Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: As soon as the front

OOC: As soon as the front door is fully repaired and the house secure, i "wont need Bruce atm" (i hope)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce (Lema): "If you

Bruce (Lema):

"If you want," says Morry, "You can see the prisoners now if you like, but we have to keep them locked up until we can get a date in court for the lot of them. We can't just execute them ourselve, can we?"

OOC: For time's sake, I assume you accept.

The PTC's prison is located in the basement of an office labeled "security." There are several armed guards on the upper floor along with what seems to be an armed clerk sitting at the desk. Morry states his business with the guard at the desk, and one of the other guards opens a heavy metal door leading downstairs.

It's disturbingly quiet down here, and you don't even hear any footsteps. The sight around the corner makes Morry faint and collapse to the ground. Three gaurds and four prisoners, all in the same cell, are missing their heads. As in the violently exploded fragments of bone imbedded into walls sort of missing. There are no other prisonerspresent. You'd assume the ones who died were yours.

(Int check) 


 Bruce (Sid):

Temporal paradox resolved.



Can't cast contact outer plane in Sigil. Not an issue here, just a reminder. Should I answer your first questions or wait for 3 more.

OOC: Your questions are dangerously vauge, and like wish, the entity anwers based on the wording, not the intent of your question regardless of it's truthfulness or the lack thereof.



The adventurers, according to Yijral's very precise notes and speculations are foolishly excavating various sites in Minauros in the chaos of the war. (Yijral provides her best guesses at their location, but it's clear she doesn't know exactly). The adventurers aparently returns to Sigil frequently to do research and get advice. Misdirection would work, though given Yijral's apparent interest in the location of their digs, you might be able to get a favor out of her for the information given by a party member. Nobody in the group seems to be a serious threat in combat by Yijral's reckoning. The group includes two Guvners, hired muscle, and someone who seems to be their social leader and public face.



Traveling through the silver void, you don't even register the presence of something hostile until what feel like claws tear at your armor, but are safely stopped by it. You can't see what's attacked you--it seems to be invisible. The creature is currently behind and possibly slightly above you.

OOC: Roll for initiative




Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
........ [Init16] S'h'Chaad



S'h'Chaad spins around and lashes out with his sword ...

7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 16.
23 Bonus for att 1 to do
I rolled 1d20+23, the result is 31.
9 Bonus for att 2 to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 10.
11 Bonus for dam if him to do
I rolled 1d8+11, the result is 13.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: Bruce would accept,

OOC: Bruce would accept, but only if Lema comes as well. He promised to protect her, and leaving her side would be completely unacceptable to him.

Bruce's jaw drops. "What the HELL ASS?"

He yells up the stairs to the guards. "OY! We have a problem down here!"

Bruce then kneels down and tries to revive Morry. (Heal check 19) 

This is bad.

Yes, it is. I think someone is trying to frame us.

How many people even know that we can make heads explode?

Don't know. But if I ever find who did this, they will get a first hand experiance.

Bruce looks at the dead guards.

I swear it.

 OOC: Dastardly! Int check: 4+2= 6. I guess "two heads are better than one" really requires that extra head...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Sid: All spells that rely


All spells that rely on annother plane to function in Sigil don't unless otherwise noted (i.e. teleport because sigil has it's own astral pocket.) 



You get Morry up by the time the gaurds reach the stairs. They react with horror to the scene, but thier focus isn't directed at you.

"What hapenned!" Demands the armed clerk, who is also down here, as is Iiya. The gaurds spread out around the room, looking for the attacker. Iiya is casting a spell of some sort. You detect a lot of psionic residue in this room , probably as a result of the head explosions.

Lema is alert and on edge, but has not acted or given herself away as a sword archon yet.  



 You can see the ghostly silhouette of the thing that attacks you. It looks like a vaugely humanoid figure--drawing comparisons to many ghosts. The strange creature looks to be made of protomatter, and glows with an unnatural purple lambance. It's clawlike hands are unnaturaly sharp. The creature drifts backwards (withdraws) to a safe distance away from Chaad. It's body begins to twist and reshape itself even as it moves.  

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"Morry brought me here to

"Morry brought me here to show me the theives that tried to sneak onto my boat, and we found" Bruce gestures at the gruesome scene. "This."

