Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"I doubt that he can; that does change my opinion somewhat. Canzonzabar will still ask the questions, though. There is no doubt he is better than you at that. We should find somewhere else to carry out the interrogation if we want to do it now. My house is not an option."

OOC: I can assume you carried out the interrogation yourselves and give you whatever you've learned or you can choose which questions to ask and we can handle it with posts. Because we are a group of three for the next 10-11 days, I'm leaning towards the former, in order to keep things moving. If anyone thinks of other questions after I post the information, I'll answer them as well and asume you asked them during the interrogation.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Fair enough

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: I'll post soon

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

What you have learned from the interrogation:

Overall, neither of the two archons had much useful information, though they do validate several things. Almost all of thier accounts agreed with the other's.

-The group was a part of a larger organization, though neither of the captives knew of any other members that you didn't kill

-The group did, in fact consist of seventeen people. Nobody except the archon who was disguised as Jowen had any extended contact with the ten mortal members of the group. Neither captive can account specifically for the twenty extra mortals, but they are convinced that they are the result of magic of some sort.

-Niether of the captives had seen the faces of any of the mortal members, and have no useful information to identify them

-Niether captive knew who the 'Dream' mentioned in many of the letters was, though they identified this figure as thier leader.

-The accounts of the attacks given by the archons is consistent with the orders you found earlier. They were apperently succesful in thier objectives most of the time (though most of the named primes are still under fiendish control despite this)

-The archons provided all the gear for the mortals. Niether captive was aware of the source of these funds.

OOC: I'll assume Drum will be disguised somehow in order to safely walk through the Lady's Ward.

You find yourself in the underground taproom of The Twelve Factols. Being peak, it is not nearly full to it's capacity, most of the tables aren't set, and nany are being cleaned. Most of the patrons are eating thier lunches. The bar is mostly unucupied, though. Because it is not especially busy, no reservations are required.

You can see the tiefling that hired you sitting alone at a table on one wall with five seats pulled up to it. He is thoughtfully sipping his ale, but he has not ordered any lunch.


You get a sidelong look from the waiter standing at the door, probably in response to your clothes. The patrons who notice you seem to share his opinion. The tiefling who you met last night is sitting at a table. He gestures you over to his table. You don't see Min anywhere.

"Would you like anything to drink while we wait for everyone else. It's on my employer. He will be finished with his business shortly. Hopefully everyone will be here."

(OOC: Weapons aren't allowed to be carried openly in the Twelve Factols. Your gauntlet would qualify.)


What response you get depends on your disguise.

Canzon: You will be late. I'll leave the excuse to you.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Done. Sorry for the tripple post.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce stares at the tiefling for a moment before responding. "No, I don't think that would be appropriate. I drink for pleasure only, and this will be a business gathering. I appreciate your offer though."

Bruce continues to stare blankly at the tiefling. "Tell me about yourself." The way he says it, it almost sounds like he was going to say something more, but didn't.

OOC: Typically Bruce does not not care about such things, but if specifically asked to remove his guantlet, he will place it in his haversack.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Thre is not really very much to tell, Mr. Maxson save my name. I beleive I forgot that important detail when we last met, forgive me. I am called Marius Cail," says the tiefling. "Mostly, I do whatever my employers tell me to. Usually, this ammounts to delivering letters and the like. I'm more interested in hearing about you. You certainly...stand out." The tiefling stops talking toto you fof a moment: "Hello, Yeb... err, Min," he says. This ellicts a furrowed brow from the (you presume) arcanaloth. Min, apparently managed to sit down next to you in the few moments you were distracted without being noticed. She has chosen to to appear and dress the same way she did yesterday.

"Hello, and a good day to you, Marshal Nimikai Seviv, coordinator of security for the Embassy to Dis," says Min, her face twisting into a malicous sneer. "I apreciate it when people call me what I choose to call myself."

The tiefling, who is apparently also the coordinator of security for the Embassy to Dis raises his hand to reply, but thinks better of it and lets it slowly return to the table.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce looks over at 'Min'. An impish glint in his eyes. "Yeb? I'm hurt. I've been honest with you."

"I kid. If I was expecting honesty, I'm talking to the wrong side of the ring."

