"No, this is the only safe place on this side to stand"
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet
"then follow me silently"
*spot check to see the mage, +4 if he is hiding in shadows...
OOC: Bruce is in front of you. You're on the far side of the gap (away from the stairs to the third floor)
ooc: ehm, on your map it shows the stairs continuesly on the top side, make up yr mind
OOC: Why is there no faceplam smiley? I was looking at annother map from my desktop. Don't mind me. In that case, Bruce is on the same side as you are, but he's gotten himself stuck on a stable part of the floor near the edge of the pit, a long way from the stairs. Make a spot check.
i did and got 25 , +4 if the target is trying to hide in shadows...
OOC: Ok, looks like I need a faceknife smiley . I blame iminent finals for want of something else.
You think you see a part of an invisible object's outline sticking out from behind the chair on the far side of the gap. You can't tell what it is.
After doing your best to undermine Ossael's goodness, the party is finally drawing to a close, and people are leaving. It is a good time to pass the package off without it being extremely obvious.
I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours!! HAHAhahAhahHAhhAhAHA!!
Drum slips off his invisibility as he says so.
Knowing well that Yebena, though currently not apparent can hear him, he continues.
I need a job - Sigil can get so BORING sometimes.. he states with all the mannerisms of a student sick of school.
Did Yebena pass the package on to me, before leaving? Or did she leave note of a time to return for the deed?
OOC: Now would be a good time for you to describe Finrik, Jurgen.
Surprisingly, Yebena is actually being social. She has been wandering around herself talking mostly to other fiends, as well as a few mortals. She does not seem to have evoked much of a reaction from most of them. Eventualy Yebena decides to leave.
As she pases you, she says telepathically: "The package is where it must be. I would be glad to show you the contract you inquired about and give you the captured papers. Where would you prefer to meet?"
(you didn't see Yebena hand off the package--probably a good thing)
OOC: You can inquire about the package if you like, but there is the risk that you reveal too much information to somone who may be set up to take a fall.
"Come in Su'oure Drum, and be seated. I your magic is useless when can easily smell you from here." Yebena gestures to a chair next to Fenrik and several seats away from her
(OOC: the choice of "be seated" as opposed to "take a seat" was intentional )
While commenting to nearby guests at a snack table how the food seems tasteless and spoiled, Canzonzabar responds telepathically to Yebena in a mildly cheerful tone.
“Well, you certainly seem in a less than gloomy mood, dear. Perhaps the next banquet will be at your mansion, hmm?”
“There’s a discrete raised platform with benches and trimmed patches of razorvine overlooking the Tower of the Wyrm by Petitioner’s Square. I used to linger there and listen to the screams of victims of the beast when the tower was still used by Mercykillers for their executions. I will be there in about half an hour.”
The devil passes time before the meeting asking no more questions of patrons, simply going about his business and mingling harmlessly among peers.
OOC: Because describing through writing is not my forte I will link you a picture instead.
Fenrik merely stares at the Xaositect. Turning to Yebena: "How many more will be joining us? Or is there just the one?"
OOC Less bald, I hope
Will get a post up soon.
Drum enters and seats himself, silently cursing Yebena for the specificity.
new dear What's my?
OOC: By soon, I meant within the week Also, what does Sidharta hope to do about the invisible outline on the far side of the gap?
"That is highly unlikely. I will see you in a half-hour." Yebena waits long enough to avoid sounding extremely rude, and walks out the door and vanishes with a clap as she teleports from the doorstep"
OOC: Anything you want to do between now and then, or should we move ahead again?
Drum and Fenrik:
"Nothing that you would find particularly interesting, mortal. I do not expect any more company at this hour."
"I see something hidden behind the chair on the far end of the gap, Bruce, i presume its the mage hiding, what now?.." he does this mentally..
"It could be a trick. Should we use it?"
"Just blast it with an area effect that you have...."
OOC: Sorry 'bout that, folks. Events conspired against me. In mass. Even with my incredible genius it took a while to get things worked out. But I'm back now, and welcome to our new player!
