The leafy tent around Eru'Maho contracts rapidly and shifts into a rough verticle ovoid, which then spins rapidly and reveals the plant-man pointing his metal rod at the intruders. It says nothing.
[ooc: has there been enough time to regain spells?]
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet
"If you so trust them to lead us through the tunnels, then by all means lets hasten our travels" Siddharta growls out but ends with a purr...seemingly irritated at having been woken..
(Sidharta) "They know exactly who I am, and the exact consquences of betraying me. This is to say nothing of what Fashaq would do to to an underling who disobeyed his direct orders. The question that you ought to be asking, Rakhasha, is why you are trusting me and three other Yugloths who will do exactly what I tell them to to lead you to your destination?" Yebana smiles slightly as she stands, breaking the circle she drew with a clawed foot..
"Druid. the enterance to the cave that we want is some ways away. I would sugest assisting those who cannot fly themselves"
(OOC: Eru'maho casts airwalk twice)
You all travel for about annother half hour until you are signaled to halt by one of the Nycaloths. The cave mouth that they land at is somewhat larger than the first--enough for them to stand at thier full height in, despite this, the cave is uncomfortably thin. It's width would keed anything but a farrastu out, because of the width of a ghereleth. This cave leads steadily downwards at about a 45 degree angle. The floor is extremely treacherous. While there are many stair-like footholds, they are all covered in moss, as are the walls. If you were pushed down the stairs, you would keep on going until your head met the rock wall of a hairpin bend in the tunnel, probably a several hundered foot fall.
As you progress downwards (the cave seems to go very deep underground), the roof of the cave begins to drip, and the floor becomes even wetter and more dangerous.
Shortly thereafter, you reach the end of the spiraling cave, and come to a moderately deep stream. It looks surprisingly clear--it is niether muddy nor black like the Styx. A thin, but, by comparsion to the stairs, safe, path is built on the side of the underground stream.
After even more walking--well over two hours--you find yourself in a large hollowed out chamber, there is annother path leading upwards on the far side. In the center, there is a circle carved into the stone floor.
Assuming that you use the portal immediately, you find yourselves on a steeply sloped ledge with stairs carved into it. The sky of this place is choked with toxic fumes. All said, the place remiends you of Ghenna, but looking down, you can see that the slope is just an island of rock floating in a fairly small sphere shaped bubble, which suggests that it is a demiplane. (Everyone, even Eru'maho and Canzon, who are normally immune to poison need to make fort saves) At the top of the path, you reach two blackened iron doors inset into the wall of the slope.
Eru'Maho reaches into his robe and draws out the funny-looking rod. He calmly presses two of the buttons, and it springs to a lenght of roughly three and a half meters. "A ten foot pole," it says with a completely straight face, and prods the door.
OOC: Ignore Reality, mettle, Save Result 41
Bruce sniffs the air. "Thats a... very unpleasent smell. What is that?" Bruce looks around. "And were are we exactly?"
At this point, Bruce has re-donned his guantlet and coat.
OOC: Did Bruce regain his power points when he slept? Or was it just a short nap?
fortitude save, will make a new post for the new post by DM.
OOC: Yes, you have your power points back. You got almost eight hours of sleep.
OOC: I'm not sure where Dunamin is. I really hope we don't have annother disapearing PC.
None of you seem to suffer any ill effects from the poison save for burning throats and stinging eyes.
Almost instantaneously in response to Eru'maho's novel aproach to knocking, one of the black doors swings suddenly open.
Standing in the doorway is a female arcanaloth, she cringes at Eru'maho's potential improvised weapon, which is only inches from the tip of her snout (though slightly higher).
Despite this threat, she wears a wide friendly grin, on a soft-featured brown face. She has large, smiling eyes that match her fur exactly. The Arcanaloth is tiny, standing barely five feet tall, and dressed in an absurd multicolored silk robe covered in scroll cases and more pockets than you can count. She wears more jewlery than Shemeska (though, all said, hers is probably much cheaper). It jingles and rattles as she bounces enthusiastically from foot to foot. Cute and fuzzy would probably be the adjectives that spring to mind (to the extent that it is appropriate to apply adjectives like 'cute,' and 'fuzzy' to a greater Yugoloth). Extremely unnerving would also be an apropriate description. The diference is is further emphasized because she is the exact opposite of Yebena, who is tall and unhealthily thin, with sharp features, narrow eyes, and the sneer typical of so many Arcanaloths.
