Game: Through the Looking Glasses

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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Tattoo?" He frowns, "Why, whatever do you mean?" Then, with a flash of recognition, "Oh, this. It's always been there. Such a curious birthmark."

*We'll move on just as soon as people have responded.*

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"I accept your offer, Lord Cavendish," Kessel grinned, the quicksmirk fading into reclusion yet again. The dragonblood stood, and abesntly scratched his right bicep under his jerkin as he glanced at the others assembled.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"I accept your offer, excellency. If you would be so kind as to reveal to us the specifics you were mentioning,"
Ophelia says as she paces lightly around the room, surreptitiously scanning for any other secret doors or defenses.
"Then we shall soon be ready to proceed, at haste."

[Rolled search 21 if it's appropriate]

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Sorry I haven't responded in a bit. Spring Break was a little too good to me Smiling

Ashthalan had sat quietly, listening to the explanations of the attack, the description of the assassin, and of Aranek's plight. This was interesting, exciting. It promised the research and discovery of many secrets. It may not give him a lead on where to find the Nexus, but it would at least get him some coin. He'd been running short lately.

The light gleamed and slithered across his serpent-skin-covered form as he shifted his weight in the chair.

"I am very interested in your offer," the priest said, "but I would prefer to see what your terms are before I officially accept. Are you amiable to that?"

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Aranek leads you across the room to a large set of glossy doors of thick red wood. He pulls them open on their brass handles and then stops frozen. You can see shelves of books and documents as well as busts and paintings lining the walls of the library, and expensive-looking furniture.

On the floor of the library lies the still body of Illius, the butler, a dagger planted squarely in his back. The room seems otherwise to be totally undisturbed. Except for the dark woman wrapped in assorted cloths with firey hair, copper-toned skin, and eyes of a disturbing bright red. She sits comfortably in a high-backed chair, and nods when you enter. Snapping her fingers, two more figures, unarmed but dressed in dark robes emerge from concealment near the door and advance with absolute silence on Aranek. She says, "You shall be not." A fourth figure, dressed like the other two, perches on top of a bookshelf near the back of the room, prepared to move in.

Roll initiative or what-have-you.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Don Lithec had not even decided whether or not he would assist in this endeavor. He was somewhat unnerved by this Duke, but the mammal in snakeskin had seemed to be professing interest and that one piqued the warrior's interest.

As the assassins appeared, the samurai's finely tuned senses kicked in. In an instant, his katana was drawn, moving from its sheath to his clawed hand without passing through the intervening space in a way that made the laws of space-time cry in their metaphorical fabric of reality beds.

The blade and its wielder leapt forwards, moving with unbelievable precision and grace. It was this moment, before the battle had begun, before the first stroke had landed, that most combats were won or lost. When Don Lithec moved it was like the rest of the world slowed to a crawl and the others in the room had the vague imagining of white rose petals falling from the sky as his blade flashed through the air. As time seemed to unslow and the rose petal imaginings were shaken off with a blink, Don Lithec landed in a crouch before the cloaked and hooded figure he'd just assaulted like the lightning. The blade was once more in its sheath though it wasn't even sure how it had ended up there.

Alright, Initiative = 30.

Attack Roll = 35

Damage Roll = 17

IF, DL gets to attack before the cloak guy on the right and IF the opponent is flat-footed (IE, no Uncanny Dodge) then Iajitsu Focus kicks in...

IaiF Roll = 34 so 5d6 + 15 (Strike From the Void)

So Total Possible damage = 17 + 37 = 54

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Initiative: 7. I suppose I'll just wait a while before doing anything.


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Init: 8

Kessel was still contemplating the agreement; the first steps needed to progress further; and why the word "dyslexic" is, in itself, so hard to spell; when he was caught off-guard by the influx of naughties.

I'll wait, too.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Initiative 14...I'm going to go ahead and go, since my action will likely be the same regardless of what the enemy does

Ashthalan lifted up a symbol that hung around his neck. The symbol displayed a snake coiled around a dark portal that led into the unknown. The snake-clad man gestured reverently and spoke the words of divine magic, calling upon the power of Niveral and Sisanca.

"Bless us with thy wisdom," he muttered.

