Game: Planehopping

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Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor's face turns a bit crimson and he grins, "Anything interesting on Blackarm?"

Sakor floats in the air, eyeing the corpse of the woman who gave him some new scars.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The extraplanar avians give a raucous cry as Farrendel sends feathers flying with his claws. The birds begin coughing up blood and spitting it down on Farrendel, a crimson shower of burning fluid that scorches the earth beneath the swarm. Farrendel ignores the burning blood for the most part, but even he gets some scorch marks as the liquid coats his body (2 points of fire damage after your fire resistance).

(Your turn Orisen.)

13 Bonus for ranged attack to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 26.
0 Bonus for fire to do
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 12.
firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
The extraplanar avians give a raucous cry as Farrendel sends feathers flying with his claws. The birds begin coughing up blood and spitting it down on Farrendel, a crimson shower of burning fluid that scorches the earth beneath the swarm. Farrendel ignores the burning blood for the most part, but even he gets some scorch marks as the liquid coats his body (2 points of fire damage after your fire resistance).

(Your turn Orisen.)

Orisen draws Agrona as quick as a lightning strike (free action) moves 30 feet in the direction she was heading before the attack, and readies an action to move 30ft more should the fire spitting beasties attempt to surround her again.

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

*grimaces at the burn, though it quickly heals over*

You picked the wrong guy to mess with, bird.

*slashes savagely at the flock*

12 Bonus for Attack 1 to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 24.
12 Bonus for Attack 2 to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 14.
7 Bonus for Attack 3 to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 13.
4 Bonus for Each attack, in to do
I rolled 1d6+4, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d6+4, the result is 5.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Farrendel's first swipe produces another shower of feathers and blood, but his other two miss. The swarm of extraplanar birds seems frustrated by disperses and reforms as a swarm about 40 feet up and then picks a spireward heading and takes off (giving you an attack of opportunity, Farrendel).

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

*growls and swipes at the fleeing birds in frustration*


14 Bonus for AoO to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 22.
4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+4, the result is 5.
Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia sighs heavily and closes her eyes, she quietly speaks the words to what is fast becoming her signature spell. The incantation complete, she holds the crackling charge close to the knight's head.

"Please, answer me. We haven't the time to wait around until someone begins to wonder what happened to your little group."

((Casting lightning lance but holding the charge, I'm assuming this is okay as I've been able to do it in the past Smiling ))

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The knight cringes and whimpers. "I know nothing! I'm part of the honor guard for Lord Blackarm...I had nothing to do with prepping Doctor Valran's lab, or the expedition to Limbo! I only know there's some creature that's kept tightly contained in a magically sealed room. Honest! That's all I know..."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

"I believe you had nothing to do with this but I need to know more. Tell me about this expedition to limbo, has it happened or is it being planned? What is the aim? How many people are involved?"

Elecia leans closer to ensure he has a very good view of the crackling lightning.

"And where exactly are these magiclly sealed rooms? Your base? Or does Valran have a new lab?"

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The knight gulps and eyes the crackling energy dancing on Elecia's fingertips. "The expedition returned some time ago. Doctor Valran's original lab was in our home base...but due to a lack of subjects, he moved to the secondary base here on the Outlands that you -- well -- that you visited. I've never been in the Doctor's lab, so I can't tell you anything about it or the containment cells, other than they are made to contain extraplanar creatures. Please! That's really all I know..." The knight squeezes his eyes shut and grits his teeth.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia smiles kindly at the man.

"Thank you, I appreciate your honesty."

As she looks at him, her expression slowly hardens to one of grim determination. Before she can think too much about it, Elecia releases the bolt of lightning straight at the knight, hoping to give the man a quick, clean death.

9 Bonus for RTA in case I h to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 21.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The knight's body spasms as the electrical energy courses through it. His skin blackens and crisps, and the smell of burnt flesh fills the air. Kothar whines and looks at Nexx, obviously uncomfortable to still be pinning the sizzling body. The man's eyeballs pop in their sockets as the spell's energy dissipates, leaving a greasy, blackened corpse beneath Kothar's paws.

(Coup de grace with a spell, no point in rolling a save for the knight, he can't make it. We're out of combat in both encounters.)

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor glides out of the kitchen, whispering away his armor. Grinning at Elecia, Nexx, and Kothar, Sakor floats down beside the sorceress, letting out a short, unsatisfied humph. Sakor frowns and shakes his head, “Well, it seem the Tacharim are having trouble finding intelligent help these days. When you try and run away from a sorceress, druid, and big wolf – you’re not going to end up breathing for very long.”