(Eru'maho: she reminds you of a very large Kender. You need to make a bluff check to hide your extreme hate--illogical and misplaced as it is.)
"Please don't wave that around. You might hurt me," without missing a beat, she continues in an enthusiastic sing-song (you suspect that it would grow increasingly more irritating the longer you heard it), "I am Uaphes, please follow me. I am suppoused greet you, and make sure that you don't get lost or break anything while you are here. This way, follow! What shall I call you all of you? If I called him," She points to Canzonzabar, "Relatively-Small-Spiky-Headed-Devil-Thing, he might take offense. Thankfully, I know Yebena ap Ezeya's propper name is Yebena ap Ezeya. If I called her Large-and-Scary-Fuzzy-Headed-Arcanaloth-Thing-That-Takes-Offence-At-My-Extrem-Impudence-And-Will-Cause-Me-Immense-Pain-If-I-Do-Not-Show-Her-The-Respect-Due-To-A-Yugoloth-Of-Her-Rank, she would doubtless live up to her name."
"Indeed, Small-Fuzzy-Arcanaloth-Thing-Possesing-Very-Little-Tact-And-Even-Less-Good-Sense," snaps Yebena, cutting her off before she can continue on her rant.
"Very well, Yebena ap Ezeya," she says, perhaps unwisely, "Follow! Follow, everyone! Fashaq will be a while. That means you get to spend more time with me! Aren't you happy? Why aren't you smiling?"
Uaphes leads you inside, down more winding stone hallways that seem like lava tubes. They are mazelike and unmarked, and you very much doubt that you could find your way out if forced to do so without a guide. Thankfully, Uaphes stops short of skipping, as she walks--just barely. She still manages to make a dreadful racket, as the contents of he pockets and jewlery rattle around.
OOC: Since Trias seems to have set the precedent for utterly terifying comic relief, I figured that I'd contribute my piece every now and then. I was intentionally saving the violet color for this too. Also, for the record, Uaphes' personality is strongly based on me in real life when I've had too much sugar and/or caffine for my own good. I am of course considerably larger, far less cute, and rather a lot more human.
"We are Bruce Maxson, Lady Uaphes. However, I am sure any title you choose to bestow upon me would serve just as well."
This is... oddly terrifying.
Thats a relief.
Well, given past... incidents with eccentric females.
Oh... Oh no! *Laughs* I think I'll stick to humaniods, thank you very much. But now that you mention it, we should look up some Xaosect girls when we get back to Sigil. Those are fun.
"Well met, Fuzzy-funny-adorable-lady, i am pleased with such a hearty welcome in this dreary place, it fills the heart with joy to be here dispite the odd surroundings, may we have a fruitfull turn of events withing your masters surroundings...", Siddharta says while making a overtly elaborate bow with a grin from ear to ear..
Uaphes:"Uaphes, dear, you have made a interesting comment there for me, imparting me with a name i thought i knew already, yet seems i did not, i thank you for this turn of events.."
OOC: Sidharta knows Yebena as Yebena (Much to her ire). Introductions were on the middle of page 13.
"Hello then, two Bruce Maxons and Larger-Than-Me-But-Relatively-Small-Fuzzy-Rakhasa-Thing-That-Still-Hasn't-Given-Me-It's-Name-Yet," there is a welcome pause in the chatter, and Uaphes' ears turn towards Yebena. "Hello also to Canzonzabar and his bodyguard, and Su'ore Drum." (Canzonzabar has kept his mouth shut to this point, but has managed to keep a politely interested expression. Drum looks visibly irritated, probably because his show has been stolen by somone who looks even more ridiculous than him.)
As you walk, you see doors--similar in style to the enterance--with increasing frequency. Uaphes stops at one of these, and opens it, her efforts are somewhat comical, but she manages.
"Please come in! I live here. It is a nice place to wait--many nice chairs. Fashaq would not be happy with me if I let guests into his study while he was busy."
