Game: Through the Looking Glasses

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jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

With the Lieutenant gone, very little keeps Regul Mennar, previous incarnation of Kessel Char, at the forefront of his conciousness. The Hat of Disguise finishes the transition, but the damage has been done. A shred of Regul remains, unkn own to the dragonblood.

"Yes, yes, all well and good." the Soldier stated consisely, barely glancing at the document. His attention (and lawfulness) seemed to be waning more and more... Victor noticed as the Corporal spoke that the thick, bushy eyebrows that once adorned Regul Mennar's (now more Kessel Char's, yes, myself once again, yes...) face were shrinking, almost to thin pencil lines, actually receeding into the furrowed brow.

Within a few moments, the change was complete. Well, almost. The before-green liripipe remained the blood-red of the leather harmonium helm. The dragonblood (yes, all Kessel now, no more of that nasty, ugly Regul. Dead, he is, dead inside...) shook as though someone trod upon his grave, and muttered, "Born on the same day, from same womb, two brothers of Ortho, yet never twins, how can this be? How can this be...?" The sorceror's head raised, and turned to the Mercurial Mephit.

"Perhaps a rhyme and riddle can be the payment of our passage, mephling of Quicksilver? An honor? A title? I know how paltry material things are to you and your kin. Something less tangible, and yet important. That is my first offer for the period of our guidance."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Victor gingerly takes the document back from the 'corporal'. "Okay, then." He silently offers it to the others, uncertain whether the rest of this group will accept him on this strange man's say-so.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Tessen smiles at the sorceror's inventiveness, this group might yet prove to be sporting fun. "Riddles-are-lots-of-fun," he agrees readily, a particularly mischevious glint entering his eye, "We-shall-have-a-contest! If-you-can-think-of-a-riddle-to-stump-me-you've-found-a-guide-for-the-day."
With that, the mephit begins what looks like a stretching routine, flexing his arms and legs. He leaps up and lands on his palms, stretching his legs in the air while he balances on his hands. Vaulting upward again, Tessen adopts what might have been a pondering expression if not for the joking grin stretching across his face. "All-set-dragonblood,-fire-away!"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim, with a scale-covered hand, accepts the paper from Victor, looking over it a little more than Regul... Kessel? The man looked more like Kessel again. Interesting, that he'd have a soldier identity just hiding under the surface like that... yes, Nasim looks over the document a little more than Kessel did, as though he may actually care about what it said. With a nod, he hands it back to Victor.

'It is good to have the extra help. Things grow stranger,' Nasim says, but deigns not to explain himself. It should be obvious that whatever that dagger was posed a problem to their job, especially if the assassins had more than one.


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The quicksmirk formed on the sorceror's face so fast it threatened to split it in twain. With the right eye all but disappearing underneath his brow and the its twin staring back at the Quicksilver Mephit. "To be sporting, three guesses, Mephit. Even those of Zhoooooouuuuussss must obey the greater laws of the multiverse." Kessel leaned forward, eyes staring into the orbs of Tessen's visage.

With that, the dragonblood rolled up his sleeves. The thornbriar tattoo interlaced up each of his forearms, ending near the wrists. The thorns had aquired blood-red tips; the same exact color as the liripipe the sorceror now wore. His hands wove and bobbed to either side, keeping in time with the rhyming riddle.

"I seek my twin,
surrounded and binded, contained within,
Hidden am I from sight and sound,
no more smell than that of wet hound,
between my limbs, canyons grow,
which gives fungus farmers what to sow,
many of I posess fur and claw,
transformed from which was once a paw,
my brother, opposites we be,
my strong arm right, the left's he."

"What am I, and what do I seek?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The mephit puases for several minutes, the longest you've ever heard him be quiet. "A-hand!" He cries, "Betch-you're-a-left-hand-and-seekin'-the-righty!" He wiggles his right thumb at you, grinning, "Strong-left-arm,-right?" and laughs at his pun.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Incorrect," The dragonblood spoke plainly, a dead sound that hung in the air like a lead weight on a precipice. His eyes did not leave the mephling's face. The smirk has disappeared, as if this was the most serious thing in the entire world to the dragonblood.

"A common first choice for this riddle, but still incorrect."

