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rom: "Phil Smith"
Date: Thu Oct 18, 2001 1:58 pm
Subject: Another psionic weapon night-gaunt
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Paired: Two magical one-handed weapons can, at the time of creation, be enhanced with similar energies, resulting in paired weapons. The two weapons are designed to be used in tandem; as such, when the owner wields both weapons – one in each hand – she fights as if she possesses the Two-Weapon Fighting Feat. This benefit does not apply if either of the paired weapons is used with a different weapon, or even with another weapon that was not paired with it. If the wielder is already capable of fighting with two weapons, she receives no additional benefits.

Manifester Level: 7th. Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armour, Two-Weapon Fighting. Market Price: +1 bonus per weapon.

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A githzerai, by me:

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From: "Phil Smith"
Date: Thu Oct 18, 2001 2:25 pm
Subject: Obstinacy of Tal: revised night-gaunt
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Obstinacy of Tal:
Sensei Tal is famed among residents of the Floating City. It is said that he knew himself and had achieved oneness and focus beyond the reach of many of the People. Such was his knowledge that his will shaped the chaos as well as any anarch, despite having been told as a youngling that he would never know chaos. Tal's refusal to know defeat is a lesson to us all, and to wear Tal's scalp is to be obstinate against all circumstance.

This simple skullcap is usually made of brown leather and is unadorned. It adjusts to fit the head of any humanoid, although the fit is always a very tight one. While wearing the obstinacy of Tal, the wearer receives a +4 resistance bonus to Will saves versus mind-affecting magic and telepathy. Furthermore, his concentration is more difficult to break, thanks to a +4 competence bonus to his Concentration checks. In addition, the wearer may, once per day, bestow freedom through resolve upon another character.

Caster Level:
3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, freedom through resolve, creator must be a githzerai and have 4 or more ranks of the Concentration skill; Market Price: 10,520 gp.

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"Romain Schmitter"
Date: Mon Oct 22, 2001 5:27 pm
Subject: Honor the_rom_s@...
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Ok, here's something a little different on which I'm working

Githyanki and honor (githzerai have another version of it, sometimes similar,
sometines opposed)
Githyanki have a strong sense of honor, albeit a strange one, one found illogical at times by outsiders
An individual strive to gain honor, to be viewed by his peer as someone superior.

Honor can be gained in two ways: deeds and possession.
Deeds: defeating a single foe in duel, or a superior force within one's band, crafting a
masterwork item (possesion of it also gains honor).
besting a githyanki in a contest (singing, tumbling, ...)
Humiliating a non-githyanki (worth more than a mere killing)
Foiling Githzerai or illithids activities, or raiding a fortress

Possessions: of every sort, the rarest and the most valuable, the more honor. Illithids items
or parts (skulls, preserved tentacles) are worth quite a lot, especially if they were killed by
the owner or his band.
Gold has little importance of its owns, coins being all the same, the same is not true of jewels or gems.
crafted item are more valued than magic items, only the work of the item, not its powers are important
(Githyanki think they don't the need the help of magic items, except if they have crafted them themselves)

One can lose honor several ways: acknowledging openly someone as superior (whether by
his deeds or possessions).
Backing away from a fight, refusing to fight or oppose illithids, displaying fear
killing someone far less powerful than oneself while humiliating him/them was possible
A Githyanki losing honor because of someone will try to regain it by humiliating or besting
the responsible, but killing the responsible outright results in a loss of honor, except
if the first loss was really great.

Attacking a Githyanki is one of the most ashaming thing a Githyanki can do,
as is disobeying the Lich Queen.

Honor gives the social status of the individual, a powerrful warlock or fughter without honor will
be scorned by all, and will accept orders from less powerful githyanki.

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"Phil Smith"
Date: Thu Dec 13, 2001 9:40 pm
Subject: Githyanki spell night-gaunt
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Yes, I know it's been bloody ages... but I'm back.

Shield against the Tentacles

Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: 20 ft.
Area: 20-ft. radius emanation, centred on the caster.
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

Sodding illithids, chuuls, umber hulks… they’ve got two things in common; they look disgustin’ and they’ve no right existin’. What we need’s something to drive ‘em off; keep them away. And then we need something that’ll do that to the entire Multiverse! Hah!.

Shield against the Tentacles is one of the few spells used widely by the githyanki that isn’t designed primarily for slicing other creatures into large chunks. It calls a spherical energy field into existence; a barrier through which aberrations may not pass. The spell is also effective against pseudonatural creatures; its purpose being to hedge out creatures that are even slightly similar to mind flayers, allowing those warriors within its radius to prepare another offensive. Unless they succeed in resisting the spell, they may not cross the barrier.

Attempting to force this barrier against the affected creatures collapses it. Casters are advised that while the spell blocks physical approach from the creatures, it does not block spells, psionics or missile attacks.

Material Component: An assortment of rare herbs, including laethen, worth no less than 250 gp.

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Hone Blade

Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Mlar 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 weapon or fifty projectiles, all of which must be in contact with each other at the time of casting

Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

What’s better than a sword? A bloody good sword, that’s what! If you hone a blade enough, use only the finest metals, it ceases to be a weapon and becomes an extension of the will; it’ll slice bone and part flesh without so much as an effort. You’ll know the difference between a normal weapon and an exceptional weapon, young githwarrior. You’ll know.

While not as immediately effective as, say, magic weapon or keen edge, hone blade has one important advantage over other weapon-affecting spells; it permanently alters a weapon. A weapon under the effect of a hone blade spell is permanently altered; its balance and temper are improved, transforming it into a masterwork weapon, giving it a +1 bonus to attack rolls. A weapon so affected is then eligible for transformation into a magic weapon by means of the Craft Magic Arms and Armour feat,

Once the spell is cast, the affected weapon may not be de-honed by means of a Mordenkainen’s disjunction or dispel magic spell; the weapon itself is not magical.

Material Component: a finely-wrought gold ring, worth 300 gold pieces.

