Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta followed him, but at a 2 feet distance...

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Sorry about that. Where were we?" Bruce stands up and dusts himself off.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"No problem, just be carefull with it, i dont want you to fire away at random, or even focused on me because i am near you."

"We were discussing the purchase of magic to disguise you..." Siddharta says without stepping back from the 2 feet distance.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Oh, right. Nifty. If it comes right down to it, its not necessary, but he just wanted to cover our asses. If you have those scrolls, we should be fine."
"So, when do you want to rock this bugger's world? Should we do this tonight, or give him one last day on..." Bruce looks down. "...whatever this city's made of."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"No, i want this over and done, and i wish to find out a.s.a.p why they wanted him dead and what problems we get from killing him...lets go see the address?"

(assuming the scrolls have been bought, and Bruce has his hat of disguise at least.)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Alright, tonight then. But I can't do it now, I need to wait of him to wake up first."

OOC: Bruce won't have a hat of disguise, unless you plan on buying him one. He can't afford it, and its not important enough to him to ask you to buy it for him.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta will agree a time and place where to meet in the evening, and then mull over the prospect of having to buy Bruce a hat...

"Should efficiency be more of use then an IOY?, hmmz, what do i gain form him having such a minor item, a lot i guess, as then he will have the ability to change his appearance, to be less aparent...i will keep a tab on him then though...he will not get it for 'free', but we will see how this investment will work out.."

Siddharta will buy a Hat of Disguise (probably where he also had the ring made for himself), if possible he will buy one that fits the coat Bruce wears..probably a Bicorne of some sort..., he will have it wrapped in a small box as a present.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Wha? Where....

You had one of your blackouts, again. In the middle of a delightful conversation with Sid. Relax, I handled it.

Really? Is he...

Oh, he's alive. He thinks we're crazy, though. and with YOU he might not be far off.

What about the plan?

I told him I had to wait for you to wake up first, you know how crap we are in a fight without the other. Now that your up, we can get this party started, as soon as we meet up again.

Thank you, this was one of those angry blackouts.

I know, I was there. I had to let you get to the alley and vent for a bit before I could take control.

I so dislike them. Every time it happens, I'm afraid I won't wake up for another three hundred years.

I know. Now, lets distract ourselves from our recent setbacks with an act of violence against a presumably innocent man. Will that make you feel better?

Gods, I hate you.

Bruce will head to whatever meeting place was agreed on, and will wait for Sid to show up.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta is again 5 minutes early, and in the same non-descript for of a human in grey and blue clothes...

When Bruce arrives, Siddharta nods, and says to him; "Ah, there you are, well, i have a 'gift', and he pulls from behind him a box with a lint wrapped around it like a present...

He hands it to Bruce, and awaits his reaction like a child hoping to see a smile from his friends.. with a feline grin full of teeth from ear to ear...

"See this as an investment, as i wish you to work as efficient as i do..."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


You and Trift arrive at the front gates of Osael's mansion. A smallish stream of people, representing a decent cross-section Sigil's diverse upper class is trickling in through the open doors. Osael's mansion is made of white marble, carved with images of each of the layers of Mount Celestia. The mansion is roofed with elaborate copper domes and high gables. The copper is green form years of wear and acid rain. As with most buildings in Sigil, it is adorned with tall ornamental blades (highly polished steel, unlike the rest of the roof).

At the top of the steps, you are greeted by an aasimar doorman, wearing a white and silver tunic and pants. He carries a small leather book and a quill pen in one hand, and greets people as they enter. He seems entirely unbothered by your general fiendishness.

To you and Trift: "Good day sirs. Do you have an invitation?" (I'm assuming that you introduce yourself) "Canzonzabar," He says to himself and flips through the book and checks off what you think is your name. "Very well, please come in. You may leave your weapons and cloaks with a servant in the entryway if you would like. It is entirely optional, of course.

You enter a fairly small (by the standards of Sigilian mansions) entrance hall. Through another set of opened oak doors is the hall of the mansion. It is not yet filled with guests, but there are still quite few people present. Most are milling about talking with other guests. A few have claimed seats at one of the several large circular tables or have clustered around a bar at the rear of the hall. You can see that some of the hall has been set aside for dancing, and a large stage has been set up for the orchestra, who is sitting quietly at the moment.