Bless spell

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Sorry to disappoint anyone who thought this would be an update. I realize that this is getting delay-ful and that everyone wishes we could move it along. I've just been kind of bogged down with afternoons and pretty sick on-and-off, so it's taking a little while to get things done. I'll get back on track, though. You haven't been forgotten.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

An astral projection of Mephit James steps in briefly to move the plotline

The fiery assassin stands from the chair, a gesture which causes the other figures to adopt fighting stances. "Submit now, warlock, or we- "

Her steely voice is interrupted abruptly by a blur of movement as the lithe form of Don Lithec springs past Aranek to attack the enemy on the right. A flash of steel and the black-cloaked figure stumbles back with a suprised cry. His stomach is gashed deeply and blood rapidly turns the soft, black material wet. The other enemies appear unfazed by the sudden action, and neither does Aranek whose hands crackle with electricity and whose voice echoes with arcane chanting. A bright flash streaks across the room striking the farthest assassin as he leaps from the bookcase. Thrown against the wall with a blackened scorchmark on his chest, the figure stumbles before regaining his feet.

The female assassin launches herself into the air at a speed comparable to the lightning bolt, striking Don Lithec in the chest with a powerful kick. She moves herself into a position to attack both the kobold and the archmage as Ashthalan's spell washes over the group. Don Lithec feels a cool sensation settle on him from the snakeman's prayer, and manages to sidestep an attack by the heavily wounded opponent. The unharmed enemy to the left races across the floor of the library and lands a solid blow on Aranek's chest, causing the archmage to stumble dizzily.

Don Lithec strikes for the full 54 damage on figure A.
Aranek casts a lightning bolt spell on figure B across the room.
The assassin strikes Don Lithec for 14 damage.
Ashthalan casts bless increasing everyone's attack roll by +1.
Figure A misses Don Lithec.
Figure C strikes Aranek.
Kessel acts next, then Nasim, then figure B.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Momentarily stunned by the ambush, Othelia takes too long to regain her senses and doesn't have time to parry the blow landing on Aranek. Realizing that saving him is probably the only way she'll ever see that 10,000 gold, she steps smoothly in front of him and tries to interject herself between him and the fiery assassin. Her bejewelled sabre flashes out at the bronze-skinned woman, as she prepares to release the blade called Heartbreaker to do its dance. With her left hand she prepares to throw a silver sliver or two towards the assassin coming from the left.

[Ini 14. Sabre attack 24. Damage 8. Sword of dancing released next round, and hopefully I will have time then to throw the slivers at the oncoming assassin.

Sorry that I've been AWOL. Had some real life problems to work out.]

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Using the Rapid Reload feat, Kessel draws his light crossbow from the storage within his glove of storing within his right hand as he moves for cover behind the door. After loading the crossbow, he fires at "B".

To-hit roll: 15/6, 29/15 total to-hit

Damage: 8/10

The * click went off again. Like a practiced military rifleman, Kessel rolled to one side of the door, making for cover from the arcane and bladed onslaught in the next room. His crossbow seemingly grew from the palm in his right hand, and with almost clockwork timing, a bolt was out of his quiver and into the weapon.

It was a well-crafted, if mass-produced light crossbow, its markings denoted an intricate pattern of marching men had once been carved into it, but this had been scarred and scratched with a dull blade, to become an almost childlike-patterning; the same thorn briar pattern as Kessel's hood and pate. As the dragon'sblood drew back the trigger and let loose he muttered, "A pointy heads, a-pointy-pointy. Annoint thy head, annointy-nointy." and shot at the bobbing tete of one of the assassins.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim moves to figure C, drawing his two scimitars on the way, and attacks with Snakebite. Attack roll: 5+17=22. If it hits, Snakebite deals 17 damage to C and 3 damage back to Nasim. Assassin C will be Nasim's dodge bonus.

Nasim smoothly glides forward, sliding both of his swords from their strange, S-shaped sheath. Since Aranek was in danger, he didn't have time to activate Hellfire, he just spun around, making a quick slash at the attacker with Snakebite.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Kessel's first bolt strikes strikes the far figure in the shoulder, twisting him back against the bookcase again and causing the second bolt to bury itself in the wooden frame instead of it's target. While the coppery bowman is finishing his volley, Nasim's scimitar flicks like a viper from its scabbard, catching the closest dark figure under the ribs. The blade seems cloaked in a misty red sheen which seeps into the man as it licks backward at Nasim's hand.
The flame-haired woman seems gripped by a cold fury. "Kill the foul ones," she calls to her companions as the far assassin races across the room. A crossbow bolt still juts from his shoulder but he is either too focused or too zealous to notice. He whirls under Nasim's flashing blade and lands a blow to his ribs.
Slipping into the increasingly tangled melee, Othelia's lithe saber makes a deadly sweep toward the woman. The assassin leader dodges from the attack expertly but is caught by the blade down her left arm. Hissing from the strike she whirls back into a fighting stance.

