Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Okay. Bruce is the only

OOC: Okay. Bruce is the only one needs to say what they'll do is Bruce, but I highly doubt the results of Sidhartha's item identification and news updates will turn up anything of interest either. If there's any other personal IC business you want to handle in addition you should post it.   

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I posted this before, but I

I posted this before, but I guess you missed it. It's okay, there was a hiatus in between so I forgive you.


Loot - Bruce will sell everything but the potion of invisibility. Docking a ship aint cheap and he could use the cash.

Crew- In addition to the 10gp per day of travel, Bruce will look into finding and paying for rooms for the mages he has hired.

Archon- In all honesty Bruce doesn't having anything now that's likely to entice a yugoloth, however Bruce will reply with an offer of releasing the archon into Bruce's custody now, and in return once the ship is operation he offers 3 free transports of cargo. Speedy, secure, and no questions asked. And the reminder that Bruce no longer has a life expectancy, so this offers lasts for hundreds of years. 


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta goes to meet

Siddharta goes to meet Bruce in the docks and asks him if the spot of navigator is taken or not, and if he could fulfill this role.


Scroll of hold monster, potion of delay poison, potion of lesser restoration are the ones Siddharta will keep,

a ragged and repaired robe that does not identify, but detects as moderate transmutation and conjuration


Siddharta will sell the rest first to the person who made him the ring he commisioned, and he will ask that person to find out what the robe does for real,  and how much its worth, whilst that is going on he will go out of Sigil to cast sending to his sister again to see if he can get her to answer, nothing special, just to see whats up...

depending on how much money he gets of the selling, he will then decide about any weapon and or shield he wants...


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: I don't know (as in

OOC: I don't know (as in can't remember) whether Sidhartha knows about the ship, but if he did he definitely doesn't have the skills to navigate a spelljammer (he'd make a fine pilot, being a high level caster, and such, but he doesn't stand to gain very much by doing so--and even as a not-especially-evil-character, the kindness of his heart isn't really a likely explaination.



You return to a very angry wizard, who glowers at you as you enter his shop. He is wearing your cloak. After some cursing, he informs you that he can't remove the the cloak and can't afford to find someone to remove it (even with the extra money you've given him). As far as you can tell, the cloak has no other effect than being infuriatingly unremovable (also nigh indestructable according to the wizard), but items like this are hard to magically analyze, and you couldn't say. (You are sure he's being honest) You suspect the mage will cause trouble if you don't pay enough for him to get someone else to remove it--it's only a minor nuisance since he's already been paid some extra, but his cooperation is important if you want your ring commisioned, there's quite a while until it's ready.

Your sister actually makes a point of grilling you for news--for her part, nothing interesting has happened, but she's aware of some sort of conflict on Baator (as do you, Hell's gate is more heavilly gaurded and by more senior Devils). (What you say is up to you, but remember, Canzon has rather more information than you, try not to mix stuff up, but don't bother hunting back through the thread, if you're telling anything less than all you know.)

You probably can't buy much of anything worth buying by selling the treasure you've found, if that influences anything you want to keep please say (if not, you can sell all of them at 1/2 market price as usual)



The other devils here don't say anything, but on the streets of Dis, the atmosphere is visibly different. There are far fewer mortals and rather more fiendish (and mortal) soldiers patroling the streets. By asking around or pulling rank as nescesary, you eventualy figure out that there's a war going on between the lords of the nine and that it started over conflict over who the successor to Mammon's position after he was stabbed and killed by one of his pit fiend lieutenants should be. Different lords are backing different succesors. But it seems there are 2 distinct sides to the conflict--Mephistophles, Dispater, and rather shockingly, Levistus are one bloc, while Balzebul, Firena (and Belial), and Mammon's senior advisors and generals forming the other. Asmodeus is very strictly neutral, and is allowing the lords to fight their differences out as long as they provide troops for the blood war and keep esential areas like the lake of fire and Hell's Gate neutral. Bel is not taking sides, and Glyssa is ostensibly neutral, but as far as you've heard probably favors the other side.



Noted, is there anything else? I assumed that was done without posting.


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The newly reshaped devil

The newly reshaped devil does not hesitate when the news of Mammon’s death reaches her.


Canzonzia recovers her possessions and immediately teleports home to her well-warded and defended villa, summoning her most trusted servants, guards, and underling confidants. She makes a point of reestablishing her authority at home after the promotion, demonstratively unraveling the mind of a lacking house slave with her new poisonous powers and ripping its spine out horridly, then sending its overseer to her personal torture chambers for failing to discipline the slaves well enough.


With her household now sufficiently familiar with and fearful of her new form and malice, she dismisses them to return to their duties. Then she teleports around Dis to visit her best informants and get fully up to speed on the war, everything leading up to it, the current state of affairs, and any likely future developments (including contacting Gherthonum the osyluth).


