Game: War of Many Facets -- Phase I: Delivery

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Coal narrows his eyes at

Coal narrows his eyes at the old man’s tale:


“White? Or covered in some sort of mineral? Like salt, perhaps?”

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The old man shrugged. 

The old man shrugged.  "Could be," he said, "Didn't get a good look at 'em."

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
GunsmackIt: Formula stares

GunsmackIt: Formula stares at Okeanos and then shrugs, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. This unit will await in the street. He sees no need to participate in either duplicity or theft." 

Dunamin: A look of disbelief crosses Coal’s face and he shakes his head.

“Poor taste, kid. I’ll have no part in petty theft or a cover-up that dishonors the deceased.”

" hmph... " and Okeanos shrugs "...well I meant no disrespect to the dead, I just consider our lives more important than theirs " He walks to the table and collects the rest of the jinx along wih the 4 gold pieces he took earlier. Then he walks to the corpses and returns the stolen gold pieces to its rightfull ovners. " ...but, its a group decision and I respect that, besides the plan would never have worked without everybody's help" He then returns any goods, formulas or valuables he took earlier to it's prober place " If ya lot believe I took the goods to earn some cheap profit, then think again. Any man or woman with some brains would consider it a fool's errant to try to sell stolen goods from a fresh murder scene ". The water genasi takes the lastlook in the shop before leaving with the others


DM:Finally, your efforts seemed to pay off.  After you knocked on a door, a wizened, stooped old human man answered.  You presented your questions and his old eyes widened.  "Yeah, I seen it," he said in a voice a little to loudly, "Seen it just before dawn.  Some sods walked right on in, then walked right back out!"

Okeanos stay's silent next to Tamara with his arms crossed and listens intently to what the old man has to say.

DM: The old man squinted at Tamara.  One could almost hear the old, squeaky gears turning in his head as he tried to recall what happened.  Then, he hobbled back a few feet and looked the woman up and down.  Finally, he nodded to himself and answered.

"They was about your height, missy," he said, sticking a finger at Tamara, "'Cept these berks was all soddin' white.  Walked right in, walked right back out about a half-hour later."

He nodded, sounding confident in his explanation.




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Okeanos is clearly not satisfied with the old mans explanation "You must have seen something more old cutter “ and he gently shakes his own pouch full of coin “ How were they dressed? Did they have any symbols or marks on their clothing that could help identify them? What race may they be? What gear did they carry? “

Suddenly the water genasi notices something about the old man and  quickly whispers to the group " I believe this old bloke has poor eyesight... what ever he saw might appear useless since he can't give us any details of who or what walked in but he has given us a time frame which is better than nothing " and then he turns back to the old man and awaits his answer to his inquiry


9 Bonus for Insight to do get some insight
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 26.
Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"I don't know, berk!" the

"I don't know, berk!" the man glared sternly at Okeanos, "Just saw they was white sods, like snow or somethin'!"

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Like snow?" Tamara turns to

"Like snow?"

Tamara turns to consult quietly with the others, paying no attention to the old man any longer.

"Perhaps we should locate our tout, K'zink. He was a rather white fellow, wasn't he?"


Pants of the North!

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
" All right, all right you

" All right, all right you barmy Old man. Thanks for the info ". Okeanos drops a jinx in the old man's hand and turns to the others. " I don't think K'zink has anything to do with this but I reckon it would be a good idea to seek him out, just in case " the genasi say's quietly. " shall we get going then ? "

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Much appreciated,

“Much appreciated, cutter,” Coal says with a respectful nod to the geezer before adressing his companions.


“K’zink has an alibi, fellows – that’s us. We were all with him for the past three hours, weren’t we? I can’t imagine the incident being older than that, considering how it appears we were first to discover it.”


The azer scratches the back of his head in thought, giving off miniscule sparks around his hood.

“Of course, he may be involved through connection to other cold genasi that the graybeard spotted, but still...”

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"And maybe he's not involved

"And maybe he's not involved with any of it at all, neither as distraction nor anyaught else," Seigi sighs, tapping the heel of his cane on the street's cobbles in a distracted manner. "Let's consider for a moment, lady, gents and unit. Is there any way to contact the Arcane and see whether the people who should have taken reception of the package are, in fact, alive or dead?"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The City of Glass, the

The City of Glass, the Dancing Mermaid Day 3 of the War of the Facets, 2:00 A.P.

You all reunited with your arcane patron two days after discovering the unfortunate fate of the package recipient.  Pursuing the case further suggested nothing native to the Plane of Water was likely to do such a thing, though magic was certainly a possibility.  K'zink, when questioned, was genuinely surprised and a little hurt that he'd be thought of as a murder suspect.  After talking with him, you got the impression the suggestion put him a little out of sorts.  He was really just a good guy trying to make a living as a guide, he explained, and it was his job to know where things are in the city.  He led you to the Dancing Mermaid but he was less talkative and energetic than normal.  Of course, finding out people suspected you as a murderer didn't exactly make one amenable to casual conversation.

Thalivan, with his tall, slender frame, flowing dark robes and deep blue skin was easy to spot in the common room.  He towered over most other patrons and was pleasantly discussing some accommodation matters with a hotel employee when you arrived.  As he saw you approach, he quickly finished conducting his business and then sent the employee away before turning to welcome you fully.

