Game: Through the Looking Glasses

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jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
He's a sorcerer or wizard - I'm not sure which -

"He's a quill. Definetly a wizard," the dragonblood interrupts.

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
"What in the Hells is Kessel getting on about? It's like the man's in a world of his own. Kessel? Are you in there? Hello-o."

"We all live in our own realms, Servant of Cavendish," the sorceror echoed. "Some of us contain our realms in our heads, others allow the outer world to live in it as well..."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"jordarad" wrote:
"We all live in our own realms, Servant of Cavendish," the sorceror echoed. "Some of us contain our realms in our heads, others allow the outer world to live in it as well..."
"Fair enough, you have... realms in your head. It's when those realms spill out your mouth as strange questions that I get concerned. If there comes a time for fighting or stealth or difficult negotiations, can you focus on this realm? Just tell me that?"

"One more thing, please stop calling me 'servant'. I am no man's, and no dragon's, servant."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Off-to-Ssromn's-then!" shouts the mephit, and starts down the street. Though clean and organized, the streets of the City of Silver are winding and narrow. Gleaming metal buildings lean in from either side, the soft metals seeming to bend inward under the pressure of the structures behind them. There are no obvious avenues and Tessen seems to be choosing streets at random, but eventually he arrives at a dark street, completely enclosed by silver arcs overhead and announces, "Hereyago!"
Several finely worked doors mark the street at regular intervals, but Tessen heads for a set of grimy steps leading down to a shadowed doorway. Seemingly made of verdegrised copper, the round door swings open to a small room dimly lit by glowing crystals. At the far end of the room sits an ancient-looking crystalline figure, stooped over a large, brittle book. The figure seems to be completely inert, covered in a patina of silvery dust and unmoving.
The mephit, however, looks around the room appraisingly, casting occassional looks at the crystal statue. After a full minute (possibly the longest period of silence since you met the mephit) Tessen coughs softly and asks a soft question in Terran. The figures creaks as it straightens, the dust falling softly off its shoulders. A voice speaks in the mind of all of you.
<Greetings to you, visitors. I am Ssromn, called the Delver by some. I am a purveyor of knowledge and secrets, and I suspect by your presence that you are after one or both.> More dust falls as he motions to dillapidated cushions lying on the floor. <Please sit.>

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim looks around the Delver's room while they wait, wondering when this chantbroker would return. He seems surprised when the statue moves and "speaks". At its behest, he sits on a cushion, although he studies it first, to ascertain that it will not crumble into dust at his weight. He figured it probably wouldn't.
Ophelia had a plan, it seemed, and there hadn't been time to discuss it before there arrival. Best to let her talk, then, so as not to mess anything up.


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
"One more thing, please stop calling me 'servant'. I am no man's, and no dragon's, servant."

As they continued through the thoroughfare, Kessel reflected upon this. Deep in thought, he was quiet the entire way (an incredibly rare occourrance) until they arrived at the abode of Ssromn. Upon crossing through the archway leading in, the dragonblood turned to Maarten. "So, you lied? You don't work for Lord Cavendish?" the question was not malignant, but playful. An alopecia brow arched.

"As the bard Dylan wrote, 'You gotta seeeehrve somebadeeh.'" (In this, the dragonblood approached the statue and uttered the quotation in a nasal whine that gave the impression the bard in question wasn't a very good singer...) He sat down on a cushion and awaited the parlayance.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"jordarad" wrote:
Upon crossing through the archway leading in, the dragonblood turned to Maarten. "So, you lied? You don't work for Lord Cavendish?" the question was not malignant, but playful. An alopecia brow arched.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you discovered the truth, Kessel. There's no fooling one as sharp as you."

For a very brief instant, the man who calls himself Victor Maarten appears not as a wealthy diplomat but rather as a black-garbed assassin. The visage appears then disappears so quickly one could not be entirely certain of seeing it at all. The wealthy diplomat carries on as if nothing untoward had occurred.

Crossing the threshhold into the Delver's abode, Victor says to Kessel, "Oh, I forgot to say so earlier, but I very much like your hat. Must come in handy... you know, for keeping rain and such off your head."

Once inside, Victor takes a sit along with the others. He acknowledges the ancient crystalline figure with a respectful nod, almost a bow.