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Ophelia fidgets with discomfort as she watches the strange transformation and return of the creature called Kessel. The appearance of the strict authority of Regul unsettled her, and now she wishes for the sanctuary of the City of Silver. She's been here before, in Deleur, and knows the bans of this place. All temptation and little reward, a glittering prison of gems and stone that every smuggler in the Countless Worlds would love to plunder, but so far the ranks of the punished have been far greater than those who have succeeded.

The Silverbird eyes Victor warily. "Another warden...fantastic. Since when am I on this side of the law?" she thinks to herself.

"Welcome aboard, Victor." are the words that come out of her mouth, and she throws him an empty smile for reassurance.

As for the mephit, well, it looks like Kessel has that in hand as well. And if he does get it, there's always "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Don Lithec stared at the strange man who had subsumed the other far more strange man for a moment before resheathing his blades slowly, not to avoid alarming anyone but in case they needed to be drawn out again mid-sheathing. The samurai shifted on his feet and turned to face Nasim and the newcomer Victor.

"What occurred with the attacker?" he asked the two, completely blocking out the strange ramblings of the now fully-Kessel Kessel and the strange environment in which he had now found himself. The kobold was a creature of land and sea and sky, while the strange Dome of Carrigmoor had unsettled him, this entire vast space of clouds, winding roads, and stone was completely and utterly disorienting. He took a few deep breaths, centered his mind and chose to push the completely inconceivable from his mind. His eyes flitted to Victor taking in his clothing and accoutraments and deeming him unthreatening, though the kobold always had his weight shifted to maxmize his ability to avoid an unexpected assault.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'He was gone by the time I got through the portal,' Nasim says. 'According to the local guards, they are apprehending him, and will return him to our custody after he has been questioned. We have been...' Nasim pauses, to poke at the disc of mercury lying just near his throat. '...discouraged from continuing our assault.'


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Tessen blinks in surprise, his laughter cutting suddenly short. "Not a hand," he says slowly, or normally depending on one's outlook. He thinks again for some time and says, "Aha! A-werecreature!," he looks slyly at the dragonblood, " You-thought-to-fool-old-Tessen-thinking-he-didn't-know-of-these-things. Transformed-from-paw-and-seeking-your-human-part." There is not as much confidence in the mephit's voice now.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Incorrect," Again Kessel uttered the flat, toneless response. A hint of Regul could be heard in his voice. The dragonblood did not stir, nor flinch. Only the mouth, with those gleaming white horses of the old halfling riddle, moved at all. The look forward continued, but in his mind, Kessel saw a scene that stirred up many memories of his change.

In his head, the dragonblood could hear Felderdraggast chuckling his low, heavy laugh, and remembered the acrid air that would billow out of the sides of his maw whenever he was amused. The poisoned air floating to the top of the Copper Wyrm's den could always tell the sorceror when he was getting closer, but still far, far off from the true answer. Feld would never truly threaten his toy/charge, but it amused his master so when Kessel was truly stumped by outside thinking.

He blinked, still staring into the eyes of the mephit intently. "I have provided you one more guess, quicksilvered-one. And our dealings are nearly done, the exchange finalized. You have made some powerful and fitting choices, but not altogether unexpected. Guess, and end our transaction."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Tessen nods at the rejection of yet another answer. He thinks long and hard for his last guess, absently tapping his metallic fingers in a flurry of motion. At last he snaps both fingers at once. "You-are-perhaps-a...river?" This last word he says carefully, as if he is unsure if it's the right one. He hesitates, then continues in a rush "They-are-mentioned-in-some-of-the-Miners'-legends.
"They-may-be-outlander-nonsense-but-they-are-said-to-be-underground,-perhaps-bound-and-contained? And-so-you-seek-the-surface-twinriver." The mephit doesn't seem particularly comfortable with this answer, but he is fidgetty and distracted, probably frustrated and ready for the answer.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Again, the eyes stared into mercurial orbs. Again the same dead sound hung in the air. "Incorrect." The Rule of Three had stirred its being yet again.

The dragonblood leaned back and smiled, the whites of his teeth gleaming, but pride was not present on his face. A look more of enjoyment spread through the countenance of the sorceror. "Thank you, Tessenalafortamessusstallin (this he had trouble with, but something itched at his head, something that said this was the creature's name, and its correct, full name was what it should be called by...). I have most enjoyed our parlayance. It has been a long time since the mind of Felderdranggast has challenged me to think up a suitable riddle. I am glad to see I have put forth a challenging one. Your services will be most appreciated."