"Welcome, welcome," he said with cultured cheerfulness, opening his arms in a warm gesture.  His fingers, each with their extra digit, unfolded, palms up, in a sign of peace.  It was a little eerie to watch those long, slender digits move in ways that you couldn't truly imagine.  He brought you to a table, called for lunch for all of you and himself and sat down, then beckoned for you to sit.

"The package was delivered successfully, I trust?" he asked, reaching into his robes for something.  He paused before pulling whatever it was out, though, and awaited confirmation.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Mr. K'Zink," Seigi says

"Mr. K'Zink," Seigi says before the group parts company with the ice genasi. "Before you depart, I should like to say a little thing." The older man extends a hand -- albeit a gloved one -- in K'Zink's direction for shaking. "I humbly and honestly apologize," he says, with a certain rheumy dignity in his voice and the deliberateness of his gestures, "for our having caused you this distress. The only apology I can offer you lies in paranoia, sparked by the rather horrible discovery we made. I pray you will forgive us someday, if you may not do so now. I wish you all of the best in life."

Inside, Seigi gratefully sinks into the first chair he sees. His face spasms briefly as he rubs his knees. "This damp is playing hob with my joints," he sighs, shaking his head. "I'm truly growing old ... And I am sorry to report, sir, that the 'drop' did not occur, for lack of live recipients." Surprisingly clear, black eyes study the Arcane's when Seigi makes his report. 


Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
K'zink shrugged at Seigi

K'zink shrugged at Seigi and shook the proffered hand.  He seemed a little mollified but still distrustful of you.  After all, who would really want to work for someone that just accused him of murder?  Once he delivered you to your location, he mumbled a pleasant enough good-bye and made his exit


The arcane glanced from Seigi to the others as if silently asking for confirmation on what the human just said.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
"Yes, it is true what

"Yes, it is true what Seigi speaks of... Poor sods... " The genasi shakes his head and clears his throat. Looking very seriously at Thalivan he continues in a low voice" It seems that someone or something is looking for the package and knew it would be delivered shortly after our arrival, but this is mere speculation on my hand since we do not know for sure why the men in the shop were killed. Maybe you could tell us why someone would kill to get their hands on the package and perhaps indulge us what the package actually is"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Mm," Thalivan said, sitting

"Mm," Thalivan said, sitting back and steepling his long, elegant fingers.  He nodded at Okeanos.  "It is a shame he is dead, but I know others across the planes that would buy these.  Before I explain, is the package still intact?  I would have it back, as it belongs to me.  I will still pay you if the contents are still whole."

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"We still possess the

"We still possess the package."

Tamara indicates the person carrying it, with a gesture to bring it out.

"Fortunately for us, whoever sought it had departed by the time we arrived."


Pants of the North!

GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Formula remains oddly silent

Formula remains oddly silent throughout the walk back to meet the Arcane. He watches his comrades calmly, if a bit warily, and remains silent in most of the proceedings with K'zink. The tall gaunt form of the warforged stands monolithic and silent until after Tamara speaks and then says, "This unit's friends may be placing to great of import on the package. It is certainly possible that the murder was merely an unhappy coincidence. Even in the safest of burgs residents die or are murdered. Then there is the possibility, however slim, that what we have been unhappy parties to was not in fact a murder at all but a mystical experiment gone wrong." He pauses perhaps to let his words sink in and then shrugs and seems ready to continue but falls dourly silent again.



Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The arcane took the package

The arcane took the package once proffered.  His fingers flowed effortlessly through the motions for a simple spell, and then he put his hands on the sack.  Once finished, he opened the drawstrings and peered inside quickly, then closed the bag again.

"Herbs," he explained, "They grow only in Limbo.  Their chaotic nature makes it difficult to keep them.  Thus, I devised a special container for them that allows them to maintain form once they leave the plane.  A shame, but as I said, there are others in other parts of the Multiverse that might know what happened."

He set the pouch in his lap and steepled his fingers once more.  "Tell me," he said, "What happened to the alchemist?"

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Okeanos silently gives the

Okeanos silently gives the arcane his package back and waits patiently for the Arcane to describe what's inside. Upon the arcanes explanation, Okeanos tries to determine if he is lying or telling the truth.

" Aye, Herbs..." the genasi said with a bit of disappointment in his tone " What alchemical properties do they have?" 

Thalivan: He set the pouch in his lap and steepled his fingers once more.  "Tell me," he said, "What happened to the alchemist?" 

" We are not entirely sure what killed them. You see, their deaths were most unusual. Who ever killed them drained the poor sods' water away from them and left their bodies covered in salt. Not only did they drain all of the liquids from the victims, it also completely reclaimed the shop. Most disturbing sight I might add" Okeanos crosses his arms and lays back comfortably in his seat. "You must be well versed Thalivan, do you know of anything that could have done that? And I believe there is a matter of payment you promised us" 


OCC: Damn, a natural 1... that sucks. Well better sooner rather than later. And for some reason I can't turn this OCC red, so blue it is...

