Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Azure wrote: "I am





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Azure wrote:

"I am Sh'Chaad the Black.  It seems, Cutters, that I have been hired to aid you in tracking down your foe.  I am not sure yet what the pay scale will be, but I'm sure the arrangement will prove satisfactory to all concerned.  Well, all but the target.  Of course, all of this is negotiable, and if one of the parties is not satisfied, negotiations will continue, yes?"

~“Delighted to make your acquaintance, Sh’Chaad.”~ The brachina devil nods politely.


~“I believe you had some affiliations with my falxugon predecessor, yes? Feel assured that this business arrangement can continue seamlessly, though any terms you two may have established can be readily renegotiated if you so desire once the present situation has been resolved.”~

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
BERK wrote: "About





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BERK wrote:

"About that." Bruce speaks up. "As you probably know, the mercs that tried to sneak onto my ship were killed after being captured, and the people guarding them got penned as well. I saw the bodies afterward and I can tell you for sure that they were done in by a psion of some sort, and not a weak one."

"After my powers developed way back when, I looked into psionics a bit. Telepaths arn't uncommon, and I don't mean the sort of mental conversations that you do all the time, Yeb. I mean the sort of telepath to which your brain is door which doesn't even have a lock on it."

"Even if this information was an exaggeration, we shouldn't discount the idea that someone had the information plucked out of their heads without ever knowing it."

“Oh what wickedness,” the pleasure devil sympathetically exclaims, pursing her lips.


“With such ruffians causing a fuss, no wonder you are shy about new guests aboard your ship, captain. Have you any specific suspects in mind as the root of this malice? Perhaps a powerful psion from your past that might well collaborate with the likes of Xanthus?”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce: "I freely admit


"I freely admit that given your previous...history that I did not and could not directly trace your attacker back to Xanthus. It is notable though, that this telepath of yours took many precautions against divination. I do not have the time and resources to overcome such things on a whim, and frankly, I saw no reason to do so given the other attacks.Your past is your problem, not mine. Without your memories I do not know who attacked you. If I did, I would not tell you for free."



"I am quite serious. I have spoken to Xanthus on many occasions, and have made use of his/her services occasionally. All debts have been payed, and neither of us owes the other anything. That is all. We have no signifigant connections, besides that. I gain nothing from his death that you do not also gain. In fact, I would hazard a guess that you stand to lose far more than I do if you choose not to act, though, Ephaez might take issue with such a decision. If it was political advancement I was looking for, I would need to do the job myself, or send a direct subordinate. The Tower Arcane is not a place you can go, as I'm sure you are aware. "



(Yebena to Chaad) "It is against my best interests to harm you, but remember this: You will probably find it nescesary to deal with me or annother other arcanaloth in the future. The Tower Arcane does not forget, and you have complicated any relations with *us* that you may have in the future. Also remember that this war and this contract will end..."

OOC: You know she is refering to the archives of the Tower Arcane, where you will, if she is in fact telling the truth be blacklisted by the 'loths. (Since arcanaloths can acess the records of the tower arcane anywhere, and generally to so before making any kind of deal, it is a credible threat.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
weishan wrote: OOC: You

weishan wrote:

OOC: You know she is refering to the archives of the Tower Arcane, where you will, if she is in fact telling the truth be blacklisted by the 'loths. (Since arcanaloths can acess the records of the tower arcane anywhere, and generally to so before making any kind of deal, it is a credible threat.

[OOC: I'm already assuming that Sh'Chaad is blacklisted by the loths, since I put in his background write-up that fiendish khaasta and yugoloths don't mix.  The khaasta are too independant.]