So, how many rounds does Bruce have to catch up on? Or we can say he had another blackout and Sid's arrival wakes him if you prefer. I've been awol long enough that I won't complain either way... this time.
Drum twiddles his thumbs (and toes).
AHhehHHAh Did you hear the one about the Balor in Mount Celestia?!
OOC: I will describe how each situation plays out and give everyone time to ask questions and declare what they are doing with their downtime before I post the next scene (as it were)
Bruce and Sidharta:
Bruce blasts the armchair with a blast of sonic energy, which tears fabric and stuffing off the chair's wooden frame (which buckles and shatters shortly thereafter. A black bolt leaps from the hand of a now visible wizard. He has long, greying black hair, and wears a deep blue coat. In one hand, he carries a staff made of light-colored wood topped with a steel cap. The ray strikes a section of floor between Bruce and Sidharta and explodes in a vaporous burst of black energy. Floorboards wither, warp, and rot, and both Sidharta and Bruce feel the blast leechin their health too (but manage to resist the spell's effects). On the other hand, any nonmagical and organic gear Bruce or Sidharta is carrying is now rotten and flimsy. Sidharta casts dimensional anchor from his scroll on the wizard. Bruce points his rod at Oakry and traps him in a cage of force. He follows up with several blasts of icy energy, which manage to drop the caged wizard. Before either Bruce or Sidharta can fully apreciate their victory, Lors Oakry's body and all his gear disintegrates into a vaugely human shaped pile of clay (both of you recognize that this is a duplicate created with simulacrum (OOC: use of snow seems stupid to me, a caster can use whatever the hell they feel like to make a simulacra (?)).
This means that the real Lors Oakry must be upstairs if he is even present at all. Carfefully climbing up the now rotten stairs by puuting most of your weight on the railings, you discover that this floor has been vacated in a hurry. Oakry's (you presume) effects are scatered across the floor. Entire bookshelves (or most of them) have been cleared, and papers are strewn across the floor (there is still a huge ammount of stuff up here). In one wall, there is a giant hole, resulting from what sems to disintegrate spell. It leads to the street.
You begin searching the room for anything enlightening or valuble, but soon, you hear the golem's plodding footsteps and then the thud and rip of what you assume is it's fist through the wall. The same thing happens again, and you are certain the golem's last order is to bring down the house. The groaning of overstressed supourt timbers seem to confirm this. Both of you lower yourselves out the hole and drop to the street (taking 1d6 damage, but that's not especialy relevant). Each of you is carrying a rather eclectic pile of things you managed to loot (when you find time to identify them, I'll tell you what each item is).
Sidharta casts invisibility on himself and (at his request) Bruce as well. Both of you split up and flee in seperate directions. to your respective residences. There is no way you can catch Oakry in time at this point, and there's no point doing a job you won't be paid for.
Yebena also arrives exactly on time in the same disguise she used in Carceri. She casts a spell you aren't familiar with before handing an immense scroll case to you. As far as you can tell the contract is genuine (the genuine signatures of a Lord of the Nine are magical and have a very stron aura of law and evil, to insure they aren't forged. As far as you know this magic would be beyond even the most highly skilled wizards' abilities to duplicate.
The contract is signed by Dispater, Mephistophles, and Fashaq, have all signed the contract. Titivilus (Dispater's lawyer and spokesman), Bele (Mephistophles' Cheif judge and somone or something that signs it's name with a circle containing the Yugoloth word for wizard are identified witnesses.
You learn the following in adition (the contract itself is probably the equivilant of a few hundred pages of regular sized parchcment, but Yebena's scroll case is very large, the writing is very small, and the paper seems to have more words on it than it should (this is fairly common Baatezu and Yugoloth magic for contract writing):
The contract is relatively recent--made only a matter of months ago
It required that Fashaq produce a weapon in accordance with the specifications written in an apendix (which Yebana has not provided)
It required that Fashaq complete his work by the day you were sent to Carceri
It required that Fashaq not share any information here with annother party (party is defined as a faction in this case, not an individual, presumably, Fashaq would not be violating his agreement by sharing this information with Yebena, his (apparent) superior. The contract aslo required the same of all the witnesses, and references more specific contracts where these signatures can be found are mentioned.