After helping Morry to his feet, Bruce walks over and examines the dead more closely, specifically picking up the bits of grey matter. First to see if they are warm (recently killed as opposed to killed in the night) and then testing it to see if it is epecially soggy (Bruce's ability to make heads explode is by increasing cranial fluids until the pressure pops it. If this was done the same way, there should be signs of extra fluid).

Bruce looks at the bodies. "It isn't PTC procdure to have the Guards be inside the cell, is it?"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: look at my post with

OOC: look at my post with questions, i have edited it...(thnx BERK)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
question 4 is 2 questions,

question 4 is 2 questions, and I'd reread question 2 as well, and rethink 1, because it's broad and easily misinterpreted.

Also, It's Jack Silverknife--you don't want to be asking about some random elf, do you?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The whatever-it-is retreats

The whatever-it-is retreats out of melee range.  Sh'Chaad considers the possibility it fears him.  He did not know if his sword-cut had harmed the thing, but now suspects so.  When it retreats, Sh'Chaad himself backs off.  He shieths his sword and pulls out his bow.  He is not happy about the development, for he knows he'll never recover any arrows fired, but if the thing won't close and be shived, then he'll hit it with a few shafts.  He doesn't want it tracking him across the void, so killing it is the best option, driving it off less so, but he'll take whatever he can get, so long as the outcome does not include his own death.

[Firing Masterwork Arrows with cold iron heads.  (edit) 12 dam if hit]

18 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 28.
7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 11.
I rolled 1d8+7, the result is 12.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce: OOC: They weren't


OOC: They weren't inside the cell, there are several cells, and then a corridor between them.


"This isn't good," says Iiya, "I have searched for scrying, but there is nothing here at the moment. There are surviving divination auras, however. I can't possibly fathom the motives unless someone had an interest in keeping these theives of yours dead. I will do what I can to find out what happened, any information on any enemies you may have would be greatly apreciated. We may be able to pin something down if we can narrow the possibilities. This doesn't seem like a random action to me."   



As your arrow whips through it, the ectoplasm of the creature ripples, and then reforms. A trail of protomatter drifts away into the distance, and your attack has clearly had an effect. You can see the effect of the creature's transformation now--the claw on one of the thing's hand is growing longer. Without warning, the being's arm lashes out at you, stretching and deforming to cover the distance between the two of you. The wickedly sharp claws fly by your head as you move to evade it.  


13 Bonus for to do hit
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 25.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce, still examining the

Bruce, still examining the brain matter, doesn't turn around as he responds "I dont have any enemies that I know of."

I wonder how many enemies we don't know of, though?

We... did have that rather long period that we dont remember.

And to think, just the other day you were complaining about being BORED.


OOC: What are my results concerning the brain matter? Cold and extra soggy?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[OOC - AC 28  -

[OOC - AC 28  - Quickdraw]

Sh'Chaad is too quick for the ectoplasmic horror's claws.  He dodges to the side.  Instead of notching another arrow, Sh'Chaad whips his sword back out and lashes at the extended arm ...


13 Bonus for power attack +10 to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 26.
21 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 1d8+21, the result is 29.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 OOC: Sorry, I'm really

 OOC: Sorry, I'm really having some issues with this solo stuff. Bruce is basically don with the difficult bit, and Sid and Canzon are a few posts away. Hopefully we'll get back to the main plot quickly, this is getting to be a bit problematic. Still waiting on posts from Dunamin, and Burning Spear.



OOC: Strictly, you can't do that, but I'll treat it as a called shot if you want. It'll do half damage, but remove the offending claw.

 The creature's arm flaills about in the void, before disintigrating into gobbets of protomatter, which drift randomly away on the mind-currents. The creature vanishes in what seems to be a teleport, and appears in front of you, lashing out, and again, it's claws tear harmlessly at your armor. (Also provoking an AoO)



"We'll do what we can then. Thought there was a chance there. If you find anything, we'd apreciate hearing about it. this is going to be one Hell of a job."

OOC: The brains themselves seem to have violently exploded. They are actually slightly durnt in some cases. If you really must know... Smiling

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"I can only imagine. Just

"I can only imagine. Just curious, what were the details of the break in? I'd interrogate them, but I'm not a necromancer." Bruce flicks away the piece of brain he was holding. "My condolences regarding your comrades, by the way."