Sakor turns to Elecia, “Did you get any useful information before he tried to run away?

Sakor turns back to address Nexx in addition to Elecia, “I’ve talked with Pasha. Seems Haiel wants her to follow the Modrons, although it’s mostly conjecture as the Power didn’t see fit give a non-interpretive answer. We’re going to need to get Lucius to the Gatehouse so that he can be properly taken care of. That means planeshifting to Bytopia and running through the Hall of Records, dropping off the paladin, going by to Bytopia and planeshifting back to the Outlands. Sprinkle in a couple teleportations and we should be reunited with Orisen once we’re finish seeing to Lucius.”

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia fixes Sakor with a long gaze, trying to decide whether or not he witnessed the knight's death.

"Yes, he talked a little. He made the mistake of admitting that he and Valran were the only ones, alive at least, who knew we were responsible for events at the lab. Valran is working on a new experiment of some sort, he's working from his original lab at the Tacharim headquarters. The Tacharim put forth an expedition into limbo that returned some time ago. There are containment cells, magically sealed and presumably at Valran's current lab, containing extraplanar creatures."

Elecia looks down sadly at the corpse at her feet, around to the knight's companion then towards the inn.

"Whatever you're planning, Sakor, we should leave and quickly. I fear we're in danger of atracting entirely the wrong sort of attention if we stay here. The man said there weren't other Tacharim in the area but I'd rather not take the chance."

Elecia re-settles her backpack on her shoulders then looks towards the kitchen for Pasha.

"Please, let's just go."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor gives Elecia a nod, "Allow Pasha a chance to collect Lucius and then I'll work my planeshift trick and we'll be well beyond the town."

Sakor thinks for a moment, "If Varlan is performing more experiments, I think chances are that we'll be called upon to stop him again. I know of a gate near by that we can get into unobtrusively, however I do not like the notion of traveling to anyplace uninformed."

Sakor glances at Elecia, "Do you suppose Blackarm may have been carrying her evil, dasterdly plans on her person? Cause if she did, she may have left them in her room. Perhaps Aeapas could snoop around while we wait on Pasha."

Sakor kicks the cropse lightly with one foot, "And I'll do something about obscuring this wretched berk."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

"I doubt Blackarm would have left anything useful in her room. He said they'd been planning to track us from Valran's lab, nothing he said suggested they had any plans beyond hunting us down. Besides, locating her room means asking questions and that's something we should avoid."

Elecia takes a couple of steps towards the kitchen then turns back to Sakor, a thoughtful frown on her face.

"As to trying to stop Valran... I never want to see that monster again. Provided he keeps well away from us, I'd be more than happy to return the favour. We have more than enough trouble following in our shadows without going looking for more."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor nods, "Unfortunately, Varlan is working for the Tacharim - who seem more than content to hunt us down for interfearing with their plans. They're only funding Varlan to give themselves an edge. If going after Varlan makes the Tacharim easier to fight - it seems we're not done with him yet.

Sakor glares at the inn, "Plus, given what they did to Pasha and thus Lucius, I'm not content to leave well enough alone."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

"As I understood it, our aim is just to ensure the march isn't disrupted and the universe doesn't come to an end," Elecia gives a slight, doubtful shrug.

"The Tacharim showed no particular interest in us up until now, Valran is occupied in his lab, safe in the heart of their - probably highly guarded - headquarters. We can only speculate at the reasons behind that alliance. If we are supposed to be keeping the modrons safe, the sensible course of action seems to be leaving him there and getting on with the job."

Elecia glances quickly at the door to check Pasha isn't in earshot before she speaks again, more quietly this time.

"Don't get me wrong, I feel as strongly about what he did to Pasha as you do. But what I feel even more strongly is that I don't want it to happen to you or me or any of my friends. We don't have the ring to fix it. Awful as the fact is to face, Pasha was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can't imagine Valran coming after us, he didn't seem the sort to go in for revenge. If we stay away from him there's a good chance none of us will wake up with modron arms." Elecia raises her own flesh and blood arms in front of her, palms out towards Sakor to emphasise her point. "This is more important to me than revenge."

Elecia sighs heavily and looks Sakor directly in the eyes. "Besides, you can't imagine five of us can take on the entire Tacharim base. Please, be reasonable."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

((Double post Sticking out tongue))

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

*stares after the fleeing birds as his claws retract back from whence they came*

*stoops to pick up the bow, turns and walks over to Orisen*

This is no place for travelling alone, kid. Especially not with a child. Now, tell me where you're heading and I'll make sure you get there safely.