9 Bonus for Insight to do determine if Thalivan is lying
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 10.
Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The arcane tapped his

The arcane tapped his fingers together, but that was the only sign of agitation he showed.  "I am no alchemist," he said, "So I do not pretend to know what the rarer herbs are useful for.  I know enough to understand the properties of my more common stock, but some things such as these come by special order only."

He gave Okeanos a somewhat stern look.  "I am, however, an arcane, young one, and I do not renege on business deals.  A bit of patience would be welcome."  The blue-skinned trader reached back into his robes and pulled out a sack of coin.  He placed the coin on the table and slid it across to you. 

"As promised, the rest of your five hundred gold each, delivered in platinum."  With that, he sat back.

"There are many possibilities, but it is fruitless to speculate without knowing more details," he explained, "If there were an attacker, I do not suspect he was out to target me and my contacts personally.  Nevertheless..."  He reached into his robes again and placed another, smaller sack on the table.  This one, too, jingled with coin

"If you do not object, I would like to hire you on retainer during my stay here," the merchant continued, "I will start with two-hundred-fifty gold each and pay you fifty gold for each day of your time.  I have many matters that need to be dealt with and it would help me greatly to have your assistance in deliveries and escorts.  You have certainly proven yourselves capable.  In addition, if you happen to find anything else of interest that relates to the alchemist's death, I would like you to let me know.  Will that be acceptable?"

He seems to be telling the truth about everything so far.  You may all add 500gp to your sheets now.  You'll have shopping time before long if you want to use it.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"I will stay in this glass

"I will stay in this glass city with you. You may be blasé about this attack, but I believe you to be in further danger."

Tamara collects the bag of five platinum and ferrets its contents away into her pockets.


Pants of the North!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Certainly a fair offer

“Certainly a fair offer and this incident have admittedly sparked my curiosity. For me, however, the decisive issue is whether following this path will ignite the withering lotus petals and guide them towards full bloom?...” Coal seems to drift off, his focus turning inwards and a moment of silence passing by.


“I believe that to be the case, though there will be gathering clouds threatening to douse the flame.” He looks up again, eyes burning bright. “I accept.”


“Will you be staying at the Blue Seahorse throughout your stay in the city? Are there other means by which we may contact you?”

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Okeanos snatches the bag and

Okeanos snatches the bag and takes his share " Aye, a fair offer indeed, but before I accept, I wish to apologise for my behaviour before, it was impolite. I am just a bit tense after today's unexpected discovery. Nothing to worry about I assure you. With that said, I gladly accept your gracious offer. So... what's the the plan chief? "

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"I will stay in this glass

"I will stay in this glass city with you. You may be blasé about this attack, but I believe you to be in further danger."

"Thank you, my dear," the arcane replied with a wry smile, "I shall be all right.  The arcanes do not make enemies easily."

“Will you be
staying at the Blue Seahorse throughout your stay in the city? Are there other
means by which we may contact you?”

"I will be staying here, at the Mermaid," Thalivan explained, "You will still be at the Seahorse.  During most days, I will be busy with trade negotiations and business deals.  I will leave messages for you at the Seahorse in the morning.  If you need to contact me, leave a message here.  I will be finished with daily business by evening."

I wish to apologise for my behaviour before, it was impolite. I am just a
bit tense after today's unexpected discovery. Nothing to worry about I
assure you. With that said, I gladly accept your gracious offer. So...
what's the the plan chief?

 "No harm done," the arcane reassured Okeanos, "For now, you may retire to your inn.  I will have instructions sent to you by morning.  In the meantime if you do happen to discover anything about the deaths, please inform me immediately.  If there are no further questions, I will speak with you tomorrow."

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Formula sits silently then

Formula sits silently then shrugs, "This unit joined this expedition to have gainful employment, and he sees no reason to divest himself as of now. This unit has no need of lodgings so he suspects most of his free time will be spent in one of the nearby libraries. Please send your instructions to the nearest. And as to you, my comrades, this unit bids you a fond farewell until the morrow."



Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The City of Glass Day 3 of

The City of Glass Day 3 of the War of the Facets, 3:00 A.P.

After Thalivan sent you off, you all made your way back along the roads toward the Seahorse.  Without a tout, it was a little harder to get around.  The City of Glass was almost as mazelike as Sigil, and even though some had been here before, things had changed enough to make navigation tough. 

About an hour after leaving the Mermaid, you all found yourselves in the quieter district where the Seahorse was located.  All things considered, it was a nice day.  Humid, like every day on this plane, and balmy.  A faint breeze floated through the air and took some of the weight of the vapor off your shoulders as you trudged through the city.  Occasionally you caught wind of a very odd smell, like some garbage that had been laying out in the humidity a little too long.

You turned down a smaller side street on your way to the Seahorse when something caught your eye.  A rustling up ahead, behind an overgrown fence.  Ordinarily you might not think anything of it, but something made you pause.  Then you realized.

Around here, the air felt much drier than before.

Perception checks!  Sorry for not posting yesterday like I promised.  Real life took a little longer than I anticipated Smiling

Formula, I know you wanted to go to the library but for now you are still with the group.  We'll say you went to a library after seeing the others safely to their inn.  You'll see soon enough why I wanted you here. Eye-wink

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Amiss."Tamara only spoke


Tamara only spoke one word, but a sound like wood crackling in a fire betrays her agitation. She puts a hand to her crystal rod - if there was going to be trouble, she needed to be able to control her inner power properly.

