GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Hoi all!

I wanted to get some ideas going on what all we wanted to do at Gencon this year. Who plans to attend and what sort of events we want to have there up to and including an actual Planewalker dinner...

Things I had in mind:

1) A Planewalker Dinner, perhaps at one of the local hangouts over drinks we can all get together and hang out a bit.

2) Our usual Planewalker Question and Answer session.

3) A Planewalker Campaign Setting Brainstorm workshop. I'd like to hold a session to generate ideas for the setting, overarcing plot arcs and the like, and see if any thing really interesting pops up that we can use.

4) Planewalker Sponsered games! I'm trying to work on a set of DM screens, but if we have an official GenCon '06 module or two, and some folks to run it - I think now's the time to plan that end of things.

-Clueless, "Mephit of Seriously In Advance Planning"

Zuj's picture
Joined: 2005-06-08
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

When is GenCon, August?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

According to the convention is August 10-13, 2006.

So yeah, early August.

Spragg's picture
Joined: 2005-08-22
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

'Clueless' wrote:
Hoi all!

I wanted to get some ideas going on what all we wanted to do at Gencon this year. Who plans to attend and what sort of events we want to have there up to and including an actual Planewalker dinner...

Things I had in mind:

1) A Planewalker Dinner, perhaps at one of the local hangouts over drinks we can all get together and hang out a bit.

Sounds like a fine enough idea. I'm for it.

2) Our usual Planewalker Question and Answer session.

Was great the last time. Let's do it again.

3) A Planewalker Campaign Setting Brainstorm workshop. I'd like to hold a session to generate ideas for the setting, overarcing plot arcs and the like, and see if any thing really interesting pops up that we can use.

Sounds good enough, but... might want to see about making sure people are clear about what we're doing there, and don't get somebody going 'you stole my ideas!' Sillier things have happened, after all.

4) Planewalker Sponsered games! I'm trying to work on a set of DM screens, but if we have an official GenCon '06 module or two, and some folks to run it - I think now's the time to plan that end of things.

I admit to being a not-module-writing seat-of-my-pants sort of DM, but perhaps I can help out nonetheless!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

2) Our usual Planewalker Question and Answer session.
Was great the last time. Let's do it again.
I'm glad to know it wenbt well. You have no idea how spooked I was standing up there looking around and realizing the room was *full*... I had *nothing* planned out for that session. Eye-wink

3) A Planewalker Campaign Setting Brainstorm workshop. I'd like to hold a session to generate ideas for the setting, overarcing plot arcs and the like, and see if any thing really interesting pops up that we can use.
Sounds good enough, but... might want to see about making sure people are clear about what we're doing there, and don't get somebody going 'you stole my ideas!' Sillier things have happened, after all.
I know exactly what you mean. There's going to be a preamble when I start the session - something along the lines of :The ideas we generate today may or may not get used. I don't expect them all to fit together - for the better or for the worst. But there *is* a distinct chance they will get used if they do, so be prepared for that. I also plan to take a list of emails and or PW forum names to give credits to if we use em. Eye-wink

4) Planewalker Sponsered games! I'm trying to work on a set of DM screens, but if we have an official GenCon '06 module or two, and some folks to run it - I think now's the time to plan that end of things.
I admit to being a not-module-writing seat-of-my-pants sort of DM, but perhaps I can help out nonetheless!
So am I really, but I tend to have at least an idea of a plot set up in advance. Eye-wink Got any ideas for what we can run with? Maybe we can put together three different ones (It's not like we don't have months and months ahead of us here) and let folks choose which one to run on their day?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

So I have nearly a year to figure out how to get from Florida all the way up to Indiana... flergle.

I just want to sell shirts out of the trunk of my car to gullible rubes-- er... I mean, the brilliant and interesting community members of Planewalker!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning


But it's still a year Smiling
I know ENworld does ride calls a few months before things start up - and to be honest, plane tickets are comparable with gas prices at *that* distance, especially if you get them far in advance.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Indeed. But without a trunk how am I going to hock my wares? I bet I can make a dozen Chibi-Lady shirts for 10 dollars totallish, sell them back for 5 bucks a piece and make a tidy profit!

Plus, I might actually be able to, you know, PLAY a PS game... hell, ANY DnD game.