Looking around, you can see Yebena pacing alone near the wall closest to the most densely filled tables. You can tell (by the ears again) that she is listening to the various conversations. You very much doubt that she has noticed you.

Yebena has chosen to wear a grey robe trimmed in a dark blue-purple. The midsection of the robe is covered by three heavy looking articulated plates of black metal. The robe is a compromise between something distinctly Ghennan (heavy fabric, high collar, etc.) and regular Sigilian fashion. It is also very much unlike her previous choice of attire, which made her look large and scary—but not at all fashionable, at least not in Sigil. You don’t know about the latest Ghennan fashions, and you don’t particularly care either.. Although you almost miss it at first, you can also see that Yebena is being shadowed by (you presume) a nycaloth bodyguard. Disturbingly like his mistresses, the grey-tuniced nycaloth is tall, and unhealthily thin. You can see no openly carried weapons or armor on his person.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
Canzon:I will provide a descriptive sost later, you are free to describe any preperations you've made after that, if you want.
Alright, I’ll simply have taken the time to provide a change of apparel for both Canzon and Trift, and to test out the dark cloth from Carceri to confirm if it is indeed a portable hole.

The fiend steps slowly through the hall on his cloven hooves with dazzling new attire to set the standard for Sigilian upper-class fashion and lifestyle, being the utter narcissist that he is.
He wears a splendid suit of dark red coat, waistcoat, and breeches, with grayish off-white dress shirt and cravat, while he sparkles with lining, rings and cufflinks of mithral - perhaps as an ironic reflection on his nature, as they are easily mistaken for silver to the untrained eye.
Trift as well have had a change of appearance, dressed in suitably gallant dark clothes though tailored for discretion and more practical in nature. His larger armaments have not been turned in but rather stored extra-dimensionally to avoid standing out.

Shifting his stick to the prong of his prehensile tail for a moment and crossing his arms, Canzonzabar surveys the scene.

“Bah. The dove’s nest is a masquerade of hypocrisy. Time to point out the flaws of paradise.”

The devil keeps to the crowds, scouring guests to single out which are the prestigious and the wealthy. If no particularly famous Sigilians have arrived at this point, he settles for engaging in small talk with a guest that seems or is known to have been “enlightened” by Osael recently.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"A gift..." Bruce takes the present with only slight hesitation. "I can't remember the last time we received a gift that didn't have a nasty rune inside."

Despite his words of caution, Bruce tears open the box.
"A hat." Bruce looks up. " I assume this is one with illusion magics woven in, like the one's you mentioned before?"

Aw, he likes you.

You know, I almost prefer it when fiends are trying to kill me. It's less awkward.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I’ve just had the equivalent of a 14 hour school day thanks to homework (without any kind of procrastination to blame). They say “we want to reduce student stress.” Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, administrator guy. Very funny. Please forgive any errors or disturbing grammatical correctness in this post.

OOC: If Bruce and Sidharta have no more preperations, I'd like to jump ahead a bit.


You see a few people that you know have escaped from their contracts with various Baatezu. These are the only people who you know are definitely reformed, or at least in the process of it. Most of them are fairly insignificant, and have previously traded their souls for money and other small favors. In general, contracts for anything more than this are made with souls who are definitely lawful and evil who will make good Baatezu. Less evil souls are not usually worth the effort and additional expenditures. In any case, the high value contractees (?) are not as easy to redeem, and more attention is paid to their contracts in any case.
You doubt that you could sway many of the less significant contractees back to the cause of Law and Evil anyway. Osael is extremely convincing. You may find seeking new to contracts to be considerably more profitable--even if it is rather less ironic and does not provide the ideological satisfaction.

As far as important people that you recognize and who stand out enough to see easily from where you sit. There are doubtless others too. I will provide a list (You may make a d20 for knowledge if you are interested in one. I don’t really want to write which check is for which person or provide a description if I don’t have to. I’ve written quite enough today:

Unity of Rings: Parties aren’t usually his thing, but Osael’s may be an exception. You don’t know.

