Game: The Awakening

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Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

Hm, yes, well. All food for thought. I'll head down to this Festhall then, to continue my investigations. Thank you for your help, Ofni. I'll be sure to seek you out again, should the need arise. How much do I owe you, for your services?

Aras reaches into his money pouch as he speaks the last sentence, feeling out some change.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

15 jink, cutter , she says immediately.

Also, just so ye know fer the future: most Touts expect a payment before they Tout away.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

That seems an odd practice. What if the tout's work proves unsatisfactory? "Jink" means the gold pieces, yes? Here they are.

Aras hands over the money and, with a brusque farewell, lopes off in search of the Festhall, eyes alert and although he is relaxed, he is also ready to react to any threat.
Even without the strangeness of the extraplanar surroundings, the Hobgoblin would still be uneasy in any city this size. In fact, this is the biggest settlement he has ever been to, and the crowds make him somewhat nervous. Any one of these throngs of people could be a potential attacker! But he knows well enough not to let this fear show. Amongst his people, any sign of weakness is immediately siezed upon.
So, he walks confidently and relaxedly, although he is ready to leap into lightning-fast action at the first sign of danger.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

OOC: Cern, I've got a little something fun (Moohahhaha) planned for your stroll in the Cage. I'll post in a few hours.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

OOC: Cern, I've got a little something fun (Moohahhaha) planned for your stroll in the Cage. I'll post in a few hours.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

'Trias'][QUOTE='Benyamin' wrote:
From what Dreer can gather from her body language, and subtleties in the tone of her voice - she seems mildly interested in Dreer, though she may be wary of his transient, erratic nature, as well as the bold way he throws out compliments - she may be a woman who prefers a more subtle, gentler kind of lovin'

Oops. gotta throw in the Sense Motive faster. Laughing out loud
Mr. Meek on the way... Eye-wink

Dreer collects the residue of the crushed chalk from his bag and drizzles some of his drink on it, mixing it into a milky, creamy paste. He takes the paste and begins writing a little poem on the side of his mug.

"In the Mortuary the roses wilt,
Some with ease, others with guilt.
Of the latter I would be,
If my words came out flattery...
Tis no idle chant,
Yet forgive if seemed too quick or slant..."

This is written upon the side facing him, with a miniature symbol of pain (just the glyph, no spell power) at the end of "slant..." He sits the cup where she cannot see the words. When she walks back over, Dreer nervously nods his head to the cup and says in his soft, strained voice. "Had time to think...sorry if I seemed like just another soddin' bubber..."

Diplomacy: 30 (nat 20!)
Bluff(to appear meek): 28

If asked, he says the symbol means "sorrow." (count it part of the bluff check)

10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 30.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 28.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

The directions that Ofni gave to Aras involve passing from the Lower Ward, through the Hive, then finally to the Clerk's and Festhall. The Hobgoblin walks through cage, late morning. Passersby range from the most innocuous looking Lim Lim to the most fearsome looking Death Slaad... With just about everything in between (the Lower Planar population predictably dense within the Lower Ward.)

He has just passed through The Ditch, and is now in the Goatswood district of the Hive on Depression Street. Aras keeps his eyes peeled for any signs of trouble or danger... and spots some.

Two armed and armored Harmonium Guards are standing outside of a small, vertically striped red tent, weapons drawn. They are speaking to, or perhaps interrogating, a humbly clothed commoner (male githzerai). Aras overhears in the conversation between them:

Harmonium Guard: And our captain - Perid Poriddore walked in after he heard the sound.. and hasn't come out - it's been three days, and none of us dare go in.

Commoner: So what... ye scared or somethin'?

Just then, a muffled (though fearsome) roar emerges from the tent, sending two of Sigil's finest (and the gith) jumping away from the tent's entrance.

OOC: Cern- Just so that we are on the same page, mapwise, I'm using the Sigil map under's 'Downloads' section.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

As she comes over to clean the mug up, she is about to ask Dreer if he wants more,..smiling.

then she spots the poem. And smiles wide.

Well, I hope yer not this kind to every chit you meet! She says, her voice excited, though slightly.

She sits down at Dreer's table.

I thought the Dead were not supposed to harbor passionate feelings..
. she declares/asks with faux suspicion- which in itself is actually quite unlike a Dustie.

Oh, and where are my manners? she points to herself. Aya.

Her eyes lock with Dreer's, and she gives him an expectant look.

OOC: With all this poem-writing and soothsaying, I'm inclined to post a picture of the Dustie Beautie..

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer's lips twitch into a nervous, yet relieved, smile. "Eh...some believe a True Life comes from beyond... He pauses, stilling his hands by lacing his fingers. He keeps his eyes locked on Aya, though he is slightly nervous. He finally finishes his statement with a sense of modest hesitance. "..I consider this a foretaste of that dream...