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Satisfied that the job





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Satisfied that the job will be a manageable brief side-trek, Canzonzia returns to Yijral with the corpses of the intruders stored in her portable hole.


“Very well, dearest, my services are at your disposal. If you can manage to extract the answers to my questions from these sods, I shall do this task for you.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Whatever this thing is

Whatever this thing is (Sh'haad knows little about the Astral, as it is not along common khaasta migration routes) Sh'chaad is too quick for it.  He grins.  "When stalking your prey, beware that it isn't stalking you."  He continues to hack away at the protoplasmic monster.  "Even a honeybee has a sting, and most things are much larger and potentially sting-y-er."

[AoO and Regular attacks.  Only one, not full attack, in case Chaad has to move too.]

23 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+23, the result is 34.
I rolled 1d20+23, the result is 40.
11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d8+11, the result is 14.
I rolled 1d8+11, the result is 19.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta will then go to a

Siddharta will then go to a "random" portal and go through it to cast his contact other plane.. ooc: i am a bit blank atm, so ill stick with the questions "as is"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce: "I'll do the best


"I'll do the best I can to get information from what's left of them, an I'll be sure to let you know what I find."

 OOC: Is there anything you want to do, or any precautions you want to take.



Within the day, an imp arrives at your door with a sealed scroll case with Yijral's seal on it.

You find out the following (Yijral asked 6 questions to each corpse, checking the answers of each against the others):

-3/3 The theives were employed by a tanar'ri

-3/3 The theives were employed by a succubus

-3/3 The sucubus called herself Minae

-2/3 The theives had no prior contact with the 'Minae' (the last, the wizard, had worked for her once before)

-3/3 Do not know whether the Sucubus sent more assasins after you

-3/3 Minae is in Sigil

OOC: You know exactly who you're dealing with now, and she probably guessed you'd be questioning the prisoners, so she decided to send a message to you.

Yijral attempted to scry on Minae, but failed.



OOC: You still have 7 questions written down, not six. Commas seperating clauses don't make it one question ( 6 is actually 2 questions. 4 is one question and is redundant, and not 2 questions) I've posted this already, and given fair warning, so I'm going to proceed with answering 1-5 and half of 6. If you want to ask 6 again, you can, but you have to cast the spell again. Remember, each question is rolled seperately.

1: Technically

2: Don't know

3: Don't Know

4: Yes

5: Yes

6(1): No

OOC: I roled tabletop (as with all secret rolls) because I can't make private dice on PW, but your rolls weren't terrible. That's as much as I can say without being helpful.



The after your downward strike, the creature's upper torso is now hanging together by a small portion of protomatter near it's 'waist.' Despite this, it gets a terrific strike, tearing at your face with disturbingly cold hands (crit). You can feel the creature tearing at your mind.

OOC: It rolled a crit (I'm rolling all my dice tabletob because I'm pressed for time at the moment.) instead of increased damage, you have to deal with an increased save DC (30) or take 1d8 (rolled 5) points of wisom damage. Regardless, you take 6 damage--terrifying.





Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
weishan wrote: save DC

weishan wrote:

save DC (30) or take 1d8 (rolled 5) points of wisom damage. Regardless, you take 6 damage--terrifying. 

[Will Save is ... problematic]



8 Bonus for will to do see what I mean
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 24.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Graa!  The gnat may

"Graa!  The gnat may sting, and it may contain diseases of the blood, and ... uhhmm's it go?"

~Shait!  Astal's the plane of mind and magic! This thing's messing with my head ... what to do? Change tactics?  Feh! Simple plans for simple minds.  HIT IT!"

[edit only meant to roll once, but look!  2nd roll is confirm.]

{93 - 6 = 87hp}

18 Bonus for power attack to do +5 dam
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 38.
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 30.
16 Bonus for shiv damage to do
I rolled 1d8+16, the result is 21.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: Bruce will send a

OOC: Bruce will send a messenger to Sid if he can (Bruce doesn't know that Sid left Sigil to cast his spell, but then again it's the morning of the next day, so Sid might be back by now...)

The message says: "Attempted break in at boat. Contact Canzonzabar, warn him."

After that message is dispatched, Bruce goes back to his boat and gets some sleep after making sure that Lema will be comfortable while he rests. 