Tripicus (Ursinal scholar and lecturer)

Milori (Lillend linguist)

Harys Hatchis

Estavan and a lot of high level management in the PTC


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta wants to stake out the house of that find out if i can get any additional info on the person...together with Bruce if need be.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

As their staking out the house Bruce, Bruce is disguised as a man he once knew on the Darrow, and relays to Sid the following plan:

"Sid, you need to take the first shot at him. Hit him with one of those scrolls. After that I'll go in, trap him, and we set to work on him. If anything goes wrong, help me unless doing so lets him escape. We only get one shot at this, we can't afford to blow it. And letting him raise an alarm would be almost as bad as letting him escape."

Bruce will specifically be observing the house to determine when the wizard is asleep, where he sleeps, and if he has any guards. He will use the floorplan Eaphaz gave him to aid in this where possible.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Sidharta & Bruce:

Lors Oakry lives on 3 Lantern Way. Living up to it's name, it is indeed heavily lit lanterns (much more so than the rest of the clerk's ward, which is not nearly as densely lit) It is a private neighborhood, and you see two guards wearing red uniforms carrying pikes standing by the gates. They look extremely alert and pace back and forth. You doubt that the guards would let you in at this hour. You are too far away to have been noticed yet. You also suspect that there is a 3rd guard in a guardhouse by the gate, but you can't see for certain. (Sidharta can see that the two guards have several magic auras on them, probably weapons, armor, etc. The stone guardhouse blocks any possible auras of the potential 3rd guard)

You cannot get close to the house because of this, and you will need to get by the guards to do so.

Any sane person would be asleep at this hour, though. The floorplan guess is not detailed enough to indicate the location of a bedroom. Most likely, it does not border any window.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

how far is the guardhouse from the gates?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Immediately next to them

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Bruce... do we tackle the guards first, or do we ignore them and try to go straight for the kill?"

italized because of telepathy to bruce

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Under NO circumstances should we fight the guards. While taking out the guards early might make the mission easier later, it presents a whole new list of problems. We have two days, rushing in on the first night isn't worth it." Bruce whispers.

Bruce looks over at Sid. "You're a fiend, and a mage. Are you telling me you can't teleport? Cause if you can get yourself over, I can teleport short distances, and avoid the guards that way."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"No i cannot, and speak in your mind please, i will hear you anyway.."

"I am an arcane caster of the sort that does it because of innate abilities, not because the mind has been trained that way, this is the way of my 'people'"

"If i am correct, the catch all frase is 'Sorceror'?"

"I can however use some of my magical abilities to change form to a humanoid form that can fly, and get over the wal that way, whilst being invisible, and entry to the building can be done by just creating a new opening in any one exsisting wall"

Siddharta smiles politely as the 2 walk around the building at a safe enough distance.. far enough so that the guards dont notice them, he does cling to the shadows, and seems very silent whilst doing so..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: It's the neighborhood that's guarded, not the building as far as you can tell. You can see the building from where you stand (it is about 100 feet from the gate to the neighborhood). If you moved, it would no longer be visible to you. You'd have to walk around the entire nighborhood.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

ooc: Ah, i will edit my previous post then a bit.. I thought the guards were the wizards personal guards and the wall was around his estate Smiling, my bad.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Though Canzonzabar is eager to work his craft, it is not every day you have a chance to meet Sigil Advisory Council members and other such noteworthy high-ups. He postpones conversion plans for now and rather waits for a socially suitable moment of approaching Estavan.

“A fine evening where finer residents may be met - a pleasure for this fellow enterpriser to meet such an accomplished merchant lord.”

The devil’s greeting is more than thoroughly forthcoming and respectful.

“How fares the bargains of the Planar Trade Consortium these days?”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

And greetings also to you," Estavan seems to search for a name, but on failing to find one, he simply leaves the opportunity for you to introduce yourself. "Business is well for me, as always." The ogre spends a moment adjusting his silk robe before returning his atention to you.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

“Such modesty speaks of commendable tact…”

Though a flicker of slight disappointment lingers in Canzon’s mind that his name is not known in such a circle, it does nothing to stir his façade and manners. The devil bows deeply and makes his introduction.

“I am known as Canzonzabar and work my craft out of Sigil as well as the City of Dis. I am similarly involved in the flow of commodities on the planes, albeit with preference for a more… focused niche.”