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Maybe to some extent,

OOC: Maybe to some extent, but it can always get worse. in any case, it's unlikely you've found your way into any formal archives in the tower arcane yet unless you've actually dealt directly with arcanaloths (in which case it's a certainty, and Yebena would already know a great deal about you). Avoidance seems to be a more likely tactic.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
weishan wrote:OOC: Maybe to

weishan wrote:
OOC: Maybe to some extent, but it can always get worse. in any case, it's unlikely you've found your way into any formal archives in the tower arcane yet unless you've actually dealt directly with arcanaloths (in which case it's a certainty, and Yebena would already know a great deal about you). Avoidance seems to be a more likely tactic.
[OoC - Yes, so far that seems likely.  Of course, though Sh'Chaad's IQ was unaffected, his wisdom score is 5 right now.  Hence why he's acting a bit rash and heedless. ;]

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: If I did, I would

If I did, I would not tell you for free."

"I should hope not. If it was for free, I would never have trusted it." The bandages on Bruce's face shift and become loose as he talks, forcing him to adjust them slightly before he continues.

 "Even if you cannot prove that this Xanthus is involved with the attempted breach of the Ideaclad, I would be willing to offer my services in whatever means of neutralizing him that is deemed appropriate. No formal payment required, but even a servent of Xanthus surely has something worth looting, and docking a ship is not cheap."



weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 (Bruce) "Your pragmatisim

 (Bruce) "Your pragmatisim does you credit."

"Finding Xanthus may prove to be quite complicated," observes Yebena. "He/she is no fool, and goes to great lengths to conceal his/her location. He.she commands a force made mostly of scouts, skirmishers, and airborne infantry. He/she could be anywhere in the Wastes. This is to say I have other urgent business and will not be joining you or gathering further information. If you are looking for Xanthus' whereabouts, Center may be a good place to look. Failing that, you could buy it from annother commander, or arrange to meet with him/her. Xanthus has representatives in many places."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Maybe i could do some

"Maybe i could do some divining to try and assertain the position of our possible adversary..?" Siddharta purrssss...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
"Heh. I very much doubt

"Heh. I very much doubt that," says Yebena dryly. "You will have to find Xanthus the hard way."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"My spells work indirectly,

"My spells work indirectly, not to scry him straight away... that would be plain stupid, i know that, my Dear..."  Siddharta purrrss wryly back at Yebena...

(OOC: i havent a clue what i can reply to make an impact atm in the story/ conversation thats going atm, so this was my attempt to hget into it at all)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: No problem, I'm

OOC: No problem, I'm waiting on the others.


"There are, as I would assume you know, many ways of avoiding even indirect detection. Xanthus has acess to magic far beyond your own. Furthermore, most good wards will also make the warded individual aware of the intruder--indirect or not. You do not want to daw Xanthus' attention. It will end...badly."  

OOC: There are actually many ways to protect from indirect scrying by way of permanent magic and rituals. Whether or not Yebena is lying is, as always, uncertain. However it is very much against her interests to lie in this case, and you can be pretty sure from what you've been able to guess she is a more powerful spellcaster than you. Any powerful and well connected individual will take great pains to protect themselves from any and all divinations. Xanthus, you'd assume is no exception. On a slightly more metagame note, this is the nature of high level play. Your enemies can and do one-up you. There is no easy solution.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC Quote: There is no easy


There is no easy solution.

Sure there is. Sonic-themed energy push. No one EVER has sonic resistance.


"There are, as I would assume you know, many ways of avoiding even indirect detection. Xanthus has acess to magic far beyond your own. Furthermore, most good wards will also make the warded individual aware of the intruder--indirect or not. You do not want to daw Xanthus' attention. It will end...badly."


I have an idea just crazy enough to work.

Don't you dare-


"Unless getting him to notice us is exactly what we want." Bruce's voice has that unplacable accent again. "If our goal is to locate him, then anything he sends at us can be used to find him. I doubt that he would show up himself, but whatever mooks he sends in retaliation might be interrogated to learn more about his location."


How's that?

I must admit, I expected worse from you.

Your confidence is touching.


Bruce's accent is gone as suddenly as it appeared.

"I can think of many ways that it could backfire spectacularly, but at least a few outcomes to our benefit."

"After all, it is not as if we have much in the way of the element of surprise. Considering the attempts on our lives, he must know of us already, and can  be expected to know we mean him harm."