Dunamin wrote:
3. Create as solid an alibi he can against implication in the coming assassination. To this effect, he contacts trustworthy associates that can be convinced or bribed to swear before trial that they were present with him at the time of assassination and generally speak against his involvement.

Canzonzia revisits all those of her trusted contacts she has arranged to provide an impenetrable alibi against her involvement with Mammon’s murder, double-checking their arrangements. She further procures a copy of the records that indisputably proves she was undergoing transformation in the Lakes of Fire at the time of Mammon’s death.


Finally, she teleports to the office of her superior, the paeliryon Tyalara, to personally report in, learn what their official as well as unofficial position is in the war, and to hear if she has any orders for her.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: After that is done,

OOC: After that is done, Bruce will start looking for info on hireing a carpenter to finish the inside of the Ideaclad, as well as getting a rough idea as to how much it will cost. He will also ask around the docks to see if there is anyone insterested in buying one or two of the four ballista that came with the ship, and how much they are worth.

BTW: Does Bruce recieve any reply as to his offer for the archon?


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Berk: I'll say for the


I'll say for the sake of simplicity that the cost of the balistas ofsets the cost of the carpenter and such. I don't particularly care to buy a copy of stronghold builder's guide just to tell you how much furnishing the interior of the ship costs.


You do get a sending from Yebena in reply--probably more powerful in that she uses more than 25 words. You suspect you can do the sime in reply if you choose:"While it does you credit that you realize that goods and coins are of no interest to me, mortal, your offer is not particularly appealing. I deal in information, not commodities. Perhaps we can meet to discus this further. You can buy more time if you wish, but I'm sure we can reach an equitable arrangement. Where shall I meet you?"  



Your alibis are as secure as they'll ever be.

 The war is only a few days old, and is still a series of minor skirmishes by Baatezu standards (albiet very numerous and frequent skirmishes) A great many are taking place on Dis, and large areas are rather innacessable due to fighting. Similarly, many troops from staging areas in Dis are fighting in Minauros. Belzebul is moving his armies to the edge of Maldomini, evidently gearing up for a major attack on cania, but that has not yet come.

 Tylara informs you that she is fully aware of your role in the assasinations--presumably having played a part in ordering it. She informs you you are at no risk, from devils from allied layers, but if your enemies find out your role, you will be a VERY major target. Likewize, if your side loses the war, you'd best consider as many very good options for hiding as possible. On the other hand, your major role in a (hopeful) victory may result in annother promotion, possibly skipping several steps on the ladder.

 In any case, you are to return to your normal duties in Sigil (ie soul stealing) and to keep tabs on any developments in the conflict in Sigil. You are given the discretion to use whatever means you see fit to do so, but results are expected.

 Gerthonum is tied up at the time being, fighting in one of the many skirmishes breaking out across Dis. If you really want to meet with him during a battle, you probably could if you really wanted.



BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I had hoped she would




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I had hoped she would accept the offer.

On the bright side, she does seem willing to negotiate.

That’s what worries me. I wonder what she thinks we know?


Bruce will reply with the message: "The Crossed Daggers Tavern, where we met. We both know where that is. We will be there from Peak until 6 past. Come whenever your schedule allows."


OOC: Burning Spear- Does Sid want to RP the navigator job interveiw now, or should Bruce skip ahead to his meeting?


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc: whatever is easier for

ooc: whatever is easier for Bruce/ You/ DM's time wise...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: I reckon that if Sid

OOC: I reckon that if Sid and Bruce have any important arrangements to propose, you can. Just keek it to a couple of posts. Aditionally, I'll allow you to do something else at the same time (when have you played the same character in TWO DIFFERENT TIMES--AT THE SAME TIME *end epic voice*) so bruce can deal with Yebena at the same time, and Sid can do whatever business he likes.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
On the Sid front: Since Sid

On the Sid front:

Since Sid is approaching Bruce, you'll have to make the first move.


At the Tavern:

While waiting for Yebena, Bruce will be drawing up rough plans for the layout of the inside of the Ideaclad, doing his best to provide habitable living spaces for crew, plus two guest rooms, while maximizing room for cargo.



Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta walks onto the

Siddharta walks onto the shipwright site, and seeks out Bruce's ship...

"Ah, my dear Bruce..." Siddharta  says when Bruce comes in view..

"Let us discuss a mutual understanding, in that i wish to be something useful on your ship, maybe the Navigators position would fit me... "

Siddharta puts his hands on his belt, (in human form) and awaits Bruce's reaction...


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce eyes widen as he

Bruce eyes widen as he spots you and visibly relaxes as you explain your intentions.

"For a bit there, I though you were the bearer of bad news." Bruce says in  his 'accented' voice. When he speaks agin, the accent is gone, and he has a more serious tone.

 "You're in luck, I have not yet filled my crew, and that position is still open. But you're going to have to convince me. As a navigator, I'm going to need you to be able to plot a course for my ship, not only accross a single plane but through portals. Specifically, so that my ship and its cargo can reach its destination on another plane in as little time as possible."