“Should your dealings or those of the Consortium take you to the productive Iron City, feel free to look me up and I may be able to ease up some of the local trade regulations and taxes.”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


You know that Estavan shies away from the large-scale soul trade for legal reasons (The PTC is based in Tradegate, after all). Estavan probably wouldn't be very familiar with the prominant players of the industry (as it were). He can pay in souls, but he makes every effort to avoid it.

"My business is of an entirely legal nature, of course," Estavan grins: "Though I am certain we can arrange something mutually profitable within the bounds set by your laws. Where shall I instruct my representatives to pay a call?"

Estavan seems genuinely interested in your offer, but not especially interested in you personally. He is not certain what you have to offer, or how influential you are. (Estavan stays out of politics except when it concerns the PTC or it's competition)

You are interrupted by Yebena's cold telepathic voice from across the hall (Canzon) "I would speak about business that concerns you, perhaps, Canzonzabar."

You can see Yebana and her Nycaloth bodyguard sitting at an otherwise unoccupied table (Nobody wants to sit next to an arcanaloth, after all), putting you just barely within range of her telepathy.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Walking around the neighborhood does not provide any useful information (you can't see the house well) but you are not seen.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

ooc: Did we have 2 full days after this one, or is there only 1 day left now?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

It is is very early morning of day 1, so you have slightly less than a day and a half.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Poke, guys.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce will track down Sid and 'think' the following at him.

We think we should pull back for now. Security for the area will be less during the day, when people coming and going is to be expected. We will stake out the home during the day, and hide from patrols until nightfall.

Also, it occurs to me that I should probably ask you, what exactly can you do?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce and Sidharta:

Skipping ahead to eight hours ascending (8 past antipeak), you learn relatively little. The area around the neighborhood is fairly secluded, with only a few pedestrians passing through on thier way elsewhere. A handful of well-to-do people, who you assume are residents leave through the neighborhood's gates (but no one enters them). There are still two visible guards at the gate, and the existance of a third in the guardhouse was confirmed when the night guards were releived.

One thing to remember is that you have exactly 12 hours before the two days you've been given expires. Most people will still be awake then. At mid-day, the neighborhood may actually be at it's most deserted when people are out working, running errands, or socializing. By 8 hours descending, almost everyone will be at home and off the streets before they get too dangerous.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

I have ooc mailed Berk what i can do...and will await his new reply before posting..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: This is directed to Burning Spear at the moment, but it applies to everyone. Please post any planning in the IC thread. It is your characters doing the planning and talking, not you as the players in Real Life. I also need to be prepared for whatever you are doing in advance, and it also helps when it is nescesary for me to give more information on relevant topics. Please repost the discussion (in character) here and then continue. Remember, as a DM, my goal isn't to compete with the party in sheer awsomeness or to anihalate all of you with the power of the dark side, it's to advance the story in a compelling and interesting way. Making sure I have all the peices only helps. I never use PMs to convey in-game information, and in this game, niether should you. This keeps the backstabbing a bit more transperant and reduces the likelihood of OOC conflict because of it.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
"My business is of an entirely legal nature, of course," Estavan grins: "Though I am certain we can arrange something mutually profitable within the bounds set by your laws. Where shall I instruct my representatives to pay a call?"
“I may be contacted either here in Sigil at Fine Print no. 12 in Hell’s Gate, Lower Ward, or in the City of Dis at Damnation Avenue no. 6 - not too far from the Garden of Delights. My assurances, you will find no finer diplomatic mediator and trade negotiator.”

Canzonzabar goes on to subtly indicate a number of his professions and accomplishments to convince the ogre mage that there’s potential for valuable trade connections here. He’s just bold enough to make sure a solid impression based on facts makes it way, but modest enough that it isn’t taken as blatant bragging.

'weishan' wrote:
You are interrupted by Yebena's cold telepathic voice from across the hall (Canzon) "I would speak about business that concerns you, perhaps, Canzonzabar."

You can see Yebana and her Nycaloth bodyguard sitting at an otherwise unoccupied table (Nobody wants to sit next to an arcanaloth, after all), putting you just barely within range of her telepathy.