He smiles broader, realizing his own forgetfulness. "You may call me Dreer."

Diplomacy: 11
Bluff: 19 (no high rolls tonight...)
Sense Motive: 23 trying to see what she wants/is she a Dustie (havin some doubts bout her philosophies.)

10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 11.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 19.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 23.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

She is a Dustie, though probably not very rigid like the others... Perhaps that's why she's the barkeep... more sociable than your average Dustman.
She just wants to talk to someone new- though being surrounded by Dusties, almost anyone would.

So Dreer, you know what I am, but what'r you?

She is speaking of occupation, though the question in itself sounds suspicious to a Doppleganger.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

"What do I do? I'm a bursar. It keeps me active in the Cage and pays pretty well."

Sense Motive: 13
Bluff: 25 to appear nonpulsed

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 13.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 25.
Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

Hm. What have we here, eh? A person missing, abducted by some monstrous beast? Perhaps I could put my true skills to use for once. I haven't made a kill since I came here. And besides, there might be some kind of reward.
I'll have to be wary, though. I have no clue as to the nature of the beast. It may be beyond me... Ah, but if it is, I shall simply melt away, and make my escape. There's none of the foliage I'm used to hiding behind, but these forests of people will do!

These thoughts flash through Aras' mind in split second, and he alters his course to intercept one of the Harmonium guards.
I hear your captain is missing, within. He says, with a gesture towards the tent.
Perhaps I could be of some assistance... for a price, maybe? Another gesture, this time a tapping on his mighty bow, accompanies the word "assistance."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

The guard gives a furitive look over at Aras:

Enter at yer own risk, Sod - we'll give you coin after you've retrieved the Captain.
The gith takes a look at Aras:

Perhaps I can join you - it would not hurt to have company in such a potentially dangerous venture as this. He graciously sticks out his hand. Ceviv ... I am called Ceviv.
OOC: Ben, you do know who Ceviv is, right?! Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

'Benyamin' wrote:
"What do I do? I'm a bursar. It keeps me active in the Cage and pays pretty well."

Sense Motive: 13
Bluff: 25 to appear nonpulsed

Aya leans in close, her beautiful eyes locked and shining at Dreer's.

Who do you work for?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

'Benyamin' wrote:
"What do I do? I'm a bursar. It keeps me active in the Cage and pays pretty well."

Sense Motive: 13
Bluff: 25 to appear nonpulsed

Aya leans in close, her beautiful eyes locked and shining at Dreer's.

As far as I know, The Dead don't employ those. Who do you work for?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

12 hours earlier:

The Silver Mistress "dissolved" into the cobble.

Aras, The Whitewhisper, Xasskorn, Dolmen and Argint - after Phae'dyiin's brief lecture on "divide and conquer" agreed to part ways, for a time. They were to meet at the auctioneer's block of the Market Ward in exactly three days and share their findings.

Whether they were to stay together after that was anyone's guess.

OOC: I don't have too much internet access where I am (read below), but I do have good old Microsoft Word. I will be posting long cutscenes (like the prologue), but my posting in general will be slower.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer smirks at her assessment. "As a rule, no, but some of the Dead have to keep things balanced so that a beautiful chit gets paid... He winks humorously, engaging her with his soft, grey eyes as well. I lend my hand where it is needed, preferring to do house me the liberty to help around the Wards.

His demeanor is innocently coy; he seems to especially enjoy her attention and hides nothing due to fear, rather for the sake of mystery's ardor.

Gotta keep her guessin. Eye-wink
Bluff: 31
Sense Motive: 22, don't shake the hand! I'm waiting for the time you don't cast cure something when you touch my character. Laughing out loud

Ouch about the internet prob--at least we get some good reading inbetween. Eye-wink

15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 31.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 22.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

'Benyamin' wrote:
Dreer smirks at her assessment. "As a rule, no, but some of the Dead have to keep things balanced so that a beautiful chit gets paid... He winks humorously, engaging her with his soft, grey eyes as well. I lend my hand where it is needed, preferring to do house me the liberty to help around the Wards.

His demeanor is innocently coy; he seems to especially enjoy her attention and hides nothing due to fear, rather for the sake of mystery's ardor.

Gotta keep her guessin. Eye-wink
Bluff: 31
Sense Motive: 22, don't shake the hand! I'm waiting for the time you don't cast cure something when you touch my character. Laughing out loud

She chuckles softly, still keeping her eyes locked with the Doppleganger.

And how, may I ask, do you help the Wards? Or perhaps you can tell me of your latest adventures?