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"Phil Smith"
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2001 7:30 am
Subject: Githzerai spell night-gaunt
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Jo’loren’s Tread


Level: Sor/Wiz 1

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)

Target: One creature

Duration: 1 minute / level (D)

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

Spell Resistance: Yes

"Jo’loren is known by the People, even though she was not one of the People by birth.

"An elf of the Material Plane, Jo’loren dwelt in the depths below the surface, where her kind engaged in battles and alliances with the illithids. Jo’loren was unusual among her kind in that she realised that her race, in rebellion against the other elves, came to not know themselves.

"Jo’loren engaged in a second rebellion, worshipping another goddess, forgoing the practices and rituals through which the drow claimed to know themselves. She knew the danger of her decisions, and trod carefully, hiding her intentions with the same skill as she hid her body from spies.

"It is from Jo’loren that the gen’iarch learned their first lesson: to tread carefully. Those who know when to act and when not and who do not take needless risks are said to walk with Jo’loren’s tread."

The recipient of Jo’loren’s tread is more sure-footed, and difficult to throw off-balance. His feet go exactly where they should, allowing him to move quietly and efficiently across uneven surfaces. For the duration of the spell he receives a +10 competence bonus to Balance and Move Silently checks.

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From: "Phil Smith"
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2001 7:30 am
Subject: Another Githzerai spell night-gaunt
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Fists of Falranth

Evocation [Force]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)
Effect: Up to five rays
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

"Know, student, that Sensei Falranth was the first monk to teach the ways of the Zerth Cenobite in the open, rather than in the cloisters, kept secret from the People.
"His actions drew the emnity of other masters of the Way who did not wish for all People to know their art. Some sought to discredit him, claiming that in breaking with tradition, he had ceased to know them. Others feared his openness and declared him a danger to the People. They demanded his death, and their will was that they would kill him themselves.
"Falranth knew the teachings of the Cenobites, however, and met like with like, using neither excess nor insufficient force. Those who argued with him were met with cunning arguments. They came to know that the teachings of the Zerth Cenobites were of value to all people, since they taught the twin lessons of control and precision. All those who came to kill him were struck down by those loyal to him, before they were able to lay a single hand upon him. Although none claimed to have done this, all agreed that in each case Falranth struck them, whether with arguments, or from afar, through those loyal to him
"And so it is that one who knows when to use reason, when to will, and when to fight and does each only when required and strikes with control and precision fights with the fists of Faranth."

The fists of Falranth allow the caster to strike a target from a distance, projecting one ray per caster level, up to a maximum of five rays. The rays may be directed at up to five targets, and on successful hits each inflict 1d8 points of force damage. All five attacks are made at the caster's base attack bonus, modified for Weapon Focus feats, high Dexterity, and so on.
Focus: an arrow whose head has been forged in the shape of a clenched fist.

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From: "Phil Smith"
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2001 7:38 am
Subject: Yet another githzerai spell night-gaunt
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Inviolable Will


Level: Sor/Wiz 1

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: 1 minute / level (D)

Saving Throw: None

"Know that the will is the most primal of forces. Without the will, a person is nothing. Without the will, there is no resistance, no self, no knowing.

"In the worst of adversity, there is always the will; there is always the certainty of identity. Take strength from knowing this. Even if it has to be submerged, the will is always there. If your will is strong, there is no limit to your potential.

"The illithids would have us lose our wills. We must protect the will, and in so doing our will can protect us."

The caster of inviolable will is harder to hit in combat, gaining a +1 deflection bonus to Armour Class for each point of her Wisdom bonus. Enhancement bonuses to Wisdom can of course increase the efficacy of this spell. If, however, the caster drinks a potion of wisdom to increase his Wisdom from 15 to 18, and casts inviolable will, his deflection bonus is +4 until the potion wears off, whereupon it drops to +2.

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From: "Phil Smith"
Date: Thu Dec 27, 2001 9:49 am
Subject: Zerth freebooters, part 2 night-gaunt
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And the other part -- Monster Manual stats...


Zerth Freebooter

Medium-Size Humanoid (Gith)

Hit Dice: 1d8+3 (7 hp)

Initiative: +0

Speed: 30 ft.

AC: 15 (+4 chain shirt, +1 buckler)

Attacks: Shortspear +1 melee or light crossbow +2 ranged

Damage: Shortspear 1d8 or light crossbow 1d8

Face/Reach: 5 ft. × 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Special Attacks: None

Special Qualities: Zerth freebooter traits, spell-like abilities, spell resistance

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 12.

Skills: Gather Information +3, Intimidate +3, Profession (void sailor) +4, Sense Motive +3, Spot +5, Wilderness Lore +3

Feats: Toughness

Climate/Terrain: Wildspace

Organization: Company (2 to 4 3rd-level fighters), boarding party (11 to 20 3rd level fighters, plus 2 7th-level officers, 1 9th-level mate), or crew (30 to 100 3rd-level fighters, plus 1 7th-level leader per 10 members, 5 7th-level officers, 3 9th-level mates, 1 16th-level captain)

Challenge Rating: 1

Treasure: Standard

Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral

Advancement: By character class

Zerth freebooters are another branch of the race that evolved into the githyanki and githzerai. They diverged from their githzerai kin shortly after the Pronouncement of Two Skies, electing to pursue the pirates of Gith into arcane space rather than follow the githzerai people’s wizard-king into Limbo. Before they went, however, they learned enough of chaos to realise its value in disrupting the order and tactics of the Gith pirates, thereby becoming more resourceful than their more numerous quarry.

Zerth freebooters have a rather peculiar appearance. They are tall and thin – heights of seven feet often occurring, and tend on the whole to be pale-skinned. Darker skin tones are not unknown, but are rather rare. Hair is often dark, although many Zerth freebooters shave their heads and sport tattoos on their scalps. Their faces have a somewhat eldritch cast, with pointed ears, long noses and jaws and high cheekbones, leading many to suggest that they are related to elves, although this theory is hotly denied by the elves themselves. They favour spacefaring fashions – bandannas, jerkins and so forth – although they prefer dark, conservative colours, giving them a rather grim countenance.