1 Bonus for Perception to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 7.

Pants of the North!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Good.” A smile crosses

“Good.” A smile crosses Coal’s lips and the pulsing avian-ornamented rod is back in his hand.


“I was beginning to suspect this would be an uneventful assignment.”


3 Bonus for Perception to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 21.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Dear, oh dear," Seigi

"Dear, oh dear," Seigi sighs, sadly shaking his head even while his hands exchange his cane for his shortsword. "At my age, an exciting life just loses its appeal, I'm sorry to say."


(OOC: Perception check: 28. Natural twenty, even ....)

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
" hmph ! " is the only thing

" hmph ! " is the only thing that comes out of the genasis mouth. He quickly places himself between the group and the overgrown fence with his sword drawn. 

4 Bonus for Perception to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 8.
Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
They didn't take long to

They didn't take long to show up.  Nor were they hard to miss.  At first glance, they looked like golems.  Constructs forged of salt crystal with facets that gleamed dully in the light.  The only thing to separate them from mindless automatons was the burning intelligence in their eyes.  Intelligence and raw hatred.  The two largest ones, both close to nine feet tall, stepped out first and advanced, leveling angry glares on you.  Two more, smaller versions of the larger ones, leaped over the fence and fell in behind the larger ones, and another pair approached inexorably from the rear. 

The fight was on.  You could only hope you had enough time to react.

Those that beat a Perception DC 15 may take a full turn of actions as normal.  All others may take a single action.  Formula, if you post this round, you may still make your Perception check to see what your fate is.


Image Key:

O = Okeanos S = Seigi C = Coal T = Tamara F = Formula

Enemy Pogs will be declared once they're identified.  A successful Nature check will reveal information about them.

Grey Squares: Normal Terrain (Street) Brown Squares: Impassable (Fences, rooftops, etc.) Purple Squares: Obstacles such as boxes.  These are difficult terrain. That means it takes 2 squares of movement to enter one.  They can provide cover.  Finally, you can move them 1 square as a standard action. that provokes opportunity actions.

Character/Creature Status

Okeanos: Seigi: Coal: Tamara: Formula: H1: H2: Reach 2 S1: S2: P1: P2:

Remember, we are in a combat situation, so you will have about 24 hours to post your turn.  Otherwise, you get skipped.  Roll your attack and then make sure you roll your damage so that if you hit, I can take care of the damage.  In about 24 hours, I will update, post enemy actions, etc.

The Large-sized enemies *do* have Reach, so bear in mind that if you move adjacent to them, you will provoke an opportunity attack.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Amaimon’s beard, are

“Amaimon’s beard, are we being ambushed by piles of table salt?” the azer wonders as he steps up to level his rod at one of the bigger aggressors.


“Your essence shall fuel the Lotus Furnace, creature. Dusk be upon you!”

Roaring fire erupts from the crystal of Coal’s rod, taking the shape of a great flaming bird that descends on the construct. Fiery claws sink into it, while the burning wings spread out to bask over the other nearby constructs.


Move: Step up to square H17 to gain benefit of Prime Shot.

Minor: Curse foe H1.

Standard: Cast Fiery Bolt on foe H1.


[Holy smokes, that's almost max damage on all rolls! 29 pts to H1, and 15 pts to H2 & S1.]


9 Bonus for Fiery Bolt vs Ref to do hit H1
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 25.
6 Bonus for Fiery Bolt damage to do
I rolled 3d6+6, the result is 24.
0 Bonus for Curse damage to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
9 Bonus for Damage to H2 & S1 to do
I rolled 1d6+9, the result is 15.
3 Bonus for Nature to do identify creatures
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 10.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"I really am getting too

"I really am getting too old for this," Seigi sighs, shaking his head ruefully even while his hands move with deceptive speed. With a quick jab, he inserts the blade of his sword in the crack between two tiles. The next moment, a sling and a small, heavy-looking sphere have been conjured forth from his pockets as if by magic. A somewhat flashy twirl of the sling and .... the bullet flies well past one of the foremost salt creatures.

"Oh dear, oh dear," Seigi mutters, already loading another bullet into his weapon. "I'm just not as good at this as I used to be ... Would anyone care to take over my position, hmm?" And, with a worried glance at the approaching salt creatures, Seigi calls out: "I say, good people! Before we get into an undignified scuffle, might I ask whether you have ever considered the many joys and spiritual fulfillment of pacifism?"

(OOC: Made an attack roll with Sly Flourish added and got a 14. Alas, no joy.)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
It seems, at first, that

It seems, at first, that the salt creatures are already having some effect on Tamara, as small patches of her flesh begin to sublimate. Tamara quickly pulls her rod out of her belt and closes her eyes; after a moment the mist stops seeping off her skin, leaving behind faint glistening spots. The crystal rod she holds glows with an inner light, and Tamara opens her eyes again. She mumbles something, probably to herself.

"This is going to take a great deal of finesse."

My single action is drawing a rod.


Pants of the North!

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
The water genasi raises his

The water genasi raises his sword and charges one of the salt beings while yelling to Seigi: " let's try to keep them occupied while the others do their thing" . With all his might he tries to strike true.