If I go I'll probably even buy a deck of Three-Dragon Ante, because I'm curious but I know noone would ever play it with me.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning


I'd be interested in running an adventure for the schedule. I've been itching to hit Gencon again. I'll know in a few weeks if I can make it, but please keep me in mind for an assist.

Spragg's picture
Joined: 2005-08-22
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Well, here's a 30-second idea I had today:

It's Estavan's birthday! Only celebrated once a century, it's a time for his grand party! And the PCs are invited! Time for all his friends to give their well-wishings and presents for the next century!

Funny how a lot of those seem to be kind of lethal, though...

Might want to think of things more PS-specific... or just incorporate more PS-specific elements. Just throwing out a thought as I have it.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

How abut not Estavan? While Estavan MAY be very very old, an Ogre Mage who lives many centuries is unnatural and Estavan is not known to be anything other than an Ogre Mage.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

But I *think* he's implied to be something else... let me check with Shemmie, I think he's got references on that.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Oh, he definitely IS implied to be something else. What that is, is never cleared up (Rip thinks he's a proxy or something).

However, Estavan IG is never said to be anything other than an Ogre Mage byany NPC or PC. For him to have a big once a century birthday party is too conspicuous if he's keeping his status as whatever secret.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Maybe Jeremo is holding it for him... to tick him off?

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
GenCon Attendance

Well, it will be chancey for me. Unless there is another bloody hurricane I should be just ending my honeymoon a day or two before GenCon. Between that and the unsure state of things down here I am just not sure.

Personally I would LOVE to go. I've never made it up to GenCon before, much less in such esteemed company. If I do make it up I would happily dive in and help out with any PW events that we do put on. It would also be a kick to have some faces and voices to attach to all these virtual identities....

Anyone else going from the Gulf Coast area?

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.

DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Yup, I am, but I'm definitely flying. Its cheaper to get plane tickets than to pay for gas at this point.

Note: The Orroloth is looking for folks to create a mass exodus to GenCon, get together and hit all the good parties in a wild crazy night of madness and possibly vomiting on Eric Mona.

He's a madman, he is.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Yup, I am, but I'm definitely flying. Its cheaper to get plane tickets than to pay for gas at this point.

Note: The Orroloth is looking for folks to create a mass exodus to GenCon, get together and hit all the good parties in a wild crazy night of madness and possibly vomiting on Eric Mona.

He's a madman, he is.

I'm game, and designated driver. I would pay money to see someone fall, plastered, into a designer's arms, or perhaps just do so to anyone but me, given last year's near vomit accident by a certain 'someone' at Hellhound's semi-party. *snicker*

...never gonna live that one down... Eye-wink

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

/me lives in Australia...


Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Note: The Orroloth is looking for folks to create a mass exodus to GenCon, get together and hit all the good parties in a wild crazy night of madness and possibly vomiting on Eric Mona.

He's a madman, he is.

I sure am. Not mad (well, not really. At least I'm the happy kind), but definitely going for the mass exodus.

I might even get some old timers to show up.

Obviously, we should think about organizing something PS-related to do as well (perhaps a PS game/improv idea session in somebody's hotel room? I'll host, if I get the suite). Perhaps I should actually sign up for games this time around.

The vomiting on Eric Mona sounds interesting, and I'd like to hear more.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

While vomiting on Eric Mona might be fun, it doesn't much strike me as a 'group activity' - he'd make his dodge checks. Eye-wink

(And if Mr. Mona is watching - this is all in good fun.)

We can always get you signed up for some Planescape games to run if you want? Eye-wink Ken normally sits down when event creation opens up and will input a whole bevy of activities if we've decided to do them, we can probably get him to do it again.

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

I'm not quite sure if I want to run a PS game for non-PS people.

Don't get me wrong - I have enjoyed and I do enjoy running games for clueless (plural, ofc, and not to be confused with our dear Planewalker bigwig), and I find it very rewarding to introduce people to the long as they are reasonably open-minded about it...and perhaps available for more games in the future.

I'd have to be convinced especially to run a game for such a random sampling of people. I'm afraid it might turn into more of a chore than an enjoyment. Perhaps I'm just waiting for someone to really talk me into it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Well - let's see... as you know the way I feel about Planescape is that one truly can't 'get' it until they've been run through it in a good game. And it's a good game that really makes the key difference.

