Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta will hastily make

Siddharta will hastily make his way to the shipyards, and meet up with Bruce... he has the hunch that the added firepower Bruce has at his command might be usefull in any confrontation he might end up in...

He will keep using shadowy spots to shapechange and move subtly from one spot to another in order to get wholesome to the shipyards...

He will cast an invisibility to further help him out in this predicament...


(Spot +4 vs hiding)ooc: crap, nat 1 on spot...

14 Bonus for move silent to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 26.
17 Bonus for spot to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 18.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Burning Spear and

OOC: Burning Spear and BERK, remember that you are still playing in two different times, which is to say that Bruce yes not yet met Lema in Sid's timeframe yet.

Not meant to railroad, Burning Spear--you can choose to go the shipyard and then possibly confront your new stalker if you want--it is a perfectly acceptable and rational choice IC. But I will say OOC that returning to your house may give you a bit more information as to what's going on as well as a bit more RP time at an unkown espense of course (evildm). Both choices (which is to say I have planned for either possibility) will have fairly equal consequences plot-wise. It is of course clear I have a preference here--mostly because IMO the other alternative is more intersting.  Either way I'm not running a rolled battle should a fight of some sort occur.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: If we are in two

OOC: If we are in two differant times, with Sid in the time period in between when Sid met with me about joing my crew and before I met Lema, that probably means that at this time Bruce is at the Tavern waiting to meet with Yebena. Which Sid wouldn't know about, but that is where I am instead of at the docks, if my chronology is correct.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC/ IC: Siddharta will then

OOC/ IC: Siddharta will then go to his house to see his allied priest




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under his alias: Nebradanduhr ’the Seer’, a white haired mid fifties looking human of ‘Indian’ descent, he will shapechange into this form in a spot where no-one will be able to see him do just this, by means of going into a random bar and paying 10 gold to have a private booth.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Seeing that there is no

Seeing that there is no immediate reaction at the meeting room, Canzonzia leaves the Fortune’s Wheel momentarily to set up arrangements.

Keeping out of sight when doing so, she changes shape and teleports around the immediate vicinity to find a local gang that looks like she can comfortably control it. She enforces her will on the gang leader and orders him to mobilize all his assets.


[Suggestion, telepathic communication from out of sight]

~“An easy sod has just hit the jackpot big, help me out collecting on it and every man will get his equal share. Bring your men near the front of the Fortune’s Wheel and await my mental signal.”~


weishan wrote:

you might be able to get something by stealing papers from one of them or simply capturing them (before zraekos could act--a truly tricky proposition) (you'd have to call on help--which you are authorized to do--for that, probably, and it'd have to wait until they left the fortune's wheel).

Next, Canzonzia contacts any allies at her disposal that can stop or trace teleportation. Their objective is to be ready to stop or trace the records in case the record holder tries to flee, using as much discretion as possible.

[Osyluths seem ideal; they can use dimensional anchor and invisibility at will.]


Returning to the Wheel in tiefling noblewoman form, Canzonzia lingers at a bar near the exit, keeping her cover while waiting for the meeting to be broken up. With the emergence of Zreakos and his two minions, she addresses the door greeter and inquires about “any sighting of her auntie’s men” – thus keeping in position to get close to the Maladominians when they leave.



Main plan: Have local gang stall Zraekos’ group. While Zreakos is busy wiping them out, Canzonzia steals the contract case in the chaos. Possibly fake a crossfire immolation scene to make it seem as if the contract has been destroyed.

Backup plan (because devils need backup plans): If Main Plan fails, impersonate an operative from Maladomini to arrive shortly after and “find out what went wrong”. Get as much information as possible, likely try to talk them into handing over the relevant papers.

Emergency plan (because one backup plan is not enough for a classy devil): If any of the above fails, the allied baatezus should help provide distraction/diversion(s) to the best of their ability, allowing Canzonzia to get close, grab the records, and teleport off.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon:  OOC: You may


 OOC: You may want to switch your first and second backup plans. Zraekos will know exactly who would come in this event, and would be highly suspicious of your speedy arrival in any case.

Finding a gang with the guts to conduct a raid in the Lady's Ward is no easy task even for you--a great deal of mental pushing is required to convince them the idea is safe and sane (which, of course it isn't even if oher Baatezu weren't involved). Luckily, the group has a wizard among them, allowing them to blend in the Lady's Ward--at least to some extent. It won't help if they aren't also suspicious--erineyes have true seening. You manage to convince two of your osyluth contacts in the embassy to join you for an equivalant favor (OOC: you can use your summoning ability like this in the future to get more useful allies if they are on hand, you just need to compensate them for their time effort and risk).   

Zraekos walks out the door and into the street along with his two goons. Your gangers, who are invisible at present, wait until the group is a reasonable distance from the fortune's wheel before charging. Zraekos reacts almost immediately, incinerating one group in a sulphourous fireball as he reverts to his true form and closes with the gang's leader. At this point, the group is pannicking and fleeing. Zraekos' other subordinates, one erineyes and one liverezu (Zreakos also) are toying with the survivors rather than disposing of them eficiently. If you called on your allies, you could get both the contract and the minutes.