Uaphes' leads you into a fairly small room. Every wall of the room is almost completely covered in heavy tapestries and wall hangings (save the largest, which is occupied by bookshelves and cupboards). Most of the hangings are muted reds and browns. They partly obscure annother door in the far corner of the room. The floor has received similar a treatment to the wall's, and is covered in matching rugs. The room seems to be lit and heated (the room is hot, but dry enough to be relatively comfortable for everoyne except Eru'maho) by flickering coal braziers, though there is no smoke. Four comfortable armchairs and one sofa big enough for three people to sit comfortably on are arranged in a rough circle around an iron table, under which more coal burns in a pit in the floor, probaly making the table unsafe to touch. Both Canzonzabar and Yebena immediately claim armchairs as far away from the other as possible. Uaphes curls up on one cushion on the edge of the sofa, resting her head on the armrest.
"Can I offer anyone here something to drink? I probably have something vaugely like it somehere around here. I'll share my lunch with anyone who wants it too, but I doubt that gnawing on a half-chewed Vrock's arm-bone is your idea of lunch. I extend my offer nevertheless. I don't have anything else to offer in the way of food, unfortunately."
Taking a seat, Bruce says: "Thank you for the offer, Lady Uaphes, but I decline. I don't eat."
"Larger-Than-Me-But-Relatively-Small-Fuzzy-Rakhasa-Thing-That-Still-Hasn't-Given-Me-It's-Name-Yet," ]
OOC: i was not there to hear her name being mentioned, i joined the table afterwards....
So untill now i did not know it.
"Ah, silly me, i was meaning to add my name, well, i am Siddharta Bodrisahr at your service", and bows again with a big smile to her..
"Do address not me," snarls Eru'Maho. It somehow manages to refrain from tearing the annoying arcanaloth limb from limb, and follows everyone inside after retracting the pole. It does not sit when everyone arrives in the library-type room, but rather stands and glares disapprovingly at Uaphes. "Will be completed when task our?"
Siddharta snugly puts his derriere into the opposite corner of the big sofa where Uaphes has nestled, he lounges snugly and enjoys the couch much more then the rugged stone cavernfloor of the previous night...
"I think our chaos 'addition' would have loved to share such a bite with you, he was quite fond of raw legbones.." Siddharta politely convey's to Uaphes... he looks sharply at Eru'Maho displaying his snarls, Siddharta seems to not like it that the 'little furry Arcanaloth' is so adressed but seems not to say anything apart from a stern look towards Eru'Maho.
"You do not like me, plant-mortal? Why? I quite like me, and in my own humble opinion, I think that I'm a pretty good judge of people."
Drum claims the last remaining armchair, though sitting would not appropriately describe his chosen position of rest. You wonder when he will get tired of his handstand.
"Off please!" says Uaphes shrilly but forcefully--without any anger showing in her tone. "They are nice chairs. Meant for sitting with six legs on the ground...unless you do not have one foot. Then five legs on the ground." Even Su'ore Drum has the sense to listen to an Arcanaloth...ocasionally.
Turning her atention suddenly and unexpectedly towards Sidharta: "I do not think that Su'ore Drum has teeth for gnawing on bones, but he may try if he wishes. Oh. Wait, no. That's probably not a very good idea, actually. It would be extremely rude of me to offer food that might be poisonous to guests. I almost forgot that I poisoned my teeth today,"[/] Uaphes manages to sound geninely apologetic and sincere as she taps a tooth with a clawed hand to illustrate her piont.
"I'm surprised that nobody except Yebena wants anything to drink. I do not poison things in my drinks cupboard." There is a pause and a sweet looking smile. "If I was offering you a drink from your drinks cupboard, I would worry. Very much. Yes, indeed. You know, Yugoloths and poison and things like that. Anyway, if I poisoned my drinks specifically for the one time in several thousand years that I have had mortal visitors they would taste bad all the times I did not have visitors. Since I use my drinks every day, it is not a good plan to inflict suffering. If you do not want alchohol, or other poisons that people put in bottles and drink, I have nice happy things too. Many of them glow in different pretty colors...very safe, I promise"
Uaphes gets up and kneels down to retreive something from a cupboard. She stands, holding a bottle (wine bottle sized) and two thin glasses. All three are made from black volcanic glass. She rattles and clinks her way over to Yebena, who accepts the glass that is offered to her. Uaphes fills Yebena's glass with a black liquid flecked with what look like tiny red embers, still glowing. She fills her own glass before returning to her seat and putting the bottle away telekinetically. Yebena takes a small, thoughtful sip and nods in what you take to be aproval. Uaphes also drinks thoughtfully (and mercifully, in silence) for a while before speaking again, she is slightly quieter and more composed now--only slightly.
