Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
"If that is all, you are free to finish eating while we negotiate. I can easily reserve annother room."

Slurping (but decently) the last remnants of his Planar Dodo egg-yolk up from his plate, licking his paws and his whiskers, Siddharta says: By all means, let us negotiate, and smiles with a feline set of teeth calling for a subtle toast to our hosts hospitality...

In private
: to Ephaez, adding the fact that i will be working with evil yet lawful allies, and the fact that were being dumped on a transport mission which "seems" easy, yet takes place amids the full chaos...He looks thoughtful for a few seconds, as if completely off the world, then says; I bid for a fee of a Planar Sextant up front, and a fee of 50.000 gold workers fee, and an additional 10.000 gold as danger pay because of the plane involved plus, anything we find, we keep..
He expectantly awaits a counter offer, and adds, this all of course to be put in a nice mutually signed contract that is to be destroyed upon completion, for the safety of your motives...

*diplomacy check for the negotiations. (magic item, see private mess.)

26 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+26, the result is 33.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Very well, it is a deal."

(OOC: You get your contract. It seems fairly straightfoward, nothing nasty in it.)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
"Very well, it is a deal."

(OOC: You get your contract. It seems fairly straightforward, nothing nasty in it.)

i think this is more a OOC question, but do i get the feeling it has been to easy?, could i easily have asked more? (OOC: i would think my offer was reasonable i think, not?)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: It definitely seemed quite easy--even more so if you knew he was a pit fiend, but it was a pretty good guess as to what his (or mine, rather) limits would be for payment in coin and magical stuff. Yes, you could have gotten more, but you've also made a helpful impression as an unwise negotiator to your employer, which helps the next time you get hired. Besides, pushing what you can get from a pit fiend isn't safe at all. In general, though, it is good negotiating practice to ask a more than you would normally want and then haggle for the best possible deal.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: It definitely seemed quite easy--even more so if you knew he was a pit fiend, but it was a pretty good guess as to what his (or mine, rather) limits would be for payment in coin and magical stuff. Yes, you could have gotten more, but you've also made a helpful impression as an unwise negotiator to your employer, which helps the next time you get hired. Besides, pushing what you can get from a pit fiend isn't safe at all. In general, though, it is good negotiating practice to ask a more than you would normally want and then haggle for the best possible deal.

OOC: i was actually keeping the money guideline of the DM for level as a guide, and thought i was getting more then i should regarding the level i have now, so imo i did not under ask myself IG. i was thinking i was asking on the upper limits already, but ok, my bad Smiling, up till now i usually got a fixed contract beforehand, so i was not used to haggling anyway, is it intended that you will not keep us on the lvl guide-lines for money/ magic?
just so i understand a bit..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: In a game like this, high power is going to be important when combat is unavoidable, but it's also asumed that some of the money will be used to cover lifestyle, bribes, etc, which are critical to you. Think like you character would (asking as much money as possible) rather than how you would. I'll correct game balance if the need comes up.

Because this game is so heavily focused on RPing, it's a great oportunity to play ridiculously powerful/wealthy/optomized characters without ruining the fun of the game for everyone else (since they're just as powerful).

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: In a game like this, high power is going to be important when combat is unavoidable, but it's also asumed that some of the money will be used to cover lifestyle, bribes, etc, which are critical to you. Think like you character would (asking as much money as possible) rather than how you would. I'll correct game balance if the need comes up.

Because this game is so heavily focused on RPing, it's a great oportunity to play ridiculously powerful/wealthy/optomized characters without ruining the fun of the game for everyone else (since they're just as powerful).

Well, that means next 'go' i will have to compensate i guess Smiling or can i adjust still?, or is it in this case 'to late'?

to the reply you gave on this one: OK :mrgreen: so as not to spoil to many OOC posts into this IC game post list.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

In this case, your guess was almost right on. No need to compensate. I'll deal with imbalances like that in some other way. Don't worry too much.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I assume now is when we post our private negotiations? Or are we waiting for them to finish up?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'BERK' wrote:
OOC: I assume now is when we post our private negotiations? Or are we waiting for them to finish up?

