Game: The Painted Cage

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Ah, but here is where i

"Ah, but here is where i come into my element..." Manahu says, and with that he bows to the *dragon-prop*..

"Master Dragon, we have knowledge that some of your badit-friends are playing afoul with you, afoul a game they play, with being greedy and wanting all for themselves.. and naught for you, my noble winged one..."

"We can help you defeat these greedy bandits and make sure they dont steal yours again.. Stitch, if you please, this scaled might needs some part of persuasion, not just words..." (hinting that the *dragon-prop* be given something of value...)


(DM, my roll is 1d20+20 on diplomacy, seeing as i have no clue how the dice roller works, plz roll for me.)


Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Darad eyes the rather sad

Darad eyes the rather sad looking little bag on the 'stage' then glances at the crowd.

this performance should not die from such a shabby cause

Darad extends a hand and sends dust streaming out from the containers around his waist, rapidly building up a rather hastily made (and somewhat pantomimish looking dragon under the pouch which now forms the creatures snout. As an afterthought he sends a stream of cobalt out to pick out scales in the creatures flanks.

As an afterthought he causes the sculpture to look like an old pantomime dragon, slowly falling apart from over-use, becoming more and more worn as the show continues.

(take 10 on a rush job to make the dragon = 23 including a -4 for speed)

That done Darad forces a sullen cast to his face "We will not parley with evil creatures. If this keeps up ... We're leaving." Leaving what he believes is a theatrical pause to allow audience members to join in with his catchphrase.



"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
"Aunt Eliza?  A painter?" 

"Aunt Eliza?  A painter?"  Martin chuckled good naturedly.  "Well, she's pretty good with magic and whatnot.  Casting spells and summoning funny looking animals.  I painted a few of those before.  She gave me this handy bag here for my 18th birthday.  It's really useful.  It may not look all that big but I can carry all my supplies in it anyway."  He was momentarily distracted from his painting by the appearance of the pantomime dragon.  "Oh, look at that...  If I had known there would be a dragon I would have tried to paint it instead...  At least the barmade is still in the play.  I wonder what will happen next."

He goes back to his painting as he continues speaking to Red.  "Well anyhow.  My gramps was actually a pretty good painter.  He's the one who put a brush and pallette in my hands when I was just a child."  He seemed to be thinking back fondly on the memory.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Well it seems, then, you

"Well it seems, then, you have many talents in your family, and you've inherrited a few.  I could clue you in to some very good establisments for paints and supplies.  I know the Cage very well, the Festhall District in particular.  There are a few more things I can clue you into, depending on excactly what you're looking for, cutie."  Her tail is quite long, and wraps around one of the legs of Martin's stool.  She subtily flicks his foot a couple of times before withdrawing it.  "Of course, Sigil is a nexus of trade.  Nothing is free.  But I see your talent, and I doubt you'll have much trouble parlaying it into jink if need be.  In fact, I might have a small job if you're interested."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Stitch's voice comes from

Stitch's voice comes from the dragon-prop, "What?  Some bandit wants my treasure?  Why I bet t'is that skulky fellow in the robes.  Or is it the bloke with one eye?  Never liked that one, or the really hairy one niether.  Which one is it?  Speak up!"

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Martin kicks his feet

Martin kicks his feet reflexively and looks down, only to see that it is just his new acquaintance's strange tail "Uh, oh dear.  I'm sorry about that.  I thought something was trying to climb up my leg."  He turns to smile at her sheepishly.  "Well, if you could help me find supplies I'd be really greatful... I don't have an unlimited supply of canvases.  I suppose I should go about finding some way to make more um... jink?  If I can help you out while doing it all the better.  What would you like me to do?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Advertize."  She replies,

"Advertize."  She replies, her tone slightly different, more serious and businesslike.  "Surely you've noticed the many fliers and posters pasted to the walls around Astoria Row.  I would give you an advance, in the form of credit at an art supply store.  Make something that will catch peoples' eyes, and I'll pay you more afterward depending on how successful you are.  I'm trying to advertize events at the Festhall, and nearby businesses.  Say you'll do it and I'll give you more details after you finish your painting."

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
"Sure."  Martin answers

"Sure."  Martin answers without missing a beat.  "Sounds like fun!"  With that, he goes back to painting.  Not rushing, but now more determined to finish so the mysteries of this job will be revealed to him.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
diceroll for previous post.

diceroll for previous post. roll of 11+20 diplomacy = 31

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote: "We can

Burning Spear wrote:

"We can help you defeat these greedy bandits and make sure they dont steal yours again.. Stitch, if you please, this scaled might needs some part of persuasion, not just words..." (hinting that the *dragon-prop* be given something of value...)

