Game: Planehopping

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Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

((my character sheet is on my MP3 player, but I'm fairly certain that I had an AC of 22 or 23. Cover provides a +4 circumstance bonus to AC, which boosts it to 27 or 28 - still lower than Blackarm's attack. Damage noted.))

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia reaches forward and lays her hand gently on Sakor's back.
"Maybe we pesky spellcasters ought to stick together," she mutters with an invisible smile as she repeats the words to the spell she cast before.

((Greater Invisibility on Sakor))

With the spell finished, she steps back about 15 feet, keeping an eye on Aeapas ((asuming that doesn't mean a collision with the remaining knight))

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor tosses an invisible glance at Elecia and grins, “Thanks Elecia. Did I ever tell you you’re my absolute favorite sorceress?”

Sakor moves back 5 feet away from the door and begins weaving his hands while chanting another prayer. Bringing his hands together in a thunderous clap, and ray of sound lances from his unperceivable hands, towards the Tacharim Lord.


0 Bonus for The Sound of Pa to do
I rolled 10d8+0, the result is 51.
Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

OOC: Just in case folks are waiting on me, I'm waiting on the results of Sakor's spell and the actions of the disarmed knight.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

(Just in case everyone is waiting on me, you'll just have to keep waiting. Sticking out tongue I'll try and get caught up this evening.)

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

(Blackarm's saving throw.)

9 Bonus for Fortitude to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 14.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Lord Doran Blackarm curses up a storm and then dies. The Tacharim knight stops short of the doorway, staring in horror at his former commander. He staggers back a few steps, then breaks into a full run for the street.

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx sighs and gestures at the knight.

"Kothar. Pin"

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Orisen: A quick glance around in the darkness reveals seem to be alone. You match pace with the March, keeping a wary eye for anything lurking in the predawn shadows. Your campsite is out of sight by the time the sun rises.

To your right is a sea of modrons, all marching in unison. You can see the more familiar types -- monodrones, duodrones, tridrones, etc. -- as well as others that you have never seen. Overhead, a few winged monodrones fly the length of the March.

Up ahead, you see a swirling mass of red energy. The March seems determined to avoid it, diverting the route around the growing vortex of crimson light. The modrons don't seem to be concerned or frightened by the phenomenon, but then, the creatures aren't very expressive regardless of the situation.

Orisen inches a little closer to the ranks of modrons, but not quite enough to get trampled. Her eyes roam the swirling vortex of energy just in case it has a more malevolent intent... or inside... than is first percieved. Her feet fall at a faster pace as she speeds up to a jog so she might be able to pass the vortex a little sooner than later.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

((OK, what exactly are we waiting on? If it's my turn, forgive me, but Lord Blackarm's dead and i don't know what the dog is doing.))

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Kothar bounds forward and attempts to seize the knight in his massive jaws...the knight and the dire wolf tussle briefly, but Nexx's animal companion retains his hold on the fleeing Tacharim warrior.

(Edited to expound on all the dice rolls.)

13 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 28.
17 Bonus for Large creature to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 32.
11 Bonus for knight grapplin to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 16.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen:
The ruby-red vortex coalesces into a swarm of ravens with ruby-red eyes. The flock moves as one over the marching modrons, honing in on your position. (Make a Will save, Orisen.)

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Elecia, Nexx, and Sakor:
974 XP

For Pasha:
1,350 XP

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor sighs with relief watching Lord Blackarm fall, "Damn glad she's penned into the Dead Book, she almost took my pretty little head off."

Sakor turns his invisible form towards Nexx, "I trust you plan on asking Kothar's new playmate what he and the late Lord Blackarm were doing here?"

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia crosses to where Kothar has the knight detained, she leans just close enough that he will hear her but stays just out of arms reach.

"Now, unless you would prefer to share the fate of your companions," she mutters softly. "I suggest you start talking. I would recommend you begin with exactly what Lord Blackarm was doing here. And, while you're answering, keep in mind the fact that Kothar didn't actually have a chance to finish his breafast this morning."

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha takes in the situation with the other guard, and leans over the dead woman and searches her body. *

0 Bonus for Can't find Sear to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Pasha:
Lord Doran Blackarm's armor is black enamel with the flower symbol of the Tacharim on the breastplate. Her greatsword features gold scrollwork on the blade and an enameled green hilt. A black-enameled composite longbow is strapped to her back, decorated with silver skulls. Her arrows have black fletching. A belt pouch at her waist holds 20 platinum coins and three small ceramic jars with screw-top lids decorated with crossed thighbones over a sword.

