I'm going to be there! I'll be assisting my dad, as he'll have a table in the artist's area selling his artwork like usual.
Is anybody else going? If so, would there be any interest in a Planewalker gettogether? 'cause I think that would be awesome!
Adsfg I was sort of intending on going, but ended up not having the necessary funds for the trip. If there's a get together this year, though, I hope there could be one next year too? And then I'll do a better job of saving money between then and now.
EDIT: Wait wait, what does a person sell at an artist's table at GenCon? In your dad's case, is it artisanry, or illustrative work? DO people sell illustrative work? Do they get their pants sued off by WotC if they sell artwork or prints of Slaadi/non-OGL creatures, or of setting-canon NPCs?