The contract forbids Fashaq and any other parties privy to the knowledge from producing and or selling defenses against this weapon until a certain time period exactly 1 day from now
(OOC: If you have any specific questions about what is or isn't in the contract, please ask)
Fenrik and Druim:
I'm out of time now and I have to be off the computer soon. I'll post your stuff later this evening.
ooc:I wish to state that i brought some pieces of the simulacrum with me, (the head per example) they have blood of the caster interred into the building of it, and that can help us later locate him i would imagine...
OOC: Okay, noted.
OOC: Sorry, I'm out of the habit of posting and checking. I'll leave a bit more time for everyone to see this thread and declare any actions. If I get nothing by this evening, I'll post the next day's actions and let you declare retroactively (you'll actually have a few days, so if there's something that would take more than one day, you can do that)
OOC: I will assume you eventualy lose interest in pestering Yebena (I'm regretting not thinking more about this interlude, and I'm sorry about that.
Yebena describes in vauge terms what you'll be doing and what the situation. She doesn't bother to directly threaten you, but it is implied.
This is what you know:
-that the package retreived was a powerful weapon
-that Yebena is working with Ephaez
-Where (in general terms--that is Baator) the weapon is headed
You are expected to tag along with Yebena and the others and help ensure that whatever needs to be done gets that way. Yebena also makes it clear that 'what needs to get done' is not nescisarily what you arre being paid (by Ephaez) to do are not always the same thing. Yebena also hands you a small coin purse that contains a few gold coins (enough to buy accomodation and food at an inn in the lower ward for a long-term stay (about 100 gp). OOC: Remember, you don't have any money, all your wealth is invested in gear at the moment. The bag also contains a small black dagger that feels magical,
Fenrik nods." I see, by your leave?"
Were we told to meet up at a certain time again or not? is it open ended and must we make contact with anybody ourselves again?
If so, then Siddharta will bide his time, he will buy some pearls and sit with the found items and identify them all, decide what to do with them and then do some shopping and only then regroup to Yebena i guess....
Sorry. Just replying to your post to get a full screen and a post button I can see
you have three days and need to spend 1000 gp identifying everything including what appears to be potions andd cheap truff. Also, nobody has established a meeting time or place. Presumably Ephaez will contact you.
cheap stuff, hmmz...,
Ok, i will spend those 3 days making an inventory (identifying, results by pm?) then and contacting Bruce meanwhile asking if he needs assistance in identifying etc... (cant potions be done by spellcraft?, some potions would not be worth the 100gp pearl used in the identifying, hmmz)
ps: i have 10 pearls on me atm...but regardless of that i will use 10 new pearls that i will buy...so i will keep 10 in reserve..
OOC: Bruce has no means of identification, so he will do the following:
Detect magic on the pile (and doing his best to figure out the auras of each.)
Magic items will be sorted through, and based off of a few skills and some guesswork (taking 10 on kowledge arcana and spellcraft for a 30 each to see if I can guess what each magic item might be).
If an item seems useful, I will keep it on my ship.
Nonmagical items that dont seem particularly interesting or seem like I might want to keep them for the ship/ magical items I'm not too sure about I will set aside to sell later.
After this sorting, Bruce is going to use the nest couple days to look into hireing a decent crew. In particular, he will make an effort to find some honest clueless down on their luck in the hive and offer them a chance out of Sigil.
In addition to general crewman, Bruce is looking for:
A navigator (specifically an experianced planewalker who seems to know, or at least know where to find information on, portals large enough for the Ideaclad to go through)
At least one craftsman (for general repairs later, but start filling in the inside of my ship for now)
A few low level spellcasters (Pilot rotation so no one is required to be on helm every single hour of the day)
It's alot, I know, but Bruce has a ship now and thats where his head is at.