"We have time to pass. If you will not drink, will you talk? I could talk to Yebena about magical theory. I think rest of you would not find that conversation very interesting, especially in Yugoloth. Some of you you probably lack the atention spans to smile and nod politely for a even a few hours." this sounds distinctly like a threat to Su'ore Drum and Bruce's ears.
"Worse still, our conversation could get into politics and philosphy," Adds Yebena with a raised eyebrow. Definitely a threat.
"Or, I could be a good host and talk about things that they want to talk about in a language that they understand. What do you want to talk about?"
"Well, if you will forgive a curious mortal for any unintentional rudeness, I wouldn't mind discussing you." Bruce says flatly. "I don't believe that we have ever met a fiend so energetic, and in such high spirits."
"Are you disapointed that I do not live up to your expectations of evil? But, if you were as fortunate as me, you would be glad too. One third of my time is Fashaq's. The other two thirds is my own to do whatever I want with. I can study, read, and work on my own projects in that time. Being a long way from Tower politics is good for me too. Not every Yugoloth wants to sit on top of Khin Oin or The Tower Arcane or wave the metaphorical banner of evil in everyone else's faces and screech. I'll just sit here and make a killing off all of the people who do. Dangerous and stupid is not my approach of choice. This is the attidude of most of our kind outside of Ghenna and the Waste--well, at least those of us who are not incompetent or exiled like," Uaphes coughs politely to hide the name she mentioned. Yebena adds a short, bark-like laugh and contributes a sharp remark in Yugoloth.
Uaphes grins in respones. "You know, Yebena is actually very funny, but Arcanaloth jokes tend to fly over the heads of anything your age, 'Loth or not. Especially puns. Not to imply that any of you is short. That would be very unfair. Yebena's humor must be attracted to big ears...That would explain why it goes over your heads, but not mine."
Bruce nods slowly. "A fair answer to my question. Such satisfaction in your work... I can appreciate that, even if the specifics of that work are beyond me."
"Oh, no, I hate my work. It's the lack of it that I like. I want to know about you now."
"Fair enough." Bruce says. "We were a crewmember of the spelljamming vessel Darrow. And..."
What are you doing?
You suck at telling stories. My turn.
In mid sentence Bruce suddenly gets very vibrant. "... There we are, another day in the life of a dashing doer of daring do, seeking to take an abandoned Nautiloid right out from under the Illithid space navy when squid-heads start popping out of the air around us. I take a blast of acid to the face, start to reevaluate some of my life choices, and I'm gone faster than an alchemist with shaky hands."
" Thing is, with one good eye and a small army of brain eating mindsparks behind me, I got a little turned around. End up in a room with a huge floating crystal. Green as spring, and glowing like they put a star in there. But before my inner art-tist could take it all in, I get blasted by a big ball of energy, which threw me right at the crystal."
"A three hundred year rampage of random devastation later, and I wake of in the gatehouse, with a seriously boring neighbor inside my brain, and the ability of blow things up with my mind. Thing is, my neighbor is a bit of a body hog, so I end up as a bit of a nagging voice for a few years, before fate has me fall through a hole in the world, and right into the arms of a pair of great and crazy gals. And a few other, less interesting people."
"Anyway, after a few less than exciting escapades in a different set of planes... don't ask... we make The Pact. We pretty much just laid out some rules as to sharing the body and whatnot. Been working out like a dream since then. We could blow things up before, but working together? I can hate people to death. So awesome..."
Bruce coughs, as if to clear his throat. "Thats more or less accurate." Bruce's voice is flat again. "Except that I would like to stress that both of us have a claim on this body, and the name Bruce Maxson."