"You're going to need to have an extensive knowledge not only of planar layouts, but the locations of suffeciently sized portals as well. As part of your duties, you will also be required to procure portal keys for any portals you plan on us using, as well as alerting the crew as to any precautions they must observe based on the planes we will pass through. The keys themselves will be payed for from the captain's vault, but the tools of your profession will be up to you to aquire."

"Also, you will be expected to be able to formulate a new course given a few hours notice. I reccomend divinations, if you have them."

 "Can you handle all that?" Bruce asks.


OOC: Make the sale, Sid.




Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"I have extensive knowledge

"I have extensive knowledge of the planes, in particular the Astral and Ethereal, and Mechanus thirdly..but i doubt Mechanus is of any import to you or me in this regard... prrrr...."

"I have as you know a planar Sextant, which can help us find the right portals in a pinch, to your knowledge are there any other items i should aquire for my function?"



BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"Extenisive knowlege of the

"Extenisive knowlege of the astral and ethereal? That could prove useful."

"As for other equipment, I had a companion who carried a planar compass. If your planar sextant can't perform as well as one of those, aquire one. Otherwise, whatever maps and divination equipment you feel might be beneficial."

"Now, as far as your payment goes, I'll give you the standard that we used back in the day. 50 gold peices per course plotted used, or one twentieth of the total profit, whichever is higher for a given job. You will have a bunk on the ship for longer voyages, as well as access to the crewmens store, and the backing of the rest of the ship as long as you don't do something pike'n stupid. Expenses will be covered when reasonable."

"Do we have a deal?"


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta extends his paw

Siddharta extends his paw (he reverts his hand to his natural form (partial polymorph))and shakes Bruce's hand to seal the deal...

"I'll write up a contract later to put this all on black and white for mutual benefit..."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: I'll assume Sidhartha

OOC: I'll assume Sidhartha can use the planar sextant for navigation.



Specifically, you have been alerted that Zraekos (probably in disguise), will be at the Fortune's Wheel a day from now meeting with several of his immediate subordinates and possibly a few peers (all disguised) This adds a complication to your task in that you have to find out who the real group is and a way to spy on them without being discovered. Very probably they also have a private room. (Tylara is also makes it clear that you aren't to ask Shemeska specifically to spy on them or inform her about the situation in any way. You are urged to avoid talking to her at all, but if you positively need something from her and can get it discreetly you may try to make a deal.



 Yebena finds you at the Crossed Daggers tavern and glances idly at the blueprints you are drawing as she sits.

"Greetings, mortal. Have you given any thought to a counter-offer or shall I make suggestions?"



BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"If you didn't have

"If you didn't have something in mind, you would have dismissed my offer and done what you would with the archon. "

Bruce flips over the blueprints and pockets his inker. "So, what task can I perform to advance your plans without knowing the full significance of what I am doing?" The bandages on Bruce's head obscure too much of his face to tell for sure, but from the lighthearted tone of voice you suspect he might be smiling.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
THE PLAN: make a deadly

THE PLAN: make a deadly obstacle course!!! (eg. think halloween haunted mansion tour, except the visitors are really tortured and maimed along the way and killed at the end) Then Lure a poor sod into the area and watch the fun begin!!!

WHEN: Right now!!

WHAT: with whatever materials are readily availible and cheap. Possibilities include sharp objects, recently removed organs, basic spring traps.

WHO: any poor sod who happens to be out of sight of the guards! Drum will run after him into the designated area.

WHERE: a confined, out of sight area - perhaps a small house where Drum  can slaughter the inhabitants, then use their bodies/ organs as part of the decor! The area has to be strategically placed so that any poor sod being chased by Drum will hit a dead end, then enter the residence as desperation.

 HOW: Details:  Drum kills the inhabitants of a small, unguarded area (no more than 3 kills - Hive commoners). Following decapitation, disembowelment, and slight snacking, Drum impales the parts on sharp objects, then nails them to the wall throughout the house (preferably 2 stories). This will serve as the decor. Ideally, certain organs will be nailed to the ceiling to produce a truly realistic blood-dripping effect. Then, all other exits must be sealed besides the front so that the victim is forced in. With the aid of harmful, though non lethal traps, the victim will be maimed and tortured until he reaches the second story of the area, enters a room to find Drum ready to kill him... Although as a surprising plot twist, Drum will hand the poor sod a knife and allow him to kill himself (or take a last ditch desperation attempt to fight for his/her life). After that, it's time to eat!! THE END!!  

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02

weishan wrote:

Your sister actually makes a point of grilling you for news--for her part, nothing interesting has happened, but she's aware of some sort of conflict on Baator (as do you, Hell's gate is more heavilly gaurded and by more senior Devils). (What you say is up to you, but remember, Canzon has rather more information than you, try not to mix stuff up, but don't bother hunting back through the thread, if you're telling anything less than all you know.)