The Name's Aaren, by the way.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor looks at Elecia and shrugs, “I understand if you don’t want to get involved. Hell, I wouldn’t want to get involved if I had a choice; but if it stands a chance – even a one so tiny as Varlan’s own heart – of making Lucius and Pasha better, I’m doing it. Getting revenge on Varlan does not neccisarily mean taking on all of the Tacharim, it merely means penning his name into the Dead Book – and I mean to do so personally.”

With a clear look of mischief in his eyes, Sakor grins, “But I am never – ever – above being reasonable. I’ll delay my plans of revenge until we’re done with the mess we have before us. But if Varlan sends cronies or twisted creatures after us – I’ll probably be more than ready to go and turn him into pasty little stain on the Tacharim floor tiles. If Pasha decides to go after Varlan on her own, I’ll be with her.” Sakor shrugs once more, “As much as I think you’re right about leaving well enough alone, I have a feeling it’s not going to be our choice.”

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia nods slowly. "I think I understand. And if it comes to that, so be it. Just remember that seeking revenge may end up costing us more than we're willing to pay. I hope, when the time comes, it's worth the price."

Elecia turns and heads towards the kitchen to find Pasha.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

"Pasha, are you ready to go? These Tacharim won't bother us any more and I'm anxious to get going before something else finds us," Elecia half smiles, half frowns.

"Sakor seems to have everything planned out and I don't think we should stay here any longer than we have to. Do you... Well..." Elecia seems to have trouble finding the right words. "Do you need any help with Lucius?"

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'AerosAtar' wrote:
*turns and walks over to Orisen* The Name's Aaren, by the way.

(by the way, could you describe yourself?)

Orisen gives a quiet chuckle at his words, "Well met, sir, M'name's Orisen, and this here is Xenos, and this is Graastu-Mulafa-Haak-Raak-Ma," she motions to the creature.
"Thank you for your aid, I was beginning to think those feathered beasts were going to flame us both to death. As to where I'm heading," she points the direction the march is marching, "I'm going that way to meet up with my comrads... they failed to give me a token, so I'm afraid that they'll be waiting a while." Orisen gives a quiet giggle and bows her head to him... "If you'd like to escort me, please lead the way."

She turns her head to Graastu, "If it's alrighty with you, that is. This person may make our trip a little more enjoyable."

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

'firedale' wrote:
(by the way, could you describe yourself?)

((Average for a human, see the pic above, a heavy cloak prevents you from really picking out any details of what he is carrying))

*looks down at Graastu*
"'Graastu-Mulafa-Haak-Raak-Ma?' Rather an odd name for a(n) ... but then, you're not really a normal , are you?" ((Ignore this bit if Graastu is in his natural form))

*looks in the direction Orisen points*
"Well, come on then kid, let's get you back to your friends."

*Starts walking*
"By the way, why do you have the child out here anyway, he's not yours... and what is this 'token' you said your friends failed to give you?"

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Graastu bristles slightly at Aaren's familiar tone but makes no reply to the man. He swishes his tail slightly and stays close to Orisen's legs.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

((I need to make a roll before I post))

9 Bonus for DM knows what t to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 18.
Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha and Lucius are standing in the kitchen. Lucius, leaning heavily against Pasha. Pasha meets Ele's gaze darkly when she comes in looking for her...*

You're not very good at whispering, did you know that?

*begins to shuffle out of the kitchen with Lucius*

And just so you know, I wasn't just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Memonor said he was sent to get one of us, and I was the easiest to take since I was separated from the rest. You can bet I won't be quite so trusting in...anyone again.

And as for Valran, if I choose to seek revenge, then that is my choice. And when I do, ..... I'll make sure I can do so without coming out of it with modron arms...

*walks past Ele with Lucius and heads toward Sakor and Nexx*

Let's go.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor blinks and lets out a low sigh, his shoulders sagging for a moment muttering, “Oh, that’s not good.”

Clearing his throat, head erect once more and back straight, “Give me a moment, Pasha. I need to locate my tuning fork.” Sakor gives Elecia a look of concern, before resting the bottom of his staff on his instep and propping it in the crook of an arm, while he rifles about in his bag of holding. “It’s in here some where,” silently pondering crawling inside for coming storm.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia looks a little stunned for a moment then sees Sakor's glance of concern and hardens her expression.