Nasim takes 8 damage from Assassin B.
To clarify positions, about five feet in front of the doorway to the library Aranek and the firey assassin are at the center of a melee knot with Nasim to the left of Aranek and Othelia to the right, while Figures C and B are to the left and right of the woman respectively. Don Lithec and Figure A are some five to eight feet to the right of the melee, Kessel is the same distance to the left, and Ashthalan is still standing in the doorway.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

I'm back and free on vacation for a week. Does anyone know what's been keeping Primus (Don Lithec) and Center (Ashthalan)? I swear, the moment you become the lord and master of a planeborn race, you think the multiverse just revolves around you. It makes me sick. Well, except for Center. The multiverse really does revolve around him. Literally.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Oops, didn't know I was up. Is the Initiative all the way around again?

Don Lithec fell back, and drew his katana in one-swift motion. The kick to the chest hardly fazed the warrior, and he lunged forwards again striking out, but not with the drawn katana.

The kobold moved like a striking snake, his wakizashi coming up and out of the scabbard. Time slowed again but to stop and describe it would be superfluous. Just know that somewhere a glittering dove wept with the beauty of the swing. Before the attack even landed two more fell, that glittering wakizashi slashing at the air where the fiery haired assassin stood.

Full attack -

First attack, flick of the wrist thus catching the girl flat-footed, so no Dex or Dodge to AC and Iajitsu Focus if possible...

Attack roll - Nat 20! Crit confirm total ... 24....

Damage - 14 subdual (if not crit) or 26 (if crit) subdual

Iajitsu Focus roll = 46 so Damage = 59 subdual.

So if Crit and IF damage = 84 subdual.


Now Attack 2 and 3, no IF, and Dex Mod is back...

Attack 2 roll = 27 (damage: 16 subdual). Attack 3 roll = 9 so miss...

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Rhys" wrote:
The multiverse really does revolve around him. Literally.
Typical Outer Planar racism.

Are all three of those attacks against the fire-woman, Primus?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Yes. Discussing the changes we discussed the first attack only does 26 subdual (No Flick of the Wrist so no IF).

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The thin wakizashi blade, wreathed in purple streaks like bolt of lightning towards the flame-haired woman. Her twisting leap in response rivalled the attack's elegance, but it was not enough. One strike caught her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground and the wind from her lungs. Landing like a cat she whirls upward and faces the second strike in the face, leaving a rapidly swelling bruise but surprisingly no cut. The two blows are vicious and the woman is obviously hurting, but she throws herself to her feet and lunges herself at Aranek. He is too quick, however, and the attack is met with a crackling blast from the archmage's outstretched hand.
The fiery hair of the assassin streaks like a thrown torch as she is tossed backwards and hits the ground hard. She briefly struggles to her feet before collapsing to the ground. All three of the other assassins keep fighting but there is a visible jolt in their movement at their leader's fall.

Ashthalan's up.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"Rhys" wrote:
I'm back and free on vacation for a week. Does anyone know what's been keeping Primus (Don Lithec) and Center (Ashthalan)? I swear, the moment you become the lord and master of a planeborn race, you think the multiverse just revolves around you. It makes me sick. Well, except for Center. The multiverse really does revolve around him. Literally.

Does the fact that it really revolves around me still make you sick? If you like, I can make it revolve more slowly. That might make you feel better. Eye-wink

Anyhoo, sorry, didn't realize it was my turn again.

The snake-man surveyed the situation in an instant. The kobold honored one looked to be holding his own quite well. Ashthalan smiled. Really, how could he expect any less from an honored one who was so magnificent. In the hissing tongue of the reptiles, the priest uttered a prayer to the Mother of Serpents, and held a holy symbol of Sisenca up above his head. The symbol flickered once, and then sent a wave of divine energy sweeping through the room.

"May her blessing be upon us," he said solemnly.

Cast prayer, giving allies within 40' a +1 on all of the following rolls:

Attack Rolls
Damage Rolls
Saving Throws
Skill Checks

All enemies within that same area take a -1 to all of the same rolls. There is no saving throw, but SR applies.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

A flash of movement enters Don Lithec's vision as the assassin to his right makes a sweeping kick at him. The kobold blocks the attack, but is unable to stop the second kick which flies past him to catch Aranek in the chest. Cavendish stumbles and his face is contorted in a grimace before his whole body freezes up. The assassin tries one more strike but Don Lithec gets in the way of this one too.
Meanwhile on the other side of the melee, another assassin quickly reverses his momentum. He bends to grab something from the fiery woman's belt and then sprints for the far side of the room, yelling something in a foreign language to his comrades.

