Game: War of Many Facets -- Phase I: Delivery

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GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Formula staggers somewhat

Formula staggers somewhat as he is struck, but stands upright as he hears his name called, and responds, "Thank you comrade! This unit shall endevour to prove them wrong!" He shouts another arcane formula then makes a sharp striking motion with his hand, sending a bitterly cold ray lancing towards the closest hulking figure.  (Ray of Frost)

(So H2 is slowed until the end of my next turn).

8 Bonus for Ray of Frost to do Hit H2
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 27.
6 Bonus for Ray of Frost to do damage H2
I rolled 1d6+6, the result is 8.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Through a stream of

Through a stream of incoherent babble a few words can be made out.

"see your fate"

Seemingly in a dazed trance, Tamara waves her wand in the direction of one of the smaller facets. A lance of light bursts forth from the tiny portal in her head, and in its wake a chill shadow falls over the creature.

Minor: Sustain crown of stars, attack S2 with it. Move:Use as minor to curse S2. Standard: Frigid darkness on S2.

Crown of stars deals 4 damage if it hits.

If frigid darkness hits, S2 is at -2 AC and grants combat advantage to all enemies for one turn.

7 Bonus for crown of stars to do hit S2, vs. Will
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 22.
7 Bonus for frigid darkness to do hit S2, vs. fort
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 13.
3 Bonus for frigid darkness damage to do
I rolled 2d8+3, the result is 15.
0 Bonus for curse damage to do if frigid darkness hits
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 3.

Pants of the North!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Okeanos: Flame Cyclone on

Okeanos: Flame Cyclone on H1 and H2, hits H2 for 14 fire damage.  Uses Inspiring Word to heal Formula healing 10 total hp. Seigi: Sneak attacks S2, hits for 19 damage.  Uses sword's daily power to zap both H1 (3) and H2 (5).  H1 dies. Coal: Uses second wind to recover 13 hp.  Sustains Snuff Out the Lifeflame.  Lotus Flames on H2, misses, inflicts ongoing 5 fire. Formula: Regains 10 hp.  Ray of Frost on H2, hits for 8 damage and slows H2 until the end of his next turn. Tamara: Re-uses Crown of Stars, hits S2 for 4 damage.  Casts frigid darkness and misses. -------------- S2 attacks Seigi and hits for 7 damage, reduced to 0 by Okeanos's Aegis of Warding. H2 attacks Okeanos, hits for 13 damage. P1 and P2 both attack Formula, one hits for 11 damage. -------------- Unless something goes terribly wrong, once at least one more enemy is destroyed, I will wrap up the combat.

Your combined efforts finally managed to bring down one of the giant, hulking facets.  The creature blinked at you from two faces for a second before it shattered.  The creature broke apart and collapsed to the ground with a thunderous clatter as chunks of salt rock and dust flew through the air.  The remaining giant facet looked in bad shape, cracks running through its crystalline form.

The smaller facet retaliated against Seigi's vicious strike, but its clublike arm rebounded off an unseen barrier.  Okeanos's magic seemed to be working and protected the old gentleman from the creature's attack.

Meanwhile, the two in the back continued their relentless assault, lashing out at the only being they could see around Coal's dark blaze: Formula.  The warforged had been bolstered by the water genasi's words, but that renewed strength quickly shattered as one of the facets struck him again, causing more corrosion and abrasion on the warforged's metal body.   Image(O) Okeanos: 29/56 (S) Seigi: 34/51 (C) Coal: 36/52, +13 temporary hp, Second Wind, Hunger of Hadar sustained (T) Tamara: Crown of Stars sustained (F) Formula: 14/37, bloodied

H1: dead H2: -62 HP, Reach 2, bloodied, ongoing 5 fire S1: dead S2: -22, marked by Okeanos P1: +10 temporary hp P2: Grey Squares:Normal Terrain (Street) Brown Squares:Impassable (Fences, rooftops, etc.) Purple Squares: Obstacles such as boxes.  These are difficult terrain. That means it takes 2 squares of movement to enter one.  They can provide cover.  Finally, you can move them 1 square as a standard action. that provokes opportunity actions. Dark Squares: These squares block line of sight.  Any enemy in them takes 2d10+1 necrotic damage.  All creatures inside the zone have concealment.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
" Let's end this! " The

" Let's end this! " The water genasi's sword glows with a faint white light as he attacks the huge facet next to him with the strength he has left.


Standard Action - He attacks H2 ( atk. vs. AC) and uses his encounter power transposing lunge, If he hits he teleports H2 to, 12GH and 13GH

Move Action -  If he hits, or H2 dies, he uses his encounter power, SwiftCurrent, and moves to 11I ( around Coal's zone of death ) to block attacks directed at Formula. If H2 doesn't die or get moved, he uses his power anyway to get to 15I to block attacks directed at Formula.