The devil graciously parts with Estavan and accompanying high profile PTC members, being in no rush to answer Yebena’s call. Eventually, he makes his way to join the arcanaloth at her table.

“This had better be good. What have you got for me?”

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: This is directed to Burning Spear at the moment, but it applies to everyone. Please post any planning in the IC thread. It is your characters doing the planning and talking, not you as the players in Real Life. I also need to be prepared for whatever you are doing in advance, and it also helps when it is nescesary for me to give more information on relevant topics. Please repost the discussion (in character) here and then continue. Remember, as a DM, my goal isn't to compete with the party in sheer awsomeness or to anihalate all of you with the power of the dark side, it's to advance the story in a compelling and interesting way. Making sure I have all the peices only helps. I never use PMs to convey in-game information, and in this game, niether should you. This keeps the backstabbing a bit more transperant and reduces the likelihood of OOC conflict because of it.

ooc:Yes, sorry, i thought it more efficient and faster to do it this way, i had no intention of making it feel like a backstab for anybody..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I'm not saying it's a backstab at all, but it's a principle that prevents the possibility of hard feelings when the actual backstabbing propper begins.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'BERK' wrote:
Bruce will track down Sid and 'think' the following at him.

We think we should pull back for now. Security for the area will be less during the day, when people coming and going is to be expected. We will stake out the home during the day, and hide from patrols until nightfall.

Also, it occurs to me that I should probably ask you, what exactly can you do?

Then we will attack during midday?, hmmz not happy with that, but far less people, less danger of it spilling over i guess...My spell expertise lies in removing things altogether, beefing up physically, enhancing my sight, and making people think their worst nightmare is actually real.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Yebena addresses her bodyguard quickly, and he pulls out a chair next to Yebena on her right (She is left handed. Between fiends, it is usually polite to seat people by the off-hand of the host. In the case of a spellslinger, it's more of a formality than anything else, but the courtesy is still extremely inconsistent with Yebena's actions.) The nycaloth does not pull out a seat for Trift, and returns to his own.

"I am prepared to make an offer, Canzonzabar. It is one that you may be interested to hear and would be wise to accept. First, I offer to ignore your unwise choices of words previously. In the future, you would be wise to remember that I lack the emotional vulnerabilities of mortals. Flattery and charm will serve only to waste your time and more importantly my time. Secondly, I will give you your archon and all of the records seized one week ago as I had previously promised with no catches."

"In return, I expect that any future dealings we may have will be conducted civilly and respectfully. This applies to me also."

"Perhaps you consider these terms to be too generous? Where do I gain? First think of what you gain. At this point, I think that you are canny enough to realize that you have been set up to take a fall by your superiors. You also know that you are a poor choice for a scapegoat. There are many less useful Baatezu to sacrifice on the alter of politics. This suggests that the conspirators above you are strongly invested in this plan of theirs and that it is something very big. This should come as no surprise considering the turmoil in Baator in recent years.”

(That is, the rise of Glyssa to power and the increased tension between the Lords of the Nine. Given the Abyss’ recent defeats (Demogorgon’s death, and Orcus’ failed plots, etc.) there has been pressure from the Dark Eight to increase Blood War troop commitment. The Lords of the Nine have resisted this forcefully, and reduced troop commitment, swelling the size of their personal armies, in an attempt to consolidate their own power.)

“Now, consider what effect being unwillingly dragged into an infernal plot will have on the rest of your allies—such as they are. They will eventually appreciate how far over their heads they are, and the true extent of the danger that they are in. I am certain that this realization will not endear you to them, and reasonable or not, their ire will be directed towards you, as the nearest Devil. You need an ally who has a stake in the success of this plan, not merely the potential gain along the way. Like it or not, that leaves only me, Baatezu. My ends and my means coincide with yours. I back the same side that you do, and have a strong stake in their victory. Not as strong as yours, of course--my existence does not hinge on my success or failure, and I can fold whenever I choose, but I stand to gain considerably by your success. Enough even to easily justify fulfilling my previous bargains, and offering forgiveness in order to make peace with a potential ally. What say you?”