Nasim and Othelia get attacks of opportunity on the fleeing assassin C. Kessel and Nasim are up next, then assassin B, and then Othelia. I just mean these as reminders, I'm not hounding you guys to act already. =)

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Othelia's dancing sword leaps out toward the fleeing assassin, pursuing him as he bends over the fallen body of his leader, and slashing at him from behind. Meanwhile, Othelia readies her slivers, preparing to throw them at anyone running away, especially the crowfeeder who took something from the body. With a wary glance to left and right, Othelia also wants to position herself next to Don Lithec or someone else who looks big.

[Strike 28, Damage 9 from the dancing sword. Did the sword get an AoO and I still have another action, or is that it for me this round? ]

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Since you haven't released the sword technically, I think its AoO and yours are the same for now. Oh, but As of O don't effect your regular actions, you still get to act this round.

Edit: Dancing weapons don't get AoO anyways, so this is yours.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

As the gem-studded sabre mercilessly slashes at the fleeing backstabber, Othelia picks out three thin slivers of silver from within the folds of her billowing robes, and a flurry of sharp little knives fly through the air and embed themselves into the assassin's exposed back.

That accomplished, she blurts out: "Sir Cavendish, are you alright?".

[Strike 28, Damage 7. If this counts as a sneak attack from behind, add 18 points of damage]

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim lashes out with Hellfire, slashing at the retreating assassin. Best not to let them escape, it would only allow them to regroup and return.

Attack roll: 36, critical threat (natural roll: 19). Confirmation: 21. Normal damage: 7, critical damage: 13.


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Kessel's not letting any of these schlubs get away. I'll Magic Missile the fleeing assassin (C?) so I'm not shooting into combat (regardless of what Kessel may think of his cohorts, we don't want to kill them yet... Eye-wink )

Magic Missile Damage: (4+1)+(3+1)+2(prayer)= 11 damage

Peering over the molding in the doorframe, Kessel bobbed his head up and down to an unpresent drumbeat, chanting, "Run, run / fast-as-you-can't / Get away / I-hope-you-shan't."

The crossbow in the dragonblood's hands shrunk back to its previous size, disappearing into the leather-covered palm as Kessel dipped his head low, scanning the combat. As the assassin dropped to one knee to collect his cohort's belongings, the harlequin's quicksmirk formed through chanting teeth, the hewn archer's hands delicately danced left and right, churning up glistening air, blending it into a heavy green mass that accumulated in each palm.

"Hey, GINGERBREAD MAN!" The quicksmirk had turned to an imp's malignant grimace, glowing sickly green, the dull verdegris emanating from each palm, illuminating either side... yet somehow, those perfect teeth remained unnaturally gleaming white.

Kessel pitched forth both green orbs, first the right, then the left, which entwined, forming a thin tie between them not unlike a bola, hurtling both at the now-fleeing assassin.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The fleeing assassin is struck first by the genasi's flashing saber and then the dervish's whirling scimitar, but manages to keep his feet through both attacks and continues on. He is nearly to the other side of the library when Kessel's green bolts strike him in the back, knocking him over. The now heavily injured man tucks his shoulder into the fall, turning it into an awkward but effective roll and continues to his feet after a brief roll. He is obviously not in good condition, but is still sprinting through shear will.
Othelia sees another opening to hit the assassin, but her knife hand is kicked by the assassin in front of her, sending the silver blades wide. As the fleeing man reaches the far end of the room, he draws a curved, dull dagger, the item he had taken from the firey woman who remained prostrate on the floor.
Aranek Cavendish doesn't answer the Silverbird's question but continues to stare off as if poleaxed, his throat convulsing in ragged breath. He is alive, but something is definitely wrong. The two assassins that remain move into position to prevent further attacks on their fleeing companion.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The dagger, perhaps, is something important. Otherwise, why would that assassin have stopped to retrieve it? Nasim can't let him get away. With a flair in his steps, he heads toward the two assassins guarding the one with the dagger. As he approaches them he begins to spin, his cloak flaring out as though caught in a stiff wind. He lashes out twice with Hellfire, once at each assassin. Without stopping to see if the blows hit soundly, he twirls again and leaps, arcing through the air above and between the two. On his feet again, he continues towards the final assassin. As the foe prepares to use the dagger, for some purpose unknown, Snakebite makes a cut upwards. Nasim spins, suddenly on the assassin's left side, and Snakebite cuts downwards. After this glorious display of acrobatics and steel, Nasim pulls his twin scimitars back into a briefly defensive posture, preparing to strike out again.