The Zerth freebooter tongue is a dialect of Githzerai combined with nautical code-words, and is distinct enough to be considered a creole form of its root language. Many Zerth freebooters also speak Common or Elven, given that these races are their more frequent allies. In addition they often speak the language of the pirates of Gith too.


Zerth freebooters will use many different weapons in combat, although they prefer to use simple weapons that inflict large amounts of damage, leaving more to intuition than actual training and habit. They prefer light armour as it allows them to move quickly, and does not hamper the stealth abilities of their rangers and rogues. As far as heroic feats go, Zerth freebooters favour those with a defensive effect; their numbers are limited, and as such anything that keeps them alive long enough to continue hunting pirates of Gith and illithids long enough is considered most useful. As such, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes and Toughness are most common among the Zerth freebooters.

When fighting, they will fight pirates of Gith and mind flayers first, even to the exclusion of other enemies. Their old hatreds have remained with them for thousands of years, and are unlikely to die out any time soon. If faced with both enemies at once, however, they are not above proposing a temporary truce with the Gith pirates. Once the mind flayers have all been slain, however, the truce is immediately called off and the Gith pirates are usually attacked as well.

Zerth Freebooter Traits (Ex): Zerth freebooters benefit from a number of traits:

* Darkvision, effective to a range of 60 feet.
* +2 racial bonus to all Gather Information, Intimidate, Sense Motive and Wilderness Lore checks.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Zerth freebooters of level 8 or above are able to use the following spell-like effects once per day as 16th-level sorcerers: astral projection, detect thoughts and plane shift. Crews of Gith pirates traditionally save their plane shift and astral projection abilities for a trick they have learned to perform in concert, however. If a crew of at least 30 Zerth freebooters all manifest those powers at the same time, they are able to shunt themselves, the ship and any cargo and prisoners into the Astral Plane. The circumstances under which this particular ability can be performed, however, are limited by the constraints of the ship in their possession. Their ship must be one of the elven living ships, such as a Man o’ War, or a craft of githzerai or their own manufacture. For this reason some Zerth freebooters have been known to steal elven ships, although alliances between the two races are more likely to occur, as Zerth freebooters are fierce marines.

Spell Resistance: Zerth freebooters have a spell resistance of 5 +1 per character level.


Zerth freebooters have few ties with any of the other Gith races. While they are not as xenophobic as the Gith pirates, nor are they anywhere near as genocidal, they are still rather insular and enigmatic. They have not severed all ties with the githzerai, and still revere Zerthimon as the liberator of their people. However, Zaerith Menyar-Ag-Gith does not welcome Zerth freebooters in his territories, seeing them as having picked up too many wrong-headed ideas and beliefs during their time outside. He views them as being potentially dangerous mavericks – rather like his view of the zerths. Perhaps because of this, the only real point of contact between Zerth freebooters and the githzerai are the zerths themselves.

Zerth freebooter crews have a rather peculiar structure to them; technically they are anarchists; no single freebooter can be described as their leader. However, the most experienced of their numbers are more respected by dint of their prowess and knowledge, and as such may in times of duress be considered the de facto leaders of a crew of Zerth freebooters. In most other circumstances, each Zerth freebooter has as much influence and seniority as the next. It is only due to their common goals and strong beliefs that they are able to work as a team.

The Zerth freebooters are nomadic, and as such have few colonies. Those that do exist are there to allow children to be conceived and raised, and for basic training in arms, armour and shipboard work to be given. Almost immediately afterward the young freebooters hook up with crews and set off on the ancient mission of their people. While clerics and druids are known among their people, there is no centrally organised church, nor any one favoured deity. Arcane magic is known and used by them too, but the talent is more of an internal one than any form of magic learned in books. As such, sorcerers are far more common among the Zerth freebooters than wizards.

Unlike the pirates of Gith, Zerth freebooters have no problem with phlogiston travel. The chief reason for this is that the pirates of Gith are particularly uncomfortable with the idea; conversely the Zerth freebooters feel they have something to prove. "The only way we can defeat our enemies," they argue, "is to be more resourceful than they are, but above all else to be braver than them." In addition, they see it as the most convenient way to travel between the spheres. While this does keep them from using their plane shift abilities with abandon, they find that on average it helps them outmanoeuvre their enemies more frequently. By spending more time in arcane space, they claim that they have come to know it far better than the pirates of Gith.


Being a race of huntsmen and privateers, the majority of Zerth freebooters prefer the class of ranger. However, given their preference for Wildspace, they are a rather peculiar kind of ranger, favouring the void over the forest. Zerth freebooter clerics are not unknown, although they are rare, but not as rare as monks or paladins, whose lawful codes are seen as an unwelcome constraint.

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From: "Phil Smith"
Date: Sat Jan 5, 2002 5:55 pm
Subject: Power Swing (revised) night-gaunt
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Power Swing [General]

You are especially adept at using a weapon in two hands to inflict extra damage.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus of +6 or higher, Power Attack.

Benefit: When wielding a melee weapon in two hands, are able to add twice your Strength bonus to any damage inflicted instead of one-and-a-half times the Strength bonus. Thus, a character wth Strength 18 wielding a greataxe inflicts +8 points of damage instead of +6.

I'd also note that characters using this feat have to give up the use of a shield... which at higher levels can mean sacrificing up to +7 on the AC, plus any other shield qualities. Pretty heavy trade-off.

Had to re-read the rules... found out that any two-handed weapons inflict ×1½ Strength bonus -- whether they're 2-handed, or 1-handed wielded in two hands. *slaps forehead*

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"William Ehgoetz"
Date: Thu May 2, 2002 9:43 am
Subject: Redone Martial Art lckedovan
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Ok, still not a final version, but I think you will find it better than the other versions. Comments more than welcome!

