Genasi Ancestry

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entropy rat's picture
Joined: 2011-09-04
Genasi Ancestry

So I'm working on a character concept for an online hosted Planescape RPG server and in the process of ruminating ideas for genasi ancestry I came across the thought of a mephit. I know that mephlings became a thing in 3.5, however I'm not looking to go the mephling route. So the question is, can mephit's be responsible for normal sized genasi further down the ancestry tree?

I assume this is something not specifically touched upon, so I was wondering if the community here might have any insight. Or perhaps know of some snippet of lore I've perhaps overlooked. Thank you.

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Genasi Ancestry

entropy rat wrote:
So the question is, can mephit's be responsible for normal sized genasi further down the ancestry tree?

Absolutely they can. I can't cite any canon NPCs, but genasi have an ancestor that is some kind of elemental creature, and mephits check out.

For what it's worth, I just looked at the mephling entry in the Planar Handbook and it's very clear that mephlings are born to mephits, not humans (or demihumans or whatever). So basically this is flipping the planetouched thing on its head, using outsiders as the baseline. Primetouched? Are there any other races that fit that unexpected description?

But that's off topic. Run with that mephit genasi and do tell us all about it.

entropy rat's picture
Joined: 2011-09-04
Re: Genasi Ancestry

Will do, Atomic. Thanks for the prompt response.

Dragonexx's picture
Joined: 2011-06-18
Re: Genasi Ancestry

The way i've always played it is for 1/2 and 1/4 it applies various half templates, or the mephling race in the case of mephits. After that, it's plane-touched races, like genasi or chaond ect.


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