"Both are interesting lifestories, hehe, Siddharta smiles and ask then; Uaphes, can i pour myself a drink? i don't want to break the story-telling, but the interesting bits got me thirsty, so.. ...if she does not say no, Siddharta pours a drink, from the same bottle as the 2 girls drank from...
ooc:btw: anything said in Yugoloth, my ring translates to me...he can listen and understand and speak Yugo..
OOC (this will apply to everyone at some point, may as well clarify now):
The ring would only understand the first layer of meaning of
Yugoloth (as would a comprehend languages spell). As with Canzon's understanding of the language, your ring speaks and understands Yugoloth as well as a hydroloth (in this case not at all).
The point is moot anyway, since the first layer of meaning in the conversation between the two 'loths is complete giberish. The language when spoken by Arcanaloths and Ultraloths, and anything scarier etc. is inherantly magical. You have to be a greater Yugoloth to speak or understand Yugoloth at it's highest (or lowest as the case may be) levels. It is literaly impossible to understand it at that level with no exceptions. Not even diety-level magic can translate it. It's a huge advantage, and it's meant to be.
OOC: The bottle was put away. I'll assume you just asked. No need to edit.
Uaphes does not get up a second time to retrieve annother bottle and glass. She does so telekinetically, and fills it in the air before returning it again and moving the glass through the air towards you.
Canzonzabar finds himself recently having taken a complete and utter disinterest in all things yugoloth.
Between the slaad-like babble of Uaphes and deific arrogance of Yebena (taking particular offense that it outpaces his own), he finds himself in constant need of reminding that there’s a worthwhile goal to all this. Thankfully, he is an unsurpassed master in hiding his contempt and what else passes for emotions among his kin.
Far more compelling a source of attention he finds Bruce’s tale – there is much to explain this companion’s identity/identities with this latest story. The devil takes a moment to consider which of them would be more prone to become post-mortem clientele in Dis. Brushing the thought away for a moment, he turns on his utmost in manners and begins buttering Uaphes up with a dazzling warm smile.
“Pleased beyond words to make your acquaintance, Uaphes,” says the falxugon with a silkily charming voice. “I see introductions are unneeded with a lady of such superior perception.”
“My devout assurances that a conversation piece relating to politics, the arcane arts, or philosophy would be shared with equal passion from yours sincerely – and there is no denying that you have much to speak of. However, despite the prospect of being bedazzled by such intriguing a hostess, I must linger on more immediate matters.”
“Do you know why we are here, dearest?”
"Why you are here? Hmm. You are here because you were told to serve as an observer by Ephaez in order to make absolutely certain that we do not cheat him or those above him out of what they have paid for. This, we will not do. Which leads to annother question. Why are you here? We want the package for Ephaez out. It is no good to us, especially in the middle of Carceri. What we get in return is useful. You are all redundant. We offered to personally deliver it to Ephaez--or rather Fashaq offered that I would personally deliver it to Ephaez. But your master, Baatezu, is a stupid and contrary creature who has willingly added further weak-points to his master's ever so cunning plan by hiring more people than nescesary. It's no loss to me, though."
OOC: Diplomacy check below.
Nat 20! If she doesn't cough up something real good on a Diplomacy result of 55, nothing will!
"Me personally? Because I am the most senior and personally powerful of Fashaq's three aprentices, so other potentially interested parties would have the hardest time taking it from me. It would also be much faster, which reduces the risks for all parties involved, since I can leave and return here via shortcut without treking through the jungle and running the risk of losing so valubale an object in a Ghereleth's stomach. Sending Yebena in my stead would be even safer--though margianally slower because she would have to go from Sigil and back. The rest of you slow the turnaround time down by several days since you must also do the jungle hiking part of the journey both ways. As I said before we want this object out, your superiors desparately want it in, and we were happy to oblige them. They instead sent you, risking that the package woldn't arrive or would arrive late. I truthfully do not know, why, but the inconsistency screams Infernal conspiracy to you doesn't it, Baatezu? Maybe it'd help to know what's in the box?" Uaphes' smile becomes more 'loth-like for a second. "But I'm not the one that you should bribe for that information. Yebana is."
Eru'Maho becomes marginally more attentive during the recent turn of the conversation. it thinks. Thoughts of its home immediately darken its mood.