You probably can't buy much of anything worth buying by selling the treasure you've found, if that influences anything you want to keep please say (if not, you can sell all of them at 1/2 market price as usual) 

reaction to sis:

"Dear sister, unfortunately i haven't got any worthy news for you, is there any news on/ about my assassinators?"...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Trias: This probably


This probably violates the Grandma Rule, and I don't see the benifit of narrating for mooks in this case--you're better able to develop your character if you do it. If you can do it with good taste and without breaking board rules, you are free to narrate as you choose. (implied unspeakable evil is fine as always) If not, give some thought to chaos that doesn't cause emotional damage to all the old ladies and small children browsing the board :/ Smiling.



"Very well. What have you been doing in Sigil of late?"




"There are many things you could offer in exchange for the archon. Your soul, for example, would be a possibility" You can tell Yebena is being facetious despite her nearly constant deadpan. "Actually, your soul is not of equal value to a live and undamaged sword archon, but there are other possibilities as well. My offer is this, mortal. I will immediately release the archon--she is not currently damaged--for a single equivilant favor of my choosing and at time of my choosing. This favor will not involve any extreme risks to your person. If you wish, you can retriever her immediately. I will keep my word." She doesn't sound at all reasuring.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"A favor for a favor.

"A favor for a favor. Sounds like the very definition of fair." Bruce says. "If you would please give us a moment, so we can discuss amongst ourselves."

What do you think?

It sounds like a fair deal, however owing a favor to a fiend sounds like a very dangerous debt.

But should we do it?

It does save a life... All right. We'll agree for now, but with some cautiousness. Give me the mouth

Bruce speaks in his monotenous, 'logical' voice.

"We are willing to accept this deal, on the following conditions. One, that the favor We owe you is no greater than the favor you are doing for us. And two, that my ship will not be intentionally taken out of my control or grievously damaged as part of the favor for you. We would rather not lose our ship after we spent hundreds of years trying to get one, I'm sure you understand."

"Fairly lose restrictions, all things considered. So unless you take umbridge at one of those requests, we have a deal. Preferably with the archon being released into our custody today."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
weishan wrote: Trias:

weishan wrote:


This probably violates the Grandma Rule, and I don't see the benifit of narrating for mooks in this case--you're better able to develop your character if you do it. If you can do it with good taste and without breaking board rules, you are free to narrate as you choose. (implied unspeakable evil is fine as always) If not, give some thought to chaos that doesn't cause emotional damage to all the old ladies and small children browsing the board :/ Smiling.



OOC: hehe, now that you mention it... I do get a bit carried away with the gorydetails etc... and it really does nothing to help develop Drum.... everyone would already expect him to do this.  I'll edit the post above, also, I'm thinking about your PM, and will try a fresh perspective with Drum.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Canzonzia assures Tylara

Canzonzia assures Tylara that she will not fail her and seek to play her part faithfully throughout the war, revealing not the slightest hint of resentment that her own boss set her up (such is merely to be expected, naturally).


The brachina attains any available records about Zraekos and his operations and then departs posthaste to send a few encrypted missives through the secure channel networks – namely a note to Gherthonum requesting he send word if a skirmish should threathen any of Canzon’s holdings, and a message to Jhubolox offering condolences for his recently slain master.


She plane shifts to the Outlands, then teleports to a gate town other than Ribcage with a fitting guise to blend in, finding her way to Sigil. Canzonzia checks in on her home in the Cage, ensuring everything is in order and instructing Trift to stay on general alert as house guard. Finally, she leaves for the Fortune’s Wheel to stakeout in the form of a tiefling noblewoman and addresses the innkeeper.

“A pleasant day to you, kind sir... I trust the roulette tables are paying off well? My dear old conservative auntie always warned me that gambling would be my ruin, but I do find it such a delightful pastime I must admit.”


Canzonzia fans herself with an open hand absently.

“As such, I shall need a room while visiting your lovely city, though not just any place will do. I fear my more prejudiced family would frown if they find out about my hobby - and they are prone to pry into my affairs - so I would like to hear about the more discreet and private rooms you might provide and browse your guest logbook.”



You want a Diplomacy roll for that one? Also, who was Zraekos again, exactly? Embarassed

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta as i envision


Siddharta as i envision him

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
OOC: Isn't that more of an

OOC: Isn't that more of an OOC thread post?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: wasn´t sure, i thought

OOC: wasn´t sure, i thought that my face would be appropriate in IC as it shows my char. Sticking out tongue

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon: OOC: I could


OOC: I could have sworn I wrote he was the ambasador to Maldomini, but I looked and it seems I forgot that very important piece of information. No further comment :/ All the rooms in the Azure Iris inn are magically warded (something Canzon would know, but that her assumed persona mightn't) The Fortune's wheel is also far larger than shown in cannon with more than one wheel all with dreadful odds, annother thing Canzon would know)


You find yourself in the lavishly decorated hall of the Fortune's wheel. On the far end of the hall, you see a large bar adorned with the animate dragon head that is iconic the the Fortune's wheel (after it's wheels tables of course)  "The Azure Iris next door has a handful of vacancies (OOC: strictly speaking, the two buildings are connected). All of the rooms are there are magically warded by the finest wizards," says the the well dressed, but unthreataning looking greeter at the door. "If you would like to rent a room there, you should speak with one of the bartenders. They will direct you to the inn and book your room. The guestbook is also available if you wish to see it. You needn't sign your own name; if discretion is a concern we will gladly acomidate you. In the meantime, the tables and wheels are in the room next door to your right.