Canzonzabar marvels inwardly at the sight of signature from no less than two Lords of the Nine, and given his extensive experience with forgery it comes instinctively to do his utmost in memorizing the patterns of writing – his best mental imitation is transferred magically to the Papyrus of Deception. Not that he deems it likely that he could hope to fool any worthy high-ups, though might there might come a time when dealing with more clueless berks where it could become plausible.
“An impressive written ordeal, to say the least. It would seem there is little time before the weapon is to be used – the clause that prohibits the production of countermeasures against it runs out soon.”
“I am tempted to ask what happens now, because I am sure you have something in mind, dearest. However, know that I shall not cater to Epheaz more than I have to… It is not only the implication with Fashaq’s productions – no more joint operations until the pit fiend has paid me in full for the initial job.”
“Regardless, I appreciate our present working arrangement, Yebena. I shall do my part to learn what I can of the likely target for the weapon, then perhaps we might have more information to exchange when next we meet.”
If we’re forwarding time and events until the group is gathered again, there’s a number of things Canzon would like to have done in the meantime:
1. Identify all valuables gathered so far and sell off that which seems of little use to his current or coming brachina form (probably incl. magic arms and armor from the attack on the Crossed Daggers Tavern and the sword archons at Jowen).
2. Find a reliable provider and commission a gem of true seeing, fashioned as a stylish monocle. Hide, trap, and ward most of his remaining wealth in multiple locations as usual.
3. Create as solid an alibi he can against implication in the coming assassination. To this effect, he contacts trustworthy associates that can be convinced or bribed to swear before trial that they were present with him at the time of assassination and generally speak against his involvement.
4. Keep close tabs on Baatorian politics, particular to learn if any infernal nobles recently have gained enmity from Dispater or Mephistopheles.
5. Keep his cool.
(Sorry about lack of formatting, it doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment.)
Finally. That took longer than expected. I'm going to let some of this play out before skipping to your next summouns by Ephaez to allow you to learn what's going on.
OOC: More specific about what you're selling, please. The gear from the Crossed Daggers is worth 33,000. The Archon's gear was all temporarily enchanted. You have some masterwork stuff. It would be prudent to hold onto it for the time being in case somebody recognizes it)
When you return to your house (after you've sold whatever you want to get rid of), an imp servant presents you with a heavy, fireproof envelope with Ephaez's lead seal on it. The envelope contains all of the papers you need for promotion (strictly demotion and then promotion, because you need to be an erineyes to be promoted to a brachina). You immediately make your way to the lakes of fire in Phegelthos, specifically the section claimed by Dispater for promotions and demotions. It orders your immediate summons to the lakes of fire.
You lose track of time in the haze of burning pain, but when your new form is dragged from the flaming pit of helfire, the first thing you notice after taking some time to recover your composure and get used to your new form is that something is very, very wrong in the pits. While you were being promoted, great walls of iron have been raised around Dispater's claimed portion of the lakes of fire (when you entered, they were constructed of jagged stone, and stood only a few hundred feet tall). These walls are manned by countless Cornugons wearing the heavy, lead colored plate of the Iron tower's elite guard. The entire area is also being patrolled far more frequently and by greater numbers of fiends.
A harried looking Livrezu aproaches you. He is flanked by six barbazu and carries a giant book under one arm.
"Former name and rank? Current name and rank?" (OOC: Baatezu are permitted to take a new name after promotion, though it is not strictly nescesary, and in Canzon's case probably needlesly complicated as contacts go also). The sage devil also hands you a large sheaf of papers from his pocket. "Fill these out before departing. Use the portal."
(you do not recall any portals here)
(I will post more when you reply to the PM I sent.)