Breaking the Bonds

The two figures shrouded in darkness crept stealthily into the heart of the citadel. They made no sound, and moved with purpose through a steel door into a side room. Then, the door clicked behind them and the sound of it locking could be heard. The two threw back their hoods revealing their wizened Githzerai features. The younger turned to the elder, a slight look of rising panic showing on his face, “Xifu! We are trapped! The cursed illithid must have been warned of our approach, the rrakkma must have fallen!” The elder Githzerai, addressed as Xifu, or master, nodded sagely. “Be calm K’el’torath and *know* that The People have not been idle in our learning, *know* that I will not allow us to be held.”

The old master walked calmly to the door and gracefully dropped into a flowing stance, his eyes closed, left hand held above his head, his right pulled back as if about to punch the door, yet his fist was not closed. K’el’torath stood rigid, poised and expecting danger. “Watch and come to *know* the truths of Breaking the Bonds K’el’torath” murmured the Xifu as his right palm flowed towards the door, as if in slow motion. As he touched the door, it exploded outwards with the echoing crack of breaking steel. On the other side stood one of the hated Illithids, its psychic scream echoing as some of the metal shards embedded in its rubbery flesh. The Xifu spoke softly his dark eyes hardening “Come K’el’torath, it is time to finish this”

For years the Gith were enslaved under the tyranny of the Illithids. When it came time to rise up against their masters Zerthimon knew that the Gith must prepare themselves. The Breaking of the Bonds style was developed in secret amongst a number of the colonies. Its movements were hidden amongst the motions of the work that their Illithid masters had them doing. It came to appear as part of their flowing dances and their arts. The focus of this form has developed over time, into a hard/soft form whose primary focus is to prevent the Githzerai ever facing enslavement again. The masters of this form can shatter doors with a touch, or break the chains of enslavement with a twist of their arms.

Feats: Iron Hand, Adamantine Hand, Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Critical, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Critical, Weapon Finesse (Unarmed Strike), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Power Attack, Sunder

Other: Balance, Escape Artist

Breaking the Bonds Mastery I

You have mastered the initial secrets of the Breaking the Bonds style. The student has mastered his grasp of this form's philosophy to the point where he can make much more efficient use of a simple strike against an inanimate object.

Prerequisites: Iron Hand, Stunning Fist (or Monk's Stunning attack), Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Dodge, Balance (4 or more Ranks), Escape Artist (4 or more Ranks)

Benefit: When attacking any inanimate object you gain a +2 attack bonus to the strike

Breaking the Bonds Mastery II

You have mastered the deeper secrets of the Breaking the Bonds style. The student has mastered his grasp of this form's philosophy to the point where he understands the Breaking the Bonds form to a point where his blows can be used against living opponents. The student realizes that in some cases you must disable your opponent, or to flee in order to escape the enslavement that can follow capture. The master of this level is able to use simple, soft strikes to disable and slow his opponent significantly thus making escape easier, or the final death blow to arrive that much faster.

Prerequisites: Way of the Sundered Skies I, Adamantine Hand, Improved Critical, Weapon Finesse (Unarmed Strike), Escape Artist (8+ ranks)

Benefit: When you make a stunning attack you may choose to inflict 1d4 points of temporary Dexterity Damage instead of stunning your opponent.

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From: "Phil Smith"
Date: Mon May 20, 2002 5:24 pm
Subject: Prestige class (rough) night-gaunt
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Interested in any comments you might have on this one -- basically modified one of Romain's ideas and came up with some approximate stats...


The Yan’iarch, above all gen’iarch, know danger. They lurk behind enemy lines, spying upon the githyanki and the illithids. They live upon a sword’s edge and know that to err is death. Few consider themselves able to fulfil such a task. Fewer still prove able to do so.

Chat’ran of Shra’kt’lor

Hit Die: d6.


* Feats: Alertness, Defender of the People, Point-Blank Shot
* Hide: 8 ranks
* Listen: 8 ranks
* Move Silently: 8 ranks
* Search: 8 ranks
* Spot: 8 ranks
* Race: Githzerai.

Class Skills: The relg’iarch’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Decipher Script (exclusive skill, Int), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Scry (exclusive skill, Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (exclusive skill, Cha).

Skill points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.


Base attack bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







Favoured enemies +1












Sneak attack +1d6






Favoured enemies +2






Slippery mind






Sneak attack +2d6






Favoured enemies +3






People skills






Sneak attack +3d6






Favoured enemies +4, headstrike

Class features

* Weapon and Armour Proficiency: a yan'iarch gains no additional proficiencies in any armour or weapons.

* Favoured Enemies: At 1st level, a yan’iarch gains two favoured enemies: githyanki and illithids. Due to his extensive study of his foes and training in the proper techniques for combating them, the ranger gains a +1 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills against this type of creature. Likewise, he gets the same bonus to weapon damage rolls against creatures of this type. A yan’iarch also gets the damage bonus with ranged weapons, but only against targets within 30 feet (the yan’iarch cannot strike with deadly accuracy beyond that range). These bonuses stack with favoured enemy bonuses granted due to ranger levels. The bonus increases to +2 at level 4, +3 at level 7, and finally to +4 at level 10.

* Stealth: The bonuses granted against favoured enemies are also applied to Hide and Move Silently checks when the yan’iarch reaches level 2.
* Slippery Mind: This extraordinary ability, gained at 5th level, represents the yan’iarch’s ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If the yan’iarchis affected by an enchantment and fails her saving throw, 1 round later she can attempt her saving throw again. She only gets this one extra chance to succeed at her saving throw. If it fails as well, the spell’s effects proceed normally.
* People Skills: The 8th-level yan’iarch has a greater knowledge of how his quarry act, and thus adds any bonuses granted against favoured enemies to Disguise, Gather Information and Intimidate checks to represent his ability to extract information from them.

* Headstrike: When the yan’iarch damages an opponent with a sneak attack, the target also takes 1 point of Intelligence damage. This skill is particularly effective against illithids, who upon being headstruck must make a Will save or take a second point of Intelligence damage. This is an extraordinary ability.

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I think that's pretty much it. I deleted the stuff in this thread that was already on Planewalker, or that was on the old Planewalker. Most of it, anyway.