 If you examine the guestbook, you find that the Marauder is in fact in--her signature isn't hard to miss. You see the names of many high-ups, and a few Golden Lords, but since the faction war, the Wheel's guest list has gotten rather less predicatable, with faction high ups politiking somewhere else. You suspect that Zraekos would be using a room in the Azure Iris, rather than one of the Wheel's own 7 private rooms, but you can't be sure. There are 2 new boarders in the Azure Iris today, and rather a lot in the Wheel propper. From your knowledge of the fortune's wheel, 3 of the private rooms are in use--they are all on the left side of the main hall. The Marauder or her retinue isn't visible here, which means that she is either in a meeting or in the other room at the tables. You doubt bear-baiting (the Fortune's Wheel's other major attraction) holds much interest for her.



"Your ship is of little use to me. I accept your conditions. If you do not object, you may collect the Archon at your convenience. I will be waiting for you." Yebena vanishes with the pop of a teleport.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce collects his things,

Bruce collects his things, pays for his drinks, and drops off the schematics at his ship. While there, he puts a spare cloak in his haversack, in case the archon is in need of one.

That done, Bruce heads to Yebena's estate to collect the archon.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
[OOC: Cue Bond music. Well,

[OOC: Cue Bond music. Well, Bond-babe music, at any rate.]


Canzonzia memorizes names of all recently inscribed prominent or Baator-connected figures, including cover names she might know through records from Dis intelligence agencies. In addition, being an expert in false documentation, she carefully looks for any names that she may recognize as deliberately forged.

“Thank heavens, no sign of my auntie’s goons” she exclaims, if anyone should remain near.


The fiend takes a seat near a young male employee that seems receptive and in the know – a gambling hall likely has its share of staff dedicated to monitoring traffic and “lucky wins”.

She orders a classy drink and relaxes, while with no outward indication extending magical senses to scout out the Fortune’s Wheel thoroughly, including the adjoining room for gambling [Clairaudience/clairvoyance]. When her drink arrives, she takes a sip and addresses the nearby employee with a warm smile.


“Excuse me, handsome. I’m new in this breathtaking city and was told that this is the place for marvelous sights and… thrilling experiences.”

“Could you help an inexperienced young lady get to know the place a little better? I hear you host quite the prestigious selection of Sigil’s citizens.”

21 Bonus for Forgery to do detect which names are fake
I rolled 1d20+21, the result is 24.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon:  OOC: Canzon


 OOC: Canzon knows that the Wheel's staff dedicated to watching the tables are plants dressed as regular patrons or invisible. The only staff identifiable as such are waiting tables, dealing at games tables, or working the bar, etc. You can still find one--especially a dealer or a bartender to speak with, but you won't have very much secrecy if you're dealing with sensitive information like who is meeting where. If it is secrecy you're after, there are a few tables that don't have anything going on at the moment. At the moment, they're still staffed. (Basically, clarify your intent a bit as far as who you're planning to speak with)

 As far as signatures are concerned, those you would be familiar with don't seem forged. In many cases you recognize a name, but have never seen the signature in question. There are also plenty of people who you aren't familiar with. This is probably the list of interest to you if Zreakos and his associates--or their assumed personas--signed the guestbook at all. You don't see any familiar infernal aliases in the book, but there are no shortage of people with ties to the Nine Hells, many you know reasonably well.  

 You cannot see the Marauder in the next room, but you recognize a gaggle of her junior bodyguards and atendants around a prominent table in the center of the room. Colock and several of her more senior staff are also missing. You would sincerely hope that the Marauder is not meeting with Zraekos. If it is the case, though you could at least ask what the people who went with the Marauder looked like. If you don't know the names of the people in question, the worst is probably true. If it comes down to it, you might be able to bargain for the information, though it can't possibly be cheap.



You reach Yebena's rather bleak and uninspiring house. You are greeted (in a manner of speaking at least) by one of Yebena's skeletons, which leads you through one of the doors in the main entryway. The door opens into a sparse and unfurnished hallway. Judging by the room's size the door is a created portal to annother part of the house, rather than a direct path. Stepping inside, you find that the grey stone corridor has a number of pitted and worn doors. After several puzzling seconds, Yebena appears with the snap of a teleport spell.

"The archon is behind that door," says Yebena, pointing a clawed finger. "It has been unlocked."