Nasim has invoked the dervish dance. This allows him to move up to his speed (50') and take a full attack, so long as he moves at least five feet between each one. So, this whole plan hinges on the assassin with the dagger being within 50' of Nasim's starting position. Assuming he is, my plan of action unfolds as follows:
Nasim moves up to the two front assassins, and attacks the one on the left with Hellfire: Attack roll 27, damage 15. He then moves five feet to stand in front of the one on the right, and attacks again with Hellfire: Attack roll 23, damage 18. His dervish dance grants him the benefits of Cleave, so in the event (probably unlikely) that one of them falls, he'll attack the other: Attack roll 36, critical threat (natural roll: 18), confirmation 36, normal damage: 18, critical damage 28. I don't really expect to be using that attack, though, as I got the impression these two assassins were fairly uninjured. At least, not close to death. Anyway, after the two attacks Nasim tumbles past them (two tumble rolls: 30, Nasim can always take 10 on tumble checks) and to the assassin in the rear. He'll attack that one with Snakebite: Attack roll 31, damage 23, 4 damage back to Nasim. Then he shifts five feet to the side, and attacks with Snakebite again: Attack roll 36, critical threat (natural roll 18), confirmation roll 28, normal damage 19, critical damage 29, 1 damage back to Nasim. This assassin in the rear will be his dodge bonus, and his scout skirmish grants him another +2. So, against the front two assassins he'll be AC 29, and he'll be 30 against the one in the back. I believe he'll provoke from all three of them at some point during his action.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Sweet merciful Court of Talisid, Bob. Things went very well for Nasim this round, but I think with all the five-foot steps, you can't make it to the other side of the library this round. That said, assassin A to the right collapses with your second attack so you get to Cleave assassin B again.

A muted, charged sensation comes across the room, like desert air before a storm. Nasim's scimitars whirl in his hands as he launches himself at the assassin before him, slashing him as quickly as an asp bite before hurtling through the melee to slice cleanly through the other assassin. The man utters a gurgling cry, coughs some blood on the floor, then pitches forward to the ground. Meanwhile the dervish, carried by the momentum of the attack, slashes the other assassin savagely in the neck and down into the man's chest.
As graceful as a hunting falcon, Nasim leaps upward into a somersault, wrenching free his scimitar at the same time, and races for the other end of the room. The assassin with the dagger glances back briefly as he reaches the far wall but gives no other reaction to the gracefully deadly man sprinting toward him.

Primus is up, then... Center.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Don Lithec nearly moved to chase the fleeing assassin before a twinge of concern hit him. Without sheathing his weapons, the samurai reached into the folds of his robe and withdrew a red and orange speckled fruit the same general shape and texture of a pear. He handed the fruit to Cavendish, a look of concern evident on his face. "Please, eat this, it will make you better."

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The crossbow was growing again, the flickering of hand to quiver danced over Kessel's ear, as his jaw dropped wide, yelling in the language of his master, "He can't champy-clampy, scale-kin, he's been paralyzed! Get the chiv! The priest and I can use your tree-dropping to patch his scabber!"

I know it's not Kessel's turn, but a free action talking may get Don Lithec moving.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Sorry again for the delay. I am a bad rilmani.

Ashthalan leveled calm eyes on the fleeing assassin. Once again, he called upon the power of his deities. He raised his hand and uttered a series of holy words in Reptilian. Several small, ethereal, translucent snakelike figures materialized coiled around the priest's arms. A single Reptilian word escaped his lips, then.


The coiled snakelike creations shot off his arms, vanishing into the air. They rematerialized at the feet of the fleeing man and shot up his legs, constricting around his form in an effort to hold him in place.

Casting Hold Person on the fleeing assassin, heightened to 5th level. Will Save DC is 22. If I can't hit the fleeing assassin, I'll just hit whichever remaining assassin looks the least hurt.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Ok, so we're going to bend the rules because the DMs need the plot to continue but I don't want to blunt players' effectiveness.

