Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

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rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

The Society of None

The Society of None isn't a Faction. It isn't a Sect. It isn't a guild, a business, or a fighting order. Indeed, the Society of None is just what factions aren't: it's a social club.

To be sure, as with everything in the outer planes, it has its own philosophical underpinnings. Those underpinnings are much looser than a faction philosophy however, and merely represent a common meeting ground for its members. It is a society of experienced planewalkers who have seen the planes and who are each themselves to be reckoned with. Most of them are members of factions, but they put aside their philosophical differences so that they can enjoy a few ales together and regale each others with tales of strangeness from across the multiverse. And, sometimes, to forge the groundwork for faction alliances... and, of course, to find a Ride.

The Society of None's underriding philosophy is that of individualism. The glory of the one, the freedom of the one, the responsibility of the one. As such, it's members tend to be from the more individualistic factions. In order of frequency, members of the Society of None are of the Fated, the Sensates, the Signers, the Indeps, the Ciphers, and the Godsmen. A few members are in the Athar, the Bleak Cabal, the Doomguard, the Dustmen, and the Xaositects. (Doubtless some are Anarchists, but of course they aren't telling.) Because of what common philosophical ground there is in the Society of None, there are no members who are Guvners, Mercykillers, or Hardheads.

The Socity has some forty or so members, mostly planars but including a few primes. They meet, irregularly, in The Nonesuch, a tavern which is off the beaten path in the Market Ward. Rarely are more then ten or fifteen of the society actually in Sigil, for they are planewalkers, with all the wanderlust that that implies.

And, of course, word has gotten out that one can often find a group of cutters in the Nonesuch, and hence employers with a Ride for such canny bashers may come looking....


In this Sigil-based (but planehopping) Planescape campaign, all characters will be planewalkers who've been around the block (er, ring) a few times. They can be primes or planars; most are members of a faction (for they are based in Sigil), and must come from the factions mentioned above (i.e. any but the most lawful factions).

Characters should be created according to the "Character Creation" rules in Fudge Planescape (, with the modification that each starting character gets five free gifts. This can be traded for increased attribute levels or skills as necessary. This will allow you to create fairly powerful characters. For fighter-type bahsers, use them to increase your Wound Track. Mages can use them to increase their magic skills and mana access. Rogues can use them to deck themselves out with vast lists of skills. And, of course, any other creative character concept will be entertained.

If you want to create a character of a race which isn't listed on my "Character Creation" page, please ask me, and I'll deal with it.

Any other questions, please ask. A lot of the character creation rules are still deliberately vague, so I will make rulings as necessary and as things come up.

Indeed, if you aren't familiar with Fudge, and that's the only reason you're hesitating to play in this game, there is an alternate character creation method: describe your character to me. Tell me what race he/she is, what faction, what his/her capabilities are, what his/her weaknesses are, what he or she is good at, etc. etc. etc. I will then hang the Fudge stats on to that.

I'll be taking character applications for a week starting today (July 9). This game is not first come, first serve, and I'll be entertaining charater submissions throughout the week. On July 15 or thereabouts, I will pick the 4-6 characters and players whom I think will work best together.

I'm looking for characters who can all work together; if they are a group who would naturally want to get away from each other as soon as possible, then the game won't work in as open ended a setting as this is. Please don't try to create a munchkinized or rules-optimized character (for that goes against the very spirit of my interpretation of Fudge), but rather an interesting character. Also, please do not create a curmudgeonly character whom nobody will tolerate; people don't have to like him, but they must have reasons to want to continue to associate with him.

I do want a variety of characters as well; all mages, for instance, isn't what I'm looking for.

Knowledge of Fudge is not necessary, although you will want some ideas about the magic rules if you are a mage. You can download all of Fudge for free at ; or, just read the 2-page "Fudge in a Nutshell".

Players should have some idea about Planescape, however, although you need not be experts or collection completists. (Indeed, just knowing what's in "A Player's Guide to the Planes" is probably sufficient, or, better, The Planewalker's Handbook.)


I will try to post myself at least twice a week, and I will expect players to be able to post at a similar rate. Sometimes, I will get busy and more time will elapse, and sometimes I will be able to be more responsive.