His sleeves still rolled upwards, those with eyes nearby could see the thornbriar inkings on either arm grow more red as the contest transaction came to its conclusion. "I know you are interested in the seeker and his kin, for with three guesses and nary a correct answer (yet some very good guesses, I assure you), your curiosity is now piqued."

"Providing the correct answer if it was never guessed was never a part of our bargain, but I will allow you this, for insurance. For the act of our guidance through the realms of Deleur and possibly beyond, when your services are completed, I will give you the seeker's name and his goal. That way, I feel we are assured a good, proper, and most of all, safe journey."

Kessel turned to Victor Maarten, the content smile still crossing his visage. "Now, servant of Cavendish, I believe you mentioned these n'er-do-wells kipping up at the silver city? I put in that we seek them there next, and the..." (he shuddered again, a foot trodding on his grave felt more comfortable) "...authorities will be in touch with us through Tessen if the final would-be-assassin is apprehended." he finished, turning to Don Lithec, Ophelia, Ash and Nasim.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Tessen tensed at Kessel's answer, somehow frowning with a face made of silvery metal. "No answer," he says slowly, an electrical spark glittering across his eyes. A low shrieking sound fills the air as Tessen launches himself high. His lithe body glitters in the air at least three feet above the heads of all of you and his fists ball into angular fists...
... then he lands again, and titters with laughter. "Clever-trickster!" he says with a smirk, "I-would-enjoy-hearing-more-of-your-riddles. Perhaps-I-can offer-you-a-drink-when-we-reach-the-City?" He finishes this sentence calling over his shoulder as he walks to the departing road and the angelic guards. "'M-retty-t'go," he says to the watchcaptain in Terran (when the mephit speaks it is more like the tumble of river stones than the grind of boulders) and puts out his hand expectantly. One of the other guards stoops and fishes a silvery chain-mesh belt out of a small pile of belongings and tosses it casually to Tessen. As experienced and travelled adventurers you have all seen mithral before, but to see it used for something as common as a belt seems somehow... wrong.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Worry not, quicksilvered guide, you shall recieve your answer at the end of our travels. As a matter of curiosity, do you have a particularly challenging one for I?" The dragonblood eyed the mithral belt with a passing interest. The sheen not unlike his own skin playing off his deep eyes, and glinting like his teeth. "It has been long since I have been challenged by one who knows the game." He fidgeted, eager to get a-moving.

Is anyone else paying attention to this? It's been awhile since anyone else posted.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'Tell us about the Silver City, Tessen. It has been a long while since I have visited that exquisite place' Ophelia says with a wistful sigh. The sight of so much unattainable mineral wealth always made her melancholy, and direly aware of the cruelty of the gods, who would taunt planewalkers with such paradoxes as a plane full of 'rare' metals.

Putting away her knives and sabre, she extracts a cloth-covered bottle from her possessions, and peeks into the folds to see if her "talking phial" has anything to say about the situation or the plane of Deleur.

I think everyone was waiting for you to finish your riddle transaction with the mephit, Jordarad. Do I need to roll anything for my bottle-imp's knowledge?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"The-Silver-City-is-a-big-place,-m'lady" Tessen answers, "[]Probably-nothing-much-has-changed-since-you-visited-last. Things-don't-move-too-quick-with-the-xorns.[/]" He leads you all along the only road which leaves the platform, a quartz band suspended in the air. All around you are roiling grey clouds, broken here and there by distant glitters. The largest boject lies ahead of you: a sphere of shining silver to which the quartz road runs. The mephit sets a quick pace, seemingly eager to be back in the City.
"There's-a-market-if-any-are-so-inclined,-and-places-to-sleep-if-you're-staying-a-while," he looks over to Kessel, "I-believe-I-offered-the-trickster-a-drink,-and-I-know-just-the-tavern!" Turning to the group at large his voice rises in pitch, taking on the business-as-usual tone of a professional guide and slowing somewhat. "Welcome to the City of Silver, I am pleased to guide you as your needs dictate. The rules of Deleur are as follows: No taking any metals or gems with you. No leaving the sight of your guide (that's me). And no violence against the citizenry of the Glittering Cities. So-where'dya-want-to-go?" he finishes in a rush.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'It seems we are to wait until the local authorities handle the assassins,' Nasim says, sounding a bit unhappy about it. Whether it's the waiting or the not hunting he's unhappy with, though, remains unclear. 'A drink is always a good way to pass the time, I've found. The tavern?' With this question, he looks to his companions, seeking their opinions of his plan.