Sir Cavendish doesn't respond to Don Lithec's worried question, but the color seems to be returning more rapidly to his face. The healing fruit remains untouched by his clenched fist as an ephemeral blur leaps from Ashthalan's hands and past the group in melee.
The assassin in the back of the room, the only one still moving, quickly slashes at the air in front of him. An almost invisible line trails the dagger's blade, glowing with a pale light that brightens considerably when the slash is finished and the line widens into a wide hole in the air. Nasim is almost upon the assassin as he leaps through the portal, only to be wrapped from head to toe in tranluscent snakes. A muted shout can be heard from the assassin as he stumbles through the portal, and then more shouts from others on the far side of the hole.
Nasim is able to see a glittering platform through the hole, clearly not anywhere in Cragimoor. Tall, armored men with spreading wings can be seen running past the portal, and urgent shouts in terse, commanding tones sound faintly through the opening.
Meanwhile, Aranek draws a loud shuddering breath and bends over, clutching his chest. He seems haggard but fine as he turns to Don Lithec. "I will be fine," he says, pushing the fruit back toward the samurai, "it was a paralyzing technique of that brigand." More loudly, he hoarsely calls to the rest of the group, "Quickly, you must follow him! I will watch the woman and question her if she awakens. That rift will close quickly, this lead must not be lost!"
Next: jordarad, Bob, then Krypter.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Kessel hauls for the door, running abreast of the closest one he would deem a "warrior", and places a hand on them. I'll be readying Attune Form, if necessary, for once we get through the portal, but when I'm within the center of the group, I'll cast Avoid Planar effects on the party. For a maximum of 8 people (myself included), we'll be protected from whatever negative or positive effects happen within that plane for 8 minutes (plenty of time to get abreast of the situation).

Kessel runs up to the center of the room, as he utters a curse, the crossbow shrinks in his hand once again. The sorceror stops dead, his cold-iron shod boots clunking to a dead stop, and spins once, scanning his surrounding companions. Gazing at each of them, he calls out in the Draconic tongue, "Mana of my form, mana of my blood, mana of my kin, shield we, the travellers, from the lands beyond."

With the uttering of the incantation, a wash of small metallic bronze strands emanate from the thornbriar tattoo on the dragonblood's pate, and awash each member of the party. As he raises his head, Kessel retrieves a spiked and studded wooden buckler from his pack, and straps it to his left arm as his boots clang on the tiled floor, running again to the makeshift portal.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim continues his charge towards the fleeing assassin, feeling some sort of magical protection wash over him right before he leaps through the portal. His momentum carries him past the assassin before he can stop, and Hellfire flashes out to slice the assassin as Nasim goes by. On the other side of the man, Nasim turns and points Snakebite at him.

'You have nowhere to go,' he says. 'It would be best if you surrendered.'

That's just a move up to the assassin, an attack, and using Spring Attack to move to the other side of him. Due to movement and Dodge, Nasim is still AC 30 against this guy. Attack: 27, damage 16.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Not that simple, Bob Smiling

Nasim leaps through the gateway, hearing Aranek's yell grow suddenly muted as he passes a planar boundary. His quick swordsman's mind takes stock of the situation on the other side of the portal even as his hands begin to whirl the blades automatically. The dervish stands on a broad platform of bronze, ringed by fluted columns of opaque crystal. Several angelic figures in shining platemail stand in military formation to one side, blocking some sort of road, while two more are at the other side of the platform peering off the edge. One of the latter two warriors steps back as Nasim bursts through the gateway, narrowly missing a scimitar blade meant for the fleeing assassin. Confused, the dervish scans the platform, seeing a few startled non-angelic onlookers but no sign of the assassin.

Kessel's boots ring loudly on the floor of the library as he nears the portal. He can see through the hole, though the image is slightly blurred as if he is looking through a thin film of water. He can make out a number of armored figures with feathered wings, and a few scattered individuals of varying description including the turbanned man.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Ophelia lithely skims across the bloodied ground of the room towards to the portal, but hesitates at the last moment. What creatures lurk for them beyond it? Retrieving her shining sabre, she holds it forth and dives through the portal, ready to perform evasive dodges should the environment be hostile, or to retreat if it's lethal. Her robes wrap themselves tightly around her body as she passes through the planar membrane and into a new world!

Sadly, the smuggling opportunities seem quite low, but 10K in gold is still 10K in gold.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim looks around, obviously confused at not ending up where the portal appeared to lead. He lowers his swords, and stands still long enough for the dervish dance to slip from him. Perhaps these people would realise he was not really hostile.


Pants of the North!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The dragonblood leaps through the interplanar gash, following in the wake of the Silverbird's robes, grasping a stray strand as his form shifts from one reality to the other. In his buckler hand, a deft pair of fingers reach into one of the dangling pouches about his waist, picking out a small chunk of common Orthian sod.