The door Yebena indicates opens into a coompletely blank grey room. You can feel a Hadean aura of despair here, and the place seems distinctly evil. In the center of the room, you see the archon curled into a pale ball with her wings providing her only modesty. She does not seem to register your presence at all, and continues silently rocking back and forth.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
OOC I don't really know


I don't really know how I can clarify my intentions much more. Canzonzia is looking to speak with a staff member that knows what's going on and is susceptible to share it, taking her considerate speech skills and magnetism into consideration (likely an adolescent man). She's trying to learn where the meeting is taking place and who the participants might be.

Secrecy is not currently a concern - so far she's not doing anything that should remotely draw attention to her.

She is looking to avoid contact with anyone connected to Shemeska at all costs. Not only because those are her orders, but because she is more than fed up with yugoloths in general.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
As Bruce catches sight of

As Bruce catches sight of the archon, his eyes go wide. His head snaps toward Yebena, and his guantlet bursts into flame.

Let me at her!


Bruces expression flickers between unbridled rage and perfect calm, before finally settling on calm. The guantlet extinguishes itself.

We were expecting this.


Control yourself. She is in our possession. She is safe now.

 "My sincerest apologies for that." Bruce says calmly to Yebena.

Bruce walks over to the archon, pulls her gently to her feet, and covers her with the spare cloak.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks her.



Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc: I have no clue as to

ooc: I have no clue as to what to post atm.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: You are speaking with

OOC: You are speaking with your sister about what you are doing in Sigil. It's a tiny part of one of the above posts--easy to miss.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02

weishan wrote:


"Very well. What have you been doing in Sigil of late?"

"Some item transportation, nothing of any consequence, but i did make some interesting ally who will own a ship" (he is not telling about the transports real issue)

"Have you got any news on my assassins? or any other random bits of info that might be useful?", with that reply he sits back in his chair and awaits for his sister to reply...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
 OOC: Apologies for any

 OOC: Apologies for any recent incoherance or strange writing--I've been pretty sick of late--still am actually.


"Certainly, madam, it would be my pleasure," says the dealer you sat next to. "Our establishment serves many interesting and prestegious people the planes over. That you are here is a sign of good taste. How long have you been Sigil?"

 As far as you can tell, you have the dealer's ear--and his eye.



The cloak was made for somone without wings, and it was made for someone a foot shorter than the archon, but it's the thought that counts. The archon looks blankly at you, but she at least seems to register someone is talking to her now, and she follows your lead.

"It would be uneeming," says Yebena, "For a missing archon to be seen walking out of my door. Where shall I send the two of you?"

Yebena's voice does draw a slight reaction from the archon, you think it's anger, but it was so fleeting you couldn't tell.



"Indeed? I wouldn't have guessed you would take to a lifestyle of adventuring. I have been unable to learn about your assasins since we have last spoken, but what of this ship you have mentioned?."

OOC: You can tell your sister is somewhat irritated by your vaugeness, and is probbably responding in kind as a result. Her tone sugests that she may know something, but isn't telling you. You can't be entirely certain. 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"It is a small ship, but

"It is a small ship, but efficient in travelling across planes, and i will have a position of Navigator on it" he says proudly, oblivious to his sisters vagueness..

"The ship will be a kind of express delivery service, no questions asked... and the owner/ captain of this vessel is an aquaintance i have made with the parcel delivery, he is a bit schitzo, but well enough behaved..for a humanoid"

ooc: dice rolled to see if he can catch his sister knowing more then she lets out..crap, shite dice never helps ...sigh, guess not...

10 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 14.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"The closer to the PTC

"The closer to the PTC spelljamming docks, the better." Bruce says. "And... thank you."


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Bruce:  Yebena does not


 Yebena does not react to your thanks (not that you expected her to) and gestures to you and the archon in what seems like a dissmissive way. Immediately, you find yourself breathing Sigil's delightful outdoor air once more. It takes you quite a while for you to regain your bearings--the spell Yebena used was probably developed with a combatative purpose in mind. You are within several blocks of the PTC's docks in a mostly residential neighborhood in the clerk's ward. Between the archon and your own unusual appearance, you are the focus of a great deal of staring--to say nothing of the fact that you just teleported into the middle of the street. The archon is looking slightly more alert now, and she is looking around herself and seemingly trying figure out where she is and what her situation is. She still follows your lead without question and does not speak. If she recognizes you, she gives no indication of it.



OOC: Regardless of your sense motive, you know your sister might be hiding something. Your failed sense motive means that you make up your mind on one or the other--whichever you think is more appropriate.

 "I wish you the best of luck with your latest business ventures. I hope to speak with you again soon. I must leave now."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce will lead the archon

Bruce will lead the archon to his ship and then give her a blanket to further cover her modesty, as well as some food.

"So, how are you feeling?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13

weishan wrote:

"Certainly, madam, it would be my pleasure," says the dealer you sat next to. "Our establishment serves many interesting and prestegious people the planes over. That you are here is a sign of good taste. How long have you been Sigil?"