OOC:I just did my 'crappy' version of negotiations Eye-wink, though the other half was happy and so was i, so it wasn't that bad... lol

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Yes, now is the time to negotiate. You can go into as much detail as you like to develop your character.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

During private negotiations:

Bruce, displaying his usual tact and social skills, dully says. "I want a spelljamming vessel, a small one would be fine. There is no need for you to arrange crew, that would be my responsibility. I'm sure that someone of your obvious wealth would find importing such a vessel from the prime an easy task. As long as it is large enough to comfortably hold five people, has a functioning helm capable of attaining spelljamming speeds, and is reasonably well constructed, in terms of durability, I would find it an acceptable incentive."

"My taste in spelljamming vessels is... somewhat outdated. If it would be easier, or cheaper, to aquire an older vessel that still meets the previous requirements, that would be acceptable."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"That is a truly unusual request," says Ephaez, who seems genuinely amused. "Why such a small vessel? We can easily find much larger ones, though. They would be...preowned, though."

OOC: that is a very strange request, I'll need some more information on spelljaming ships. Because it's not really useful on the outer planes, you have considerably more efffective spending money.

OOC: This is also an opportunity for everyone else to chat too.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"No, for my purposes a small one would be fine, in fact preferable."

OOC: Well, in the first place, consider Bruce's history. He used to be a jammer-hand, now he has the chance to be a spelljamming captain/pilot (because his psionics can count as magic too, and you need magic to make the helm work). A small vessel is much more likely to fit through a portal than a larger one, or to rig up a system of planeshifting. And as for useful in the outer planes, you would be surprised.

About spelljamming ships: They can move faster than the speed of light and automatically stop when they come within 1000 feet of any object capable of damaging it by impact. They are constantly surrounded by a bubble of air, which also seems to protect the crew from the extreme temperatures of space. They tend to look less like spaceships and more like ships in space.

Unfortunately, Spelljamming ships where never officially converted to 3.0/3.5, so the actual price of a ship is kinda iffy. The type of helm that would power a small craft would be about 12000-15000, and that its what makes everything work. The rest is construction, gear and armor plating. The whole things should be within price range, even if we aren't sure what that price is.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Very well, I'm sure we will be able to find something for you."


Strange because I can't see how you could use it on the planes, not because of background. It can't fly in regular atmosphere, right? I can stat it in a way compatible with 3.5 if you give me an idea of specs if you plan on using it in combat (d20 mecha is in fact useful for things like this.)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
"Very well, I'm sure we will be able to find something for you." OOC:

Strange because I can't see how you could use it on the planes, not because of background. It can't fly in regular atmosphere, right? I can stat it in a way compatible with 3.5 if you give me an idea of specs if you plan on using it in combat (d20 mecha is in fact useful for things like this.)

It should be able to fly in regular air, but not land on water unless specifically rigged for that as well,
Dungeon May/ June 2002, issue 92 page 32 has a nice picture of a jamming vessel, and and page 32 of the accompanying Polyhedron issue goes in to system details of the vessels itself, and even has a few prestige classes to do with Spelljamming. any questions? Smiling

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Thank you. I will see to it that your package is delivered in a timely manner."

OOC: I looked it up, and I think I found what you're talking about. A Jamming vessel can't reach spelljamming speeds in an atmosphere without blowing up (Go faster than the speed of light in a place with air friction and BOOM), but they can still do tactical speeds (around 300 ft per round). That's still way faster than most people can travel without teleporting.

As for specs... thats pretty much up to you. Bruce would mainly use it for travel, and a ship that small might have a couple light weapons, but isn't really meant to be a warship.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'BERK' wrote:
"Thank you. I will see to it that your package is delivered in a timely manner."

OOC: I looked it up, and I think I found what you're talking about. A Jamming vessel can't reach spelljamming speeds in an atmosphere without blowing up (Go faster than the speed of light in a place with air friction and BOOM), but they can still do tactical speeds (around 300 ft per round). That's still way faster than most people can travel without teleporting.

As for specs... thats pretty much up to you. Bruce would mainly use it for travel, and a ship that small might have a couple light weapons, but isn't really meant to be a warship.

Your welcome :mrgreen:

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Looking at the oficial spelljammer fan site, my main question would be about the helm and how to convert that into 3.5 too. I couldn't find anything.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Found 3.0 information on helms, never mind

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"I will see what can be found. Expect it to be given to you within a week from now."