She leans back in mock thoughtfulness, quite unlike a Dustie - pouting and playfully scratching her chin.

I am something of a troublemaker meself!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer arches an eyebrow, Plenty of Dead around the Cage who need financial aid. I guess I could tell a tale or two.

His eyes holding steady, Dreer leans forward in curious interest. And what sort of 'trouble' does a sparkle like you get into? His smile is disarming, as though he suspects little danger from her.

Bluff: 30
Sense Motive: 19

15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 30.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 19.
Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

Greetings Ceviv. I hope you can look after yourself. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but if killing starts I don't want to have to look out for you. Understand, I don't mean to cause offense, just make sure of your abilities.

As Aras talks, he loosens his swords in their sheaths, takes out his bow, strings it, and nocks an arrow.

He then turns to the guards, You'll pay me, even if your captain is dead.
It is said as a statement rather than a question.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: The Awakening

After concluding her 'exchange' with the herbalist and trader, Phaed'yiin steps out into the streets beyond, in escort with her favored drow companion.

After gliding past a number of alleyways, the Whitewhisper slides into one of the nearby passways that appear to be empty. As she does so, she scans the surroundings for vagrants or potential easedroppers, and upon finding none, she wills her garments to shift in form and hue, the thin strips of silk and ebon leather becoming flowing cut robes of black velvet, their shadow-hued lengths adorned with pale green sinuous designs, reminiscient of snakes or dancing figures, admist a dusting of jade and lich-tears.

Drawing close to her current patron, Phaed'yiin leans in close, her arms slipping aroun the tall and lean drow, her long black sleeves revealing a rew-wine satin interior. Then in a lover's embrace, she whispers to the drow the next pase of her plan, her mithral ringed hand absently figuring the sprig of ravorvine, its cruely sharp leaves barely creasing her cinnamon skin, the finest line of blood slipping into the satin folds.

OOC: Trias, I have already gone over the plan to X'boryn, and we are in agreement (assuming this is the second day's beginning after leaving the Seer's Guildhouse). I'll pm you the plan.

After a few hours of passing coins and whispered secrets, the Whitewhisper reflects with the noble-born dharrow about her findings.

(OOC: Gather Info and Knowledge (local) -will wait to hear what she finds)

Knowledge (local) regarding specific persona -natural 20! -total 26

Gather Info on where persona is currently and how to contact -total 18

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Out of the corner of his eye, Dreer spots five of the Dustmen from the round table getting up to leave, while the remaining 7 weakly sip their drinks and return to their soft, inaudible conversation.

I do a lot of freelance work.
the sweet voice interrupts his attention from the other dusties.

I haunt Undersigil often, sometimes looking for cutters, sometimes retrieving items - it's always fun and a little scary. I know a little of the Art, though not by any book knowledge, it's inherent.
(OOC: Sorceress)

My employers usually include the runner's guild, the Dusties (as a part-time collector), and Narena.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Ceviv looks taken aback, though not offended - Aaah certainly - on the contrary, I do think you'll find me to be not only self-sufficient, but quite helpful in the unknown road ahead. I can sneak in the shadows, and am proficient at healing.

The Harmonium guards simply ignore the Hobogoblin.

The gith looks to the guards then back to Aras.

Let us not waste any more time here with these non-performers.
He states matter-of-factly rather than insultingly.

What shall I address you as?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Phaed'yiin and Xasskorn, after a morning of gathering information as well as completing other transactions, find themselves back on Smith Street (In front of the Seer's Lower Ward Guildhouse, near where the Silver Mistress attacked).

The Styx Oarsmen, a frequent haunt of the persona they wish to find, is but a short stroll down. Although Phaed'yiin does not know this character from earlier chapters of her life, she knows his name and kip - the Rethan Manor (Manor #46) at the Greytowers district of the Lady's Ward.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

I am Aras, the Hobgoblin states bluntly, and then makes for the entrance to the tent.

As he steps through, he does four things.

Firstly, he looks about him with a sharp, huntsman's gaze, trying to take in any detail of the tent's interior which may be useful.

Secondly, he holds his loaded bow ready, prepared to fire on any target which presents itself.

Thirdly, he attempts to make his movements and progress as silent as possible, the better not to alert any potential prey.

And, finally, he moves towards any cover he may see near the entrance as swiftly as possible, so that he might be silhouetted in the doorway for as little time as possible.

OOC: I still can't get the board to do multiple rolls, I'll have to experiment further in the OOC thread when I get time. For now, here are the relevent rolls done on physical dice.

