact' and only she and her followers can once again gain assistance from the scarlet wyrms after the destruction of Ephemelon's Sceptre. The half-dragon half-githyanki's motives are unclear, but it is known that she intends to take some sort of role in guiding the githyanki into the future.

Fira, however, hides a secret. She is no regent from Tiamat sent to aid the githyanki. She is a proxy of Garxy, the All Consuming Flame, and her self-appointed mission is to convert the githyanki into a destructive force to raze the planes. She hopes that, in this way, she can curry favor with her lord and exhalt his name over that of Tiamat.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Githyanki Organizations

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Amongst her chosen it is whispered that she is the child of Gith, sired by Ephemelon, but Fira refuses to comment. She refers to herself as the 'last living vestige of the Dragon Pact' and only she and her followers can once again gain assistance from the scarlet wyrms after the destruction of Ephemelon's Sceptre.

An obvious head for the githyanki of the Dragon Alliance. She could be trying to subvert her followers, hinting and brainwashing that without Vlaakith, the 'yanki are sitting ducks. Their only hope is to join with the red dragons.

It might help this concept take off if there were a prominent leader (or two) for each group so that they aren't just vague concepts.
The prophet of Gith could lead the Githites.
The descendent of Vlaakith could be the focus of the monarchists with, perhaps, an ambitious aristocrat being the real power.
A particularly nasty Consort of Vlaakith that the others follow.
A legendary loremaster calling for the People to unite and look to the knowledge stored in the corpi dei.

Malys Bloodscream's picture
Joined: 2005-02-11
Githyanki Organizations

Despite WIZARDS's "retirement" of planescape, they constantly throw new stuff into the campaign. For instance, in Races of Destiny, they say that the illumians (the new race introduced in that book) had a great library that the githyanki destroyed and raided. The other-wise neutral illumians desire revenge and what's really interesting is the fact that the illumians ally with both githzerai and illithids. of the two, the githzerai are trusted and are peers, whereas the illithids are suspected to have ulterior motives(nothing new there). Anyways, there are non- githyanki-only groups that should be considered.
-the githyanki/githzerai pro-unification group, who iniated the adventure in which the unknown heroes killed Vlaakith
-the illithds (this should be a no-brainer)
-the traditional githyanki-hating githzerai
-the illumians (Races of Destiny does have some intriguing planer material)
-the heroes themselves (what Vlaakith loyalist wouldn't carry out revenge for their queen?)
-Tiamt (she just lost a powerful ally/pawn that she could have used to gain control of a planar nation of psionic soldiers)

I'm tired. I hope this was helpful

Fiddler's picture
Joined: 2005-05-04
Githyanki Organizations

One thing I have noticed is the fact that no one has yet looked at the possibilities of two or more of these groups seeking an alliance. Among the power groups discussed already there are a number of intriquing possibilities,but for now lets just look at the first that leapt out at me.

The prophet who believes herself to be Gith reborn, while depicted as a charismatic leader who won the support of most of the garrison at the fortress she was assigned to, would be hardpressed to find support elsewhere. In taking over the fortress she attacked her commander, thereby breaking that Githyanki cardinal rule of never attacking one another. Plus the support she earned among the troops stationed there was based upon the fact that many had witnessed the extraordinary ablities she had displayed in combat as well as dreams she had on the Prime during these raids. Certainly she might be able to sway some of the rank and file with sheer charisma alone, as there will always be those seeking some cause to believe in, but the true power players in 'yanki society would be unlikely to be swayed by a known dissident. This is where our second, and mostly ignored so far, power block comes in.

The Sha'Sal Khou by their description in "The Lich-Queen's Beloved" are striving for the reunification of the two gith races. It is their hope to eventually raise and army powerful enough to be able to establish and hold a stronghold where the 2 races could live as one again as a single people simply called the gith. To do this though doesn't just mean battling any enemy troops sent against them, but millenia of teachings and beliefs that "they" ( be it 'yanki or 'zerai) were traitorous enemies only slightly less evil then the hated illithids. To defeat an ingrained way of thinking like this they would need an equally powerful symbol to rally around. And if that symbol was a charismatic and proven leader in the battle against their common enemy all the better.