"Hmm?  Oh, yes!"  barmaid-Stitch reaches into 'her' bosom, and pulls out first a bra, then a man's trousers, and finally a single gold coin.  'She' lays it reverently in front of the dragon.

Once again, Stitch throws his voice so as to have it come from the dragon.  "Ooo, shiney!  Well, I can see you folks at least are properly worshipful of my scaled might.  So, who is it who dares covet my treasure.  Speak up now!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[ ....... ] "Who?  Err

[ ....... Undecided ]

"Who?  Err ... umm ... the leader, that's who.  The guy who goes around acting like he's in charge, and ordering the other bandits about.  Uhh ... there is a guy like that, right?  Oh.  Oh, good.  Yea, him then (whoever he is), and ... um ... his two closest officers.  Yea, that's the ticket."

"So the priest, he's trying to steal my treasure?  And I even kind of liked the guy!  Ooo, he's gonna get it now!"

Stitch once again opens the coffin in which the bloodied robes hang.

"And so it was, that our heroes turned the evil priest of Evil's most powerful ally against him.  So powerful, and so swiftly retributive, in fact, that the villain barely even heard his death aproaching.  Then all of a sudden ... whammo!"

Stitch pulls out another wand, black and crooked with a blue crystal in the tip.  He stands behind the dragon and speaks a command word.  A bolt of lightning strikes the coffin, knocking it over and setting it on fire.

"And thus concludes the tale, for now my friends ... " Stitch nods first to Darad, then has each of the players turn to face the crowd, then say in unison, "We're Leaving!"


The crowd applauds as the players take a bow.  Martin puts the finnishing touches on his portrait.  The figure in the painting shifts position ever so slightly, and takes on a more realistic look.  Martin is fairly skilled, and the changes are so subtle that it is highly unlikely anyone else would have notived, even if they were watching.  But as it is his painting, Martin notices, and so he knows that the magic has worked.  He looks around the crowd  It takes a few moments, but he catches sight of a female figure, rounding the corner of a side-alley like she'd been walking around Sigil for weeks.  The woman looks just like Martin's picture, down to the dress.  She stands quietly near a seller's booth, watching the end of Stitch's play.


"Brava!  Excellent!  Impromptu street-theater reaches it's apex in Sigil."  A youngish-looking tiefling steps forward.  She has red hair, and is dressed in fine-tailored red silks.  She has a very long tail and ash-grey wings.  "I am impressed with what you offered at the pinch, my friends.  You are indeed all canny masters of arts."  As she applauds, they see that one of her hands is in fact replaced with a prosthetic made of crystal.  On the other she wears something akin to a fore-arm armor.  "In fact, if it pleases you, I would like to hire those skills.  My friends call me 'Red'.  I'm a factor of the Sensates, and am currently looking for a way to advertize a particular upcoming venue.  Please, come on over here and meet my new rube ... er, friend ... Martin, who has already expressed interest."


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Martin scrutinizes the woman

Martin scrutinizes the woman for a moment then looks up to see that the play has in fact finished, despite missing the end, he gives a standing ovation...  Looking around for Red, he's surprised to see her speaking with the actors.  He hadn't even noticed her go... Then again he had been rather focussed.  Perhaps he'll have a word with his new painting to see just how successful he was.  He waves to the vaguely Stitchlike woman.  "Excuse me miss, might I have a word with you?"

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Darad arches an eyebrow as

Darad arches an eyebrow as the tiefling makes her offer. Not easily swayed by flattery he tries to weigh up how sincere she is and whether he can stomach working for the Sensates.

As he listens he draws his expended sand back into the appropriate pouches, taking enough pride in his work to make the dragon look like it finally succomed to overuse and his garments look like they are rusting away.

(ooc- sorry, I forgot - is this pre or post faction war?)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[To Az: Post-, but I figure

[To Az: Post-, but I figure many faction members came back to Sigil, it's just that the factions can't be headquartered in Sigil, and no longer have a monopoly on the civic organization.  Still, 60% or more of judges and attourneys are Guvners, 60% of the folks working in the Hall of Records are Takers, etc.]


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Martin gets up, wanting to

Martin gets up, wanting to go talk to the woman of his picture, but Red intercepts him.  He tries to look around her, but she physically positions herself to demand his attention.  He can't help but feel a little annoyed, but there's nothing he can do but hope the woman doesn't wander off to far before Red is done.

