"I can't see them. Sid, I need to know where to blast them."
Bruce reaches into his coat and pulls out a small rock.
OOC: Detection stone- Detect magic. Hopefully, I can find them by the very magic they are using to hide from sight.
"I can't see them. Sid, I need to know where to blast them."
Bruce reaches into his coat and pulls out a small rock.
OOC: Detection stone- Detect magic. Hopefully, I can find them by the very magic they are using to hide from sight.
Bruce reaches into his coat and pulls out a small rock.
OOC: Detection stone- Detect magic. Hopefully, I can find them by the very magic they are using to hide from sight.
ooc: Invisibility does not radiate magic, otherwise a detect magic would suffice, instead of a See Invis... (but Dm's call in the end)
Siddharta points, there, there and there, he says regarding the ones nearest Bruce
To Sidharta (only): "Mind you call me by the name I call myself. Knowledge is not free unless I stand to gain from giving it away."OOC: Invisibility wouldn't radiate an aura--that'd be counterintuitive, but many "leths carry magical equipment.
"What do you call yourself then? if not min?"
When Drum becomes aware of the leths, he also vanishes from sight
Eru'Maho will make a spot check to find the footprints in the mud of one of the 'leths and cast Faerie Fire.
OOC: Sidharta actually knows Yebena is called Yebena from introductions.
“Where are they most clustered?”
Going by Siddharta’s indication, Canzonzabar taps into his inner might to break magical effects in the area.
Using area dispel and moving to keep at least 40 ft distance from the mezzoloth. Trift delays until he can see a target.
Perhaps Wei is hinting at Yebena using some sort of weird prestige class or house rule?
OOC: Okay, yes, you can use detect magic, as WOTC says. I'm not hinting at anything except that she is a powerful spellcaster and a very skilled magical theorist.
OOC: Dunamin, you need to make a dispell check/checks
Since I don't know how many magical auras are in the area I dispel, I thought you might want to roll the dice yourself, but alright: I'll just roll 10 checks and you can discard any beyond what is needed.
Two ghereleths's invisibility fades away, (although there were three in the area that Sidharta pointed out). You can see that they are wearing heavily rusted and badly fitted armor, probably scavenged from some Blood War battlefield. Thier weapons--all large swords, chipped and slightly dull) are in a similarly pitiable condition. Annother one who is hanging back slightly (but still charging) is outlined in glowing light by Erumaho's spell. The 'leths are fast approaching and will be in melee range in one round.
You can see that two of the (invisible) Kelubar have taken flight and are headed towards Bruce.
Round 4:
The three charging 'leths (one is still visible only to Sidharta) continue.
One of the visble ones drops it's shoulders and attempts to bowl over the illusory Mezzoloth on the way to the larger group. It manages to stay upright, but is off balance, and misses Eru'maho completely with a downward swing.
Your attacker (the invisible one) charges at you (the real you, unfortunately, they were probably watching when you cast mirror image) You can see and hear the splashes of feet in mud, but you fail to evade the lowered blade (29 points of damage). The 'leth's invisibility dissipates.
Sidharta: The third 'leth charges directly at you, swinging at your chest. (15 damage after DR) The worst of the impact heals instantly. (Make a fort save DC 20 or take 6 points of con damage. You can also make the second save at the same DC now. If you fail, you will take an aditional 2 points of con damage 1 minute later)
ooc: DOINK!!, did u take 15 off the damage? not 5, as they are not good or piercing (n.m., i already noticed)... + fortitude saves down below..
Bruce!, 2 flying inbound your way, he growls with a sword slashing across his chest..and staggers a step back, pointing the Halberd at the ghereleth so he cant follow up on Siddharta and it gives him the opening to strike back..
(I noticed that its now my turn, so ill do a full attack, and the plus 2 mod for them charging in my favor are not added to the first 2, so for ease i reformed them here below.)