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Aye," the dragonblood agreed. "I would wish at least something to soak my ocharina, so to speak. And, if it does not offend, I would know more of the travelers," he gestured to the other hirelings of Lord Cavendish, including the new arrival Maarten, "for I believe we have not properly been introduced, nor our means and ways placed upon the table. If we are to find our goal, a better knowledge of each other is requested."

He turned back to Tessen. "Lead on, shining one. I am not one to pass up an earned flagon," the sorceror arched an eyebrow and a glimmer of the quicksmirk formed on his face. "But nothing with liquid metal. I wish to keep my throat in its current condition." he smiled, each tooth glinting like the metals surrounding them.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The streets of the City are a bit tarnished from constant walking, but they still glow silver in the diffuse lighting. Many different creatures walk the streets: xorns dressed in fine clothing walk with plodding steps in pairs or alone, several stone giants tower above the crowd, knots of earth and mineral mephits in scarlet robes stroll at leisurely paces, and scattered through the crowds are a few tssng, all alone and striding purposefully. All of the buildings lining the street have strange twisting designs, sculpted from the silver metal of the sphere's ground.
Tessen leads you to one of these buldings which has a number of tables outside. A large xorn sitting at one of the tables is eating a plate of raw copper ore, but otherwise the tavern's patrons are all foreigners with their guides close by. "The-Deep-Emerald's-the-best-place-in-town," Tessen says excitedly, sitting at one of the tables, "Mostly-outsiders-but-a-few-locals-too."
As he sits down, a waiter approaches the table, dressed in fine cloth but still looking somewhat scruffy. In a cowering voice he says, "Welcome, lords, what can I offer you." His Common is accented and wavery, but intelligible.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim takes a moment as they enter to quickly scan the Deep Emerald - good, no fiends. When they are preparing to order, Nasim looks at their waiter strangely for just a moment. He decides to let some of the others order first, and leans over to Don Lithec (who he had happened to sit next to) to whisper, 'Does not the waiter seem familiar?'


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The dragonblood grinned at the server, "I'll take the house drink that's most fit for human consumption."

Turning to the other assembled members, "I believe introductions are in order. Why don't you go first, Priest?" he turned to Ash, "I'd like to know more of your worshipping of serpents. It seems like we have more in common than either of us would care to admit."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

A city of silver. Astonishing. Victor had been in opulent manorhouses and supped on gilded china with men of great influence, but never in his life had he seen so much precious metal used so openly in architecture and artistry. The stories he'd heard before coming here were but a shadow of the truth. If riches were what he was after, then surely there was a way to... but riches were not what he was after.

The waiter came by to see about drinks. If the well-dressed man called Victor Maarten noticed anything strange, he did not show it. To the man's question, he replied, "Excellent question, my good man and presented with excellent timing for we are in need of refreshments. However, since you work here and we do not, I believe you are better able to answer it that we are. What can you offer us... and since our coin is not of value in this realm, how might we offer payment in return?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The waiter made a show of thinking things over, "I'd suggest the Justicali red wine, it is quite strong, but reasonably priced. There is also filtered water, a recent shipment, and starfruit juice from Serran." Removing what looks like a large piece of gold leaf and a metallic stylus from his short apron, he continues, "As for payment, the management will accept many things as barter, a matter that your guide should be able to help with." A nod to Tessen.
The mephit gives a sharp nod back, " Right-you-are! You-can-get-me-a-spellcryst-for-starters." From a pouch on his mithral belt, the mephit reverentially takes out a round vial of yellow powder. "Mahasan-saffron? For-my-own-drink-and-this-carver's!" he slaps Kessel on the back.
The waiter looks contemplatively at his golden notepad. "I think that is a reasonable price, Sir Guide," he says, "And for you gentlemen?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"I will have a glass of the wine," the kobold said. Fishing out from one of his inner pockets, the kobold withdrew one of the life fruit which he kept. "This mystical fruit is born from a tree fed by a spring of holy water deep beneath my home in a place far removed from this strange world of metal and stone. Will this be satisfactory to pay for the drinks of myself and my companions?"