"And, tell me, what is being the easiest to take due to being separated, at exactly the time when Memnor was around if not in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Elecia shakes her head sharply to refute any answer to her rhetorical question.

"Regardless, if you choose to misinterpret my concern, Pasha, then that's your prerogative. As I'm so terrible at whispering, you would have heard that I don't question your right to revenge and it is no concern of mine if that is what you choose to do."

Elecia storms over to Sakor and snaps, "However, I happen not to believe that it's the wisest course for the party at this time - something I believed Sakor might have been suggesting - and I chose to discuss my thoughts with him. Quite frankly, I fail to see how our private conversation concerns you. Now, unless you have some problem with that, or there's some other utterly harmless conversation you would like to take offence at, I suggest you somehow get it into Lucius' head that he needs to take your hand so we can leave!"

Elecia grabs Nexx's hand with determination and angrily thrusts her other hand at Sakor with a glare that makes it unequivocally clear that he should hurry up.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

You were implying that I was taken just because I was convenient. The truth is I was taken because I am a member of this group... or was...

If Valran is indeed getting back to his horrid experiments then you can be assured that the Tacharim will be after us to take us out one by one. They consider us a threat. This measly group *looks down at the dead bodies of the knights* were obviously a miscalculation on their part. The next team they send to take us out will be stronger and better equipped.

And as for private conversations, well no one likes to have people talk about them behind their back... but now that I'm a freak, I guess I should get used to it.

*gets into position for the planeshift and holds onto Luc's hand.*

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor flinches when Elecia snaps at Pasha and gives Pasha a sympathetic glance when she claims to be a freak. Continuing his seemingly-fruitless rummaging, the arcane disciple works his mouth for a moment before the words come to him, “Clearly Pasha, you are no more a freak than any of us. If you’re going to go on about being talked behind your back, you might consider that the only reason we were doing so was out of concern for you. As I told Elecia, I’m with you. While the Tacharim follow pursuits close to mine own heart, they did it in a way I find abhorrent – just as we all found abhorrent the way the high ups on Celestia cast out the fallen Memonor with not a single thought towards redemption.”

Sakor looks at both Elecia and Pasha, his tone sincere but hardened with conviction, “And while steps must be taken, there are things we need to now – the first of which is ensuring Lucius’ safety and care and reuniting with Orisen. Just as Memonor told Pasha, she was the easiest to kidnap, Orisen now is in the same position – with a child. Once we are together again and the March has been seen through whatever immediate trouble they’re facing – then, we’ll discuss reprisals.”

Sakor raises his eyebrows and removes his hand from his blue silken bag, “Aha, found it.” Tucking his chain-staff under his arm, Sakor carefully takes Pasha’s hand and cants the words carefully before striking the tuning fork on his staff and then quickly grasping Elecia’s hand.

(Casting planeshift: Bytopia, aiming for the dilapidated farm house portal to Sigil)

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

((oops, wasn't quite fast enough to get in before Sakor))

Elecia rolls her eyes just a little.

"I didn't imply it, Pasha. I stated what I believed to be the case because I hadn't been given any reason to think otherwise. It's still entirely beside the point and we'd have nothing to be arguing over had you not been eavesdropping on my conversation with Sakor."

"As to you being a freak, when you hear me call you that, then you can throw the accusation at me. As it stands, I haven't said a word to which you should take offence and yet you seem to be determined to do so. How many private conversations have you had with Lucius? Simply because I wanted to speak with Sakor, it doesn't mean the whole world thinks you a freak and wishes you ill."

"I'm sorry we didn't reach you sooner," Elecia snaps. "But we tried. We deserve neither your contempt nor veiled allusions to your lack of trust in us. I considered you a friend and I would be far happier if you remained with us, but not if you intend to take every casual word as a personal slight."

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'AerosAtar' wrote:
"By the way, why do you have the child out here anyway, he's not yours... and what is this 'token' you said your friends failed to give you?"

