Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

I'm checking in here to find out if anyone here is planning to go to Gencon, and if so if you're planning to run any games. Ken's getting all the Planewalker events signed up tommorrow, so if you wanted to get your name in the hat under Planewalker's entries - speak now. Eye-wink

All he needs to know is the name of your event/game, what sort of event, when it'll be held and how long you want it to last.

If you've already put in for an event at Gencon, let us know and if nothing else, we can let everyone at Planewalker know you're holding something so they can sign up for it. Eye-wink

Short notice I know, but the date to submit entries snuck up on us. Sad

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Planewalker Q&A Thursday 8/16, 4-5pm
Planewalker Brainstorming Friday 8/17, 2-4pm

Maes's picture
Joined: 2006-06-30
Any Planescape Games @ GenCon?

I noticed there are no Planescape games listed for registration. I was wondering if anyone from might be running a pick-up game, Planescape or otherwise. I will be arriving Wednesday and wouldn't mind joining and/or running a few pick-up games for Planescape fans.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

I know I would love to get involved in a game or two myself. I won't assume folks have anything like laptops at the con though so it may be hard to coordinate getting together on the day of through the webpage. So...

Is anyone planning anything? (Orri? You gonna be there? I got Shem to coordinate our flight better this year so we can actually stick around on Sunday.)

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Well, I will be there. I do not have anything official but, since one of the events I signed up for got the boot I might run something in Open Gaming.

While my specialty revolves around a certain demiplane, I might be able to do something Sigilian if there are interested parties.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

w00p! Ok- it's getting towards that time of year where we really really ought to start figuring stuff out. Hm - I wonder if I can beg some 'event board' space somewhere in the con for us to cross post meetings and pickup games....

Maes's picture
Joined: 2006-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Hello Dhampire -
You can count me in. Just give the when, what and where. I'd be up for any planar adventuring Sigil or otherwise.

Clueless -

I have checked the schedule and can make the Q&A but not the Brainstorming this year (There is way to much interesting stuff happening exactly Friday afternoon). What can we expect as differences between these two events?

I would like to suggest as a fun project creating "one hundred planar adventure ideas p.44 of the 3.5 DMG. One for Sigil and one for adventuring on the other planes. Also how about advice for adventuring on other planes. For example if I have in mind to send PCs to Pandemonium, I would like advice from others on events or just running combat with tons of wind modifiers, winds that make concentration checks very difficult and handling travel there in general. Finally campaign metaplots - what sort of tying metaplots have people used in their Planescape game? Is Aoskar and the Lady a huge metaplot in some campaigns and how have they been used? Do you use other deities and have them directly influence events? I've never cared for the idea of having the Lady and the other deities have absolutley no effect in any campaign or be too powerful to have any interest in a PC party. I thought Torment did a great job of including Aoskar and the Lady as supporting characters of a campaign. Please let me know if we can address these issues, Clueless. Thanks.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

The biggest difference between the two is purpose. They both feature me (yay!) but the QnA is me up in front of a bunch of folks who may or may not know Jack about planewalker and what we do. I explain, I answer questions, I give a run down on where the site is and what our plans are. Planned contests, releases, sections, siterevisions. And I may be able to bring swag this year... Eye-wink

The brainstorm is for PSCS ideas - What future plots and books we want to do and how we want to go about doing them. (Some of the threads here got a little off track over the last year so I want to try and get them Back on track and into something coherent for the brainstorm group this year). The brainstorm is an opportunity to do face to face ideas with the head of PSCS. Eye-wink Again - I hope to bring swag.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

'Maes' wrote:
Hello Dhampire - You can count me in. Just give the when, what and where. I'd be up for any planar adventuring Sigil or otherwise.

Well, presuming I can find a table in the Open Gaming Area around noon on Thursday (Then follow me to the Q & A).
Look for someone with both Planescape and Ravenloft screens.
Hopefully that should be a combo set that will stand out.

Full Circle
"The barmies at the Gate-House have been... well... barmier than usual and since the Bleak Cabal shut-down there has been... well... less order than there was before. The inmates are starting to get violent and it is at its worst when the smog is at its worst, then there is the strange horseman that has been killing people in the nearby area. The two might be connected but... welll... we cannot be too certain and... well... that's where you cutters come in, see."

If it sounds interesting, come see me and find out what happens when the mists rise in the city of doors.

Maes's picture
Joined: 2006-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Well, presuming I can find a table in the Open Gaming Area around noon on Thursday (Then follow me to the Q & A).
Look for someone with both Planescape and Ravenloft screens.
Hopefully that should be a combo set that will stand out.

Dhampire - Unfortunately I will be attending two events and going to the show floor before the Planescape meeting Thursday afternoon. I will be available to meet Wednesday night and Thursday after 8PM. The rest of my time is booked up with events right now. That doesn't leave much time to meet like I would like to.

