GenCon pictures

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Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon pictures

Hi everyone!

Man, that was some weekend, eh? I had such a great time meeting people I have been meaning to meet for a long time. And I got to play with Shemeska and Rip (thanks for shoehorning us in, Shemmy!)!

I enjoyed a lunch with Shemmy, Clueless and Rip (we had sushi).

The Q&A session was also wonderful. It was great finally seeing Ken Marable, and I was pleasantly surprised when Ken Lipka dropped in. Actually, I was giddy.

Here are some of the pictures I took (not all of these are from Gen-Con).

Group photo!

Oh, and here is the link I promised to post here, Shemeska: Apotheosis, and more specifically: House of Memory

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon pictures

Sweeeeet Smiling Nice pictures! Do you mind if I snag a few of them for our GenCon 2005 report?

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon pictures

Go right ahead!

I should probably also submit all the meaty non-campaign-specific stuff off my site to PW as well. I'll get around to it when I have a bit more to submit (I am, in fact, terribly lazy). Cool

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
GenCon pictures

I may or may not have destroyed all the pictures I took last week, trying to get the film out of the camera. I'll find out what remains when they get developed, which should be tomorrow sometime.

I'm not at all ignorant of cameras, honestly, but this new automatic one I have confuses me. I'm used to my old one that worked without batteries, which I was able to focus and correctly adjust the aperture by sheer instinct and sense of smell.

So anyway, good on Orri for taking plentiful digital ones.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
GenCon photos!

My pictures are developed!

Some of them aren't too bad.

Shemmy's game
'Loth grin
Orri standing
Orri (I screwed with the hue here for some reason)
At the ENnies
The award winners exiting the stage at the ENnies (for some reason I didn't get my camera out until this point, so it's not as clear as it should be)

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon pictures

I regret not having gone. Running the PS 4-Part Adventure last year was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. Hopefully my finances will let me attend in 2006 Smiling

Spragg's picture
Joined: 2005-08-22
GenCon pictures

Great to see!

Any idea what became of all the pictures the Ennies crew took of us?

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
GenCon pictures

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
My pictures are developed! Shemmy's game

Ooh, a planescapey DM screen :shock:

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon pictures

The Planescape DM's screen is the tarmiest of the tarmy. It's from the Boxed Set. I use it in my own campaign, or at least I did back when we met regularly. It has no information that a 3e DM needs, but you know you're a cool basher for doing it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon pictures

You know what - I really need to sit down and finish working on the 3rd ed redo of that screen - I've had it sititng on my desktop for ages now.

Acme of Suffering's picture
Joined: 2005-08-19
GenCon pictures

'Clueless' wrote:
...3rd ed redo of that screen...
That would rule. I was thinking about getting that old screen from my friend who used to be my Planescape DM. I was planning on sticking it in front of the free 3.5e screen I got with Dragon, so I would have both the current reference info and the somber and foreboding face of The Lady staring down my players. :twisted:

But a new one would be a lot more handy... Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon pictures

Out of curiosity - what's actually IN the 3rd ed screen - none of my current game group have one so I don't know what to include

Acme of Suffering's picture
Joined: 2005-08-19
GenCon pictures

Here's a breakdown of the tables on the DM side of my 3.5e screen. Keep in mind this is just the free one that came with Dragon when they came out with 3.5e, so there may be better ones than this. The bottom 2-3" of the screen is also taken up by pictures of some of the D&D minis.

Armor Class modifiers (PH P. 151 Table 8-6)
Skills (PH P. 61-86)
Climb DCs (PH P. 69)
Concentration Check DCs (PH P. 69-70)
Influencing NPC Reactions (Diplomacy) (PH P. 72-73)
Balance DCs (PH P. 67)
Bluff DCs (PH P. 67-69)
Disable Device DCs (PH P. 72-73)
Use Rope (PH P. 86)
Disguise DCs (PH P. 72-73)
Attack Roll Modifiers (PH P. 151)
Turning Undead (PH P. 159)
Perform (PH P. 79)
Ride (PH P. 80)
Search (PH P. 81)
Spot (PH P. 83)
Swim (PH P. 84)
Escape Artist (PH P. 73)
Handle Animal (PH P. 74)
Heal (PH P. 75-76)
Jump (PH P. 77)
Listen (PH P. 78)
Move Silently (PH P. 79)
Sense Motive (PH P. 81)
Sleight of Hand (PH P. 82)
Spellcraft (PH P. 82)
Listen DCs to Detect Invisible Creatures (DMG P. 295)
Use Magic Device (PH P.85)
Actions (PH P. 133-160)
Survival (PH P. 83)
Tumble (PH P. 84)

Let me know if you want any more detail on what some of these tables actually include.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
GenCon pictures

I know places to print large carboard pages :twisted: but I don't have such a big picture of the lady. Does anyone know where I could find one? :oops:

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