Spot: d20 = 17 + 4 + 1 = 22
Move Silently: d20 = 15 + 10 + 3 = 28
Hide: d20 = 7 + 6 + 3 = 16

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: The Awakening

Phaed'yiin breathes out a nigh-silent sigh of contemplation -a mixture of tension and reflection -it had been far too long since demon's blood coated her blades. Bitter-sweet memories of yester-ages arise unbidden, momentarily refocusing and distracting Phaed'yiin from the present.

However, as she nears the Styx Oarsmen, she halts several furlongs out of sight of the infamous locale. Then drawing her rose-tipped wings around her current paramour, the Whitewhisper begins to make sinuous motions with her hands, as if weaving a spell or caressing the Lower Ward air. To the lean drow before her, her movements have hidden meaning -the secret language of the dharrow, and with such she relates:

"Down the street is the tavern of which we spoke. I remind you, the place is treacherously dangerous, a den of demons and depravity untamed by logic or reason. Nonetheless, therein is where we should be able to contact our mark. The babau named Rethan haunts the place, as do many of its kind. Besides a place of putrid recreation, the Oarsman is also a place of business deals, and so attempts to contact him should not be atypical."

"However, I can not follow you into that pit of demons -my kind is not... accepted. I will wait outside -unseen and unheard, awaiting for you to draw Rethan out. It is important that you lead him away from the Oarsman, or else we run the risk of multiple demonic interference. As we discussed before, I suggest sending in the Dretch and having it deliver a message."

Upon saying such, her hands grow still as she retrieves a sharp quil and with a sharp slash, opens up a crimson-red line of blood, with which she inks the quill. No sooner does she do so, does the Whitewhisper draw her wounded arm into her velvet sleeve; her other hand resuming the hand-speech.

"Write down the message with this -it will help you convince him of your demonology. I have more 'ink' if you need it -it is but a minor temporary sting -though I ask that you try and retrieve the note afterwords."

Her scarlet and peridot eyes lock with the drow's, and then with a flourish of wings twirling as she steps back, she quickly fades from sight. Only a moment later does her whispering voice descend from above.

[=dark red]"Prepare the note, and cast whatever enchantments you think best, and remember the scroll must be cast to ensure Rethan's demise. I am watching..."[/]

Silence descends, with naught but a blood-filled quill to show that Phaed'yiin was ever present.

OOC: Initial Hide check to conceal her hand movements from passerby's: result 28

Final Hide and Move Silently, being invisible, up on the eaves of the nearby roofs. Hide: 42 & Move Silently 41 (Yep, that's why she's called the Whitewhisper)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 11.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer swipes the back of his neck absently and then says nonchalantly, Ah, Narena...quite the vermin there.

You are full of surprises aren't you, Aya? He chuckles before settling into a bemused smile. I don't know how I've missed such a Sparkle down in those dark holes...but would you like to see my talent for the Art? It's a bit different from the normal mediums, but quite interesting.

He extends his hand, eyes locked with hers and full of reassurance.

Knowledge(loc):20 Runner's Guild
Sense Motive: 24
Bluff: 33
Diplomacy: 12

He'll steal a 0 or 1st level spell if she takes his hand. Eye-wink

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 20.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 24.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 33.
10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 12.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Sorry, I don't have time to answer posts and PMs today, but I will copy and paste the little story hour about our old friends, enjoy.

Shazz’ak’fr waits idly in his manor in the Nobles’ District of the Lady’s Ward. More than a manor – a center of operations.

The magnificent atrium of the manor rivals that of the Palace of the Jester belonging to the Natterer. An exquisite fountain of speckled brown marble and off-white limestone dominates the center of the room – large enough to be a building in its own right. A bright red liquid emerges from at least fifty spouts in various shapes and sizes – some shaped as dragon heads mock ‘firebreathing,’ others include life sized humanoids with holes on their bodies, perpetually bleeding out the bright red.
From the center of the massive structure emerges a giant, or more likely, an overblown marble humanoid with long flowing hair, and rune-inscribed armor. The male holds a dragon-head helmet, tucked in one arm, and the other arm sports a curved longsword (though, not quite a scimitar) that extends to the ceiling. The marbled face looks up at the sword. Triumph. The statue is at least 25 feet high, though, unlike its smaller carved counterparts, has only a few orifices from where the red liquid emerges, and also unlike the rest of the carvings, the liquid comes out slowly, at a significantly lower pressure. From the tip of the sword, the highest point of the fountain, the liquid flows down – giving the appearance of a sword that has been recently thrust into someone. Besides this, there are two more holes, where the eyes of the humanoid should be, where the red fluid slowly trickles out… bloody tears.
The awe-inspiring marble structure is perhaps the only thing in the multiverse that could overshadow the rest of the grand atrium. Shazz’ak’fr looks around at the suits of armor forged in the heart of Baator out of green steel – some humanoid, though most are shaped to fit the bodies of Abishai’s – the Baatorian foot soldiers of the Blood War – at least those worth armoring. Off to one of the walls is the semi-ovular, diamond-encrusted opening to the bedchambers and rooms hidden in the inner bowels of the Manor. Before the Cornugun can admire the rest of the scene, a silvery liquid emerges from the bottom of the apparently seamless front door.