I'll probably have to come back to the PrCs and so on and post them directly to the submission machine Clueless made so their formatting is preserved.

Right now I'm exhausted.

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'Clueless' wrote:
Any idea who or where we need to ask permission if we want to use any of this material and turn it into a Rrakkma download release?

I doubt we need any permission, considering this was all originally intended for Planewalker.

Well, I mean, Githlist predates, but it was firmly a part of it pretty quickly.

Everything here would have been on Planewalker at some point if it weren't for the whole "not updating for several years" thing the site went through.
After 3rd edition debuted the main site froze in place, and all new additions appeared at instead, so the Rrakkma subsite never updated after October 2000. Yet new material continued to be produced...

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Great job, Rip.

I took the liberty of formatting some of the crunchy bits, and made some edits here and there. I also converted some of the spells to powers and updated the existing powers to match the revised psionic rules.


Astral Stormrider
prestige class

Astral Stormrider is the planespeak equivalent of the githyanki term Kith’akar’nir - specialized psionicists that travel the Astral plane searching for psychic storms. Though this might sound barmy, unlike most "thought stalkers" (that’s what the berks who seek psychic winds are called), the Stormriders know effective tricks to ride the storms out. The kith’akar’nir can gather valuable chant from the psychic winds, and then trade them to their high-ups or to the highest bidder. A few non-githyanki have learned the astral stormriders' secrets as well, and make a reasonable living out of it. Still, the number of berks willing to dive into an astral mindstorm is low, even among the 'yanki. Not much more numerous are those willing to go with them, and kith’akar’nir are almost always alone during their rides. Astral Stormriders train in combat as well as in psionics.

Hit Die: d6

- Alignment: Any non-lawful. A rigid mind will be blown away.
- Feats: Iron Will.
- Base attack bonus: +2
- Psionics: Manifester level 3rd.
- Special: the character must have survived a psychic wind on the Astral Plane.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Mindstorm Riding* (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Profession (Wis).
* new skill, see below
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier. The kith’akar’nir study many topics in order to be able to discern useful information within the mass of mental junk they find.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Astral Stormrider gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.

Level	BAB Saves	Special			Powers Known
 1st	+0  +2 +0 +2	Mindstorm affinity	   	-
 2nd	+1  +3 +0 +3	Dream shield	      	+1 level of existing class
 3rd	+2  +3 +1 +3	Forge Kit’takal bottle	+1 level of existing class
 4th	+3  +4 +1 +4	Astral caravan		    +1 level of existing class
 5th	+3  +4 +1 +4	Ride the storm		   +1 level of existing class

Mindstorm Affinity (Ex): The Mindstorm Riding skill (see below) is always treatet as a class skill for an Astral Stormrider, regardless of which class he advances in.

Dream Shield: At 2nd level, the Astral Stormrider learns the dream shield power (see below), in addition to the powers he normally learns for gaining a manifester level. If he already knows dream shield, he gains it as a psi-like ability usable once per day (manifester level equals 1/2 Hit Dice).

Forge Kit’takal Bottle: A 3rd-level Astral Stormrider can create a Kit’takal Bottle (see below) even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He pays 1/2 the xp cost

Astral Caravan: At 4th level, the Astral Stormrider learns the astral caravan power, in addition to the powers he normally learns for gaining a manifester level. If he already knows astral caravan, he gains it as a psi-like ability usable once per day (manifester level equals 1/2 Hit Dice).

Ride the Storm (Ex): The kith’akar’nir can use his Mindstorm Riding skill to gather useful information from a psychic storm. See below.

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Mindstorm Riding (Wis; Trained Only)

You can resist the mental forces of a psychic storm much better than the casual thought stalker. A character with this skill is able to let the wandering thoughts of the storm pass through his mind without harm, and observe them from a mental safety distance, so as to say.
Check: The DC and effects depend on the task you are attempting:

Keep control: DC 5
Find mindstorm: DC 18
Avoid mindstorm: DC 18
Resist psychic wind: see below
Ride the Wind: see below
Ride the Storm: see below

- Keep Control: If the character makes his check, he can see, hear and act normally during any type of mindstorm.
- Find Mindstorm: Only one such check can be made each day, adn it represents 1d4 hours of randomly wandering the Astral, looking for signs of psychic winds. If the check succeeds, the character can predict a storm and reach the place where it will happen. It takes him a number of hours equal to 20 x 1d6 minus the result of the check to reach the storm. Due to the nature of space and time in the Astral, he will always arrive shortly after the storm has begun. If the check fails, he can’t predict a storm, or he knows he won’t arrive there in time.
- Avoid Mindstorm: If a random percentile roll indicates that the character will encounter a mindstorm, he can attempt a Mindstorm Riding check to avoid that event.
- Resist Psychic Wind: If the character is caught in a psychic wind or a psychic storm, he can make a Mindstorm Riding check and subtract that amount from the percentile rolls made to determine both the effects on his location and on his mind.
- Ride the Wind: A character can observe the thoughts wandering in the wind and choose the most useful ones. This works somewhat like the Bardic Knowledge ability, but the character can discover details from any place and any time. Only one such check can be attempted for any single storm. The character chooses a topic on which he wants to concentrate. This can be anything, from the weather on the Outlands to the secrets of a magical item, from what will happen to him in the near future to what Factol Darkwood said to Lady Montgomery last week. Make the check and consult the table below. There’s always a 5% chance of obtaining false information. Of course, the DM makes this roll in secret.

Result: Effect
up to 15: Nothing useful is gained.
15-19: A piece of information that is already widely known or a fact from up to one hour in the future. Example: It’s Duke Darkwood’s birthday today!
20-24: A piece of information that is only known in a small area or among a relatively small group of people, or one useful fact from up to one week in the future. Example: This shield has been used in a recent battle on Acheron.
25+: A little-known piece of information, or an important event from up to one year in the future. Example: In a week, I will be walking in the Hive and muggers will attack me.