Bruce looks around the group to judge their reactions. "Correct?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Not entirely, mammal.  I

"Not entirely, mammal.  I have no prior connection to Xanthus, nor to any of you.  At least none that I know of.  I suspect this is why I was brought in.  By who, and to what ultimate end is not yet entirely clear."

"I'd agree, though, that bringing this ultraloth to us might be better than trying to track it down.  Not only might the tactic be more successful, but we'd have a better chance of choosing the terrain for the confrontation ourselves.  How this could be done ... well, I'm not sure as of yet, without knowing more about Xanthus' interests."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: I have no prior

I have no prior connection to Xanthus, nor to any of you. 


"Good point. Then again, we can use that to our advantage. Any response he sends will not have accounted for you."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Quote:"Good point. Then

"Good point. Then again, we can use that to our advantage. Any response he sends will not have accounted for you."

"Xanthus is very much aware that I am connected to you at this point. In any case, since I will not be present, that is not a good thing for you. I think that Xanthus is more than inteligent enough to realize you are trying to determine his location. He will plan accordingly if he sends someone in response to your provocations."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“There seems little





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“There seems little point in continuing this rhetoric cycle of “Xanthus will anticipate this” and “Xanthus will anticipate that”. Self-perceived yugoloth omniscience is vastly overrated.”


Having kept silent for some time now, the brachina cuts in with delicate tact.


“It appears that we have established the following logic sequence: We have been attacked by foes of our respective pasts. The attacks have supposedly been coordinated by this Xanthus. Assuming the validity of this claim for the moment…” Canzonzia traces a finger along the armrest of her chair “… it would seem in our best interests to deal with the ultroloth one way or another.


Xanthus is aware of our collaboration and will know that we have established him as the threat… according to the same source of information that introduced him.” The pleasure devil tracks another finger along the first, at a different pace.


“Now Xanthus will expect us to find him and allegedly has impervious means of deterring direct and indirect divination.” She adds a third finger. “In addition, any further lackeys he sends will supposedly also leave no trace back to him.” A fourth finger. “And the source of all this information has apparently no gain in an antagonistic relationship with him, yet somehow she also has no loss in starting the chain of events that will lead to that conclusion.”


Zia stops tracing and looks at her hand. The different pacing of all her fingers has tangled them all up. She unfolds with a smile of clarity and fans herself with the open hand.


“I will entertain all these assumptions for the time being, but know that I find the premise upon which we work full of more holes than a puppy hugged by a hamatula.”


“I agree with the captain and my predecessor’s business associate.” She nods to Bruce and Sh’Chaad, in turn. “Drawing Xanthus out seems more viable than trying to seek him out.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
weishan wrote: Quote:"Good

weishan wrote:

"Good point. Then again, we can use that to our advantage. Any response he sends will not have accounted for you."

"Xanthus is very much aware that I am connected to you at this point....

~Yea, I'm sure he is.

"My comely companion seems to have a good grasp of the situation.  I would like to conferr with her and my other companions further, and in private settings.  Its not that I don't trust you, arcanaloth ... but ... I just don't trust you.  Before we go anywhere I would like to ask a few more questions though.  Specificly what you know of Xanthus, and I don't mean professionally.  Does it preferr shivs or wands?  Likes towers or dungeons for safe rooms?  What types of troops does it command, and what were its most recent battles?  Any shred of information could prove vital.  Give us what you will, and let us sort the screed."

~I'm not fond of the fact that the pit fiend hasn't said much about Xanthus, but I'm not surprized.  Vocalizing around a yugoloth is never fun, and I seem to be eating boot more than usual.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Azure, that was a

OOC: Azure, that was a collective comment, though a wisdom of 5 justifies it well enough Smiling


"I think you miss my meaning, Canzonia," Says Yebena. "If Xanthus is dead there will be no antagonistic relationship between the two of us, and I am confident in my wards and precautions. Whatever the outcome I am safe from Xanthus. Also, Xanthus does not know you are aware of his actions yet. I said nothing of the sort, and have confirmed this with other sources. If you provoke him, however, that advantage will be irretrievably lost. I can assure you that Xanthus will not deal with you personally, but he has no shortage of disposable pawns to harass you with. I grant that most would amount to little more than a nuisance, but to delay will get you nowhere, and even the most incompetent pawns get lucky. I will gladly help you--if indirectly--with locating him, but if you choose to attempt to provoke him directly, you will do so without my help."