Minor action - drinks a healing potion

Note to DM: S2 is still marked and gets -2 on attacks not directed at me and H2 still has ice aura, so if any enemy starts or moves into its ice aura it takes frost damage. If S2 dies and if P1 or P2 attack him, and give him ongoing damage, he will use his armors " shared suffering " power, as an immediate reaction.


11 Bonus for Transpose Lunge, Arcane to do attack H2 and teleport him
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 16.
6 Bonus for Arcane, Weapon to do damage H2 ( just in case if I hit, which is not likely)
I rolled 2d8+6, the result is 18.
0 Bonus for Ice Aura to do Damage enemies that move next to H2
I rolled 1d10+0, the result is 7.
GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Formula calmly walks

Formula calmly walks forward, his arms moving rapidly again and then as he finishes another one of his arcantrik equations he leans forward and angrily hurls another lance of frost at the hulking facet.


OOC: Forward 1 square to I17 then using Ray of Frost on H2 unless it's dead then try to hit a P. 

8 Bonus for Ray of Frost to do Hit H2
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 25.
6 Bonus for Ray of Frost to do damage H2
I rolled 1d6+6, the result is 7.


Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
Seigi throws up an arm when

Seigi throws up an arm when the saltmonster batters at him -- and his eyes widen in amazement when the blow glances off some invisible protection. "Mother was right," he mutters as he displays another series of flourishes with his blade, inserting it past his opponent's guard. "I should have applied for wizard's apprentice when I was still young enough for it. Oh, well ... At least I know how to stick it to such rude souls as try to stick it to me first." 

(OOC: Yet another Sly flourish combined with a Sneak attack on S2. Attack roll of 29. Sly flourish damage: 12. Sneak attack damage: 8. Total: 20.)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Watch out, old

“Watch out, old friend!” the azer shouts to Formula. “You look pretty battered, keep those screws and bolts together!”


A nearly imperceptible trail of embers follows Coal as he dashes to the side of the alley, intense heat causing the air around him to distort vision.


While maintaining his focus on the flameless draining cloud, he directs his avian wand at one of the facets and fires a bolt of sizzling energy.


Minor: Sustain Snuff Out the Lifeflame (secondary attack at H2).

Move: Move to J18, gaining concealment until end of Coal's next turn from Shadow Walk class feature.

Standard: Eldritch Blast at S2 if it still lives, otherwise P2.


[I went ahead and rolled primary damage for Hunger of Hadar when H2 starts turn in it. Thus, looks like it will have taken a total of 25 damage from Coal by the time it gets to act (12 from the secondary zone attack on Coal's turn, then 8 from the primary and 5 from the ongoing fire at the start of its turn)]

8 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary attack vs Fort to do hit H2
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 26.
6 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary damage to do hurt H2
I rolled 1d6+6, the result is 12.
1 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar primary damage to do hurt H2 when it starts turn
I rolled 2d10+1, the result is 8.
8 Bonus for Eldritch Blast vs Ref to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 26.
6 Bonus for Eldritch Blast damage to do
I rolled 1d10+6, the result is 8.
Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tamara's eyes roll back in

Tamara's eyes roll back in her head, and though it looks like she shouts only a whisper is audible. Largely indiscernible, it is a few words of horror directed at the smaller facet before her. Seemingly of its own volition, the tiny gate within Tamara sends forth another tendril of light.

Standard: Dreadful word at S2. Minor: Sustain crown of stars. If dreadful word hits, she'll deal curse damage as well, and S2 will be at -3 Will for one turn. If crown of stars hits it'll deal 4 damage.

7 Bonus for crown of stars to do hit S2, vs. Will
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 21.
7 Bonus for dreadful word to do hit S2, vs. Will
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 12.
3 Bonus for dreadful word damage to do
I rolled 2d8+3, the result is 9.
0 Bonus for curse damage to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 4.

Pants of the North!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The remaining hulk, already

The remaining hulk, already severely battered by your efforts, shattered like its kin, crumbling into chunks and blocks of raw, quasi-elemental salt.  Under Seigi's quick strikes, the smaller facet also exploded, showering everyone with a harmless spray of salty dust.  All that remained were the two shooters in the back.  Though formidable marksmen, though, they proved inept at hand-to-hand combat, so when Okeanos and Seigi engaged them, you all took care of them quickly.

The only sounds in the afermath of the battle were your own breathing and the distant, dull roar of the city going about its business.  It left several questions, foremost of which is what to do next?  Go on to your inn?  Of course, Thalivan might be interested in knowing about this second attack on someone linked to him...