As far as you can tell, you have the dealer's ear--and his eye.

“Hopefully, the pleasure will be mine as well…” she smiles coyly and buys a few poker chips.

“Oh, I haven’t been in Sigil long enough to know my way well around its… hot... spots… Lucky for me to have found a kind soul at this establishment to remedy that, no?”

“So enlighten me, kind sir, who would you say are the more renowned of your patrons of late? Who should a helpless young lady like me be wary of? I hear this place is quite notorious for hosting fiends, in fact.”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Canzon:  The dealer


 The dealer passes you a pile of chips (and, you think a few more than you paid for) You may want to be careful, as the invisible staff will probably take issue if it seems you have an unfair hold on a dealer's mind.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself--how rude. I'm Hamlin Locke. We serve patrons of all sorts, fiends included." In a whisper, he adds: "I'd take care not to offend the Queen of the Crosstrade if I were you," he says. "She's in a meeting with three other berks right now, though, so you should be fine. Fiends too by the sound of them, so I suppouse I can't pity them that much. In any case, you'd know Shemeska if you saw her--arcanaloth, green dress, surrounded by bodygaurds, and a lot of jewlery. Really quite obvious." He continues in a normal voice; "Apart from that, I'd stay away from the big wheel. The odds are worse than a snowball's chance in phegelthos, and it seems the high-ups who play make a game of who can afford to lose the most jink. I'd stick to the tables or littler wheels." Hamlin sees other people coming, and somewhat reluctantly cuts his converstion short--probaly to ensure the new players aren't  suspicious of the table. "My shift ends in just over an hour," he says. "If it suits you, I would be happy to you around the city." The other patrons who buy into the game, all look reasonably well to do (though not so much so that you recognize them).

Assuming Hamlin is correct, and the group is in fact Zraekos', You probably can't sneak into the meeting room (you could try, but ther is great risk involved--that is, horrible death)--but your inteligence sugests that Zreakos has brought spies (ie falxugons or erineyes, not bodyguards.) you might be able to get something by stealing papers from one of them or simply capturing them (before zraekos could act--a truly tricky proposition) (you'd have to call on help--which you are authorized to do--for that, probably, and it'd have to wait until they left the fortune's wheel). On the other hand, your inteligence also sugested that this was a meeting between zraekos and his spies, not the marauder, so you can't be sure how reliable the inteligence is. You could also give them cause to break up the meeting somehow--baatezu are of course keen on keeping written records, and Zraekos is positively obsessive even by baatezu standards (befitting a servant of Ballzebul).



 The archon seems far more alert when you get a chance to observe her again. She probably recovered sometime along the way and kept up the act--alarmingly tricky for an archon. The is staring intently at you, now, and you think the recognizes you, at least vaugely.

 "Who are you and what do you want with me?" You can hear some anger and distrust in her voice, but she is certainly more energetic than before. She isn't obviously violent, remains seated, though she does not accept the food or the blanket. .

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Bruce whips off his hat and

Bruce whips off his hat and bows. "Captain Bruce Maxson, at your service."

Thats right, I'm a piking captain!


"As for what I want with you, nothing."

"You were very recently captured by an Arcanoloth, who almost certainly would have done something horrible with you had I not intervened. You are under my protection now, and once you are back on you feet again you may go where you please. Even home, if you wish."

 "Now, I'll admit, we did start off on the wrong foot the last time we met, but I sincerely hope we can put that behind us, miss...?" Bruce lets the question hang.



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“What would I ever have

“What would I ever have done without your clear insight and capable wit, sweet Hamlin? A little tour would be delightful... You may find me at the Azure Iris in two hours. Now, you’ll have to excuse me for the time being – I can hardly claim to have been at the Fortune’s Wheel without having viewed the attractions I’ve heard so much of and sampled a few table games.”

She leaves a single chip on a “Queen of Hearts” field at Hamlin’s table, gives the dealer a wink, and walks away in a very suggestive manner.


With a plan forming in Canzonzia’s mind she gets thoroughly lost in the crowd, then finds her way to the Lady’s Rooms. When alone (confirmed with clairvoyance, if need be), she changes her guise to that of a well-dressed sword archon lady bearing the insignia of the Merkhant sect - the impression in her mind still fairly fresh from her relatively recent encounter with these celestials.

Preoccupying herself with applying makeup, she now waits for a seemingly weak-willed woman to enter – a classic case of a compulsive gambler that has been just about cleaned out. At this point, Canzonzia engages her in casual conversation until they are alone in the room, and then makes her move.


“Rough times at the tables, honey? Don’t worry; I’ve got a quick and easy business proposition that will make up your losses. You simply deliver a message for me anonymously and the recipient will pay you handsomely…”

The devil-in-disguise describes Shemeska’s table and the attendants by it.