OOC: It seems, that because of rigging and crew requirements for weapons, etc. that five would be a pretty low number.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

After the short haggling session with the 'Pit Fiend', Siddharta moves back into the main room and sits down at the table where the others await their own turn of haggling, and looks at the 3 'allies'.

he says:

I would like to discuss a bit of tactics, in order to know what each his or her positions will be in the following mission...
I myself have very good eyesight and can adjust to some magical sight impairing effects, like Darkness and Invisibility.. he continues in a matter of fact state that you would more likely see from a bookish faculty teacher..
If we all have some form of Dark Vision, then we don't have to rely on mundane light sources, which would add to our subtlety and survivability probably.
I am not a full front fighter, however, i can buff myself with several spells that will greatly enhance my fighting capabilities, such as haste and Divine Favor, Divine Power and Death Armor.
What about you?, he looks askance at the others who would be his allies on this 'simple' mission..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"If what I can do is not immediately self explanatory, then there is nothing that can be done for your mind."

OOC: Burning Spear, please avoid the metagaming talk. Very few spells would actually be named what they are called in the source books. Instead describe them or make up your own names.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
"If what I can do is not immediately self explanatory, then there is nothing that can be done for your mind."
OOC:I really do not understand this remark

OOC: Burning Spear, please avoid the meta gaming talk. Very few spells would actually be named what they are called in the source books. Instead describe them or make up your own names.
I was making an attempt at in-game social banter about abilities without calling my class levels and other game effects, sigh, i thought that the names of the spells were not per definition meta-gaming effects Sad. Ill retry here now: I would like to discuss a bit of tactics, in order to know what each his or her positions will be in the following mission... I myself have very good eyesight and can adjust to some magical sight impairing effects, like (Darkness and Invisibility)Conjurations that create shadows, and light bending spells of the Illusionary school.. he continues in a matter of fact state that you would more likely see from a bookish faculty teacher.. If we all have some form of (Dark) enhanced/ night Vision, then we don't have to rely on mundane light sources, which would add to our subtlety and survivability probably. I am not a full front fighter, however, i can buff myself with several spells that will greatly enhance my fighting capabilities, such as (haste and Divine Favor, Divine Power and Death Armor.) Speed Actions, Favor of the Divine, Power of the Divine and Shadow of Death... What about you?, he looks askance at the others who would be his allies on this 'simple' mission..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


I was thinking more about spell names like Favor of the Divine. This wouldn't mean much to most people--you can still *use* most spell names, but people won't kow what you're talking about. Among groups of people who have the same source of arcane or divine knowledge, spell names are meaningful, though (For example clerics of a certain god might say might of X diety), or mages on Oerth might call the hand series of spells Bigby's X Hand, but in general spells that don't have self explanitory names like divine might, would only confuse.

Annother thing to note, sharing a lot about what you can and can't do probably isn't wise in or out of character, especially when you're spell list isn't flexible.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: Translation:

Annother thing to note, sharing a lot about what you can and can't do probably isn't wise in or out of character, especially when you're spell list isn't flexible.

OOC:About the Arcanaloth, i have no idea what spells it can cast etc, i dont have access to its stats, so i can only vaguely imagine Smiling
about my char, maybe he is being to social in the cooperation bit?hmmz.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Whatever spells it prepares. (Houseruled to cast as a wizard, rather than a sorc).

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC:Doink, thats a bit ehm...over the top or maybe not, regardless it does makes me feel like i got the shortest straw Sticking out tongue

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC She gets spells per day as a wizard too. Playing a primary caster with LA is very dificult, your BAB and the like make up for it, though. Canzon has the same problem. Have faith in the DM. She isn't meant to be a PC in the truest sense anyway. Also, because of all the posts, it'd be good to move this conversation into the OOC thread to keep things on track.

Tyui's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Weak those among chargesss with healing you I." "Tool-Users!"

"Tool users" is spat as a curse, which seems rather an odd statement to add inflection to. Eru'maho has stopped pacing and is now staring at the door to the hallway. There is no apparent reason for this.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Just to clarify, Tyui, you're payment was worked out when you first met with Ephaez.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Meanwhile, Outside:

A plump old man in extravagant robes inconspicuously walks into the Twelve Factols, looks around and walks to the barkeep.

Pardon me Sirrah, but mind thee recommending something to drink for me?