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Right in front of the waiter, as if he wasn't even there, Victor says to Nasim, "Yes, the resemblance is remarkable. I wonder does he even know?" Then, to the waiter directly, Victor says, "You're not from Deleur, are you. Carrigmoor, perhaps?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Yes, Sir, I believe that the fruit is more than enough. Shall, I bring-" he stops abruptly at Victor's question and looks confused. "Cragimoor? Sir, I'm not sure to where you're referring. I am not from Deleur, it is true, but I have lived here most of my life." He shifts uncomfortably, "Perhaps I should bring the bottle of wine and several glasses..."

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Who-said who with-the-what-now?" the dragonblood had brought a file from one of of his many pouches, and was slowly grinding the horn affixed to his right boot, sharpening it and collecting the powder for use in his incantations later. He continued to file away, but proceeded to look up, now blunting the tip he had worked for the last munute and a half to sharpen.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Victor Maarten replies to the waiter, "A bottle and glasses, yes. Bring a glass for yourself too if you are permitted a break."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim eyes the strangely familiar waiter. He hadn't explicitly denied being from Cragimoor. He looks over at Victor, who seems to have noticed the same thing. Interesting. They could speak more of this when the waiter left.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The waiter looks decidedly uncomfortable, he seems to have no idea what is going on. For that matter, Tessen has a comically stupified look on his face. "Unfortunately, I am working for the rest of this day," says the waiter in a voice that indicates he thinks it is anything but. "Perhaps I can meet with you this evening? The evening staff starts at four hours before middlenight." He turns and heads for the kitchen area as if chased. "I'll get the wine and glasses."
Tessen grins, "You-carvers-sure-don't-waste-time-making-friends! What's-the-plan-after-drinks? There're-some-sharpish-sights-around, or-I-can-introduce-you-to-some-other-locals-if-you're-bright-on-making-friends," he finishes with a chuckle to himself like the ring of a bell.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The sorceror turned to Tessen calmly responding, "I think some sights, maybe a few locations to help seek out the n'er-do-'ells, but first some polite conversation over drinks, such as..."

He turns immediately to the Nasim and Victor, increasing his agitation, "What in the hells was that about?!" he paused, calming slightly, "Would you let the wench-man get the thrice-damned drinks and stop bothering him?" Kessel gestured to the egressing waiter, exasperated. "He's doing his job, the last thing he needs is a group of heavily armed ruffians asking him about his history..."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Could you not see the resemblance?! It's really quite extraordinary. The man could be Cavendish's brother! He's even got the same tattoo. Strange thing is he doesn't seem to know. We need to sit that man down, juice him up, and pick his brain."

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Ophelia nods to Don Lithec. "A fierce paladin and generous to your companions as well! Thank you, sir Lithec."

As she relaxes and sips her wine Ophelia seems puzzled by Nasim's and Victor's insistence on the doppelgangery of their waiter. Does he indeed resemble our new employer, or is it some magic of this place that has fooled them?

[Does the waiter indeed look like Sir Cavendish? If so, Ophelia will try to sweet-talk him into chit-chatting a bit during drinks. 27 on Diplomacy or 24 on Gather Information. And maybe he knows of some folks who may engage in more...clandestine activities in this city?]

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Now that the question has been raised by Victor and Nassim, the rest of the party can see a resemblance to Sir Cavendish. The two are definitely extremely different in most ways. The waiter is covered in silverish dust, looking decidedly scruffy while Cavendish was nothing but a polished and refined gentleman. The Cragimoor lord was also very forceful and used to getting his way, while the waiter is obsequious to the point of cringing at some points. Never-the-less, one can certainly see Aranek Cavendish's aquiline nose under a patina of dust and the same straight, jet-black hair.
The waiter, newly returned and dropping off the wine bottle and glasses, seems agitated and self-conscious. The rest of the party, searching for a tattoo, can just see a mark under the man's collar. He looks about to make a quick getaway to the kitchens again, but pauses at Othelia's soft words.
"I truly cannot speak now," he says to the genasi, "But if you return in two hour's time, we can retire to my apartment and speak more. Ask the front desk for Ernak." At that minute a large xorn, somehow looking decidedly grumpy with so flat a face, steps out of the kitchen area and scans the tables. Ernak looks uncomfortable and begs his leave, returning to his duties.

