Getting Erin Montgomery out of the Mazes

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Shadowbite's picture
Joined: 2008-05-04
Getting Erin Montgomery out of the Mazes

Hi there, I've been a Planescape fan for quite some time now and just recently registered on these boards. Great site, glad to know other folks are keeping Planescape alive on the net.

Anyway, I've been toying with the idea of getting the mazed factols from the faction war out. I think it'd make a pretty awesome idea for an adventure for my PCs. The one that would probably interest my PCs the most would be Erin Montgomery as two of them are pretty devoted Sensates (another is factionless and the last is a Dustman; in my campaign Skall didn't get mazed his image got shunted away from Sigil for a while). Any interesting ideas for this sort of thing? Also if they did bring her back, what sort of repercussions might this have? Would Montgomery dare try to return to Sigil, especially bringing her faction back with her (they'd probably not call themselves a faction of course)? So any ideas?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Getting Erin Montgomery out of the Mazes

Well, every maze has its exit, and I'd guess that the exit is usually tied to the prisoner in such a way that they'll probably figure it out eventually if they don't fall into despair. It's not impossible to escape, just very hard. The key is never going to be something that the prisoner cannot do or does not have access to.

For the Factol of the Sensates the key to escaping is probably sensory based. Either you have to be in a certain location in the maze and experience a specific stimulus to each of the five senses in a certain order, or perhaps you have to completely deny all five senses at the same time.

Getting into a maze is an adventure in and of itself. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Lady's mazes spin off of Sigil and float in the deep ethereal somewhere, so first you'd have to find the thing. Then you'd need to breech the border of a plane so secure that it could potentially seal in a god. Not a lazy afternoon task.

If Ms. Montgomery did get out of her maze in a legitimate fashion, then she'd probably be safe from the Lady's wrath, but because she is intelligent and sane, I'm sure she'd be booking it for the nearest portal out of town anyway.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Getting Erin Montgomery out of the Mazes

It occurs to me that the most likely way out of a Sensate-specific maze would be to actively seek out the same experience multiple times. What this specific experience would be is up to you, but as far as I know the Sensate mentality is "seek it out, revel in it, move on to the next one." Seeking out the same experience multiple times would probably never occur to a higher level Senate, but is simple enough that the PC's can do it without too much DM intervention.

Examples include the texture of a certain object, the taste of a certain type of stone...

An interesting twist in this case could be that it can be any sensation that you choose to actively seek out, but seeking it out for no other reason than to escape the maze invalidates the seeking with previous expectations. So they have to convince the Sensate factol to do it without telling her why (or at least the real reason why).

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