Yebena offers you a clawed hand to shake.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Bruce, I consider this; we fly over the wall, me in another humanoid form that can fly... hmmz, i think Aaracockra will suffice, you by your own devicing, both invisible, then proceed to the house itself, if possible, we gain entry from a point where we can step out of a closet (by first making a hole in the outer wall, preferably in a wall that is not easily observed from the outside, has the house a surrounding wall or not?) and thus proceed to enter the building further..i will probably change myself into a humanoid form of more physical strenght then, like perhaps an Orc..and if disguises are no longer needed, i will form back to a Rakshasa form"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Canzonzabar listens closely with genuine surprise – not at the implications that his destruction is at hand, but by the effort that Yebena at the very least half-heartedly tries her hand at diplomacy herself.

In the end, he cannot help himself from a snickering laugh and then shakes Yebena’s hand.

“Let me be the first to say that your overtly defensive strategy in working my craft is cute, even. Here’s a litte hint, though: When extending an offer of truce, drop the condescending attitude and do not downplay your own part in any root of conflict. My current state of mind about you is a reaction, not an initiation. That being said, I applaud the intent of respite. If your tone will change for the future, so will mine.”

Having expressed his amusement, the falxugon grows more serious and addresses the issues Yebena brings up.

“A modicum of conspiracy is an expected part of any baatezu deal; I am aware that our latest voyage paid off too well for the effort, likely to tie us in for whatever Epheaz is plotting. However, you have yet to present anything concrete of how this scheme will bring about our doom – and do not mistake your part from being liberated from a baatezu deal of such a scope you are implying.”

“My superiors and partners of my superiors are well-aware of what a valuable asset I am to them, with every high-profile soul I bring in directly extending their personal power and the general cause of Baator. This tells me, that if a hypothetical infernal conspiracy would include me as a target for elimination, the players behind likely are either so great as to possibly outrank Epheaz or (more likely) work under the dogma of an enemy to my Lord. The Slug Archduke comes to mind, and to a lesser extent Belial of the Fourth.”

“There is also the possibility that our hypothetical string-pullers or co-conspirators originate from outside Baator, of course. Possibly from the Gray Waste, even… I sincerely hope you have given thought to your own enemies.”

“In any case, this scenario you claim strains credibility. As you point out, I am an extremely poor choice of scapegoat – I could convince half an infernal courtroom that my operations over the last month were magically controlled by a guardinal if need be. Worse even, I can talk my way well enough to drag people even passably involved all the way down with me, should I fall - do not assume you are able to walk away from this any easier than the others.”

“So it comes down to this: What have you got to support your claim?”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


"The wise are always prepared when someone calls a potential bluff."

(Canzon) "The package you have helped to recover is a weapon. A powerful weapon for killing Baatezu. It was commissioned and paid for jointly by Dispater and Mephistopheles. Directly and in person. I have the contract made with Fashaq available to prove this. As my subordinate, he is expected to report such things to me. I have also received my cut of the payments, as have Myndrachus and Larsdana and any other people who have the authority to demand a cut of such payments. If you insist on seeing the contract, though, it must wait. I do not carry such things on my person for obvious reasons. In any case, someone will die by this blade. Most likely an infernal noble. Conceivably a Lord of the Nine or one of the Dark Eight. None of these scenarios is one you would wish to involve yourself in, I am sure, but you currently have very little choice in the matter.”

"Yugoloth involvement is a certainty, of course. Perhaps you should also consider Yugoloth involvement. What if I am the one pulling the strings? As for my enemies; they receive a considerable part of my thoughts--always."

"You could drag others down with you, yes. Many others. But this presupposes a courtroom that is entirely objective. When does that ever happen in Baator? You could try to drag me down too, but besides implicating me, what would it accomplish? I would not be available to punish, and I am quite safe in my home. There is also the obvious problem my reformation presents."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Save your invisibility for later, if you can. We might need it to get back out with the body.

I'm going in, by my own way. You enter the neighborhood by whatever means you feel like, and meet me near the house.

Bruce will walk to whatever point along the wall he feels would best work for his plan, uses dimension shift to teleport to the other side, and walks to the target's house, sticking to what alleyways he can.

As he does this, he will be disguised as a thin, young man of obvious celestial heritage, and wearing the uniform of one of Sigil's messenger services.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:

"You could drag others down with you, yes. Many others. But this presupposes a courtroom that is entirely objective. When does that ever happen in Baator? You could try to drag me down too, but besides implicating me, what would it accomplish? I would not be available to punish, and I am quite safe in my home. There is also the obvious problem my reformation presents."

