Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Very well," Ephaez retreives annother envelope from a pocket and hands it to Bruce, "Anyone who is interested in my offer should follow Mr. Maxson. He has all the the inteligence you may need in that envelope. There are other private rooms available here if you do not feel like walking to annother location."

(Canzon) "You have, unfortunately made it back to Sigil before the promotion paperwork has made it through Dis, and you are still bound by your ordinary responsibilities to Tylara. I am merely the messanger by way of convenience. Please deny my offer of employment for the benifit of the others. When they are gone, we can discuss this further. I think that the task that Tylara had in mind for you will not be as much of chore as you beleive, however."

OOC: There won't be any combat for you unless you manage to start some yourself.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta blinks and realizes he already had the 10.000 jink on him, and says, "must have been that lovely music still affecting me", he then gets up from the table and secures the box, and then says:
"Ephaez, you know how to contact and find me, i am interested in the next 'assignment' but wish to further discuss payment, however, before we do that, i have some lose ends to attend to, now, if you all will excuse me", he bows to Ephaez and nods to each other person still left in the room and adds; "Bruce, i will send you a sending, to keep uptodate with the details af the next mission and where to meet, agreed?". He then shifts back into the form of Nebradanduhr and leaves the room..

he then heads to the creditor and pays the money due...

ooc: leaving me 10000 jink pocket money and i will think about what to do with that.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: You may also want to make plans about when to meet, since Bruce is the only one with the information you need about all the assasinage.

Assuming Bruce leaves, I'll post the infromation for Canzon later tonight.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce takes the second envelope and bows out of the room. He heads to the dock to see his new property.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

After having paid the money lender...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Sidharta does not know about Bruce's pay. Negotiations were carried out in private earlier on, and all conversation about it afterwards was telepathic. Please edit. Also, nobody knows where to contact you to plan for the assasination, nor do you know how to contact anyone else, which is a problem.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

ooc: i edited for me to send Bruce a sending, so we keep contact regardless..

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
(Canzon) "You have, unfortunately made it back to Sigil before the promotion paperwork has made it through Dis, and you are still bound by your ordinary responsibilities to Tylara. I am merely the messanger by way of convenience. Please deny my offer of employment for the benifit of the others. When they are gone, we can discuss this further. I think that the task that Tylara had in mind for you will not be as much of chore as you beleive, however."
“Very well, I will hear you out. I know my duties to my mistress well, of course, and have never wavered in my diligence to her.”

Canzonzabar announces his withdrawal from the offer, though lingers around until the others have left. [Only Eru’Maho has remained so far, right?]

In the meantime, he mentally recounts his recently acquired possessions over the last week or so to make an estimate of net earnings – there would be need for heavy expenditure to accommodate his new form.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Tyui can describe his exit, but I'm operating on the assumption that Eru'maho has left.

OOC: Anything that Eru'maho or Sidharta wants to do should be posted now. You should probably establish a time and place to meet.


The thick stone walls of the PTC's public shipyard are fully fifteen feet tall and patrolled on the top by crossbow wielding guards. There is one thirty foot wide break in the wall that serves as the only entrance and exit. A steady flow of people and wagons passes through the wide gate, and guards wake certain that the trafic moves in an orderly and prompt fashion.

Inside the walls, large brick and stone warehouses block the actual docks from view. The flow of people and carts is thinner in the alleys here, though there are at least two guards to each warehouse door, often more. Many look cautiosly at you and finger their weapons. You draw similarly peery looks from the merchants.

After a bit of wandering, and asking directions, you find your way to the harbormaster's office. It is a fairly nondescript two story brick building, though unlike most of the warehouses, it has windows. Inside you see a human clerk, who looks up from a form he was filling out. Like everyone else, he seems somewhat bothered by your appearance.

"Good evening to you, cutter...ehm, you do have an appointment, right?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Appointment? Probably not. But I have been sent by Ephaez, with this." Bruce takes out the envelope for the harbormaster, and before handing it over, double-checks to make sure he is not handing him the assassination information.

"Unless I've been outright lied to, I believe you have a ship for me."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I briefly contemplated the possibility of you handing the wrong envelope over, but decided against it.