 You reach you house and find that the door is unlocked (but closed). The deabolt has been moved with magic. Once again, highly suspicious. You think you are being watched again, though your instincts sugested you'd thrown your persuer/s in the bar.



"I will go with you, though I would prefer to avoid being seen alive if it is at all possible." She sounds a bit too hasty, as if she's not telling you the full reason. "If it is no inconvenience, I have somewhere else in mind. There is no need to spend your money on me. I would apreciate it if you followed me, however."

OOC: And Lema now gets her own color.



Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta blinks

Siddharta blinks unbelievably that they dare to try again, the infidels...

"...." he calls out his associate's name and waits a minute, meanwhile when he waits for any reply, he uses it to send a sending to Bruce, "I need your help me here (adress)..please"



ooc: Cant remember the contac's name that i had made...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: To simnplify BERK's

OOC: To simnplify BERK's existance some, just make sure he's okay OOC with playing himself twice. Hehe, I doubt it'l be an issue. Smiling

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
In Sid time: Bruce whips

In Sid time:

Bruce whips his head up from what he is doing.

"On it." he replies.

He better not have done something stupid.

If we get the chance to sonic boom someone, I don't care.

Bruce gets a running start, jumps into the air, and activates his boots, flying as fast as he can to Sid's location.


In Lema time:

Bruce takes off his hat and hands it to Lema with a bow. 

"A hat of illusion, I assure you it will disguise you with ease." Bruce stands up. "And..." he hesitates for a moment, "I won't ask much of you while you are with me, but I will ask you to speak your mind. As long as you are under my protection, you have no need to fear anything, especially not me. This will remain true in spite of anything you could say. So please, do not feel the need to restrain yourself."


OOC: This post is now reaching dangerously high numbers of Bruce Maxson. I love it.



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Canzonzia plays the part of

Canzonzia plays the part of the terrified damsel nearby while getting ready to make her move. Telepathically she keeps the allied osyluths ready to execute a carefully timed set of diversions from their hidden position.


She reaches out with her power to influence the mind of the erinyes in the heat of the battle, enticing it to act in a manner she desires.

[Beguile supernatural ability on the erinyes, Will DC 31.]

If the mental trickery takes hold, Canzonzia instructs the erinyes to take the minutes from its fellow livresu with a few reassuring words, then suddenly throw it with the contract case it holds towards the entrance of the Fortune’s Wheel. She ensures the erinyes doesn’t look straight in Canzon’s direction while doing so.


As soon as the papers are separated from Zreakos’ goons the invisible osyluths are signaled to keep the trio occupied and diverted by any means necessary, while Canzonzia grabs the papers and teleports away.

[The osyluths can use multiple readied walls of ice to separate the Maladominians from the records and Canzon, for instance.]



Should the livresu want to resist the actions of its ally, be quick enough to act, and successful in resisting, Canzonzia follows up with a quickened charm monster and telepathically tries to convince it to cooperate with its partner.

Control of the erinyes is crucial so that she doesn’t spot Canzon, let alone get a good look of her true form. If anything goes wrong with the above scheme, Canzonzia stays hidden and tries her other use of beguile next round.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce: OOC: there are now


OOC: there are now four of you Shocked


Bruce and Sid: OOC: Because Bruce needs to fly there will be a delay in his arrival, especially since the PTC end of the clerk's ward is not particularly close to the Hell's Gate end of the Lower ward (I'll say ten minutes flight, though I'm probably undershooting the time--I could do that which mustn't be named to find the time and distance, but I have a test on that which mustn't be named tomorow, so I'll refrain). In the meantime, what will Sid do? Bruce can respond to the sending with something to that effect if he wants.


Bruce and Lema:

Lema follows behind you in a rather nondescript female guise as she follows you out of the docks.

"I know very little about you, Bruce Maxson," she says, cautiously, but more conversationaly.


Canzon: Everything goes as planned up until the moment the papers are in the air headed to a spot of ground ten feet to your left. Even as the papers are flying however, Zreakos wheels around in the direction of the papers. You can see his gaze following the two cases as they hit the ground, by your feet. On cue, one of your allies creates a prickly and decidedly evil looking barrier of ice between you and the pit fiend. Not before Zraekos manages to launch a fireball in your direction, however. In doing so, he's very probably blown your cover, and he will probably retreive the papers soon. As far as you can tell, he or any of the other two have not yet been dimensionally anchored.

0 Bonus for to do rolls
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 14.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce doesnt answer for a

Bruce doesnt answer for a moment. When he does, there is a new intensity in his voice, a vitality accompanied by an unfamiliar accent. "I was born on the world of Atii. Nice little planet second closest to Epis, our star. Served as the breadbasket to Oyenir, which was too cold to grow its own food."

