Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:

The dragon returns with weapons in his claws. "These, I think will be to your interest. This," he says, setting down a silvered bastard sword that looked to be of archon make, "was made to kill devils, it is also electrified. I ask only 21 merts for it. Then," he says, producing an even larger sword made of blackened steel, "there is this, it is an unholy blade. I ask 19 for this." He then produces a similar looking mace. "This is heavilly enchanted to improve it's quality, and has a weaker unholy blessing too. 20 merts. "This longsword is also made to kill devils, but it works on archons, and other fiends two. Again, 20 for this." And finally, the dragon says with a smile as he retreives a wickedly barbed greensteel longspear, "There is this. It is also unholy and it inflicts horrific wounds at some cost to the wielder's own life force--not a problem for innevitables. It is also blessed with unholy energies. I ask only 37 merts for this. It is a fine deal. What say you?"

OOC: Looking to keep Penance's coffers in order...

Sold Sword: +32,000
Sold Lions: +15,000
B. Bows(3): - ?????
B. Bolts(90): - ?????

I'm guessing have within 34,000-40,000 available from the proffered goods.


During the interlude before the dragon returns, Penance stares straight toward the scrying signal. Eldritch flames simmer in his eyes. "Whoever or whatever lurks beyond my grasp, be wary--your theatrics shan't be overlooked, nor unrecompensed." He stares a bit more until Ferrisore returns.

After listening to the prices, Penance balances the spear in his hands, judging the balance and savoring the image of devils flailing as their blood leaked onto unhallowed ground. "Yes, quite a fine weapon. I'm more of a swordsman, but this promises a fine return for its price."

Penance thinks a few moments more and adds. "If I purchased a combination of two, would the finer brother of Zjar'taz offer an accommodating price--especially with the promise of future business over your kinsman?"

Diplomacy: 21

17 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 21.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Hmm, I will not sell for a loss no matter what future business there may be, but I can give you a substantial discount on the greatsword. I'll give it to you along with the spear for 5 merts the lions, and the holy blade, covering the scrolls and the prototypes as well. Do we have a deal?"

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Indeed, business is made for profit. I accept the offer; I look forward to hearing from you soon."

Penance will conclude his business here, storing the spear in his bag of holding. He exits the building and straps the greatsword to his back. Afterward, he plans to visit another place of interest: the Embassy for Mechanus. (using his second teleport for the evening)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: What's the plan there? Chat up the modrons perhaps?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Report the incident at the bar, hoping to get inevitables running a goose chase through Baator. Also, their records would be some of the most precise available. He's hoping to gain access to files on his companions. Eye-wink

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The embassy to Mechanus is a large steel cube, 31.415 feet to a side, but considerably larger on the inside thanks to an extradimensional space. Entrance is gained through a circle of teleportation outside. When you enter the lobby you are greeted by a modron, probably a rouge holding a packet of forms and an inkstick.

"Social pleasantry: good day, cutter. Polite command: fill out these forms. Clarification: you must submit a request to speak with the apropriate parties."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Good day."

Penance accepts the pen and paper. He scribes the following:

Name: Alpha Omega Beta Zero Zero* Penance Arbiter

Purpose: Database Research and Threat Report

Reason: Possible threat assessment; Incident in Lower Ward

He returns the form to the modron.

OOC: *In symbol form...his name should be in the banks still, listed under a self-recycling file of "Active Duty"

Let me know if you need anything else.

Also, does the scry sensor lose "reception"? you think they serve pi(e) here? Penance is a bit hungry Laughing out loud

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The bladeling nods to the tout as they part, then begins to traverse the local major taverns and inns that Acheron mercenaries may frequent, for leads on Penance the kolyarut.

If he finds a talkative patron, Canzon buys him/her a drink and attempts to charm his way to further information.

35 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+35, the result is 42.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


You've escaped the sensor with the teleport since it can't follow you. You are allowed into an antechamber leding into several different archives. You are approached by annother rouge modron demanding a form be filled out. Once you have done this you find the following on the party (not much, the records aren't very lengthy and don't have any sensitive information):

Min: Wizard and scholar with mixed Baatezu, mortal, and Yugloth heratige, and a list of each time she has requested information from these archives (very frequently). Not much else. It looks like some papers have been removed, no small task in a place that values thier records so highly.

Canzonzabar: Falaxugon serving under Dispater, promoted within the last 1000 years. Details on promotions, etc.