OOC: Just remember to italacize thoughts in the future, it's just a bit clearer that way
Poke? If nobody has anything else to say, I'll move things along.

OOC: That would require an opposed sense motive check (I rolled for you below, 3+17) Yebena rolled a natural 20 on her bluff check, though.
"The only thing that Uaphes has neglected to mention is that voulenteering one's superior to run your own errends without asking first is extremely ill-advised. Dragging me around the planes requires some incentive."
Yebena's expresion and body language does not even flicker. It is as she didn't notice, but as always, her ears follow the conversation, proving this wrong.
OOC: I'm going to move things along in the interest of advancing plot . I will provide a summary of what happened. Don't post yet
OOC: I'm going to move things along in the interest of advancing plot . I will provide a summary of what
happened. Don't post yet
Uaphes rises at a single knock on the door. She opens it, and bows her head slightly to annother brown
and black furred arcanaloth you assume is Fashaq. He has red, eyes, and thin fur, and he breathes with a
slight rasp. His fingertips are also badly burnt--surprising since Yugoloths are highly resistant to fire
and immune to acid.
"Hello master. You are early."
Fashaq bows his head slightly to Yebena and adresses her in Yugoloth. The three arcanaloths talk among
themselves for a few minutes. Near the end of the conversation, those of you who understand Yugoloth
hear a "WHAT?" from Uaphes. Thos of you who can't can easily tell from her body language. You cannot
tell who told her this surprising infomation, whatever it ever it was. Uaphes composes herself after an
Explaination from Yebena, who leaves the room with Fashaq.
Adressing everyone else: "Yebena and my master have other business to discuss. They will return when
they so choose, but I doubt it will be long. Niether likes wasting time. I will continue to entertain you as
best as I can while you wait."
Uaphes retreives a small and unornamented harp carved from black wood from a cupboard and then
seats herself in the chair Yebena has left . It has 13 steel strings, and the only other notable feature is
that one side is open (That is, it is shaped like a 7, not a D). Uaphes is surprisingly skilled, and her song
is complex and hypnotic. (DC 42 will save to avoid being fascinated by the music)
"You may talk while I play." (OOC: If you succed on your will saves, which I'm rolling below to speed
things up.)
Canzon 33
Drum 20
Sidharta 37
Trift 18
Bruce 39
Erumaho (immune, and not targeted)
OOC: I'm just going to put this up, let you describe your unique states of stupor. Then I'm going to fix my computer, and put something else up. For now, I want to avoid hurting it any more than it is.
Bruce eyes start to glaze over as the music plays.
That music is... fantastic.
Are you kidding me? Move over!
Bruce's eyes suddenly clear, and he looks around the room for anything suspicious.
Can't you smell a trap?
OOC: Elan resistance: +4 to saving throws for one round as an immediate action, which bumps my will save from a 39 to a 43. Normally i wouldn't get a chance, but since its an immediate action, I can do even on someone else's turn. Or if its a magical (or psionic) effect, I get an extra +4 anyway.
OOC: I added the +4 vs magic. But if you use the ability, you are not affected, and you can see that Eru'maho is also unnafected. Uaphes does not seem to be doing anything suspicious besides playing the music. She seems more focused on her instrument than anything else. Eru'maho can tell the same, and he senses no hostile intent.
Bruce and Eru'maho:
You see Uaphes eyes look up briefly from her harp, regarding both of you
(Bruce, Eru'maho) "Relax. I'm not going to eat you or anything horrible like that. In fact I've been instructed specifically not to eat you. On pain of...well, pain, I suppouse. Sit. Listen if you want. Stick your fingers in your ears if you don't. But, this is better than waiting and doing nothing, no?"
"You really are a great player, lady. No doubt about it." Bruce says. You get the impression that something is left unsaid, but Bruce doesn't continue.
OOC: Computer is sort of fixed now. I'm going to bump things ahead a bit, since nothing signifigant
will happen between now and your return to Sigil. Forgive any discontinuity and cutting off, but we don't seem to be getting anywhere.