(Ephaez to Canzon) "This is in fact quite a serious situation. While there is no love lost between Yebena and myself, the risk of information on this plot becoming readily available is of great concern to me--as it should be to you as well. You would do well not to take the situation at present lightly. From my own sources, confirm that Yebena's claim of Xanthus' involvement is sound. Whatever ulterior motives she may have do not change that fact."


(Yebena to Chaad) "Keeping information from my ear is much harder than it may appear. You are welcome to try, but a warded room or a sheet of lead will do you little good."

"Xanthus is a senior mercenary general. He commands several hundred nycaloths, several thousand mortals and minor Yugoloths of little consequence, as well as a small advisory staff of the least of my kind (trueborn scribe arcanaloths, that is). Xanthus prefers not to fight directly, and plans accordingly. If you were to somehow draw him/her into a direct confrontation, he/she is a capable swordsman, among other things. Xanthus is a skirmisher--he will travel from one end of the lower planes to the next in a matter of weeks. Naturally, I do not have acess to his current contracts--which he keeps with him to provide further information."


OOC: And to make it quite clear OOC, if you face Xanthus in a direct confrontation, you're looking at a near-certain TPK on account of the minions if nothing else. If you decide to beat him in a fight, a great deal of careful planning is in order, and you may well lose. You can win--even in a fight--there are several ways, but you can also lose. I'm not pulling punches. You also need to face him on a lower plane of conflict (or find other wasys) or he'll be back to torment you again.  

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: i'd rather not face

OOC: i'd rather not face this dude at all, but it seems we are driven that way nonetheless?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: You don't strictly

OOC: You don't strictly have to in that you aren't obligated contractually, but you are trapped between several very unpleasant choices. Ephaez is probabably about as tough as Xanthus, if you want to view the situation in the simplest possible way. You could also leave the whole thing be, which is by far the worst choice because then the information spreads and the other side of the civil war starts gunning for you. That's not a happy place either.

Just remember, that there are other ways to acomplish the same goal without dying, and in fact without directly involving yourself in a major fight with Xanthus if that is your goal. This is a chalenge of brains more than personal power. Think of it as a very large puzzle if you must.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: * I think its kitty

OOC: * I think its kitty time to ask my sister what she might know about this possible mess, or what can be done about it., time to call in some allies i guess... (btw, i havent had any clear info on if my allied priest was still alive and well or what...)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: "Xanthus is a senior

"Xanthus is a senior mercenary general. He commands several hundred nycaloths, several thousand mortals and minor Yugoloths of little consequence, as well as a small advisory staff of the least of my kind (trueborn scribe arcanaloths, that is). Xanthus prefers not to fight directly, and plans accordingly. If you were to somehow draw him/her into a direct confrontation, he/she is a capable swordsman, among other things. Xanthus is a skirmisher--he will travel from one end of the lower planes to the next in a matter of weeks. Naturally, I do not have acess to his current contracts--which he keeps with him to provide further information."

"Damn. I can can lay down some hurt on a wide scale, but not army wide." Bruce says. "And I'm really most effective when facing a single, powerful individual to give my full attention to."

 Although, fighting an army would be kinda awesome.

You MUST be joking. I know for a fact you are not that stupid.

"While I certainly don't have the goods required, what are the odds we can strike a deal with Xanthus?"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Sid's priest is alive

OOC: Sid's priest is alive and well, as he was out of the house at the time. Your sister probably won't be keen on getting directly involved, but she may know something useful.

"It could be done, and I have no objections to such an arrangement. I am not however the only one with an opinion on the matter, and the two of us have discussed the possibility at great length," says Yebena, narrowing her eyes at Ephaez, who returns the glare.