For Elecia, Nexx, and Sakor:
The Tacharim knight swallows heavily at the words from the invisible sorceress, keeping his eyes on Kothar the entire time. "I -- I don't know exactly why we came here, but I do know her Lordship was extremely a--annoyed at the loss of her special arm. Sh--she was determined to track down those who s--spoiled Doctor Valran's experiments." He winces slightly as Kothar adjusts his grip on the man's arm.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor looks at the the pinned knight then swivels, looking at Lord Blackarm's body. Snorting, the arcane disciple cannot help but laugh, long and loud, until he begins wheezing.

"Oh... the Tacharim... they *snort* have got to be the *chuckle* worst assassins in the entire planes. Seven halfling grandmothers with brooms and rolling pins would be better suited to revenge killings."

Sakor trails off into unintelligable muttering punctuated with gales of laughter.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia raises an eyebrow in Sakor's general direction then turns her attention back to the knight.

"News clearly travels fast among the Tacharim. Are there others who might be similarly motivated to track us down? And what other Tacharim forces might be fortunate enough to encounter us in this region?"

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx walks over to Kothar and rubs the wolf on its huge furry head.

He then reaches down and removes the prone knight's helmet with one large clawed hand. The druid examines it casually for a second or so and then tosses it over his shoulder. He then stands to his full height and takes a couple of casual practice 'golf swings' with the captured sword just past the knight's now bare head.

"I suggest that you answer the woman along with telling us any plans the Tacherim have for attacking the Modrons. Otherwise she might become angry and trust me you don't want that. "

13 Bonus for Intimidation th to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 17.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The knight winces every time the sword swishes past. "Th-there's no other Tacharim forces in this area. Lord Blackarm planned to start tracking you down from the laboratory...we didn't expect to find you here. Other than Doctor Valran, no one knows of what transpired, although our forces back at the base are mighty curious about the new experiment the Doc has initiated."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia sighs heavily and mutters quietly "No one other than Valran and you..."

She continues more loudly, in a gentle tone at odd with Nexx's actions. "You had best tell us what you know about this new experiment. What is Valran trying to achieve? Is he using any more volunteers? How long will his work take? Please, for your sake, answer quickly and honestly. You do not want to lie to me."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor quietly recovers from his amusement and reaches into his robes, removing the string of charms and fetishes that Pasha handed him before all the trouble started. Sakor runs his hands over each object carefully analyzing their properties, eyeballing the particular arrangement and knots used in the sinew. Waving his hand over the object and muttering a few syllables, Sakor’s eyes flare a brilliant shade of azure as he analyzes the objects for any hint of magic.

Nodding to himself and muttering a long hmm, Sakor seems to consider the strange amalgamation before rising into the air a scant few inches and sweeping towards the inn’s kitchen.

Ducking through the door, Sakor hovers in a sitting position near Pasha, as she finishes searching Lord Blackarm Sakor clears his invisible throat.

“Pasha. I have considered your string of objects, but I’m afraid no conclusions may be reached as they are far to common in and of themselves. Could you tell me what you know of them? Perhaps your knowledge will act as a spring board for mine.” Sakor grins, “Knowledge springboards, I like that.”


firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Orisen: The ruby-red vortex coalesces into a swarm of ravens with ruby-red eyes. The flock moves as one over the marching modrons, honing in on your position. (Make a Will save, Orisen.)

5 Bonus for Will (+2 more i to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 18.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen and Farrendel:
(Roll initiative.)

7 Bonus for swarm to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 26.
AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

((W00T! I get to do stuff!))


((Apparently not very well though... Sad Why do dicebots hate me so?))

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 8.
Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha takes the loot.* ((I'll tell you what I'm taking when I'm more awake))

*Pasha then turns toward Sakor* Well,... I called upon Haeil to give me a hint as to what I should do next... Haeil's plan for me was not to sit by the bedside of my catatonic husband. These items are what he gave me as a sign. They may be portal keys...

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor rubs his chin, frowning. The sound of rustling armor floats from the invisible aspect of the arcane disciple as he paces in the air.

"Assuming, that is, that Haiel wanted to you to go to his domain, I can try and back track where these portal keys go, but honestly - that's alot of work. If someone can't pin one of these items to the right portal, you've got an enternity of searching."

"Thankfully, though, you have me."

29 Bonus for (Knowledge the to do
I rolled 1d20+29, the result is 41.
I rolled 1d20+29, the result is 45.
I rolled 1d20+29, the result is 32.
I rolled 1d20+29, the result is 44.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Sakor:
None of the items are magical, and none of them are identifiable as portal keys. In case you don't remember what they were, they are a nut and bolt tied to a piece of sinew with feathers and animal teeth.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor frowns as his invisibility spell fades away, his glare directed towards the string of objects.