- Ride the Storm: This application of the skill can be utilized only be a 5th-level Astral Stormrider.
True psychic storms occur when a truly dramatic event happens on the Prime or an Outer Plane, and make the usual psychic wind look like a breeze (see below for details on true psychic storms). An Astral Stormrider can (if he dares) enter the storm and attempt to learn its secrets.
Roll as per the Ride the Wind table above, except that the character will not only know a tidbit of information, but he will know many relevant details about the topic he probed. The thought stalker will have in his memory after the storm all the highly emotional events about the topic he has chosen, just as if he had lived them himself, up to the detail level shown by the table. For example, if the character wanted to know about that shield he found, he might remember having worn that shield during an important battle on Acheron, and he would remember who he was fighting, which side was his, what they were fighting for, which cube they were on, and maybe he could even recall his death. Or, if he wished to know about his future, he might “recall” that in a hour’s time a group of three githyanki will find him, and take him as a prisoner to a ‘yanki fortress, and he will know how they were armed, how skilled they were, their aspect, and from which direction they came. Or again, he might find out that in a year’s time the person about whom he wanted to know will be fighting a powerful tanar’ri, and he will know the reasons for the fight and its result - and sell this chant for some hefty jink. If the character is inquiring about the event that caused the storm, he has a +5 bonus to his check.

Retry: No. Also, a mindstorm is never a quiet place, and you can never take 10 except on checks to find or avoid a mindstorm.

SIDEBAR: True Psychic Storm
Add 20 to the rolls on the tables to determine the storm's effects. Its power can tear a hole in the Astral (10% chance) and spit everything within d% x 10 feet onto a random plane. An equal amount of matter from that plane is sucked in to the Astral Plane. If there’s not enough matter on either side of the hole, it closes after 1d4 days, forming a color pool.

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Adamantine Hand [General]
Your skill at barehanded destruction has reached a new level.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Hand, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Having practised the Iron Hand technique, you have learned how to strike harder and more efficiently, finding weak points in doors and other objects. The hardness and break DC of inanimate, unattended objects are considered 10 points lower than listed.

Arms Dealer [Regional]
You know where to get weapons for the best price, and are trusted and valued enough to have them sold to you for quite a bit less than others.
Regions: Curst, Ribcage, Shra’kt’lor, Sigil.
Benefit: The smiths know you, and thanks to one small favour or another, they seem to like you as well. When buying non-magical weapons or armor, you pay 10% less than other customers. Further haggling (by way of the Diplomacy skill or similar) might reduce it further at the DM’s discretion, but your manner and confidence has already put the weaponsmiths at ease.

Defender of the People [Regional]
You’ve studied some of the more common githzerai martial arts, and have learned how best to strike against the enemies of the People.
Regions: Shra’kt’lor, The Floating City.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You have a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls against against the githyanki, illithid, illithid-kin, and slaadi.

Exotic Armor Proficiency [General]
Choose a type of exotic armor, such as zerth armour or chaos plate. You understand how to use that type of armor in combat.
Benefit: When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble checks.
Normal: A character wearing armor with which she is not proficient applies its armor check penalty to attack rolls and to all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride.

Iron Hand [General]
You are skilled at breaking objects with your bare hands. Doors, shields, windows – all are mere grist to the mill of your deadly fist.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: When you make a melee attack against an inanimate, unattended object, its hardness and break DC are considered 5 points lower than listed.

Power Swing [General]
You are especially adept at using a weapon in two hands to inflict extra damage.
Prerequisite: Str 13, base attack bonus +1, Power Attack.
Benefit: When wielding a melee weapon in both hands and using Power Attack (in any amount), you apply 2 x your Strength modifier to damage rolls. This benefit does not apply to light weapons.

Sword Evasion [General]
You’ve seen how the githyanki like to fight. Sure, they might vary their weapons, but most of them prefer the longsword or the greatsword. Anyone who’s nimble can dodge out of the way of them with a bit of practice, and perhaps a bit of luck too.
Prerequisites: Dex 13.
Benefit: You have a +2 dodge bonus to AC against all attacks from a longsword, greatsword, or bastard sword.
This feat provides no benefit against sword-shaped spell effects, such as flame blade.

Two-Weapon Defense, Greater [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Benefit: The shield bonus you gain from your Two-Weapon Defense feat increases to +3 (or +6 when fighting defensively or using the total defense action).
Special: A fighter may select Greater Two-Weapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Two-Weapon Defense, Improved [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Benefit: The shield bonus you gain from your Two-Weapon Defense feat increases to +2 (or +4 when fighting defensively or using the total defense action).
Special: A fighter may select Improved Two-Weapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats.

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Exotic weapons							Range 
Weapon 			Cost	Damage		Critical 		Increment Weight	Type
Hand-scythe, Githzerai*	10 gp 	1d4 or special	×2 		- 	3 lb. 	Slashing
Battle-sickle, Githyanki*	8 gp 	1d8		×3		- 	6 lb.	Slashing
Jal’tek			65 gp 	1d10/1d6		×3		-	18 lb. 	Sl. & Pi.
Crossbow, triple 		200 gp 	1d8/1d8/1d8 	19-20/×2	80 ft.	10 lb.	Piercing
Throwing swords 		150 gp	1d6/1d6/1d6 	19-20/×2 	20 ft. 	7 lb. 	Slashing

* The race mentioned in a weapon's name treats it as a martial weapon rather than an exotic weapon.

Battle-sickle, Githyanki: A weapon of githyanki design, the battle-sickle resembles an enlarged agricultural sickle with a longer, heavier blade that is sharpened along both edges. It has developed from a githyanki torture instrument, and can inflict some grievous wounds.

Crossbow, Triple: The githyanki triple crossbow has been specially designed to fire three bolts at once, regardless of the wielder’s number of attacks. These bolts can, thanks to a special mechanism, all be fired at either a single target or up to three different targets within a cone area within the triple crossbow’s first range increment. An attack roll is made for each bolt. Reloading the githyanki triple crossbow is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Hand-Scythe, Githzerai: The hand-scythe consists of a simple glove with a heavy blade built into the lower edge. It is used by performing a chop with the hand, and as such can be rather lethal, although the concentrated weight can make the weapon unwieldy.
When worn by a monk, the hand-scythe simply allows the character to inflict slashing damage with an unarmed attack.