Perception check

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Slumped over somewhat,

Slumped over somewhat, Formula walks up to the crumbled hulk and kicks it slightly. He remains silent as he looks over the remains and then steps back to inspect the damage to his plates and leathery tendons, crusted as they are in abrasive salts he stops and rummages, then pulls a polishing cloth, dirty with oil, from his pack, and proceeds to clean what he can reach as he watches the four of you, his normally erect posture slumped slightly and his voice has more than a minorly morose note as he looks at his companions and asks, "Well...what now? This unit...this...never mind, comment rescinded." He finishes cleaning out the grating crystals and takes up a position near to Coal. "These....screws and bolts'll keep me running just find old friend." 

4 Bonus for Perception to do Perceive things
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 12.


Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
" We must not waste any

" We must not waste any time " Okeanos say's with a very dry throat. " The City of glass is at war with the facets and they shouldn't be able to be here... this is most disturbing. We must warn Thalivan and contact the constabulary " He takes his empty healing potions and fills them with the remains of the facets. " I am taking some samples of them, perhaps we might learn something useful by examining their remains" After collecting the samples he glances at the group. " By the way, Good work, we sure showed them not to mess with us!" He then sees his comrades injuries and asks with a worried expression "Is everyone allright?"


Okeanos spends a healing surge to gain 14 hp which makes his total pool of hp 52. Just a note to DM: I now have 6/11 healing surges left.

4 Bonus for Perception to do spot something
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 12.
Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
With visible effort, Tamara

With visible effort, Tamara snuffs the light emerging from her head, and after another few moments seems to come fully to her senses.

"Okeanos is right. Salt creatures should not be here. But we knew they were already. Thalivan and the local security should be warned."

1 Bonus for Perception to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 11.

Pants of the North!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Still agitated from the

Still agitated from the rush of combat, Coal looks down at himself and appears somewhat surprised to find that’s he’s not mortally wounded.

“Still?... But the visions… Ah, I see…”


GunsmackIt wrote:

He finishes cleaning out the grating crystals and takes up a position near to Coal. "These....screws and bolts'll keep me running just fine old friend."

“Good to hear, good to hear. I’m sure turning from the blade to wizardry must have been accompanied by a new sense of purpose, right? Purpose that requires self-preservation, I’d wager…”


Coal trails off; having slipped into staring into the life-seeping void he has conjured while standing dangerously close to it. Okeanos’ comments snap him out of it, however, and he dissipates the black flames with a sigh.


“Right, let’s be off lest we run into more of them. The battle drained me a good deal so I don’t think I would be able to put up quite as much a fight.”


[Coal spends a healing surge to recover to 49/52.]

3 Bonus for Perception to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 19.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Just a moment, please,

"Just a moment, please, just a moment," Seigi wheezes. Hands suddenly trembling, the old man fumblingly exchanges his sword for his cane, and leans on it rather heavily. "So sorry," he says, quietly gasping for breath. "Not as young as I used to be, you know. Just not as young as I used to be. And this wretched damp is playing hob with all my joints." Seigi coughs, and tries to lever himself into a fully upright position again. "Right," he says. "Right. Where are we going?"

 (OOC: Perception check: 12.)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The City of Glass, the

The City of Glass, the Dancing Mermaid Day 3 of the War of the Facets, 3:45 A.P.

After recovering your breath and ensuring no other facets were about to leap out of the shadows and get you, you all turned and began heading back toward the Dancing Mermaid where Thalivan was staying. The arcane had asked to be informed if you found anything else, and he'd most certainly like to know about a second attack on his own interests.

The trip back to the Mermaid went a bit faster.  Perhaps it was the urgency of the situation that drove you forward.  Perhaps it was just a better memory and understanding of how the streets went.  Either way you arrived in less time than it took you to get to the alley where you were ambushed. Your battle-weary state and roughed-up look drew several stares from the patrons and visitors, while several others turned away in disdain.

Thalivan had retired temporarily to his suite for the evening by the time you arrived.  The concierge sent up a page boy who returned quickly with a message to have you meet Thalivan upstairs while he prepared for his evening.  So you followed the page up a few floors to the arcane's suite.  His abode in the city was humble -- for a wealthy planar merchant.  The suite took up four rooms, most large enough to house an entire peasant family, though the decorations were not overly gaudy or opulent.  The ceilings were tall, several feet above Thalivan's head, suggesting this suite saw several mercane visitors -- or that Thalivan came here regularly.

He looked up from the table where he was arranging various goods into boxes for shipment.  "You return so soon?" he asked, his brow furrowing as he noted your current state.  One long, elegant hand waved off the page boy, who exited discreetly, and then he turned back to you.  "What happened?"

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Salt creatures ambushed us.

"Salt creatures ambushed us. Probably the same ones that assaulted the merchants earlier."