OCC: Okeanos charges H2 (ends up in (13G). Wow... my dice roll'er really got fucked, sorry about that. 

12 Bonus for Melee attack to do attack H2
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 29.
+6 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 1d8++6, the result is .
I rolled 1d8++6, the result is .
6 Bonus for damage to do strike H2
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 24.
I rolled 1d8+6, the result is 12.
6 Bonus for Knowledge Nature to do identify those things of salt
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 16.
GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Formula's lack of normal

Formula's lack of normal sensory organs makes his inability to detect the drying of the air slightly more understandable. As he catches sight of the huge salt forms he starts slightly and does not hesitate, merely sighing and mumbling, "It appears we are not victims of unfortunate coincidence after all."

The murky orb embedded in his chest glows, flickering a cold green-blue as his hands flicker through sharp angular motions in the air and he mumbles under his breath, "....environmental constants....quantity sigma to the ninth power...over quantity two delta c...." Tendrils of crackling white frost creep up his arms to his hands and then lance out from there as he finishes his hurried formulaic incantation, a bolt of chill energy moving in long graceful curves towards the large salt figures.

{OOC: Icy Rays are against reflex, and if it hits the target is immobilized till the end of my turn. If necessary I will move adjacent to Coal or farther right in order to get a clear shot. In addition, I'm sorry but I forgot to add a point from my Burning Blizzard feat, so an extra point of damage on both rays.}

4 Bonus for Perception to do act fully
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 24.
6 Bonus for Ice Rays to do Hit H1
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 14.
+6 Bonus for Icy Rays to do Hit H2
I rolled 1d20++6, the result is .
6 Bonus for Icy Rays to do Hit H2
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 13.
6 Bonus for Icy Rays to do damage H1
I rolled 1d10+6, the result is 11.
6 Bonus for Icy Rays to do Damage H2
I rolled 1d10+6, the result is 9.


Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11


__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Coal moves up, curses H1

Coal moves up, curses H1 and shoots him with fire for 24 damage, and then hits the two nearby creatures for 15. Seigi attempts to sling at the creature and misses. Tamara draws a rod. Okeanos charges H2 and deals 12 damage. Formula attemtps to blast H1 and H2 and misses. --------------- H1 takes attack of opportunity against Okeanos and hits for 12 damage H2 takes attack of opportunity agaisnt Okeanos and hits for 8 damage --------------- H1 attacks Okeanos and hits for 9 damage. H2 attacks Okeanos and misses. S1 attacks Coal and hits for 11 damage. S2 attacks Coal and hits for 13 damage and inflicts ongoing 5 necrotic damage. P1 shoots Seigi and hits for 9 damage. P2 shoots Seigi and hits for 8 damage, then rebounds at Tamara, but misses.

Coal's fire washed over the strange crystalline creatures but there were no screams of pain, no shouts of surprise or agony.  Parts of their bodies melted away, disfigured by the blaze.   The two largest beings leveled their hateful glares at the azer, and for a moment you thought you saw two faces in the creature's head, but it was hard to tell with their oddly foreign visages.  Even more, you thought they communicated something because as soon as they looked at him, two of the smaller salt creatures leaped out from behind and darted forward toward Coal.  Their eyes raged with fury as their spindly limbs struck him.  The wounds left behind burned, but not like flame.  No, they felt like they were sucking the fluids right out of the azer.

Meanwhile, Okeanos charged valiantly forward and delivered a solid blow to one of the hulks, but suffered for his efforts as two large arms swung down and barreled into the water genasi.  Perhaps for him, it hurt worse because salt is the antithesis of water, the corruption of water by the life-draining forces of the negative energy plane.  Welts rose up on Okeanos's body where the creatures hit him, dry, desiccated patches of flesh that sucked the elemental forces right out of him.  It seemed like the monsters grinned as they regarded him.  And Okeanos felt a chill rush down his spine as he realized what they were...

The two lingering in the back waited for their fellows to move in and then raised their arms.  Gouts of liquid salt spewed out of their hands and struck Seigi.  Some of the explosion splashed out, almost hitting Tamara but she stepped back in time to avoid the eruption.  Still, the salt drained the older man of life energy, wrinkling him further.

Perception check as a free action to notice something unusual about these guys

(O) Okeanos: -29 (S) Seigi: -17 (C) Coal: -24, ongoing 5 necrotic (save ends) (T) Tamara: (F) Formula: H1: -24 HP, Reach 2 H2: -27 HP, Reach 2 S1: -15 S2: P1: P2:

Grey Squares:Normal Terrain (Street) Brown Squares:Impassable (Fences, rooftops, etc.) Purple Squares: Obstacles such as boxes.  These are difficult terrain. That means it takes 2 squares of movement to enter one.  They can provide cover.  Finally, you can move them 1 square as a standard action. that provokes opportunity actions.

As an aside, I really don't like the unreliable formatting on this forum.  Whenever I go back in to edit, it breaks most of the formatting and when I try to reformat it never takes.  I had to just kill the last post and make this one in hopes that it would actually work correctly this time.