Combat might happen, but I don't expect the game to be tremendously combat heavy.

I will take care of all die rolling on my end.

Setting is pre-Faction War Sigil--- and indeed, Faction War isn't gonna happen, as Duke Rowan has been replaced as the factol of the Fated. (All other Factols are as described in The Factol's Manifesto.) Some members of the Society of None-- probably not the PCs-- were instrumental in formenting a lower-level alliance between the Society of Sensation and the Fated that undermined Rowan's bid for influence against Factol Erin, and prevented things from going too far in the Lady's severe eyes.


Kabiel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Hmmn, I'd be willing to play, but know next to nothing about fudge. (glanced over the rules for a few secs, seemed intresting) The 2 page ruleset you mentioned seems to be down on their site, so a differint link to the shorthand of the rules would be appreciated. I've got another of character concepts stirring around my head, so provided there's intrest in this I'll try to have something up by Wednesday.

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'Kabiel' wrote:
Hmmn, I'd be willing to play, but know next to nothing about fudge. (glanced over the rules for a few secs, seemed intresting) The 2 page ruleset you mentioned seems to be down on their site, so a differint link to the shorthand of the rules would be appreciated. I've got another of character concepts stirring around my head, so provided there's intrest in this I'll try to have something up by Wednesday.

The link on

is now working again. (One of the perks of being the volunteer web programmer (former volunteer webmaster) for GG is that I have the access necessary to fix that sort of thing....)


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Why no Guvners? At its heart, the Guvner philosophy is about exploiting loopholes for power.

I mean, a Guvner planewalker of this type would be rare, but it would be possible within the Guvner philophy.

I might be willing to play.

EDIT: Also, you might want to change the text colors on your site. White text on a cream background is very hard to read.

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'nick012000' wrote:
Why no Guvners? At its heart, the Guvner philosophy is about exploiting loopholes for power.

I mean, a Guvner planewalker of this type would be rare, but it would be possible within the Guvner philophy.

I might be willing to play.

If you can create a Guvner who fits in, go for it. He'll probably be a bit of a black sheep.

EDIT: Also, you might want to change the text colors on your site. White text on a cream background is very hard to read.

White text? The text should be black. What browser are you using?


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'rknop' wrote:
White text? The text should be black. What browser are you using?


Internet Explorer 6. Only the table text is white, but it make it a pain to read.

EDIT: Making an Aasimar Wizard as I type...

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Name: Nigil Snopil
Faction: Fraternity of Order (Namer)
Archetype: Wizard
Race: Aasimar

Strength: Fair
Agility: Fair
Speed: Fair
Health: Fair
Reasoning: Superb
Will: Superb
Perception: Superb
Charisma: Poor

Ordered Magic Theory: Superb (4)
Magic Realm: Great (5)
Fire Realm: Great (5)
Create College: Great (5)
Quarterstaff: Good (3)
Mind Realm: Good (4)
Movement College: Good (4)
Control College: Good (4)
Seduction: Mediocre (1)
All other realms and colleges: Poor (0)
Social Skills: Poor (0)

Aasimar Race (2 gifts)
Magician (2 gifts)
+3 Recovery
+20 Threshold (2 gifts)

Asperger's Syndrome

Allegiances: Law, Self, Fraternity of Order

Known Spells (all known spells at -1 mana cost due to 1 hour of spell preparation every morning):
Grasping Hand
Portal (non-extra-planar)
Phantom Swarm
Guardian Beast
Scribe Runes (as Delay, but touch range, 2 minute casting time) mana cost 8
Mana Bolt*
Detect Magic
Identify Magic (1 hour casting time,
Heal Scratch
Read Magic
Create Fire Elemental*
*new spells, detailed below

Flameblood Staff (offensive combat factor +4, 6-point enhanted prop for Fire, Mind, Create, & Move spells)
Illithid Crystal of Control (6-point enchanted prop for Control spells)
Ring of Deflection (always-on Move with Magic, +4 defensive combat factor, creates telekinetic 'bursts' that deflect incoming attacks)