"Alas, it could not be so easy as being portal keys," the priest sighs, his shoulders remaining unstooped, hinting that all was not a total loss. "Not one of these items serves as a portal key to a place that I recall from my memory, pity. That would have made your path much easier."

"Frankly, I think Haiel has a path planned for you that will be more difficult than you might desire, let alone what I might wish upon you." Sakor looks up at Pasha, adjusting his flight to take him eye to eye with the dervish, "It is up to you if you wish to sup at the table divine providence. I was never one for divining metaphoric meanings from the obscure knowledge of the gods or beings quiet like them in the case of our patrons."

Sakor smiles kindly upon the bard, "But I would not poison your own interpretation of Haiel's portent. If you would know my thoughts you need but ask. But to answer within the scope of your prior inquiry - these items have no use - mundane or magical - beyond being a message from Haiel."

Sakor proffers the odd strand of objects to Pasha.

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Orisen and Farrendel: (Roll initiative.)

8 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 17.
Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha takes the items back again and paces as well*

Perhaps they represent something. The nut and bolt remind me of the modrons, or Mechanus. The other items remind me of something relating to animals, perhaps the Beastlands?

Haeil said he would wait for me on the Beastlands...

Perhaps I am to accompany you all and the Modrons until they reach the Beastlands.

But,... *eyes begin to water* what of Lucius?

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor nods encouragingly as Pasha follows the train of thought he blazed in his own mind. "Very good!"

Sakor looks back into the common room of the inn and nods,
"I... well. I wasn't sure who the day would hold, but I can get Lucius to a facility indirectly, although I'd need to do some shopping to find a tuning fork to get us to a portal that will get us into the Gatehouse."

Sakor frowns and thinks a moment, "I'm not familiar with the Bleak Cabal, but they are the best when it comes to taking care of those with damaged psyches."

"Now, for the nearest portal to Sigil, so you can hear the words straight from the Bleakerl's own gob."

29 Bonus for knowledge the p to do
I rolled 1d20+29, the result is 48.
Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Aye, Sigil is the closest thing Luc and I have to a home now. Perhaps if I can get him back to the shop and our own room,.. I can think a little more clearly. And I can leave him there and go to the Gatehouse to talk to the Bleakers.

*begins to quietly weep*

I just wish this had never happened. I want my husband back! I feel so empty. *grabs at her head* He's not there anymore! We used to be linked even in our minds,.. but now,.. ther's nothing. *sobs* I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams! *collapses against Sakor*

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor blinks as Pasha falls into his arms and without a though, wraps her up in his arms. In a low tone of voice, he continues but Sakor’s voice doesn’t come out instant. A moment passes where he just holds the bard reassuringly, before Sakor finds his raw voice. “Have faith.”

Sakor pulls away from the bard for a moment, holding her shoulders securely and looking into her eyes, “The Ama-Tsu-Mara have great faith in Lucius. And faith is a powerful beast, more powerful that the magics I wield, the lords of the abyss, the monarchs on the all the prime worlds, and the great beings of good on high put together. Faith makes gods and breaks them. Their prophecy indicate the Lucius has work left on his plate – and somewhere Terok is out there look for ways to help. The Ama-Tsu-Mara have great faith in their prophecy and thus in Lucius.”

Giving the bard one last hug, whispering “And your faith counts the most of all. Your faith as a wife counts more than anything else – just know that you’re not alone. We all have faith – I even have some to share seeing as that’s what I do afterall.”

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen and Farrendel:
Initiative Order
26 Swarm
17 Orisen
8 Farrendel

Orisen, the flock of ravens surrounds you in a flurry of feathers, beaks, and claws. (This provokes an attack of opportunity from you, if you can do anything.) The sensation is disorienting and confusing. (Make a Fortitude save, please.)

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Sakor:
Try as you might, the only portal you know of from the Outlands to Sigil is in the gatetown of Bedlam, quite aways from your current locale. You know of one from Elysium though -- the Garden of Blue Roses, in the City of the Star, realm of the goddess Ishtar. However, reaching that portal might be an adventure in itself. It might be better to ponder a more circuitous route to obtain your objective.

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Orisen... ... Orisen, the flock of ravens surrounds you in a flurry of feathers, beaks, and claws. (This provokes an attack of opportunity from you, if you can do anything.) The sensation is disorienting and confusing. (Make a Fortitude save, please.)

She waves her hand frantically about in an attempt to keep them away from her eyes and the little package she carries (no attack of opportunity, had no weapon ready).

Her eyes blink quickly, trying to avoid the disorientation of the surrounding swarm of ravens.