"I managed to get myself hired as manual labor on a spelljammer called the Puretide when I was 17, learned the skills of rigging, and left it for the Darrow two years later. Spent 9 years on the Darrow, would have been longer but..."

"There was an incident. Illithids" he spits the word "were involved. I ended up being hit in the chest by a blast of energy and thrown into a giant crystal in their hold. It should have killed me. Screwed my face up, though."

"Next thing I know, I wake up in the Gatehouse, and its been three hundred years. Everyone I knew, had ever met, had ever even heard about, was dead. It really made me wish had more elven friends, let me tell you."

"And these days, I'm pretty sure I'm not human anymore. Swords don't hurt me much. Magic tends to bounce right off me, when it doesn't outright go around me. I don't even have my own body to myself."

As they walk, Bruce turns toward Lema. "Speaking of which, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm the other Bruce Maxson. It might be confusing now, but you'll learn to tell us apart pretty quick. When in doubt, I'm the interesting one."

That was uncalled for.

Quiet. I'm wooing.

You are not wooing. Or, let me rephrase that, this isn't the sort of lady to be so easily wooed. 

"What about you, Lady Lem? Anything you're willing to share with a dashing, unaging barmy like me?"


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Though her incineration was

Though her incineration was only a potential part of the original plan, Canzonzia collects her wits and plays off Zreakos’ fireball to keep the flames burning vigorously.

In what appears to be a horrible death scene, she tumbles over the papers while screaming her dying breath out. She crumbles into a pile with the fires flaring up around her, obscuring the location and the “remains” of her and the papers.

[Produce flame if possible while faking an immolation death scene as Canzonzia teleports away.]


In an entirely different region of the City of Doors the no-longer-burning damsel arises from the ground in an abandoned alley, holding minutes and contract case triumphantly in her hands. She does not spare a moment for celebrations, however, stuffing the paperwork quickly into her (stylishly designed) handy haversack, changing form to a common traveler and teleporting to a new location.


Canzonzia makes a few jumps and changes of guise, sating her paranoid needs for precaution on the off-chance that she should somehow have been followed or tracked. When content that no retaliatory strike will appear out of nowhere, she investigates the papers closely to see what she has obtained.


36 Bonus for Bluff to do pull off immolation death scene
I rolled 1d20+36, the result is 38.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon: You very narrowly


You very narrowly avoid being maimed by Zraekos, and vanish with the papers as a taloned foot is headed for you to make absolutely certain. Zreakos is very thorough. (OOC: you would've easily survived the hit, if it had happened, but that's no good for drama)

The minutes are written in an obsessive cipher. You can't decode them in your head. You do however recognize the code, it's not particularly secret or complex, if you have the ciphers on hand. It was made to deter prying mortals, not fellow devils. You'd have to spend a long while decoding it though. You have to deliver it to the embassy as soon as possible, so whether or not you learn anything from them is dependant on how convincing you are.

The contract, on the other hand is quite specific, and surprisingly short for Zraekos (suspicious--it probably means more senior pit fiends are calling his shots). It deals with the importation and transfer of a very large number of magical weapons and other items mentioned by number (referencing an apendix the Marauder presumably has) through Sigil in exchange for more souls than the Embassy to Maldomini should reasonably have acess to.

OOC: It is still possible to scry on the contracts, as such you aren't at all safe yet. You don't have long before something unpleasant teleports your way unless you get to a very secure location. Also, can you guess who I'm reintrodcing as an NPC Smiling




 "I would like to wait. My story is not one easily told. Please don't take offence." You follow Lema, who changes her clothing to match the norm of each ward--on a very long walk all the way to the middle of the hive--rather a strange place for an archon to be. She stops at what was once a small brick warehouse. Since then, it has probably been any number of things knowing the hive, but at the moment it seems to be a charitable institution of some sort. There are no signs, but the sods looking especially worse for wear in the Hive look rather better around here. Lema does not enter, but stares at her surroundings without talking.  

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Lema time:  >>"I would

Lema time:

 >>"I would like to wait. My story is not one easily told. Please don't take offence."


"Fair enough." Bruce responds.

Bruce looks around and takes stock of the crowd, looking for anything that might be a threat to Lema.

"So, what are we doing here? Some one you know here?" Bruce asks after making sure the area is secure.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
A déjà vu

A déjà vu crosses Canzonzia’s mind as she recalls her earlier experience with yugoloths dealing in secret arms trafficking with the baatezu ruling class. Conveniently, an arcanaloth is also responsible for this seemingly parallel arrangement. She makes a mental note of approaching her relations with Yebena with even greater caution.


Realizing the implications of her findings, Canzonzia quickly tugs the papers back in the extradimensional storage of her haversack and plans her covert travel home to Dis. After the very close call with Zraekos, the brachina is feeling severely uneasy and expecting the pit fiend to employ any number of tricks in recovering the papers.