__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
As the creatures hit

As the creatures hit Okeanos, he cries out in pain and almost drops his sword. In that moment something seems to strike the water genasis mind, something horrible. " Facet's!!! " he yells with the strength he has left. He doesn't understand why, but suddenly he is filled with new energy and uncontrollable rage. The genasis eyes and distinct racial markings begin to emit a strong blue light that somehow breaks off the creatures leeching. Suddenly Okeanos retaliates with shards of ice streaming from his glowing markings at his latest attacker. He then turns to the other large Facet and strikes him with his sword, hopefully turning the facet into ice for a brief moment. Not wasting his time, he grabs a healing potion and drinks it.

OCC:  Frost backslash - atk vs. Ref - Immediate Interrupt  Standard Action  - atk vs fort. - Standard Action - if it hits, the ice aura functions rest of the encounter Minor action - drinks a healing potion and spends a healing surge

Move action - shifts to G14




11 Bonus for Frost Backslash to do Hit H1
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 17.
6 Bonus for Damage, Frost to do damage H1, miss half damage
I rolled 3d8+6, the result is 25.
11 Bonus for Deep Freeze to do hit H2
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 24.
6 Bonus for Damage, frost to do damage H2
I rolled 2d8+6, the result is 16.
0 Bonus for Ice Aura, damages only enemies to do damage creatures that start or moves adjacent to H2
I rolled 1d10+0, the result is 5.
4 Bonus for Perception to do notice something unusual
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 5.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Ouch," Seigi mutters

"Ouch," Seigi mutters reproachfully when he is scalded by liquid salt. Even while he voices his complaint, he draws his sword out of the ground and takes a few casual, almost dancing steps around the nearest enemy. His blade twirls like a baton, then seems to dive as if by itself  into the body of the salty monstrosity now sandwiched between Seigi and Coal. "It is just so disheartening to see people so completely unwilling to give peace a chance," the old man sighs, even as his blade seeks out his opponent's vitals.

 (OOC: Drawing sword out of the ground, moving to F15 in order to flank S1, using a Sly Flourish and performing a Sneak Attack. Attack roll: 26. Combined damage: 27.)

GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Formula curses slightly,

Formula curses slightly, first as the delicate rays of ice arc past the heedless facet hulks and then again as the two slimmer forms rush Coal, he staggers backwards (J19) and raises his hands again, darting through similar arcane forms as the frost intensifies on his hands again and as he finishes another incantation "...equals cosine delta x...". and moves his hand in a swift arc sending a globule of gathered blue-green energy towards the nearest facet-thing (S2).


{OOC: I think thats another miss, but I rolled damage anyway}

8 Bonus for Chill Strike to do Hit S2 (Vs. Fort)
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 14.
+7 Bonus for Chill Strike to do Damage S2
I rolled 2d8++7, the result is .


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Coal stumbles back in pain,

Coal stumbles back in pain, his waning inner flame coming ever closer to being snuffed out. A distinctive damp flash comes from under his cloak and the azer looks up at the facets with resolve.


“Soon, but not yet.”


He directs his ire at the foe Seigi just stabbed and beckons its vitality to flow to him. A trail of dark fumes flow from the facet’s chest and into Coal who inhales them.


Move: Shift to H18

Minor: Activate Repulsion Leather power. Until end of encounter, when an enemy moves adjacent to Coal he can (and will) push it 1 as an immediate reaction.

Standard: Vitality Re-Ignition (aka Vampiric Grasp) at S1.


[Coal gains 8 temporary hp]

8 Bonus for Vampiric Grasp vs Will to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 22.
6 Bonus for Vampiric Grasp damage to do
I rolled 2d8+6, the result is 16.
0 Bonus for Saving Throw to do end ongoing necrotic damage
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
3 Bonus for Perception to do notice what's unusual with our foes
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 15.
Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11


__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Okeanos uses Frost


Okeanos uses Frost Backlash on H1, misses and deals 12 damage.  Then, he uses Deep Freeze and hits H2 for 16 damage.  This deals 5 damage to H1 on the enemy turn.  Drinks a healing potion to regain 10 hp.

Seigi steps up and sneak attacks S1 for a total of 27 damage.

Formula attempts to Chill Strike and misses.

Coal uses Vitality Re-ignition on S1 for 16 damage.  Gains 8 temporary hp, and uses his repulsion armor.


S1 dies

H1, H2, and S2 all attack Okeanos and misses.

P1 fires a Desiccating Blast at Seigi and misses

P2 fires a Desiccating Blast at Okeanos and hits for 13 damage and deals ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends)


Under the fierce assault from Seigi and Coal, one of the smaller facets collapsed, crumbling into a pile of salt chunks.  It was a relief to see the creature go down, but there were still five more of them to deal with.


The hulking, dual-faced creatures stumbled back under Okeanos’s frosty retaliation, but shrugged most of it off.  They lumbered forward, after the water genasi, the hatred in their eyes burning brighter as they bore down on him. Fortunately for him their attacks rebounded off the invisible shield that protected him from harm.


The two facets in the back, however, were unfettered by issues of shielding and warding.  They raised their hands and gouts of sprayed forth from their arms.  They shot past their allies with perfect precision, as if they knew the perfect time and place to assault.  Seigi caught sight of the blast in time to step out of the way, but Okeanos was not so lucky.  The salt poured over him, sucking the water energy dry.  Burning pain coursed through his body as the facets drained him of the essence that kept him alive. 