Victor's responding thoughts are in Terran. *It is an honor to meet you Ancient One. We seek knowledge... and secrets, I suppose, though secrets are nothing more than knowledge which has not yet been revealed. You might say that secrets are the tools of my craft.*

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

[Another figure steps out of the shadows, wearing a hat that reads "DM #2". But what dire news does this new figure bring? MJ is going to be out of touch for a little while. So I'm stepping in. Sorry for any disruption this may cause.]

Ssromn takes a few creaking, grinding steps to the center of the room and then stands. The being is made of multifaceted stones, seemingly cut in rough imitation of a human figure. The Delver seems to subtly command your attention with the weight of its presence. Its words find their way into your head without Ssromn even turning. <Indeed. Secrets are but knowledge contained in a shell, but with patience and effort even the deepest may be excavated. It is lore for which I delve. Knowledge is among the keenest of tools, and with the proper crafter may cut the sharpest facet. But so many visitors as honored as you would not visit me for any common lore. You seek something important, I sense. It remains to be known whether or not I have such knowledge.>

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

*tap* *tap* Is this thing on?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'Rhys' wrote:

The well-dressed diplomat had dealt with such beings many times in the past. Strange beings, these knowledge brokers, always mysterious and always powerful. He enjoyed their usually philosophical approaches to their trade and considered that some distant day, he might take up this particular calling himself. Some day. After all, he had *all* the time in the world.

Speaking in Common so that the others could follow the exchange, Victor responded to the Delver. "Common knowledge, being common, has little value. The knowledge we seek is not so common. What price would you ask of us? Or perhaps that depends on the question?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

((Quick intervention between finals))

It might just be the odd lighting in the room, but the tssng's eyes seem to sparkle suddenly. That is indeed the question of concern, Master 'Maarten.' Ssromn says, slowly turning to the shadowed walls of his home. Lining the walls are small baubles and gems, collecting dust on shelves. None of them seems very valuable, but they glint in a peculiar way, seeming lit by light sources that aren't readily apparent to the onlooker. I collect secrets the Delver continues, The secrets of millenia. However, secrets are interesting things, buried deep and scattered far. In exchange for giving you some of my secrets, I will need more in return.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

OOC: Am I the only player left?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Knowledge. No, not just knowledge, but secrets. A valuable commodity indeed. Nasim glances at Ophelia, but whatever plan she had was not being implemented. Returning his attention to the Delver, he decides it could be best to speak up now.

'What sort of secrets is it you are interested in? Perhaps there is a topic of particular interest to you?'


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

[Are we still waiting for somebody's haitus? MJ is running around, but he's covered. I'll toss this in. We can at least continue this conversation while we're waiting to regroup.]

Your ways are strange. You still have not explained why you have sought me out or what it is you seek. What precious vein attracts your efforts?
The faceted being turns a bit more, setting down an emerald it had been holding in its hand and, apparently, contemplating. Every movement creates a grinding din from its crystalline limbs. You can feel the weight of this creature, the weight of its stone body and the weight of the ages. To learn my secrets, I must learn yours. And what I require is this: From where do you each derive your strength? What deep lode feeds your quest? From what secret ores do you forge your resolve? What, in your terms, is it that drives you and lends you power? To unearth these secrets would please me much.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'Rhys' wrote:
To learn my secrets, I must learn yours. And what I require is this: From where do you each derive your strength? What deep lode feeds your quest? From what secret ores do you forge your resolve? What, in your terms, is it that drives you and lends you power? To unearth these secrets would please me much.

The dragonblood cracked his knuckles, fanning out his fingers, palms outwards, as a male peacock would strut for its mate. "Well, then, such is a pleasure, old Ssromn. Since my compatriots are no doubt pining their thoughts in the matter, I guess I shall answer first... My strength is derived from the blood of beings as old as the rock itself, in some worlds. The ancient reptiles of sorcery and claw, of scale and dweomer, left a trace of their spirit and power within my veins. I follow upon the words of one of my sires, Felderdranggast. I seek knowledge of the lands beyond for his consumption and resolution, treasures for his horde, and in return, he, in his wisdom, bequeathes new knowledge of this sanctified blood to me." The sorceror breathed deeply, eyes closing on the inhale, wafting in the ancient stone around him, and as he exhaled, opened his eyes to peer into the "statue's" own orbs.