"In any event, I'm a jammer-hand that got in a whole heap of trouble and can't tell which end of the stick I got in the end. And Im just... looking for a good time."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"If only to sapare me the indignity of being called *Yeb,* I am Yebena ap Ezeya...mostly."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Mostly? Due explain!"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Mostly meaning that it is my name except when it isn't. Was I unclear?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce stops to consider the conversation. "Yes... I think you were." he says.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Think, mortal. Was my name Yebena ap Ezeya two days ago? Will it be two days from now? Maybe. Maybe not."

Turning to adress Marshal Seviv: "Have you heard word from the others. I would expect the Joker to be late, I had thought more highly of the other two's time management skills. Does your offer for free drinks extend to me too?"

Seviv hesitates, probably weighing the consequences of a spiteful answer. "Yes, I suppouse it does. What would you like. I have heard nothing from either, though my employer's other meeting seems to be taking longer than expected."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Siddharta Bodrisahr:

Yesterday, you were approached at your house by an old-looking and well dressed tiefling who called himself Marius Cail. He informed you that he had heard of your recent financial dificulties (You thought you were doing a good job hiding the fact. Evidently not.). He said that his employer might have an offer that would be of interest to you. He said that you could more than pay off your loans this way. Being suspicious and rational, you naturally told him to sod off, which he did. As he departed, he said that the offer still stood and if you were interested, to meet him at peak at the Twelve Factols. He did not give any more details.

You didn't think anything more of the offer, but the next day, you realized that those debts weren't going to pay themselves. The offer might even be legetimate.

When you enter the Twelve Factols, you look around for your employer. You see him sitting in corner with two other people. The first is a ragged looking human in a torn blue buccaneer's coat. His head is wrapped in bandages. If your employer is looking for debtors to do his dirty work, this berk's in a far larger hole than you by the looks of it. The other is a tan and white furred arcanaloth in a robe that has both the color and texture of bone. Both of these two are turned away from you, but Marius sees you and nods to acknowledge your prescence. All three people at the table quite literaly glow from all the magic on thier persons.

I am glad you have reconsidered. Do pull up a seat and introduce yourself.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

I Nod in acknowledgment to him, turn my attention to the bar and order a nice green Batorian wine, then turn myself around to the table, walk gently up (with a detect magic on as you already described them blinking)

he bows to the other 2 residing at the table and and says:
I am Siddharta Bodrisahr, and sits down at a spot where the Tiefling invites him to sit.

I bid you all a good afternoon, licks his whiskers and looks askance at the two to introduce themselves, adding as an afterthought, did i miss anything?

OOC: sence motive to see if i actually missed anything, backing up the question + diplomacy check to smoothen my intro (how do you do multiple rolls?)

10 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 12.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Below the first row of dice entry box thingies, there is a box that says "roll this how many times? For the benifit of everyone else, you may consider adding a description of yourself to the above post too."

"I am called Yebena ap Ezeya," says the arcanaloth, turning to look down at you. She stands slightly less than a foot taller than you excluding her ears, which look like they are too long and thin to belong to any dog you've seen. Dispite this, she seems to be thinner and lighter than you.(OOC: sorry, 30 cm if you don't like Imperial I can post both if you want). You also see that she also has the glowing eyes of an ultraloth.

"You have not mised nothing worth noting. We have only just arrived ourselves."

(you do not get the impression anyone is hiding anything.)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

For anybody looking at me, a description:

before you, sits a humanoid tiger headed person,
with white fur and black stripes, he wears a heavy black robe,
with a white creamy mantle over it, his belt seems made of another Lion like head, has several rings on the fingers,
and a gauntlet of electrum and copper and bronze inlay-ed, although the gauntlet leaves the fingers with the rings free.
The ring on the other hand has a big yellow cats type eye in it and blinks now and then.
He has a bandoleer and a scroll organizer on his person with several scrolls and other such paraphernalia in them.
A very exquisite gorget adorns his neck area, and is not only for decorative meant, but looks as if made as a jewel...

OOC:), ill let this sink in..
and just to nitpick:
"You have not missed nothing worth noting", that is twice negative, meaning i actually did miss something of note... Sticking out tongue + the diplomacy roll i was supposed to have made in the first reply

26 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+26, the result is 31.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The man in the rags turns to you, and you notice that one of his eyes is actually a brass sphere with a glowing yellow dot where the pupil should be. He doesn't say anything, but just looks you in the eyes for a while.

Another fiend. I must say, I was hoping to avoid further fiendish connections.

Almost feels like we're a sheep amongst wolves, don't it?

