GenCon 2012

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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
GenCon 2012

I'm going to be there! I'll be assisting my dad, as he'll have a table in the artist's area selling his artwork like usual.

Is anybody else going? If so, would there be any interest in a Planewalker gettogether? 'cause I think that would be awesome!

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: GenCon 2012

Adsfg I was sort of intending on going, but ended up not having the necessary funds for the trip. If there's a get together this year, though, I hope there could be one next year too? And then I'll do a better job of saving money between then and now.

EDIT: Wait wait, what does a person sell at an artist's table at GenCon? In your dad's case, is it artisanry, or illustrative work? DO people sell illustrative work? Do they get their pants sued off by WotC if they sell artwork or prints of Slaadi/non-OGL creatures, or of setting-canon NPCs?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: GenCon 2012

I will be there again this year Smiling

Yay for being able to count it as a business trip!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: GenCon 2012

I'll be there. Smiling

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: GenCon 2012

Oh hey, an idea - it just occurred to me that, with a bit more planning, we could do a Planewalker meetup a little bit before or after the con next year, all write 4-ish hour mini-adventures, then spend a day or two playing a variety of awesome Planescape games in addition to enjoying the con itself.

We could do this at the con, all register to run events and then sign up for each others events, but this would take time away from other con events, and doing it outside the con would let us play someplace quieter.

Or we could do a Planewalker get together completely separate from gencon, figure out what time of the year travel is cheapest and pick somewhere everyone can get to.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: GenCon 2012

GenCon is BestCon for gatherings like this, since it's already a place that we all know we'll be attending. It's just a matter of organizing schedules.

As for what my dad sells: Dragon portraits! Or rather, dragon heads (amongst other things). At the other more local con we attend, he's come to be known as the dragon guy which is something he takes great pride and amusement in. He does all the hard work (ie. drawing the pictures) and I scan the stuff and add color. It's a pretty good arrangement.

Sadly, he's really never been approached to do any illustrative stuff. He acknowledges that he's not a cover artist. He's a printmaker (ie. woodcuts, etchings, silkscreens), which is good for a certain type of look, but misses the mark for what most game companies look for when considering interior art.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: GenCon 2012

@Anetra - Absolutely! Planescape games sell out *fast* at gencon for tickets. There really is a lot of demand for the games at the con, and of course additional non-con games are on the table too. If we put together a set of con games in advance of the convention next year for GMs to run we could totally do this. The big issue is having someone with the vision, energy, and organization skills to execute it. (I'm bottle necked under other work - really not a good choice to lead.)

You up for it?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: GenCon 2012

As for a specific get together evening: I'm occupado Thursday and Saturday evenings at the moment. Friday is the ENnies but if we get together for pre-ENnies dinner? Alternatively we could find time during the day to meet.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: GenCon 2012

I think it would be super fun to put together a series of con games. We could collaboratively write a few adventures on the boards, tie them into each other, and then after the con publish them in the fanzine -- some as "introduction" Planescape games, others as stand-alone adventures for cannier cutters.

As for being up to it - maaaybe? I'm down for doing the organizational bits, but we'll see if other people on the board are interested in participating in the adventure writing and DMing areas. If yes, then I'll start heckling someone I know for advice, as he just finished helping to organize this year's big PFS event at Paizocon. Probably has lots of good ideas on what I shouldn't do Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: GenCon 2012

You'd be surprised how much just having a person responsible for the cat-herding can keep the rest of the cats in line. Sometimes all we need is someone to keep us going. Eye-wink

My suggestions: Set clear goals so we don't try to develop 60 different adventures all at once - cause this group of people SO will try to do that - like say 4 to 6 adventures at most. Define a word count - 5k to 10k at most is usually about right for a 4 hour con game. Define a rough idea of what theme or style of game each should have if you can, so you can spread it around a little between adventure style, surrealism, intrigue or the like. Then the group can work on over-arching plots to hook them together it you want. Eye-wink Target a specific date for the first drafts to be in before Gencon 2013 to allow us to find GMs to run the game at the convention.

I'd love to hear what your friend has to suggest as well. He probably has an even better set of ideas of how to run this.

Either way - maybe pick up after Gencon so you have undivided attention of the formites and the momentum of post-con buzz?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: GenCon 2012


Two days for me until I arrive in Indy! I've been so looking forward to this. I need a vacation.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: GenCon 2012

I'm in my room at the moment, but I'll be back down at my dad's table in a couple of minutes. If anybody is inclined to stop by and say hi, we're in the artist's area, one row in from the walled off corner, at the table with a lot of dragons. My dad and I are both drawing stuff. Laughing out loud

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.