I've seen plenty of folks walk into a planescape game with their preconceptions 'It's silly, lookie the walking dice - hey look! I can play a wierd planar critter! It's just another setting, what do you mean I have to *think* about this, can't I just kill the kobolds?' ... and walk out of it with a sudden flash of light in their eyes going 'My god this is a game with true depth! How could I have never played this before?!' Like going from watching Star Trek to watching Firefly - once you've weaned from milk, you don't go back.

Converting the clueless isn't an easy process if they don't truly understand what it is they're being asked to do. Eye-wink A good GM and a good module are the basis for that - without a true taste for the setting, the clueless have no idea what they're missing. And like Call of Cthulhu - it can sometimes be hard to get that good first taste.

Now mind you, converting the clueless can take form in multiple ways - on the one hand talking about Planescape and trying to get people to play. And on the other hand you can always help those who are more inclined to directly proselytize... Cool After all - we do still need to have an actual module to run as an official PW module...

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

This year I believe I will actually be attending Gen Con, unlike last year where I planned to go but then had a few things come up before I made final arrangements. In any case I would love to be involved with any Planewalker/Planescape events going on. I could also likely lend a hand here and there if its needed.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Cool. Smiling

Honestly right now our biggest 'task' for this year's GenCon is the planning.
We have a few folks interested in running games, but we need a module to run.

Does anyone know when event submission opens for GenCon?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Event submission is already taking place and ends Friday April 7th (depending on where you look it ends at either noon PST, or 11:59 PM).

All the info is at:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Cool - Are you up for going through all the sign-up stuff again this year for us?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Sure, if people can get me the info by midnightish next Thursday (3/30). That's a week before the deadline, but I'm heading out of town that first week of April.

For each event I will need:

  • Title (no more than 100 characters)
  • Event description (450 characters max)
  • GM ID (need to be registered for GenCon, need that ID)
  • Whether it is a seminar, workshop, or gaming session
  • Day (Thurs, Fri, Sat, or Sun)
  • Preferred start time (only start on the hour)
  • Duration (goes in half hour increments)
  • Age requirement

    • Everyone (6+)
    • Teen (13+)
    • Mature (18+)

  • Experience requirement

    • Young players (rules are taught)
    • Newcomers (maturity preferred)
    • Some experience needed
    • Extensive experience needed
    • Expert understanding of the system

  • Game system and version (D&D v3.5 most likely?)
  • Difficulty rating (simple, easy, average, hard, very hard, NA)
  • Minimum # players
  • Maximum # players
  • Any additional message to the registered attendees (will appear to people after they sign up for event)

So if people think they can have that ready by next Thursday, I don't mind submitting it all.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

I'll leave it up to you to create the Planewalker Question and Answer session.

  • Planewalker Brainstorming Workshop
  • invites you to help us create plot lines, story arcs, and module ideas to continue the Planescape setting with Planewalker downloads. Bring your brain.
  • GM ID: Er. I'm not registered yet, will be getting a WOTC pass
  • Whether it is a seminar, workshop, or gaming session: Workshop I guess?
  • Day: Either Friday or Saturday
  • Preferred start time: 1ish - try not to pick a time that interferes with major gaming times Eye-wink Maybe this would be good for right after the question and answer session?
  • Duration: 1 hour at most
  • Age requirement
    • Teen (13+)
  • Experience requirement
    • Some experience needed
  • Any additional message to the registered attendees (will appear to people after they sign up for event): Please note, the ideas we generate at this workshop may or may not get used. I don't expect them all to fit together - for the better or for the worst. But there *is* a distinct chance they will get used for Planewalker modules and if they do, please be prepared for that. We are a fan driven community and would like your input.
Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Oh, FYI - workshop vs. seminar - The difference is that workshop participants are charged a fee and seminar participants are not. The fee is the same as the gaming session one unless the person running it wants to charge more ($1.50/hour I think??).

Sorry, forgot to include that explanation. So if you want it free and open to all, it's a seminar. If you want a smaller, more focused group, then it's a workshop and requires a fee.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Seminar all da way!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

I just want to say.......I wish I could go to GenCon *cry*

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Whoops! I'd been meaning to reply to the post in the Planescape mailing list about running a game at the con, but then I came to the forum and find out there's a deadline midnight tonight...