“How do you enjoy life as a celebrity?” he barks as the beautiful young girl materializes in front of him. “Headlining every newsrag in the Cage, Silver Mistress..haha!” he coughs more than chuckles.

“I seek no more than coin. Celebrity is a symptom I’d rather do without.” Her voice is smooth, seductive, though sounds as if it was coming from many women speaking synchronously.

Taking the hint, Shazz’ak’fr immediately conjures to his massive maw a small tan sack of coins. Upon close inspection, one can make out the faded, cinnamon-colored runes etched upon the side, marking it as a modified Bag of Holding. “Seventy-Five thousand jink, 25 for the task completed, and 50 in advance for the next task. As was agreed upon by your superiors.”

“And by yours” the smooth, multifaceted voice quickly shoots back- not wanting him to gain any kind of psychological advantage in their dealings.

“Yes my dear, but I do advise you to practice caution and avoid inflicting unnecessary casualties – every major structure in the Cage has increased security measures in fear of another attack. You don’t want to gain any more attention from the authorities, and more importantly, from Her Dread Majesty. We (he started, referring to Baatezu) could overthrow the Sigilian Authorities and infrastructure within an hour – but even We do not stand a chance in the Abyss against Her.”

“Yes my dear,” she begins evenly “although the nature of my missions makes it near impossible not to inflict casualties... that may be something you might want to look into – the planning of your machinations- before you criticize my execution.”

Shazz’ak’fr growls a low, deadly growl, but does nothing more than hastily hand her a neatly rolled parchment outlining her next task. The greater Baatezu, was fed-up with disrespect. Especially from characters that weren’t Baatezu.

Speaking of such characters, a young, unshaven (though not quite bearded) man with a distinctive scar on his face sits on a bench outside an unmarked house a Ward away in the Lower. He is dressed in his trademark black studded leather, complimented by a commoner’s cloak.

Sitting beside him is a very little redhead girl, obviously an indigent with her dirty, tattered clothes and blackened, shoeless feet. The girl glances at the unremarkable man beside her. Her Papa (currently inside the unmarked house) had told her not to talk to strangers, but this man seemed quite timid, harmless.

He was shivering in the cold night air.

“They give me Papa a lot of jink, and it doesn’t even hurt that much – just once a week.” She squeaks.

The man looks back at the small blood bank. The Dusties had only put this up after the faction war. He then looked back down to the girl. In a timid, shaky, high pitched voice he replies: “Th…They’re taking an awfully long time w..with your Papa.”

“Yer right rounder, it shouldn’t take this long, but he’ll be fine- he’s been going here for nearly two years.” She thinks out loud.

An elderly Dustwoman emerges from the entrance of the house. “Magnus Hillthrow, you may come in,” her bored, monotone voice echoes.

“Bye Magnus!” the lively little girl yelps with a smile as the man gets up and starts for the unmarked house.

The man simply waves back with a humble smile in return.

As he enters the house alongside the old Dustie, he notices unusually powerful enchantments on her body. He studies her carefully, though not making it apparent.
“Your blood tests have proven satisfactory, you will be duly compensated for one and a half keils of blood.” She drones, breaking his train of thought.

The house/blood bank appears small on the outside, though inside it seems to be a far larger structure, at least thrice as big as it should be. He then spots a burnt patch of wall with four-fingered claw marks off to the side. Before he can examine it further, the elderly woman prods him near a door and knocks twice.

The heavy stone door opens, and two, nearly identical tiefling Dusties stand immediately at the entrance. They do a good job of obscuring a view of the remainder of the room. One of them has a green lens over his left eye. He studies the unshaven man for a quick second.

Through his Lens of True Seeing, the tiefling discerns that this man is indeed a human, and is void of magical items save a sword on his belt.

But that’s impossible.

The sword’s magic is more powerful than anything he’s seen before in his life- the glow is blinding through the Lens of True Seeing.

“You cannot enter with weapons!” he barks.

The man slowly, hesitantly removes his curved longsword (though, not quite a scimitar) and gives it to the fiendling. “My A..Apologies, I didn’t know.” His voice betrays nervousness and trepidation… as if he’s afraid the tiefling won’t return the sword.

“Where did you get this sword?”