Orisen reaches down to give a pat, then looks up to the man and starts walking... "What am I doing with this child? Babysitting, of course, while the father had to go deal with some personal business... and the token, as I understand it, is something that cuts the time for travel between the planes... makes it take the least amount of time it can. Though what the token is, I don't know"

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Pasha grips Luc's hand, as tears fall from her eyes. She looks over at Sakor before they shift and gives him a sad smile.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The group appears on Bytopia amidst a beautiful golden landscape. Gently rolling hills covered in golden grass stretch as far as the eyes can see, crystalline insects buzz around in the warm light, and a herd of white cows grazes contentedly nearby. You can just make out Centerspire off in the distance, where the two layers of Bytopia join. You know Yeoman and the shack containing the portal are in that direction.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 5d100+0, the result is 237.
Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor quietly tucks his tuning fork into his belt and reaches into his bag, drawing out a handkerchief. Tucking the blue bag into his belt, Sakor walks over to Pasha, handing her the cloth. Staff firmly gripped, a spell triggers and he mutters quietly, although the sound appears to Pasha as if it were a normal conversation, “Please, don’t be hard on yourself. Elecia is scared as I’ve ever seen and it’s coloring her diplomacy. When you’re ready, if you could teleport us to the farmhouse, we can make our next big jump.” Sakor gives Pasha one of his encouraging grins and pats her on the shoulder reassuringly.

Sakor saunters a little ways off and takes a look around, trying to spot any landmarks he recognizes.

((Sakor used message to obscure his conversation with Pasha.))

29 Bonus for know planes (wh to do
I rolled 1d20+29, the result is 43.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Sakor:
You recognize the landscape as the Golden Hills, the domain of the gnomish deities. Travelwise, you're actually not that far from Tatsukatsukai.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

"Well?" Elecia glares at Sakor as he looks around, pointedly avoiding looking in Pasha's direction. "What now? Or are we just going to stand around and admire the scenery?"

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Pasha takes the cloth, and nods silently to Sakor. Then she turns to look at Lucius, the pain of seeing him so near to her yet not feeling their link any longer begins to overwhelm her once again...

She gives Luc a big hug praying to any god who will hear her, willing him to wrap his arms around her once again,... The sobs wrack her body as she falls to her knees.

"I don't think I can do it Sakor..." she says through gasps and sobs.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor turns and sighs, "You need not worry about doing it for long, Pasha. We've gone through this, you are an entirely capable person. And despite the harsh words that have been exchanged - we all know that."

"It appears that I've dropped us into the Golden Hills. Tatsukatsukai is not far off." Sakor swings around and gestures with his staff pointing ever so precisely in one direction. "You know, the people of Tatsukatsukai might be ... well, they're not going to be as good as the Bleakers when it comes to treating Lucius, but if what Pasha said is true and the kind Doctor has plans for us - I'd trust them with Lucius more than anyone else. They have a vested interest in keeping our friend safe. By leaving Lucius and Bethil with them, we keep them from falling into the hands of our enemies."

Sakor grins wolfishly, "It could even be possible for Elecia and I to guilt them into keeping Lucius safe when they couldn't keep us safe. Guilt is a good means of leverage with good folk. Of course, we would still need to visit Sigil and hire a couple Bleakers to come see to Lucius' needs - give them some sort of retainer for the next few months."

"What do you folks think?"

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

So tell me this, kid. What kind of friends you got that leave you to walk through such dangerous places alone and with a child?

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia touches Pasha's shoulder awkwardly.

"Look, Pasha, I didn't mean... well, I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry. You know we'll all help you if we can."

Elecia looks briefly in the direction Sakr indicated.

"Maybe Tatsukatsukai would be a good idea, at least we know we can trust the people there. Though I would be happier if their help was honestly given, I don't like the idea of trying to manipulated Mosugarai."

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
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Pasha looks up at Elecia and smiles slightly. I would feel much better about leaving him with the Nagas than those people in Sigil...

Will the nagas agree to it?

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia shrugs.

"If that's what you want then it probably can't hurt to ask. Are you up to taking us there?"

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Yes, I am feeling a little better knowing he might be kept where people will recognize him for who he really is. He deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.

So, if you're ready, I'll take us all there.

*Pasha waits til everyone agrees and joins hands and then concentrates and teleports us all to Tatsukatsukai.*

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'AerosAtar' wrote:
So tell me this, kid. What kind of friends you got that leave you to walk through such dangerous places alone and with a child?

Ahh, Supposedly, this was much safer for the child, myself, and our little friend here than where they were going. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself out here next to the march.

(Sorry, it stopped sending me notices again)

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

'firedale' wrote:
Ahh, Supposedly, this was much safer for the child, myself, and our little friend here than where they were going. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself out here next to the march.

"If you say so, kid."

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'AerosAtar' wrote:
"If you say so, kid."

And what brings you out here all on your lonesome if I might inquire?

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

'firedale' wrote:
And what brings you out here all on your lonesome if I might inquire?

Looking for answers.

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