Bruce Maxson: Elan. Released from the gatehouse recently, no known history.

(I don't think Drum ever gave his name.)


Whe find out that Penance recruits mercinaries for the Blood War and his own personal army. He has a reputation as a nasty employer and a considerably better one as an arms dealer. You don't learn much else. Apparently most of his 'employees' were never seen again after signing up. There are a few tales of escapees being hunted down by a black-plated Zelkhut.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Penance logs each bit of information into memory down to the last nuance. The kolyarut makes special notes of known contracts and contacts in each folder (if there are any mentioned). He then moves to check the status on Blood War operatives and intel. He'll log this list as well.

Once completed in this intel work, Penance shall seek out the Office of Sigil Affair (or some such...) to log the following description in, though under the title Anonymous Alpha Zero:

Sigil, close to Anti-peak:

Within three hours' time, an assault came against the Crossed Daggers Tavern in the Lower Ward. Grey-robed assassins raided, blocking teleportation within the perimeter of the confines, wielding holy swords with proficiency. A cornugon and other lesser baatezu perished in the battle. A band comprised of an unstable human, anarchic aasimar*, falaxugon and a mortal of fiendish descent, disbanded the hallowed warriors and mages with relative ease.

The only other important note is that these same figures were approached shortly after by a tiefling of obscure origins, offering them a job. His master will be meeting these figures at the Twelve Factols two Sigil days from now at peak. The occurance of this assignment seems too close for coincidence. I suggest a unit dispatched for closer investigation, though I expect this clandestine gathering will have high surveillance. A kolyarut has been dispatched over a former contract, but I suggest further reinforcement. Possible infringement into the Codices of the realm suspected. And thus, my anonymity is necessary due to proximity of mission.

-Anonymous Alpha Zero

Penance leaves soon after delivering this letter, heading for another fiend bar (or to find any contacts mentioned in the reports).

OOC: *I think he said Aasimar.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Penance logs each bit of information into memory down to the last nuance. The kolyarut makes special notes of known contracts and contacts in each folder (if there are any mentioned). He then moves to check the status on Blood War operatives and intel. He'll log this list as well.

Once completed in this intel work, Penance shall seek out the Office of Sigil Affair (or some such...) to log the following description in, though under the title Anonymous Alpha Zero:

Sigil, close to Anti-peak:

Within three hours' time, an assault came against the Crossed Daggers Tavern in the Lower Ward. Grey-robed assassins raided, blocking teleportation within the perimeter of the confines, wielding holy swords with proficiency. A cornugon and other lesser baatezu perished in the battle. A band comprised of an unstable human, anarchic aasimar*, falaxugon and a mortal of fiendish descent, disbanded the hallowed warriors and mages with relative ease.

The only other important note is that these same figures were approached shortly after by a tiefling of obscure origins, offering them a job. His master will be meeting these figures at the Twelve Factols two Sigil days from now at peak. The occurance of this assignment seems too close for coincidence. I suggest a unit dispatched for closer investigation, though I expect this clandestine gathering will have high surveillance. A kolyarut has been dispatched over a former contract, but I suggest further reinforcement. Possible infringement into the Codices of the realm suspected, including rumor of fugitives from the Blood War. And thus, my anonymity is necessary due to proximity of mission.

-Anonymous Alpha Zero

Penance leaves soon after delivering this letter, heading for another fiend bar (or to find any contacts mentioned in the reports).

OOC: *I think he said Aasimar.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: yeah, but the files are only usefully catagorized by name, you'd need a few days to go through all the assimar with profiles similar to Drum's. Also, remember, Min's file has been tampered with, you've got nothing more than it says there. As for Canzon's current contracts, I'll hold of on describing that, Dunamin may have something to say. What kind of a fiend bar do you have in mind since very few people would take kindly to being disturbed an hour past antipeak? The Styx Oarsman perhaps Smiling ?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Oh, I only wanted his race for the letter description; I don't think Penance would be out of that hall if he tried to go Aasimar: A...b...c.. Laughing out loud

Yes, the Styxman should be nice. Oh, Penance will be a falaxugon in regal attire Eye-wink

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: In all seriousness though, were do you want to gather more information?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: In all seriousness though, were do you want to gather more information?

