Does anyone have any ideas for games or sports that might be played in Sigil? I am not just talking about bar games. What about an organized competition between some of the factions? Any ideas?
Games in Sigil
My apologies if I am somehow alone in these sentiments, but can we please for the love of all that is holy stop trying to incorporate Harry Potter into Planescape. I mean, yeah, it was a decent kids book blown way out of proportion, but there are really only a handful of things in the entire set that could potentially look good in the setting, and Quidditch is definitely not one of them.
What about games based around the player classes...
A simple game, boxing. Add some Planescape elements...perhaps each boxer is enchanted by their Factions wizard before a match.
A team of rogues could try to steal another teams, lets say, drum, the first to play the other's drum wins.
Hmm, oh, run out of ideas.
Lock three Xaositects in a large room together. In the room are five dozen eggs, a gallon of rum, an ostrich, four chairs, and a lot of lumber. Bets are placed on the outcome. Anyone who gets even vaguely close to the correct answer is usually accused of cheating
I read all 7 Horry Potter books this summer. While I completely disagree with your above statement, I do agree that Quiditch is just a stupid concept for a game.
I was thinking of a game that could be played by teams in the Hall of Speakers.
There are 3-5 players, called Cagers, who pass a stuffed leather torus (approximately 1 ft or 30 cm), called the Cage, from person to person (moving ones feet while holding the Cage results in a fault) across a circular field attempting to place it over a pole (the Spire) in the center of the court/field. Players may throw the Cage over the Spire of place it there by hand.
Outside of a 15 feet radius given radius circle are 2-4 players, called Bashers, who struggle over a loosely stuffed leather ball, called the Bag. Once a Basher secures the Bag, he or she may attempt to strike one of the Cagers. If the Cager is hit with the ball while holding Cage, the game is halted by the judge and those two players switch place. The Cager becomes a Basher and the Basher becomes a Cager. The game end after a set period. Whoever, has made the most Cages wins the game.
That is just my initial ideas for Cage-n-Spire. Any opinions or suggestions?
I tought of simple game that would fiend´s play with their wizard summoners when they finaly come to outer planes.
It is called the Wizard and Glass, and rules are quite simple:
1. Each player grabs himself a wizard (without spells preferably)
2. Find a field of broken volcanic glass (but field of sharp rock or metal will also do)
3. Throw your wizard on the shards and count the shards in his body
4. The player wich wizard has most glass shards in his body wins the round
5. Heal the wizard and start the next round.
6. (optional rules) Players score additional points for the longest throw of the wizard and who catch his running wizard first.
One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."
Best idea so far (@squaff)
And I was just kidding about Quidditch.. hope you know

I imagine that among the Xsaositets wery popular game would be Calvinball, for those people who did not read Calvin and Hobbes strips (what are you waiting for), let just say it is cross between football, rugby, baseball and soccer, it involves huge amount of props like flags, domino masks, and water balloons and most importantly abilty of player is to make and change rules of game on your feet.
Prehaps on Limbo githzerai have some sort of chaos shaping contests like judges set task for the players and then they judge how well individual player manipulate chaos matter. This could be important competition in selection of master shapers (ones that maintain githzerai cities).
Also another popular game among gitzerai kids would be Figment Battles, as you know kids have powerful imaginatons so they could shape warious monsters out of chaosstuff who would battle others kids monsters etc... Yes, this idea reeks of Pokemon but anything is possible on Limbo.
One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."
A popular game, and one not very loved by the factions: The Kriegstanz
Take fifteen players, one to represent each faction and a large playing field, preferably with many obstacles. On the field, hide about hundred small balls, called the clueless. In the middle of the field, put up a large pole with a ring on top, called the cage and a net underneath.
All players start at the pole. Now they have to search for the clueless, bring them to the middle and throw them in the cage. A clueless placed in the cage is called a believer. Players can take every action they want to stop other factio... players from gaining believers, including combat. Whoever has the most believers in the end wins.
Faction Cup!
Representatives from each Faction go on a rigorous obstacle course throughout the city testing their strength, wits, and moxiousness! Kinda like the Crystal Maze meets Takeshi's Castle/Most Extreme Challenge, Planescape style!
Funny you should say that, since I'm writing a story where planar adventurers visit Harry Potter's London. Of course, the planars were amazed at just how Clueless those wizards were.
Voldemort: Ha ha! I am invincible! I have the Elder Wand!
Planar: Hmph. That's not a wand.
*pulls out a wand of fireballs*
Planar: That's a wand.
Planar:What do you mean, "is there a Heaven?" We went skiing there last week!
And there's a perfect example of a sport that planars can enjoy. I mean, Celestia is a mountain -- an infinite mountain, no less. It should have the best ski resorts in the multiverse!
^^ for some reason I remember that episode of South Park where they went to Aspen
Ultimate Hide and Seek. :mrgreen:
Just because it's a nice and very cruel idea:
Clueless Spotting
An easy, but quite popular game. Find a portal to a particulary backring prime. Go to the other side and find a clueless. Promise him a lot of great stuff, then drag him through the portal to Sigil. There, a lot of hidden visitors wait for the clueless' reaction.
Since that alone is not funny enough, several of the following are normally added:
-A Tanar'ri or Baatezu, jumping out from behind something and shouting "I WILL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL!"
-A wide, open space, so that the arc of Sigil can be seen overhead
-People in stupid costumes, like wide, flowing cloaks and silly masks, proclaiming "Welcome to the afterlife!" or something similar
-Someone offering the clueless a sandwich and after the first bite telling him that it's human baby
-A slaad. No further explanation needed.
Clueless Spotting
An easy, but quite popular game. Find a portal to a particulary backring prime. Go to the other side and find a clueless. Promise him a lot of great stuff, then drag him through the portal to Sigil. There, a lot of hidden visitors wait for the clueless' reaction.
Since that alone is not funny enough, several of the following are normally added:
-A Tanar'ri or Baatezu, jumping out from behind something and shouting "I WILL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL!"
-A wide, open space, so that the arc of Sigil can be seen overhead
-People in stupid costumes, like wide, flowing cloaks and silly masks, proclaiming "Welcome to the afterlife!" or something similar
-Someone offering the clueless a sandwich and after the first bite telling him that it's human baby
-A slaad. No further explanation needed.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Blind Man's Burn.
Most Tanar'ri games consist of a combination of sadism and masochism with generous dash of poor sportsmanship thrown in. Blind Man's burn is no exception. The rules are simple. There are two teams, known as "Pikers" and "Runners." The Pikers (who are always demons) carry large cold iron pikes with flaming tips and are tasked with chasing down the runners. The "Runners" (who are usually mortals) have their arms bound and are tasked only with surviving until there aren't any Pikers left. Both sides are blindfolded.The game can end when all the Runners are dead, in which case, the Piker who killed the most wins, or when all the Pikers are dead in which case the Runners win. The scoring, however, is largely irrelevant as there are usually no survivors.
I like this one too.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Quiddich (haha)
No, think about the opportunities...
Seriously, that's a good question. I think card games and dice would be quite popular, but they're bar games mostly. However, there definetely is not much space in that town to make a field for big team games (another point in favour for Quiddich - since they fly, they don't need much ground space. And it would be wicketly dangerous with all this razorvine around.)