(Yeben to Bruce) "Though I cannot claim to trust my fellows further than I can see them, such a deal would at least buy you time to act should you choose to, and perhaps ensure your continued safety." 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta will when this

Siddharta will when this meeting ends go out of Sigil and cast a sending to sister-love, "Sister, whe have to talk, as i am involved in a big plot with bigger players..where to meet?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: "It could be done,

"It could be done, and I have no objections to such an arrangement. I am not however the only one with an opinion on the matter, and the two of us have discussed the possibility at great length," says Yebena, narrowing her eyes at Ephaez, who returns the glare.

"So..." Bruce seems to wait for a moment for Yeb to continue. He then suddenly turns to Ephaez. "Ephaez, what are your thoughts on us trying to strike a deal with Xanthus?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote: "Xanthus is

weishan wrote:
"Xanthus is very much aware that I am connected to you at this point. In any case, since I will not be present, that is not a good thing for you. I think that Xanthus is more than inteligent enough to realize you are trying to determine his location. He will plan accordingly if he sends someone in response to your provocations."
weishan wrote:
"Also, Xanthus does not know you are aware of his actions yet. I said nothing of the sort, and have confirmed this with other sources."
Canzonzia rolls her eyes at Yebena with such vigor you could swear its audible, then turns to Epheaz.

“What I care for at present is Xanthus’ motivation, not necessarily his demise.”

“He has orchestrated attacks on us but we do not yet know why. Finding out what he would seek to gain should be the first step in resolving this conflict. Though if I should venture a guess, it is painfully obvious that what connect us all are the hosts of this meeting.”

(To Epheaz) ~“Thus, I do not buy the arcanaloth’s “I have no stakes in the conflict” attitude, neither her farce of unassailability. She claims confidence in warding and hiding from Xanthus, yet advices us not to do the same. She’s admitted Xanthus knows of her connection to us and is counting on him to come out of this dead, yet that sounds more and more like the least viable way to resolve this. ~

~“I could not possibly get anymore distrustful. It all leads back to Yebena - if Xanthus wants her, we should give her to him.”~

Keeping an unassuming and amiable façade to present company, Canzonzia brushes back her flowing hair and continues:

“At any rate, setting up a meeting sounds like an excellent move. That might allow us to learn more of Xanthus’ motives, methods, and psyche. If nothing else, it could stall him for time.”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon: OOC: You are


OOC: You are reading into the DM's logical flaws slightly too much Smiling I don't have the time to methodicaly organize my points essay style--as I'm sure you can tell, I'm not a great writter, and I'm terribly inarticulate on paper for whatever reason. There are some logical holes, (which are often obvious in retrospect, unfortunately). In any case, there is still good cause to be suspicious, but bear in mind that Yebena's wards, are probably a great deal stronger than your own, and that may be a major part of her decesiom-making process. Also bear in mind that if Xanthus was really intent on killing Yebena, it'd just provide the information to the other side of the civil war, and be done with the issue. No more involvement is needed. Xanthus is more likely to be interested in you rather than Yebena judging by it's actions.

"I have serious reservatinons about holding any sort of meeting with it," says Ephaez, "But if you must, it is better to stall for time."

"Bear in mind," adds Yebena, "That he/she won't appear in person. If you plan to influence him/her in any way you must offer something in return or pose a credible threat of some sort."



OOC: The meeting isn't nearly over yet. Any input on the matter?



"Such a deal would be both innefective and costly, and it is improbable that Xanthus will hold to it's end of the agreement for any extended ammount of time."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: "Such a deal would

"Such a deal would be both innefective and costly, and it is improbable that Xanthus will hold to it's end of the agreement for any extended ammount of time."

 "Hrmmm. So trying to kill it is suicide, and dealing with it is pretty much out of the question." Bruce looks around the group. "That leaves, what? Running away and hiding? Or do we just do our best to ignore the assassins?"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
"I have faith in your

"I have faith in your ability to think of some method  to dispose of it. A fair fight was never required."