To my way of thinking an alliance of the 2 powergroups makes sense on a number of levels:

1. Gith reborn makes for a rallying cause on many levels, most importantly having the religious clout to combat the "Lich-Queen as God" inroads made by Vlaakith on equal footing.

2. Gith was the savior of both races before the civil war split them in two. Gith reborn provides an end to a battle on two fronts for both species, and truth be known the original reason for their split has never been made known. They have continued this war only because those in charge have told them that it should be so.

3. The Khou bring the political clout among both races that our prophet lacks, as well as some military strength.

4. With the weakening of the Githyanki due to Vlaakith's death, a reunification of the gith species would strengthen them without needing to seek outside help. This would put them in opposition of those in favor of the Dragon Alliance, which only came about because of the seperation of the two species.

For these and other reasons I think we should look at which groups make truly viable power players on their own. On their own both groups make for an interesting idea in the list of proposals made in these threads, but together they would make for a much more serious threat to the 'yanki status quo.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki Organizations

While I think that these groups could come up with alliances, I think it's more fun to have more power groups. Any merging or schisming would be assumed to have already occurred or not yet occurred, leaving the present situation with X number of organizations. It's like the factions: it might even make sense for the Dustmen and Bleakers to join forces, and with those two factions' intensely long histories, you might think it would have happened already. But they remain distinct groups because it's more fun like that.

I think the Dragon Alliance might be the most isolated of these groups--it being difficult to reconcile any of the others' beliefs with their own--but they have a lot going for them: the backing of a demi-god dragon, the most significant holdings on a plane besides the Astral, half-dragon githyanki, support from dragon minions, and being the only group among the githyanki which still maintains the Dragon Pact (in fact, the dragons would probably love to get some revenge against the other githyanki, who are now vulnerable and have been using Tiamat as leverage to conscript their service for millennia).

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Githyanki Organizations

Reviving another ancient thread again...hope that's OK. It seems to me there are three key points about the situation that are lynchpins for the whole discussion of what happens to githyanki society after Vlaakith's demise. There are some things directly related to Vlaakith's death that will have a significant impact on the things to follow, society-wide.

1. Vlaakith's goals during her gambit for godhood were to "become the revered god of the githyanki, cast off the teachings of Gith, and give birth to a new supreme order governed by priests and duthka'giths who have sworn their eternal souls to her". These would be monumentally important for any githyanki that become aware of these facts after her death. Her aspirations for divinity, for starters, would be revolting to the average githyanki. Gith was not a god, and therefore Vlaakith was literally trying to trump Gith. "Casting off the teachings of Gith" makes it even worse (although the exact nature of what she would have replaced them with are not specified). Gith's teachings weren't good enough for her. So she was trying to upstage Gith, both in raw power and philisophical direction. And thereby turn githyanki society ass over teakettle.

Which leaves us with "give birth to a new supreme order governed by priests and duthka'giths who have sworn their eternal souls to her". Oh boy. What we don't see on this list is "and her loyal githyanki subjects". Now I'm sure she would have had lots of those around, but it seems that all of the positions in the upper crust of githyanki society would have been reserved for duthka'giths and a newly established caste of priests. Which basically means that the entire societal layer of githyanki nobles and knights would have gotten a big fat demotion.

Githyanki across the multiverse had been looking forward to sacrificing their every waking moment, and ultimatly their very essense, to fuel this queen's continued existence. They are descendents of many generations of githyanki who had also done this. It is their entire way of life. And now they find out thatshe was doing her best to sell them out, taking advantage of their devotion to the old system to allow her to introduce a brand new system of her own devising. They might be, shall we say, a bit upset. The being they so revered was attempting to utterly invalidate the very historical and social framework that had placed her at the top of the food chain in the first place. If you are a "true believer", there just is no worse possible scenario. It's like a Pope deciding to start his own new religion, slaying priests and pillaging the Vatican's coffers in the process.