((gets disoriented and tries to find the dice with two digit numbers))

7 Bonus for Fortitude to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 10.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen:
Try as you might, you cannot avoid the beaks and claws tearing at you (take 7 points of damage). You manage to keep Xenos safe, but you're too disoriented to do anything else.

(Your turn, Farrendel. Consider the swarm about 40 feet from your current position.)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 2d6+0, the result is 7.
firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Orisen: Try as you might, you cannot avoid the beaks and claws tearing at you (take 7 points of damage). You manage to keep Xenos safe, but you're too disoriented to do anything else.

((damage noted... darn, don't you love getting stunned?)

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping


AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

*sends two shafts of sickly-green fire arcing high into the air to rain down among the swarm*

((Each hit also requires a DC15 Reflex save of they catch alight.))

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 22.
0 Bonus for Fire to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 27.
0 Bonus for Fire to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 1.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Farrendel's two flaming arrows arc into the middle of the swarm but seem to have no effect, other than attracting the birds' attention. The swarm swiftly leaves Orisen and flocks around Farrendel, pecking and scratching at him (7 points of damage).

(Your turn, Orisen.)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 2d6+0, the result is 7.
firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Farrendel's two flaming arrows arc into the middle of the swarm but seem to have no effect, other than attracting the birds' attention. The swarm swiftly leaves Orisen and flocks around Farrendel, pecking and scratching at him (7 points of damage). (Your turn, Orisen.)

Orisen draws forth from the bag at her waist a flask of clear liquid (move action) and attempts to throw it so that it will break and splash on the ravens (attack action)... calling out to the form... "Attacking just one doesn't seem to help, they're too many!" Then thinks to her bow... 'I hope the ravens are demonic or undead... else this will do no good...'

15 Bonus for Flask of Holy W to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 29.
0 Bonus for Flask damage ag to do
I rolled 2d4+0, the result is 6.
Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor pats the bard lightly on the back and withdraws from the embrace, hands holding Pasha’s own reassuringly. “Now, here is what we’ll do. I will planeshift us to Bytopia. Once there, you or Nexx can teleport us to old farmhouse we used last time to get to Sigil. We should emerge in the hall of records – assuming the Tacharim haven’t blocked the portal.”

Sakor ticks the things off on his fingers, “Once there, we can make our way to the Gatehouse. When Lucius is settled and Bethil is secured, we can make our way back to the shop – I’d like to see if there are any portals in the area that we can use instead of traipsing through the Hall of Records each time we need to enter Sigil. It’ll make it more difficult for the Tacharim to pin us down.”

Sakor grins, “Then, we’ll back track out of Sigil and planeshift back to the Outlands. There, I’ll scry on Orisen or Graastu, and then whoever didn’t teleport us on Bytopia can take us to Orisen’s side. Could anything be easier?”

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The bag bursts open on the mass of flapping, pecking birds, but seems to have no effect.

(Your turn, Farrendel. Sorry about the delay...I've stopped getting email notifications for this thread for some reason.)

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*wipes her eyes and sighs*

I don't know... I just don't know if I can deal with leaving him there. How can I be certain he'll be alright without me?

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor's grin fades into somber seriousness.

"Pasha, if you could do anything - right now - to repair the walls of Lucius' mind - you would have. Because you can't is no reason to berate yourself. The Bleakers are the best choice. They believe this world is as bad as it gets - they're not going to make it any worse than it already is. They're the best at helping people cope with the reality that is - and that's what Lucius needs."

Sakor snaps his fingers and ruffles around in his ever-present blue bag of holding, grunting as he removes the gilded harp that Lucius gave Sakor to use as a focus to scry on Pasha. Handing the harp to Pasha, Sakor smiles, "You have this. It's as much an investiture of the love you and Lucius share as is anything. Whenever you like, you can borrow the scrying sphere I purloined from Valran's lair - Lucius' weakened mental state should make scrying on him easier and each time you do so, just by scrying - you'll be able to gauge his mental facilities. When he's all better, his mind should close itself to such mundane methods of scrying."

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

*tilts his head and smirks slightly and the scrapes and scratches heal over, leaving no trace*

Much better.

*Drops his bow and swipes his fists downward, causing three razor-sharp metallic claws to spring from the back of each hand. With a feral cry he takes a swipe at the flock.*

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 34.
14 Bonus for Crit Confirmati to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 30.
4 Bonus for First roll norm to do
I rolled 1d6+4, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d6+4, the result is 8.
Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*takes the harp and smiles at Sakor and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek*

You're right. Thank you. We'll need to get this done soon. We need to get back to the March soon. The nut and bolt that Haeil gave me either points to the Modrons or to Mechanus, but we both know Mechanus is far too dangerous... so I'm hoping he meant to follow the Modrons.

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