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Give my thanks to





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“Give my thanks to your mistress,” Canzonzia tells the imp and withdraws to her study to read the documents.


If this Minae really is who I think it is, then it is mighty convenient that we all have become seductresses now, she muses. And she would seem to desire my attention... Probably not just for old times' sake.


All house-staff are updated about Minae’s and Faeyn's identity and kept on alert in case of further attempts at intrusion. They are also instructed to apply any systems of identity verification at hand to account for possible infiltration.


Though the paranoia is at her core as a servant of Dispater, the brachina will not allow the recent discoveries to dominate her schedule just yet. There are still certain aspects about her promotion that have not yet been properly adressed, and so she dispatches her most style-conscious and tasteful servants on her behalf to purchase new selections of jewelry, accessories, and other fineries that will complement her new natural form.


For her own part, she departs to visit Sigil’s premium infernal dressmakers and tailors. She has her measurements taken and orders several sets of attire, to serve at a range of different occasions. All clothing is selected to be of high quality and suited for the variable tasks her role demands, and the vast majority is fashioned to be suitably lewd or revealing to befit a pleasure devil – from slightly distracting to pieces that utterly destroys the focus of those she deals with.


Canzonzia may be able to change her form at will, but she knows the value of style in circles where shapeshifters are common – and she knows what signal that sends to the city’s elite, including succubi upstarts.



How long ago was the mission with Canzon, Faeyn, and Minae the mortal?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta will send a

Siddharta will send a sending to Canzanzobar to inform him/ her of the situation, regarding Sid himself and Bruce... (about to go on holiday, so a bit busy, sorry)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 OOC: Sorry for this, but

 OOC: Sorry for this, but damn, my life must watch my forum posts and the jump me when I least expect it. I'm going to be speeding things along for you all. I've hit a major wall in the solo section.


While your mind is slightly hazy now, your strike is true, and you cut the protmatter-creature in half from shoulder to waist. The individual pieces begin to disintigrate into wispy tendrils that curl with the thought breezes. You can proceed to whatever location you choose to get your papers, but regardless of which, you find yourself being followed by someone in a grey, purple, and silver cloak. He's trying to keep pace with you, and he doesn't look to be armed. He doesn't call out, but he seems like he wants a word.

OOC: This is to move things along a bit. You'll be meeting the party very soon, probably within two posts.


Bruce, Sid, Canzon: I'd prefer you didn't play out the sending exchanges. I need to get this game moving again. In any case...


Canzon: The time ago is up to you. Fiends have long memories, it's not important unless you can think of a reason.

Each of you receives a sending from Ephaez. It suumons you to the Embassy to Dis, "In light of recent developments." An imp arrives at your (Bruce and Sid's) residences later in the day with the papers you'll need to prove your identity.

The embassy is extremely heavily gaurded, in fact it is surrounded by a cordon of barbazu reinforced by osyluths. After presenting proof of identity, you are allowed inside, and directed to a private office. The room is extremely high celinged to acomidate it's fiendish owner. Epheaz sits behind a desk made of mortal bones carved into snarling heads and wailing faces in some places. The room is extremely dark--not that baatezu care--and is lit dimly by a single lamp. Ephaez is at least thoughtful enough to provide for that. Chairs are set for you, but there is one unacounted for--on the off chance Su'oure Drum shows up again (OOC: Or Sh'Chaad). You almost miss her, but Yebena is sitting outside your little circle beside Ephaez's desk. Her robes are lighter than you've previously seen (to the extent Ghenan robes are ever light), and jet black. Her eyes do not glow with her claim to rank, and are instead quite dark. She looks up, but doesn't say anything.

 "Greetings," Says Epheaz. "I have been informed of...recent developments. I think we need to adress the source of this matter. It is a security risk of the highest order."    



BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: So... did Lema stay on

OOC: So... did Lema stay on the boat while I left to handle this? Leave before I woke up? Or did she come with me to Dis (which seems like asking for trouble)?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
weishan wrote: Chaad: you

weishan wrote:


you find yourself being followed by someone in a grey, purple, and silver cloak. He's trying to keep pace with you, and he doesn't look to be armed. He doesn't call out, but he seems like he wants a word.


[ooc am i in sigil or still on the astral?]