New Spells:
Possession: Move Mind, Great Effect, short range (+1), 1-hour duration (+8), Esoteric Spell, Total mana ?? (should be less than 11 (Binding))
The caster sens his mind out to take control of the target's body, causing his body to collapse unconscious. He gains control of all of the new body's abilities. If the new body dies, the caster is returned to his own body with no ill effects. If the caster's body dies, so does the caster's mind when the spell ends.
Projection: Move Mind, Good Effect, extreme range (+4), 1-hour duration (+8), takes 10 minutes to cast (-6), Esoteric Spell, Total mana ??
The caster sends out his mind, often to scout, leaving his body comatose. His projected mind retains all of the senses of its body, experienced from wherever the mind is projected to. The caster is not aware of his body unless he remains close to it, but is aware of any damage it takes, and can instantly return to it. The projected mind is invisible and incorporeal, but someone skilled in magic might be able to sense it, and attack it (any successful attacks end the spell, returning the caster to his body). The projected mind is incapable of any attack or noise, magical or otherwise. If the body is killed while the mind is projecting, the mind dies when the spell ends.
Mana Bolt: Create Magic, Good Effect (+5), long range (+2), Ordinary Spell, Total mana 7
Creates a bolt of magical energy, which streaks towards an enemy or object defined by the caster, causing 10 damage to the target.
Create Fire Elemental
Create Fire, Great effect (+8), long range (+2), takes 1 hour (-8). Total mana: 2.
Move Fire, Good effect (+4), long range (+2), takes 10 minutes (-6). Total mana: 0.
Control Fire, Great effect (+8), lasts one day (+6), takes 1 hour (-8). Total mana: 6.
Causes inanimate flame to come alive and come under the control of the caster.
A three-part ritual magic, each part must be completed successfully before the next part can begin, and the parts must be cast in immediate succession with no recovery of mana in between. It is best to cast the spell in an area where a source of heat (such as a fire or lavaflow) is expected to be found, otherwise the range of the spell will need to be increased.

I hope that you're okay with my magic items. My magic props have backstories explaining why they're applicable to their realms/colleges.

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'nick012000' wrote:
'rknop' wrote:
White text? The text should be black. What browser are you using?


Internet Explorer 6. Only the table text is white, but it make it a pain to read.

EDIT: Making an Aasimar Wizard as I type...

Hmm -- OK, it looks like IE6 interprets the inheritance tree of CSS differently from Firefox. I've changed some stuff in the CSS; is it better now?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'rknop' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
'rknop' wrote:
White text? The text should be black. What browser are you using?


Internet Explorer 6. Only the table text is white, but it make it a pain to read.

EDIT: Making an Aasimar Wizard as I type...

Hmm -- OK, it looks like IE6 interprets the inheritance tree of CSS differently from Firefox. I've changed some stuff in the CSS; is it better now?

Works now. What do you think of my PC?

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'nick012000' wrote:
Name: Nigil Snopil Faction: Fraternity of Order (Namer) Archetype: Wizard Race: Aasimar

I like the PC. A neat idea-- an Aasimar with Aspergers. Not what people would expect. And that *does* fit with certain "find the underlying rules" aspects of the Fraternity of Order very well.

Sounds a little like River from "Firefly", indeed Smiling

Some questions and comments:


Is this a "doesn't like to lie" or a "sucks at lying" sort of Truthful?

Re: the spells, rather than use the ones in the Gramarye as a guide, look at these:

Known Spells (all known spells at -1 mana cost due to 1 hour of spell preparation every morning):

I may be blind-- could you point me to the spot in Gramarye where it says that there is a -1 mana for 1 hour of spell preparation? I'm inclined to rule this out. The variant of the Gramarye I'm using is at:

With its concept of "Known Spells," it assumes that you do regularly look at and bone up on your spells as it is.

Flameblood Staff (offensive combat factor +4, 6-point enhanted prop for Fire, Mind, Create, & Move spells)
Illithid Crystal of Control (6-point enchanted prop for Control spells)

These are both fine. Those are pretty valuable props, by the way!

Ring of Deflection (always-on Move with Magic, +4 defensive combat factor, creates telekinetic 'bursts' that deflect incoming attacks)

Also fine. You've now set the limit on roughly how many magic items I'll allow PCs Eye-wink

Possession: Move Mind, Great Effect, short range (+1), 1-hour duration (+8), Esoteric Spell, Total mana ?? (should be less than 11 (Binding)) The caster sens his mind out to take control of the target's body, causing his body to collapse unconscious. He gains control of all of the new body's abilities. If the new body dies, the caster is returned to his own body with no ill effects. If the caster's body dies, so does the caster's mind when the spell ends.