1st attack: 20 +(-2 ac he charges)= AC 22 for 12 damage
2nd attack (haste): 23 +(-2 ac he charges)= AC 25 for 19 damage
3rd attack, incl -2 ac charge mod.) and got 22 for 19 damage
Siddharta growls furiously as he gives the ghereleth a riposte and tries to slice him so heavily that he hopes it will fall face forward into the mud...
In his head he curses in all the languages he know, and than telepathically asks the ring* to heal him...
ooc: can i play the ring fully myself? if so, then the ring will heal his master from one of his daily alloted healing abilities, and besides that, i do have to name him (last roll is the actual healing if i am allowed to do this myself.)
I also noticed i miscalculated my Bab when Divine Power is active:
'lvl' 12 = +12 to hit, str 20 = +5 to hit, +2 wpn = +2 = +19
+7 +5 +2 = +14
+2 +5 +2 = +9
Haste add 1x +19
Dam was correct, Additional HP = 12 bonus hitpoints Next turn ill use this (if allowed to correct this turn, the ac's would be 25, 28, 25 and last attack i have to roll yet.)
ooc:Woot!!, 2 max damage rolls
Observing mirror image being used does not make you any wiser about the real target.
Does 29 pts damage take DR into account?
Could we get a basic idea of where’s everybody located in relation to each other? Canzon’s bodyguard’s not doing too good a job so I need to get an overview.
Have to go to work, but when I come back I’ll have Trift stop delaying and start some perforation.
I can't do a full post right now either, but both damage values include anything taken off from DR (the magic weapons beat Canzon's)
Burning Spear:
Sidharta's DR is to good and piercing, not good or piercing. A five foot step to get back five feet in order to attack with the halbard also provokes an AoO.
Actually, that's a fair point considering you were moving and could have passed through annother figment. I'll call it bad luck this time and roll randomly the next, sorry.
Sidharta's DR is to good and piercing, not good or piercing. A five foot step to get back five feet in order to attack with the halbard also provokes an AoO.
ooc:A five foot step never provokes a attack of opportunity.
And i was for flavor only saying he was whacked a step back, not that he actually moved, my wordings were meant as all flavor..
OOC: You're right, but you do need to step back in order to attack with the glaive because it has reach.
ooc:Halberd, no reach
A heartbeat after his master has been wounded Trift fires volleys of arrows at the assailant, slightly adjusting position to keep at least ten feet distance from any foes and preferentially closer to Canzonzabar.
This approach to bodyguarding would seem to betray its purpose when the tiefling does not move to intercept the aggressor, though the nature of both servant and master is unorthodox to say the least and thus so are their tactics. If there were a change of strategy to be made, Canzon would instantly direct him telepathically.
Trift stops delaying and fires five cold iron arrows while taking a 5 ft step as noted (Point Blank Shot bonus included in attack rolls and chaotic outsider favored enemy bonus included in damage).
Forgot he was hasted until I got to the 4th attack, add +1 to the first three rolls.
WOW, natural 20 on an attack and its confirmation roll!
Attack summary: 42 (12 dmg), 37 (12 dmg), 31 (11 dmg), 17 (18 dmg), 44 (da crazy crit comes up to 47 dmg).
Will wait and see how things develop up to Canzon’s turn before taking actions for him.
Actually, that's a fair point considering you were moving and could have passed through annother figment. I'll call it bad luck this time and roll randomly the next, sorry.
Give Gith's dice back, Dun! We don't need them here. 2 natural 20s is, regretebly for my mooks, an instant kill. It's good that they were on the last shot, though, so you didn't break things too much ...we'll adress the karma issues later :twisted: .
Only if you promise to use them well to stab those flayers in the face, Du'minh is not too keen on being brain-sucked without a chance to fight back.
ooc: Oi!, no cross gaming , anyway....
Bruce tucks back his arms and starts to fall back toward the ground, before speeding up and flying over the battle field, psionically bombing the bad guy attacking Canzonzabar.