Her first order of business is procuring a small lead-covered or divinitation-warded container to hold the papers in for deterring scrying-attempts, though any quick means by which she can keep the papers hidden from magical espionage would suffice. Considering the extreme sensitivity of her mission, the pleasure devil maintains a routine of changing forms frequently and not staying in one locale for too long.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon: Sometime before


Sometime before you obtain a lead case, you observe that there is something moving in your haversack. (assuming you act on this and check) You find your hands around the neck of a very alarmed imp, who drops the minutes back into the bag as you pick him up. A poisoned tail flials wildly, trying to sting your arm to no effect. Given your natural resistance to damage and poison. You aren't entirely sure what to do about this situation. If you release the imp, it will teleport away again, but if you keep it out here, it is possible to scry on it. If powerful enough magic is used, you have a matter of seconds before something nasty arrives to retrieve the information. It also bears noting that you have commited the contract to memory, and could duplicate it to the letter. The minutes are the issue currently (that said, you will be regarded better if you bring the records intact).



Given what you've seen earlier, there is very little that poses a threat to Lema, but there don't seem to be many suspicious types around here. Just unwashed people.

"This is a shelter run by somone I once knew. He will not be here, but I would like to leave a message for him."

Inside the single story warehouse, there are clumps of bunks seperated by wooden partitions. Inside, you see (relatively low ranking) clerics of various dieties maintaining the place, treating the sick and injured, serving food, and other simple tasks. Lema wanders around as though she knows the the place well. Eventually, she finds a dwarf dressed in red robes.

"May I beg a sheet of parchment and a quill from you?"

"Aye, miss...are you alright? You don..."

"I am well." 

 "Here you are," says the dwarf.

 Lema writes a short note on the parchment. Without trying to crane your neck over her her shoulder, all you see is: "...decided you were wrong all after all." at the end of the note. Lema folds it and hands it to the dwarf.

"Please give this to Osael when you see him next." 

 "Miss, are ye sure you don't need a new pair of clothes."

"I do not."

"Alright. How are you doing, sir?" says the dawarf to you. This seems to be a comment on your appearance. "We will gladly heal you if you need it."

Lema wanders towards the door, seemingly frustrated. She does however stop to speak to a winged Aasimar who wears a sword at his belt. The Aasimar vanishes and returns with a simple grey robe and cloak, which he hands to her. The dwarf, who you are still tanding next to looks irritated and rolls his eyes. 



BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"Pay me no mind" Bruce says

"Pay me no mind" Bruce says to the dwarf and walks away, following Lema.

I wonder what that letter was about?

It's not our concern.

"Where to now?" He asks Lema.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc: ehm? what about me?

ooc: ehm? Laughing out loud what about me? btw: my ring has:




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Greater Ability: -continues detect scrying effect, 15th lvl.


Siddharta's fingers itch and he shifts from foot to foot in an attempt to keep moving whilst on the spot..

He slowly scans around hilself, and mentally says to his ring: "Do you see any scrying now? listen if u hear anything move behind the door please..."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Sidhartha: OOC: I was


OOC: I was waiting for you to declare an action given it'll take Bruce 10 minutes to arrive.

Your ring detects no scrying within the 40 foot radius (which includes virtually all of your house for what it's worth). Neither you or the ring hears anything in the house. In fact, the general area seems suspiciously quiet. After waiting a fair while, you still hear no movement inside--no footsteps etc.



"I will gladly follow you. I would like to eat, however," She says, pulling on the robe and cloak over her illusionary disguise.

OOC: I use a modified 2e cannon about outsiders. Some need to sleep (Baatezu, 'Loths) Some need to eat (Lesser fiends of all sorts, and all Tanar'ri, etc.) This applies to higher planer beings as well, and you don't know if sword archons *need* to eat or not

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
A snarl emanates from

A snarl emanates from Canzonzia and her fist clenches hard around the neck of the imp. Her usual civilized composure gives way to anger as she sucks away the tiny devil’s lifeforce, reducing it to a withered drained husk.


Without a moment’s hesitation she teleports to one of Sigil’s circumferential borders and flings the corpse over the side, into the unknown void from which none returns.

Nice try, ambassador, but none shall keep me from my prize.


Canzon makes a jump to one of the many wasteyards in the Hive and finds a nearby refuse pile. She stuffs the extradimensional pocket where she keeps the papers full of rags and similar harmless junk, blocking up the pocket to leave no room for a repeat incident.


With yet another change of form, her next stop is a public fountain where the pleasure devil washes her hands and fixes her hair in a bizarre display of priorities, allowing herself a moment of personal hygiene despite the urgency of her assignment. Finally, Canzonzia resumes her search for a lead-covered case, more paranoid than ever and keeping aware of any further movement in her haversack.



Vampiric touch to kill the imp. The minutes and contract case stay in their pocket to not reveal Canzon’s location, but they are now accompanied with junk to block up space so as to prevent plane shifting.

0 Bonus for vampiric touch damage to do slay imp
I rolled 8d6+0, the result is 31.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
 Lema Time: "I know

 Lema Time:

"I know just the place." Bruce says. "This way."