Kessel's through after Ophelia, grasping one of her stray veils/robes/whatever to make sure the shift doesn't separate them completely, and to make sure he's touching at least one other if he needs to get off Attune Form. (material component is the dirt from home plane)

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim, Othelia, and Kessel find themselves on the broad bronze platform, facing stern guards. Their demeanor seems unaffected by Nasim's gestures and a few raise their own swords, large two-handed weapons with dark iron blades. He shouts in a ringing, musical language to the two guards standing to the side and they dive over the side.
Despite the precaution of the adventurers, the air and temperature on the far side of the portal seem fine. Besides the winged guards, there are several humanoids including a centaur-like creature with rams horns, a group of elves in flowing robes, and a finely dressed human all of whom are walking around without assisstance. There are also several stoney creatures including a pair of towering, bald giants of granite and a lithe figure of shining silver and jewels. This certainly is a strange mix of individuals, almost as strange as the dour, overcast sky behind the glittering materials of the platform and columns. After an inital stunned silence, the mortals continue talking to the earthy creatures, apparently negotiating, though most cast brief glances at the three adventurers occassionally.
Suddenly on of the guards, the one who spoke before, strides up to the adventurers, his armor clanking with each step. "I am Arexis Dolium, Watchcaptain and First Lieutenant," the guard says in the Common language, "State your business in Deleur immediately. You are under suspicion already regarding the actions of the man who arrived with you, a clear and concise response is required for you to avoid punishment.

Back in the library of Aranek Cavendish, Don Lithec and Ashthalan see the gateway pucker and begin to close. If they want to cross through this portal, the time is quickly running out.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Law and order types... eh? Kessel's Harmonium-self takes command at this point, pushing his new, more "lively" persona back, and shifting the clothing using the hat of disguise... Diplomacy/Bluff (same modifier): 15+3=18, Knowledge (The planes): 11+2=13 (checking if Kessel knows anything about Deleur)

The * click went off again. Almost audible, but definetly physical, like a dull thud, emanating in the cortex of the dragonblood. Kessel straightened up to his full-nigh seven feet, his clothes shifting and transforming in both color and substance to a tight, red-leather strapped mass of garments; the thornbriar pattern etched into each and every patch of leather. Even the physical appearance of the dragonblood shifted, the sheen of his skin fading into obscurity, leaving behind a tanned olive; even a short patch of blonde hair grew around his head, framing his face with thick mutton chops, pushing the alopecia into nothingness yet again. The only articles remaining as before were the many belts and pouches, among the sorceror's other arming accoutrements.

Before the physical change even completed itself, the dragonblood spoke. This time, insead of a high chittering almost-whisper, it was the thick bass of the being who spoke to the doorman of Lord Cavendish's estate. The "new Kessel" spoke quickly, and firmly, as if this was a practiced soldier. "Corporal Regul Mennar, Seventy-First Regiment, Twenty-Third Division, Planar Expeditions, Intelligence Division, Harmonium." Kessel gave a quick fist-to-temple salute, nearly hitting himself. "Pardon the covert tactics, Lieutenant Dolium, but myself and my companions were in persuit of the remaining individual from a group of assassins which made an attempt on the life of Lord Aranek Cavendish of Cragimoor. Your cooperation would be appreciated in apprehending said interloper. Further detainment of myself and/or my companions may continue to bring a threat to Lord Cavendish, and possibly to Deleur itself, if it has not already."

Adding as almost an afterthought, the "other" voice of Kessel quietly mumbled speedily in Draconic out of the corner of the mouth of the Harmonium officer, "Any noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster most."

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Ashthalan hesitated. The honored warrior beside him wasn't in much of a hurry at the moment, it seemed. So, the priest's mind was running circles, trying to decide what he should be doing.

"Come, honored one," he said in hissing Reptilian, "We must hurry."

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Don Lithec’s reptilian head darted to the doorway at the cleric’s words and he nodded. Turning he ran at full speed, both weapons still drawn, points down and away for safety as he cleared the interplanar doorway with a single graceful bound.

On the other side of the swirling gateway, the noble warrior landed in a crouch and then stppd to find himself confronted with a number of new beings. He kept his blades drawn but at ease by his sides as he saw the seemingly mad mammal speaking with one of the winged mammals. He could not discern the location of the fugitive and feared that they had lost his trail for good.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Don Lithec and Ashthalan jump through the shrinking portal hearing one last cry from Cavendish: "Return quickly to Cragimo-" With a crackle of lightning and a hissing pop, the rift snaps closed.
Casting barely a glance to the newcomers Arexis nods to Regul/Kessel, seemingly impressed. "Well met, Corporal," he replies in his rolling accent, "I appreciate honesty. Unfortunately, such a virtue does not excuse one from duty, and the five of you must leave apprehension of the individual in question to us. You will be informed once he is caught, and after we have questioned him, he will most likely be returned to your custody for removal from the plane." He glances toward the group of elves, now being led off by the stone giant. Once they are safely down the road, the watchcaptain returns his attention to the adventurers. "You will need, of course, a guide to continue farther into the Xorn king's realm. We will be in contact with your guide as to the intruder's status." With that he calls in the growling Terran tongue to the silvery figure who quickly comes over in juddering steps. Watchcaptain Arexis, meanwhile turns on his heel and marches back to his post.
The silver-creature watches him go with some interest, before whirling back to the group. Though humanoid-shaped, his proportions are seemingly a thin characiture of a human: lanky arms, spindly legs, large silver eyes, a pointed and crooked nose, and rather large ears. When he speaks, it is somewhat difficult to separate his fast-paced words. "Greetings-and-welcome,-mortals," he blurts, "My-name-is-Tessenalafortamessusstallin-or-Tessen-if-that's-a-big-mouthful. I'm-a-quicksilver-mephit-and-one-of-the-guides-for-hire-at-this-Arrival-Point-and-would-be-pleased-to-show-you-around." He smiles a glittering smile and waits for a response, tapping his foot with a thin pinging sound.