"Me? Ship? For you? Powers no! I have no clue what you're talking about, I'm not the harbormaster. Wait a moment, and I'll get him for you," the clerk hands you the envelope back, and runs upstairs. He returns with a balding bespectacled human who looks to be about 50 years old

"Good evening to you, cutter, I don't recognize your face." (OOC: Assuming you introduce yourself and give him the letter.

"Ah, I am Morry Brentwood. I was about to leave for home anyway. If you would like, I can show you to your ship. It's a fine ship in a slightly disturbing sort of way. Ah...erm...I suppouse it's rude, but you still have your soul, right, Mr. Maxson? There's no need to answer if you don't wan't. It's not really my business"

Morry looks through the envelope as you walk, and hands you a heavy sheet of paper written in infernal from it.

"Well, that's considerate. This is for you. It's proof of legitimate ownership. Ephaez says that it ought to be sufficient to protect you if you are confronted by any Baatezu about the legitimacy of your claim. Not that that's likely--Baator doesn't have many spelljammers to it's name."

(So far, Ephaez's adherance to both the word and the spirit of your agreement seems highly suspicious to you, though you are no expert on pit fiends)

"If you'll excuse annother rude question. You aren't planning on doing some piracy are you, because it's a warship you've bought?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Ah, I am Morry Brentwood. I was about to leave for home anyway. If you would like, I can show you to your ship. It's a fine ship in a slightly disturbing sort of way. Ah...erm...I suppouse it's rude, but you still have your soul, right, Mr. Maxson? There's no need to answer if you don't wan't. It's not really my business"

"I think I still have my soul, its hard to sometimes when..." It dawns on Bruce what he is being asked. "Oh! Oh no, I didn't sell my soul to Ephaez. He is paying me, not the other way around."

"If you'll excuse annother rude question. You aren't planning on doing some piracy are you, because it's a warship you've bought?"

"A warship? Really? Well, Ephaez did say that it was of infernal origin, and I guess thats what they make. I just wanted something that was relatively small and could fly."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta sends a sending to his sister;
"Sister, i have taken a small job and fullfilled this, no economic yolk anymore, any news from your side?, i hope all is well.

also a sending to Bruce:
"Bruce, i am ready in perhaps a day, where to meet and discuss our new 'job'?"

Meanwhile, Siddharta goes out to search for a bag of holding IV, cost 10.000...
If he manages to find and buy one, he returns home, briefs his ally and goes to his private room to reflect on himself and what has transpired.

(i really wanted to do more, but i have a bit of writers block atm.)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: *cough*

Burning Spear, your 'edit reply soon' is about to expire. You going to say something or what?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Remember, the wizard has to be dead in two days. You don't have that much time to spend.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

ooc: sorry forgot the deadline, edited accordingly

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: It is also impossible to use a sending from or into Sigil.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: It is also impossible to use a sending from or into Sigil.

Huh???, since when?okok, thats crap, but anyway:

Siddharta goes out to find a shop where they sell simple portal keys, buy a 2way portal key, and move there then cast the sending...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: That works.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


You get no reply. This isn't particularly unusual, your sister is not especially sociable, but there is always the possibility that the sending failed (her wards make things like sendings somewhat less reliable). You have no way of telling the diference without a reply.


You see hundreds of spelljamming ships of every color shape and size tied to metal scafolding that jut out into the void outside of the ring. The evening gloom is broken by a diverse array of lights: magical, oil, and alchemical. The late hour does not seem to have changed the bustle on the docks, and ships are being loaded, unloaded, and repaired.

Morry leads you through the crowd, dodging carts and people with surprising skill given his age.

The ship is mad of large, folded greensteel plates, rivited together. The edges of each plate are sharpened, and the only deck space is at the very. front of the ship (not shown in the image) a sharpened ram juts outwards. The ship is about 80 feet long, and 20 feet wide at it's widest point (almost the exact middle of the hull). A single thin gangplank leads to the inside of the ship.

(A quick sketch is included blow. Please forgive the general state of pure ugly.)