 Bruce will lead Lema to a small pub that he used to frequent back when he was still living out of the Gatehouse. Back then, it was run by a very kindhearted Aasimar woman that had ties with the Bleakers. Bruce remembers that it had better quality food than most places in the Hive.

Once there, Bruce will buy Lema whatever she wants from the menu, but will not eat himself, instead sustaining himself on his own power.

"So, what are your plans now?" Bruce asks while waiting for the food to arrive.


Sid time:

Am I there yet, or are we giving Sid more time?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Sid casts a new See

Sid casts a new See invisibility and Deeper Darkvision, and then proceeds to move silently into the house.. and carefully see whats happened to the house, if it has been ransacked etc., the moment he determins battle is about to ensue, he will cast Divine Power..

14 Bonus for move silent to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 29.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 OOC (all: sorry for

 OOC (all: sorry for shortness, bu I can post again later tonight.


Bruce (Sid)

OOC: Sid still has some more time to investigate.


Bruce (Lema)

OOC: Is there anything you want to say about the tavern first. I'll be able to make a second post tonight based on any important info.



OOC: Eventually, the outcomes of your search require you to answer the question in PM. In the meant time, there should still be enough to do.

There is some damage in the entryway of your hous, and from the inside, you see the door's lock and  deadbolt have been magically destroyed. There is not a huge ammount of ranacking (at least here) though it looks as though the intruders did search through your things here--cloaks have been knocked off racks, etc. The other doors in the entryway are magically sealed (Abjuration aura, the exact spell is concealed with an illusion spell, which you also detect). You cannot open them by pushing or pulling. One door leads to the eating area of the house, the other leads to a sitting area and the staircase to the next story.  



You observe a scrying sensor over the imp, but it becomes a non-issue once teleport away and toss the drained boddy of the imp over the ring. You manage to obtain a lead lined case, from a scroll seller hawking his wares on the side of the street. You aren't troubled further, at least to your knowledge.

OOC: Do you want to give the papers directly to Tylara or return to your own home to decode the minutes?

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: The tavern is a small,

OOC: The tavern is a small, well furnished establishment that is only really suited to serve twelve or so people at a time. The food it serves is better than most places in the hive, but will cost you a few more silver as a result. It also wont serve you food that will make you sick, so thats a plus. It will, however, probably be lower quality than a celestial is accustomed to.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Though tempted to take a

Though tempted to take a crack at decrypting the minutes herself, Canzonzia considers the time it would take to be more than she’s willing to risk for the moment. She does magically copy the signatures of Zreakos and Shemeska to her Papyrus of Deception, however, on the slight off-chance that they could come in handy for future forgeries. With the documents safely stored in the lead casing for her trip, she embarks on the travel back to Dis.


Naturally, she operates in the utmost secrecy and vanishes from scenes where there appear to be the slightest hint of trouble or baatezu presence from the opposing coalition. On her home layer she reports directly in person to Tylara, trusting no one with the sensitive papers she has obtained.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Sidhartha: OOC:


OOC: Correction according to your description: stairway is in the kitchen area. You can investigate either room, but the doors are a potential issue.



Lema assumes the form of a winged aasimar--slighlty smaller and much less menacing than her true form. Her robe is a bad fit like this, but not so bad she treads on the hems.

The tavern is still standing after all these years, somewhat shockingly. It still seems to be favored by bleakers, and a handful of gatehouse staff sit at the bar, eaty and talking in soft voices, presumably about their work. They all look to be fairly senior faction menbers. Behind the bar, you see the propriotor you recognize from years ago. She is rather older now, but like most beings with outsider blood, she has aged with dignity and relative grace.

"Greetings, cutters," she says in a voice soft enough to match those of the bleaker patrons. "Can I get a seat for you?" You think she vaugely recognizes you.



When you inform the falxugon tasked with keeping track of Tylara's schedule of your arrival, he immediately contacts her telepathically. Almost instantly, the pop of a teleport indicates your superior's presence. You observe that her clawed hands are still covered in blood. Before accepting  the papers from you, she uses her aide's handkerchief to clean her hands.

"You have done well, Canzonia. Truly a performance worthy of your rank.If it is not too much trouble, would you apprise me of the situation. It would be best if you didn't make a written report of this."


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"That would be just fine,

"That would be just fine, Adria." Bruce says, his voice carrying the same deadness as the other Bleakers in the bar.

We shouldn't have come back here.

She looks... old.

She is old. Everyone we know gets old, eventually. As if we needed another reminder.

Hey, don't you dare get morose on me. We are in the middle of entertaining a beautiful woman. Ruin this, and I will never forgive you.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Certainly, my

“Certainly, my mistress.” Canzonzia waits for Tylara to dismiss the falxugon and any other underlings who might be present, then provides her report when they are alone.


“I arrived at the Fortune’s Wheel to conduct reconnaissance and learned that our intelligence on Zreakos was… inaccurate.”