Well, anyway, I'd be interested in running a session or two again. I'll get you the more detailed information later today. (In particular, I don't know my ID...due to winning a contest last year, I actually got a VIP pass to Gen Con this year, and I assume the ID is on the pass, but I haven't actually looked at it yet to find out...I'll have to find it and check.)

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

And the true deadline is actually next week if you don't have the information by tonight (well, technically I won't check it until sometime tomorrow morning). That's just the deadline if you want me to handle the paperwork.

If you don't have the stuff ready by tonight, you can still submit the event by next week (that's GenCon's deadline), it's just that you will have to handle the paperwork yourself since I'll be offline for the week. But it isn't too bad.

So if you want me to do the paperwork, get me the info by early tomorrow morning at the latest.

If you don't mind doing it yourself, you have another week.


Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Yeah, I knew the GenCon deadline was next week, which is why I hadn't been in any hurry to reply about the matter, and why I was surprised to see the notice about the deadline today.

In any case, though, if it's okay for me to submit a event myself, I guess that's what I'll have to do; I wasn't able to find the envelope from GenCon with my badge (and ID) in it before I had to leave for campus, and I'm not going to be back home in time to find it tonight. It's just as well, actually; I hadn't really gotten around to thinking about a title for the adventure or anything yet, and it's probably best not to try to rush that. And anyway, I've submitted events in the past and know what's involved, so it's not really a big deal for me.

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

I'm still totally committed to going, although I don't dare to host an event.

I prefer having my schedule sort of free, anyway. It's more exciting that way.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

OK, for the record, I went ahead and registered a game. I put Friday 7 p.m. as my requested time slot--I don't know who else registered games when, so I don't know whether it conflicts with anyone else's game or not (though I guess it shouldn't really be a problem if it does), though since I understand the Planescape seminar is in the afternoon it shouldn't conflict with that. Here's the event description as I submitted it:

Heaven and Earth

There may be no plane more peaceful than Dothion, the pastoral first layer of Bytopia. A place of hard work and good intentions, it's a type of spot where a body can feel safe and take comfort in a job well done. Usually. Lately, though, chant is some kind of powerful evil earth elemental has made it to the plane somehow and set up kip there, and is summoning elemental servants to ravage the land...and someone's got to put a stop to it.

Game System:
D&D (Planescape)

Rules Edition:

Haven't written the adventure yet, but I've got the outline in my head. As is often the case in Planescape, there's more going on than initially meets the eye... Eye-wink

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Due to financial constraints I can't make it to GenCon this year - but I would like to contribute by providing an adventure module.

I'm still catching up on the threads on these boards as I've not been active in the PS community much for the past year or two (MMORPGs are to blame), so apologies if creation of modules has already been discussed elsewhere.

In any case, the adventure ideas that I came up with this morning were:

1. "Warriors of Bronze", the rules of an ancient conflict have been broken. Talks have been set-up to resolve the rules upset, but someone is determined to put a spanner in the works. Has the time come to finally embrace change?
2. "Death in the Ethereal Plane", a murder on a trading outpost in the ethereal has caused it to become unanchored. Outsiders are sought to investigate the matter from an independent point-of-view. The outcome could very well determine on which plane the city comes to rest.
3. "The Lesser of two goods", a village at a planar cross-roads is under threat. Two good-aligned groups offer their support, however there is always a price to pay...
4. "A Question of Judgement", a woman on the run, a judgement is passed, new evidence comes to light and suddenly nothing is quite as simple as it first a appears. Which is greater: the good of the many or the rights of an individual?
5. "Labyrinth", an innocent man sent in to a moral maze for punishment must be brought out in time before his presence causes a chain-reaction that threatens to unravel the prison maze and release an evil that has not walked the planes since Dis was founded.
6. "Caesar Slaad", the Romans have commissioned a Slaad to create a legendary feast. However, a few ingredients are missing and some enterprising berks could be in the jinks if they are resourceful and inventive enough to get the ingredients in time. (light-hearted, not-so-serious adventure)
7. "War, huh! What is it good for? Well, jinks obviously!" mercenaries are commissioned to re-ignite a conflict. The options available are limited only by the mercenaries imaginations and a small number of clauses in their contract...