Notice also that Binding has a long casting time, which substantially reduces the mana cost-- although you may note on my "Gramarye Spells" page that I also make a step on the casting time chart only get you back 1 mana cost. This would make the cost of Binding in my system 16.

This spell, as written, should have a mana cost of 13 (+8 Great effect, but only +4 for the 1-hour duration). You could reduce that with a longer casting time.

Part of me thinks that there should be some "Control Body" in there, but other than the mana cost,

Also note that in my Gramarye variant, spells like this can be resisted; it would be a contest between your spell skill and the target's Willpower.

Projection: Move Mind, Good Effect, extreme range (+4), 1-hour duration (+8), takes 10 minutes to cast (-6), Esoteric Spell, Total mana ?? The caster sends out his mind, often to scout, leaving his body comatose. His projected mind retains all of the senses of its body, experienced from wherever the mind is projected to. The caster is not aware of his body unless he remains close to it, but is aware of any damage it takes, and can instantly return to it. The projected mind is invisible and incorporeal, but someone skilled in magic might be able to sense it, and attack it (any successful attacks end the spell, returning the caster to his body). The projected mind is incapable of any attack or noise, magical or otherwise. If the body is killed while the mind is projecting, the mind dies when the spell ends.

The projected mind could move at something like twice your regular movement rate. Call the mana cost +5 for Good Effect; 1-hour duration is only +4 mana, but 10 minutes to cast is only -3 mana under my system. With the extreme range, that makes the mana cost 10.

Mana Bolt: Create Magic, Good Effect (+5), long range (+2), Ordinary Spell, Total mana 7 Creates a bolt of magical energy, which streaks towards an enemy or object defined by the caster, causing 10 damage to the target.

This looks like a modified version of "Smite" (, the dfferences being the range, and the fact that armor will protect against this. Otherwise, looks OK. (I'm a little hesitant about using "Create Magic" rather than "Break Body", but I think it's OK.)

Create Fire Elemental Create Fire, Great effect (+8), long range (+2), takes 1 hour (-8). Total mana: 2. Move Fire, Good effect (+4), long range (+2), takes 10 minutes (-6). Total mana: 0. Control Fire, Great effect (+8), lasts one day (+6), takes 1 hour (-8). Total mana: 6. Causes inanimate flame to come alive and come under the control of the caster. A three-part ritual magic, each part must be completed successfully before the next part can begin, and the parts must be cast in immediate succession with no recovery of mana in between. It is best to cast the spell in an area where a source of heat (such as a fire or lavaflow) is expected to be found, otherwise the range of the spell will need to be increased.

Again, with the changes I have on the time chart, the three mana costs would be 4, 3, and 10. However, you also need to have "lasts 1 day" on the first two spells, so that the Control still has something to Control.... Without that, then the fire elemental would continue to exist, and may well be pissed at the spellcaster for bringing it to a life for a day of servitude.

I hope that you're okay with my magic items. My magic props have backstories explaining why they're applicable to their realms/colleges.

Do you have longer backstories? I'd love to know them. The "Illithid" crystal is, of course, all by itself very suggestive.

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'nick012000' wrote:
Works now. What do you think of my PC?

I think you should install Linux on it Laughing out loud

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'rknop' wrote:

Is this a "doesn't like to lie" or a "sucks at lying" sort of Truthful?

Both, probably. Eye-wink

Known Spells (all known spells at -1 mana cost due to 1 hour of spell preparation every morning):

I may be blind-- could you point me to the spot in Gramarye where it says that there is a -1 mana for 1 hour of spell preparation? I'm inclined to rule this out. The variant of the Gramarye I'm using is at:

Look under "Rituals, Incantations, and Gestures" under the original Gramarye. Since you didn't have anything condradictory, I assumed it stil applied.