Jal’Tek: Some githzerai have developed an interest in the use of polearms, seeing the advantage of reach in melee combat. However, such weapons are limited insofar as they are traditionally used in ranks to attack enemies who are directly in front of the wielder. The jal’tek is roughly ten feet long, and is double-bladed, combining the advantages of reach and a double weapon. It has the blade of a glaive at one end, but is counter-balanced by the blade of a short sword at the other, allowing quick reactions and maneuvres.
You can strike opponents 10 feet away with the glaive blade, but cannot use it to strike an adjacent foe. You can strike an adjacent foe with the sword blade, but cannot use it to strike a foe 10 feet away.

Throwing Swords: The throwing swords consist of three oddly-shaped sword-blades mounted on an elaborate hilt. Completely useless as a melee weapon, the throwing swords have three release catches built into the hand-guard, and a wheel set on the end of the pommel. This wheel, when twisted, winds the coiled springs that allow the blades to be released at high velocity. The wielder may make up to three attacks with the throwing swords, although this figure is limited by the amount of attacks per round that she can make. A 6th-level fighter, for example, may only fire two of the blades per round. If one of the throwing swords misses its target, the sword flies around to return to the wielder. A successful Dexterity check (DC 15) can be made as a free action to catch a blade and return it to the hilt. Rewinding the springs is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

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Kir’takal Bottle

The secret of creating this bottle lies with the kith’akar’nir. Despite the name, the kir’takal can be any recipient, and the aspect of the item is as varied as there are people making it. An astral stormrider armed with a kir’takal bottle gains a +2 bonus on Mindstorm Riding checks made to Ride the Wind or Ride the Storm. Also, all the information gained (if any) will be locked into the bottle. A full bottle grants no more bonuses to Mindstorm Riding, and it cannot be emptied. If a character breaks it, that character will gain all the information it contains.
Kith’akar’nir often sell kir’takal bottles to anyone willing to part with enough jink. Since the bottle contains exactly what the thought stalker obtained from the storm, it is considered a guarantee of the truth of the chant contained within it.
Faint Psychoportation; ML 6th; Craft Universal Item, astral traveler; Market Price 2,000 gp (empty); Creation Cost 1,000 gp and 40 XP; Weight: 1 lb.

Obstinacy of Tal

Sensei Tal is famed among residents of the Floating City. It is said that he knew himself and had achieved oneness and focus beyond the reach of many of the People. Such was his knowledge that his will shaped the chaos as well as any anarch, despite having been told as a youngling that he would never know chaos. Tal's refusal to know defeat is a lesson to us all, and to wear Tal's scalp is to be obstinate against all circumstance.
This simple skullcap is usually made of brown leather and is unadorned. It adjusts to fit the head of any humanoid, although the fit is always a very tight one. While wearing the obstinacy of Tal, the wearer receives a +4 resistance bonus to Will saves versus mind-affecting effects. Furthermore, his concentration is more difficult to break, thanks to a +4 competence bonus to his Concentration checks. In addition, the wearer may, once per day, bestow freedom through resolve upon another character.
Faint Clairsentience; ML 3rd; Craft Universal Item, freedom through resolve, creator must be a githzerai and have 4 or more ranks of the Concentration skill; Market Price: 10,520 gp.

Ring of Gith’s Bargain

This slender ring is made of an alloy of silver and strange metals mined from the bodies of the dead gods. Stamped around its circumference, in solid gold (rumour has it that the gold came from Tiamat’s hoard) are glyphs in both the githyanki language and the red dragon tongue. The ring is heavier than it appears, having approximately five times the weight of an ordinary silver ring. Several rings of Gith’s bargain have been made; the first, said to be possessed by Queen Vlaakith CLVII, was made to commemorate the bargain made between Gith and Tiamat, acting as a symbol of the alliance between githyanki and red dragons. Others have been made since then, and it is said that they are all pale imitations of the original, barely approaching it in power. In most cases, a ring of Gith’s bargain is possessed by a Githyanki warband when they visit the Prime Material Plane. It is the ring that is used to secure the loyalty of the red dragons. However, this does not mean that the ring controls red dragons; rather it is a symbolic item. Red dragons would usually ally themselves with githyanki anyway, but upon seeing the ring, they are led to realise that the mission which the githyanki have taken is especially important.
The possessor of the ring of Gith’s bargain is able to speak fluent Draconic. In addition, the wearer gains fire resistance 30 and a +4 enhancement bonus to its natural armor. The most dramatic benefit granted by the ring, however, is the gift of fire breath. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer may breathe a 30-ft. cone of fire that inflicts 6d10 points of damage (Reflex save DC 19 for half damage); this is a supernatural ability.
Moderate Varied; CL 15th; Forge Ring, energy adaptation, energy burst, thicken skin, creator must be a githyanki or a creature of red dragon lineage; Market Price: 88,500 gp. Cost to Create: 44,250 gp + 3,540 XP.

Silver Breastplate

This breastplate is forged from the same exotic metals used in the creation of the feared silver sword. The suit of armor is highly ornamented, with stylised muscles and arcane symbols embossed upon the epaulettes. In terms of protection, it increases the wearer's existing power resistance (if any) by 5. In addition, it counts as light armour rather than medium for encumbrance purposes, and increases the wearer's effective speed on the Astral Plane by 10 ft.. These items usually have a +3 enhancement bonus.
Moderate Clairsentience; ML 10th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armour, creator must be a githyanki; Market Price: 46,350 gp. Cost to Create: 23,175 gp + 1,854 XP.