Pants of the North!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“They were facets, as the

“They were facets, as the kid pointed out, enemies of the city. Some big nasty ones among them.”


Coal glances around the suite, looking for any trace of salt or dehydration.


“A highly coordinated hit; they acted like a single unit and they knew where to cut us off.”


[Sorry about the slow posting, lately. Is it too late for Coal to have picked up one of the items he spotted as per your PM?]

8 Bonus for Insight to do determine if there's something Thalivan isn't telling us
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 17.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The azer pulls out a small

The azer pulls out a small packet and unwraps a cube of clear salt crystal, holding a mystical glyph inside. On the off-chance that the cube is harmful Coal carefully avoids touching it, as he did when he recovered it from the facet remains.


“There was one of these in each of the creatures. Mean anything to you?”

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
Seigi drops heavily into the

Seigi drops heavily into the nearest available chair, then winces at the shock to his joints. "On the surface," he says, "it would seem that those herbs are indeed very popular items."

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Facets?" Thalivan seemed

"Facets?" Thalivan seemed genuinely surprised, "Here in this city?"  He sat back and steepled his long fingers in front of his face.  "I would not think that is possible.  I did not even realize any portals to Salt existed here."

He shook his head slowly.  "I still think you misunderstand," he continued, "The facets are not an enemy of mine, nor my people, nor even this city in particular.  They are enemies of Water itself.  They attack because the existence of water is anathema to them.  I've never heard of a facet penetrating so deeply into this plane, however.  They wage their war at border between Water and Salt.  Regardless, I still believe this is only coincidence.  I cannot imagine any reason someone would intentionally strike at my affairs."

Nevertheless, he took one of the cubes from Coal and lifted it up.  He held it to the light for a minute so he could see inside and then brought it back down and idly turned it in his hands as he regarded it.  Finally, he spoke again.  "The symbol is...familiar," he said, "But I cannot quite place it.  I have suspicions but it would not be wise to name them until I am absolutely certain.  Given a bit of time, I can figure it out."

Thalivan watched the cube glitter in the light for another moment and then tucked it into his robes.  He remained quiet for a moment longer, drumming the tips of his slender fingers on the table before he spoke.  "If facets are somehow able to get into this city," he said, "then that way must be found out and sealed.  I would very much dislike losing the business here.  To that end, I will send you on your first -- or rather, your second job for me, assuming you are still interested in working for me?"  He let the question hang as he awaited confirmation.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Without giving it any

Without giving it any thought, Okeanos replies " I am in ! They can't be allowed to roam around this city. I still believe that we should send a message to the constabulary and inform them. Don't you agree Thalivan? "

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"It is... troublesome to me

"It is... troublesome to me that creatures so anathematic could breach so deep into this plane."

Tamara pauses for a moment, staring at nothing in particular, before continuing.

"I agree this way must be found. I will help. Okeanos is right, though. The authorities here know the city better than we do; they may be invaluable in the search."

Is there a check we can make to identify the symbol?


Pants of the North!

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"I might speculate a

"I might speculate a little," Seigi muses, seeming to be talking almost to himself while he brushes off his clothes. "If, in all the many ages of eternity, Salt has never managed to penetrate this deeply into Water, then perhaps the creatures of Salt have not been able to create a breech into this realm. Maybe some other party, that does have the ability, is now taking a hand and allowing the Facets to come here for some purpose of its own. Assassinations, possibly. Or a distraction? I am curious as to how the Facets came here, to be sure. But I also wonder why now, and why here. Yes. Do let's investigate."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Surely, something should

“Surely, something should be done.” Coal nods to his companions while pacing about the suite, and then addresses Thalivan.


“Of course, once the connection for this familiarity with the glyph comes to mind, we would all be eager to hear it. Anything at all that could enlighten the mystery.”

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Of course, of course,"

"Of course, of course," Thalivan said, "I shall inform the local guard.  I am in good standing with them, after all."  He nodded.  "Tomorrow morning, come back and see me.  I will provide you with directions and a letter.  I am sending you to a city called Aremshah on the Plane of Air.  I know of a contact who should be living there during this part of the year.  He is a very knowledgeable gatecrasher, extremely familiar with planar paths throughout the Inner Planes."  The arcane smiled.  "I have made use of his services on many occasions.  He will talk to you if he knows you are my envoys.  If there are any portals to Salt in this city, he will know."

The arcane stood.  "Well, then," he said, "I suggest you rest.  I will need you to come early since I have a rather full day tomorrow."

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Perhaps a bath, first,"

"Perhaps a bath, first," Seigi suggests, without looking up from his sartorial maintenance. "Those gents were awfully drippy during our scuffle. Also, I'd like some time to make a more thorough job of this; salt crusts are so unbecoming in everyday wear."

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