“Don’t be foolish, you are no less untouchable than I am. Whoever is powerful enough to get their hands on a weapon capable of wiping out a Lord of the Nine is capable enough to destroy you as well. Permanently.”

“You are likewise mistaken about my need for an objective audience – I need not start from a status quo to sway the crowds. I have faced mountains of lies put against me in the past, and turned them around to work in my benefit.”

“However, this is digressing. Let us assume the validity of this scheme for the moment - the assassination will play out and frame us for active participation. This calls for assembly of the team to conduct a hasty and extensive covert investigation of what has transpired and what has yet to come. The highest immediate priority as I see it is tracing the weapon to its current destination…”

Where and how did Canzon and Yebena go about delivering the package after debriefing with Epheaz?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


OOC: The package hasn't been delivered yet

"You would be wise to remember that I am Fashaq's direct superior and approved of the creation of this weapon, fully aware of it's power and the potential consequences of it's use. In any case, Fashaq does not pose a threat to me. He is incabable of creating anything that will directly harm annother Yugoloth. Anything--from the simplest wands to blades like this one."

"As influence goes, I do not question that you could implicate me. I merely remind you that I do not find being implicated to be a terribly worrisome prospect."

"I am not worried about being found responsible for this assasination. I do not live in Sigil for the fresh air, after all. I also very much doubt that you will be the subject of any investigation if the assasination succeeds. At least not right away. The origin of the weapon insures this. Considering the cost of such a weapon and the nature of it's maker, it will be a Noble Baatezu who will take the worst of the fall. You may well escape unnoticed in the ensuing political turmoil, and it is not inconcievable that you could talk your way out of your demise if nescesary. If the plot is thwarted, though, you might consider speaking with him," says Yebena, indicating Osael at the far side of the room with her jaw. "If the assasination succeeds, it seems more likely, your superiors will keep your involvement secret and use it as blackmail material to ensure that you cooperate loyaly with them throughout."
"There is also the question of what this assasination will bring about. Given the current political climate in Baator, assasinating someone important and then pinning it on a noble scapegoat, may not even be the goal of Dispater and Mephistophles. A civil war, with this as the declaration is a very real possibility. Given their current position of strength, it is perhaps the most likely outcome too. It is also the best case scenario for you since you are with the strong side. If you can survive the initial uncertanties, you stand to gain if and when the war is won. If it is lost...well, who better to imagine a worst-case scenario than yourself?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

“I do appreciate the information, but I am afraid you no longer are making sense. First you imply I should worry about being set up to take the fall for the coming assassination of an infernal noble, then you admit I am not going to be the prime scapegoat after all and may emerge stronger for it. Which is it?”

“Further, if my Lord has commissioned a weapon for his machinations and it will somehow put me at a disadvantage, what do you expect me to do about it? Interfere? Why would it work against my interests that the Iron Duke crushes yet another of his enemies? I am an extension of his will after all, and just as I do not bite the hand that feeds me, so does it serve little purpose for him to throw away a useful asset.”

Though Canzonzabar does not turn to steal a glance at Osael, he telepathically directs Trift to keep a close eye on him and his servants. Particularly to determine where Osael currently is directing his attention.

“Now you’re saying that the pompous celestial has an interest in preventing this scheme to come to pass? Why would the archon worry about baatezu killing baatezu?”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"There is a diference between a fall or the fall and for whom. Note that your direct superiors have been intentionaly distant in this matter. You have received nothing in writing from them directly that would serve as proof, if I am not mistaken. You will take the fall for them. In the overall scheme of things, you will not be the only participant or non-paticipant to be found responsible and will only take a fall."

"I never said that an asasination was against your interests, only that such a plot would prove potentially dangerous to you, especially when your other allies who have been dragged into this catch on."

"You may have misheard. Ossael has no interest either way in the sucess or failure of this scheme. I was merely suggesting that the safest and most effective way to escape both the displeasure of your superiors at your failure and the anger of the targeted party would be to redeem yourself and hide behind something large on Mount Celestia."

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