Clueless - how do unregistered games work? Is there a specific place we can use for gaming? Preferably a place with tables?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

At Gencon unregistered games usually operate by the rule of "Hey, lets find a spare table and play!" - there *are* no rules, just a need to coordinate amongst those interested. We don't have any influence on the layout of Gencon's site - so its a matter of just finding some flat space to work with once we're there - which the con provides lots of (they know their audience).

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

'Maes' wrote:
Dhampire - Unfortunately I will be attending two events and going to the show floor before the Planescape meeting Thursday afternoon. I will be available to meet Wednesday night and Thursday after 8PM. The rest of my time is booked up with events right now. That doesn't leave much time to meet like I would like to.

I feel so famous and wanted...

BTW: Do we know each other from anywhere else?

Anyway, I will be arriving early on Wednesday and then sleeping most of the day. I have a work meeting that afternoon and some other things happening that evening...

It will be entirely you discretion if you want to try and find a way into my busy Wednesday schedule or wait to meet at the Seminar on Thursday.

We can continue this discussion via PM to sort out the details.

Kale_Criss's picture
Joined: 2007-08-07
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

I'm new to the boards but familiar with planescape, I'd like to sit in on the seminars and any other stuff at gencon. Hope to run into you all there.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

I look forward to seeing you there Smiling Don't be shy at the con - we don't bite... much. And never if we aren't asked. Laughing out loud

Kale_Criss's picture
Joined: 2007-08-07
Gen con plans 2007

Great, It's been a few years since I made the trek. It'll be my first in Indy. I know I'll be at the Friday seminar but thursday I have True Dungeon to go to at 3:00 So i'll probably miss the Q&A. Any way a mimir will record the seminar?
I'd like to make it to a pick up game, Any requirments? Any idea if they would be 2nd ed or 3.5? I'm still stuck in the temporal plane of 2nd ed. But get to visit 3.5 every once in a while.

Maes's picture
Joined: 2006-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

I will be at the Thursday seminar but not the Friday seminar. I will be at two panels after the Thursday seminar and will be available from 8PM on if you want to run something. Unfortunately due to the scheduling of all the other things I wish to attend, Thursday night is the only night I am open for Planescape gaming. I am more comfortable with 3.5 mechanics. Do we have any other players and do you have characters made or should we create our own?

Clueless, will you or anyone else from Planewalker be running something? I remember there was one Planewalker game last year but it filled up fast.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Well, I got the message and since it looks like the time table for everyone is Thursday evening, I can surely push my idea back to then rather than try to force fit it into the slot before the Q&A.

Thoughts, comments, or questions?

Kale_Criss's picture
Joined: 2007-08-07
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Any one checking this while at GenCon?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

I am

Kale_Criss's picture
Joined: 2007-08-07
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Great seminar, wish I could have contributed more, Great dice by the way. See you next year.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

Any thoughts, comments, or questions on the game?

Warranted, it was a bit of a killer scenario but, it was designed to be such. I wound up cutting more than I wanted for the time allotted but, as I intend to insert this into my home game - feedback is appreciated.

On a further note, if I develop something to run, sans mists - or with mists if you want, for next year (and finish it on a budget of more than a few weeks) would anyone be interested in sitting at the table again?

SevenFootGiant's picture
Joined: 2007-08-22
Gencon Indy 2007 : Plans!!

'Dhampire' wrote:
Any thoughts, comments, or questions on the game?

Warranted, it was a bit of a killer scenario but, it was designed to be such. I wound up cutting more than I wanted for the time allotted but, as I intend to insert this into my home game - feedback is appreciated.

On a further note, if I develop something to run, sans mists - or with mists if you want, for next year (and finish it on a budget of more than a few weeks) would anyone be interested in sitting at the table again?

I told you my forum alias was appropriate.

On a more topical note, I found the game to be very interesting. I felt you did a good job pushing the survival-horror mood of the game. There was a definite sense of impending doom for the entirety of the session.

It may not come into play for your regular group, but the clues regarding the outcome of the session were quite subtle for players unfamiliar with the Demiplane of Dread (read: me). If your play group is smarter than I am (not difficult) and is familiar with how you provide them with information, I think they'll be just fine.

Other than that, major kudos and thanks for running a Planescape game at the con. I haven't played in Sigil for close to 10 years and it was very refreshing to get back to that frame of mind.

As far as next year goes, I'll have to pass. I had an absolute blast at Gen Con (my first ever), but I'm getting married next year and the wife will skin me if I run to Indianapolis so soon before the wedding and leave no vacation time for a honeymoon. However, if my words mean anything, then please run again! If you can be dragooned into starting a tradition, there's a good chance you might be doing it again in '09. Laughing out loud

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