My point: First, it would be of the utmost importance for anyone aware of these facts, regardless of any plans they have for the future, to do their best to ensure that all githyanki everywhere are aware of true nature of Vlaakith's actions and motivations. Any scrap of possible evidence would be used to confirm the nature of the events which occured. And remember, githyanki are not treacherous within their own society, being considered "peaceful, polite and respectful" (Guide to the Astral Plane). Githyanki are quick to lie to non-githyanki, but such behavior would be exceptionally shameful among their own kind, particularly regarding something as important as this. As their lifelong "respect for the high-ups" shifted from Vlaakith to the remaining powerful githyanki leaders, the githyanki would be documenting the first-hand accounts of any powerful githyanki that survived the attempted coup to godhood, and a ruthless demand for a true accounting of the events leading up to Vlaakiths' demise would be demanded at all levels. And I suspect, in general, the truth would come out. Despite the obvious advantage to deception, the societal and quasi-religious motivations would push most witnesses to set the record straight with the utmost honesty. These are beings raised to be loyal to the githyanki race first and foremost, and that would mean in this case being truthful about exactly what happened.

Secondly, any githyanki becoming aware of the facts above would probably get physically ill in utter disgust. Their lifelong devotion to Vlaakith would have to be considered devotion that was misplaced, and this would undermine their entire worldview. There would certainly be a few holdouts that ignored the facts, but for the large majority of githyanki society, this would be a crushing philisophical blow.

An interesting question is, if you jettison devotion to the Lich-Queen, what else gets jettisoned? Is anything off limits when someone literally lose their religion? You'd see a range of reactions, for people looking for a substitute lich-queen to people who throw the whole ball of wax out the window due to the fact that the devotion to the lich-queen is what all of githyanki society is based on.

2. The Sha'sal Khou have perhaps done a favor for the githyanki race by dethroning the Lich-Queen, but they have done it by violating several of the fundamental underlying rules of githyanki society. It's a classic "means justified the end" scenario, and githyanki society just isn't terribly flexible in this regard. Although perhaps technically they did not commit githyanki-on-githyanki violence, they will be crucified in the court of public opinion for their involvement in violating this millenia-long taboo. So not only do they have to drum up sympathy for their radical githzerai-loving approach, they are also clearly guilty of harming other githyanki to further their cause. Not the greatest public relations move. For many githyanki, the first time they hear about the Sha'sal Khou, it will be in the same breath as they are told about their shameful disregard for the fundamental ground rules of githyanki society. They have a lot of work ahead of them if they expect to be respected by the average githyanki. Even those that are sympathetic to a cease-fire with the githzerai might shun them for their decidedly un-githyanki tactics

3. Devotion to the Lich-Queen was primarily motivated by the idea that without her, the githyanki would be enslaved again. Tit is a superstition of the githyanki that their freedom was literally incarnated in Vlaakith. Realistic or not, with Vlakith dead, the overwhelming concern would be to avoid enslavement at any cost. Call it a mass paranoia. But this fact would fuel the urge to start a period of rabid isolationism and deemphasis on expansion. Everything, including Gith, goes out the window if the githyanki races loses its freedom, and the guaranteed post-Vlaakith chaos is undeniably the best time in thousands of years for someone to sweep in and crush them. They will be freaking out about this for some time.

Regardless of the factions that arise after these events, all githyanki aware of the Lich-Queen's demise will be discussing the three issues above, and the impact these things have on subsequent events cannot be overstated.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Githyanki Organizations

Just for the record...I'm generally not too interested in speculating myself about what might happen post-Vlaakith. I'm more interested, personally, in documenting what led up to it and the details of the Lich-Queens destruction as described -- with the intention of creating fertile ground for more creative people than myself to engage in speculation of the repercussions. I do enjoy READING people's speculations, but I'm not one to do much speculating myself. More about facts than opinions.

So don't be bummed if I refrain from taking the creative ball and running with it. It's just my way. Consider me more of a documentation-oriented mimir. Smiling

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Githyanki Organizations

Would it be possible for a faction to develop with the idea of resurrecting a member of the Vlakkith bloodline to resume leadership of the githyanki? Perhaps the Queen's Knights decide the only way to restore order is bring someone back to life who is from the royal bloodline. Just a thought I'm throwing out there.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Githyanki Organizations

Actually, that's a great idea. In times of great change, there are always "conservatives" that want to get things back to the way they were. I'm quite sure that some of the old-school githyanki (the ones with the most to lose with Vlaakith gone) would be *very* interested in reestablishing the royal line -- and of course, also reestablishing themselves at the top of the heap in the process. In fact, if they succeed they would be positioned even higher than before. So it's pretty much guaranteed to happen.

The only real question is how to get a bonafide Vlaakith on the throne -- and your idea as to how to do that makes sense. I'm quite sure none of them would be alive!