In any case, Hell's gate turns into an armed camp practicaly overnight. When you come closer to observe, you are turned away by the hamatulas guarding the gate (there used to be only one) for want of papers. From the gate, you can see fiends in the colors of all the lords of the nine. Especially conspicuously, you see pairs of black and gold cloaked cornugons--elite First Command soldiers from Malsheem. They roar indescriminately at any Baatezu who quarrel, demanding silence and order. You cannot tell who is fighting who from the scene in the street.
As the days pass, you observe the situation in Hells Gate and many surrounding neighborhoods dominated by the Baatezu is rapidly deteriorating into chaos and violence, with fighting in the streets. This is an ideal oportunity to loot and cause mayhem indescriminately while taking a few (or more) stabs at those boring lawful berks
OOC: Depending on the priority Drum gives to looting, burning, terrorizing, and destroying, I will provide an apropriate scenario for him.
While you are sitting in the room you have rented, you receive a sending from Yebena, summoning you to her house.
"Walk with me, please, mortal," says Yebena. You walk with Yebena, who wears less imposing and expensive robes, but otherwise does not disguise herself. You walk from the Lady's ward to the lower ward on the other side of the ring (which is, infuriatingly, where you just came from). Yebena stops at the mouth of a street leading to one of the neighborhoods near Hell's Gate and leans idly against the the side of a building. In the middle of the street, only fifty feet distant, you see two mortal (mostly tiefling and human) gangs wearing the colors of Malboge and Stygia battling each other.
"Heh. See what we have wrought, mortal," says Yebena. "You have played a part in many plots over the years, I am sure, but even an unwilling participant can apreciate the novelty and tremendous magnitude of this situation. You should enjoy your participation here, pawn or not. Perhaps you will gain something from it too." (Yebena streses this part, though you fail to see anything you stand to gain that won't be taken away by the 'loths save for experience and grevious wounds)
Yebena continues to stare thoughtfully at the madness ahead of her, and you see a faint, fanged smile cross her features.
Portals tend to open randomly in places in the center of Sigil. Little ships fly about mapping and marking these.
You receive a sending from Yebena while aboard your ship:
"Bruce Maxson. I have an archon in my possesion, and I tire of keeping her alive. I expect payment soon or I will find something better and more profitable to do with her. I would ask that you meet with me to discuss an apropriate payment."
The reshaped fiend takes a deep breath and stretches her newly formed frame. The excruciating pain of the transformation process still rings in her mind, yet it is fading, allowing her senses to feel the new body.
The devil stretches and flexes her limbs, admiring the flawless skin and feeling the potent toxins in pores just beneath the surface – infernal poison that will unravel the minds of her enemies. No mirror is needed for her to sense how her entire stature has become a vision of beauty, and she feels immensely graceful and confident, even moreso than in her past form. The fiend gazes through eyes that are depthless black pools and sees that the world is clearer, sharper, as if motives and dispositions of those around her are written on their forehead. Though she can feel her outline blurring and adapting under her shapeshifting powers, the red curly hair of the new natural form would take some time getting used to... Finally, she stretches her great black-feathered wings – a sensation she has not known for countless centuries.
She was reborn. A beautiful dark angel, gifted with charms and guile beyond mortal ken and tasked with bringing low the righteous of the planes.
“Former name Canzonzabar, rank of falxugon. Current name Canzonzia, rank of brachina.”
Her voice had changed. It should have come as no surprise, yet it was still a peculiar experience to hear it in these higher tones for the first time. Canzonzia fills out the papers, instinctively reaching out for the pen with a tail that she finds she no longer has. She traces fingers through her scalp, feeling the absence of horns. It would take some time getting used to the new order of things, not least this more radical change in self-perception...
On the specifics of sales, it would depend what identification revealed about magic items I have accumulated so far (wasn’t there also something about potions from the archon hideout?). If the cloth from Carceri was indeed a portable hole, that’s one thing I’ll hold on to, at least.
How would you like to handle mechanics about the promotion? Should I move skill ranks and class levels as such from old to new form, or should I simply rebuild from scratch? I guess it would be best to discuss this in the OOC thread.
OOC: thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!