OOC: I was serious about the bar and alias. Julix Baren at your service. Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: If a devil walked into the Styx oarsman... I'll leave it at that, and demons have true seeing. You'd be unwelcome to say the least.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Oops. My bad. Laughing out loud

Hm...yeah, let me rethink that a bit.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Does a name come up, regarding the zelekhut?

Oh, and that's still falxugon, not falaxugon or flaxugon ye barmies. Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: If the Ministry of Immortal Affairs is within reasonable distance, the kolyarut will walk that way, disguised first as a hulking planar orc (not hard with his weapons) of noble bearing. When he gets near the office, he'll find a suitable spot and morph in a falxugon in fine attire (weapons stored in his bag of holding).

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


No such luck.


Remember, you only know that Canzon is a fiend. You think the others are mortals. In the lobby, which is even more crowded than it was when Canzon visited. You stand for a few eneventful minutes until a hamatula in Levistus' colors cuts in front of you.

OOC: I can't spell 'because' half the time, how do you expect me to spell hard words like falxugon. Sticking out tongue

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Intriguing, his mechanic identity certainly puts Penance in a different light …

After scouring Acheron establishments for a while, Canzonzabar decides to move on to public libraries that include works on recognized outer planar forces [such will be concentrated in the Clerk’s Ward, right?]. Disguised as a simple planar human mage, he walks among the tomes of lore within these halls, seeking out books that deal with the Forces of Law, namely the inevitables and the caste known as kolyaruts. The falxugon conducts basic brief research on their trademarks and abilities, taking notes as needed.

Should there be no problems in this endeavour, Canzon settles for now on what data has been collected, heads home, and writes a profile of Penance to be stored similarly to Min’s.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


you find the following:

-Punish oathbreakers (you knew that)
-Cannot heal damage by naturally, but does have advanced self-repair systems
-Has the ability to channel negative energy
-can change their shape at will

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

With folded fingers, the harvester devil leans back in a padded chair in his study. No lights are on, he finds a soothing comfort in resting in darkness, his sight perfectly attuned to the shadows. Canzonzabar allows himself a moment’s recreation, and employs a spell of mage hand to pour himself a draught of Baatorian Firewine using naught but the power of his mind. The taste is familiar and soothing to his kind, and he savours the taste while resting his sight on a painting depicting gruesome torment of petitioners in Mentiri.

Hmm, and what of the jester? The gelugon was right, he is a source of plausible deniability, yet he also introduces an unstable element that could potentially jeapordize the mission. I had better learn a bit about that barmy.

Canzonzabar recalls that the hamatula chief of security noted Drum to be a big spender at the Crossed Daggers. Seeing as how the inn is currently closed, the baatezu ponders on which other long-time patrons spend a great deal of time at the inn beyond staff members.

Basically, Canzon wants to track down someone who spends big money and lots of time in the Crossed Daggers, hoping they can tell him a thing or two about Drum, or drop leads to better sources.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Crossed Daggers doesn't have many regular patrons since it is more often than not used for business. Any regular patrons will probably be able to change shape and would do so freely. make a knowledge 'what you ought to know' check. (It's a effectively a maxed knowledge skill that everyone has, what it tells you common sense says you should know.)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
make a knowledge 'what you ought to know' check. (It's a effectively a maxed knowledge skill that everyone has, what it tells you common sense says you should know.)
So that would be max ranks (13 HD + 3) + Int modifier?

20 Bonus for Knowledge (Comm to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 25.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: yep, and I rolled for you

The two erinyes who work there would be good bets, and there are some other falaxugons and erinyes who also choose to set up there

Penance (OOC: I'm still getting the hang of how much I need to put in each post in a PBP, sorry):

Before you can even react to the Hamatula, you you hear an eir peircing shriek in infernal that is made even louder by the accoustics of the room. Perhaps even more surprising is the source of the noise. Seperated from you by two osyluth's and a nycaloth, you see that the shriek came from a small and pale ice devil. She looks utterly and irrationaly panicked--more so than you have ever seen a greater Baatezu. Her eyes are darting around the room as though she is surrounded by invisible foes.

"YOU BROKE IT!" , she screams as she lashes out as the nearest target, the nycaloth, with her tail and leaving a nasty welt across it's face. The 'loth looks visibly slowed. "YOU BROKE IT, AND NOW IT"S GONE!"

The hall is no longer silent as various parties draw thier weapons, and you can hear the clammor, both verbal and telepathic. The commotion she has caused only seems to make the gelugon panic even more, as she retreats to put her back to an immense marble column.