“M..My father gave it to me before my, it’s a family heirloom.”

The old woman disappears back towards the entrance of the house and the tieflings part to give way to the unshaven, scarred man. He finally sees the room in its entirety. Unlike the rest of the house, this room is metal-bound from the walls to the ceiling. There are four dustmen in total, including the two tieflings, a human male and female stand at the other end of the sparse, though roomy chamber. They stand on opposite sides of a long, raised metal slab with chains and handcuffs – the perfect place to bind someone.

There is something strange about these Dustmen. Their eyes betray a hungry, almost feral look.

The door closes behind the unshaven man, and the tieflings quickly bolt it.

“W..What’s going on?”

No verbal response, instead the surprisingly strong tieflings grab the man from either side and begin dragging him towards the metal slab. The man kicks and shakes and screams and begs, but is ultimately powerless.

Within seconds, the now whimpering man is bound to the metal slab via handcuffs and chains.

He notices for the first time, that there is a rusted metal cart off to the side with cruel-looking instruments, odd spiked tools of some demonic design.

“P..p..please!! I d..didn’t do anything!!!”

The other human male finally speaks.

“Aaaah Magnus. We are delighted that you can join us today. Our records indicate that you have a very, very rare blood type.” The voice sounds calm and refined.

“NO! P..please spare me! Who are you? W..what do you want from me?!!!” The unshaven’s voice is now becoming louder and more desperate.

The Dustman quietly walks over to the cart and removes what, in the loosest sense of the word, can be described as a large needled syringe. It could hold well over thirty keils of blood, and the needle is long enough to horizontally impale a bariaur. Dried blood cakes the handle.

For a moment, it seems that the human will be unable to wield the instrument… that is until a short blink later, when he no longer is a human. The two Dustmen, who used to be humans… are actually full-blooded Glabrezus.

The chained man opens his mouth in a silent scream. He begins violently shaking the unyielding chains.

The fiend with the instrument now approaches. “Don’t worry Magnus, this will be utterly painless… for us..”

The tieflings smile dark, sadistic smiles.

The unshaven, scarred makes a strange sound. Weeping… coughing, in some strange stuttering combination. It is high pitched one second, then breathy and low the other. Then it suddenly becomes louder and more regular.

The tieflings stop smiling, and the Glabrezus exchange confused glances as they realize that the man isn’t weeping.

He’s laughing.

A strange chill descends upon the room. The man now laughs loudly, a maniacal, humorless laugh. Then for a split second, all is silent.

“My name is Akuma.”

The fiend looks at the chained man’s lips to confirm that he actually spoke those words. So different was the voice, so cold and steady. So unlike the timid commoner who was on the slab just moments ago.

The man’s dark eyes become firm and narrowed.

One of the tieflings shouts in agony and the sound of a sword dropping interrupts everything. The sword is on the ground, and there is a hissing sound. It appeared to have just melted through the fiendling’s hands, as if it were coated in a potent acid.

The two tan’aari glance at the tiefer, for a short moment, then realize their fatal mistake as they hear the sounds of chains breaking.

The sword is no longer on the ground, but in the human’s hand, at the ready.

The next seconds are a series of guttural screams. They beg for mercy that won’t come, and scream in seething agony. The bolted metallic door is sliced then kicked off as the human walks, only a minute later, out of the room. Behind him, the walls are smeared with large amounts of tan’aari blood.

He casually skewers the unsuspecting third Glabrezu (who was previously the old, monotone Dustwoman) on the way out.

Stepping out to the street, he sees the little redhead still sitting there, waiting for her father. The dark street is otherwise empty.

He walks over to her. “Child, your father is dead.” His steady voice would put ice to shame. “He was taken by the enemy. Do not return to this place, and never let me see you again.”

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

As soon as Aras enters the fabric tent, his senses are assulted by an unnatural chill. Ceviv enters shortly behind, and noticibly shivers after a few moments. All is black, save a small blue light a the end of what appears to be a tunnel - at least a thousand, and at most 1,500 feet from where Aras stands. He cannot really tell if he is in a tunnel, or in a big room, because EVERY thing is pitch black -and very, very cold. He doesn't hear anything save a faint humming in the distance, presumably emmited from the faint blue light.

Ceviv remains silent.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Aya looks at him, her expression a perfect mix between excitement and trepidation, then without a word, quickly grasps his outstretched hand.

OOC: roll d6 then i'll let you know which spell

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer smiles calmly, his reassuring eyes locked with hers. His synaps tickle with excitement at her touch, drawing stimulus from both her physical and eldritch nature.

Rolled a 3
Diplomacy: 26 to reassure her. She'll feel a slight buzz as a slot is lost and her memory of the spell "blanks out" for a minute if I remember correctly.

