Geeky Slipups

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Geeky Slipups

Just for fun, describe any intrusion of your 'geeky rpg hobby' into your daily life, particularly if it has to do with Planescape. Anyone that posts on this board is bound to have at least a few stories to tell. I know I do.

Have you ever started talking to somebody in cant? Do your decisions depend on how closely they follow the Rule of Threes, Unity of Rings, and Center of All? Have you ever found yourself mentally calculating your boss's stats to see how likely you are to sneak past him? Do you try to feel the Cadence of the Planes? Do you swear that the old lady living down the street is a Night Hag in disguise?

I know that I've personally caught myself slipping into cant on at least a few occasions, and my personal philosophy has been influenced to some degree by the ideas presented in Planescape. Sure, it's a fantasy game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have something interesting to contemplate.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Geeky Slipups

This has more to do with BG2 than Planescape.

Once, when I was driving down the road in an area I was unfamiliar with, I realized I had two choices--go this way or go that way. I had no way of knowing which was the right way.

The first thing that came to mind as I made my choice was "Better Quick-save first."

True story.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Just today actually, I dropped a glass plate and narrowly avoided hundreds of little glass thingies in my foot. The first thing that I siad without thinking, surrounded by people who didn't know anything about D&D was: "Damn, I made my reflex save." Maybe I'm a cipher-nerd.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Geeky Slipups

Oh gosh. Attempting to mentally quick save, pause, and undo are all gamer sins that I am constantly guilty of. I've actually pressed ctrl + z in my mind while drawing and was, for a brief nanosecond, surprised when my mistake was not instantly undone.

Weishan, congratulations on the reflex save. Natural 20 all the way. Rhys would be proud.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Geeky Slipups

I try to restrain myself, but I do find myself jabbering in cant sometimes. I also had a heck of a giggle when I first saw the word "Ortho" on a thing of pesticide.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Geeky Slipups

This isn't about me precisely, but it's still funny. Two gamer friends of mine and I were at a party where just about the only activity was drinking until you couldn't drink any more. I nursed something most of the night and one of my friends did the same. The other friend got completely wasted. We spent the rest of the evening tackling him tyring to get him to stop making D&D jokes. My favorite:

He started hitting on a girl who obviously didn't like him or ever want to see him again. She made up some stupid excuse. His response was " Ha ha. I don't believe you. You failed your Bluff check!"

We tackled him

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Geeky Slipups

Well, my wife recently bought a used car that works great except that the previous owner put a muffler on it that emits an overwhelming moan while driving. Every time I ride in it I mutter a comment about Pandaemonium. I really do think that riding in that car can simulate "Wind Madness."

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Geeky Slipups

After years of writing scripts for my NWN sever, I found myself walking down the streets of San Francisco one day thinking, "I could write a quick script that would clean up all this garbage on the street." Then I wrote the script in my head.


EDIT: I'd be happy to post the script if anyone is interested.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Geeky Slipups

I try very hard not to slip into cant at work, though I do slip from time-to-time. Most people would not get it and I work with someone actually named Berk.

One of the funniest things was while I was riding with one of my players and he was talking about his character goals for Planescape, we spied a disabled motorist. He stopped, popped out of the car and said, "You berks need some help?" I watched him wince a little as he realized what he said, and did not mean to.
I smiled a little on the inside...

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Geeky Slipups

Post number 500 for the win! \/\/007!

And now, back to your regular programming.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Geeky Slipups

I ocasionaly greet people with "fthagn", istead of "Hi". :oops:


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Geeky Slipups

I do slip into cant sometimes, but I've been doing "Rule of Threes" routines in my daily life for years. A cup of coffee gets three spoons of sugar, things like that. I think it has more to do with OCD than Planescape, though.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Geeky Slipups

I've managed to keep the Planescape under wraps (we shall not discuss the weekend my gaming group watched Lock,Stock and Two Smoking Barreles followed by Snatch...)

But Shadowrun has infiltrated my language with 'hoi' and 'fragit'.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Geeky Slipups

Azure, don't worry, you're not the only one. Then again, I'm pretty sure I have OCD too. Nothing to do with the Rule of Threes. Honest. >_>

And I need to play Shadowrun now. Then again, I need to play a good tabletop game of Planescape too. Yeah... I'm gonna go look for a group.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Geeky Slipups

I constantly try and explain, the planescape cosmology as a way of thinking about the universe or multiverse as it were without actually giving into the fact its from a RPG. Fortunatally I'm completely Insane so most people just laugh or fail to take much notice. Plus people think I'm too cool to believe I'd like something like D&D(Fools hAHAHAHA!) I always preach the doom guard philosophy whenever I can. I often blame things on the rule of three, and entropy whenever something goes wrong with their lives and somehow involves me. I'll occasionally say to someone that they're addle coved. But for the most part I just like to swear in drow or write in drow and runic, it confuses most people. I also introduce myself as a chaotic neutral without using those two words.

I also remember when I was really tired one day back in high school when I saw something far off I went to right click on it to get a more detailed description of what it was only to realise that I'm very far away, and not anywhere near the computer. Yup never let something like reality get in the way of a good RPG obesessed life style.

Calling someone Chummer or cutter is also funny. Nothing make you look more like a loser when you say a nice steaming cup of soy cafe would be really whiz right now really really loud. I've yet to do that though.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Geeky Slipups

Zeniel... you win. Hands down. You can claim your prize at the counter.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Geeky Slipups

I make reference to "the chant" all the time, although I think that's the only cant that regularly slips into my vocabulary.


Pants of the North!

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Geeky Slipups

Its a good thing I'm totally mad or else I'd feel like a bleaker right about now.

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