The waiter, Ernak, does look like Cavendish. I rolled a secret check for all y'all and PMed Nassim and Victor who succeeded. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain and all that. Othelia's Diplomacy check calmed him down, and he's willing to meet, but he'll get fired if he keeps chatting with one table.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The dragonblood was curt after reflecting, not trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice, "Very well, so he looks like the Cragimoor Lord. You get gold stars." He gave a brief, half-assed thumbs-up. Something was bothering the sorceror.

Immediately after he put his hand down from the smarmy salute, he began absently scratching his arm again, particularly on his naked forearm, where the redness of the thornbraiar tattoo was getting more pronounced. "We'll deal with that portal when we come to it, in two hour's time, when we meet up with this Ernak. This is one riddle that needs solving, but as for now, we can't answer it... Can't answer... No..." as he trails off, Kessel's eyes dart to the drink, and as he reaches for it quickly, but an obvious shake has taken over his normally steady hands as he lifts his drink to his lips, taking a hearty swollow.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The well-dressed man named Victor muses aloud, "Ernak... Aranek... that's strange. Even the names are similar. I wonder wh..." Kessel's snide remarks and sarcastic gestures attract the dark-haired man's attention and interrupt his train of thought. "What is it, Kessel? What's bothering you?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'Indeed, Victor,' Nasim says, having not yet touched his wine. 'Similar appearance, similar name. The relevant question, then, is why. Or, perhaps, who this man really is.'


Pants of the North!

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"A long-lost brother? A clone? A doppelganger? Perhaps it's Cavendish who's the replica..." Ophelia motions restlessly with her hand. "Victor Marten, you may know our employer best. Did he have many secrets? Any related to his family or bloodline?"

Whatever the mystery, it bears investigation, and we need to make sure that Eranak remains unharmed.

"If he's tied to Cavendish somehow, then he's a potential weapon against our lord. Best we grab him before the assassins do." With that, she checks all her equipment and gets some rope ready on her belt.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The pink, cloudy crystal that Tessen orders glows with a faint light as he picks it up and begins filing it off into a bowl provided. When he has a fair amount, he sucks some up with a straw and makes a contented sound. He seems to be in his own world until Othelia mentions capturing Ernak before the assassins.
"Woewaitaminut!," he blurts and then slows down, glancing nervously to the xorn patron of the Deep Emerald. "I'm-still-not-to-sharp-about-what-you're-after-here, but-you-can't-just-grab-the-waiter-cause-you-want-to. If-you'd-listened-to-the-rules-at-the-beginning: No violence against the citizenry of the Glittering Cities. I-like-you-carvers-but-I'd-hafta-report-anything-like-that. Otherwise-I'm-liable-to-be-executed-sharpish."
The mephit's tone is rather matter-of-fact, and doesn't seem to be a threat. He's just trying to reason with some uppity clients who are set on doing something serious. "Maybe-I-can-help-you-find-out-about-this-guy-another-way?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Don't worry Tessen," the well-dressed human says reassuringly, "we're not going to grab anybody. Ophelia was just teasing... weren't you Ophelia, And we're not going to get you into trouble."

Victor transitions smoothly into the Draconic tongue. "Anyone besides Don speak this language?" Then into Infernal. "Or this one?"

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"In the prison of the skull it awaits, knocking against its bars of psyche, awaiting the day of its release... It is the language of my master, Felderdranggast the Copper," the sorceror was rubbing his temples now, hard, like a migrane was splitting his head in twain.

"I say we wait for this... Ernak to get off of his travail, at least." he lowered one hand, pointing at Ophelia. "Roping him up is just going to have eyes on us we do not need at this time, Silverbird. The names are similar, yes, and I agree he may be an integral...ation into the greater society, I must continue. I must get back to Ortho, I am over 6 years, 5 months, 20 hours and 47 minutes late for report... ing back to the Cragimoor Lord is only going to complicate things for us now." The dragonblood rubbed both of his eyes, seeming to come out of a trance, looked up, and smiled his impish quicksmirk, apparently unaware of his slip of dialogue.