He removes an impossibly large crimson/black spotted dismembered limb from his tiny shirt pocket (and as he does this - he appears to become thinner). The bone shows through, and it appears to be dripping with a watery, acidic liquid (baatezu blood) , as if recently cut.

I'm going to need something to wash down this Abishai leg.

His tone is matter-of-fact, and speaking as if he's conducting a technical business deal.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


"Uhhh...sir, your...abashi leg is dripping all over the bar. Would you like a rag or something,"

It's clear he's disgusted at you, but he does his best to hide it as he hands you a pint of ale. Across the room, you can see your employer sitting alone at a table tapping his fingers. His atention is somewhere else, though.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

He walks over to the figure lost in thought, still under the guise of the plump man.

Drum's the name, Mayhem's the game!

He sits down without being asked, and harshly places the leg on the table.

Breakfast? He offers, his tone hopeful.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"It is lunch now, sir, but we can make breakfast if you'd like."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Ahh, I appreciate your accommodation. Now, lI'm going to go out on a limb here..hahahhH hhAhahA hhH HAH HAHHAhAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!

The Joker takes a few seconds to gather himself.

AaHhaha.... and.. ha.ahha.. and say that we get down to business!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I misread your post. Please disregard. I thought you were talking to the barkeep. Use this as the response instead. :oops:

"It is luch time now, I will inform my employer that you are here. Finally. You would best speak to him first. Follow me."

The unkown person (he didn't give his name when he was hired, remember) walks to the door of a private room and wait a few seconds before opening the door.

"He is finally here."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


After taking another hearty bite out of the leg, the disguised Aasimar jumps into the room.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

You see everyone you saw at Jowen's house as well as three others, (see the descritions for Eru'maho, Sidharta, and Ephaez).

"Ah, I am glad you have finally chosen to show up, Su'ore Drum. I am called Ephaez. I will speak with you now and explain what I am hiring you to do. If any of you who have already spoken to me wish to leave in order to prepare for your journey, I will not keep you. The portal is on Howling Way through a hole in a brick wall. The key is a blood drawn by a plant. Razorvine sufices. Please follow me, Su'ore Drum, we will discuss your task and your payment."

(OOC: The street is immediately behind the Gatehouse)


You recognize Drum's name, everyone does. He's the tenth most wanted man in Sigil and one of the only escapees of the Prison.


Knowledge local to see if you know about Drum

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Drum cautiously looks behind him, closes the door if it is not already shut, and changes into his real form.

I hope this is fun. Eating meat and applesauce all day gets very, very boring.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The harvester observes with mild amusement the rakshasa’s forthcomingness, assuming the overtly detailed personal information to be disinformation at first take… though the honesty in his voice shines well enough through that Canzonzabar sees that Siddharta speaks truthfully.

“Very well then, let us make sure we are all on the same foot, hoof or claw here. I am more than well-versed in the arts of speech, so you might leave all verbal arrangements to me. On that accord, I am a capable infiltrator and spy – if a way can be found through guises, papers, and words, I will find it. I do not engage in violent assault, unless strictly necessary. Our so-dedicated allies will take pre-emptive measures to ensure this, not least provided by my associate, Trift.”

At this presentation, the red-skinned tiefling by Canzon’s chair steps forward and nods ever so slightly. He remains silent.

Eru’maho’s antics does little to motivate a reaction from Canzon, though Drum’s arrival results in a deep sigh.

At this point it’s pretty important for me to know details about Canzon’s orders, when it comes to reward. Do the orders mention Epheaz statement, about not getting paid in coin? Are they written by Tyalara, or do they come from even higher up in Dis? What are the exact ramifications here?

17 Bonus for Sense Motive to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 35.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


You get the same speech the others got. Epheaz offers you about 50,000 in jink or some equivilant as payment when the job is completed. He does not mention that the package is dangerous to you, though he instructs you to let Canzonzaber or Yebena (you find out who he means) carry it, though.


The orders come from high-ups in Dis, specifically from Ephaez's own superior. The orders don't specifically mention a reward, they only ask for a competent observer for this task be provided by the Ministry to Dis. They are also extremely narrow--definitely intentionally so. They only cover finding a suitably qualified observer and what suitably qualified is. Past this, you have no way of knowing how genuine the orders are.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

While waiting for Drum to conclude his private session so he can start his own, Canzonzabar lets his attention shift to the arcanaloth in the room.