20 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 24.
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 34.
2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 3d6+2, the result is 11.
10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 18.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Edited above

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Penance, sensing unwarranted conflict, activates the cloaking theurgy innate to his race. Once invisible, the kolyarut studies the scene and seeks the likeliest means of passing security into the archives.

He whispers arcane-laced words into the nearest guard's ears. "You and your men detain them! The kolyarut then quickly slips away to see if he can infiltrate into the deeper areas of the ministry.


Spot: 15
Search: 19
Sense Motive: 13 nat 1... -_-

No worries.

Quickened suggestion: (DC 17)

Move silently: 19
Hide: 34

11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 15.
6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 19.
12 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 13.
21 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+21, the result is 34.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: It's a very long walk to the archives, and you pass through multiple checkpoints at which a door needs to be opened by an authorized person(Non devils have it a bit harder, since they can't open the doors themselves regardless of what they look like)

Penance (Roll initiative):
You observe that many of the Baatezu seem disproportionately concerned with this lone gelugon. Many cornugons are scurrying for cover behind pillars and no devil has made an attempt to attack her. Unfortunately, it also seems like your invisibility dosen't hide you well enough.

"YOU HIDE BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU ARE BROKEN! YOU DO NOT BELONG! YOU DO NOT EQUAL YOUR PAPERS!" says the devil, her eyes now glowing bright points a clawed hand at you, and you see your invisibility and illusory disguise fade. "YOU DO NOT EXIST BECAUSE YOU CANNOT!" She fires a blast of icy air at a group of eldarin and then draws a cold-iron scythe made entirely of metal, still cowering (1 quickened power).

OOC: No, a +10 insight bonus ain't no joke, barminess does have it's perks

15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 29.
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 22.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: No way I can beat that initiative...

Init: 17

Is that a Run(Like HELL) check?? :shock: Laughing out loud



Penance starts moving toward a knot of baatezu and the exit...[/b][/color]

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 17.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Edited above.


OOC: If you have any sense in your metal bone box, you bet it is.

It seems you've got the right idea, but so does everyone else who can't teleport. make a strength check to avoid bieng knocked down by the crowd. While you are leaving, you hear the gelugon shout something else, "IN THREE DAYS, A GREAT WAR IS COMMING, AND THE THIRD WILL BE SLAIN! I SEE IT! I SEE EVERYTHING! IN THREE DAYS, EVERYTHING WILL BREAK INTO THREES! GONE, ALL GONE! ALL BROKEN! SIXTEEN WILL FIGHT FOURTEEN THAT IS ELEVEN, AND THE SECOND SIXTEEN WILL FIGHT BOTH! NONE SHALL ESCAPE UNHARMED!"

OOC: You will be seeing more of her, and hopefully not dying.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Well, didn't see his stuff was dispelled. Since it is, last use of teleport on its way.


Realizing he is exposed and in a stampede, the kolyarut summons the remaining power within his boots and spans the long walk to his house in a matter of milliseconds.

He will brood over this occurance and try to piece together an alternative means of acquiring information on his potential business partners.


Gather Info: 19

13 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 19.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


You learn that Canzonzabar is a fairly well known falxugon. He has a reputation as being particularly clever and charming. He does exactly what he said he did in the Crossed Daggers--trades money and magic for souls. You learn nothing about Min, though you do hear a few "the name sounds familiar"s or "You mean the one with the funny head who always wears black, cutter?"s mostly from the devils you speak with. There are quite a few psychotic jesters in sigil, and you don't know Drum's name, you get nothing. Nobody you speak with has ever heard of a Bruce Maxson.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Do I pick up any contacts for Canz?

Also, Gather Info on the barmy chatter of the Gelugon (using disguises and whatnot as well): 23

13 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 26.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Penance finds a few angry berks who've sold thier souls to Canzonzabar and wish they hadn't, but no actual associates and the like.