"We need to solve this riddle of the twins-yet-not. Chatter-chit with Ernak will assist us. Until then, we chatter-chit with the Travellers. I think we all have some talking to do, and maybe a split-up of our numbers will allow us to scour the Silver City for any grime of the Assassins; while others grill the waiter after he's done serving what's on it."

"But patience we need now, not impetuous behavior. We go running off half-cockney, we're going to have trouble with the authorities here..." the * tick sounded dully in the back of the dragonblood's mind, like a far-off echo...

As if remembering something he forgot, the sorceror's head shot up. "HE was here, wasn't HE? What name did the Tool of Law use?"

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Well, if you can provide some more information about Ernak, Tessen, then we wouldn't have to consider doing anything...drastic, now would we?" say Ophelia, with a glitter of mischief in her eye. She winks at Victor. "Might be worth your while too, Tessen. If a powerful lord can be saved with your help then some benefit may accrue to you as well."

Ophelia looks a little irritated at Victor's strange rumblings. The Auran tongue was so much lighter and fancier than that guttural grinding, but she'd be hard-pressed to find anyone speaking the Language of the Birds in this underground place.

Leaning in close to Kessel, she whispers, "Shapechanger, you're having trouble keeping it together. Anything I can do to help?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'It would be best if we did not abduct this waiter,' Nasim says. 'However, it would be easiest not to abduct him if we knew more about him,' he addends, so as not to spoil the angle Ophelia was pressing. He eyes Victor, at his utterances in strange tongues - at least, he thought those were two different languages he was using - and pokes at the mercury at his throat. When Kessel - strange man, Kessel - responded in kind, it was not much of an assurance to Nasim. It was, though, he hoped, unlikely that they would be plotting against the rest of the group.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Well-of-course-I-can-help-you-find-out-about-him, I'm-a-guide! What-did-you-have-in-mind? We-could-try-to-magic-up-some-info, There's-always-the-Delver." The Mephit snaps has fingers with a musical ting, "Of-course! We-should-see-old-Ssromn, he'll-have-your-answers. Then-we-can-come-back-and-talk-to-Dusty-the-Waiter."

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The sorceror shook his head, looking first at the Silverbird, and then carrying his eyes downward. "No, Wind Duchess, I am fine-d, or as found as I am going to be. Regul Mennar, Statu Quos, Borin Mang, Norm Guyal... All these and more are the names of Law. My law. Zhoooooouuuuuusssss..." The dragonblood looked up, seemingly much better. "I vote Ssromn. The more rinds we peel back, the easier it is to know what fruit you're eating," he finished, and downed the rest of his drink.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

'An apt, if unusual, analogy.' Nasim sets his glass, now empty, back on the table. 'But I agree. When the rest of you are done, we should go see this Ssromn.'


Pants of the North!

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Krypter" wrote:
"Victor Marten, you may know our employer best. Did he have many secrets? Any related to his family or bloodline?"
"I'm afraid I don't know that much about the fellow. The Cavendish's are said to be one of the few Great Families left in Carrigmoor. He's got a rather large manor, so that fits. He's a sorcerer or wizard - I'm not sure which - and it's said he pays what he owes. I don't know what sort of businesses he might be involved with, but what it is, he's evidently successful."

As if remembering something he forgot, the sorceror's head shot up. "HE was here, wasn't HE? What name did the Tool of Law use?"
"What in the Hells is Kessel getting on about? It's like the man's in a world of his own. Kessel? Are you in there? Hello-o."

"Mephit James" wrote:
"Well-of-course-I-can-help-you-find-out-about-him, I'm-a-guide! What-did-you-have-in-mind? We-could-try-to-magic-up-some-info, There's-always-the-Delver." The Mephit snaps has fingers with a musical ting, "Of-course! We-should-see-old-Ssromn, he'll-have-your-answers. Then-we-can-come-back-and-talk-to-Dusty-the-Waiter."
"The Delver? Sounds like what we need. Do we need an appointment, or can we just show up? If so, let's square up our tab and go there now."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Wonderful!" Tessen shouts, leaping to his feet, "I-haven't-been-to-the-karsts-in-ages. Shall-we?" he asks, glancing around at the adventurers. Deftly he pockets the crystal he ordered, presumably for later, and adjusts his belt with a melodious chiming.

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