Almost. I'm almost certain that we could take one or two in a fight if it came down to it, but all at once and our invulnerability will be put to the test.

Usually I'm the one that gets us into fights. Why you so keen on starting a tussle?

I don't know, there's something about all this that doesn't feel right to me.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

I look back politely at the man, but not in a fashion to start a staring contest.

I ask "And what, good sir, is your name?, and may i ask both of you, what profession/ specialty you pursue?

you both notice that there is a very vibrant spark in this cats eyes..and he seems very amicable/ sociable, if though, that his formalities seem a bit archaic, he dresses decently, but his word choice is several score years behind current 'fashion', albeit still grammatically correct in every sense..

"Another fiend. I must say, I was hoping to avoid further fiendish connections.", If however you were to say this aloud, i'd have a interesting reply for that, very out of the blue, but its all in y'r mind Sad :mrgreen:

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Never breaking eye contact, Bruce says "I am of no particular profession at the moment."

The dullness in Bruce's eyes suddenly breaks into a slightly wild look. "I, on the other hand, am a Jammer-hand, and will be till the day I die. Bruce Maxson, at yer service."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"If there was ever any doubt, the other one responds to Bruce Maxson too," says Yebena dryly.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'Nice to meet you, and you to i guess then, Bruce, may i inform myself as to what i should call the second you?, i would hate to insult either of you by not addressing you correctly'
, i say without flinching to the fact that my conversation "partner" seems to have a multiple personality disorder....

I myself am a 'Explorer/ Philosopher" of the Dead Gods.... and a diviner of sorts..

OOC, during the occasional banter in the rest of the conversation you do notice Siddharta is slightly "up on the moon", meaning, he is not always focused on whats at hand, or so it seems...simply because of his slow and methodical reactions.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The devil is not late due to an oversight of time. Rather, he is deliberately stylishly late, having planned his time of arrival.

The door to the Twelve Factols is opened by a red-skinned humanoid warrior, carrying both mighty bow and sword on his back with scores of quivers strapped on his limbs. Trift the tiefling scans the premises with vigilance, then steps in and holds the door for his master behind him.

A dark-skinned human gentleman in splendid red and white noble clothes walks in with soft clopping sounds from his cloven hooves. His smile of canine teeth outshines his jewellery, his prong-tipped prehensile tail ripples slowly behind him, and even his two tiny horns protruding from his stylishly cut curly black hair seem to have been polished recently.
Canzonzabar the falxugon is used to his forceful presence drawing gazes from all patrons in such an establishment.

Seeing the assembly by the table and the rakshasa among them, he contacts the “tiefling” sitting there with silent telepathy.

“I trust you will elaborate on this new new development?”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet


"I was instructed to find annother. I was not told why. Please join us. We are all going by our propper nanes now," he adds disdainfully, "You may call me Marshal Nimikai Seviv, now. She is Yebena ap Ezaya," the Marshal identifies who he means with a telepathic 'image.'

You knew the who the Gelugon was already, which is why he didn't bother to introduce himself earlier. Yebena ap Ezaya is a name you vaguely recognize, though you vever had the oportunity to attatch the name to the face. You know that she deals in knowledge, especially history, magic, and Blood War intelligence, but you know very little else now that you do know who she actually is.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"I'm the real..." Bruce suddenly dulls again. "Both of us go by the name Bruce Maxson, as each of us is convinced that they are the original personality, and the other the splinter. If you want to talk to a particular identity, simply talk to them. When not in control of the body, we still maintain our senses. The one you are referring to will probably respond."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'BERK' wrote:
"I'm the real..." Bruce suddenly dulls again. "Both of us go by the name Bruce Maxson, as each of us is convinced that they are the original personality, and the other the splinter. If you want to talk to a particular identity, simply talk to them. When not in control of the body, we still maintain our senses. The one you are referring to will probably respond."
I am pleased by this explanation, it will suffice, i thank you both, Bruce Maxson, for enlightening me in this matter, and he nods politely..

(OOC:With all that telepathic banter going on, and knowing loads of devils have this ability, am i allowed to make some sort of sense motive/ spot check to notice this?)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Yes in the future, but only if you can see both people who are comunicating clearly (or rather, the DC is obscenely high when you can't see the other person, which you can't at the moment). The DC is ranks in bluff +15+/- other modifiers. There are bonuse for knowing something has telepathy, being psionic, having telepathy, etc. (this what I've decided to use. Earlier on I wasn't sure about the numbers).