OOC: 9 power points on a psychic crush on the one attacking canzon, Will DC 23 or be instantly reduced to -1 hp. Even on a success, he takes 9 damage.
Thanks Berk, but that would be at another target - Wei has already declared it dead.
Waiting on Tyui (who definitely won't be able to post until much later today--work), Trias, and Canzon's actions.
(DM: invisibility -1 round)
Annother one of the invisible 'leths' (one of the fliers) invisbility is abruptly discontinued. (Sidharta only: the other invisible 'leth is immobilized in midair and struggling with with an invisible force.)
(I rolled annother nat. 20 vs SR, not that it makes any real diference.)
Trift (moved to the top of the initiative order because of the delay, now):
Two of Trift's arrows bounce off shoddy armor plating, a third strikes the Kelubar squarely in the chest. The fourth pierces it's eye, killing it instantly and (regretably) with little pain.
All three of your attacks are absorbed by 'leth's armor--barely.
(OOC: also, in the future, only roll your attack + BAB, magic and equipment bonuses, etc. I preferadd flanking, charging, invisibility bonuses/penalties myself, because there are cases when they ought to be higher or lower than usual.)
(OOC: Damn psychic crush, you killed...not quite it again)
One of other visible and living Kelubar (the one attacking Sidharta) falls facedown into the mud as a result of your power. If it isn't moved, it is highly probable that it will drown in the mud. Not that it's conscious enough to care.
You can also declare for round 6 if your action doesn't depend on anything else's in round 5.
OOC: In fairness, all 3 of your dice rolls were somewhere between below average and dreadful. You definitely *can* hit them, though.
Round 5:
Coup de Grace, dc67 fort for my "face in mud Ghereleth.." to survive as a full round action, then up to 60' move towards another, and:
I will actually intercept the one Eru'mahu made visible by fairy fire..
'Seeing the Ghereleth before him drop like a stone, Siddharta quickly spins his Halberd around and rams the piercing end of it into the skull of the chaotic filth..He then speeds up to intercept the fiery Ghereleth and prepares for the attacks of it as much as possible, answering with a flurry of heavy 2handed strikes that make sparks fly everywhere, landing one solid blow in the creatures side..'
Round 6:
Full attack on the new Ghereleth
I presume ac31 is what they have, so if not contradicted, i have 1 hit, and i will roll 1nce for dam, as i forgot the bonus from haste, making my hit sure enough.
ooc:rounds 5/6:
Duration of spells:
-See Invisibility, cast during surprise round, 120 minutes,
-Haste, cast during 1st actual round, extended, 24 rounds (-5 in round 6)
-Divine Power, cast in round 3, extended, 24 rounds.(-3 in round 6)
AND i am forgetting the haste +1 to hit, sigh, so add one to those rolls plz.
OOC: Thier AC is in fact 31.
ooc: edited accordingly..yes, i know, sorry, but i thought it would be nice to acknowledge your post at least, so you knew i wasn't ignoring you or whatnot..
There's really no need, but OK.
Eru'Maho closes its eyes and concentrates for a moment, and a dark cloud begins to form in the air between the charging 'leths and the party. A bolt of lightning shoots out at the Ghereleth it had earlier outlined in Faerie Fire.
ooc: casts Call Lightning, reflex DC 26 for half
You need to roll SR, Tyui
Your spell is harmlessly absorbed by the 'leth's natural resitance to magic, though he is now outlined yet again from all the electricity.
OOC: Just waiting on Drum and canzon's actions now. Drum would have have been aware last round and would have cast invisibility, so he can act in round 5.
Whilst invisible, Drum leaps towards Siddhartha, taking care not to land directly on him.
OOC: Actually, Tyui, there was 'leth right in front of you, meaning you ought to have provoked an AoO (I need a book-to-the-face smiley ) I'll assume you jump to the fairy-fired one, since it is most distant.