Scimitar of Slowness

While not originally designed by the githyanki, the scimitar of slowness has found its way into their hands, and many copies have been made. The chief ability of the scimitar of slowness is its ability to dull the wits of its victims. Scimitars of slowness have elaborately decorated blades in true tasteless githyanki style, and while not made of the same metal as their more famous silver swords, they are still forged from high-quality steel and the workmanship is completely unmistakable.
A person struck by the scimitar must make a DC 11 Will save or take 1d4 points of Intelligence damage. (On the Astral Plane, of course, the term "slowness" takes a new meaning, since a character speed depends on its Intelligence.) These items usually have a +2 enhancement bonus.
Moderate Telepathy; ML 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armour, mind thrust; Market Price: 18,315 gp. Cost to Create: 9,158 gp + 733 XP.

Zerth Armor

This suit of armor is made of the mercurial karach substance, and as such is both extremely rare and highly valued among the githzerai. It flows in unusual directions, shifting to intercept blows and accomodate the wearer's movements. It is only of full use to those talented or learned in the Will and the Way.
Worn by a nonpsionic creature, the armor possesses the qualities of a masterwork mithral chain shirt, providing a +5 armor bonus to AC, allowing a maximum Dexterity bonus of +4, and imposing a 20% arcane spell failure chance and a -2 armor check penalty. It is considered light armor and weighs 20 pounds.
When worn by a psionic creature, however, Zerth armor has an enhancement bonus based on the wearer's current power point reserve, as shown on the following table. The armor's enhancement bonus decreases as the wielder spends power points, and it increases whenever the wielder gains enough power points (by any means) to put his power point reserve into the next higher category.
Since this is an exotic armor, a wearer must have the corresponding Exotic Armor Proficiency feat (see above) to wear it effectively.

Power Point Reservce: Enhancement Bonus
1-4 ..... +1
5-29 ..... +2
30-79 ..... +3
80-129 ..... +4
130 or higher..... +5

Strong clairsentience; ML 17th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, unbroken circle; Price 39,150 gp (not for sale); Cost to Create: 18,075 gp + 1,566 XP.

Weapon Quality: Paired

Two one-handed weapons can, at the time of creation, be enhanced with similar energies, resulting in paired weapons. The two weapons are designed to be used in tandem; as such, when the owner wields both weapons – one in each hand – she fights as if she possesses the Two-Weapon Fighting Feat. This benefit does not apply if either of the paired weapons is used with a different weapon, or even with another weapon of the same type that was not paired with it. If the wielder is already capable of fighting with two weapons, she receives no additional benefits.
Manifester Level: 7th. Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Two-Weapon Fighting. Market Price: +1 bonus.

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Dream Shield
Level: Psion/Wilder 1
Manifestation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 1

The stormriders are still trying to penetrate the secrets of the dreamstorms, the psychic winds that affect the dreams of sleeping minds both on the Astral and on other planes. The only thing that came out of their researches so far is this power, which protects the stormrider from dreamstorms for a long time. Since kith’akar’nir often spend their days wandering mentally active zones of the Astral, this power is useful to prevent the lack of rest that comes with a dreamstorm.
A character protected by dream dhield can rest normally within a dreamstorm.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can affect an additional creature you touch.

Inviolable Will
Level: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 2
Display: Me
Manifestation Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Power Points: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 3

"Know that the will is the most primal of forces. Without the will, a person is nothing. Without the will, there is no resistance, no self, no knowing.
"In the worst of adversity, there is always the will; there is always the certainty of identity. Take strength from knowing this. Even if it has to be submerged, the will is always there. If your will is strong, there is no limit to your potential.
"The illithid would have us lose our wills. We must protect the will, and in so doing our will can protect us."

You become is harder to hit in combat. You apply your Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to Armor Class.
Augment: For every 4 additional power points you spend, the insight bonus to AC increases by +1.

Jo’loren’s Tread
Level: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic warrior 1
Display: Ol
Manifestation Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)

"Jo’loren is known by the People, even though she was not one of the People by birth. An elf of the Material Plane, Jo’loren dwelt in the depths below the surface, where her kind engaged in battles and alliances with the illithids. Jo’loren was unusual among her kind in that she realised that her race, in rebellion against the other elves, came to not know themselves.
"Jo’loren engaged in a second rebellion, worshipping another goddess, forgoing the practices and rituals through which the drow claimed to know themselves. She knew the danger of her decisions, and trod carefully, hiding her intentions with the same skill as she hid her body from spies.
"It is from Jo’loren that the gen’iarch learned their first lesson: to tread carefully. Those who know when to act and when not and who do not take needless risks are said to walk with Jo’loren’s tread."

The recipient of Jo’loren’s tread is more sure-footed, and difficult to throw off-balance. His feet go exactly where they should, allowing him to move quietly and efficiently across uneven surfaces. For the duration of the power, he receives a +5 competence bonus to Balance and Move Silently checks.
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, both skill check bonuses increase by +1.

Shield against the Tentacles
Level: Psion/Wilder 4, Psychic warrior 4
Display: Me, Vi
Manifestation Time: 1 full round
Range: Up to 10 ft./level
Area: Up to 10-ft.-radius/level emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7

This power is one of the few used widely by the githyanki that isn’t designed primarily for slicing other creatures into large chunks. It creates a spherical barrier through which the vile illithid and their kin may not pass. Its purpose is to briefly hedge out enemies, allowing the warriors within to prepare for an offensive.
An invisible, mobile field surrounds you and prevents all aberrations and pseudonatural creatures from approaching you. You decide how big the field is at the time of manifestation (to the limit your level allows). Any aberrations or pseudonatural creature within or entering the field must attempt a save. If it fails, it becomes unable to move toward you for the duration of the power. Repelled creatures' actions are not otherwise restricted. They can fight other creatures, use powers, or attack you with ranged weapons.
If you move closer to an affected creature, nothing happens. (The creature is not forced back.) The creature is free to make melee attacks against you if you come within reach. If a repelled creature moves away from you and then tries to turn back toward you, it cannot move any closer if it is still within the power's area.

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I'd allow Inviolable Will to be augmented. +4 PP for +1 AC (similar progression to a monk).

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