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The harvester devil greets the newcomer politely, while his bodyguard holds a chair for his master to be seated.

“I am known as Canzonzabar, a dealer in words as well as goods.”

“Pleased to meet a fellow gentleman, especially one so closely aligned to my own origins. I occasionally find recreation as spectator of the regimented slaughter on the cubes of your kin in Acheron.”

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Pleased to meet a fellow gentleman, especially one so closely aligned to my own origins. I occasionally find recreation as spectator of the regimented slaughter on the cubes of your kin in Acheron.”[/]
Although you seem better informed then most about my kind, I myself do not come from Acheron.. by all means, sit down, and do let us discuss the fineries of our professions, planar/ political babble can always come at a later time..

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Marshall Nimikai Seviv, holds up his hand to interrupt you.
"Actually, before you do that, my employer has concluded his previous meeting and has asked me to send those who are here in to meet him. I will wait here for the others to see if they show up."

OOC: I've got PC troubles, so it may be a few days until I can post regularly again.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: Or lives! Puzzled If anyone points out that my computer is inanimate I will be forced to use the angry smiley.

Marshall Nimikai Seviv (or Marius Cail to Sidartha) leads you to the private room that has been reserved for you. He knocks and then opens the door after a second, and then returns to his seat.

There are eight chairs in the room, arranged around a circular table. You see one person, who looks to be a half-fiend, evidently of pit fiend descent. He is richly dressed in gold and red robes. He is covered in jewlery. With one hand, he idly twists his beard. The other flips a pen from finger to finger.

Pacing near the back of the room you see annother figure, pacing angrily back and forth. The figure has sickly green skin and a flat slit nose and narrow eyes. He looks very similar to a sick gith in that regard. White and slightly wilted petals grow from his head in an elaborate pattern. He wears a loose and unadorned, but eleborately made grey robe with sleeves that stretch to his waist. You can only see his hands and head.

"Good day to you all and please sit down. My name is EphaezThe inevitable is not coming, he checked out of his inn yesterday and left in a hurry. I beleive we can begin without the last of our number. I would think it best to discuss our business over lunch. I will, of course pay."

Eru'maho: Any aditional description is all yours


You notice that the person who calls himself Ephaez wears the signet ring of the pit fiend who goes by same name (the ambasador to Dis). A half fiend is also one of Ephaez's favored alternate forms.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
Marshall Nimikai Seviv (or Marius Cail to Sidartha)

"Good day to you all and please sit down. My name is EphaezThe inevitable is not coming, he checked out of his inn yesterday and left in a hurry. I beleive we can begin without the last of our number. I would think it best to discuss our business over lunch. I will, of course pay."

Eru'maho: Any aditional description is all yours

You notice that the person who calls himself Ephaez wears the signet ring of the pit fiend who goes by same name (the ambasador to Dis). A half fiend is also one of Ephaez's favored alternate forms.

OOC:, i think it frustrating (for me at least, if were supposed to be working on real identity, while i am apparently the only one who is actually in his own form or uses his own name, instead of an alias. that contradicts itself a bit imo.

"My name is EphaezThe inevitable is not coming,"
What is what? Ephaez is the guy speaking, behind the desk or the one trudging around?, and the inevitable, i presume is the ? no? party member who disappeared suddenly?

I think i am missing a few clews..or logics Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

OOC: You'll find out his name, either by accident or intentionally since it's hard to hide when everyone else knows it. Ephaez is the guy sitting down. Penance is the one who has vanished, and he is the one being refferred to.

Tyui's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

The creature pacing in front of the fireplace looks up at you and hisses. It seems uncomfortable, and continually strokes the front of its robe as if smoothing out a stain or comforting an animal.

"Eru'maho and am I, guisse to wansserings shall be your I. Ssat place taking be you I."

It's mouth seems to stumble around the syllables of common, and it is quite apparent that either common is a language learned recently, or it was instructed by a Xaositect. :mrgreen: Its face is drawn but not haggard; the facial bones are readily apparent but the eyes contain enough hate and energy to counter any assumptions that it is worn out. The headdress of petals is quite ostentatious, featuring gold ornaments jeweled with semi-precious stones. It is formed and layered upward so that it looks a bit like a closed lotus. Those of you with better hearing notice he makes no sound as he paces.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'Tyui' wrote:
"Eru'maho and am I, guisse to wansserings shall be your I. Ssat place taking be you I." Those of you with better hearing notice he makes no sound as he paces.
And a welcome to you also, Eru'maho, Siddharta nods, whilst will guide us to where?, 'That place?'..?