The Aasimar takes great pleasure in watching the madness around him unfold. The spread of chaos strengthens him - providing him with lifeblood. He takes care to remain invisible for the time being and observe events around him to gain a better understanding of how he can escalate the situation. His trademark jumping and cackling fill the atmosphere with a twisted happiness. At first he only attempts to scare and surprise - or feast on weak-looking berks who are alone. Once again, though his appetite -in the literal sense- is satiated, he remains ravenous.
Keeping his stealth about him, he searches for cheap explosives (though, not necessarily magical). Whether it be by looting, stealing or plain intimidation, he has to gather a LOT of bomb-making material. When he has enough explosives and when the time is right (eg. when there are a maximum amount of bodies in the vicinity), his intent is to arrange the paraphenilia in such a manner that there is a giant smile on the landscape (a few blocks wide) teeth and all.
Burning a smile onto the immediate landscape would really bring some warmth to the area... literally.
ooc: will post after some things get clear regarding pm's
Fenrik smirks. "Yes, and perhaps you shall grow 2 heads and open an orphanage. You are more of a fool than I thought, Arcanaloth. I thought I would actually accomplish something before I went back to sleep but it seems it is my lot to be continually dissapointed." A tone of amusement creeping into his voice.
OOC: Due to forum changes I have changed colors if this is OK with you wei.
You won't be able to bomb an entire block. Nonmagical explosives are very primitive, and the hundreds of barrels of black powder required are rather...obvious (no modern plastic explosives for Su'oure Drum! ). There is also the question of mazing. (eep!) If you want to blow things up, you have to be a bit more underhanded. (also, remember that you could probably find some Tanar'ri help if you were determined enough. They'd be happy to assist). Given the restrictions of primitive explosives, I assume that you will have a change in approach (I'm happy to make suggestions)
Yebena does not respond to your verbal poke, but you feel youself lift a few inches off the ground and float immobile for a few seconds (I rolled your save vs. TK, and you got a modified 17--or rather FAIL! )
"There is a great deal to be done, mortal. Much of it by you," Yebena adds, while walking around the fighting still on the street. You see one tiefling stumble away from the melee, and into Yebena. He falls dead, bleeding from the neck (hurah for killing first level characters!) You know that this is very unusual--most arcanaloths disdain physical combat.
"The first thing we will do is visit the ambasador to Dis."
OOC: All of your effects are safely locked up somewhere safe. There is no place to put them here. There is also the question of pronouns (like all erineyes and brachinas, you are a she at this point in time, remember, unless you specifically change your shape).
The liverezu is gone--teleported some distance away on to annother job. If you are looking for information, someone who isn't absorbed by their duties may be a good choice.
OOC: I'm in the process of figuring the cost of your crew and backgrounds for important members (you also need to hire riggers--who will almost certainly have had some spelljamming experience.)
OOC: Waiting on replies
I wasn’t sure about whether all brachinas necessarily had to be female (it seems implied but isn’t explicitly stated in their entry), so I had just kept referring to Canzon as male to make it easier on myself. I don't mind playing opposite gender, so if that’s your preference I’ll edit the previous post correspondingly and play the character as female from this point on.
It does raise an interesting question for me, however: since baatezu change genders through ranks, do they maintain one gender identity, do their self-perception change through ranks, or do they essentially have a genderless mindset?
Oh, and regarding my question on how to handle mechanics after the promotion?
Faces of evil says that all Erineyes are female. I applied it to Brachinas because they are a direct step up from Erineyes.
Faces of Evil says that Baatezu do change their physical gender as they are promoted (they have to if a male Baatezu passes through the Erineyes caste). Mentally, I suppouse their phsycology might change with gender, though probably not as much as a mortal's would (since gender probably matters much less to a fiend).
You can redesign your character. One level of sorceror is kinda useless at this level.
OOC: whoops.. totally forgot about mazing
In a rare moment of thoughtful contemplation, the Joker decides it best to save his 'warm smile' antic for a Gatetown instead. Seeing as how many individuals he already has murdered/devoured, it wouldn't take much more for the Lady to maze/flay him alive.