Sh'Chaad stops and lets the cloaked stranger approach. He takes one of his throwing axes (returning), from his belt as a show of respect and caution.  "Greetings Cutter, forgive me if I seem peery.  You seem to know me ... "

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC Bruce: You'd assume

OOC Bruce: You'd assume Ephaez wants secrecy, but Lema is still with you on the ship, and has said she will watch the boat. She's expressed suprisingly little distaste for your errand. While she doesn't know what exactly you're doing, she's pieced some things together. Dis' embasy is in Sigil, however. (It is entirely in character for dis to have an embasy to their own home. It's probably a highly undesirable dead-end bureucrat job)


OOC Chaad: You're in Sigil

"Greetings," says the cloaked man, revealing himself to be a tiefling, probably of infernal origins. "I was sent to look for you per order of the Stygian Embassy. This is for you."

The scroll is signed and sealed by Carrus. It tells you you that the schedule of things is not going according to the prexisting plan, and requests that you be at the embassy to dis at the soonest possible moment. You are to speak with Ephaez about compensation. At the embassy to Dis, however, you are stopped at the cordon--you can curse the bureucracy. You do not have the papers you need to get into the embasy, and the captain of the Gaurd, an Osyluth requests your purpose and identity. 

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Dispite his Baatorian

Dispite his Baatorian origins, Sh'Chaad dislikes authority.  Still, he knows of authority and its ways, and hides his seething.  Woe to any who dare actually try to touch him, though.  He knows an Osyluth is a fairly high ranking Baatezu, so bows politely.  Still feeling murky-headed, he still decides to bugger the captain (probably not the wisest choice ... but oh well).

"I was told to report to an 'Ephaez' at this address.  I have recieved no instruction to reveal my identity, nor the identity of whom it was who told me come here, to yourself, siriah.  I'd suggest you send a lackey to Ephaez with the message that a black khaasta is here inquiring, not that I'm trying to tell you your business, knight."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The harvester devil





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The harvester devil Canzonzabar that all the remaining arrivals know of is noticeably absent. As time advances beyond the point of “fashionably late” it becomes clear that he may in fact not show up at all.


Instead, a hauntingly beautiful woman walks in the office and takes a seat in a manner as if she has spent a lifetime practicing to pose on that very chair.


Fine black-feathered wings fold around the back of her seat, framing her curvaceous silhouette in a very likely conscious effect for emphasis. At the same time both utterly ravishing and subtly unsettling to behold, even the light of the room seems to bend to her will and enhance the bountiful feminine features she all too willingly exhibits.


Eyes that are depthless pools of darkness survey the attendants with a charming and suggestive smile playing on her full lips, while curvy black hair cascades down her shoulders to rival the magnificence of waterfalls.


What suspicions of her identity may be brewing among her peers is strengthened by a few cues, though. Her skimpy tight outfit is predominantly white with stylized dark red lines and patterns, and she taps the armrest of the chair absentmindedly as if it was the handle of a walking stick. Though the tone differs, a trace of familiarity can be found in her honey-sweet voice as well:


“And so I have answered your summons, Epheaz. With matters of Baatorian security being prolific at present, I fear you shall have to elaborate on the matter at hand… dearest.”



weishan wrote:

You almost miss her, but Yebena is sitting outside your little circle beside Ephaez's desk.

Ahahaha! … Wait, oh, that way. Wink

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce looks at this new

Bruce looks at this new arrival with obvious interest.

"Well... Hello there."


Black: Gods, I wish I could slap you.

Blue: What?

Black: Every. Time. Why must you do this EVERY TIME we meet a woman.

Blue: I haven't done anything!

Black:Yet. Sometimes I truely hate being able to hear your thoughts. Well, not this time. Not only is this woman a fiend, but there is Lema to consider.


Bruce's face and tone go blank. "I don't believe we have been introduced. Captain Bruce Maxson." Bruce starts to extend a hand for a friendly handshake of greeting, but seems obviously unsure if it is appropriate.


edit: Strange. The colors that I usually use to keep Bruce's thoughts clear and seperate don't seem to want to display. Adding in words untill this gets sorted out.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13





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“I am…”


Hold on… This should be fun.


The newcomer returns Bruce’s greeting with a smile that could melt all of Stygia in a flash.