(OOC: Sorry, ran out of time. If I can, I'll post later, but I have to leave now. In any case, looking over your items, most are still useful to you in some capacity. The rest could probably be made so with the help of a good tailor)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta also tries to find a magic shop where they could summarize the arcane value of the greensteel ring (aka its craft value), and if possible, he will haggle that he can buy the 10.000 jink bag of holding IV and have the ring identified for its arcane cost for the grand total of 10.000 Eye-wink, (my logic being, buying a major envestment in a magic item and getting a evaluation for free)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: The ring has acraft cost of 10,000 GP (20,000 market). IC it might make sense to modify it to take up no space.

OOC, it's not actually an especially wise choice because of the campaign's time-scale. Ten days is a very long time in this campaign. You are much better off haggling for a good selling price and buying other items that take up no space or consumables with that (roughly, and probably slightly more than) 20,000 GP. Annother thing to remember is the fact that in the future you will definitely need floating money to pay bribes and such. If you don't have a lot of floating coins, you'll be in trouble later on.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: The ring has acraft cost of 10,000 GP (20,000 market). IC it might make sense to modify it to take up no space.

OOC, it's not actually an especially wise choice because of the campaign's time-scale. Ten days is a very long time in this campaign. You are much better off haggling for a good selling price and buying other items that take up no space or consumables with that (roughly, and probably slightly more than) 20,000 GP. Annother thing to remember is the fact that in the future you will definitely need floating money to pay bribes and such. If you don't have a lot of floating coins, you'll be in trouble later on.

ooc:What i will then do is only have the ring identified. and not spend the money yet. (not untill i have more 'floating money' as you describe it.)
I do want to exchange some money into gems as they are more easy to carry, and pearls of 100+ gp for identify etc., is it easy enough to arrange that?
say: 10 pearls a 100 gp true value, and 4 gems at 250 gp worth each, then i will keep that and 20 platinum + pocket money i already had, on my person,, and the rest i will put safely away in my appartment.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

As Bruce looks over his ship, he lets out a low whistle. "Now there's a ship you don't want to see coming at you."

And its ours, all ours.

Lets have a look inside, shall we?

Bruce walks up onto his ship, and walks around inside. In particular, he will look for the helm room, living quarters, cargo room, those ballista Ephaez mentioned earlier, and in general getting to know the inside of his first ship.

OOC: From Bruce's guess, how many people are required to crew it? How many can fit? About how many tonnes of cargo can fit in it? Is the helm anything he recognizes, or some sort of infernal variant he wouldn't be familiar with?

In short... tell me about my ship.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The inside of the ship is entiurely steel, and extremely sparse. It's not been fully completed yet. The inside is a honeycomb of steel cross-bracings that seem to connect semlessly with the floor and roof.


The helm is unordinary as far as you can tell, save for the fact that it's metal, not wood.

15 people on the sails is a reasonable minimum, ideally 24 people would be required.

the ship can hold about 50-60 tons of cargo by your rough reckoning, but this would take up all available living space.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:

(OOC: Sorry, ran out of time. If I can, I'll post later, but I have to leave now. In any case, looking over your items, most are still useful to you in some capacity. The rest could probably be made so with the help of a good tailor)

Alright, I'll just wait to see what Epheaz and/or Tylara should have for me.

Canzon's plans for now was to browse the markets and pull on connections to acquire new gear and have old gear modified if possible, to accomodate the new form. Since he has been piling up quite a bit of loot over the course of the campaign (much of it unspecified or unidentified), he's also looking to cash that in to help on big transactions.

If time allows he'd also check up on things back home, either through remote magic or with a short trip.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

After checking to make sure that he is alone, Bruce will sit down near the helm and take out the envelope regarding the wizard, and read it.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


(Canzon) "You are simply atending a party and gathering inteligence as you would normally be expected to--a report is of course expeted. Surely that is not such a horrible thing. You are also, as a small aditional burden, expected to make sure that Yebena hands this package off to the correct person--Suranxos, who is our appointed courrier. You are familiar with him, I beleive."