Edit: I found a link, detailing the info. I'll post it in the OOC

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 3.
10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 26.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Dreer feels a pleasurable tingle

No, not of that nature, get your mind out of the gutter Laughing out loud


If/when you have time, could you please post me a link to the class description, I don't have the book.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Hahaha. I meant an emotional response to touching her hand--simply biology 101; meant nothing peery by it Eye-wink

I put the info on the OOC thread. Argint, due to his monster level, can only get 0-1st level spells.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Rethan is the name of one of many tan'aari cells that operates within the Cage. The Babau's individual designation is Zanisubruss, but he can be addressed as a Rethan (much like his family name). He is one of two Babau to operate within that particular cell, the other named Bal. House Rethan serves as a Blood War recruiting outpost as well as headquarters for low-level espionage operations in Sigil. None of the babau have actually been on the battlefields, but have spent time planning, recruiting, and assasinating in Sigil - they are, not surprisingly, experts when it comes to local and planar knowledge. They have many allies, and few enemies (the enemies they make are under different guises and aliases, so it is very, very difficult to trace them unless one either has a lot of local knowledge, or a lot of coin).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Ahh, forgive the oversight Ben, and thanks for posting the description on OOC, I'll go check it out.

"Chill Touch"

Aww yea, it's a Necromantic chick

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer lightly squeezes her hand and lets go (unless she doesn't want him to Eye-wink. "Ah...certainly a mystery. So enthralled with lively adventure, yet bearing the chill touch of death...what a rare sparkle indeed."

No prob!

Diplomacy: 14 almost reflexive now. hahaha. He's just trying to keep her calm.
Bluff: 22 to produce a calming demeanor

10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 14.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 22.
Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

Ceviv, Aras whispers, Can you see anything?

Regardless of the answer, he removes his right hand from the bowstring gently, so as to slowly release the pressure. Holding both bow and arrow in his left hand, he reaches with his right to take out his flint and steel. He refrains, however, from striking a spark... for the moment, at least.

At the same time, the burly hobgoblin strains his ears, thinking that if sight is failing him, perhaps another sense might prove more useful.

Listen = 6
Agh, Aras has obviously just gone temporarily deaf!

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 6.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

To Aras's disillusionment, the gith does not respond, though Aras is certain that he entered right behind him.

In fact, as Aras reflexively glances back, he sees only darkness behind him - no lighted tent entrance as there was before. It is only then that Aras realizes what has happened. He has stepped through a portal.

He hears nothing save the flint and steel quivering in his now sweaty palms.

OOC: if you light the torch, make a spot check, will save, and another listen check. if you don't, just make a listen check.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

She remains calm, though for a spilt-second, Dreer could have sworn that she stole a furtive glance towards him.

You are full of surprises as well, Dreer.
She looks down at his hands, then back up towards his eyes and smiles a disarming smile. There is an odd, unexpected power in her touch.

Her voice remains calm, but now becomes inquisitive:

So tell me, why is Narena vermin?

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

Damn the magic of this place! And damn me for an interfering fool! Well, I have got myself into this trap, and now I must get out of it.

careful to make no sound, Aras stows his bow and arrow away, as a ranged weapon will be useless in this inky blackness. He keeps the flint and steel at the ready, but still does not strike a spark.

Moving as stealthily as possibly, with every ounce of his hunter's skills, he begins to walk slowly towards the light. As he does so, he strains his ears even harder, seeking to make out even the smallest of noises that might indicate he is not alone.

Yes! Finally got multiple rolls to work! Ignore the first one, I got the modifier wrong, so the listen check is the second roll and move silently is the third one.

10 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 18.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 13.
13 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 14.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Dreer merely smiles at her assessment, his visage one of quiet mirth. You don't even know the half of that dark...

The smile slips away into a unemotional, professional composure at that statement--a veritable "poker face" of sorts.

Bluff: 17
Knowledge(Arcana): 10 Trying to understand her touch's "unexpected power"
Sense Motive: 19 (this is done instantly, so there isn't a protracted pause after her statement. He's scanning her for intent and will immediately reply Eye-wink

15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 17.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 19.
Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: The Awakening

Xasskorn -with some disdain at the percieved unecessary level of risk inherent in the plan- begins to scribe a note with Phaed'yiin's blood-filled quill. As according to their agreement, it reads (in Abyssal):

"May this note reach Zanisubruss or Bal of Rethan."