“The meeting was not one exclusively for his staff, nor was it scheduled for the following day. It was a meeting with Shemeska the Marauder and already in progress upon my discovery. I assessed the situation and concluded that it was paramount to the interests of Dis that I break up any lucrative arrangement or even potential alliance that Maladomini may intend to form with one of the most influential people in Sigil.”


“Thus, I arranged for implications that Zreakos is affiliated with Estavan the Ogre Magi, known to be a bitter rival to Shemeska. A frameup that will not hold up, but was sufficient for Shemeska not to proceed with the meeting.”


“Upon their departure, I acquired from them these minutes and this contract which would indicate the true intent of the meeting. My identity was not compromised, though unfortunately the Maladominians were left aware that the incident was due to a highly organized operation.”


The brachina falls silent, waiting to see if her superior has any immediate reaction to the report. Given the option, Canzonzia comments further with suggestions on how to proceed.


“Mistress, considering the discrepancy in information I was made aware of, I believe there is the possibility of a leak within our operations. Perhaps a few internal inquiries are in order?”


“As well, I cannot help but notice the similarity of this yugoloth deal with that forged by our lord and master. Considering that arcanaloths have arranged weapon requisitions in both instances, I would request investigation of Yebena ap Ezeya and beware relations to the Tower Arcane in Gehenna.”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Sorry. I thought

OOC: Sorry. I thought nobody posted. No notification emails. Also, Burning Spear needs to declare a course of action given the warded doors.



Tylare accepts the papers, checking again that her manicured claws are clean.

"It is fortunate that you disrupted the meeting. We will keep your accusation in mind. I'm sure it will be useful in the future."

"We will handle any internal...issues. For your part, there is no cause for concern."

Tylara thinks for a moment: "While your recomendations and observations are duly noted, we suspect you are wrong. If we are not not mistaken, the exact quantity and cost of shipments exactly matches a very large shipment of weapons put to open auction by a representative from the Wasting Tower. At the time there were no buyers from Baator or our great enemy--it was and still is an extortionate deal. What is notable are the provisions for transport to Sigil.  Yebena ap Ezeya trades in magic and information, not blades by the thousand. Regardless of any connection she may or may not have to this shipment, it is still your job to investigate her. It is however of vital importance that you find out for what these weapons are being used. If it violates the truce agreements, we will have an ally in the neutral lords, at least in Sigil. Find evidence of this." (Or do a good job making it, you assume) "In the meantime, I sugest you return to your regular duties for a while lest you become suspicious. We apreciate your exemplary service. You are dismissed."



"Do I know you?" Adria asks "I don't see many people with so many bandages."

You see one of the bleakers, an elf, look up from his ale. You think you recognize him from the gatehouse too. If you remember correctly, you saw him cleaning the halways in the time between your return to lucidity and your departure from the gatehouse. He doesn't look that different., perhaps more depressed.

"I only need bread, and whatever drink is cheapest" says Lema.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"It's okay, its been a long

"It's okay, its been a long time" Bruce takes her hand and kisses it through his bandages. "Bruce Maxson, at your service." He lets go of her hand and stands back up. "You'd probably remember me best for throwing out that chaosect that was trying to paint everything blue." The deadness that he spoke with before is gone, theres no mistaking which Bruce is talking now.

You recognize the elf?

Oh hey, its the custodian! Whats his name again?

Haven't a clue.


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc: will post hopefully

ooc: will post hopefully tomorrow afternoon, when my own connection is back up and running..

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“As you command,

“As you command, mistress.”


Canzonzia withdraws from Tylara’s office, pondering for a fleeting moment if the paeliryon’s retractable claws are manicured throughout the 10 feet they can extend to - and if so, how long it would take. If any records are available for her next assignment, she brings them along to study in detail later (information on the shipment, details of the truce agreement, etc).


Out in public she stretches her black-feathered wings and takes flight to survey the Iron City, soaring high above the streets to take in a scenic overview. Unless anything remarkable catches her notice, she teleports home to her villa and enjoys a relaxed evening with exquisite wine, entertainment, and underlings pampering to her needs. She takes particular time out to personally torture a choice prisoner from her own little dungeon, and then has a full night’s rest before travelling back to Sigil in the morning.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
"I do know you," Adria

"I do know you," Adria says. "It has been a very long time since I've seen you last. You don't look any different. We never really needed a bouncer here, I am grateful that you were here when you were. It is strange how we meet people who we haven't sen in ages again. I trust your life is going well now. And who is this with you?"

"I am Lema." 

She seems to be edgier and less talkative when there are othe people around.

The other bleaker is still staring at you with a wrinkled brow, trying to place your name and face.



The only notable thing that happens to you occurs on the next day as one of your imps brings you a message from Trift, who is keeping an eye on your home in Sigil. His handwriting is not very good, but the report is precise and logically ordered. It describes a failed attempt to break into your house. Three armed humanoids atempted to enter, passing through the front door invisibly, but they were noticed by annother imp, and then killed by Trift and some of your other subordinates. The bodies have been saved, but your staff was regretably unable to take bprisoners.   