Perhaps if he only assisted with perpetuating the existing chaos, it would feed some of his hunger. Drum searches for like-minded associates in the vicinity. Perhaps a few murders, muggings, or very minor acts of arson/terrorism (a building rather than a block) would cheer him up.
After filling out all the required forms, Canzon takes in the sight of the new constructions in Dispater’s domain of the lake of fire with a creeping suspicion and addresses the resident caretaker.
“May I ask of recent developments here? It would seem there have been significant fortification and increase of military personnel since I entered the lake.”
ooc: waiting on Weishan to answer pm's.
[OOC: I'm in the process of figuring the cost of your crew and backgrounds for important members (you also need to hire riggers--who will almost certainly have had some spelljamming experience.)]
OOC: Bruce used to work as a rigger himself, so he can train people if it looks like there is a shortage of riggers for hire.
When it comes right down to it, if I recall correctly rigging and its use adds to the ships manueverability class, but strictly speaking the ship can forgoe it in an emergency.
Also, Bruce is on the lookout for any shops that he can go to have his newly aquired loot appraished and possibly sold at.
OOC: I can't post fully now, within a few hours, I'll be back.
You want to search the hive for some Tanar'ri to help you out or not?
You find the following
2 wizards (ooc: 5th level ish) who will work for 10 GP per day when you are actualy traveling
OOC: I'm finalizing the loot list and will have what you get soon. Also, what do you intend to do about the Archon?
Potion of invisibility
2 potions of haste
2 potions of cure serious wounds
horn of fog
necklace of fireballs III
ring of feather fall
Scroll of hold monster
Scroll of lesser globe of invulnerability
Scroll of silence
Scroll of flase life
potion of delay poison
potion of lesser restoration
potion of levitate
dust of illusion (2 uses)
a ragged and repaired robe that does not identify, but detects as moderate transmutation and conjuration
Loot - Bruce will sell everything but the potion of invisibility. Docking a ship aint cheap and he could use the cash.
Crew- In addition to the 10gp per day of travel, Bruce will look into finding and paying for rooms for the mages he has hired.
Archon- In all honesty Bruce doesn't having anything now that's likely to entice a yugoloth, however Bruce will reply with an offer of releasing the archon into Bruce's custody now, and in return once the ship is operation he offers 3 free transports of cargo. Speedy, secure, and no questions asked. And the reminder that Bruce no longer has a life expectancy, so this offers lasts for hundreds of years.
OOC: yes, Drum looks for a Tanar'ri that may be able to help him cause some havoc. He also checks around to see if there is anything of worth to be stolen - or any easy-looking berks to bob.
Scroll of hold monster, potion of delay poison, potion of lesser restoration are the ones Siddharta will keep,
a ragged and repaired robe that does not identify, but detects as moderate transmutation and conjuration
Siddharta will sell the rest first to the person who made him the ring he commisioned, and he will ask that person to find out what the robe does for real, and how much its worth, whilst that is going on he will go out of Sigil to cast sending to his sister again to see if he can get her to answer, nothing special, just to see whats up...
depending on how much money he gets of the selling, he will then decide about any weapon and or shield he wants...
(sorry for the delay, bu i fried my actual motherboard of my old comp, so i had to get a new one...)
OOC: At this time, Bruce will expend his psionic focus to channel three powerpoints through his cough to make it a thread-bumping cough.
IC: *Cough*
You find yourself standing in front of the giant cole created by your spell. You can see Bruce standing completely still on the far side of the gap (you don't know how he got across).
"Careful, you've done a lot of structural damage to the building, Sid. Not all of these boards can suppourt your weight."
ooc: hole? not cole
"Are you magically held? Bruce..?"
Siddharta carefully proceeds up the 2nd set of stairs, peeking slightly around corners to see movement (even invisible ones i will note, via my spell), and the moment he sees the mage, i will cast the Dimensional Anchor spell on him...