You all leave safely from Fashaq's demiplane, though everyone except Bruce and Eru'maho has considerable trouble recalling the last half-hour of thier time there in any detail. After finding a Styx trubtary somewhere in the jungle and calling Maerenloth, the group arrives in Hopeless. You return to Sigil through the portal to Sigil there. You are more than a day ahead of schedule.
Canzonzabar receives a sending from Ephaez within an hour of the group's return instructing the party to meet him as soon as posible at the taproom of the Damned Wanderer. (Canzon knows this to be a fairly upscale if rather obscure inn and tavern in Hell's Gate that caters mainly towards mortals connected with the Baatezu. It also serves Devils who want a safe, heavily guarded, and private place to work out of during thier stay in the Cage. It has as many comforts as Dis as the staff can reasonably to get away with without being nailed for it (all out of plain sight, of course). Service has improved considerably after the Faction War. While the Harmonium never really had a strong foothold in Hell's Gate, the Sons of Mercy stay away from the place altogether.) Anyone else can also find this information out with a DC 20 knowledge local check.
It is early evening (6 hours past peak) in the Cage, and the bulk of the foot trafic is off the streets at
this point. You get to the Damned Wander fairly quickly. The inn looks as obscure as it is. It is a tall, thin nondescript grey stone building with four stories and an attic. There are several narrow barred windows on each level, but the building's sides are otherwise unadorned. The inn is identified only by a small wooden sign over the door, with the name written in Infernal and Planar Trade.
The taproom of the inn is slightly smoky and fairly dim. You can see no obvious security anywhere. The taprooroom has been intentionaly designed to have dreadful acoustics. Between that and the (reasonably) loud music, other conversations are very dificult to hear. The serving staff is entirely mortal, all of them are finely dressed and seem highly trained. The patrons can be divided into three groups: Wealthy and important looking mortals sitting alone or in small groups, Baatezu negotiating with mortals, and Baatezu (mostly Erinyes and Falxugons) who are meeting with thier fellows or enjoying whatever miniscule ammount of time to themselves they get from thier superiors. (Canzon recognizes many of the devils as junior staff in the various embasies and the Ministry of Mortal Affairs.)
You can see Ephaez (still appearing as a half-fiend) sitting alone at a small table near the front entrance.
(All) "I have arranged for a private room. We will conclude our business there."
Ephaeaz adresses the nearest waiter telepathically, who turns to face him. You are lead to a back room with enough chairs for everyone, even Trift. The waiter pulls out chairs for everyone, and then leaves with a bow.
"I trust that you have brought my package?"
Yebena holds out an outstretched but empty hand. "Pay me, Baatezu."
Epheaz retreives a small steel case from his robe and hands it to Yebena, who, after shaking the box, retreives the nondescript bundle of cloth ( it is about 4 feet long, and 3 inches in diameter) from her own robes. He presses on it to make certain that the object in question is present, and then tucks the bundle into his robe.
Ephaez then pulls out several other smaller steel cases for everyone else except Bruce, Canzon, and Yebena.
"Mr. Maxson, if you would like to stay for a minute after we conclude our business here, to discuss your payment, I would apreciate it. Naturally, I cannot give it to you in a box. I also have annother offer of employment for those of you who are interested. Specifically, I want someone dead. A mortal wizard. I will not propose a contract of any kind. If the mortal is dead within two days I will pay those of you accept my offer ten merts each. Results are what counts. I also want the body. I have the information you need, and I will leave it to those interested to figure out where to meet to discuss any plans you may have."
(Erumaho) "If there is any doubt, mortal, my threat to you still stands. Cooperate and get your pay, or come to terms with the consequences of denying us."
(Canzon and Yebena) "While I am sure that both of you would truly love to dirty your hands with even more stabbing and physical violence, I have a annother proposition for you that you may find less...distasteful. We can discuss it after the others leave."
"Fair enough." Bruce says.
Did you hear that? We get to kill a wizard next. You know how much I love the looks on their faces when they try to fight us.
Slow down. I'm not sure how much of a habit we want to make out of working for fiends. Information first, agreement later.
OOC: Oh... my god. I just became the first person I know personally to have ever completed a quest in an online game. It usually takes so long that the game explodes.