The news of the incident at the Ministry of Immortal Affairs hasn't spread. For that matter, the incedent probably isn't over yet. As far as barmy Gelugons go, Tekasibeal seems to fit the description you give. She apparently repports directly to the Dark Eight, but exactly what she does and why she's so unstable are both major darks. Tekasibeal has been known to acurately predict the future before. Chant says she's killed several Pit Fiends, but your sources for that tidbit come mostly from the dimmer Baatezu.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Penance scribes another note (as Anonymous Beta One), sending it via a modron courier to the Embassy for Mechanus, marked a priori:

At this current moment an instable gelugon is prophesying doom and a great war in the Ministry of Immortal Affairs. Immediate dispatch of powerful forces of Law deemed necessary in this matter, as prediction could lead to anarchy among realms larger than Sigil. What is this new war? And by what laws will this be based? Much inquiry needed...Here is the recorded words of Tekasibeal the gelugon:


Swift action is critical in this matter--who know what the wily Baatezu will do with her?

-Anonymous Beta One

The kolyarut pens another letter to the abyssal equivalent of an embassy as follows:

To a demon of insatiable power,

This hour a gelugon of high regard has unleashed a violent prophesy. Tekasibeal, the gelugon, has contrived a greater war, sowing discord in the vile establishment of the Baatezu known as the Ministry of Immortal Affairs. Her words are as follows:


Added to this is an attack on a devil bar known as the Crossed Daggers. Perhaps the time is now to further aggression with the baatezu...even on the streets of Sigil. Quick usurping of this movement will lead to untold influence over the hated devils--who will be the fiend to take that glory?

I leave that to your decision...

Malevolently yours,
Djar'zu'din the Insider

This he sends through a tiefling runner, who he pays a gold coin for haste and safekeeping.

Finally, he scribes an encrypted note (written in a unique blend of celestial, abyssal and infernal developed for communication with Veritas) that he places within a messenger construct bound for The Grieve:


Much is afoot these anarchic days within Sigil. Baatezu facilities have been subject to incursions by holy warriors and bloody prophesies. Ponder these words by a gelugon named Tekasibeal, a barmy of considerable power:


If you should perceive insight into the matter, direct a courier to deliver a message to me. Use the normal procedures of discourse, as we cannot trust many within this treacherous town. I shall be away on a business venture in two Sigil days' time, attending an issue after the assault on the Devil bar. I have ordered a prototype crossbow of immense strength and shall have the prototypes completed by three weeks' time. Have a runner ready to accept the shipments should neither I nor you are able to collect these from Ferrisore of the Rusty Razor. One shall be yours with an allotment of thirty bolts, keened for slaying devils (as we are wont to do). Have the craftsmen in the hold study the weapon and begin modifications/construction of similar models. We shall want more for the coming war...

Your Imminence,
Penance Arbiter

With that, the inevitable begins to thread the loom of his nefarious schemes...

OOC: Stirring the anthills, eh... :twisted:

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Canzonzabar decides to drop a visit by one of the erinyes staff members and tries to track her down in the guise of an osyluth, playing on their roles of policing and monitoring other baatezu. If he can’t find her or she proves occupied with a diabolical task, he seeks out other staff members until he can find one available for a little chat.

Approaching the subject when this opportunity presents itself, the “bone devil” sends:

“Greetings, warm one, I am known as Tsephelius. You work in the Crossed Daggers, correct? I have been dispatched to collect statements for the ongoing investigation of the attack last evening, and I need your recollection of a particular patron that was present during the incident: an unruly human-like jester who goes by the name of Su’oure Drum.”

Disguise to act in character.
Diplomacy to gain cooperation.

33 Bonus for Disguise to do
I rolled 1d20+33, the result is 48.
35 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+35, the result is 51.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


OOC: Remember, Drum never gave his name, but you can describe him easily enough."

She is at her home, the investigations
"The barmy clown? He calls himself Su'ore Drum, and rHe shows up randomly every few weeks. He pays at least a few merts--I'm not privvy to the exact ammount each time--to convince us not to make him into an entirely different form of entertainment. He seems to be a Xaositect and he often robs actual bars in the Hive and lower Ward. I highly doubt he would be asociated with any kind of attack of holy warriors."


Any other evil schemes, or can we assume you're now waiting for the next day.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

“Tsephelius” sways his insectile tail in satisfaction, correlated to the movements of Canzon’s own tail.

“Very well, a few more questions if you please. Does he have any known relations or hideouts? Is his specie confirmed to be human? Similarly dressed associates have been spotted with the subject, would you have any information on these individuals? The subject have further been noted to use the word or name “Kharasta” on several accounts – does this mean anything to you?”


'weishan' wrote:
Remember, Drum never gave his name, but you can describe him easily enough.