Image(O) Okeanos: 24/56, bloodied, onging 5 necrotic (save ends) (S) Seigi: 34/51 (C) Coal: 23/52, +3 temporary hp, bloodied (T) Tamara: (F) Formula: H1: -44 HP, Reach 2, bloodied H2: -27 HP, Reach 2 S1: dead S2: +5 temporary hp. P1: P2:

Grey Squares:Normal Terrain (Street) Brown Squares:Impassable (Fences, rooftops, etc.) Purple Squares: Obstacles such as boxes.  These are difficult terrain. That means it takes 2 squares of movement to enter one.  They can provide cover.  Finally, you can move them 1 square as a standard action. that provokes opportunity actions.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
In the heat of the battle

In the heat of the battle Okeanos yells to others " Seigi! Be a friend and take care of the Facet behind me, will ya? Il keep those big sacks of bad spices occupied " A bit distraction was all the facets needed and one of them hits Okeanos with the stream of salt. Okeanos shriekes again in agony. It is clear that the salt is really taken its toll on him. Again his markings begin begin to glow and he furiously fights of the pain. While looking directly at large facets with burning eyes he says " I am still not quite dead yet! "


Standard Action - Okeanis uses his second wind and gains 28 hp ( because of his cloak of the walking wound ) and spends 2 healing surges ( he also gains +2 all defenses )

Move action - Doesn't move 

Minor action - Marks S2 - If S2 attacks someone else than me, then he gets a -2 penalty and does 8 less damage.

Okeanos gets as a racial bonus +2 against ongoing damage to saves

Ice Aura is still in effect and damages all enemies that start or move adjecent to H2

To Seigi: It's just as suggestion, but it could be very nice if you could flank S2 and take him out.

0 Bonus for Deep Freeze to do damage enemies in the ice aura
I rolled 1d10+0, the result is 8.
+2 Bonus for Saving throw to do resist ongoing damage
I rolled 1d20++2, the result is .
I rolled 1d20++2, the result is .
2 Bonus for Saving throw to do resist ongoing damage
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 10.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
It is perhaps the shock of

It is perhaps the shock of a near-miss by yet another jet of liquid salt that puts Seigi off his stride. While he initially moves nimbly enough to flank the salt creature bedeviling Okeanos from behind, he slips at an inopportune moment, and his shortsword whistles over the salt creature's head.

 The old man looks up at the approaching giants, a sickly smile spreading over his face. "Ah - you gentlemen do know that it's not on to strike someone wearing glasses, do you not? If you give us half a mo', I'm sure we can find a shop that sells some. Take five, perhaps?"

 With a rueful shake of his head in Okeanos's direction, Seigi mutters: "Sorry, old man."


(OOC: Moved to G16, flanking S2 ... and missed on my attack roll. That's all there is to it, I'm afraid.)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tamara's psionic hum

Tamara's psionic hum increases to audible levels before she screams. With a sound of tearing cloth, what looks like a tiny portal flares into existance on her brow, shedding a flickering, pale green light. Through a haze of tears, she points her rod at one of the smaller facets, directing the foul light to lance out at it.

That's crown of stars against S2, and I'll be sustaining it for future use. Also, sorry about last round. I'm in the middle of moving, and when I was able to get online yesterday PW seemed to be down. Finally, I was misreading my power - it attacks Reflex, not Will (not that the 2 will hit either way).

0 Bonus for +7 to do hit S2, vs. Will
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 2d12+4, the result is 13.
1 Bonus for Perception to do notice something unusual
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 19.

Pants of the North!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“These creatures, they

“These creatures, they act as one,” the azer notes to his companions, fixing a glare at the foe before him. “Dusk shall herald their end.”


Coal taps into his visions of the Rekindler and foresees the deadened flame for these facets as could be his own fate. Raising his arms in concert, he beckons this doom to manifests prematurely and inky black life-draining flames erupt around the two largest facets.




Move: Shift to G17.

Minor: Curse S2.

Standard: Snuff Out the Lifeflame (aka Hunger of Hadar) centered on G12. This and all adjacent squares now block line of sight, and creatures that enter or start their turn in the zone take 2d10+1 necrotic damage.


[Thus, P2 can’t see anyone and P1 can only see Formula, unless they both move considerably. I think Okeanos, H1, and H2 all just get concealment from each other, since they’re adjacent to each other.

Coal lets his allies go before him this round, so as to not block their vision.]

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Okeanos freezes some

Okeanos freezes some enemies, uses Second Wind, marks S2, and fails his save, so he takes 5 necrotic from the ongoing.

Seigi stabs at S2 and misses.

Tamara attempts to blast S2 and misses.

Coal curses S2 and uses Snuff Out the Lifeflame. H1 takes 13 damage, H2 takes 5


H1, H2, and S2 attack Okeanos again. S2 hits and deals 6 damage, then shifts.

P1 moves and fires at Coal and misses.

P2 moves and fires Salt Burst at Formula. Hits for 22 damage. Secondary attack against Coal misses.

Coal's cloak of darkness settled on the monstrous facets. The creatures made no sounds but seemed to redouble their assault, swinging with greater ferocity. The smaller one scampered behind Okeanos and found a hole in his warding aegis and clobbered the water genasi.