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce gives the Bleaker

Bruce gives the Bleaker that is staring at him a friendly wave.

"So, Adria, how have the years treated you? You have obviously not lost any of your beauty with age."

Bruce leans in closer to Lema. "Is everything all right?"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02

weishan wrote:


OOC: Correction according to your description: stairway is in the kitchen area. You can investigate either room, but the doors are a potential issue.

OOC:Not correct if i understand correctly, the stairway is before the kitchen door, not behind.

But Siddharta will use a disintegrate on the kitchen door nonetheless to open it up for investigation, after having casting a Divine Power and "drawing" his weapon as a greatclub.


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 Bruce: "I'm well, thank


"I'm well, thank you. Are you quite sure you won't have anything? You must have been traveling. Where have you been."

 "I...I am fine," says Lema. Food will probably help." She does not lean away from you, and you are reasonably sure she wants to say something, but she is looking nervously at the other people around her.



The wards don't explode in your face this time, which is a major improvement over the last time you tried something like this. The kitchen is also empty, and many things have been displaced. The door to the larder is notably closed (unlkie most of the others). Otherwise, some containers of various spices and seasonings have been knocked over. Some are probably pretty expensive to import and preserve, but the theives (you suppouse) didn't seem to know that.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"Well actually, I guess I

"Well actually, I guess I will have a drink, but nothing too strong. I still have work to do today."

"As for where I've been, I dropped out of Sigil a while back. Dropped clean out of the traditional planes too. It was actually a lot less interesting than it sounds. But that took a few years to get back from, and since then I've just been getting by. You know how it is in Sigil."

Bruce glances over at Lema.

 Its times like this that I wish we had telekinesis.

You mean telepathy.

Are you sure?

Yes. We have this conversation every time you want to read someones mind.

Fine. I wish I could read minds.

And I'm glad you can't. This head is full enough without bringing someone else's thoughts into it.


OOC: Bruce's comments about dropping out of the traditional planes are just a reference to the first online campaign he was a part of on Planewalker, so don't pay them too much mind. It probably won't come up again.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Canzonzia curses aloud

Canzonzia curses aloud (though not in a manner that does not befit her social status) and cuts short her stay in Dis. She leaves orders for her minions to tighten security and send note of anything out of the ordinary, then begins her travel to Sigil while maintaining a low profile.


When the pleasure devil arrives back at her estate at Fine Print no. 12 she calls on Trift and her staff to deliver a full report of the incident, the results of any follow-up investigation, and any suspicious activity near the premises recently before it happened. Then she proceeds to inspect the bodies and scene herself.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Rhhaaa...rrrgggg.. My..

"Rhhaaa...rrrgggg.. My.. Kitchen.. Has.. Been.. Ransacked..!, I hate it when they do that... o whell.." with that Siddharta makes his way cautiously to the larder and looks at it to see if there is any magic on it..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce: "Out of the


"Out of the tradiional planes? Perhaps it's best that it wasn't too interesting."

OOC: If you want to hurry things along, we can skip a bit, but if you want to have a chat with the bleaker janitor, you can if you'd like. He might be interesting.



There is no visible magical aura behind the door as you open it. However, as you peer inside the cabinet, which has also been ransacked, you see that the floor has been brushed clear of any possible debris, and you notice a magical symbol traced onto the floor. Before you can identify it, you feel it's effects, and you are aware that you are getting much drowsier.

OOC: Make a DC 20 fortitude save to resist the effects of the unidentified symbol. You can also atempt a DC 30 reflex save. If you succeed, you manage to slam the door on the symbol in time, also negating the effects. One sucees with either means you are unnafected.

And I present to you Nystul's Magical Aura, arguably the most irritating 1st level spell in the game. There are ways to get around it (as is it's unfair in the extreme) but they have to be better than just detect magic.   

You will only fail your will save on a nat. 1, but if that does happen, I'll give you 3 rounds to fight or flee as you choose.



Your staff does not have much more to say. They stopped the intruders early, and quickly barely ten feet from the door. The bloodstain on the hardwood floor is mostly gone, but there's still a faint mark. The bodies were moved to the dungeon immediately. One looks like a wizard, and he was carrying a spellbook on his person as well as several sealed scroll cases, which have not been touched (to the credit of your staff). The other two look like run of the mill burgalars with lockpicks ropes, grapples, crowbars and the like. They seem to be carrying some magical gear as well in addition to a few more scrolls.

It is possible to have a spellbook analyzed to see the 'eytimology' of a spell or spells and notation, to provide clues about the wizard's sources or location but this is not a certain thing, and it's also quite slow. You can also find a cleric to drag the thieves' sould back for questioning.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: We might as well just

OOC: We might as well just hurry things along. After we eat Bruce will pay, leaving a few extra gold for an old friend. After that, we will return to the ship unless Lema wants to go somewhere else.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta meows/ jawns a

Siddharta meows/ jawns a big jawn and then shakes his head lazily, raising an eyebrow and "#@Q##^%&(*))((_)(*^$$@!#@$^%%*" (curses) at the floor and anything near..grabs for the door but then thinks the better of it.. he gets ready for a spell casting of his own, and thinks about a reduced disintegrate but holds it off to find out for sure if the spell has not just gone off and dissipated on its own..