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Githyanki Organizations

It wouldn't even be only those with alot to lose in the political scene. The githyanki have maintained status quo since the disappearance of Gith. Alot of the people, from Mlar to the Knights, would want the bloodline reestablished, if only to give them security.

Now imagine the division that would occur between a reincarnated or returned Gith and a resurected Vlaakith bloodline member.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Githyanki Organizations

There has already been a mention of a "Court of Vlaakith" made up of free-willed undead on the Neg-Energy plane. One of them could be a camdidate for the next Lich-Queen (King?)

Three words: Githyanki Death Knights!

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Githyanki Organizations

Would the githyanki really accept some lich from the negative plane as their leader? Unless they could prove they were a Vlaakith, I don't think it would work. Then again, if one of the liches is a Vlaakith... there could be another faction based on that! Or the lich could just join the Ascendcy faction. You know, be their ace in the sleeve.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Githyanki Organizations

I really like the idea of a resurrected flesh-and-blood Vlaakith. (Maybe Cerika from the Demonstone? You listening, Nick? Smiling If they could get a living, breathing githyanki that was of Vlaakith's bloodline, she would be a shoe-in for the throne -- for the very reasons you provided.

To the githyanki, the reigning Vlaakith is a personification of their freedom. Not having a Vlaakith is a precursor to slavery in their paranoid world. The lich Vlaakith was not enough of a problem to be concerned about for most of her reign, because she at least served her function adequately. But if she's gone, another living githyanki that was of that bloodline would be *very* appealing as a replacement for her. Many would consider that a much better alternative to getting the lich back. They would probably see it as getting things back on track, and would probably disallow undead leaders in the future due to recent unpleasant events.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Phargos or not?

So, are we going with the assumption that Phargos was the world that was invaded or not? Also, in Polyhedron, it states "...that dead goddess is far more important: she was once the patron deity of the human ancestors of the githyanki and githzerai. The human ruins the dwarves are exploring in the Wasting Desert are the incredibly ancient remains of the human civilation from which the gith races were born..."
That would mean this is the world that the human ancestors of the Gith came from. Not necessarily where all humans came from because the humans are scattered all over the planes in differing states of technology. Perhaps in these ruins are ancient texts or technologies to be uncovered by the Silver Eyes (I think that's the name of the scholars) that reveal certain things about the Githyanki. Maybe some kind of prophecy, being lured to self destruction by Tiamat or something perhaps? Anyways, whatever information is discovered could possibly be used to strengthen the position of one of the factions. Just a few of my scattered thoughts.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Phargos or not?

So, are we going with the assumption that Phargos was the world that was invaded or not? Also, in Polyhedron, it states "...that dead goddess is far more important: she was once the patron deity of the human ancestors of the githyanki and githzerai. The human ruins the dwarves are exploring in the Wasting Desert are the incredibly ancient remains of the human civilation from which the gith races were born..."
That would mean this is the world that the human ancestors of the Gith came from. Not necessarily where all humans came from because the humans are scattered all over the planes in differing states of technology. Perhaps in these ruins are ancient texts or technologies to be uncovered by the Silver Eyes (I think that's the name of the scholars) that reveal certain things about the Githyanki. Maybe some kind of prophecy, being lured to self destruction by Tiamat or something perhaps? Anyways, whatever information is discovered could possibly be used to strengthen the position of one of the factions. Just a few of my scattered thoughts.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Phargos or not?

So, are we going with the assumption that Phargos was the world that was invaded or not? Also, in Polyhedron, it states "...that dead goddess is far more important: she was once the patron deity of the human ancestors of the githyanki and githzerai. The human ruins the dwarves are exploring in the Wasting Desert are the incredibly ancient remains of the human civilation from which the gith races were born..."
That would mean this is the world that the human ancestors of the Gith came from. Not necessarily where all humans came from because the humans are scattered all over the planes in differing states of technology. Perhaps in these ruins are ancient texts or technologies to be uncovered by the Silver Eyes (I think that's the name of the scholars) that reveal certain things about the Githyanki. Maybe some kind of prophecy, being lured to self destruction by Tiamat or something perhaps? Anyways, whatever information is discovered could possibly be used to strengthen the position of one of the factions. Just a few of my scattered thoughts.

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