Possession: Move Mind, Great Effect, short range (+1), 1-hour duration (+8), Esoteric Spell, Total mana ?? (should be less than 11 (Binding)) The caster sens his mind out to take control of the target's body, causing his body to collapse unconscious. He gains control of all of the new body's abilities. If the new body dies, the caster is returned to his own body with no ill effects. If the caster's body dies, so does the caster's mind when the spell ends.

Notice also that Binding has a long casting time, which substantially reduces the mana cost-- although you may note on my "Gramarye Spells" page that I also make a step on the casting time chart only get you back 1 mana cost. This would make the cost of Binding in my system 16.

This spell, as written, should have a mana cost of 13 (+8 Great effect, but only +4 for the 1-hour duration). You could reduce that with a longer casting time.

That's all fine.

Part of me thinks that there should be some "Control Body" in there, but other than the mana cost,
Well, I got the idea from Magic Jar. He sends his mind into their body and sends their mind somewhere else.

Also note that in my Gramarye variant, spells like this can be resisted; it would be a contest between your spell skill and the target's Willpower.
That's fine.

Projection: Move Mind, Good Effect, extreme range (+4), 1-hour duration (+8), takes 10 minutes to cast (-6), Esoteric Spell, Total mana ?? The caster sends out his mind, often to scout, leaving his body comatose. His projected mind retains all of the senses of its body, experienced from wherever the mind is projected to. The caster is not aware of his body unless he remains close to it, but is aware of any damage it takes, and can instantly return to it. The projected mind is invisible and incorporeal, but someone skilled in magic might be able to sense it, and attack it (any successful attacks end the spell, returning the caster to his body). The projected mind is incapable of any attack or noise, magical or otherwise. If the body is killed while the mind is projecting, the mind dies when the spell ends.

The projected mind could move at something like twice your regular movement rate. Call the mana cost +5 for Good Effect; 1-hour duration is only +4 mana, but 10 minutes to cast is only -3 mana under my system. With the extreme range, that makes the mana cost 10.

That's fine.

Mana Bolt: Create Magic, Good Effect (+5), long range (+2), Ordinary Spell, Total mana 7 Creates a bolt of magical energy, which streaks towards an enemy or object defined by the caster, causing 10 damage to the target.

This looks like a modified version of "Smite" (, the dfferences being the range, and the fact that armor will protect against this. Otherwise, looks OK. (I'm a little hesitant about using "Create Magic" rather than "Break Body", but I think it's OK.)

The idea here is that if "Create Fire" can create a Fireball, Create MAgic can create a bolt of magical force.

Create Fire Elemental Create Fire, Great effect (+8), long range (+2), takes 1 hour (-8). Total mana: 2. Move Fire, Good effect (+4), long range (+2), takes 10 minutes (-6). Total mana: 0. Control Fire, Great effect (+8), lasts one day (+6), takes 1 hour (-8). Total mana: 6. Causes inanimate flame to come alive and come under the control of the caster. A three-part ritual magic, each part must be completed successfully before the next part can begin, and the parts must be cast in immediate succession with no recovery of mana in between. It is best to cast the spell in an area where a source of heat (such as a fire or lavaflow) is expected to be found, otherwise the range of the spell will need to be increased.

Again, with the changes I have on the time chart, the three mana costs would be 4, 3, and 10. However, you also need to have "lasts 1 day" on the first two spells, so that the Control still has something to Control.... Without that, then the fire elemental would continue to exist, and may well be pissed at the spellcaster for bringing it to a life for a day of servitude.

That's fine. So the final mana costs would be 7,6,10 for it, with the duration increased to one day?

I hope that you're okay with my magic items. My magic props have backstories explaining why they're applicable to their realms/colleges.

Do you have longer backstories? I'd love to know them. The "Illithid" crystal is, of course, all by itself very suggestive.

Flameblood Staff: It was forged of steel heated by Elemental Fire, and quenched in the blood of an Efreet. It was then taken to a cleric of Odin, and incribed with runes of power and enchanted to be an enchanted prop, and to project blades of magical force when it strikes opponents. It is similar to the Realm of Fire due to its creation process, to Magic due to the runes done by a cleric of a power of knowledge and magic, to the College of Movement due to its being a staff (used as a walking stick), and to Creation due to the blood of the Efreeti its steel was quenched in, as many tales of efreeti granting great wealth to those who free them from their bindings in magical bottles are well known.