"Most skilled babau, I have need of your special qualities. I am interested in a business exchange with you -I need you for a potential mission involving an assassination as well as desiring to buy some information from you if possessed. If interested, follow the dretch -it will lead you to me- I am waiting in the alley besides the Blades of the Lower Planes. I can pay in gold or magic, but will only agree to such upon reaching a bargain in person. The dretch is summoned -if interested, follow before the creature goes back to Panzunia."

"Xasskorn, Scriber of Devil's Blood and Weaver of Dark Arts"

Sealing the letter so that only the beginning message is visible and then sealing it an arcane mark and signet ring, Xasskorn, casts two summoning spells in succession -each one summoning a dretch. To the first one, Xasskorn gives the command, keeping it simple so that the fiend understands.

"You will go -there- to the Styx Oarsman with -this (pointing)- one. When you reach the person at the door, say: 'I am gift -eat me and have my gold. Let this other one pass unhurt to Rethan.'"

With that Xasskorn has the dretch hold onto 10 jink in its hands.

To the second Dretch, he gives this message:

"You will go -there- to the Styx Oarsman and carry -this (putting sealed letter in its hands) into the place and give it to babau named Rethan. After it reads it, come back to me."

And then to both of them, he points:


Of course, Xasskorn cannot help but feel the elation as the two creatures do exactly as he commanded, the nature of the magic not allowing any choice in the matter...

As soon as they depart, Xasskorn casts a few protective dweamors in preparation.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Aras definitely knows that he isn't alone, though he still cannot see the treacherous gith.

He does however, now see the blue light for what it really is, a swirling, promising contraption of fog and light - a portal.

OOC: Make a Will Save with next rounds actions Plz

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Dreer is not certain why stealing her spell was strange. His best guess is that she is a powerful sorceress, though she seems too young, and perhaps too undisciplined to be classified as a 'powerful' practicioner of the Art.

Aya still looks intently upon her apparent colleague, in anticipation for a response.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

As Xasskorn sends off the lesser fiends to do his bidding, he notices a tall human walking towards the Styx Oarsmen, a few steps to the side of the Dretches.

The human wears a dark commoner's cloak and dark leather armor. He is unshaven and bears a scar on his right eye. There is a scabbard on his belt that would probably house a curved longsword (though not quite a scimitar).

Xasskorn could swear that the human steals a glance at him as he walks by, but if he did indeed, he would have done far too quickly for the drow to be certain.

In either case, the human exudes the oddest aura. His body language is too confident, too assured for a human that is approaching a watering hole for fiends. Something isn't right.

OOC: Dialexis, do you want to roleplay the dretches (as if they're maintaining a telepathic link to Xasskorn), or do you want me to give you the conclusion of their visit?

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: The Awakening

Ooo...what I'd do for true seeing at the moment. Laughing out loud
Knowledge(loc): 15 Narena Eye-wink
Bluff: 32 "poker face"
Knowledge(loc): 18 on Aya

Did she not glow when Argint scanned the room with Detect magic earlier?

Dreer waves away the question as though it's no consequence, nonchalantly saying, "Let's just say our last business venture had one too many bugs in the works than this collector could tolerate."

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 15.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 32.
6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 18.
Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: The Awakening

Phaed'yiin will continue to moniter the streets and passage ways -and so would definitely give the supposed newest patron a review.

OOC: Does she recognize who he is (or anything about him as an identifier. (also, remember she is invisible and hidden with a 42 DC -+1/10 feet)

Know (local): 22
Know (The planes): 26

Xasskorn will only subconsciously note the passing of the man; instead, he casts with percision and languid grace the spells, protection from energy (acid) and mage armor.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
Game: The Awakening

Sorry it took me so long to reply! I've been busy busy busy. Also, I will be away from any form of internet connection for ten days starting on thursday.

Realizing what the light is, Aras decides to make a break for it. As he breaks intoa loping run, however, he does not give up his attempts at stealth, or at trying to hear any form of movement around him.

Even as his arms pump with his motion, his hands are always ready to snatch out his swords and defend himself.

Will save: 8
Move silently: 30
Listen: 24

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 8.
13 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 30.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 24.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

Refusing to press the subject Aya simply sits back and takes in the air, though without much desire or with passion, simply tranquility. Her eyes reflect pure serenity.

You are ... an interesting cutter. I would like to meet you again. But perhaps in not so banal a setting. What are your plans for later this week?

OOC: She's tired of the whole "Dustman Bar" Scene.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: The Awakening

The Whitewhisper does not recognize the man, though she does recognize that he probably isn't one she would like to be alone with at an alley in the Hive near antipeak.

The summoned dretches approach the Styx Oarsmen which doesn't appear to be busy at the moment... the front door is strangely unguarded. As they approach, the unshaven man (who is now in front of them) pauses for a moment, then turns to the side and begins walking away.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
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