Meanwhile, the two in the rear ran to the side to get around the darkness. They hurled streams of salt at Formula and Coal. One stream struck the warforged and exploded, showering Coal, as well. Fortunately for the already-injured azer, not enough hit him to cause lasting harm. Formula, however, didn't fare so well. Despite being mostly inorganic, the salt corroded his body structure and ate away at the metal and wood. Too much of this would be very bad for his physical integrity.

Image(O) Okeanos: 42/56, Second Wind bonus, ongoing 5 necrotic (save ends) (S) Seigi: 34/51 (C) Coal: 23/52, +3 temporary hp, bloodied (T) Tamara: (F) Formula: 15/37, bloodied H1: -65 HP, Reach 2, bloodied H2: -35 HP, Reach 2 S1: dead S2: -3, marked by Okeanos P1: +5 temporary hp P2:

Grey Squares:Normal Terrain (Street) Brown Squares:Impassable (Fences, rooftops, etc.) Purple Squares: Obstacles such as boxes.  These are difficult terrain. That means it takes 2 squares of movement to enter one.  They can provide cover.  Finally, you can move them 1 square as a standard action. that provokes opportunity actions. Dark Squares: These squares block line of sight.  Any enemy in them takes 2d10+1 necrotic damage.  All creatures inside the zone have concealment.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
" Nice work Coal!, now its

" Nice work Coal!, now its my turn to blast these suckers and Seigi don't give up hope!". Okeanos the starts to spin with incredible speed and creates flame cyclone surounding him. He then directs his sword against the two huge facets  and blasts them with a flame like tornado.

His attention now turns to Formula. " Hang in there friend, don't let our enemies deprive you of your moral, show them why they should fear the spirit within you! "

Okeanos quickly glances at the group " and would someone please take care of that bastard of a salt behind me " 


Standard Action: I use my encounter power Flame Cyclone against H1 and H2, which is a close burst 3, and I believe that H1 doesn't get cover since its an burst attack( there is no obstacle between us).

Move Action: Not moving

Minor Action: I use Inspiring Word to heal Formula

Note to Center of All:

I believe I made the save, 10 or higher makes the save, but I still take 5 necrotic damage.

If one of the big ones tries to use some special ability to give me ongoing damage, then I will use my armors " shared suffering" ability as an Immediate reaction

If anyone starts their turn or moves adjecent to H2, they get damage from the ice aura.

I forgot that I am suppose to make multiple attack rolls with flame cyclone, but only one damage roll. Sorry about that, Il roll one more time to attack either H1 or H2, I think its only fair that you choose which one gets hit, if I hit that is.

To all: Sorry,  I can't color my text for some reason.

8 Bonus for Flame Cyclone to do Attack H1 and H2's Ref.
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 15.
7 Bonus for Fire to do damage H1 and H2
I rolled 1d8+7, the result is 14.
0 Bonus for to do damage enemies in the ice aura
I rolled 1d10+0, the result is 6.
0 Bonus for Healing to do Heal Formula
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 1.
8 Bonus for Fire to do Hit either H1 or H2
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 27.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Have at you, you salty

"Have at you, you salty cur!" Seigi shouts hoarsely, flicks his blade in an adroit fashion and buries it in the nearer saltmonster's back. Even as he attempts to cut the creature's mortal coil, the old man calls out a word in the Primal tongue: <<"Fulmen!">>

The stylized lightning bolt on the crossguard of Seigi's blade abruptly flares to life, sizzling and spitting like fat in a fire. And then it starts to crackle and hum, as very realistic lightning bolts leap from the blade to strike the hulking monstrosities lumbering uncomfortable closer. "Aha! That'll fix you, won't it, you scallywags?" Seigi says. "Good for what ails you, sir! Indeed! A lack of manners, for one thing!"

(OOC: Sly Flourish attack of 25 with a Sneak attack, combined damage of 19. Using daily power of my lightning shortsword to bring the hurt to both enemies within 2 squares of the target just struck, which means 3 damage for H1 and 5 damage hor H2, by the gracious leave of our DM.)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Coal keeps the

Coal keeps the manifestation of dead flames burning with darkness, claiming more essence from the facets within them. He seems to have regained more of his composure, eyes flaring up with a ruby-red glow of determination.


“Dusk evermore on you withered petals!”


Slithering trails of fire snake up his arms, coalesces into a searing ball, and launches with the shriek of a great bird of prey to engulf one of the large facets.


Minor: Sustain Snuff Out the Lifeflame.

Move: Substitute for Minor; use Second Wind (Coal regains 13 hp and increases defenses by 2 until end of next turn).

Standard: Lotus Flames (aka Flames of Phlegethos) at H2. Looks like the Daily missed, though it still takes ongoing 5 fire damage.


[Just noting some minor oversight: Coal moved to G17 last round and his pact boon seems to have been triggered when H1 was bloodied.]

8 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary attack vs Fort to do hit H1
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 9.
8 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary attack vs Fort to do hit H2
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 16.
6 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary damage to do
I rolled 1d6+6, the result is 12.
8 Bonus for Flames of Phlegethos vs Ref to do hit H2
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 11.
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