“… My friends call me Zia.” Rather than accept a handshake from Bruce, the pleasure devil offers her hand to be kissed.


“And allow me to say how wonderful it is to meet such a well-mannered and proper captain. Certainly a seasoned veteran, I can tell, and with quite the innovating selection of attire. If the pressing issue of our dear ambassador here allows the time, I would be delighted to visit your ship at a fitting occasion.”

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"A pleasure to meet you

"A pleasure to meet you Zia." Bruce kisses the hand through the bandages on his face. "Sadly, my ship is in no condition to be visited at the moment, perhaps some other time."

Blue: What in Baator was that?

Black: Do you have something to say?

Blue: So I'm not alowed to be my charming self, but you get to kiss her hand?

Black: I was merely being courteous. You were being... well... you. Besides, while you may be taken with her words-

Blue: More than a little taken, I would like to think.

Black: Shut up. Her flattery is skilled. It is obvious that she is no stranger to such manipulations. Let me handle this. You are too easily swayed by your emotions.


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Zia takes the news like





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Zia takes the news like a dove that has just broken a wing.


“Aww, such a pity. A captain without a respectable vessel is like a man with faltering virility, no?”


She giggles innocently.


“I jest, of course. Certainly such conditions can be remedied given the proper… motivation.”


“Can you sate me with tales of your voyages then, captain? What manner of seas does a sailor brave in a city without conventional harbors?”

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce's voice suddenly

Bruce's voice suddenly becomes energetic. "Oceans are for losers!" And all at once, the energy is gone again.

Black: I told you to let me handle this.

"What I meant was, my ship does not cross oceans. My ship sails between the stars, and hopefully soon the planes."

"However, I think that we have delayed our reason for being here long enough." Bruce returns to his seat. "My sincerest apologies, Epheaz."


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
A soft telepathic voice





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A soft telepathic voice rings gently in Bruce’s mind, accompanied by a wink from the unfamiliar woman.


~”In that case, dear captain, I look forward to an opportunity to be taken to the stars.”~


Zia slowly switches her crossed legs around, and then returns her attention to Epheaz as well.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 Chaad: There is a delay


There is a delay as the telepathic command (you assume) passes down the line, making it's way (you'd hope to ephaez and back)

Eventually, you receive the go-ahead to enter after almost ten minutes (you may now make an entrance whenever you like)



You have the misfortune of being able to see in dark, and you can make out Yebena's expresion. Her smile seems to change slightly, from just arrogant to arrogant and mocking. There is no love lost, it seems.

(To Canzon) "Hello Canzonia. I trust you are settling into your new responsibilities. I offer you my congratulations"

(To Bruce) "Greetings mortal. I trust our agreement is still to your liking."


"I am sure you have noticed the attempts on each of your lives," says Ephaez. "While each of you were attacked by people connected to or directly in the employ of enemies you may have made in the past, there is a common element between the attempts. Coincidence is not an adequate explaination for the execution of so many attacks within such a short time period. The evidence clearly points to a guiding hand behind these events. After gathering my own inteligence and consulting over the matter," (Yebena laughs at this with her trademark Heh. and Epheaz glowers at her. There is a short telepathic exchange between the two.)  Ephaez continues as though nothing had happened: "The most likely explaination is that annother outside party has become aware of the situation as a result of breach of contract" (Ephaez glowers at Yebena, who does not reply or respond) "Or incompetence and inadequate precautions," the pit fiend continues, turning his gaze on you. "However, after assesing and discussing the possibilities with my..." "Heh." (More telepathic conversation as Ephaez continues). "In any case, the likely architect of these assasinations  has been determined. Since my...colleague (he spits the word like a curse) seems to be determined to speak, I will yield to her wish."  

Yebena pauses and retreives a scroll from her robes.

(OOC: Knowing ephaez for far longer than the others, Canzon can tell Ephaez is--you would go so far as to say shaken. It is however obvious that the relationship between Ephaez and Yebena has changed somewhat.

OOC:I've run out of time to post, but I'll leave this up if you want to interupt.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A figure in a long black

A figure in a long black cloak with a large cowl enters, led by an imp who leaves again quickly.  The tall figure stands behind the empty chair a moment, looking around the room and its inhabitants.  The tips of two horns can be seen peeking out of the top of the black hood.  The being is tall, but not in a fiendish sense, being nearly seven foot, but also thin dispite the cloak.  The only clue to the race of the figure so far are the long horns and the being's feet, which are bootless.  They are reptilian, covered in black scales. 