Welcome to Deleur, cutters. If anyone else wants to make a Knowledge (the planes) check, let me know. Also, another PC is going to be joining shortly so if Enzo posts, play nice.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Nasim - slowly, so as not to worry the natives - sheathes his swords. Kessel (or was it Regul? Nasim would have to ask later) seemed to be handling the situation most admirably.

'Hello, Tessen,' Nasim says. He thought, in the rush of words, that something like 'Tessen' was probably the fellow's name. 'Thank you for being our guide here.'


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

An, appropriately, quick grin splits the mephit's face, "Well-that-depends-on-you-good-folks-too. What-kind-of-price-are-we-talking-about-here? Mephits-need-to-eat-too." Tessen bursts out in a tittering laugh that lasts some time, doubling over and wrapping his arms around his stomach.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

The well-dressed human (a diplomat or successful merchant perhaps?) was speaking with one of the locals when the fabric of the realm was violently cut open. Their conversation interrupted, the human turned to watch the proceedings with undisguised interest.

When the rift closes behind the last of the newcomers, the human returns to his conversation, but apparently just to end it. After speaking a few parting words in the local's native tongue, the man quickly makes his way over to the assassin-chasers.

"Sorry to butt in, but we need to talk. Name's Maarten. Victor Maarten. I work for Cavendish. Security." The man offers a firm handshake to any who'll take it. "Looks like you lot've foiled another hit on the old man. Pity that fellow got away." He looks over at the edge of the platform. "No matter, he'll turn up. I've managed to trace the squad back to this realm, Deleur. What just happened supports it. Seems they've been using that bloody dagger of theirs to slip in and out of Carrigmoor from here."

"You lot are working for the old man, right? Are you headed back through to him, or are you following through here in Deleur. If you're staying, City of Silver's not far from here. My sources tell me the assassins have been visiting the city often. It's likely they've got a base of operations there. We'll need a guide. I hear Tessen's good. Don't ask me what to pay him. I just know that metals and gems are practically worthless here -- unless you try to steal them, then it's worth your life."

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

Regul (looking still a lot like Kessel, yet not...) turned curtly on his heel, first addressing the Kobold and the Priest with a harsh whisper, "Sarin's blood, its about time." Then, putting an outstretched hand, palm down and descending, "Sheathe your blades, scaled one, the danger has passed."

Corporal Regul Mennar (not Kessel, no, not Kessel at all anymore... Poor, poor Kessel) turned on his heel quickly, as practiced in drill five thousand times and more before his "teaching" by Feld. With each crisp motion, the previous one pushed the dragonblood further and further from his right (Left? Center? Or was it Sideways?) mind. The turn set the blonde (Hair now, yes... all hair again. No longer scared of everything, are we? No, the Harmonium protects us, keeps us safe, no need to worry anymore, nonono...) soldier looking down on this... diplomat. Regul (not Kessel)spat.

"The interloper has not been apprehended into our custody, that is affirmative. However, as our situation stands, we are at an impass with our trapsing, Victor Maarten. But before we provide you with anymore information... If you truly work for Lord Cavendish, perhaps you can provide the proper identification of such? Pardon me if I don't trust you completely."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: Through the Looking Glasses

"jordarad" wrote:
"The interloper has not been apprehended into our custody, that is affirmative. However, as our situation stands, we are at an impass with our trapsing, Victor Maarten. But before we provide you with anymore information... If you truly work for Lord Cavendish, perhaps you can provide the proper identification of such? Pardon me if I don't trust you completely."

Victor draws a simple one-page document from the inside breast pocket of his greatcoat and presents it to 'Regul'. "This contract, sealed by Cavendish himself, states that I am in his employ. I trust that this constitutes proper identification."

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