“So now, Yebena, is it? Which part of the nether realms do you really come from? Gehenna? The Wastes? Our very destination plane? Somewhere near the Styx, I’m sure.”

The devil sticks the last bit out with hindsight to his earlier research, while considering if he should make it a new hobby to spite her at every possible moment.


'weishan' wrote:
The orders come from high-ups in Dis, specifically from Ephaez's own superior. The orders don't specifically mention a reward, they only ask for a competent observer for this task be provided by the Ministry to Dis. They are also extremely narrow--definitely intentionally so. They only cover finding a suitably qualified observer and what suitably qualified is. Past this, you have no way of knowing how genuine the orders are.

Except of course, for my forgery checks to pick up whether they are genuine? Would Ephaez’ superior be a duke of hell? If so, is it one that is well-known?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


"You are mistaken in your asumption. I am from Onios--nowhere near the Styx. 'Min,' who was a mortal transmuter obsessed with perfection of it's form by assuming the traits of fiends and beasts. It went missing (assumed to be killed) on the Styx several centuries ago while leading a Second Command fleet on Stygia."

[i]"Even your research on who I'm not is flawed, Canzonzabar. Despite all the more secure records which are available to you, you chose to look in the unclassified records. Is the paperwork really too much?" [/i]

(OOC: yes, the paperwork would in fact be too much. It takes several days for someone of your rank to have thier request for information processed and approved by superiors at the ministry unless you have a good reason or a good bribe.)

Epheaz's superior is annother pit fiend, Gaszarsir (all the pit fiends in Sigil are pretty junior except for the three ministers, being asigned to one of the embasies isn't an honor for high ranking fiends), who is the Chair of the Department for External Affairs (Dis). He is quite well known, and many of his unclassified orders and decrees are posted on the walls of the Ministry to Dis. You recognize his handwriting, and this document seems to match it perfectly.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'Trias' wrote:

After taking another hearty bite out of the leg, the disguised Aasimar jumps into the room.

Siddharta looks up as if in a revery, and is surprised to see an Aasimar enter the room.
he nods his head towards the newcomer, and then addresses Apheaz, "is this the chaotic addition you were speaking of?"..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Drum gives a confused look at his dismembered leg... Are you sure? - this leg doesn't seem too chaotic to me... and aren't Abishai supposed to be lawful?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Laughing out loud

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I would like to know what everyone is going to do to prepare for this before it hapens.


"Canzonzabar, please follow me," say Ephaez. He paces around the other room. "In case there was any doubt as to my identity, this should remove it," he shifts into his true form briefly, before reassuming his disguise and seating himself. "I will let you ask the questions, and I will answer as best as I am able within my own orders,"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
[i]"Even your research on who I'm not is flawed, Canzonzabar. Despite all the more secure records which are available to you, you chose to look in the unclassified records. Is the paperwork really too much?" [/i]

(OOC: yes, the paperwork would in fact be too much. It takes several days for someone of your rank to have thier request for information processed and approved by superiors at the ministry unless you have a good reason or a good bribe.)

“You flatter yourself prematurely, my Lady, to think yourself valued to such expenditure of time and effort. Though you would not be the first arcanaloth to exhibit such vanity…”

Canzonzabar treats himself to what drink may be offered by Epheaz, well aware that slipping poison in any commodities offered would have been both pointless and rude. When the host opens for private negotiations, the falxugon puts on his impeccable business smile and proceeds inside.

If there had been the slightest bit of doubt in his mind about Epheaz’ identity, it does not show. Canzon nods and gestures solemnly to show more than the needed respect that is expected of him in the presence of a junior pit fiend.

“Business and pleasure is often mistakenly separated, lord Epheaz. The latter is mine.”

“Your gelugon servant did well to answer my initial questions in days past, and most lingering questions have been answered in our prior talks with full company. Now, my present thoughts linger about most recent members – the rakshasa and our guide. Is there anything I should know in relation to my role here? Do either have formal infernal allegiances? And what is Eru’maho exactly?”

“Then there is the issue of my payment – you mentioned it not to be in coin, which suggests you have something particular in mind? I must note that I will not let myself be downplayed in terms of monetary value, of course. Such would be poor business sense.”

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