Finally, Sh'Chaad speaks.

"A greeting to all.  Can I assume the Baatezu behind the big desk is Ephaez?"  He takes out the scroll.  "I was sent by Carrus of Stygia.  This scroll mentions compensation, but I have not been told of for what service."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Chaad: A pit fiend


A pit fiend seated behind a desk facing the door  acknowleges you. "I am Ephaez. Please be seated."

You also feel a telepathic 'voice' in your head. (Fiends' telepathic speech is in understandableconcepts and pictures, not words). It conveys wordless and inarticulate rage. How a fiend expresses that in thought/pictures is best left unthought (Chaad) "You are unwelcome here." You can see that the voice's source is arcanaloth staring at you from a dark corner of the room.

You are also telepathicaly contacted by Ephaez "While I am sure your superiors will inform you of your purpose, I am able to answer some of your questions. In the meantime, know that your purpose is to aid the others assembled here.



Ephaez looks slightly amused (it takes a fiend to tell), and judging by Yebena's drawn out pause, he has suceeded in wresting control of the situation away from her.



Part of Yebena's atention seems to be focused on epheaz, and vice versa. Their own conversation seems to be continuing in paralel.

"While one of your number is no not yet here, I will begin," Says  Yebena. "After performing my own research and divinations, I have determined the most likely connection between your attacks. I needn't explain my methods. They are effective. In any case, the one who provided the impetus for these assasinations is an ultraloth called Xanthus. Most likely, an unfortunate lack of precaution on the part of one of our number is the result of this. I will leave the asignment of blame to you. What you do with this information is not up to me. Nor is it up to Ephaez, who did not make preperations for such a situation in his contracts with you. Heh. Neverheless, I am sure there are other reasons than obligation that might compel you to deal with this problem."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Sh'Chaad pulls back his

Sh'Chaad pulls back his hood, revealing his reptilian visage.  He sits where bidden, and listens politely and intently.  In actuality he does his best to reflect the animosity back at the arcanaloth, and add to it his own.  He gives Yebena a subtle snarl, but listens intently to the report.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote: "Hello





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weishan wrote:

"Hello Canzonzia. I trust you are settling into your new responsibilities. I offer you my congratulations"

~“My thanks, Yebena. You are too kind… by far.”~


Canzonzia listens attentively to Epheaz and Yebena’s reports, watching the interplay between them with interest and some amusement. When they both have grown silent momentarily, the pleasure devil chimes in:


“What of you, our illustrious information gatherers? Have your own enemies conspired against you recently – or have you yet to suffer any reprisals? After all, you both lie at the core of the interconnectivity in this room. If I were to infiltrate or otherwise oppose this little ensemble we have going on, I might very well start off with looking into you two.”


Zia studies her nails while giving the two some time to consider her words.


“As well, I cannot help but consider what relations – if any – our dear arcanaloth may have with this Xanthus “mastermind”. Would you care to share with the class, Yebena?”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[ooc - assuming Sh'chaad is

[ooc - assuming Sh'chaad is still down wisdom.  This would make him impetuous, and he won't remember not to think 'out loud' when around true fiends.]

Sh'Chaad stays seated, but in reality he's running combat scenarios in his head.  Grab and throw the chair when you stand.  Use the desk as cover.  Flank the yugoloth.  Etc.  Etc.

~ "Aid the others attended here" Am I here to kill an arcanaloth?  Oh, I hope so, but nobody here is my ally, except maybe the pit fiend, and I've only got another baatezu's recomendation on him.  A dangerous ally indeed, but of the whole room, the best to have instead of not-have on your side.  Hmm ... wish I was at one-hundred percent ... 

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
(in response to

(in response to Canzon)

"No, and to my knowledge no as well. Ephaez and myself are rather more difficult targets than you are. It is a rare assasin indeed who takes a contract on a pit fiend or arcanaloth. There is no ulterior motive for my part. Xanthus is a dealer in soldiers and assasins. He/she does not interfere with my own sphere. It is of course in my interests to remove a security leak as soon as possible..." Yebena leaves this intentionaly hanging, grinning slightly. You would hope that you weren't the cause of the leak.