You can declare for round 6 now. Canzon may retroactively declare for 5 as well (I'm just trying to speed combat up a little, since this is one of the more stabbity parts of the game, and therefore slowest).
Eru'Maho draws a rod from inside his cloak [ooc: It looks a bit like Mace Windu's lightsaber hilt, and it draws it jedi-style] which turns into a scythe as he presses a button somewhere on the hilt. It smiles toothily, revealing pointed teeth.
"Many times how killed you I?"
The scythe falls.
OOC: Sorry, until I get this multiple-dice thing worked out, I'll need to make multiple posts. Damage is on this one. Also: fear the favored enemy bonus to damage! Take that, evil outsider!
Edit: Oh, oops. That's how you do it. Ignore my first two rolls, please. :oops:
Round 6:
Regretably, your insult carries very little weight after burying the scythe into the mud. (you have one more attack at your full BAB because of the haste spell on you, and annother iterative attack if it's a free action to change the shape of the rod)
Round 5
The attitude of calm and control that Canzonzabar usually exhibits fades when both his magic and mundane defences are penetrated by the savage gehreleth. It wasn’t that he couldn’t take the punishment or fix the torn up clothes with mundane magic – it was the principle of the thing.
Moving into a position where he is cut off from the enemy, the falxugon blurs his multiple apparitions and focuses on summoning a squad of lesser devils from Dis to clutter up the battlefield.
Meanwhile, Trift continues his onslaught and singles out the nearest foe to his master, raining arrows as before.
Moving to protected position, switching mirror images around as a free action (just to be sure), and summoning lemures – there’s nothing better than pathetic expendable minions.
Trift does his gatling gun thing. Assuming AC 31, he does a total of 56 pts damage.
ooc:I rolled 1d100 + 0 (Summon) and got 100,
does that mean no pathetic expendable minions? bwahahahaha, ahum..
Guess so, but at least I rolled a 100 on a d100.
OOC: Alright, the second attack is on the bottom of this one. It's part of the draw action to switch the rod into a weapon because it's only pressing the button.
Round 5:
Bruce will fly 60 ft up and over, so as to position himself above the now visible flying 'leth. If this is possible, he will target that 'leth. If it is not, he will fire on a leth on the ground.
OOC: Bruce manifests an electic energy push for 15 pp. Whichever 'leth he fires on takes 36 shock damage (DC 28 ref save for 1/2). It also finds itself blasted back 40 ft. If the flying 'leth hits the ground, it also takes an additional 23 damage from the impact. If I fire on the leth on the ground, that extra damage happens automatically.
Bruce begins to laugh in an unsettling way. He seems to be enjoying this way too much.
Now THIS is fun. Even you have to be feeling the thrill of it now.
Finishing round 5 (Round 6 tomorow):
Your call for reinforcements goes unanswered.
You recover your balance from the clumsy swing and swipe at the leth's torso, embadding the point of your scythe in the side of the 'leth and causing a small punture wound, the leth's heavy folds of skin absorb the worst of the blow (6 damage)
OOC: BERK, I think that'd be your round 6 action, not round 5, but I'm not 100%
OOC: Whoops! I think you're right. My bad. When it happens, it happens.
Round 6
“Accursed planar scrambles…”
Canzonzabar peers around for a fallen but still living ‘leth and moves to sap its fleeting life energy from it
OOC: Using vampiric touch on a downed but breathing ‘leth, if available.
ooc: I am in the process of downing one, and i am not sure if Eru'mano is helping me down the same one or not, hmmz, i hope not...
You don't need to make a listen check, you can see them, and Sidharta can count (hopefully
ooc: no biggie, i thought the whole reply was for me, you wrote it that way imo
Interesting..., Min, remind me to have a word with you about what general spell capabilities you have, ...not that i want all the know about you, but it will be nice to know general specialty of interest of an ally..., Siddharta says while giving a wink to 'Min'.