Knowledge Religion check to see if he is 'undead'

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 24.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Again, please be seated, I'd like to get over with this," says Ephaez


He doesn't look like any knid of undead you've ever seen

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Ephaez, i presume you are our 'contractor'?, Siddharta says whilst nibbling on a few boiled planar Dodo eggs, pealed and roasted in the blood of a celestial boar...adding after a few bites...I also wish to know who our group will contain in maximum consistency, and what their rough capabilities are, so we will all know what positions we pertain..

*diplomacy towards the contractor

26 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+26, the result is 38.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce sits down and looks about the room. "We would like to know the nature of the assignment, and its probable opponents and locations. An exposition may be in order." Bruce will abstain from eating any of the food.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Ephaez, i presume you are our 'contractor'?, Siddharta says whilst nibbling on a few boiled planar Dodo eggs, pealed and roasted in the blood of a celestial boar...adding after a few bites...I also wish to know who our group will contain in maximum consistency, and what their rough capabilities are, so we will all know what positions we pertain..

"That is correct, I am indeed your employer. Your group will consist of everyone present and seated here, as well as the Joker, who has not felt the need to join us in a timely maner. I will leave figuring out who does what up to you--it's what you're being paid to do, after all."

"We would like to know the nature of the assignment, and its probable opponents and locations. An exposition may be in order."

"Of course, an explaination is what you are here for. I ask only that you know this: if you wish to rattle your bone boxes about whatever is said here--whether you accept my offer or not--you will meet a very nasty end."

"Now," continues Ephaez, as though he had made no threat, "To explain. All of have been hired--not yert, technically, but I think my offers will be generous enough--to retreive a package and then return it to me undamaged and promptly. You are looking for a portal in the Seething Tangle (OOC: knowledge the planes for those interested). This will lead to a demiplane, where you will retreive my package. There is a one-way portal that leads to the Seething Tangle in the Hive. How you get out is your own problem, but you must return the package on time or you will not be paid. I will also deduct from all of your pay if not everyone returns. Know also that teleportation doesn't work in the very center of the tangle. You will need to walk at least some of the way. Eru'maho will be your guide, he is far more reliable than any other alternatives."

"Hmm," says Yebena, playing with her own beard in an imitation of Ephaez, "I am interested, but curious as to why you would choose to hire such an odd bunch to run your errands for you. There are many who are easier to manipulate than us. Who will we be collecting this package from? It would be be most unfortunate if we take a package from somone else than who you intend," she grins after this. It seems like a serious threat.

"You were chosen because you are competent, and have the skills and personal power required to do what I ask you. You will be retreiving the package from Fashaq ibn Qatia. You specifically..."

"Your explaination was satisfactory, I know who Fashaq is," interrupts Yebena. "The portal key to his demiplane is a living arcanaloth."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce looks over at Yebna. "We don't know who Fashaq is, and I must admit I would like to." He turns back to Ephaez. "Also, when you say package, do you mean an actual parcel? Or some other item? How might we recognize it, and will there be any obvious difficulties in transporting it?"

Bruce's eyes light up, he's switched control. "And then of course, there's the money. I'm all for going in as a dashing doer of daring-do, but I'd appreciate a tidy profit to be had in the running."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"I do not know what the package will look like. Take whatever you are given. Whatever it is, do not open it. It will be heavily magically warded, and you will suffer for your poor judgment. As for difficulties, the package may prove to be somewhat harmful--not fatally so--to everyone but Yebena and Canzonzabar. If it is at all possible, ensure that one of you two carries the box. If this is somehow impossible, give it to the Joker. It would serve him right. As far as payment goes, I would prefer to negotiate with each of you seperately, because of each of you probably prefer different payments. You will find that payment will be generous, and I swear that you will keep your souls. Fashaq is an arcanaloth, that is all you must know."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:

You notice that the person who calls himself Ephaez wears the signet ring of the pit fiend who goes by same name (the ambasador to Dis). A half fiend is also one of Ephaez's favored alternate forms.

Canzonzabar puts on his best behaviour and takes a seat near the host. He returns Eru’maho’s hissing with a smile and friendly nod, then turns his attention to Ephaez.