"It is this gift of Blood that binds me to the Copper, it is this gift of Blood that gives me strength, and it is this gift of Blood that keeps me in such welcome spirits." Kessel's quicksmirk split his lips and shifted his eyebrows again, appearing for a moment as permanently chiseled as the many minerals that surrounded him.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Victor listens to the Delver's price with growing trepidation. His secrets are his own and his peoples', not to be shared lightly with others, especially strangers. He chooses his words carefully.

"As I said, I'm a man of secrets. They are both my merchandise and the tools of my trade. My strength comes from secrets dearly paid-for and closely guarded, and from deceptions carefully constructed." Knowing that this would not satisfy the Delver, Victor steels himself to reveal much more.

"We spanned the realms once, walking and working side by side with men, though we kept our nature hidden even then. Now, ravaged by a war we did not want, we hide from enemies whom we have deceived into believing us wholly destroyed. That was no simple feat, even for us. But we have hidden too long. Our people suffer for it. Our spirit is... dying. We will not let that happen. *I* will not let that happen."

Feeling suddenly exposed, Victor's eyes dart from face to face, searching for any evidence of recognition or intent to betray him. He makes no threat, but the threat is clearly implied - I will kill to protect this secret.

"Now, Delver, you know my secret, or at least that part of it that I can afford to give you. What we seek is perhaps trivial by comparison..."

Victor briefs the Delver on their mission to find the would-be assassins, the trail that lead to Deleur, and the apparent oddity of the waiter's name and appearance. Somehow all of this is connected, and the well-dressed man wants to know how.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim nods - perhaps at both the price asked, and Victor's relaying of what they seek.

'My tale is rather simple,' he says. Nasim turns around, to give the Delver a clear view of the tattoos on the back of his neck. They seem to be some kind of celestial-tribal markings, and look as though they continue down onto his shoulders.

'Two hundred years ago a phoenix fell from the heavens. It was banished, for some act unspeakable among men. It landed in A'karn, but found no welcome there. It wandered for many years, taking a human guise, until it came to the great deserts of Shal. It was here that it found acceptance. It was here that it took a wife, and started a family. It was said that one of his children would perform deeds great enough to redeem him, and allow him to return to heaven. All the males in his line are marked with these tattoos as a reminder.' Here he pauses, noticably, and turns around. His eyes take on a dangerous look, a mixture of loss and fury. 'I was sent wandering by the death of my family, and the desire to destroy fiends. My destiny is catching up to me, though, and I must remember my ancestor.'


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

There is a long pause after Nasim speaks, during which the Delver stands motionless. It is unclear whether he is waiting for the rest of the party to speak or whether he is simply considering what he has been told. Also unclear is his satisfaction with the secrets shared.
After several minutes, Ssromn turns with a grinding sound, shedding dust onto the floor with a thin rain, and grasps one of the duller gems on the shelf. While he stands motionless for another minute, the gem glows with an inner light, glowing brighter and brighter until it is difficult to look directly at it. The Light abruptly fades and Ssromn places the gem, now considerably more glittery and attractive, back on the shelf and watches it with crystalline eyes. he says at length he turns his large head to gaze at the still-silent Ophelia, Don Lithec, and Ashthalan
Swiveling abruptly (for a tssng), Ssromn retrieves an item from the back of the room. When he holds it up, one can see it is a shattered mirror, and seven fractured images can be seen in its broken shards. With a gesture, the mirror repairs itself into a solid pane of glass, revealing only one image.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"So, once these seven incarnations all realize that they are parts of a sundered whole, they can begin to work together across the spans of space and time and belief towards a common goal? Is that a correct? Or is it that they will reconstitute themselves into a single being?"

"If the Delver can give us this much information in exchange for just two tales, then it is important that we *all* share our secrets. Ophelia? Don Lithec? You too, Ashthalan."

Truth be told, Victor feels particularly vulnerable and seeks the relative comfort of holding the secrets of those who hold his secret.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim nods slowly. 'Interesting...' he mutters, in that voice people use when they're not intending to speak to anyone but themselves. 'I concur,' he says. It may be unclear what he's referring to, as he said it nearly a minute after Victor had said the others must share their secrets, too, but then he goes on to clarify his statement.

'We could use more information from the Delver, thus we must all share.'


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

the Delver says to Maarten. The ancient tssng sits with a groaning creak and replaces the mirror on its shelf.

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