(You are indeed familiar with him. Suranxos is annother falxugon in reasonably good standing with Ministry of Immortal affairs. He has similar duties to yours (though you rank him, technically, if it came to political conflicts between Embassy and Ministry staff.))

(Canzon) "Ah, yes I forgot. You will be atending Osael's party. I understand that may be something of a sore point for for you, but Tylara leaves politeness to your own discretion. I assume that you would have received the invitation." (You do have the invitation)

It is no accident that Ephaez left this fact until last. 'Something of a sore point' is a tremendous understatement.

Osael is a trumppet archon, and one of the single greatest nuisances to any fiend trying to corrupt or 'reposses' mortal souls. He preaches on and on about forgiveness and inherant goodness. He is also much more effective than many of his fellows--taking a less smite-makes-right approach to converting people to good. He instead slowly and subtly convinces people of the virtues of law and goodness--much like a fiendish approach inverted. He has also been known to disguise himself (unheard of among archons) to do this.

Osael has succesfully redeemed both fiends and mortals of all sorts, and is therefore strongly disliked. His knowledge of infernal law is also easily equal to that of some of the youngest of 15 junior pit fiends in Sigil (that is, everyone except for the 3 ministers, Ephaez, the minister to Nessus, and the minister to Maldomini), and he uses this to rescue mortals from infernal contracts--after which he redeems them, etc. This has frequently caused direct problems for you. Osael's superiors take a dim view of his willing polite asociation with fiends, which is why he has not been promoted, but he has not been reprimanded formally because of his great successes.

Osael also throws spectacular parties. These serve to atract important people in the Lady's Ward who just want to atend a good party. This provides an audience of potential converts (and influential ones at that) for his infuriating speeches about law, good, and redemption that inevitably follow the party-propper.

Ephaez speaks telepathically with Yebena for a minute or so before handing her the package.

Canzon "You have about two hours to get ready. Regardless of what Tylara says about what you may and may not do, you represent *my* embassy. Behave accordingly." The threat is left unsaid.


The inteligence is extremely vauge. It provides information on a Lors Oakry. He is a wizard of middle age, and aparently, signifigant power. You are provided with a description of his house in a private neighborhood the Clerk's ward, and a best guess of the interior floorplan. Appart from that there is almost nothing of use or to indicate why Ephaez wants him dead. You suspect that some snooping may be nescesary to get a better idea of the situation.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

So, what do you think?

I'm not sure I like this set up. This information seems like just enough to get us involved, but maybe not finish the job. And we don't have the sort of contacts to learn about this guy without getting noticed.

Unfortunatly true. Worse yet, we now have property in Sigil. Until this ship is ready to depart, we can hardly afford to run into trouble with the law.

So, if we do this, we need to kill him without leaving any evidence. We can do that , we aren't exactly stupid...

He is a wizard. He will have means of escape. I am confident that we could take him in a simple firefight-

Oh, easy.

But, at the first sign of a disadvantage, he will try to escape. I am not convinced we could stop him. Physically, yes. But for those prepared, bending space is simple. That could be the end of our plans, to say the least.

I recommend that we await Sid's sending, and if he is unable to provide a means of trapping the wizard, we hand the mission off to him and wipe our hands of this. The risks far outweigh the potential profits.

We need the cash.

Correction, we need cash. Jobs can be found elsewhere. We have two days. If we can not find a source of income tomorrow, either for ourselves or for our new, undercrewed vessel, we will be forced to either kill the wizard or relocate our ship outside Sigil.

We might want to do that anyway. I'm thinking somewhere in Arborea, certainly in the upper planes.

You know, we still need to name it.

Oh I've had a name brewing for YEARS for our first ship. Get this... Ideaclad.

And so it was named.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Ephaez wants the body too. You can't fry it.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Yeah, bit the condition of the body was never specified. In any case, we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

Bruce will head back to his home in the hive, grab what few belongings he doesn't already carry on his person, and head back to the Ideaclad and sleep there.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
"You are simply atending a party and gathering inteligence as you would normally be expected to--a report is of course expeted. Surely that is not such a horrible thing. You are also, as a small aditional burden, expected to make sure that Yebena hands this package off to the correct person--Suranxos, who is our appointed courrier. You are familiar with him, I beleive."