The Illithid Crystal of Control he looted off of an illithid mage he slew. It is a powerful (and possibly unique) item that allows the wearer to focus his will more effectively, making Control spells much easier. It resembles a piece of quartz, roughly the size of a man's thumb, glowing with an purplish inner light and suspended from a mithril chain.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

I would be iterested in playing. Is there an email address that I can send a background to? (since I don't know the "Fudge" system) I would like to see what you think of my idea, but don't nessesarily feel comfy posting it on this thread (in case it sucks).


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

uh... just pooping in to say * clears throat*


I just felt I had to say it.

Carry on. * leaps away*

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

I take it you're an Aspie as well, Fidrikon?

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'OpheliaWhispers' wrote:
I would be iterested in playing. Is there an email address that I can send a background to? (since I don't know the "Fudge" system) I would like to see what you think of my idea, but don't nessesarily feel comfy posting it on this thread (in case it sucks). Thanks-


Feel free to E-mail me at [REDACTED] -- or you can send me a private message here.

(Sorry about the delay in responding; I've been distracted the last couple of days for various family health reasons.)

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Status so far

So far we have two characters; Kabiel, are you still interested?

Only one of the characters has stats, but the other character has an extensive background.

I would like to have two or three more characters before you get going. Recruit your friends, if people don't step forward here!

A NOTE FOR FUTURE CHARACTER SUBMISSIONS : Looking at the first two characters (a Guvner and a Xaositect), I would suggest that your characters be interested in or driven by some aspect of understanding reality on the most fundamental level. As nick01200 said of his character early on, a Guvner might fit in to the Society of None if he's interested in finding loopholes in the laws of nature and exploiting them for personal power. OpheliaWhispers' character sees understanding in Chaos (hence her faction), but is also driven by or interested in understanding the core of how things work. If the other characters share some part of this interest, it would make an interesting subgroup of the Society of None, and would give focus to the campaign.


Chuk's picture
Joined: 2005-07-29
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

I'm interested but probably wouldn't have a character until next week (it's the long weekend up here)...too slow?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

I take it you're an Aspie as well, Fidrikon?

*leaps back in*

I sure am. I guess thats why I love Planescape so much.

Sometimes I wish I had a life, but then I watch a Steve Reeves movie and Im all better.

*Looks around shifty eyed.*


*Tumbles away!*

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

'Chuk' wrote:
I'm interested but probably wouldn't have a character until next week (it's the long weekend up here)...too slow?

Nope -- go ahead and submit the character next week. We'll wait for you.

If it then is just the three of you, we'll get started -- but we'll be in trouble if one of the three of you isn't active! If we can get up to 4 or 5 players, that's better.


rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Anybody else? Or do we only have two players?

rknop's picture
Joined: 2005-05-12
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

OK, I give up. Sad

No matter where I try to start this game, I can't seem to get more than two players.

I shouldn't have screwed up and failed to start it a year ago when it looked like I had four or five players, it seems....

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Well... that really sucks Sad . I was really looking forward to playing this game.

rknop... if you ever do run this game please give me an email so that I can join, ok? (pretty please with sugar on top? Laughing out loud )

here is my email in case you don't still have it:



nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Damn. I put a lot of time into making that character...

OlegB's picture
Joined: 2005-08-31
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Is this announcement alive yet? If so, I believe I will join... though I'm not only new to Fudge but I'm also new to Planescape, too - so you'll have to cope with me being a newbie (a little bit though) Smiling.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Yay! Another player! You rock!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

hello, i'd be glad to join in, i've been looking to play in a planescape game for quite some time now. the only system i'm familiar with is D&D 3e (or any other system based on d20).

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

I believe this game which became a play by email game has come to a sudden stop about 3 or more months ago.... (at least that was about when the last email I recieved on the game was)..

But next time I see the DM online I will be sure to ask just in case.

It was a GREAT game while it ran, but unfortunately like 1/3 of the online PS games I've been in, it sputtered to a standstill Sad .

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

Awww, that's so sad....

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Recruiting: The Society of None (Fudge P)lanescape)

It didn't sputter out, it just never got started because we couldn't find enough players. A pity, too... I liked my fire mage.

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