"It is a simple matter to find those who dislike Xanthus. He has many enemies. I would be happy to aquaint you with them, but dealing with our kind isn't a certain thing. There is an inherant risk... You might also deal with his employers at the time for information or...results, though that presents many complications of it's own. Including determining who his/her employers are."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Interesting concept,

"Interesting concept, "Faith".. hmmz, have to broaden my thoughts on that one, but i digress... any information you can give us for free that would help us along a path of action without us getting fried on the first step?" Siddharta purrsss out..

26 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+26, the result is 40.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote: "Bear in

weishan wrote:
"Bear in mind," adds Yebena, "That he/she won't appear in person. If you plan to influence him/her in any way you must offer something in return or pose a credible threat of some sort."
“It matters not.” Canzonzia rebuffs.

“If a meeting can be arranged, whoever Xanthus might send on his behalf will be speaking on his behalf. Such a representative will have knowledge of the ultroloth’s interests in order to further them. One way or another we will know more about Xanthus.”

“All the better if we manage to impart a message that will sway his actions or even lead to a deal, though such would not be expected. The main reason why I support a meeting is for the sake of information-gathering, not manipulation. Despite all we have heard we still know little about our foe - including why he is trying to kill us.”


weishan wrote:

You are reading into the DM's logical flaws slightly too much Smiling I don't have the time to methodicaly organize my points essay style--as I'm sure you can tell, I'm not a great writter, and I'm terribly inarticulate on paper for whatever reason. There are some logical holes, (which are often obvious in retrospect, unfortunately). In any case, there is still good cause to be suspicious, but bear in mind that Yebena's wards, are probably a great deal stronger than your own, and that may be a major part of her decesiom-making process. Also bear in mind that if Xanthus was really intent on killing Yebena, it'd just provide the information to the other side of the civil war, and be done with the issue. No more involvement is needed. Xanthus is more likely to be interested in you rather than Yebena judging by it's actions.

Your writing is awesome, Wei Smile. Canzonzia’s reaction just arises from a combination of points:
1. Our information comes pretty exclusively from an arcanaloth. 2. Canzonzia deals in lies – she pretty much expects the same in return. 3. She strives to exemplify Dispater’s paranoia. 4. She loathes Yebena. 5. Yebena and Epheaz is still the only common denominators we all share.

Three main points confuses me, in particular:

  • First, didn't Yebena first address Xanthus as a male, then switch to genderless? Is it a sneaky retcon Wink?

  • Second, how does this tie into civil war in Baator? Why would Xanthus know of Yebena’s involvement in the war?

  • Third, even if Yebena isn’t a primary target for Xanthus, why wouldn’t he exploit the knowledge he apparently has about her involvement in the war? Sooner or later he’s going to make the connection that she is the one who helped us against him and is giving us all this information.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: Despite all we have

Despite all we have heard we still know little about our foe - including why he is trying to kill us.

"That had me wondering too. I mean, why does he even care about us, exactly? All I did was walk around Carceri for a bit and pump a couple gehreleths with lightning."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
  Sh'Chaad actually


Sh'Chaad actually chuckles at the bandaged human.  "Well, that he cares about you enough to send assassins is plain.  Khaasta say 'If your enemies pay you mind, make them pay you body.'  In other words, if Xanthus sends lackeys, pose a more credible threat, make him - her- it - have to take riskier actions to get us.  I say us of course, for if I had never met you berks before now, I'm in it as well now.  I don't care to know why this Xanthus wants to trouble us, unless that helps us get by 'm."

"My suggestion is somehow get Xanthus more involved in a particular
endeavor.  Find out who X is throwing his troops around for, and either
aid their enemies, or maybe even X's allies.  Complicate things.  I
heard mention of a ship.  Could it ply the styx or better yet the skies
filled with cutters and knights, making trouble for someone smaller?"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 Ninja'd by Azure, though

 Ninja'd by Azure, though Yebena probably has nothing to say about that.

