Ghostwalk in Planescape

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The Venerable Archmage's picture
Joined: 2006-04-06
Ghostwalk in Planescape

I've have the Ghostwalk supplement for quite a while and have never managed to find much use for it, although I do like it, partly just for some of the rules and partly because it is a reasonably interesting setting. How would you go about integrating it into a Planescape campaign?

Myself, I'm considering using the ghost rules somehow to represent some kind of exceptional petitioner, whose life was a paragon of a particular aspect of the universe. They have been chosen by their god, or by high up exemplars, to retain their memories and form so that they can remain as a "living" lesson to others. Since the Ghostwalk ghosts are incorporeal, but not ethereal, they should work on the Outer Planes. They also could use some variation on the Ghost Traits to represent the strong drives to particular activities which made them such paragons of particular concepts. I can't lay my hands on my Planescape stuff currently, so I haven't reread petitioner information, as I would if I had it with me.

I'd also considered putting a city of ghosts in a demiplane, but one doesn't really need Ghostwalk to do that.

Any ideas / comments?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ghostwalk in Planescape

I'd just use the ghostwalk rules to describe any petitioners that somehow end up in the Material Plane. They wouldn't need to be exceptional, except in the sense that petitioners normally don't end up there (unless that's where their god lives, as in Gargauth, Fharlanghn, and Vecna).

The Venerable Archmage's picture
Joined: 2006-04-06
Ghostwalk in Planescape

That is a reasonable suggestion, of course, but if one is running a Planescape game, it's quite possible to have an entire campaign where they never go to the Prime Material, and certainly I didn't really intend for it. One of my players might be interested in playing a Ghostwalk ghost, and I'm wondering how to fit it in.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ghostwalk in Planescape

I gave up on combining them long ago.

Of all settings in dnd, planescape is one of the least connectibles to the ghostwalk. Ghost walk is about ethereal ghosts and not knowing what lies in the afterlife. Planescape is about weird planar conditions that don't include ethereal most of the time and about being pretty sure what lies in the afterlife

Of course, manifest and the lands around them can always be a hidden demiplane/prime badly connected to any other planes, so a quick visit is possible in strange circumstances Smiling

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