Githyanki entries in MM IV

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Howarth Davin ag-Talaron's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Githyanki entries in MM IV

Has anyone been able to pick up a copy of MM IV yet? I saw from the Table of Contents that there are three Githyanki-related entries, one of which is "Gish". Wonder if it's any good... if someone has it, please comment. Thanks!

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Githyanki entries in MM IV

The githyanki section of MM IV (4 pages) has detailed stats for three sample githyanki (CR4 soldier, CR8 gish, and CR10 captain). Also included are very small blurbs about ecology, alignment, and society, containing nothing that isn't probably already familiar to most readers. Perhaps the only noteworthy parts are a sidebar for githyanki lore rolls, and an illustration of three githyanki using various armors and weapons not seen in other 3E illustrations. You can see the illustration here:

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki entries in MM IV

There's a dangerous feat that they include (I forget the name, I only flipped through the book in a store) that lets githyanki spellcasters ignore arcane spell failure in light armor. It's dangerous because they've never given that power out in a feat before. And with all of WotC's new spellcaster base classes getting armored spell failure, it becomes harder and harder to justify why the wizard and sorcerer get shafted there, and are beset by a rule system that was invented just to cause them hassle.

And now githyanki can get out of that with a feat. It's a feat no one would pass up. And there's already a feat to increase your armored spellcasting ability increased by one armor category. This completely opens the door to inventing rules to let other characters slide on ASP.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Githyanki entries in MM IV

'Rhys' wrote:
There's a dangerous feat that they include (I forget the name, I only flipped through the book in a store) that lets githyanki spellcasters ignore arcane spell failure in light armor. It's dangerous because they've never given that power out in a feat before.
I thought I had seen this feat in one of WotC's recent rulebooks. Maybe Complete Arcane or something similar?

But there are other feats like the Still Spell metamagic feat that is even more powerful because it doesn't matter how heavy the armor the arcane spellcaster is wearing, it simply bypasses the somatic spell component altogether.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Githyanki entries in MM IV

'420' wrote:
But there are other feats like the Still Spell metamagic feat that is even more powerful because it doesn't matter how heavy the armor the arcane spellcaster is wearing, it simply bypasses the somatic spell component altogether.

Still Spell makes the spell harder to cast, though, evidenced by a +1 level to the spell. Now, if we're going to talk about a Silence Metamagic Rod, then we're going somewhere with this line of thought.


Pants of the North!

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Githyanki entries in MM IV

Just flicked through Complete Arcane and its littered with 'get out of Arcane Spell Failure free' cards. As much as I hate the idea of an armoured caster, Psions have been able to do it for ages :s I think the one downside to having something stupid like a Mage in Full Plate is that it takes 3 feats to get him there (or a level of fighter now I think about it...) which are feats better spent on metamagic/item creation feats. But now that ive contradicted my own point with my Fighter/Wizard argument I think the idea is silly.

Personally I have taken to spitting on anyone who I deem a 'Power Gamer'. More than one player in my new group has felt the back of my hand by multiclassing to hell and trying to reap benefits of other classes. I blame 3rd Edition removing 2nd edition rules like Mages NEVER wear armour (Why? I hear you ask. No explanation...they just DONT ok?) and Clerics never using bladed weapons (This always confused me but never bothered me...except when my cleric found a cool sword! Grrr to random treasure)

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