(You are indeed familiar with him. Suranxos is annother falxugon in reasonably good standing with Ministry of Immortal affairs. He has similar duties to yours (though you rank him, technically, if it came to political conflicts between Embassy and Ministry staff.))

Canzonzabar nods affirmatively and avoids commenting on this additional clause not being part of the original job description – a minimum of deal-twisting is to be expected in their common line of profession after all.

“A fitting choice, if I may say so. Worry not about my report, it will be impeccable and naturally mention the capable leadership I work under.”
The last bit is slipped in with a sly smile.

'weishan' wrote:
"Ah, yes I forgot. You will be atending Osael's party. I understand that may be something of a sore point for for you, but Tylara leaves politeness to your own discretion. I assume that you would have received the invitation." (You do have the invitation)

It is no accident that Ephaez left this fact until last. 'Something of a sore point' is a tremendous understatement.

At these news the harvester devil just barely manages to suppress a grimace washing over his usual gentle surface, though the grip on his walking stick clenches hard under cover of his long sleeves.

“Oh, I am certain it was an entirely unintentional omission. An event as… colourful… as this one should not be ignored. I will do what is expected of me and grace the feathered pest with my presence.”

As Yebena and Canzon are on their way out the door, the devil leaves parting words for Ephaez with deceptive humbling.

“I am sure your lordship would also be pleased, should the host of tonight’s party receive his fair share of… competition.”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: One hint to Bruce: Ephaez did not claim any of the wizard's effects. It'd be a safe assumption that you can keep those too.

OOC: I'm also waiting on Sidharta to send for Bruce and Eru'maho to continue with that part of story.


(Canzon) "Indeed I would."

OOC: I will provide a descriptive sost later, you are free to describe any preperations you've made after that, if you want.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

also a sending to Bruce:
"Bruce, i am ready now, where to meet and discuss our new 'job'?, i can send the others also, anywhere will do"

(I had already previously stated that i was sending this to bruce, but to make things clear i will put it here again Smiling.), slight edit to message then.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce does not know where, etc. I was hoping for a suggestion regarding that. You are free to change it retroactively if you want.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Since sending spells have a built in reply mechanism, Bruce will send back the message: Meet me in front of the Gatehouse in an hour.

Bruce will finish dropping off his things at the Ideaclad, and meet Sid at the gatehouse.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

i will be 5 minutes early, sitting somewhere as a nondescript human in grey and blue..

When Bruce turns up, i walk over to him and wink him to move alongside, and say, "Brucey -boy, whats up, any thoughts on our wiz-boy that needs killing?.."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Quite a bit. Our largest concern will be containment. Our... benefactor gave us enough information to find him, but less information than I would like."

"Now, we have been doing some brainstorming, and here's what we've come up with:

1) As a wizard, we have to assume he has considerable power to him. Given our personal success with wizards in the past, its better if it is we who deal with him directly. We can provide you with some shielding from his spells, but only some of them.

2) Our primary goal requires that we retrieve the body. So it needs to be intact. We need to either use non-destructive methods, or freezing attacks. Extreme cold will kill him without damaging the body overmuch, in fact it should preserve it.

3) It is personally important to me that we do this clean. I am not currently in a position where I can afford the ire of the law, so we need to ensure that he does not escape, and there is no alarm. I can trap him and kill him, if you can somehow keep him from teleporting. The nature of Sigil will prevent most other means of his escape.
And, to whet your interest, if we dispose of him without raising any alarm we can help ourselves to anything in his home without arousing unwanted attention."

Bruce has to inhale deeply before continuing. "So, most importantly, can you nullify his ability to teleport? Because until that is possible, we can't safely participate."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Do we know his name, identity, signature spells?, those are things i would like to know beforehand, ...hmmz..., I can buy scrolls of Dimensional Anchor..but if he has any spellresistance, i need to over come this with the spell itself..."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"No, not really. All we have is his name, location, and the assurance that he is a wizard of some power. I don't even know why he needs to die, or if I would agree with it. I'd love to have more information, but those of our little group with the connections to find out more have been directed elsewhere, probably intentionally."