"Hello Marty my friend.  Hey where you going?  Don't you want to make a bit of jink, I thought you said you did.  Here, I've scrounged up a few more artists.  Now that I've got you all, I might as well give you the pitch."

[*Note: any joiners in the near future can be assumed to have walked up at this point, interested in Red's offer as they passed by, and so join up.*]


"I need advertise a trio of venues put on by the Triad of the Self;  the Society of Sensation, the Sign of One, and The Fated.  They are, each in their own way, conventions for aspiring planar artists and craftsmen.  The Takers are putting on a kind of job faire, for people to get work and make jinx.  The Signers are putting on a philosophical debate and exchange of ideas and views, with a dual purpose of simply making contacts.  We Sensates are putting on more an art festival and musical concert.  All three will be held in the Festhall District, but I want someone to advertize here in Astoria Row.

"The Takers' job faire is going to be at The Glittering Palace, an old theatre on the corner of Gem Cutter Street and Sculptors' Street.  There will be businessmen from all over the city who need craftsmen or artists.  There are also likely to be many rich patrons looking for comissions.

"The Signers' debate is gong to take place at The Cobblestone Court.  Its a big tavern with a courtyard, on Feastive way near Crystal Dew Lane.  I expect it will be as much a wine-and-crackers mixer as an actual debate.

"The Sensates' concert will be at Studio Nine, a concert hall on Singers' Row just off of Artist Boulevard.  We have several neighbors participationg as well, and we expect to turn it into a street festival.

"Now, that's the order they'll go in; job faire, mixer, and concert festival.  Naturally, we Sensates want to have the biggest blowout.  I won't cry if you put more work into advertizing our concert, but I really do want attendance to be high at all three.  The first is going to start two days from now, so the sooner you start, the better.  Well, that's about it for the venues, I guess, feel ask me anything else.

"If you need supplies, like paper for posters, paint, clay, whatever, go to Asiri's Art Supplies, about halfway up Astoria Row here.  I'll leave an account, so you won't have to lay out too much of your own jink to start.  It aint bottomless, though, and if you spend too much don't expect a lot of bling on the back end.  I want to hear that a lot of folks heard about our venues though, and trucked on down to the Festhall District to check 'em out.  If you're real successful, and don't spend too much of my coin at Asiri's, I'll be generous.

"Oh and just in case it sounded too easy, let me say that while you are welcome to put up posters or sculptures whatever, you may find them quickly plasterd over or taken down if you don't watch 'em.  There's a bit of competioin for advertizing here.  Healthy competition I would say.  For what would life be without struggle?  Is not the reward fought for sweeter than the one easily obtained?  Is not the experience sought out always greater than just sitting on your arse and letting the multiverse slip by?  But I digress, and will save it for the Signers' debate.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Martin listens, trying to be

Martin listens, trying to be patient.  He nods silently several times, though in all honesty he isn't much sure what a good portion of the stuff she's talking about means.  Still.  It seemed like the gist of it was that he needed to advertise three venues and that he could get free supplies.  Maybe he could paint some advertisers to start. The g- um, Jink, sure would come in handy.  "Um, alright Miss Red.  I understand."  He answers absentmindedly, and tries to peek around her to see if the woman from the painting is still there.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Manahu listens intently and

Manahu listens intently and keeps his face blank whilst Red tells her story and job description.

When she finally finishes, he awaits his turn to speak whenever is polite and adds:

"I am not sure how any of the three projects could be done best, but i can provide some additional protection "bodies" for the *"reclame" that you wish us to put up in any way, shape or form..."

"If you want me to call upon the bodies i can provide, i must prepare however, but given some time, this is no problem.."

*note: Reclame is the word in my lang. for advertisement (originally from latin)


Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Darad eyes the tiefling

Darad eyes the tiefling thoughtfully for a while, massaging his temples as he does so, before nodding. "So be it. I will put my skills to your task but I must inform you that my work will not be compromised by the groups represented." he pauses briefly to cough politely into his left hand before continuing, "I would also appreciate some direction on how to contact you should the need arise."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
{To Manahu} "Well, the

{To Manahu} "Well, the sooner the better.  The first event is in three days.  Plenty of time, but soon enough to be fresh in the mind.  I think you guys can do it, tho.  Make splash.  Create a buzz.  Freak out the squares."