OOC: Heh. I'm proud, and special . This is just the introductory arc. The psychological trauma happens later :twisted:
Eru'Maho's eyes narrow, but other than that its body language does not change. It takes its box distastefully and removes what looks like a glossy black cloak. The plant man allows itself a grimace of approval, tosses the box negligently behind it, and clips the cloak on. Its outline smudges, and it appears almost transparent.
"Accept I. Know remembered is but it."
The tendrils under its cloak writh, looking very much scarier than before, and Eru'Maho faces the group again. Where do you propose we meet to discuss the excecution of the tool-user?
"While it certainly... my counterpart says it would be 'fun'. First we have other matters to attend to." Bruce looks at Epheaz.
"Anywhere where any of us can come and not be eyeballed out by the other customers will be fine by me..." Siddharta says, whilst opening the box to check the contents..
(is it in easy usable 'chunks' or is il all coin? + is the box magical? can u describe it more detailed?)
"Before you run off, I would like to know which of you are interested in my offer. I will give those of you who are the information nescesary to carry out the job. Unfortunately, I cannot give it to you beforehand without a contract to ensure secrecy. I understand that you are peery of Baatezu and contracts, and I am doing my best to acomidate you. Regardless, I have other business, and would apreciate if you told me now and then plotted on your own time somewhere else."
"Out. You know that an offer of ten merts is a waste of my time."
"Very well."
Drum mutters something about how assasination is no fun when it's paid work, and bolts out the door with his box rattling in his hands.
(Bruce) "There was some dificulty obtaining a spelljammer of your specifications. I could not convince any of the few captains we have to seize a ship for you. I have instead obtained a partially complete Infernal spelljamming ship. It is fully functional and in all ways superior to other ships it's size. The only problem is that it is currently unarmed, and unfurnished. It may also be somewhat less traditional in design by comparison to wooden vessels. Since you requested that it be lightly armed, I have also included four small balistae on board the ship. It should be a simple matter to install them where you choose. It may also be a bit large for your liking. If so, you could concievably remove the ram and extra sails."
OOC: Where would you pick up a spelljammer from Sigil?
The box is steel, unornamented, with only a simple catch on the lid. Inside, there are exactly 50 platinum coins. There is no magic on the box.
"Very well, it is a deal."
(OOC: You get your contract. It seems fairly straightfoward, nothing nasty in it.)
Siddharta takes out the contract and scans it, seeign that he is being payed short, he looks askance at Ephaez..
Bruce smiles under his rags. "I'm sure it will be satisfactory. If it flies, I can handle the rest. Where is it?"
OOC: If its not too big, I would imagine it would be in the middle of the torus. It could easily get their through one of the elemental portals in the center such as to the plane of radiance.
OOC: I thought you got the 10,000 as an advance. If I forgot that, pretend you did get it. Ephaez has no intention of cheating you and does not make mistakes like the DM
OOC: That's actually quite interesting, shipyards on the edge of the ring. I'm all for that.
(Bruce) "Your ship is tied up at the Planar Trade Consortium's public docks. I've paid your docking fee for up to the next three days. After that, the fees are your own problem. Inform the harbormaster that you have been sent by Ephaez, and give him this envelope. He will take you to your ship." (Ephaez hands you an envelope sealed in black wax)
Bruce: You know that the PTC's docks in the clerk's ward are extremely safe, and absurdly heavily guarded. They are also proportionately expensive. (prices from 50-500 jink per week depending on the size of the ship. This excludes duties on various imports entering Sigil through PTC docks.) You might consider moving your ship to a cheaper (if less secure) dock somewhere else on the ring.
Bruce takes the envelope and pockets it. "Thank you. Oh, and we are certainly interested in inhuming your wizard."
The falxugon taps his walking stick thoughfully against his chin for a moment while pondering Epheaz’ offer. Though a good connection is worth reinforcing and maintain, he naturally knows enough about baatezu deals to have another matter be settled first.
“My participation in this your latest endeavour depends on how fast you can resolve “payment” on your former one. I expect to be rewarded as agreed upon before taking on new exploits, and I should point out that such will leave me better suited for the new job.”
“We both know the unwritten tenets of these types of deals.”
This is also pretty important for me OOC, since the change will let me play a character that meaningfully can participate in combat.
"Absolutely not."