"I'm confident that I can take the wizard if I have even a few minutes to prepare beforehand. We are targeting him, so we should have the element of surprise, unless he's divining us right now. If you can neutralize his teleportation, I would recommend that you take a supporting role rather than an active one in the ensuing battle, unless things get out of hand."

"Also, if possible, it would be preferable that he have adequate disguises. I'm afraid my appearance is rather... distinctive."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Then i will buy 2 scrolls of Dimensional Anchoring... (ooc: we walk to a shop were we can buy such, i change into another non-descript before i walk up to the shop enter and buy 2 such scrolls, if they have them)....after walking out of the shop Siddharta says to Bruce"As you can see, i have no problems changing form, but maybe you would be better of buying some clothes, instead of the rags you wear?, come, i know this very good tailor.yanks him by the arm as a big brother who would teach his younger brother the proper clothing fashions.

(DMG says 700 gp per sroll of Dimensional Anchor)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

[i]Oh gods, is he taking us shopping?

I think he missed my point.

Urge to kill... rising...[/i]

"Tailor or no tailor, a change of clothes will not not hide my face or, even more obvious, my eye."

OOC: Keep in mind, Bruce's face is wrapped in bandages, and one of his eyes is a brass or with a yellow light instead of a pupil.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta looks at Bruce, "nonono, that eye is a neon-light in the dark, maybe a temporary eyepatch will do that.., but you cannot keep running in rags.... and you can always buy a hat of disguise if need be..."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

A touch a hysteria appears in Bruce's voice. "Ain't you a spellchucker? Can't you just use an illusion? This coat's seen me through mayhem I can't even remember, I don't plan on parting with it for the sake of fashion."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'BERK' wrote:
A touch a hysteria appears in Bruce's voice. "Ain't you a spellchucker? Can't you just use an illusion? This coat's seen me through mayhem I can't even remember, I don't plan on parting with it for the sake of fashion."

"Hmmz... It seems i have to explain you some details.."
Bruce, yes, i am a spell.. chucker?, but, i am not the kind that can cast any spell in existence...
My 'kind' is more of the ones who do magic from innate abilities.. meaning we have to be selective in what we choose, and that we can do often. Illusion is not one of them for me.

"Maybe you should keep the coat, if your very attached to it, and buy a new attire to match it?, ....but you have got to lose the rags.., I definately think you should think about buying a Hat or similar magical attire that will cover you in an illusion of other styles as you wish on a whim. do think about geting some new clothes to match the jacket then...."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"You are already purchasing scrolls for this endeavor, are you not? Just pick up something to make me look different for the few minutes that it will matter. Besides, the bandages on my face serve as more than just a mask."

Bruce's voice suddenly gains new vigor. "You want to SEE? Do you? Do you want to see WHY we keep our face under wraps? Do you want to UNDERSTAND?" There is a hiss in Bruce's voice that you haven't heard before, and there's a quality to it that seems unnatural. Without warning, Bruce's eyes go blank.

Oh no...

Help! I...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Unfazed Siddharta reacts neutrally.."the magical hat i was suggesting is a mere aprox. 2000 jink, you can buy it yourself......crossing his arms defensively across his chest, Siddharta adds, "I was not trying to make you do anything against your will, Bruce, i was merely trying to help, calm down. And, if you wish to show me anything (which i did not ask for), do it in private..."

(we are in public, to remind you)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce does not respond. He just stares blankly ahead.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Then Siddharta will wait patiently by his side untill he snaps out of his revery..and look about the people passing by, to make sure no-one tries to take advantage of Bruce's unresponsiveness...(he does not however turn his back to Bruce at any time)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce begins to mumur something, turns around, and slowly shuffles back the way they just came.

Oh powers, not again...

Assuming you don't stop him, he will shuffle his way to one of the alleyways behind the gatehouse, where his murmuring will get a little bit louder before he yells incoherently for about a minute before sitting down.

Come on...



Bruce looks up, his eyes clear. "Gods, I hate this alleyway."

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