“While I do not question the recompense you are promising us – consider your offer of personal negotiations to be fully agreed on – I do question the notion of payment being lost if even one of us do not return. Your choice of recruits suggest a hazardous mission -” At these words the falxugon’s sight rests on Bruce. “- so surely a potential casualty, while possibly regretful, means little to completing the job?”

OOC: Knowledge (the Planes) to learn about the Seething Tangle.

20 Bonus for Knowledge (the to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 40.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

I will look forward to what will be discusses in private regarding payment, i am also interested to know if you can tell us anything about possible opposition..

OOC: Knowledge (the Planes) to learn about the Seething Tangle, 2nd roll is for know.local.Sigil to know this Fashaq the Arcanaloth (2nd roll should be +1 additional, so 30 end result, i am still having to get used to this system, sorry)

12 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 32.
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 29.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

I am also interested to know if you can tell us anything about possible opposition..

"Whatever there happens to be at the time. 'Leths the jungle itself are certanties and Tanar'ri are a possibility. It is a chaotic plane, anythng is possible."

“- so surely a potential casualty, while possibly regretful, means little to completing the job?”

"You are correct, but motivation to work together is a helpful thing."


Telepathically: "Your payment will not be in coin, Canzonzabar, do not let this concern you overmuch. I seek to minimize the number of people who know about this errand, and am therefore inclined to avoid hiring new blood if it is at all possible."

Knowledge (The Planes)

-The seething tangle is an extremely dense patch of jungle on Cathrys
-Teleportation magic is distorted throughout it and fails outright nearer to the center
-The center of the Tangle has been the retreat of many armies in the Blood War. Very few have returned, and those that have have been almost completely killed off. Thier reports and oficial debriefings vary too widely to be of any use.
-Some of the Tangle's plant life is inteligent and seeks to make food out of travellers
-There are a lot of 'Leths there
-The Tangle's floor is hissing and bubbling acidic bog, this is compounded by the naturally acidic air on Carceri


Knowledge (The Planes)

-The seething tangle is an extremely dense patch of jungle on Cathrys
-Teleportation magic is distorted throughout it and fails outright nearer to the center
-Some of the Tangle's plant life is inteligent and seeks to make food out of travellers
-There are a lot of 'Leths there
-The Tangle's floor is hissing and bubbling acidic bog, this is compounded by the naturally acidic air on Carceri

OOC: Fashaq is dos not live in Sigil, he lives on whatever demiplane the second portal on. Knowledge local would not provide any information. Generally, I rule that you can only make a knowledge check to learn information you could have reasonably picked up. In this case, there would be no reason you would know who Fashaq was. If there was a reason, the check would be Knowledge (The Planes).

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

'weishan' wrote:
I am also interested to know if you can tell us anything about possible opposition..

"Whatever there happens to be at the time. 'Leths the jungle itself are certanties and Tanar'ri are a possibility. It is a chaotic plane, anythng is possible."

“- so surely a potential casualty, while possibly regretful, means little to completing the job?”

"You are correct, but motivation to work together is a helpful thing."


Telepathically: "Your payment will not be in coin, do not let this concern you overly."

OOC: Fashaq is dos not live in Sigil, he lives on whatever demiplane the second portal on. Knowledge local would not provide any information. Generally, I rule that you can only make a knowledge check to learn information you could have picked up. In this case, there would be no reason you would know who Fashaq was.

OOC:Your mixing the targets of your answers, but i guess we figure out what is for whome.. Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Yes, my edit turnaround is a bit slow. Post edited.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

Bruce dully looks back at Canzonzabar before addressing Ephaez. "Please excuse me, as I am not as well versed on the lower planes as most of the occupants of this room, but am I correct in that we will be traveling to Carceri? Won't that make returning your package to you in a timely fashion... difficult?"

"Speaking of which, what is our timeframe?"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"Please excuse me, as I am not as well versed on the lower planes as most of the occupants of this room, but am I correct in that we will be traveling to Carceri? Won't that make returning your package to you in a timely fashion... difficult?"

"That is correct, you will be going to Carceri. You are not being imprisoned there though, so your options for departure are many. You can use magic, find a portal back if you can, or travel along the Styx. Should you choose to accept my offer, you will have one week from antipeak tonight to retrieve the package. It should be more than adequate."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: We're Still not Quite Dead Yet

"If that is all, you are free to finish eating while we negotiate. I can easily reserve annother room."

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