No problem, though to my understanding he did actually shout it out in his introductory post:
'Trias' wrote:

Ladies! Gentlemen! …ehh.. whatever the hell Kharasta is…. Have no fear! Su’ore Drum – the JOKER is FINALLY here!!! hahhahAHHAhaHHAHhahAhAHA.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Oops, Sorry, Benyamin. You learn that Drum is a wanted Aasimar (For a very long list of reasons), and known Xaositect.


"He is not human, I don't think, probably a planetouched of some kind. The lackeys are hired, and seem to change each time he...drops in. We suspect he lives somewher in the lower ward, but I personnally know nothing more. As for the name, I know no more than you. (OOC: Niether do I, Trias. If it's signifigant in some way please PM me.)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Nodding to the fellow fiend, the “osyluth” moves on:

“Hmm, I see… Let me ask you of another subject that has come to our attention. A heavily bandaged humanoid by the name of Bruce Maxson from a material world known as Epis Prime or Atii. Presumably more than four centuries old and have engaged in spelljammer travel on a ship by the name of Darrow. The subject has displayed significant arcane or psionic might, and has been noted to exhibit somewhat neurotic behaviour”.

“Tsephelius” goes on to give a full description of Bruce.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


"I saw him enter the bar today. That is all. I've niether seen nor heard of him."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

“Then that will be all. Your cooperation is satisfactory and will be noted in my report. Good day, miss.

The “bone devil” parts with the erinyes in a business-like fashion, heads off, then teleports to near Canzonzabar’s home. The devil drops the disguise in private, returns home, and scribes what he has gained on Drum.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Should I assume you're done any information gathering for the day too?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Canzonzabar puts down his quill and reviews his recently created profiles an extra time, jotting down a few extra remarks as recollections float up to his mind.

Good, good, this will do for the time being, a devil must keep his records in order.

The falxugon stretches his frame, a bit weary of all this writing, and trails around the house to look for a good book to pass the time. Settling for a biography on Bel, describing his rapid rise in power to Lord of the First and legendary Blood War campaigns, Canzon sits in a good chair and soaks up the lore until morning comes.

By the time Trift is up and have regained his strength after a warrior’s breakfast, the falxugon instructs him to prepare healing spells to cure his master of the wounds from the inn.

Yep, Canzon is done with intel, next point for him will be to sell off the loot.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


(you are operating on time lag right now, you are still attacking the tavern, while the others are dealing with whatever they're doing in the morning.)


About five hours after antipeak, well before any good places to sell off the swords would open, your reading is interrupted by a sending in Min's telepathic voice.

I hope to see you at 4 Assembly Square. Matters of last night must be discussed. Hopefully, the others will come as well. Please respond.

(You have 25 words to respond)

(The adress also seems vaugely familiar to you)

Everyone else (including Drum in the morning) gets the same message and may respond in 25 words or less.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Penance spends his evening polishing his newly acquired weapons and thinking of new tactics with these supplies. When the voice chimes in his head, the kolyarut replies in voice familiar to the crew. "I shall gladly join you...I hope the others make it as well."

OOC: Did she leave any time frame? I didn't catch when to go..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: No, but it seems unlikely she wouldn't have included a time if she meant immediately.

Edited adition (for everyone outside 4 asembly square)

Min's house on 4 Asembly Square (in the Lady's ward) is a moderatey sized masion made of grey granite polished to the the point where one can clearly see thier reflection in it. The building is not heavily decorated, but does have a few simple carvins on it's walls. The mansion has two wings, between them is an equally polished obsidian courtyard with a fountain at it's center. The entire lot is surrounded by a wickedly barbed fence made of pitted and blackened Ghennan iron. You count eight human-sized skeletons patroling the courtyard in pairs. Each is well armed and armored and covered in blueish magical markings. The gate is guarded by annother pair of skeletons. It is currently locked.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Edited above.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

“Very well, I shall arrive at the meeting place as I were during the “interrogation” earlier.”

With these internal words, Canzonzabar puts his book down on a table, inserting a strip of babau hide to remember the page he reached, then stands and leaves his home.

He steps into shadow for a moment, changes his form to that of the tuladhara he used at the Crossed Daggers, then teleports to within a short walk of the designated meeting point. The falxugon overlooks the mansion carefully before proceeding, to look and listen for any hidden observers.

12 Bonus for Listen to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 15.
1 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 16.
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