So, which idea do you like the best? I should have a first draft of the adventure by the end of May and a final draft by the end of July. Cheers,


Ps. I realise that the official date for event entries has passed, but this module is intended for Planescape pick-up games.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

'simmo' wrote:
I'm still catching up on the threads on these boards as I've not been active in the PS community much for the past year or two (MMORPGs are to blame), so apologies if creation of modules has already been discussed elsewhere.

We haven't gotten off our butts to work on it yet. Eye-wink

1. "Warriors of Bronze", the rules of an ancient conflict have been broken. Talks have been set-up to resolve the rules upset, but someone is determined to put a spanner in the works. Has the time come to finally embrace change?
This one could be set just about anywhere I'd think. Sounds definately intriguing, but I'd need to know who the Bronze Warriers were, as well as how this ties back to the planes. Blood War?

2. "Death in the Ethereal Plane", a murder on a trading outpost in the ethereal has caused it to become unanchored. Outsiders are sought to investigate the matter from an independent point-of-view. The outcome could very well determine on which plane the city comes to rest.
OHhhhhh I *like* this one. Distinctly planar, with a problem that massive levels won't nessecarily solve (mysteries are like that). And I *really* like the note about it shifting. It drives this one directly into 'planar belief' territory. And also introduces players to the idea that the planes are a little more 'liquid' than one would think, especially one from the Prime.

3. "The Lesser of two goods", a village at a planar cross-roads is under threat. Two good-aligned groups offer their support, however there is always a price to pay...
Ain't there always? Eye-wink This one has some intriguing points to play up in a conflict of CG vs LG - because those groups *do* conflict. That's been one of the more or less ignored aspects of the planes.

4. "A Question of Judgement", a woman on the run, a judgement is passed, new evidence comes to light and suddenly nothing is quite as simple as it first a appears. Which is greater: the good of the many or the rights of an individual?
Could be set almost anywhere, but a planar revision of the story could be neat as well. I'd need to see more before I choose to run it. Eye-wink

5. "Labyrinth", an innocent man sent in to a moral maze for punishment must be brought out in time before his presence causes a chain-reaction that threatens to unravel the prison maze and release an evil that has not walked the planes since Dis was founded.
EPP! Ok. This gets kudo's just for mentioning Dis. Got me curious. Smiling

6. "Caesar Slaad", the Romans have commissioned a Slaad to create a legendary feast. However, a few ingredients are missing and some enterprising berks could be in the jinks if they are resourceful and inventive enough to get the ingredients in time. (light-hearted, not-so-serious adventure)
*chuckle* Sounds amusing at the least. Eye-wink I would suggest keeping the module more on a serious note for this turn out. We've got enough folks out there who think Planescape is a walk in the park goofy surrealist trip - no need to encourage them by presenting just such a thing without first presenting other style to counter that. Goofy surreal should be the exception, not the rule.

7. "War, huh! What is it good for? Well, jinks obviously!" mercenaries are commissioned to re-ignite a conflict. The options available are limited only by the mercenaries imaginations and a small number of clauses in their contract...
Now this one has some potential for wicked fun I'll grant that. Eye-wink Again, got my curiosity up with this idea.

So, which idea do you like the best? I should have a first draft of the adventure by the end of May and a final draft by the end of July. Cheers,

Ps. I realise that the official date for event entries has passed, but this module is intended for Planescape pick-up games.

I think you've a good idea of where my vote lies Eye-wink Others may have other opinions of course.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Thanks for the detailed response.

1. This is about breaking the conflict between the Sumerians and the Babylonians, or at least an attempt to cause a permanent shift in this age-old conflict. It's also about the choice whether to embrace change or reject it, but there's no half-way measures... it's all or nothing.
2. cool beans, glad that you liked this idea. Now all I have to do is develop something more than the couple of lines I posted above :shock:
3. this is indeed a CG vs LG conflict, it emphasizes that good is not as united as the Upper Planaer diplomats would have you believe.
4. this is another take on the LG vs CG conflict in Elysium. It's the story of a woman who is accussed of a crime that it turns out she did not commit. However, overturning the decree threatens the stability of a community and it's way of life. The throw in the fact that this woman is the only one to conceive in many, many years of any woman in the community and suddenly things get more complex. Just when you think it all makes sense - it turns out that she is guilty of a different crime after all.
5. take the Labyrinth idea from Death Gate Cycle books (Weis and Hickman), then put in it the precursors to the Baatezu and Tanar'ri (the races that the Yugoloths would rather that you did not find out about) and that gives you more to go on for this adventure.
6. I guess this rules out the idea that I had for an all ratatosk adventure as well Laughing out loud
7. Take the standard "travel here, save X or recover sacred artefact Y, then return for fame and glory" and turn it on its head. Instead you get "come to the Prime, stir up the locals in preparation for a Blood War skirmish site, get out with as much loot as you can before the fighting gets nasty".