OOC: the spell went off, and has no effect other then to annoy me, is the spell gone now? or is it still there?, if so.. (should have received a spot roll to see if i noticed the clean floor imo, but o well)

Will save? dont u mean fort besides, will save is +21, fort +20..and ref +13 (but never mind that one, lol.)



20 Bonus for Fortitude save to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 39.
13 Bonus for reflex save to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 15.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Yes, meant fort. A

OOC: Yes, meant fort. A symbol persists until dispelled, or 10 minutes/level. On your turn (now) you could close the door and be done with it. You did notice, but in order to see the floor you also need to see the symbol (hence the reflex save). Sleep has no HP cap.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce: You enter the PTC


You enter the PTC shipyards, telling the clerk the ship you intend to go to. At your ship, you see an alarmingly large group of uniformed PTC gaurds gathered around around your ship, pikes and crossbows drawn. You see Lema instinctively twitch at the sight of the armed soldiers, but her hands to not turn into flaming swords or some similarly celestial action. One of the guards who looks to be in charge walks up to you.

"Identify yourself. We have been instructed to keep intruders away from this ship."



Bruce will arrive shortly. Where will Sidhartha go next?







BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"I am this ship's owner,

"I am this ship's owner, Bruce Maxson. What seems to be the problem?" Bruce reaches back to his handy haversack, and pulls out the documents of ownership that Epheaz gave him, in case proof is needed.

If we are lucky, then this is about parking fees.

I don't think we are that lucky.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote: It

weishan wrote:

It is possible to have a spellbook analyzed to see the 'eytimology' of a spell or spells and notation, to provide clues about the wizard's sources or location but this is not a certain thing, and it's also quite slow. You can also find a cleric to drag the thieves' sould back for questioning.

Both options are explored by Canzonzia. She draws on whatever trustworthy connections she can to have the spellbook and scrolls thoroughly examined, taking care to have them carefully searched for and disarmed of wards before their contents are studied.


In the meantime she arranges for the souls of the thieves to be questioned, to find out who they were working for, what their objectives were, and so on.



We’ve never discussed this, but I assume Canzon’s home is significantly warded (scry-proofing, teleportation-proofing, etc)? If not, this seems a pretty good time for her to have such precautions set up.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon: OOC: The


OOC: The important parts of your house in Sigil are (your own apartments, the dungeons, etc. are warded against both, but you do not rate the funds to secure your entire residence in Sigil. Your house in Dis is slightly more thoroughly warded, but once again not entirely. It's extremely expensive to ward, and you can't afford it without formally requesting from and bargaining with superiors for nescesary spellcasters, funds, etc.

 It is also important to find out who you are taking the bodies to. Trustworthy clerics are hard to find, and you may need to...adress... the security risk if you can't find someone you trust.

The spells, however are not dead giveaways, and that would be routine for you. Analysis reveals that the spellbooks are fairly typical of most mortal wizards in that derived languages are very diverse. Notable, however is the notation, which, according to the Liverezu you consulted is chaotic, disorganized, and derived from Abyssal. There are also a few hated Tanar'ri spells for killing Baatezu, though given their unfortunate spread that in and of itself isn't unusual.



The gaurd's leader props his pike against the brick wall of a nearby warehouse and examines a leather book.

"I apologize if you trully are Bruce Maxson, but we need to see your papers. An attempt to break into this vessel was stopped less than an hour ago, and we need to make sure you are actually you, if you catch my meaning."



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Based on the spellbook

Based on the spellbook analysis, Canzonzia instructs her staff to be on the lookout for Abyssal or otherwise tanar’ri-related intrusion. They are to keep cold iron weapons at hand, magic against the forces of Chaos in mind, and so on. The evidence may be far from conclusive, but as an ever-paranoid devil Canzon’s lifestyle is closely related to the ways of her lord Dispater.


The brachina has the bodies preferentially taken to a fellow servant of Dis in Hell’s Gate that can cast the necessary spell, but at least a coalition ally (Stygia and Cania). If Yijral is still in Sigil, perhaps that’s a likely option? He’s a sage devil from the Canian Ministry of Magic that Canzon extended courtesy to when they were tabled together at Osael’s party.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"Well, I don't actualy have

"Well, I don't actualy have any papers that prove that I'm Bruce Maxson. Never needed them before. I do have my proof of ownership of this ship, though." Bruce presents the guard leader with the proof of ownership. "I am a member of the Bleak Cabal. If need be, the Gatehouse should be able to vouch for my identity. Or Morry Brentwood, the harbormaster. We met a few days ago..."

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