 OOC (Canzon): Maybe I'm just sleepy, but I didn't quite follow the last part of your post. The subject is unclear, are you talking about your intent to investigate, or Xanthus' dupes'?

OOC (Chaad): I should hope you mean ultraloth, or a fight will break out. That would be very bad. Smiling



Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta receives the Imp

Siddharta receives the Imp with curiousity and makes all haste to be in time for the ensemble, he does note that the little Imp has run around a bit more then it should and therefore Sid runs later then the appointment asks for, meeting wise.


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
(Sidhatha) "I assure you the

(Sidhatha) "I assure you the issue of incompetence will be addressed immediately," says Ephaez. "We are currently discussing the attacks on each of your persons." (the fiend telepathy defines "your" as you, Bruce, and Canzon, which is helpful.

Yebena nods in acknowledgement, and sumarizes the general qist of the conversation. Her recounting is unsettlingly accurate and frequently quotes those who were present earlier. (OOC: meaning I don't want to exclude you from the conversation, and there is no need to retype.)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta replies with nods

Siddharta replies with nods of acknowledgement, as if some of it is not a surprise to him (as if he knows something, having done the spell), but does not say much, he is eager to find out who or what the leak is and how it will be dealt with, it does not come to mind atm if it is him or any of the other 3, he simply does not think it is so.

He looks with some meager interest towards the reptile... but keeps his catlike features content and silent for now..


(Bluff role to keep serene and play knowledgeable)

20 Bonus for bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 33.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[OOC to BS, What race is

[OOC to BS, What race is Sid?  Rakshasa?]

Sh'Chaad watches the late arrival take the empt seat, but seems bored by the proceedings.  Finally he stands up slowly, turns and bows to the odd trio (without actually turning his back on the 'loth, of course).  

~Seems I misjudged ... not surprizing given my recent 'injury' ... oh well ... I guess its time to schmooze ...

"I am Sh'Chaad the Black.  It seems, Cutters, that I have been hired to aid you in tracking down your foe.  I am not sure yet what the pay scale will be, but I'm sure the arrangement will prove satisfactory to all concerned.  Well, all but the target.  Of course, all of this is negotiable, and if one of the parties is not satisfied, negotiations will continue, yes?"

The tall, black scaled, horned khaasta drums his claws on the hilt of the sword at his side. 

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Quote: It is of course in

It is of course in my interests to remove a security leak as soon as possible...

 "About that." Bruce speaks up. "As you probably know, the mercs that tried to sneak onto my ship were killed after being captured, and the people guarding them got penned as well. I saw the bodies afterward and I can tell you for sure that they were done in by a psion of some sort, and not a weak one."

"After my powers developed way back when, I looked into psionics a bit. Telepaths arn't uncommon, and I don't mean the sort of mental conversations that you do all the time, Yeb. I mean the sort of telepath to which your brain is door which doesn't even have a lock on it."

"Even if this information was an exaggeration, we shouldn't discount the idea that someone had the information plucked out of their heads without ever knowing it."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[oh shoot double-post]

[oh shoot double-post]

1 Bonus for untrained bluff to do unless intimidate +9 works
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 2.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
~ Mind-shiver 'eh?  I

~ Mind-shiver 'eh?  I wonder ... nah! Nobody could have known I was going to be on the Astral.  

"Now, it isn't my business what you bashers have signed with Baator, or any such other thing.  Ephaz here is my only contact, and if he says 'help these knights' I'm in, but I like to know what's ahead of me.  Seems to me ... "

Sh'Chaad looks directly at the Yugoloth as he trails off.  He then looks at the Ephaz and bows his head.  This shows that he deferrs to the Baatezu, not the 'loth.  It is a very obvius sign of alliegence that is designed to infuriate the Yebena as well as complement Ephaz, even more so because both should know very well that it is totally false.


1 Bonus for untrained bluff to do unless intimidate +9 works
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 5.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote: "There





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weishan wrote:

"There is no ulterior motive for my part."

Canzonzia giggles mockingly and openly at these words, having not a care in the world to suppress it.


“Your “security leaks” are of little concern to us, dearest, if you insist on dancing around the issue. Let us set aside your loose ends and get to the point, shall we?”

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