I'll let you know how it goes with the adventure writing. I may need a hand with creating pre-generated characters for the adventure (as I'm not very good at this and find character creation very dull).

The more people who write adventures, the more choice there will be for running Planescape games at GenCon Cool

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Let me know what sorta characters you want - I'm good at generating characters Smiling

And yeah, the more adventures the better - the more games will get run. I'm hoping over the next year to get a grassroots local convention movement started to get people playing good Planescape games all over the place.

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Just popping in to let you guys know I'm still around. I just finished my semester, and although my work is never ending (woe is me, etc Laughing out loud), I'm going to be spending a decent amount of spare time doing planescapey (and planewalkerey) things.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

w00p! Smiling
I'm looking forward to getting to hang out with you again. We really ought to pin down a good evening for a Planewalker dinner.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Writing on the GenCon adventure has finally started, but I will not have time to do the character creation. If you are interested in helping out, please can I ask you to create one or more characters with the following guidelines:

- level 7
- 80 points to distribute between the attributes (the 80 excludes any from being level 7)
- race and class(es) if not in core books should have additional background information (for example not everyone knows what an alaghi is).
- same guidelines for any non-standard classes and prestige classes
- same guidelines for any non-standard feats and skills
- bonus cookie for using information about races and classes from published material Laughing out loud
- standard magic items to the total value as outlined in the DMG, preference is for numerous low-cost items compared to all in one item.
- these are disposable characters for a one-off game at a convention, so whilst background and motivation information are great they are by no means necessary
- average hit points can be taken instead of rolling for HP
- if you create more than one character see if you can have one complement the other, this promotes team-play and give strangers at the gaming table a link at the start of the adventure through their characters (by the end they will be friends for life and will reminisce each time they meet about how much they owe to the PS setting for bringing them together in the first place). Sticking out tongue
- design characters that are fun for a variety of people to play, just bear in mind that character quirks that attract you may not work for others
- in all instances use common sense Cool



Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

BTW - let me know if you need any maps of areas created. I've figured out how to make photoshop my very bestest friend - and I'm eager to test out my map creation skills. Smiling

Maes's picture
Joined: 2006-06-30
Gen Con Planning

Hello, first post (hopefully with more to come) to these boards. I am a Planescape fan who will be attending his first Gen Con Indy this August. I have already signed up for the two Planescape seminars but was unable to sign up for the one scheduled game. (Would I be allowed to simply listen in and watch without playing?) I hope to meet other Planescape fans and simply talk about this great setting and their experiences playing in the setting, including what different approaches GMs have for the post-Faction War setting. I myself need help incorporating the chant into my speech, which I find very difficult. If there is a dinner, I would like to join in. I can make room in my shedule for this, and would like to make plans to attend.

Also, I notice that Planescape fans are a truly international lot, and just wanted to point that out and say that's cool...

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

I'm sure we can get an unscheduled game going, what with all the good people attending.

I'll run it myself, if there is interest.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Consider my interest perked at least.

Maybe I should ask around for a board where we can post up announcements on games and such like "Meet here at X time for Planescape" or "For a good time - bring Stoli..." Smiling

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

'Clueless' wrote:
"For a good time - bring Stoli..." Smiling
Oh, there will be vodka. :lothgrin:

I'll start preparing my module. I think "The Tower, the Fiend and the Wandering Man" will be suitable for mixed company.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

Should be!

I've been debating how best to coordinate any planewalker meets and games outside of the internet since not all of us will be net-addicted little freaks like me.

Any suggestions?

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning

I'll be carrying my cell with me. Anyone from PW can give me a call at 518-573-5494. That will also give you access to Rip, since we're sharing a hotel room.

I'll hang up on telemarketers!

Maes's picture
Joined: 2006-06-30
GenCon 2006 - Event Planning


I have your number and will try to contact you. If I am unable to reach you via cell I will be attending the two Planescape panels. Maybe we can meet Clueless and the others there?

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