OOC (Contains some thoughts from my twisted mind on the plot. No spoilers though.):

 I consider my writing acceptable, not great. I'm far better than some random guy off the street, but if I wrote a novel it wouldn't sell (on account of the quality of my writing, at least).

Xanthus is an 'it', but I sometimes forget. Yebena uses the polite (er) 'he/she', and Ephaez uses the rude 'it'.

Xanthus knows about you, and very probably Yebena through scrying and mind reading on your best buddy Su'oure Drum and his low will saves, if you hadn't guessed already. How he got the tip required to make that logical leap is a future plot question...

He probably does know Yebena is involved, but he's probably picking on weaker targets. Xanthus is a coward of the highest order, and Yebena is next to impossible to threaten when she has her wards to hide behind. Xanthus' actual goals remain to be seen.


"Is he trying to kill you?" asks Yebena. "Do as you will, but I suspect you will get a more useful response by making an offer of some sort. There are many possibilities as to why. Perhaps you will learn lore with a meeting."

Ephaez is silent through this. Though you haven't realized it before, your little group is actualy quite complicated--combined, the least of you collectively pose a serious threat to either Ephaez or Yebena. Niether can fully control you because you aren't bound by a contract, so they are forced to go alng with the majority. In this case, Yebena is taking your side in part out of spite, you'd guess, but Ephaez has no choice but to back down.




BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce looks over at the

Bruce looks over at the Khaasta.

"I like the way you think. I do have a ship, but right now it's still under some construction." Bruce shoots Epheaz a glare so overdone no one could ever take it seriously. He then turns back to Sh'Chaad. "Right now we could take it out for a cruise, but its probably a little shakey, and it's not fully crewed right now. Give a week and the proper funds, it could be ready. Even right now, in an emergency we could fly it, but gods help us if we need to make tight turns." Burce pauses. "Or turns."

Bruce tilts his head, as if listening to someone. "Oh, yeah!" He says to no one you can see. The group has his attention again.

"I do, however, have a set of 4 ballista. I planned on selling one or two to finish the construction, but even two ballista could be helpful for a trap. Seige weapons can be useful like that."


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Hmm, I once strapped a

"Hmm, I once strapped a balista to Ironhorn's back.  It sort-of worked.  Couldn't soot for shait unless she was standing still, but it looked really cool."

"Can anyone here get a credible brace or three of knights who won't trip over their shivs?  Or would we prefer to be fatal force four?  Pehaps we can look larger than we are.  A ship is good for that, because who knows what's inside.  Wains are good too, and just enough jink will get me a few big fiendish dire dinos and some sturdy-looking caravans that could be filled with shivs.  Who's to say they aint 'less they send someone to peek?"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
"A balista will not kill an

"A balista will not kill an ultraloth. Like all of our knid, nonmagical weapons are of no use."


OOC: Given the pace, I'm ready to move on. Anyone who wants to take initiative and post a plan will have first say on who's doing what. Barring input otherwise, their decisions will stand. Hopefully, we'll be able to pick up the pace somewhat.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: i have no idea what to

OOC: i have no idea what to do or say so i am all ears for anybodies plan...

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"Well, I don't know about

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you but until we have a plan, I'm going to finish my boat. If all else fails, we can make a break for space. I'm sure they could use divination to find us, but actually getting to us would be another matter entirely."

"That said, if any of you need some extra firepower you know how to find me." 

Bruce stands up and looks around to see if anyone has anything to contribute.


OOC: Bruce doesn't have much of a plan right now. He doesn't have the info neccessary to form one. He doesn't know that much IC about the lower planes. Hell, I don't think anyone has even told him about the Bataazue civil war yet!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: *Bump*

OOC: *Bump*

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote:OOC: sorry

weishan wrote:
OOC: sorry for short notice. I'm gone until the 26th, so please NPC me. Should have notified earlier.

OOC: Guess the game is on hold for a couple days.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: I'm back, but I'm still

OOC: I'm back, but I'm still waiting on anyone to propose a plan. If nobody has anything to start with, I'll have to deal with it from there.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: Ka-Bump.

OOC: Ka-Bump.

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