“Now listen carefully. You address whoever is in charge at that table and say you have crucial information for the Marauder. You pass on that the men she is meeting with has cut a deal with the ogre mage merchant – they are acting on his behalf. Do this and the men at the table shall reward you handsomely for the information.”


[If the woman is at all hesitant after Canzonzia has tried to persuade her, she will force mind-affecting abilities on her.]

When the scapegoat has left, Canzonzia waits for a private moment to reassume her tiefling noblewoman form, then exits and oversees that the job is carried out to her satisfaction.



In case it shouldn’t be clear, Canzonzia is weaving a web of disinformation chaos that should motivate Shemeska to break off her meeting (which supposedly is with Zraekos).

She is posing as an agent of Zadara and framing Zraekos as an agent of Estavan – both of which are known to be hated rivals of Shemeska. A dangerous game to be sure, but one that seems less dangerous than sneaking into the meeting or dealing with Shemeska directly.

40 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+40, the result is 41.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: You wait and observe

OOC: You wait and observe the situation for almost a half-hour (OOC: allowing you to make any preparations you may need), you see nothing, though you are quite certain one of the Marauder's goons did bring the message (and leave the room in one piece, looking decidedly releived). Eventually, though, the doors to the private room swing open and you see the trio departing the room. Three well-dressed tieflings walk out--in almost perfect formation. Two look flustered, while the third, who leads the group looks offended, although in control. You suspect that the Marauder waited to bring up the subject of Zraekos' alleged contact withe Estavan and the PTC, probably accounting for the uncomfortable delay. Very probably, the Marauder is also more civil around pit fiends--the meeting probably didn't end as explosively as you'd have hoped. Probably, would be trying to find something out in a roundabout, fiendish kind of way, and both she and Zraekos love hearing themselves talk.

In a stroke of good fortune, Zraekos has delegated the task of carrying records to his minions. Both of them unfortunately. One looks like a scribe, his hands are stained with ink, probably recording the conversation that took place verbatim. The other looks to be carrying what you know from extensive experience to be a contract case. In annother stroke of good fortune, the group is walking out the door, rather than teleporting inside (which is generally seen as rude--ettiqite is annother of Zraekos' obsessions).

 Shemeska and her clump of handlers leave shortly thereafter. Shemeska does not look at all pleased, and she walks over to her own table. You see the gaurd who had the bad fortune to be the messanger collapse at the Marauder's telepathic rage--outwardly, she seems quite collected.



 The archon pauses for a very long time before speaking, seemingly choosing words with great care. She moves her mouth to speak several times, but doesn't speak. Finally, she speaks: "Thank you, Bruce Maxson. I am Lema." Annother very long pause. "You have given me more than you realize," a third pause. "Do you think good ends come from evil acts, Bruce Maxson?"



You return to Sigil through whatever portal you used to send to your sister. You reach the border of the the neighborhood outside Hell's gate that you make your home in. Your instincts tell you something is suspicious. The streets are crowded, but you can't shake the feeling someone is following you. You couldn't for the life of you say who though. (OOC: I assume you are disguised in human form at the moment)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Siddharta goes through the

Siddharta goes through the motions of changing humanoid forms 3x, in dark alleys and shadowy corners, if the feeling then still persists, he will consiously use his Arcane Senses to scan around him to see if he can find any magical eyes or other spying techniques near him...


ooc: +4 on dice for spot if vs hiding in shadows..

17 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 30.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"I suppose they can, if

"I suppose they can, if they prevent a greater evil. It would depend heavily on the situation."

Finally, a name!

That answers that question.

I want to talk to her.

Maybe when she's better settled. Lets not alarm her so soon.

What do you mean?

Unless you haven't noticed, everyone assumes that we're barmy when we share the body.

Pike them! We're sane! We're just... crowded.

Bruce blinks, as if he was distracted for a moment. "Is there anything I can get for you? I assume clothes are high on the list."


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Sidhartha: You don't see


You don't see any magical auras that would sugest scrying sensors of some sort, furthermore, you don't sense any illusiion auras either. You are reasonably confident that you have shaken whoever or whatever is following you, but if they saw you change shapes (you can't tell), then they will still be able to follow you, or at least make a sound guess as to who you are. (OOC: Where do you intend to go from here?)



From her expression, you get the feeling that wasn't the answer Lema was looking for, but so far, she's been quite dificult to read for a celestial. Lema looks down at the cloak she is wearing "I suppouse it would be best that I find something else to wear." Lema,'s mouth moves again, as though she intended to say something else, but again, she bites her tounge. Instead, she changes tack entirely, which was perhaps her original intent: "Where should I go?"




BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
"I have... no idea

"I have... no idea actually. I don't know where to find garments for people with wings, but I'm sure they can't be that hard to find in Sigil."

That and the fact that we have been wearing more or less the same clothes for three hundred years.

Hey! This is a damn good coat.

"If you want, we can start in the Clerk's Ward and move on from there. Or I can run out myself and try to find something while you rest here."


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