{To Martin} "Calm down, cutie, i'll let you go in a little span."  She even goes so far as to physically check him from walking away yet, though in a playful, and slightly sexy (if wings and tails do it for you) way.

{To Darad} "You won't find me, Mr. Sandman, at least not yet. I'll find you if I need to, but otherwise you  guys are on your own.  If I don't find you before the concert, Antipeak on the fifth day hence, ask for me there in Studio Nine.  Believe me, if I'm not there, then, it means the multiverse has had its way with me and we'll not ever see each other again.  Such is the nature of things, Sinker, as you know.  But I digress, and will save it for the Signers' debate."

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Martin finds himself

Martin finds himself distracted from his goal, at least momentarily, by the sudden warmth of Red's body against his.  "Uh... er... S- Sure... Of course.  Is there anything else you'd like from me?."  He asks, as his cheeks visibly redden.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: The Painted Cage

{To Martin} "Not right now, sweetie, but if that's an offer, I might get back to ya."  She winks and gives the young prime a quick hip-check which makes him stumble a couple of steps.

{To Manahu} "Your principal foes are most likely to be destitute sods looking for a bit of paper for a fire, and rival advertisers looking to plaster over your posters or pictures with their own.  So, try not to be too stabby, eh?  If you've got some enforcers who'll work for you, that might be good, but I'd advise you tell 'em to just look tough, not actually rough anybody up.  I'd be really disapointed if anybody got shived over this."

"So, anything else?  No?  Well then, get to it.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you all can come up with."

If there are no more questions, Red walks away.

Martin, now freed by Red, looks around again.  He soon spots the woman from his picture.  She in turn is staring back at the group.  Her eyes are not on Martin, though, as much as on Stitch.  The two look like they could be brother and sister.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Re: Game: The Painted Cage

Martin blushes again and calls after Red.  "Oh, you'll have to let me paint you sometime, alright?!"

Finally able to notice his painting again, he smiles.  from here at least she looks perfect.  They seemed clearly related, but she made it look as though Stitch had gotten his looks from the ugly parent.  He waved to her.  "Ah, hello there!  How are you?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: The Painted Cage

The woman speaks, but not to Martin.


Stitch is taken aback. He stares at the woman with a mixture of shock and suspicion.

"Jonny, it's me! Your sister. ... Ann. ... Don't tell me you don't remember me! Gods! I step through an archway to find myself in a strange city. Then, a few minutes later I find my long-lost brother, and he doesn't even remember me!"

Stitch stands stunned for a moment, then looks around as if expecting someone to jump him from behind. "Y ... you ... but ... I don't remember having a sister. In fact, I distinctly remember being an only child before I was orphaned. But ... well I suppose my father could have ... but then, we never met each other ... "

"Don't be silly! We grew up together, twins. Mum always said I got the the best looks of both, while you had the best of their brains. I used to tease you with that any time you or pa did something dumb."

She goes to hit Stitch on the shoulder, but he reflexively dodges the blow. The xaos jester spins around, and though the woman doesn't see it, some of the others notice that in doing so, he draws a stiletto blade and holds it along his wrist to conceal it.

The woman looks even more confused now than Stitch did hearing someone use his given name. Stitch puts his hands behind his back and strolls thoughtfully around 'Ann' looking her up and down.

Then he spies Martin's picture.

He looks at the picture, then at the woman, then back to the picture and cocks his head. He stares at it for long moments, creasing his brow as if thinking hard.

"Why ... Of course I remember you, Sis! That was odd, that I thought I was an only child. How could I forget? Why we were as thick as thieves. Thicker, since I was a thief!" Stitch still looks a little confused, as if his memories clash and he is trying to reconcile them. He tuns to Martin, "But, then ... how did you ... ?" His question is incomplete, as Ann rushes up and hugs her long lost twin brother.

[DM here. Tho this post is mostly devoted to DL, Red's offer is the actual direction of the story, so you are welcome to post what you are planning; or better yet role-play the discussion of what to do. Dun's character is still with you, too, and his powers can complement Darad's.]

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Re: Game: The Painted Cage

"Oh, this is most excellent!" Martin exclaims, ecstatic. "I can't believe it! I- I really did it! This is a real breakthrough!" Noticing the jester's uneasiness for the first time he quickly adds "Mister Stitch sir, it's quite alright! You've nothing to worry about I assure you! I'd very much like to speak with your er- sister, if you don't mind." He's grinning excitedly, like a man who's just completed a work he's truly proud of.

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